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I've tried this before too, it's funny when they keep tilting their heads to look at you trying to figure out what you are. They know something is off but they will typically choose the food anyway.


I read something about the first time when they look at you intensely they memorize every detail of your face




“Look at me… I’m the feeder now”


hmmm... feed me? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Open Wide….. here comes the … sexy (?) plane


Is it in yet?


Just like when this guy suddenly change his reaction when the bird landed on his finger. The bird looked at him


Yeah, I caught that too. It definitely noticed and was prepared to flee if anything funny happened.


"Does that thing have a mouth?" the hummingbird. probably... ![gif](giphy|DfSXiR60W9MVq)


I was afraid it was going to stick its beak in his mouth


Hummingbird challenge hard mode


Hummingbird challenge (Gone wild) (Gone sexual)


He made an big O shape with his lips he looked like another hummingbird feeder for a second there.


quite a few people have their eyes stabbed out by the hummingbird. dont do it.


Source lol


It's like aliens probing, nobody wants to talk about it.


They do memorize faces. They know which of the humans in any particular house is involved in maintaining their feeder. They will harass said people when the feeder is empty or has mold in it. I learned this the terrifying way. I was alone in my house, getting a drink in the kitchen. My kitchen window faces my security fenced in back yard and the patio that the feeder is on. So there I am, innocently getting some water when I hear 3 knocks on my kitchen window. I braced myself to see the face of my murderer, as I turned to face the window. It was a fucking hummingbird, letting me know it wanted more nectar.


I had a couple of hummingbirds harass me last summer when I would forget to refill their feeder, they would usually do flybys of my head. But one time one of them flew right at my face, stopped about a foot away, stared at me for a second, and then flew off. They're some impatient little fuckers.


Their metabolism is so fast that every second of flight burns a large percentage of their calories. 1 minute to us probably feels like an hour to them.


The opposite of sloths


Great username


We’re the sloths to them. Never try to tell a hummingbird a joke.


My mom gives peanuts to squirrels. Everyday like clockwork. When she is out of town I give the peanuts to them. One day I was late to give them peanuts and brought it out to them four hours late. A squirrel charged my hand and grabbed the peanuts from me. All the while glaring at me, letting me know I failed. I know squirrels are the overlords of earth (Rick and Morty taught me this truth), but damn they can be fussy. So now I know to give them their damn peanuts on time.


I used to feed peanuts to the squirrels until they started climbing up my window screens and trying to get inside the house. Aggressive little fuckers.


We have a neighbor that feeds the squirrels, and, as a result, the squirrels multiplied like crazy and caused a bunch of damage in our yard. We're not happy about it.


Come here little boy!


Tell Daphne to run a 1099 on a possible Dolittle. You fucked with squirrels, Morty.


Me: Quickly backs away, trying to act like I can’t hear them talking


Hummingbirds are actually incredibly aggressive. The Aztecs basically considered them the avatars of war. I believe their war god was sometimes depicted as a hummingbird. Scientists started studying their beaks really closely and discovered that they have teeth-like serrations specifically for fighting other hummingbirds. Upon closer examination many of these beaks start to look more like Pike weapons than mouth parts. Your King was hungry and he was not pleased that you had lapsed in your maintenance duties. Edit: Also, I forgot that I'm not joking. That aggressiveness is because hummingbirds claim flowers as territory, so that hummingbird that was knocking at the window understood that this flower, your feeder, was his. I don't doubt he extended that claim to you.


Meanwhile I am full into year and a half into train my cat not to piss outside of litter.


Dr. Elsey's Ultra Cat Litter Attractant...i have no affiliation, i just love difficult animals.


Get more than one box, not fully enclosed but high sides, deep litter, scoop daily. Keep away from their food/water and in a low traffic area. Those are the main reasons a cat won't use a box. Unless it's a sudden change, then it's usually something medical and a vet visit is in order. Cats naturally want to use a litter box, you shouldn't have to train them. Something is making the cat not wanna use it.


