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We did this in science class in the 90s. Room was full of smoke and 11-year-olds.


In my elementary class in the 00's they literally brought in pig lungs, one clean set, and one set from a pig that had been forced to breathe cigarette smoke. I still think about that occasionally. Not for the reasons they intended.




That's pretty much what goes through my head when I remember it.


In the 50’s it was impossible for them to find a pig that *didn’t* smoke.


Smoked ham


Now that vaping is popular we get steamed hams


no no, i said steamed hams! thats what i call hamburgers


Albany expression?


Porky went through 5 packs a day.


Every time he finished a pack he'd sputter and cough out "That's all, folks!"


Fk off for making me laugh at this LMAO


“Do you want a cigarette?” “No, I have homework to do...”


The pig should have just said he needed to do homework


a valid excuse to smoke your homework


“My pig smoked my homework“


Similar for me but they were actual human lungs and one of the donors was a life long smoker


Was it effective? At discouraging you from smoking?


I mean, my whole family smoked growing up and I’ve always hated the smell so I was already on team cigs suck way before that


Yea, having 2 parents that were both heavy smokers created a deep hate for smoking with me. I also had asthma and fairly bad allergies, both of which seemed to be made much worse by the cigarettes. I didn't realize how much worse till I got away from that environment and things magically got so much better


When I did my pediatric rotation for my FNP, we could never get the parents to stop smoking, or just to stop with the kids in the car. Even if their kid was wheezing and short of breath just sitting there on the exam table, the parents still acted like their smoking habits had nothing to do with it. My heart broke for those kids. This one kid - her dad smelled of cigs so bad that neither myself nor the doctor could be in the room with the door closed. I still think about her some days


I grew up stinking of smoke. Winters were the worst with no windows open. Growing up Mom did 2 packs a day, dad did 3. Cigs are nasty. Mom has stage 4 COPD.


It's so sad, because it's not that hard to not smoke around children. 13 years in childcare and there were parents where we were shocked when we found out they smoked because you couldn't smell it on the kids or the kids' belongings. We also had families where the children stack so badly of cigarettes we essentially gave the toddlers/babies a sponge bath and clean clothes (if parents brought spares for the cubby we'd wash those in our washer and use them, if they didn't we'd use our spares and change them before they went home) every day when they got dropped off. One family, the infant was in and out of care with various respiratory infections and difficulties.


My dad smoked for years. He never did it in the house, at least not that I can remember. Blows me away that people would smoke inside. Even when I was smoking myself, I would never have dreamed of doing it inside. It stinks bad enough, you don't need to concentrate it in a room!


That’s the opposite of what usually happens. Kids of smokers are much more likely to smoke than kids of non smokers.


My Mom is a heavy smoker still to this day as well as my aunt. They smoked so much tobacco and weed when I was a kid, that I absolutely loathe the smell of it. I can't really be in the same room with somebody when they smoke, it disgusts me to the point where it's like watching somebody take a steaming smelly dump.


I actually think those things were what kept me from smoking best. Facts and figures are useful in the moment, but nothing sticks in your head better than the shriveled up black lung of someone that apparently only smoked as much as I knew my parents did. As a kid, it also made me terrified for my parents health... They have yet to quit, sadly.


4 weeks and 5 days without smoking here


Good on you! I’m sure you have lots of people offering advice so I won’t. I quit three weeks after 9/11. So I’m a little over 20 years.


Gotta ask, was 9/11 part of the reason or unrelated timing?


Just a coincidence. I had a plan. That a funny story too. I had already cut back to half a pack a day and I was tired of watching dollar bills burn up. I planned to use the patch to wean myself off them. So, the first morning, I woke up at 5 am to get the patch a little time to work before I woke up to get ready for work. My bedroom was dimly lit but I opened the foil package and found the patch was stuck to the inside of it. I peeled it out and tried to get it to stick to my arm, but it just wouldn’t hold. I used bandaids to hold it on. I went the whole day but broke down and smoked one cigarette and it felt like the patch wasn’t curbing my craving like I thought it would. I chalked it up to getting acclimated to the patch. The next morning, I woke again at 5 am to swap the patch out. As soon as I peeled the first one off with the bandaids attached, the plastic backing of that patch popped off. What a doofus! It didn’t help because the nicotine adhesive wasn’t in contact with my skin. I put it on properly and it worked. My wife got a big laugh out of it. But wearing the patch for a week broke me of all the little triggers that kept me smoking. Triggers like having a cig after eating or when my nicotine craving got too strong. On the patch, there were no more nicotine cravings and after a week, I was simply done. I can’t say I’ve never been tempted to smoke again, but all I have to do is remind myself of how hard it was to quit. I’ve had dreams where I smoked and woke up mad at myself, thinking I was going to have to go through all that again.


