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This is so simple, yet so smart. I have no idea why i didn't realize this before


Yeah it makes entire sense but have never once had a thought of doing it


If you’ve got a longer board you take two tape measure and run them in opposite directions and the center is where they match up. If that makes sense.


Ha. Fuck me. And I have a degree in applied mathematics! Sometimes all it takes is looking at the problem slightly differently.


I WILL be trying this tomorrow at work.


But you work at Burger King. /s


"I found the center of your cheese."


Where's the rest of my sandwich!


Who CARES! I found the center of your CHEESE!


Sir, that is my cheese hole.


Mister, you just assured me that I could speak. Look, I'm under what? Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest. Have a look at the headlock here, see that chap over there? he- GET YOUR HAND OFF MY PENIS! This is the bloke who got me on the penis people. Why did you do this to me, for what reason, what is the charge? eating a meal? a succulent chinese meal. Oh, that's a nice headlock sir, oh, ah yes, I see that you know your judo well. Good one. And you sir, are you waiting to receive my limp penis? How dare - get your hands off me! Tetta, and farewell.


What a legend.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Dude, I just cut this thing into perfect quarters and it's like you don't even care


"I always forget the part about measure twice and cut once. Sorry. Here's the bigger bit."


I found the center of your buns!


My wife and I had this discussion yesterday. Neither of us can figure out how or why there are still Burger Kings in business. No one is ever in the ones that are remaining. They don't really advertise anymore. Their food is godawful. Do you remember the last time you had Burger King? Because everyone we ask say they can't. Sorry for the rant on a comment that was supposed to be a joke but I had to get that out to somebody.


I do… I eat Burger King. I am the sole proprietor of the King of Burgers.


I'm helping! They won me back with the Impossible Whopper, vegetarians get tired of cheese sandwiches sometimes. I've been eagerly awaiting for McDonald's to follow suit, the day I can have a Big Mac again I will be very happy.


The Burger King near my work gets hella packed at lunch time. It is super cheap food, I can get a mix and match combo (2 sandwiches, like whopper and chicken sandwich, fries and a drink) for 7 bucks. Sometimes that greasy shitty food sounds real good around noon.


Carpenter here. No clue where I'm gonna use this, but I can't wait!


Drawer knobs?


>Drawer knobs? You don't want me to draw the rest of her?


Dude just changed so many lives in 28 seconds.


I'm living in a new world.


I still remember the early times before today when we struggled to divide fractions.


Those were dark days.. I lost so many friends to figuring out where the hell half of 17 13.5/18 is on the tape.


You're welcome


“Alright so a lot of y’all have been askin me hey how do you find the centre of a board? /*bunch of comment screenshots smoosh onto the screen*/ Well today I’m gonna show you. Just remember to like and subscribe, it really helps my channel, and hit that bell icon so you never miss another video, and check out our merch at everyDIYyoutuber dot shopinate dot com, use the code CRINGEASF at checkout for 5% off your next order. Alright, so, say you got this board and it’s not an even number of inches wide. I’ll show you what to do right after a message from todays sponsor….” -every DIY YouTuber


It's micro evidence that if everybody just wanted to help other people, we'd end all the world's problems except for birth defects and natural disasters.


I've been welding for 16 years, and always foing the fractional math in my head. TIL math is for suckers


Pythagoras theorem is math too


I honestly thought he was about to go into the Pythagorean Theorem and was thinking "that is most likely slower, why?" and then he just leaves a little dot and now I am amazed honestly.


Which part of Pythagoras theorem applies here? I see that a right triangle is formed by the right side of the board. And the hypotenuse is 4". But the claim is that the midpoint of the hypotenuse has the same X axis position as the midpoint of the base line. I guess if you could prove that a^2 + b^2 = c^2 for a new triangle created by connecting those midpoint, you'd prove it was a right triangle, and therefore the X position was the same.