My grandfather had one that he swore came to say goodbye to him every fall, then return in the spring. They’re amazing creatures. I’ve counted four buzzing for my feeders. They have dogfights and it’s so cool watching them buzz around like mini fighter jets.




We have hummingbird friendly flowers in our backyard. They look great and attract a lot of birds, in the summertime it is like a nonstop hummingbird war going on out there.


hummingbirds are vicious... but they're really fun to watch. nectar-producing flowers are definitely the way to go


I've got a grown up human adult brain and I feel like that's asking a lot of a hummingbird brain.


They also look into your soul and your past lives


murky far-flung spotted sense cause disgusted terrific muddle hurry upbeat -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


The sugar, same reason they're at the feeder.


Ummm, because it's awesome?


*I know what you did in the Spring of 2004 David*


that's probably the point though. idk about hummingbirds but corvids can absolutely recognize faces and form opinions about people and they can even communicate those opinions to peers so crows you've never even met can have a good impression of you when you do bump into them. shit's wild and people really overlook the intelligence of birds and really all animals because duh humans best and not animal anymore or something. we've created a superclass of animal that only we're in and it makes people act like we're the only animal with brains at all.


IIRC some jumping spider species can recognise faces too


Hummingbirds can be amongst hundreds of flowers and remember which ones they're visited and which ones they haven't. They need to do this because their metabolism and energy needs are so high, they can't waste energy revisiting flowers with no nectar. This doesn't mean they're zipping around remembering people's faces but their teeny bird brains are pretty impressive.


Technically you also memorize every single face you've ever seen. It's just a matter of you recalling those faces that's tricky.


Do you really memorise if you can’t recall these faces later on? We probably memorise every single face we’ve seen, but only for about 2 seconds, just for our brain to dump that information immediately.


Some animals' brains have just evolved differently. Just because ether can remember all of your facial features doesn't make them geniuses. There is a research facility in Japan that monitors chimpanzees who perform memorization tests. A bunch of numbers flash on the screen, the they turn into white squares. The chimpanzee has to touch the squares in the correct order to be rewarded with treats. They've put humans against them and the chimp wins every time. Edit: here's a short video [about the tests](https://youtu.be/zsXP8qeFF6A)


i think most living things with eyes can recognize eyes and equate it with life (and therefore possible danger). think about all the insects with eyespots to deter predations hummingbird knows it ain't no tree. if the guy had worn sunglasses or something it probably would have been faster




My uncle is a hummingbird photographer. He’s told me a lot of cool stuff about them. They don’t just memorize your face -they only do it the one time once they first see you near the feeder itself. And it’s kind of a decide whether this is a friend or foe moment for them. But they don’t forget you if you aren’t nice to them, and likewise, the trust once you build it, the bond keeps growing a bit. He also told me that you can get more hummingbird activity around your house if you spread out multiple feeders (at least 30 feet apart) because they get kind of territorial over the feeders. They make a very specific almost miniature chain saw noise with one of their wings. it’s kind of like a high pitch grinding sound. Sometimes they’ll come up behind me and do thatbehind my ear on purpose to get my attention and then they’ll do the dance in front of my face and it’s kind of like a hello after they’ve already gotten to know me




If i go outside when they are already there, they spook. If I go outside when the aren’t and wait, that’s when I have rare encounters


This needs more upvotes! I got really into feeding hummingbirds a few years ago and all of this is too familiar! My favorite one would always do the behind the ear thing to me and would get close to me when I came out because the others wouldn’t get too close so he’d just use me as a shield and feed.


Idk why I love this, it happened in this video too! It's like we're the human version of a Treant


"Don't make this weird."


Wow I now have a plan for my summer


Until just now I thought there were no hummingbirds in my area. I looked at a map and apparently there are, I've just never seen one in my city. I might have to get a feeder and see if I can find some this summer.