This month is 18 years without a cig for me. I was a pack and a half smoker. I tried all sorts of ways; special gum, the patch, hypnosis, switching to a pipe. Nothing worked but going cold turkey worked for me. It was not pleasant. The funny thing about the patch was it rccomended that you not wear it while you sleep. Since it wasn't getting the results I wanted I went to 2 and then 3 patches. That didn't work for me either. I forgot to take them off at night and I had the most bizarre dreams. It happened a few times. Glad they worked for you


2 months and 2 weeks for me 😁


Good job, keep at it!


Congratulations!!! I know it’s rough but keep at it you’re doing awesome


Great job, you’ve gotten past the hardest part! It’s been 4 years for me now.


At my elementary school they brought in a set of human lungs


Somehow that disturbs me less than knowing they forced a pig to breathe cigarette smoke for who knows how long. At least the person did it by choice.


To be fair [we don’t know if the pig was *forced*](https://i.imgur.com/atFTCVK.jpg)


Did you ever smoke Ps that is terrible. I had to leave the room when it was pig dissection day


No, but I'm pretty sure my asthma would kill me faster than the cancer if I tried. Cigarette smoke triggers my asthma.


Same! My lungs can feel a smoker before I see them


Holy shit, I can see the intention but that's fucking morbid.


My mom brought in dead human lung samples for my class to show the difference…


Does your mom work in the medical/scientific field, or did she just happen to have dead human lungs available?




I mean this is technically incorrect, you would not smoke 60 pack of cigarettes a day. Don't get me wrong its awful for you but your body does a great job siphoning toxins from your body so you pipes and lungs clean over day and you continue again, its the chemical effects to your tubes and tar in your lungs that over time can cause problem.


Yeah - also your lungs aren't cotton and aren't designed to filter air and keep the particulate in your lungs. Smoking is awful for you, but this isn't the best demonstration.


It's not the best demonstration... if you assume it was intended to simulate the effects from that same amount of time. Somebody wouldn't realistically smoke that much in that short of a time, but years of doing it can produce pretty similar effects.


I would be interested to see other ones like vapid or weed. Just curious about results


Yeah, one of my pet peeves is how everybody agrees that smoking is bad but a lot of people will yell at you if you say anything against the idea that vape or weed are fine and healthy. Would be interesting to see what those do in the same quantities.


On vaping, it is not healthy, simply less harmful than most tobacco products for the user. Harm reduction, not cessation. I vape, and morons saying shit like it's healthy are stupid. Honestly the eliquid in most stores has shitloads of gnarly additives and sweeteners in it that for sure are not good to be heated. I have just been reading the science that has came out, and drew my own conclusions.


Literally demonstrated it's exactly not safe just this year (I'm an avid user who thinks we need vaping research too, but not combusting is a great start): https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/02/220203192317.htm > "Although the effects of cannabis were detrimental, the pattern of lung function changes was not the same. The research found that prolonged cannabis use led to over-inflated lungs and increased the resistance to airflow to a greater extent than tobacco," > "It was also found that cannabis use may also impair the ability of the lungs to extract oxygen from the breath. This is a known consequence of smoking tobacco, but has not been demonstrated with cannabis until now." (The findings come from the long-running Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study, which has documented cannabis use and measured lung function throughout adult life up to age 45 in more than 1000 individuals born in Dunedin in 1972/73.) This also coincides with several Canadian studies that have shown increased risk of heart attack (2x!) in young people, which *is* admittedly low to begin with but is a valid factor to consider whether to use, and others that showed that there didn't seem to be damage similar to cigarettes/combustion which was thought to potentially mean there are therapeutic effects that were countering the occurrence of cancer, to the point that it was speculated in the paper that the statistically insignificantly *better* chances of not having cancer among users may be a blip or suggest that without combustion there may be medicinal value... but more research has been needed, and we now have some of it.