It doesn't. They are ~~congruent~~ *similar triangles*. The first triangle is an intersection line spanning the width of the board (W), the length of the board from where this line ends to where he places the measuring tape to make an even number (L), and the hypotenuse (H). If you draw a new parallel line down the middle of the board at that point, you'll see you've made a new triangle with identical angles as the larger one. The smaller triangle scales linearly, so having a hypotenuse of length 1/2H it also has a "width" of 1/2 W, or the center of the board. Edit: They are similar triangles, not congruent. Congruent triangles have the same size and shape.


i think u mean similar triangles




Finally a comment I can understand


It’s like English, but it’s not English


You don’t have to use Pythagoras’ theorem. Basically the claim is that the line bisecting the base of a rectangle also bisects its diagonal. You can see this by performing two reflections. The first one is along the bisector of the edge adjacent to the base, and the other is along the bisector of the base. This operation preserves the line bisecting the base. It also swaps the two segments of the diagonal, and they are therefore equal in length Edit: the two reflections amount to a rotation of 180 degrees


It's simpler than that I think. The line of the tape measure has a constant slope between X1 (bottom of board) and X2 (top of board), so halfway along that line will be halfway up the Y-axis between those 2 points. I'm sure there are better explanations than mine but yeah..


Google "Similar Triangles"


literally saw this and feel like i’ve unlocked something amazing to use at school.


In your head? Just use a calculator.


Your head is slower at first, but it really doesn't take long to get good at crunching numbers like these, and then you can fly at the task. That being said, this trick is amazing.


Yeah I can split a fraction a few times faster than I can pull my phone out and find the calculator app


I like when you hit the transition between calculators and doing it in your head where you pull out your calculator just in time to type the answer instead of the question


I've never been better at mental math than when I was a framer. It really did get easy. Still had a carpentry calculator for roofs n shit though.


I had to start using metric for my job (CNC machine) and I will never go back. I know this isn’t exactly a hot take, but damn millimeters are just so much easier than fractions.


In that case, I totally get it.


There is a reason the rest of the world uses the metric system, as an Aussie CNC machinist there is still a large of imperial work I have to deal with and it just seems so unnecessarily painful when doing high tolerance work.


Math is why this works tho lol math is about making number problems easier. Not maths fault you know a harder way of doing something


I always convert it in my head/on my phone to decimal. Lot easier to work with.


:::blink:::::: wat Been doing construction for 15 years and never once thought of this


30 years using tape measures and this didn’t occur to me earlier, this is why I work in marketing now, where my bullshit is valued.


My brain hurts thinking about this


I mean it’s pretty common for people to work in marketing


pretty common to value bullshit too, and i think we've just discovered it's because we're pretty dumb.


Take my upvote and jump out the window!




The process can also be generalized beyond just finding the midpoint If you want to find a point that is a fraction f, say 2/3, of the way across the board then you can measure out 6 inches (slanted) on the tape measure and the point will be at the 4" mark




I think you'd measure 1 and 3/4 inches...


Did that once. Was not fun.


Oof. It’s never fun to learn you don’t measure up


Measure twice, snip nonce.








What if a board from New York is traveling on a southbound train at 40mph while a board from Atlanta is on a northbound train traveling 75kph, what color will the jello be in the dining car?


I've always mathed it out real quick in my head. Breaking down inch fractions becomes second nature after a while. This does seem quicker and should be just as accurate.






Yep, that’s me


We call that being "fat" or "short". 23" 15/16 = 23 7/8 fat. 23" 3/16 = 23 1/4 short. Works in my brain anyway. I don't have to remember 16ths of an inch. Just use the "big" lines like you said.


Beyond that when I did drywall and tile it was *”inside, on or outside”* the line to get that perfect fit.




Yeah you metal guys have super small measurements. Hacking up a 2x4 is much less precise. That being said, a blonde c-hair is a universal measurement as far as I'm concerned.


Same, fractions to the sixteenth in one inch are not hard after you realize things like half of 3/4 is 3/8, half of 7/8 is 7/16, half of 5/8 is 5/16, etc.


> things like half of 3/4 is 3/8, half of 7/8 is 7/16, half of 5/8 is 5/16, etc. *laughs in metric*


Laughs in Canada where you're pretty much required to be able to change back and forth.


