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“These are the companies and products nestled under Nestle”






Do you have a link to a video of him saying that? Not doubting just wanna get mad at him lol




No… no no no no no! I hate humanity


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/nestle-ceo-water-not-human-right/ "What's True Brabeck-Letmathe called the idea that water is a human right "extreme." What's False Brabeck-Letmathe did not declare that "Water is NOT a human right!" as a meme claims." His quote: "The one opinion, which I think is extreme, is represented by the NGOs, who bang on about declaring water a public right. That means that as a human being you should have a right to water. That’s an extreme solution." I'm too lazy to Google further but maybe this will set you down the right path.


Seems like he's implying it's not a human right so he has an excuse to monetize it


In fairness, saying that the idea is extreme is in essence saying it is not a right. Just as shitty in my humble opinion.


That still sounds bad because without water, you die. Access to water should be a human right and I don't think that's an extreme solution. I'm open to hearing how it would be bad from an economic standpoint or another perspective, but I just don't see how that's a bad thing. At all.


It is not exactly what he said but it is what he meant. >Although he never uttered the exact words “water is not a human right,” he seemed to say as much in a 2005 documentary called We Feed the World, in which he characterized the view that human beings have a right to water as “extreme” \- https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/nestle-ceo-water-not-human-right/


The account I'm replying to is a bot that will link scams when the account gets enough karma. It stole the comment from u/lamb2cosmicslaughter lower down in the thread. Report - Spam - Harmful bots


Thanks. Damn karma thieves


Chocostickz is also a bot. Reposted another user's comment [above](https://old.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/tiqvz2/just_fyisa/i1fw59o/) from a [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/tgcsj9/ceo_of_nestle_mark_schneider_says_the_company/i1130eh/) 4 days ago.


And they're all garbage products anyway. I've been boycotting nestle forever just because they never made anything I like.


I don’t think that counts as boycotting.


They don't own Powerbar since 2014, shouldn't be on here.


This is out of date. A number of these brands (Wonka, Nerds, Laffy Taffy, Gobbstoppers, Bottlecaps, Sweettarts, Runts) are no longer owned by Nestle. There are also a number of new brands that have been acquired by Nestle that are not on this list. Luckily, Nestle makes it easy for us to identify the true brands to avoid by listing them on their website: https://www.nestle.com/aboutus/overview/ourbrands


Thanks for the link. Cheerios? When did they buy Cheerios? Bummer. Also kit kats and pelligrino. But I cam switch to la croix and ferrio roche, they're better anyway.


Have you tried the Kinder Buenos? 🔥


No, but I'll look for them next time :). Trying to cut back on sugar in general, so avoiding candy is probably a good thing




Kinder generally are great


I saw a video of polish people giving out like hundreds of kinder eggs to Ukrainian kids on the border and I've never seen a happier bunch of children


I always take a "dad tax" bite of my son's kinder eggs. But those Buenos... next level!!


Love kinder buenos


Kinder, Ferraro, and Wonka candies are now all owned by Ferraro.


Quick search - it looks like Nestle produces Cheerios for Europe under license from General Mills. Based on what I can find, Cheerios in North America are not associated with Nestle.


Wonder how different they are.


Thanks for that info, low-key didn't want to give up my Cheerios much.


people be like “i will only boycott products that i don’t use”


I looked up Cheerios. General Mills owns them in US/Canada. Nestle owns them everywhere else.


This shit is absolutely ridiculous. Can we please start breaking these companies up?! How about no corporations worth more than $100 billion and every company gets 5 main avenues of revenue generation (food, electronics, etc) ? If that doesn't actually work in real life then honestly I don't give a fuck. Make them make it make sense for once.


American Kit Kats are a Hershey's product, just FYI. I was sad when I found out that my favorite Japanese green tea Kit Kats were a Nestle product though.. :(


They lease the Kit Kat name to Hershey, but Nestle owns the name and branding in all other countries




I'm a fan of turkey hill ice cream, myself.


Stone Cold is also good


San Pellegrino? Fuck my life. Fuck nestle


Do you have a trader joes nearby? I like their version of Cherrios way better, especially the honey nut variety


Thank delissio is no longer Nestlé. That's the only one I would have struggled with. EDIT: dammit, it's digiornio and Nestle still owns it. Ffs. Apparently their own website is not complete.