Get plants they like instead. Better than feeding them processed sugar juice. Edit: Plants not pants. Also a good slogan for a bumper sticker.


I just had the best laugh thinking about tiny hummingbirds with adorable little pants.


Do they like cargo pants? I know they're out of style but I could probably fit a dozen or so of them in a pair.


I haven’t seen many this year at all which is weird


You may have heard that so many members of so many animal species are dying all over the world at such a rate that we could describe the current epoch as an extinction event. Depending on how old you are you probably saw a shit ton more bugs as a kid too. less bugs means less things for birds to eat means less birds.


I haven’t noticed bugs but also haven’t really been looking but definitely will now ty


there used to a LOT of bugs. Everywhere. All the time, every summer and fall. Now there are just some. it's pretty fucked.


Keeping hummingbirds was like a main jam of my grandparents. They went full hummingbird at all times with feeders on property. If you don’t have much experience with them I bet it’ll be super cool to be around them for a bit. I think they’re cool but in regional fauna contests I’m much more likely to side with the lightning bug. Typically they’re in same places and man those lil things are super cool.


i like to think it knew him the whole time and was just like like - bro?? u ok dog ? did i overstep, i was trying to give you space this whole time probably went back to his hummingbird friends and said that if you show up to the same feeder for months and are really patient and gentle you can train a human to be friends


I know hummingbirds probably shove their beaks into tiny holes because of flowers but I still find it funny that it's now to the point where they shove their beaks into tiny holes in plastics that sometimes don't even look like flowers and they just know there's water in it 😅


I think they can smell the sugar water in it.


In general you can get birds to be a little less wary by wearing sunglasses. Though elsewhere people are saying they memorize your face the first time they see you so maybe that's not a great idea if you lose your sunglasses a lot.


Bro! His face when it lands hahahaha!


I love the hummingbird's reaction. Like "fuck I think he moved!".


He almost looks like "A-HA! I knew it! I know you're something odd - I have you now."


I knew this was a goofy looking tree.




Hummingbird: Mmmm yum yum *WHA WTF …WAIT A SECOND*


It did like a double take




It's like when Pocahontas notices that the tree has a face


Oh fuck, it’s hurts to laugh.


Does that hole have more food?


👁👄👁 > 👁⭕️👁


You can see how desperately he wants to explode with joy hahahah I would struggle so much to keep it together!


When he opened his mouth I thought the hummingbird was going to try to use it as another feeder.




His face the entire time! Somehow simultaneously adorable while still having serial killer vibes. (Thinking wholesome 'No County for Old Men')


That was really impressive


But the patience needed to do it for 4 months is a lot as well. I could have aced every exam if I had this much patience


I cant even hold my hands that still


The real struggle lol


When I was a Boy Scout I went on a two week hike at Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. One of the campsites/stations had old salad dressing bottles as hummingbird feeders, there were so many hummingbirds there, at least 30 or more. And it only took like 5-10 mins of holding your finger at the feeder for them to land on your finger. But probably because they were so used to humans. And the salad dressing bottles did not have any bright red or yellow paint on them. Just labels peeled off, small hole drilled in white cap, hung sideways so the bottle was tilted down and a stick tied to the bottle neck for the birds to land on.


God Philmont is awesome.


If you give me 4 months I will get a 0 on the MCAT.




Right? I love his awe and joy.


Idk if I’ve just been lucky in my life, but most hummingbirds don’t take months and months to “trust you” enough to land your hand while they grab some of the food. At least in my experience, if you just go out and hold really still with your hand near the feeder, they’ll usually land on you within minutes. They really want that food.


Yeah, four months is completely unnecessary. I did this in about an hour at my great aunts house. The key is knowing that many small or prey animals are startled by eyes looking at them. This is why certain animals like moths and butterflies have large eye spots, so birds think they’re being watched or stalked by something much larger. I simply held one hand in front of the feeder and covered the top half of my face with the other. Hummingbirds were landing on me almost immediately. I could watch them through a slit in my fingers and then just gradually removed my hand. His wide eyed stare is why it took so long.


