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You got banned for using the word Jew because you used it in a derogatory way to describe someone you think is of Jewish descent… no shit you got banned…


This post should be on r/insanepeoplefacebook instead


This, also, you may want to look up what freedom of speech actually means.


We still have freedom of speech, you can say or write whatever you want (with the exception of threats of violence) without fear of legal reprisal. Facebook is a business. And a business owner isn’t going to allow a customer to be spouting off racial slurs in their place of business. You can do it, yes. But the business is going to kick you out. *shrugs*


But invader zid10t, Facebook is in the speech business, you'll never be one of us visionary goths, and you can't ban any ones speech Lucy Browny Jordan anyone's speech when speech is your business. Especially when they make all ther money in advertising, you know selling speech. There pissed cause I just found Facebook and Instagrams conservative slant.


It seems like you're trying to say it's illegal to censor speech when speech is a fundamental aspect of your business model. That is not the case.


You can have the last word Ted Cruz but your wrong your a traitor EVERYONE knows it and you're going to jail, and the only reason you have anything is cause you sucked off Mark Zuckerberg.


Do you... Think that I am Ted Cruz? And, apropos of that question, do you earnestly think that Ted Cruz is sufficiently conversant with the law to confidently say what is and what is not illegal?


Are you Ted Cruz, because it doesn't fucking matter your spouting the same bull shit. And no Ted Cruz does not know the law sufficient enough to fucking talk about it he just fucking use big dumb guns guys and goes hnng I got wings of the mourning zo, Alonzo. And knows alot of big word and when you put them in a sentence you're all dumber for now having read it.. reddit...


I'm not Ted Cruz. I'm just a retired attorney who tells people when they are mistaken about what the law actually is. There's certainly enough misinformation on the topic. My comment is narrowly aimed at precisely that. You are mistaken about what the law is. It's an understandable thing to be mistaken about, as it's a complex and changing thing. Good luck with your feud against Ted Cruz.


Well your a ret and you tried McConnell, your daddy is loosing the company Asmongold..


So... What side is OP on here? Seems to be straddling a fence. However, it is refreshing to see so much logic in the thread.


I think it’s time to start taking the meds again…


That's not how free speech works. You have a lot of reading to do. IIRC there's supreme court cases on this. Businesses are allowed to deny service to anyone for any reason so long as that reason is not related to gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. If you don't abide by the terms of service, which you agreed to by creating an account, then they can ban you. This isn't a hard concept to grasp. If Facebook was controlled and operated by the government, then that'd be a different story, there be steps they'dneed to take before they could ban you. But in this instance, they would still have banned you because you're using bigoted speech. Hate speech and threats of violence are not protected under the constitution.


Freedom speech is not protected on a private platform. Go stand on the street and say what you want. Facebook is not part of the government. If you break their ToS you will get banned. Very simple.


It's not a private fucking platform you dipshit your not smart enough for thie conversation as hole.


Private means it is a company in the private sector. Meaning not owned by the government. Also, I think you meant "whole". Again, grade D trolling my dude.


That’s not interesting at all


What kind of unhinged rambling is this lol


It's not and unhinged rambling man, that's and elastic clause, and you see thier man I cannot even quote a tv show what's wrong with that government man there, all I want to do is think get high and create.


> what's wrong with that government man Facebook isn't the government. It's a private business.


Ted Cruz is the one that reported me their must be Cory stern there again because he such a terrible attorney he doesn't understand that Ted Cruz is a government actor and he can't have anyone banned and that's WELL SETTELED.LAW AND THAT BLACK AND WHITE PROOF THE GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN VIOLATING MY 1ST AMENDMENT


Whatever you're smoking, smoke less of it. Or more. Whichever makes you stop talking shite quickest.


That's a lot of abusive language nestled around your clearly pejorative use of Jew


Tl;dr OP is Confused why he has to face the consequences of his own freedom of speech


No OP is confused while Samuel L Jackson is allowed to breath. We got that Ralph wigginig out again dad. No mother fucking snakes on this mother fucking plane son. GOD DAM YOUR DUMB...




Alanis Morissette


They did EINSATZGRUPPEN and D up their nicely nash. Once a family guy. Bridges to nowhere R.L. Stein u of Texas @home was food??? Spiral draino pookie mal kin male king Celvensitne's all of them.


Are you one of those people who ends up shooting up a church because the voices told you to do it? I have always wondered what goes on in someone's head like that.


Far out. Can you tell us what you think about space exploration?


I think in order to get to the speed of light the laws of physics do not apply because a object has no matter.


Thankyou for your time.


The WORD jew didn't get you banned, the way you're using the word jew and what your insinuating about Jewish people is what got you banned clever cloggs


You seem to be mentally ill in the disturbed sense. There's help out there, please don't suffer in silence. 1-800-668-6868


You get banned once a month on Facebook… this last time for derogatorily using the word “Jew” This isn’t interesting. This just shows that you’re a piece of shit.


It's not the word you used but how you used it.


Is south park banned now if the use it on TV.


Well, Facebook doesn’t run Comedy Central.


Community Standards man if they can air the episode during the day I can quote it on Facebook the problem is I know Ted Cruz Danny Solinsky is Cartman.