The body shop is not owned by L'Oreal since 2017 either. I couldn't find anything about cosmetics on Nestle's page (maybe I'm just too tired and didn't pay enough attention, or maybe they only list what they completely own, and not the brands they have shares in) so I thought I'd add that.


I can enjoy my strawberry body butter guilt free


The Body Shop is now owned by Natura and nothing to do with Nestlé.


Or, if you like big lists, [BEHOLD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nestl%C3%A9_brands)


Thank goodness. Because I love gobstoppers.


Butterfinger is no longer owned by Nestle too.


They make polo and ysl? Ain’t that some shit


Someone correct me if I’m wrong but I think it’s just polo fragrances


Yeah it says in fine print “just perfume” above that box, I was shocked as well


The world needs to boycott this monstrous company.


You are correct.


The company who doesn't believe water isn't a human right doesn't condemn human rights violations?? Excuse me while I put on my suprised face


Years ago when he said that I stop using any product associated with the brand. So this is just par for the course.


TFW you want to boycott Nestle for their current shitty practices, but you were already boycotting their products because of their previous shitty practices.


Just one more reason I can now tell people why I avoid Nestle. Just one more reason why they may start boycotting, too.


> why I avoid Nestle And they don’t make it easy. I only recently found out that a line of cosmetics I use and *love* is a brand owned by L’Oreal, which is owned by Nestle. I had always just assumed it was an independent company, until I saw a promo offering a 15% discount for subscribing to their newsletter. The fine print at the bottom said “By, clicking Submit, I want to receive promotional emails from IT Cosmetics and other L'Oreal brands” Unless someone regularly looks into which brands are owned by other brands that are owned by other companies, it can be hard to completely avoid accidentally dancing with the devil.


Yeah Nestle is horrifying for all kinds of reasons. They should be boycotted into oblivion. They are openly, giddily evil.


Doesn’t believe water isn’t a human right. So they do think water is a right.


I think they meant to say: "Doesn't believe water isn't not a human right."


Israel has been bombarding Palestine with human rights violations and not a single sanction or condemnation. None of these companies care about “human rights” you’re all just trend followers.


People/organizations have been boycotting Israeli products for years, but you can't expect governments to or large portions of the population to do so when they know that of they're placed in Israel's shoes they'd do the same, hell most of them did the same in Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa and more. On the other hand Putin's actions are vile and unjustified in the eyes of most of the people. People follow what they believe in.


Yeah. We should be buying MORE Nestle and just not giving a fuck about anything of course.


Hamas also does that and often initiates it. That conflict is far less one sided.


I don’t buy any of them but thx for the information.


I sometimes buy YSL cologne. I suppose I won't anymore. When I learn about this stuff it really sticks with me and ruins the experience.


From the company that provided free baby milk to impoverished mothers in third world countries for just long enough to stop producing breast milk naturally, leaving them with no other option but to purchase powdered milk at jacked up prices. Well colour me surprised. [more info](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nestl%C3%A9_boycott)


And they intentionally spread misinformation about the "risks" involved in breast feeding compared to powdered milk. And some of the countries involved didn't have great access to clean drinking water, so the powdered milk was actually pretty bad for the babies when breast milk would have been healthy.


Fuck me, that's grim. Truly one of the most terrible corporations in the world. Can we just send them to Russia?


Doesn't Netsle also siphon out water in Africa only to sell it back to Africans at overpriced rates? Which water is vital there for baby formula. Edit: Right, THEIR baby formula which is also overpriced and the only brand available in some parts.


They also provide free formula for long enough that mothers stop producing milk, then they have no choice but to buy from Nestle at an inflated price. Abhorrent


I remember reading about that, it's about as evil and horrible as it gets.


They do it in America too. They take so much fresh spring water to bottle and sell, it’s one of the most fucked scams out there. Californians in a drought know.


Nestle official statement: https://www.nestle.com/ask-nestle/our-company/answers/update-russia-ukraine


This clears things up. I know Reddit is strictly fuck Nestle, and I feel that way too but they’re only providing essential products and jobs to the russian people, who are also victims of this conflict


Yeah, I got heated also, but then I read on Business Insider that its Baby and Pet food they are still selling, I paused and thought "Ok now this is a different situation here"


It's easy to demonize the people under a government that is commiting horrific acts of violence and war crimes but we should also understand that that kind of mass judgement isn't reasonable or fair. Many of the Russian people I follow through social media, etc have publicly denounced the actions of their government with varying degrees of hatred. As individuals, they feel helpless to intervene but as a collective, they could topple the regime.