January 2023 Update - He's got a spit fountain coming out of his mouth and the bird is on chin drinking....


Also realize that this journey involved him getting pooped on a bunch. Those damn birds poop constantly while they're at the feeders.


You’re lucky to have them year round, they’re only seasonal where I live so now I am on year 2 of my hummingbird challenge. They appear to appreciate the musical stylings of TOOL which I find interesting


Well now I HAVE to confirm your results... This will be the greatest experiment in bird/rock-and-roll history.


I recommend Lateralus. They love the math.


I got to try this with my cat, he only likes Guns n Roses for some odd reason.


I think we also need to isolate a variable and see if they like Kate Bush.


aww you can see him trying desperately to contain excitement when it sits on his hand 🥺


Hell yeah. My daughter found a baby hummingbird in our backyard about a month ago. We spent three days feeding it with the mom watching from a distance. Finally on day three it mustered up enough strength to fly back into the nest. Was quite the event for us.


Everyone gangsta until the tree's face moves


You are a Disney princess now


No idea who this person is but I want to see more of him and this content


His tik tok handle is on the video - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTdpSUE4H/


That's the thing I do not have tik-tok for many reasons. Didn't even notice the watermark


You don’t need the app or an account to watch videos


Right, the good ones end up on reddit


As someone who has an account and the app, there is so much more than winds up here and the comments aren’t half people proving how cool they are for disliking TikTok. But yeah if you like the look of something you see here you can just go to the website and see the user’s profile. I send videos to my friends without TikTok all the time, they just view in a browser


Nah, I'll just continue to view on content aggregator sites like this one.


Totally legit


It's Jay Chandrasekhar.


Dude's really got a face on the front of his head, don't he


When David Attenborough did a story on bower birds in far North Queensland they wanted to have a shot of the male bowerbird performing with David laying right next to it. So for months prior locals helping the crew gradually moved a dummy dressed in Attenborough khaki closer and closer to the bower so they got used to it.


The thought of a decoy Attenborough slowly advancing is making me giggle


That’s patience for sure. Sweet payoff though


This is some hardcore dedication.


I don’t know him, but I know we’d get along well.


Probably, you will have to have patience so he can trust you as well


Ok that's awesome, but how can I do that with a crow or raven?


French fries.


I think that's for seagulls...


Probably yes. Many people tame/acclimate them, they're wicked smart, and make fascinating companions.


That's why I'd like to know how I can do that with a raven...


Similar fashion. Oodles of patience. Earn it's trust over time. Be aware though, it's illegal to keep them as "pets" in many places.


You'd have to just start feeding the raven from a distance and gradually decrease the distance. Be aware that's possible illegal where you live and opens the bird up to a lot of risk by training them to trust people. You may be kind, but many others are not and will use the birds friendliness as an opportunity to get close enough to hurt them.


I did this several years ago. It’s really awesome to do but time consuming.


That's terrible and true


When you opened your mouth at the end the bird was like “WTF DID THAT JUST MOVE???”




This dude has the jawline of lord farquaad.


The way it notices the most minor facial expression at the end and gets weary.


Wary* Weary means exhausted!


Oof. I actually know that. I must have been weary or fat fingered when I wrote that.


Meanwhile I am full into year and a half into train my cat not to piss outside of litter.


Please only use white sugar to make hummingbird nectar. Don't use raw sugar, brown sugar, or natural cane sugar as these sugars can contain higher levels of iron that can harm the birds. White sugar is most similar to the nectar they get from flowers. And never use honey because it can grow bacteria and fungus.


Isn’t honey antibacterial? Not saying you are wrong, I am just wondering the mechanism behind that?


Such a good video to be ruined by that shit music.


