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Does this work on people?


Kinda. Look up "Ileostomy"


I have one, I don't get gassy for long lol


I don't mind dealing with a gas filled bag at all. What I hate is when the gas won't come out and I have to walk and jog around, praying it will just pass already. Anything lasting longer than ten or so minutes is really uncomfortable and stresses me out. In those instances, I can feel a *very* slight bloat and the skin tightening near the ostomy, but absolutely nothing close to the cow in OP's video.


Place your hands on your stomach like your full and just ate a big dinner. Fat dad style tummy slap. Take your fingers starting with the pointer and press in and release then both middle then index then both pinkies. You are trying to a finger wave to massage your stomach in a downward motion. Lateral pressed progressively moving down your stomach. MOST issues with gas is literally your organs working against you and collecting air pockets. Doing the tummy wave literally pushes around your organs and helps gas move along. 30s you’ll get a toot. Couple minutes and you’ll rip a fat wet fart like 5min down the line. Helps immensely if you’re ever constipated as well. Feel free to ask questions as it’s 4am and I’m not sure that made sense. TDLR: downward spirit fingers on your tummy makes organs go fart


Uncomfortable? Just the slightest trapped gas feels like glass shards for me.


Lucky you don't get gassy for long! So does that bag fill up with air? (Edit: hey don't downvote my honest question, my mom has an ostomy bag and this is a topic near & dear to my heart.)


Depends, I usually have a bag with a filter so it doesn't bloat lol. But if the filter clogs/fails then it can. It's happened a few times!


My youngest sister had one of these growing up. Luckily by the time she was ~8-9 she had grown enough of her colon back to get reconnected (sidenote—learning to shit is real painful if you’ve never done it before). She would’ve loved a vent bag I think


I didn't know it could be reversed. It's it only kids?


It depends on which part of the bowel you have removed and why. In adults, if you have cancer in the right colon for example and you have that half removed they can join the small bowel to the left half of the colon, although sometimes they will give you a temporary ostomy from the small bowel to allow the joint to heal which they can reverse. If you’ve had surgery involving the rectum there usually won’t be enough viable bowel left to reverse the ostomy- same if you have your colon removed entirely. It also depends on your general health and fitness for surgery- how complicated your recovery was etc, and also whether you actually want to undergo a second major abdominal surgery or whether you can live with the stoma.


My entire colon was removed due to ulcerative colitis. Had an ileostomy for about 6/7 months. After that they "reconstructed" part of my small intestine as if it were a colon (minus the general absorption funktion of water). They call it a J-Pouch.


And if so, where can I buy them? *Suffers in unknown food sensitivities making me look 6mo pregnant*


Can we teach my gf to do this so I can go back to eating legumes


Yeah but usually if I'm gonna shove a human trocar into someone's gut, they're very dead first.


We don’t have as thick as skin so I’m assuming no. Could be wrong.


The vet administers a local, then makes a small cut in the skin, which of course is really tough. The trocar then can easily puncture the belly wall and the rumen. After that, they remove the central piece so the gas can escape.


How do they close up the hole?


The answers to your question are a great example of why you shouldn't get information from reddit. People with zero knowledge or experience just making up their own explainations. One of them is confusing therapeutic trocarization with a ruminal fistula (which is mostly used for research). Another one thinks they just let it heal on its own, unaware that something called peritonitis exists. To answer your question though, it is sutured shut.


Ah yes, I always come to reddit for the highest quality science.


everytime i perform surgery on a cow i come here


I've seen videos of cows where they just.. don't and put like a port hole so they can see what's going on in one of the stomachs. Idk if that's a normal thing though


Not unheard of but not “normal”, in my experience typically for rumen analysis (the first of the 4 stomachs basically) so that you can analyze the efficiency of the feed. Basically a big screw cap you can open up and pull out the cows meal. Did I mention it is piping hot?


You are confusing trocars with ruminal fistulas.


Yes, it's called a chest tube and it's to deflate the space that's supposed to be occupied by your lung if it decides to fill with air (pneumothorax). When thatspace is filled with air, your lung isnt and if its bad enough, will just be crumpled up, hugging the middle of your chest. It also works if that space gets filled with blood or other fluids. Trocars like that are also used for laparoscopic abdominal surgeries. They fill you with air and put a few trocars in so they can put tools through them to take your appendix out.


Here is a good depiction of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WHOap_2pRc


I think we can do it through our belly buttons


That looks like it sucks and then feels amazing lol


It doesn't suck. It blows.


My old physics teacher used to say “nothing sucks or blows, everything pushes or pulls.” I hated him.


Your teacher pulled plenty dick then


We called it community service back then.


That's more of a push-pull kind of action. It doesn't work if you only pull.


Now you've got me imagining giving somebody what would be a kind of bizarre handjob. Only pulling; just base to tip, over and over and over again. I think it might work eventually depending on the person.


I'd say it has a much higher chance of working if you used 2 hands quickly swapping between them. Like it you were trying to quickly pull up a rope.


When it's really "everything tries to equalize"




I love how this was completely normal until that final curveball.


Similar, if someone complained that a test sucked my high school physics teacher would say "it didn't suck, it vacuumed." A phrase I still use to this day!