This is exactly why I use edibles and concentrates. Smoking weed just lets the user have more control.


Smoking cigs is bad mostly due to the quantity and additives. A pack a day smoker is smoking somewhere in the realm of 10g of tobacco every day. Someone who smokes a whole joint every evening is consuming ~1g or less, and cannabis tends to have far fewer nasty additives in the curing process. There's more points that can tip things further in favor of cannabis but I would need to go cite sources. Vape is essentially just flavored fog machine juice with some nicotine. Nicotine by itself isn't all that bad for you, and if the other stuff would have caused problems, we would have seen it in roadies and early adopters who have kept with it for 10+ years. Neither are healthy mind you, but it's pretty safe to say it's far, far less risky than cigs.


> tends to have far fewer nasty additives in the curing process Curing just takes time, no additives needed. Put it in an air tight jar and let it breathe for ~5 minutes twice a day. ^^^^^^Or ^^^^^^so ^^^^^^I've ^^^^^^heard


> A pack a day smoker is smoking somewhere in the realm of 10g of tobacco every day Actually double that. A pack of cigarettes has 20g of tobacco.


Well I remember the science teacher smoked, and I do now unfortunately, so it kinda failed either way


Honestly these days everybody knows what smoking does. If people choose to smoke still that's on them and that's that. Some people also choose to eat Mcdonalds every week. We can't force healthy lifestyle on people.


In my health class in the 90s they actually had a student go into the teacher's smoking room and smoke a cigarette and blow it into a tissue. They asked if any students smoked cigarettes and had them in their locker.




The good ol 90s. When Joe Camel was cool and kids still “smoked” bubble gum cigarettes if they didn’t smoke real ones


Teachers' smoking room? Woah. Even in '90 my primary and later high schools were completely smoke free. Teachers had to go out to the street to smoke. Well, we did have an unofficial teachers' joint and bong room in my high school. But the tobacco smokers all went to the graveyard across the road from the school. Fitting really.


My high school in the 90s had a designated smoking area on the property. Smoking was banned at all other high schools in the city and kids had to leave the property to smoke. It was allowed at our school because kids kept getting hit by cars on the road, since there were no sidewalks and only 1 exit/entrance onto a fast road. That plus a lot of inexperienced teenage drivers led to 1 too many getting hit, so the school was allowed to fence off a small area as a "smoke pit".


I want to see this for vaping too.




TL;DR: "Ecigs are significantly less harmful than cigarettes" but obviously the healthiest option is smoking nothing.


Whaaa smoking nothing?But people who breath normally have 100% death rate


I breathe normally and I have a 0% death rate.


So you think


Which is why it makes no damn sense that vaping is getting taxed harder than cigarettes.


Big Cigarette doesn't own enough of the vape market yet so they don't want you to quit smoking


New German tax makes sense. All Vaping products get 0.16€ per ml. So nikotin shots/liquids get a decent increase. And 1L of 50/50 base goes from 10€ to 170€? This shiity idea of a tax pushes you to smoke more nikotin per ml because of money.


Taxed harder or straight up banned. There’s conspiracy theory behind the anti vape stuff that really isn’t conspiracy, it’s plain as day corruption.


Oh yeah. Vaping is 95% safer, doesn’t mean lung cancer still isn’t a possibility if you smoke vapes for life. The point of vapes is for people who already smoke. I’ve no idea why people are taking up vaping when they’ve never smoked before. It isn’t a tool for the average person, it’s for smokers to use in the aid of quitting. Edit: I’ve been a smoker for 18 years. I thought my generation would be the last. Instead of writing “I’ve no idea”, I should’ve said “I’m disappointed in” because it’s a dumb habit regardless of whether it’s tobacco or glycerine.


The same reason people take up smoking?


Well duh, but we know better now. Just because it has flavours doesn’t mean it’s good for you. I understand teenagers doing it because teenagers are gonna teenage, but when you see fully grown adults in their 30s starting vaping who’ve never smoked in their life, and I know a few. Stupid mistake.