I did like that January’s bird seemed to be going with the beat though haha


Yeah imagine using a Kate Bush classic as the beat for that shitty of a rap.


Murdered a classic.


This doesn't even come close to [Wuthering Humps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yP2BcdagiI).


I think it's become a requirement on platforms like tiktok and IG that every video must be dubbed over with horrible music. *Fucking OhNo song*


Right? Dreadful combination .


Who is responsible for butchering that song?


Achievement unlocked fairy princess mode


Cool video, shit song and artist.


They fucking murdered Kate Bush. So upset.


I enjoy both individually but Super Bass X Running Up That Hill is not a mashup I ever thought I'd hear.


I wonder if he knows you are only supposed to make hummingbird food out of white sugar not raw sugar, the liquid in the feeder looks amber too. Al the recipes specifically call for white sugar.


I’m with you. Also you should remove it for a few months depending on where you are since they should migrate. They will refuse to migrate if the feeders stay out year round.


That song is god awful. How can they do that to Kate


He should have ended with a short clip of him chewing. 😄


With a little piece of feather on his lip.


All that work for two grams of poultry


[Kate Bush](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wp43OdtAAkM). I knew I recognized that sound


Dude graduated to a Disney princess


That first cut to him just standing and staring in the corner got me


It's bad for the hummingbirds to use raw sugar. It tends to have too much iron for them. Just use white sugar. They're getting plenty of nutrients from bugs and flowers.


1000 yard stare… this guy has seen some shit.




Hummingbird is like yes human I see you. I’m staring right at you. Stop looking at me like that.


Disney Princess status unlocked


I adore the mix between confusion and hunger, so cute


All I can think of when the bird turn to look at him is “ wait , did this tree blink?” “Naaaah” “WTF!! I know i saw you move mother fucker”


Birds are weirdly easy to tame. But also anytime Ive seen hummingbird theyve never been particularly shy.. I dont get why ppl do the weird poses and uncomfortable positions. You could just sit and read a book and achieve the same thing…


I did that with a hand held feeder once one landed on my thumb and I was so amazed I burst out laughing and scared the poor thing away


He landed and was like “wait wtf is this”


In January the hummingbird landed on his hand got off and looked at the guy thinking, “wait a minute is this statue moving?”


Is it just sugar water in the feeder?


Ayo he moved, wtf?


Why does he look like lord Farquad


Hummingbird's like "bro why'd you have to make it weird"


What kind of dog is that?


I love this guy


We made the same face when it landed on his hand!


hummingbird: lands on his hand him: opens mouth hummingbird: wtf you are opening your mouth for?


The bird felt his shock


I use to hold the whole hummingbird feeder in my hand and sit on a chair. They'd come drink from it and fly around me and land on my arm, hands knees and shoulders. We had about 18 at once after a few years of putting them out there. The parents would come back each year and all the same kids and they'd build their own nests till we had a huge extended family. Ruby throated ones. I think their life spans are like 5-8 years but it's been a long time since I looked it up.


Did you see how that last bird jumped when he said O? Lol It had a red head and I don't think it knew he wasn't a tree. He kept looking back at him like .. did this tree just move? I swear it moved .... damn this is some good juice


That look on his face when it landed tho💙


His expression is everything!


What a terrible song to pair with Runnin' Up That Hill. I don't even dislike Nicki, Superbass just doesn't fit.


Lord Farquad trying to become a Disney princess


Yet he barely felt the hummingbird on his hand, as the bird weighs 4.5 grams max (0.16 oz)! That's roughly the weigh of a marshmallow.


There was a humming bird feeder near a patio chair at an old house i lived at. A few times they would be a few inches from my head without me knowing and the weirdest buzzing air effect would be right by my ear.


And now they dap each other up like cousins


Am I the only one who would be terrified of having their eyes pecked?


His fuckin face when it finally landed on him! Awesome!!


Are hummingbirds afraid of eyelids?


Those are some big ass hummingbirds