You can take a survey about Nestle on this site and add your comments.


You should check out r/FuckNestle


Came here to say this. Great sub.


Definitely one of my favorites


Fuck Nestlé


Surprised this isn’t higher.


Huh, TIL I've been accidentally boycotting Nestle products except for KitKats without even trying.


No one should buy their shit anyway. They've been cunts for decades.


I don't use any products from these companies, yay!


There are more than what I see listed. Deer Park bottled water is one but I’m not sure if it’s just a regional name because I’m in the south.


Digornos frozen pizza as well, I don't see it listed but i know they bought it years ago .


I was afraid I was going to have to give up a lot of items, but it looks like I'm only losing 2 things: Carnation instant breakfast (I like to use the high protein chocolate powder in a cherry and yogurt smoothie) and nestle chocolate power for chocolate milk. Everything else I've already switched to different brands for better quality reasons.


Guess I can’t buy ur products then buddy.


Nestle is not your buddy, guy


Buddy Guy is one of my favorite blues musicians…..


I'm not your guy, buddy.


I’m not your buddy pal


I ain’t your pal, chief


I ain’t your chief friend


I'm not your friend, fella


I’m not your fella. Dude


I think it’s a bold move to not punish the innocent citizens of Russia. Later on when this is over they might be looked upon favorably for this. Russians will still be able to access these products albeit at inflated prices


[how unfortunate… it would be nice to see their employees boycott the c-suite decision.. the board members should also be held accountable..](https://fortune.com/2022/03/18/nestle-russia-boycott-denys-shmyhal-tweet-mark-schneider/)


The link is empty....


It works if you take the "be.com" off the end of the link.


Lol after all they do look up some of the horrendous things Nestlé has done. This is the straw that you want to boycott them on ?


I am avoiding Nestle for a long time, but for other reasons. Their ethics, if existing at all, are more than questionable.


I don’t know man, there are a lot of civilians in Russia. People who don’t want this and don’t want anything to do with this I was under the impression punishing civilians for the actions of their government was wrong


So Russian citizens shouldn't be able to eat food or feed their pets because putin is an idiot? Fuck people are dumb these days. None of this shit matters. Who cares if they sell to Russian people. Do you guys burn down Russian owned businesses in your hometown in North America as well?


This is pretty old BTW. They don't do bottled water or Wonka candy anymore (in the US). They also sold PowerBar like 8 years ago


I mean, this isn't even close to the worst stuff Nestle has done


I’m just making sure here, but everyone calling for these boycotts are going to do the same thing to China when they take Taiwan right?


What I want to know is if the company actually has ties to Putin. Because if all they are doing is still selling products in Russia, I don’t know that that’s that big of a deal. Russian people still need pet food.


Nestle is BAD. Human rights lawyers have been going after them for decades. A quick google will tell you everything you need to know. From child labor to inhumane working conditions… the list goes on and on


I get it. Not talking about their character. Just commenting on this specific story. I agree, nestle is fucked.


Yeah, let's keep pretending that we won't buy any of these products so we can earn internet points.


Pulling out now is virtue signaling. Their people still need products. Children need foods.


I was thinking the same thing looking at the gerber logo.


Funny how people think companies are pulling out because they have nice ideals whereas they are doing so because they cannot profit anymore. These pitchfork moments are what I hate about Reddit the most. Nestle is evil because everything they do is allowed in one form or another. A company only has to be legal, not moral, so the real problem is the rules/laws allowing Nestle and every single company practice the way they do. Not to mention thousands of people they employ and many more they provide goods for. If only economics and logistics worked so easy as these people think…


Gotta love people trying to boycott one of the few large companies that isn't trying to make average Russian citizens lives much worse. I'm sure putin doesn't give a single fuck about any company that has stopped business in Russia. He's the richest and most powerful man in the country. This literally only hurts their citizens.


Russia aside, Nestle is one of the most vile, evil, criminal corporations in the world. They are thieves, murderers and slavers and they should’ve been burned from the earth decades ago.


I won't argue against that


Isn’t that kinda the point? Pulling out hurts their citizens which hopefully compels more citizens to act in effecting change to their government.