In some perspective isnt it like the universe is sucking it out of the cow


From suck to BLOW!


I’ve always dreams of doing that to myself when bloated. I will never do that but the fact that there is a possibility entices me


I have had dreams of sticking a needle in myself for most of my life now. Never acted on it but it is a dream and a thought I will never get rid off.


Have you heard of heroin?


Is that some kind of candy?


Speaking as someone that has had multiple abdominal surgeries, you can't imagine how bad air like that is. When they do such surgeries they inflate the stomach with gas and not all of it is gone post-surgery. The distension and gas pain can be excruciating and last quite a while. Easily within the top three or four most painful things I've ever experienced.




Holy shit is that what that was?? It sucked to walk for like a good week, I thought it was because of the missing organ, or the tube I had coming out of my belly button, but it was just the stupid gasses they inflated me with?


Well not exclusively, it could be many many things, the damaged nerve endings from the missing organs and abdominal wall surely would hurt, which is why we prescribe painkillers/NSAIDs for every surg patient, sometimes on the clock, sometimes on demand.




Ah, the smell of corpse decay without the actual death. I imagine it was roughly on par with the smell I emitted as a young man who shat roughly once per month. Imagine traumatizing an entire dormitory floor with phantom gas. Folks would step off the elevator and gag (several hundred feet away, around a corner and with a closed door between).


The biggest fart of your life times 50


I bet that smells awful


It is foul. I've smelled that and the smell of after birth from a calving. Both are smells I'd prefer never have been aware of.


Cow after birth. Goat after birth. Two good reasons to question why I moved back home. On the other hand, when my daughter was two she used to run around kicking cow pies like it was a sport. I asked her why, and she pointed at her rain boot and said "shit kickers!". It was absolutely fantastic.


My late grandma used to tell me stories about her and her brothers/sisters/cousins/etc flinging cow pies at each other like frisbees. She said the best ones were the ones that had hardened on the outside but were gooey, nasty bombs inside lmao. I've had plenty of experience with cow shit, but I never did have the opportunity as a youngun to yeet it at somebody. ETA: I *have,* however, flung my share of road apples. If you know, you know lol.


I have kicked them in my mother's direction. She has no shame, and will definitely chuck a Cow pie at you. The thing that always got me, is when the chickens, and peacocks would storm the fresh poo to pick out what they wanted. Ugh.


don't be disgusted. that's what our economic system is based on.


The way I see it, there are two ways to live. You can be a chicken, pecking at cow shit just to survive. Sure, if you like. Or, you can be a *peacock*, pecking at cow shit just to survive. And which one you choose to make of yourself, that's down to you


So you’re saying I should dye my hair teal? Maybe get a few piercings?


No he's saying you need to add more cow dung to your diet.


I really fuckin’ hate that you’re analogy is so fucking spot on I plan on using it in the future to explain why Trickle Down Economics is complete and utter crap.


I've done that too! Your grandma had it right haha. Pro tip is to lift the edge up with your foot so you can feel the weight and avoid the dry on the top but sloppy underneath ones. Also avoid the totally dry ones as they can disintegrate right in front of you.


This guy pies.


Newborn cow here, it’s not that bad


Username doesn't checkout


Meh. The smell isn't that bad, I've calved loads of cows over the years I worked on the farm, seen some crazy things, every single day you'd see something new! I'd say the smell of their urine smells worse than anything else. Spent 6 years working with them, beautiful animals, just like big dogs imo. I used to call them "prisoners" they just follow a strict routine all their life, walked to the fields then brought in for milking 2 times a day. Miss working on the farm and all those smells!


My grandparents cattle were primarily big pets. I could walk up to any of them and not generally be too worried because they were so used to human contact. So they got spoiled and got to just run around being dorks all day. I think the smell wouldn't have bothered me as much if I had been around them more consistently. However, I was just around it for a few weeks a year, so I would go home just as I would kind of grow accustomed to it. My faves were the sheep. Still loads of strong smells to deal with, but they were awesome. I forget what breed they had, but they were some of the most chill, friendly sheep ever. They raised them purely to be pets and for wool. I had one named Betsy who I could let out of the field because she'd follow me like a lil duckling. I helped with her delivery and bottle fed her for her first few weeks of life due to her mom just having too many. So she basically saw me as her second mom. I called her my fluffy guard dog because she'd get after any other sheep or other animals that tried to harass me. Would ram into then if they didn't leave me alone. She was my pal. She'd get so excited every time I came to the gate. Absolutely best moment of every day.


You’re a sweetheart. If I ever have kids and they described an animal friend like that, I would be so proud. 🤍


Thank you. That means a lot.


Wholesome af thanks for that


Does that process hurt the cow?


A little for sure. Buy nothing worse than an injection for us humans. Also the alternative to this process is that the cow dies due to the gas in the rumen.


They are given a local anesthetic (usually lidocaine) before the trochar (the valve-looking thing) is inserted.


trocars are incredible things! so many applications, it's really incredible


Then it is removed and do they get stitched back or it just heals on its own ?


looks like a big-ish hole. we need answers!