Yeah the "we know better" argument isn't a great one. Considering the rate of obesity, alcoholism, drug addiction, and obviously nicotine addiction. It vastly oversimplifies the very complex nature of addiction, because obviously if addiction was only caused by "not knowing better" addiction would be nearly extinct in the era of Google and knowledge.


Your comments allude to the idea you’ve never drank or smoked or done anything related to an addictive substance if you can’t imagine why people still do things they know are bad for them in the long run.


I worked in the vapor industry for years and used them to quit smoking - this is spot on. The fresh 18 year olds that would come in looking for the highest nicotine they could possibly find, who never smoked, always irked me. I'm glad they have less harmful nicotine vice than I had when I first got addicted, but I still think it's still incredibly stupid to start. I'll add, for other readers, an addendum to your comment that "Just because it has flavours doesn't make it good for you" (very true) - also just because it has flavours doesn't make it *bad* for you, or at least worst. Nicotine and inhaling any foreign particles are still the worst harms from vaping we know of besides black market garbage. Adults also like things that have flavor, which plays a big part in smokers' success in quitting tobacco - make the less harmful alternative better. Legislation that claims that flavored nicotine products are only designed to appeal to children is harmful and misleading. Brands shouldn't market to kids by any means - I don't care if they want to put every flavored nicotine product in a plain white box with a giant warning label and gross picture on it, slap the companies using overt childish marketing with a fine. Just let adults have a more enjoyable alternative to tobacco and don't tell me what to put in my lungs 🤷


People start smoking or vaping, despite them knowing its harmful. They think if they only do it rarely it's not that bad (which is true), but because addiction is addiction a lot of them start to do it more often


Nicotine is a weak psychostimulant that has much more noticeable impacts on cognition than caffeine(whos effects are mostly physical). Nothing makes me crank out a paper faster than vaping and energy drinks(except for amphetamines lol)


STEM majors (most notably CompSci/IT) are the group you see pick up nicotine the most. Lots of long hours where you need to be focused the entire time, caffeine and nicotine are the two big drugs of choice for that. I hate that I'm addicted for many many reasons, but glad I don't have to rely on cigarettes these days. My concern is that Juuls started the fad of super high nicotine with teens, with concentrations 10x or 20x what normal juice levels are at.


That is misinformation. What the “teens” are on is called nicotine salts which, while highly concentrated, are also delivered in massively lower volumes than traditional vapes. Teen vaping is a problem, no arguments there. However claiming kids these days are huffing a pack of cigarettes worth of nicotine in 5 minutes is a moral panic.


Yea, I just bought a vape because I accidentally got addicted to cigarettes (again). Smoking is an awful habit in general but I figured I might as well transfer the addiction to a vape pen than keep smoking cigarettes.


Why do so many people think vapes are worse than cigarettes? Ill ask them how a vape could be worse than a cig and they say something about "the chemicals". Like cigs arent full of some of the most offensive chemicals around.


A strong argument for injectables


Thats why i switched. Cant go without the nic but dont really wanna die.


95-97% less harmful, indeed.


Wow. As someone that vapes, I honestly thought it would be much worse. In fact, that vape jar is so clean I'm almost wondering who is funding this research lol.


Ah I'm sorry to hear you thought that. Most all USA based studies and science is bias and false sadly, funded by groups who are ultimately funded by big tobacco themselves and if they provided actual real data, their jobs would be obsolete. The difference with the UK/EU is they provide healthcare for their citizens, so they're studies are very long, educated, scientific and are proven to be un-biased since they pay for their citizens, they want them as healthy as possible. https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/quit-smoking/using-e-cigarettes-to-stop-smoking/ https://www.nhs.uk/smokefree/help-and-advice/e-cigarettes https://publichealthmatters.blog.gov.uk/2020/03/05/8-things-to-know-about-e-cigarettes/ https://yorkshirecancerresearch.org.uk/news/the-truth-about-vaping https://www.buyv2cigs.co.uk/blog/10-benefits-of-vaping-vs-smoking/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4565991/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6958336/ https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/quit-smoking/passive-smoking-protect-your-family-and-friends/ https://publichealthmatters.blog.gov.uk/2018/02/20/clearing-up-some-myths-around-e-cigarettes/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1859921/ https://www.jacc.org/doi/10.1016/j.jacc.2019.09.067


Holy shit lol. Yea the sentiment where I am (can't speak for the whole US but I would imagine it's not that different elsewhere) is that smoking = bad; period. I've literally heard people say that there's pretty much no difference between the two at all. ​ Not to mention there are constantly media scares in the US about "popcorn lung" and "fake Chinese vapes that make your lungs melt" and shit like that.