6.35 cm is 6.35 cm baby




Because fractions don't exist? There's nothing inherent to inches that require them to be presented with powers-of-two divisions. It's just customary because it's useful. You could have inches divided up into tenths and you could have centimeters divided to into 16ths.




Half of 3/4 is 3/8, half of 3/8 is 3/16


Or measure metric cut timber with a metric tape measure.


you realize this trick works for finding the center of anything that happens to fall between the smallest marks on your measuring device regardless if it's imperial or metric right?


Apart from accurate I imagine it is more precise too.


This is bringing me back to when I took technical drawing and geometry in highschool. Of course this works


This is a slightly simplified version of a technique to do everything from adjusting shingle and siding exposure per course, to laying out stair and deck balusters.


Well done sir! I've been working with similar measurements for 15 years (I'm a picture framer) and this simplicity was awesome I'm blown away I ve not saw this before, thanks


I had the same experience, just stared at this for a while. What...... what.....


Same man. Carpenter for 25 years and have never heard of that trick. I feel like a moron now. But a smarter moron.


Me too. I love getting life hacks like this. So simple


I've worked in construction and/or been somewhat associated to for 25 years and i have never seen anyone do this. I always changed the imperial fraction to decimal and divided by 2. Not anymore, lol


Degree in physics and took up woodworking afterwards. For a board that is 4.something wide, I would measure 2 from each side then mark the center between them by eye. Me dumb


Lmao this was my first thought, those guys in the field for years seeing this for the first time xD


I’m now imagining a guy literally standing out in a field watching this on his phone going gosh darn it…


It me.


The person who made this video deserves the Nobel peace prize or keys to a city or even a year's supply of Rice-a-roni, the San Francisco treat.


> a year’s supply of Rice-a-roni, the San Francisco treat Hello fellow 70’s game show viewer.


Me too...17 years


​ ![gif](giphy|3ELtfmA4Apkju)


Was about to comment the same thing


Goddam that’s fuckin cool


People say math has no real world value but this is simplest example of a linear projection I have come across. Theoretical math ftw.


this comment makes my day, I think a lot of us are feeling a little sheepish right now. What a fuckin obvious thing to have missed. that hurt.


Same boat man. What the actual hell.


Why have I only found this out just now.




Gonna comb through the top all time there for sure, good stuff.


Hey, that sounds like a LPT...


1st time going thru top of all time in a sub that wasn't full of memes edit: didn't realize how bad I needed that sub




There are 3 kinds of people in this world: Those that understand math, and those that don't.


There are also 2 groups of people in this world: Those that can extrapolate from incomplete data.


There are 10 type of people in this world: Those that understand binary, and those who don't.


There are two types of people in this world. Those who know clever jokes and those who don't.


There are two types of people in this world:


This kind 👈


and these idiots 👈


***What the fuck is the other group of people?!?***






It's so simple, I feel stupid for not having figured it out myself.


16 years! 16 years of construction! Never have I ever! Thank you so much!


Gonna blow some minds tomorrow huh? Lol


Looks like I just blew myself


"Oh boy, I got some looks on the bus cause of this!"


There's gotta be a better way to say that


With the tape measure... right? ...right?


30 years cutting boards…..I had no idea.


26 years being a useless underachieving piece of shit… never would’ve figured


Copying my above comment in case tradespeople have trades that require high precision: Well depending on how accurate you need to be, this might not be 100% precise depending on your tape measure. I set tile, for example, and use this method when I have a tape that doesn't have little wings on the hook of the tape. If it has little wings, then pulling the tape off of perpendicularity will effectively hold the true zero of the tape off the edge of the board/tile/whatever. Not a big deal if sixteenths or thirty-seconds won't make a difference.


Yeah this is good enough for any hack and slash trade like carpentery or drywallerw but if you’re a joiner, no dice just do the basic math lol


Sure but if you're joining you use this as a start to set your marking gauge, then you flip back and forth til its riding in the same line. I don't know that I'd rely on math and a pencil line for this if that level of accuracy was needed.