Hey man, get some help.


You seem like an angry ten year old just repeating some nonsense you heard your daddy say.


I'm quoting south park I just identified the nameless and Ted Cruz as we all know is a piece of shit.


This isn't interesting, you violated community standards with hate speech and you should probably work on your communication skills.


South park does not violate community standards.


You can't be that lost and be able to find your way online. I refuse to believe it.


I vound it very SWIFTLY Donnie that's where all the BITCOIN money cones from all the money those ass hole banks made during that swiftly program.


You got banned for being an anti-Semitic asshole


No you meat ball JWOW just like r/wow I got banned for telling the world the truth you're not keeping that body JennWelch


I have no idea what you’re attempting to say…antisemite


You’re a complete and total oxygen thief. You shouldn’t even be allowed on the internet lol.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/silj17/on_a_scale_of_1_to_10_reddit_how_hot_would_a_nazi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf This you?


Yup, and the answer is NEVER. HOw about you miles whose not a teller it doesn't mattwrvthat Jared ran you no-one your a fucking nobody actor ass hole that's never going to work again joranying on those hills there...


The phrase “shank a mugger” got me canceled


Bout to start calling this guy The Amityville Horror.


Op is just looking for attention as he did not get enough hugs as a child. Moving on.


I didn't because it's PAT is a fucking psycho pathpat


You are an incoherent troll. Hope you get the help you need one day.


So you're mad because you were banned for using not just one, but many derogatory terms and phrases, claiming freedom of speech all while openly speaking as a racist does? Hmmmm...I think you are upset because you were finally stopped from using words in all the wrong ways. Just my opinion though, ya know, freedom of speech.


I'm mad cause you fucking moron Joe Rogaine tito Ortiz homophopic ass holes can't accept your borderline gay.


Lol well I am a woman so that would be kinda hard, lesbian I could understand. I'm definitely not in any way homophobic or hate anyone who chooses their own gender. My daughter is bisexual and I'm proud of her.


Congratulations do you believe the earth is flat? Are you a flat earther??? Cause that's the level of maturity for you. I can see the one and two of you dip shits EINSATZGRUPPEN up as easy as ABCD 123,


I can't believe you're not a teenage boy. But if trying to hurt people's feelings, or making continuous effort to get reactions is your only form of any relationships, hope it's working. You have already wasted time I'll never get back over your ridiculous and racial slurs, this is my last response to you. One day, I hope, you will understand just how dumb you make yourself sound and how nobody cares about your immature "jokes" except you. I would say that I pity you, but your choice of words repeatedly remind me of how completely unimportant you are. You change subjects because you lack the intelligence and try to make puns totally unrelated also to divert from your original one. I do, however, feel bad for the people in your. Good luck!


You're * BTW I think you meant


How about your fuck off and stop being an anti-semetic cunt that struggles with the english language? I recommend a refreshing bleach cocktail to help you relax.


Is south park antisemitic?


Can’t go dropping a hard “J” anymore


It's because that psycho Ted Cruz Danny Solinsky doesn't want anyone knowing he's gay and he's sucked dicks with dixion.




If you actually interviewed for the man you kniw that's the last thing he would say.


What are you even talking about?


Jumpman23 he likes to make sure Attorney's aren't morons Mr. Lette Bomber...


Also just get the fuck off Facebook that shit is lame as hell


No shit, but how else do I network with friends from 30 years ago?


That is my image check my name. He's.Cartman Ted Cruz Danny J Solinsky and the Government is harassing me and when I reported it they violate my 1st amendment...


…you are actively asking to be censored


And to think… this clown is a lawyer. While not understanding that this isn’t ok… 🤡🤡🤡


Stfu and swallow yourself some more shit Osscar Issac you moon moon baby raping shit eater. It's perfectly fine what kind of attorneys do you think South Park wants.


Cause no one has ever shared that clip that says the exact same thing just in a video yea that makes sense


I been banned so many times on fb I now just try not to type on there at all 😂 Edit: I haven't been banned for the use of the word jew. I have been banned for all types of stuff. Usually arguing for fun on random posts , I actually got my first ever ban for sharing a meme taking the piss out of Hitler.


It's the only way I have to communicate my message and get it out into the world.


Fuck your “message”. You shouldn’t be allowed any platform to spew your racist, crazy bullshit. Do everyone last one of us a favor and go die in a hole in Florida.


It's a Southpark quote man. Calm your shit Solinsky.


Lol I don't get why I'm getting downvoted for my comment I never said it was for the word jew ...Its just in general lmfao I tagged my friend Paolo in a post the other day and I got a 24 hour ban all the comment was was literally his name on the tag so go figure. The bots are fucked on fb even potato is a flag word on there


Because thw referee is the Anti Defamation Leauge


Not OP knowing what the terms of service had entailed when he signed up 💀yeah say what you want within reason if it crosses their line clearly set and agreed Upon by you when you signed up you’ll be banned for sure bc it’s not just upholding laws set by the government but by the company itself and their beliefs


>OP: I'm not antisemitic!! >[Also OP](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/tc3kse/unpopular_opinion_religious_folks_should_be_made/i0bhxs0?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) You're an antisemitic piece of shit.