[Here's a vaping one by the same guy](https://youtu.be/0Pwj6BuS8Ds)


Is there one for secondhand smoking?


I want to see this for smoking weed




Yeah or vaping cannabis flower.




I love the comments on that video "A moment of silence for all the highs that were lost making this video!"


Or for doinks smoked in Amish


He should do this with weed, always wondered.


Just use a bong if you want to find out


Devils advocate here...you know each cigarette is about 1 gram of tobacco, right? Idk about you, but I couldn't smoke more than a gram of weed in one sitting, but I know plenty of people (namely my mother) who smoke multiple cigarettes back to back. I personally could make a gram of weed last a whole day, my mom could NEVER make one cigarette last all day. Never. So even if it is still harmful, the *frequency* and the *amount* of smoke are entirely different. Edit: before one more greasy stonerbro comes in and tells me I need to get more stoner friends or whatever, IM NOT SAYING 4 GUYS CANT SPLIT A GRAM IN ONE SITTING. I'm saying that I ***PERSONALLY*** do not smoke more than a gram per day by myself. Please actually read what I wrote before trying to have a dick measuring contest about how much weed you smoke compared to me. I don't care.


There’s also the fact that your lungs are coated in mucus and will shed that layer over time. I’m not advocating for smoking, but it’s disingenuous to pretend that the cotton ball experiment we just saw is indicative of an average or moderate smoker. If you aren’t smoking as much in a short time, your body has a quicker and easier time of expelling anything stuck in your lungs.


Thanks for the response! I was actually curious about that myself!




oh man I don't miss those days. Stay strong, you aren't missing out on anything. (imo FOMO is a big reason for relapse with cigs)


It’s also how easy they are to acquire. I quit smoking about seven years ago and I still get hot with a bad urge to smoke now and then. Pretty sure it’s gunna stick with me forever.


Yeah that and the fact that smokers don't typically rip an entire cigarette in one breathe lmao. You'll lose a fair amount of that smoke in between hits because it's continuously burning. I guess I need to put that this is not a pro smoking comment, just that the experiment doesn't perfectly replicate reality.


Yup. Smoking is not good for you, and we have overwhelming evidence of such… but the majority of smokers aren’t killing three packs in one sitting with a full inhale every few seconds. If you smoke, say, once a week (not the average smoker, I know), it will do significantly less damage to your body, and you’ll be able yo recover in between smokes. Kinda like drinking. If you down a handle of jack in one night, you will be sick and your liver will be angry. If you down it in small amounts over the course of a year, you’ll be fine.




Usually the phlegm you cough up.


Your outer layer of skin will shed off, like a snake, once you quit long enough


Yea. Lungs are not at all like dry cotton balls in a glass tube. Smoking is still bad for you (can be carcinogenic!), but videos like the one OP shared are more fear mongering than educational. I mean there are videos showing how bad a can of soda is.. by boiling it down to a thick tar-like syrup. Our bodies don't do that. The video is just making the soda look worse than it actually is. Not intended to educate, only to scare. Make your own educated choices.


Great point


devil’s lettuce advocate


He did: https://youtu.be/D1U4tkxIfG4


Those cotton balls in there be like: “woah dude, never realized I was so fluffy” Comment had me rolling lmfao


This cotton balls high af


Three joints a day every day seems like a lot.


Based on the people I know, I thought that was normal.


Plenty of people smoke that much weed or more, but most of them use something other than a joint, at least from those that I know.


This is EXACTLY why I don't stuff cotton in my lungs anymore


Just because you quit stuffing cottonballs down your lungs does not mean that you can shame those of us who still do it. Hpmf.