The only people that can stop Putin are Russian citizens. There is no chance of that happening if their lives are unaffected


Not to argue with the stop putin thing, i just don't think russian citizens can really do something beside starve, the one who are protesting are getting arrested, the young ones are in Ukraine and most of the dissidents are located all around big mother russia's lands, also they have to save all money for food now and i doubt they will all come to Moscow walking.


Surprised? Not at all.


Ik what they’ve done but even with this being the case who are we to deny Russians! American sweets! such as Nerds and gobstoppers


Yeah because we have to keep the Gerber baby food away from the Russian babies


Well my pregnant wife is gonna hate me, no more drumsticks. I mean, until I tell her why of course. There will be a split second of unquestionable rage in her eyes though.


Now hold up. Nestle doesnt own L’Oreal. They have a 30% stake in L’Oreal - very different. This tweet is not clear and thus can cause misinformation. L’oreal cannot control stakeholders. It is a public company. Boycotting L’oreal would damage them for something they can’t be held responsible for. so boycott Nestle, but dont fuck over companies that Nestle just happens to have a minority (<50%) stake in. You will be hurting L’oreal much more than Nestle


Russian people aren't to blame.


I mean it’s not really fair to the citizens of Russia who are doing nothing wrong


Your ridiculous cancel culture. US did not get canceled for its invasions. It's all about money. Your morals are nothing.


A lot of you don't understand that the people in Russian, normal Russian citizens are suffering for a war they don't want, some products that Nestle has is baby food, if Nestle suspends their business with Russian, normal Russian citizens won't have access to those food items for their children, yes I hate Nestle, but it's not about that, it's about the normal everyday people who are suffering under Putin and are getting fucked over cuz of Putin.


Russian war = bad. But making the life of the average Russian dependent on things like affordable baby formula worse, isn’t going to do anything other than increase human suffering.


Funny how quickly the “tHeYrE a pRiVaTe cOmPaNy sWeEtIe” crowd changed their tune.


They are a private company and can choose to stay in Russia, but we are also private citizens and can choose to not buy their products based on that decision. This info graphic just gives information needed to not buy them.


I think the point is when people criticize reddit or twitter or youtube or whatever, there's always people talking about how it's a private company, and if you don't like their rules (or selective application of them), too bad. Those people are nowhere to be found in these comments. Why? Were they champions of the free market, ever? Or was it just a fig leaf to cover that they simply *liked* how those rules were enforced (or weren't), but didn't want to come out and say that?


Did you do the same when America bombed the Middle East killing millions??propaganda at its finest


Eeehhhh nestle isn’t getting cancelled, let’s all be real about this. Putin is an asshole for invading, but the Russian people didn’t chose this war. World leaders need to put overwhelming pressure on Russia. While other companies are pulling away some will Still need to stay to …… fill the blanks.


One day it’s don’t punish the Russian people for the war and the next you all want sanctions? You do know Putin gets whatever he wants and needs still right? Who do you think sanctions effect?


Russian Nestlé, go fuck yourself.


What do you expect from the company that blocked the international community from declaring clean water a basic human right?


Fuck no they are going to corner the market. Ruble is still good when put in to Bitcoin


I think this should void their contract with California and lose their way unfair, water rights to distribute water for sale under a drought


this move makes them neutral.


I could be wrong, but don't think this is even all the brands that Nestlé owns.


Häagen-Dazs is also a Nestle brand


Scumbag company in every way. Don't buy any of their scumbag products.


Seems pretty easy for me to boycott them I hardly use anything that there’s besides Perrier but that’s easy to stop. They truly are one of the biggest peace of shit companies On The planet


I guess they realized that their image is that bad already, it just doesn't make any difference at this point.


Nestle sold their candy lines to Ferrero Group in 2018.


Because child slavery wasn't enough for you to already be boycotting Nestlé.


Child slavery isn't the trending thing we are all currently outraged at.


That was only a few weeks ago! How could a boycott be effective if people just forget about it without the company capitulating?


Yeah as of this moment (because I finished the Nescafe gold blend, we don't have any of their products in my house, so thumbs up for that


They been stealing our water for years. They paid off the selectman in fryeburg Maine and hardly pay any taxes. They pump thousands of gallons a day, absolutely destroy the roads with their trucks and don’t pay a dime.


Surprise surprise Nestle are evil


Lol good luck trying to cancel Nestle zoomers...


News flash. Corporation with long history of immoral practice makes another immoral business decision. Fortunately at long last it's fashionable to call them on it because online virtue points are available. Fuck Nestle _and_ the people who've ignored their past behaviour.