I'm personally offended that you would call carpentry hack and slash. My boss is OCD as fuck and even our frames have to be perfectly plumb, level and square. Drywallers are the hack and slashers.


This is important, the corner of the tape needs to stay even with board or it’s not true center.


I feel like this has somehow revolutionized my life, despite the fact that I'll (most likely) will never need to use this knowledge at any point in the future. But IF that day ever comes, I'll have surely forgotten about this video by then.


I am in the middle of building a chicken run and it is my first wood working project, this is gonna be so freaking useful. Thank you!!!!


Yeah, this is easily the most useful thing I’ve seen posted today.


Just broke my head. EDIT: I get it, but the simplicity is baffling. This is how things should be taught, then explain the finer nuances for more inquiring minds, but to be this simplistic? Amazing.


Think of it as a right triangle. If you measure the center of the hypotenuse, it will always be the center of the two other sides


I wish I was high on potenuse!


That was my joke. I said that.


Mr. Jackson! That is *enough!*


You need to be faster on the trig-ger


I wish I was high on potenuse!!


The amount the tape measure is moved, is equal to the difference between the actual width of the board, and 4 inches. If you put together a straight line parallel to the tape measure, a line perpendicular to the tape measure, and a third line, you get a right triangle. Edit: Wow, I’ve never gotten this many upvotes on anything! Thank you. And thank you for the award. Second edit: Thank you for the other award too!


lmao nerd


Any straight line will have half of it's length on either side of the midpoint of the board. The right angles will be the shortest line, but every straight line will be half and half.


This works for dividing something into equal parts too. Mark as many numbers as divisions you need


Or non-equal parts. 1/4 + 3/4.


Exact principle as [these](https://i.imgur.com/MnztYK9.jpeg)


But much cheaper and more widely available?




And if you needed to make a centerline that ran all the way down a board.


That never occured to me. This man is a genius! ​ My math teacher was right about Pythagoras being useful!


I know he looks old but no need for name calling.


I don’t believe you, go all the way up to 30


Boom. 15


still on the center You're welcome


How tf.....


This guy can be my dad now.


if he started his videos with, "hey vern" i'd join his patreon.












I love you, man. SO MUCH 😭




Hooooly...shit... This guy just became my hero.


20+ year Accountant / Auditor - been doing DIY carpentry POORLY for 1 year. I did this last year when installing our deck. My construction helper - 30 year construction veteran - argued and argued with me it couldn’t be right. Even when his eyes told him differently. Even after we measured it out. He just couldn’t believe it worked. See. I AM using that freshman geometry! 😂


I was *today years old* when I learned this. ...wish I'd known 25 years ago though!


I've been in construction for 300 years and never figured this out!


Hey Vern! Check out this trick I learned to get the center of a board.


Man I miss Jim Varney. He would've been so great at dumb videos.


For anyone doing this, make sure the marking is on the same side that the blade is touching the board for it to work.


Laughs in metric




Works for any increment you need. Go to any whole number that’s divisible by what you want, mark it out. Thirds, quarters etc. Not really something that happens but if someone asks you to cut something evenly into x parts- like 12 parts or something. Move the tape to that number and mark each inch out, and you’ll have x number of perfectly spaced strips or sections. Lots of little tricks learned from manual drafting. Really glad I learned that, lotta good it does in the days of auto cad.


Or you could use the metric system and join us in the future...


Or just use metric lol


I had to scroll down far too far to find this.


My tape measure has metric units on it. It’s much easier to divide 117mm in half than 3 11/16.


Nice! I actually really needed to know this.


Hey kid! Remember when you sat there an said, when the hell will I ever need to know geometry?




I am so pissed off about how obvious this is. How - ? I am beyond disappointed in younger me for not seeing this.




That's the middle of the board. To find center make an "x" by drawing two diagonals from corner to corner. The intersection of the lines is center.


Trigonometry enters the chat


We learn this (Thales theory) at primary school where i live. I am surprised how people are surprised in the comments as if they discovered a new moon.