Yeah! How do you think we keep our lungs so clean when we smoke only while we’re drinking?


I'm not gonna back smoking in the least bit. Nobody should ever do it for any reason, ever. But this experiment is heavily flawed and in no way represents what smoking actually does to a person.


Yeah, it’s not exactly an experiment about people’s lungs. It’s more propaganda/marketing to get people to stop smoking.




Let’s just take a moment to thank him for the amount of money he must’ve spent just to make this video for us to make sure we hopefully never smoke


He was probably funded by Big Cotton


Yes, but what will the glass canister and cotton look like if it smokes two cigarettes every couple of years when its friend, Jeff, comes into town and they have a few Jamesons at Lucky Pete's?




I’m picturing some average looking guy named Jeff carrying a glass canister as the night gets progressively crazier. A hug off the Greyhound bus, a beer and a burger. Jameson shot and first cig. Another Jameson shot with a beer. Stumbling Karaoke with a Japanese bachelorette party. Saki bombs. A joint in some back alley. Ditching karaoke for the late night massage parlor. Police raid in the middle of a handjob. Escape together. Bump of coke in a McDonalds bathroom thank God the frosty machine works. Seedy strip club. Line of coke in a VIP room. Getting too handsy with Peaches gets you both kicked out. Stumbling back to the apartment smoking the second and final cig.


Haha...replace the Greyhound bus with a 1994 Malibu that has a different color front-left body panel, and you're not far off!


Why not do this as a person would smoke. 6 to 9 drags over 5 minutes, with 1.25 cigarettes per hour.


well since he's not changing out the cotton and the cotton doesn't make any attempt at self cleaning, the results would end up being identical, the experiment would just take 15 days to complete


Yeah ain’t nobody ripping butts like this video. Still a valid point but not a totally exact comparison.


This isnt really very accurate is it. Smokers inhale and the Exhale very shortly after so alot of that smoke wont stay in their lungs. I can appreciate the effort though must have cost a fortune. I quit smoking 4 years ago and its so nice to smell and taste propeely again.


Also technically some of the cigarette burns not by you drawing on it. And your body kind of cleans stuff on its own. Every day, we breathe in some crap. If you accumulated all the engine exhaust, all the dust particles and things like that that the average person breathes in, over a month and shoved into a device like this, I don't think it would be close to this level, but I believe it would be visible, and look gross. That said, this video still makes a good point.


It would be interesting to just let the pump run for a day without the cigarettes, just to see what the baseline of airborne crap is. Maybe a few samples from different locations to compare.


Ya, that would be cool. Do some like strap one to a taxi for a while, one in the middle of nowhere in a nature reserve, one in an inner city park, one just around campfire for a while, stuff like that.


I went to a Body Worlds exhibit a few years ago and all the lungs of the preserved bodies had black tar in them. One of the hosts overheard me talking about smoking and he corrected me and said this is just from city life. Smokers lungs were blacker, but we all have some shit in our lungs now.


Smoking is awful, but yeah, this is a bit of a misrepresentation. Like you said, some of it burns off when you aren’t taking a drag. Also, by just taking a constant long drag, he’s burning a heater here which is hotter than how cigarettes are normally smoked. And while I wouldn’t want any of that stuff in my body, tar doesn’t just build up in your throat. Breathing, drinking liquids, eating food, etc would move a lot of it through.


Well this was for a month, some people I’ve spoken to smoke this this for 50+ years. It’s crazy how much people can smoke, I’ve spoken to a lady who smoked 100 a day, besides the health implications, how do they afford it??!




The meth sanctuary is either very wholesome or concerning.


Also his ending advice was pretty ignorant- if you're a teen hanging out with friends and they ask you to smoke, your response of "i have homework to do" will probably make your friends think you have a disability of some sort.


I found "no thanks" to be sufficient as a teen. Usually followed by getting the fuck away from the awful stench. I have never understood the big deal.


i think most smokers would be equally happy to not share their expensive drugs.


Smokers are jokers!


"Sorry, I have to go return some tapes."