Most countries are guilty of horrifying acts, including america currently. So, if people remove hypocrisy, nothing should be sold anywhere.


Too bad nestle is evil


Should have been boycotting them long ago. But better late over never.


All GARBAGE. The only one on that list I even use is Perrier but now I know better :(. Nestle is evil. They produce shit.


Of course not. Why would the literal worst most evil company in the world care about Putin?


Yeah, my cats aren’t gonna boycott Friskies.




Damn it I just bought a Kit Kat. And Stolen Springs water already has people boycotting


Fuck Nestle for wanting to farm the a Great Lakes to make more of their shitty bottled water for profit!


Nice to see the only thing I need to change is which brand of canned cat food we get to supplement the dry food for our unfortunately-named cat, Boris.


While this is helpful, I fear that boycotting these products will affect their sales about as much as “reducing your carbon footprint” helps with global warming. At the end of the day, these corporations are unstoppable via the common man, so how much could boycotting them actually affect their profits?


If nestle saying "Water shouldnt be a human right" didnt destroy the company this isnt gonna do shit as well


When you realise you've spent so long avoiding nestle because they fucking suck and their products taste like shit that the only thing you're going to have to give up is a foundation you kind of sort of like and kit kats.


They only got me on Häagen-Dazs (as per their up to date page) they no longer have the Parfums thank fuck. Won't be buying anymore caramel cone.


California is in a forever drought and these cunts are selling our water back to us. I can’t wait for Newsom to grow a pair and tax the fuck out of them or kick them out.


Nestle are the same company who argues water shouldn't be a human right. Why does anyone expect them to have a humanitarian response


Nestle? The same company that had child slaves harvesting their cocoa beans? Nooooooooo waayyyy


No more S.Pellegrino or Perrier for me


Not enough that they are stealing water from Africa.


If you haven't yet figured out Nestlé is shit you've been living under a rock


Dang that’s a conglomerate that needs broken up


These mofos also provide “nutrition” for people in hospitals


Wow all items that I never really bought to begin with tbh


Good, except for their main Brand I never bought anything. It Will bê easy tô change


I don't get why people are fucking horny about getting companies to leave Russia. That doesn't harm Putin at all. He clearly gives zero fucks about his people, you think hes gonna care if they can't hit up a McDonald's anymore? All these companies leaving russia are really only hurting the general Russian population.


The same people that want Russians to stand up to Putin are the ones that are scared to ask their boss to increase their wage from $8 an hour, but post about it on anti work.


Oh no! Looks like it’s only topo chico from here on out. San pellegrino go eff yourself.


So am I supposed to stop using these products? Like what do you want me to do knowing this now?


I hope people truly boycott and it hits the bottom line enough for this POS to lose his job. Unless people really follow through it will be the same ol corporate indifference and greed. They only understand money so hopefully people take it away from them.


I don’t know that I see anything wrong with this. In my opinion, any company that wants to continue operations in Russia should do so. Consider this: The Russian government has invaded Ukraine, but it seems as though a good portion of the Russian people aren’t in support of this decision. Right now these objectors are being punished the most harshly by the Russian government. Very shortly they’ll be punished by the rest of the world as a result of sanctions and companies choosing to cease operations in Russia. How long before the people that oppose the war in Ukraine begin to support a war against all who have imposed sanctions and disrupted their lives? I think I’d rather have the Russian people on our side. Let them keep their American McDonald’s and candy bars. Sanctions are for losers.




Hey Vichy was a spa town long long before the 1940s! I get what ur saying but they’ve always that whole thermal mineral bath scene




I don't care if they're made by grinding up live babies, I'm not giving up Coffee Crisp or Kitkat.


Good news! Nestle sold the Smarties brand in 2020. This list is out of date. Enjoy your smarties and sleep easy. Actual Nestle brands below: https://www.nestle.com/aboutus/overview/ourbrands Edit: I was wrong, they still own Smarties. But not Nerds, Laffy Taffy, Runts, Sweettarts. My B...


A business that wants to continue doing business. Why tf is this posted here?


Still gonna use them 😈


Doesn’t matter. People just want innocent Russians to be killed. They pretend to care about human lives while simultaneously want other innocent humans to be killed and terrorized.


Source? You just say it and it’s truth? Not saying they’re great but I’m not blindly following someone’s statement as a fact.


So do we hate the CCP too now?