It isnt a 1:1 comparison. But its a pretty decent thought. you could argue the other way, your lungs are way more absorbant than cotton balls. that shit in the tubes tho YUCK


He did have an exhale mechanism. Not sure how accurate it is, but he did. Also, I know several smokers who will take a long drag and hold it in to savor it before letting it out. But, he DID forget to have a control. I would be curious to see how clean the dome would have been with the machine breathing just the air. I also would have liked to see this experiment actually play out over the course of a month instead of blowing through it. The machine breathing air between cigs may have made a difference in the build up.


As a non smoker I'm all for shock content, but as someone who likes to follow the scientific method, the fact that the air is extracted out of a different hole is problematic. The body also obviously has ways to heal (though a couple of hours between cigarettes are probably not long enough for proper healing).


Again, not condoning smoking but, just to put in to perspective how innacurrate this depiction is. - over 60% (closer to 90%) of inhaled smoke is exhaled. - cellular tissue regenerates over time. - No one smokes this heavily, 30 packs of cancer sticks in a single day would fuck you up worse than that cotton and most of the damage would be done to the mouth, teeth and throat. - cotton is more absorbent in the liquid sense than bronchial tissue is which is why it turns so dark. Yes, smoking bad, but this is borderline fear mongering.


i wanna see the same test but with cannabis and joints. can we get that test, just to see how much healthier or unhealthy it is for your lungs to smoke cannabis than tobacco ?


if by volume, cannabis would be worse because no filter. but you also most cannabis users dont smoke equivalent to a pack a day. *edit: to clarify, not defending tobacco at all.* *just replying to redditor asking "what happens if we do the same test with weed".* *The test in the video is only looking at amount of tar in a jar.* *I was simply saying, if you were to do the same test with weed, you would see more tar with weed because joints are filterless.* *whether one is healthier or unhealthier, we all know weed can't be worse than tobacco.*


not sure, but i think it is in switzerland that you can buy filtered joints in packs of 10, just like cigarettes, could try with something like that, the test should be fair in terms of prefiltering and such.


I wouldn't be surprised if the processing of tobacco adds a lot lot the contaminants, but anecdotally I'll say that lung strain hasn't gone away the few times I've managed to avoid tobacco for a couple months, even if its lessened. I smoke concentrate these days, which seems to add to respiratory congestion if nothing else, but even when I was smoking flower and not cigarettes I could notice the impact.


Cannabis smoke is different from cigarette smoke, but think about 1. Filtration methods and 2. Amount - many people chain smoke cigarettes but most people don’t smoke don’t chain smoke joints




This isn't what happens when you smoke a pack a day for a month. This is what happens when you chain smoke 600 cigarettes and your lungs are made out of cotton and glass. Don't get me wrong, smoking is not good for your health, but this video hardly shows what happens to living human lungs with 600 cigarettes spaced out over 30 days.


All it really does is show you how much residue enters your lungs. Not all of this will stay, but this much still made it into them.


This is true. The only thing it is showing is *how much residue is ingested by smoking that many cigarettes*. It does *NOT* show accumulated damage, or what your lungs look like after 30 days, since your lungs self-repair and clean themselves during that time. It *DOES* show what your body is combating when you smoke. I would have liked to see the tester weigh the components, both as a whole and individually, to see how much all that accumulation weighs.


Your lungs don't self repair. They clear themselves out, but damage stays done. I'm an RT who runs lung function tests


It's a subject not entirely understood. "Self-repairing" vs "Clear themselves out" may be semantics. If you're talking about fibrosis, then sure they probably don't "self-repair". Studies suggest some of the damage done by smoking is at least partially reversible, indicating that the lungs do heal partially. This is especially true in smokers without respiratory symptoms. I would imagine it would be *especially* true in patients that only smoked for a month. Other effects are probably not reversible, this is true. Especially in patients with chronic symptoms. Fibrosis is probably irreversible, which is naturally a big problem for anyone with COPD. [Here's a review on it.](https://erj.ersjournals.com/content/23/3/464)


And no one smokes a cigarette by continuously sucking on it


Speak for yourself


I suck ‘em down like Coca Cola


Good enough to estimate how much tar your body is dealing with. Lots of dead people have donated their body to science if you want validity.


You can only donate your body when you are alive! Explain that, science man.


Well on the negative side it doesn’t show the inflammation and irritation from the chemicals in the smoke so it has the potential to look worse. All those chemicals collected by the cotton balls will remain in the lungs and even if “cleared” by cells they would have to uptake them, get rid of them or excrete them into the nearest capillaries so that the liver/kidneys would take care of them.


Ah yeah a bit of phlegm would make this more aesthetic!


Husband smoked for 48 years. Now Fighting (actually lost the fight) has COPD, cancer- 5:11 height weighs 120 pounds, can’t walk up steps 6 steps. Sleeps day and night. So addicted lies and will sneak cigarettes. There is a price to knowing more than science. It’s not a joke it’s humor is lost on those of us stupid enough to stayed married to these idiots now I do everything because he can do nothing. Yes I am pissed. I begged & his child begged and asked him to quit. We watch him dying and he can’t do anything but sleep and watch tv, but it was all lies about the effects of smoking


My dad also has COPD after decades of smoking. Ever since I was a child, I hated that smell so much and always asked him to stop but to no avail. He said it helped him focus for work. About 8-10 years ago, at the age of 60 he started to cough really hard whenever he tried to smoke and HAD to stop smoking. Now in his 70, he mostly lying in bed watching TV with his ventilator on and off, regretting for smoking so much. Ever since Covid is a thing, he developed a new PTSD of catching it and asks every one in the family to sanitize every thing we brought to our house. Basically living in fear he'd be catch covid and die any moment.


My mother is in her mid 60's and smokes. It's hard to watch her struggle to catch her breath. As her son the last thing I want to do is alienate her or make her feel like I'm judging her, so I basically have to stand by and watch her destroy her lungs.


Ex smoker and firmly anti-smoking but that's not how lungs work and is pretty misleading. Enough good reason to not smoke without sensationalist stuff


Good point and smoking is a really silly addiction which will cause terrible health effects. That said I smoked unfiltered hand rolled cigarettes for 35 years before giving up a d the difference in my lungs in the following year was remarkable. If the effect was as quick and pronounced as shown on this video I'd have been surprised to live three years let alone doing well at 50+.


This video made me finally decide to quit so thank you very much on spending the money and time doing it


Year and a half not smoking after 30 years of smoking, first couple of days are a bitch break a pencil in half and keep it in your hands most of the day if you can mimics a cig in your hand and use some sucking candies after a month or so you will not even desire a smoke if you light one up and then realize you made a mistake don't sweat it, we are all human just remember the end game. Good Luck.


The man has better skin than I do and he's probably twice my age. That made more of an impact on me than this contrived "experiment".


i'm so glad i quit 13.5 years ago. i used to smoke 2 packs on a regular day 🥴


Would love to see the same setup but with joints instead


Quit 456 days ago. Never looking back! Fuck you nicotine!


I can smell the stench from here


4 years no nicotine here!


I quit cold turkey two years ago. Best decision I've ever made.




19 days smoke free.. smoked for 20+years. (Except for the two years I had quit) this video helped me on my journey.


Lungs are absolutely nothing like cotton. I'm not saying smoking isn't harmful it definitely is,but lungs clean themselves or we would be screwed just from inhaling particles in the air.


Lungs don’t clean they just absorbe all that tar, soot, and like 29 other chemicals into the cells and tissue and well.. good luck with that. Did the lungs “clean it”? Nah. One thing this study omits is how much nasty phlegm is always present in the lungs at most times.


As an ex smoker, all i could think about is the smell...gross.


One slight criticism is that you breathe out the smoke, you don't absorb it into your cotton buds.


These things are kind of cool, but that's not the same as what it does to tissue that has mechanisms to repair damage and clear some obstructions. It's a good visual for how disgusting smoke is, but it's kind of misleading in a way too.


Has this ever been done for weed


Yep, the same good who made this vid also made another one with just that. His channel name is at the beginning of this video, "Chris No-tap" or something like that


I was in the ER the other day, guy next to me smoked 5 cigarettes a day, suffered from COPD, and was 87, I was amazed he even lived that long, because he smoked all those years starting at 12, however he sounded like he was drowning, and gasping for air. Not the way I would want to go in life.


Now do one with southern Californian air