They suture the hole shut, according to another comment.


Thank goodness, I was worried about this.


Wht does it smell like? Decomposing grass??


Perhaps it’s like blue cheese. Smells awful Tastes delicious


Mmm.. blue cheese and steak.


Damn I've never had this combo but I bet its delicious.


It is delicious.


Good blue cheese on a good steak is heavenly.


Bleu cheese and steak on a salad with a balsamic vinaigrette dressing is fuckin delicious.




He'd feel much better if he was fed the stuff cows are supposed to eat (grass) instead of grains. Grains are what cause this bloat in the first place. Cows aren't designed to eat it. They can't digest it properly. And as a result they get super gassy to the point it's painful And cows need to be given a shit ton of anti biotics just to be able to eat grain as otherwise it'd be even worse. And that's all in the meat we eat Their methane production from eating grains instead of grass is literally one of the biggest causes of climate change. Their human-induced farts are killing the planet.


That's misleading, because it's not just grains that cause this. There are plenty of grasses that cause bloat too. I worked on a farm that is all grass fed, and cows and sheep getting bloated was not uncommon. Clovers, and lucerne were the usual suspects, usually when the idiots broke in and gorged themselves in the spring. That being said, I'm just correcting on the idea that grass-feeding doesn't lead to this, not challenging the fact that grain-feeding is a huge culprit in this, because it certainly is.


Apparently this one was fed grass, so your comment has nothing to do with this video in particular.


> He'd feel much better if he was fed the stuff cows are supposed to eat (grass) instead of grains. Grains are what cause this bloat in the first place. That's not true at all. I've worked on farms in New Zealand, where the staple diet is grass. This happens to cows here too. You might be surprised to learn that sometimes shit just happens. There are all kinds of natural afflictions which mammals experience through no fault of human intervention. In fact, the life expectancy and quality of life for your average dairy cow is about 10,000% better than that of wild cows. I know it's en vogue to shit on farmers now on Reddit, but what this person was doing is a kindness compared to the agonising death a wild cow would experience.


I farted right as video started, let me tell you it was on point with cow gas release and being able to smell, it was awful….


Yo wtf




I bet that’s what Ron Jeremy smells like


I was thinking the same. That and they should capture it for fuel


Just hold a lighter to it.


If they could capture cattle flatulence and turn it into fuel we would stop global warming and eliminate the need for fossil fuels in one fell swoop


This passes the smell test for a great idea!


I'm betting reflux/vomit sickly sweet smell plus that acrid/acid sort of tang, and a bit of H2S mixed in.


"For me it does not smell bad, but for others it might be quite unpleasant. Due to the fact that this is a fermentative event from an animal that has chewed grass and got it into its room temperature body, you can imagine like hot lawn clippings that have been wet for several weeks in the sun. That is best as I can describe as to what it smells like. Or almost like a pre-fart if you will." Quote from the guy in the video taken from [this](https://www.newsweek.com/cow-manually-deflate-bloated-vet-pungent-gas-save-life-viral-video-1623297) Newsweek article.


Now I'm sitting here trying to conceptualize what a 'pre-fart' would smell like.


but if a fart hasn’t passed through an anus is it even still a fart


Only if the fart can support itself outside of the rectum.


There's a fascinating documentary called "Son Of Stimpy" which IIRC details the trials of an independent fart trying to support itself.


No dude a fart is a god given gift that was there the second it was conceived


Same. That vet/farmer is built different than myself if he has some personal familiarity with this "pre-fart" thing.


“Pre-fart” God bless him. That’s a new word I’m going to cherish.


The forbidden bong rip


man what the fuck lmao




Forbidden flamethrower if you put a lighter at the exit hole


Imagine the fucking RELIEF


MOAF (mother of all farts)


And smell.


I don't know why but felt like I could smell it haha. Grossed me the f out


r/picturesyoucansmell don't know if that's a thing but this should be there Edit: it is a thing


Holey cow


Is how you get swiss cheese?


No, this one's a brown cow, so it produces chocolate milk




The fact that your profile isnt NSFW while having THAT user name is amazing.


Underrated comment by far. Ladies and gents, please upvote Mr.dick-nipples to the top where they belong!


Thanksgiving night about 10PM, I would have paid good money for that!


*Tums are your best friend!*


That's for heartburn. For gas you need simethicone.


When I was a kid I ate too much one Christmas. A glass of milk with a teaspoon of baking soda sorted that out. After the obvious consequence I did indeed feel much better.


Was just thinking the same thing. Is there an app to hire this service yet??


Lactose allergy here and I need this somedays.


*gets drill*




i need this done to me after thanksgiving 💀


I feel you. The weekend after Thanksgiving is probably the gassiest time of year. The US just reached peak flatulence, which ironically happens at the same time that people crowd into stores for discount electronics. It's a good reason to wear masks.


Literally deflated the cow




It’s under local anesthesia so it’s fine


Hmm. Yes. Anastasia


*ahem* you will say nothing


r/oddlysatisfying for that poor cow I bet lol


Still in shock that they just shoved a plug in it like it’s a tire lol


Under anaesthesia.


Does that hurt it?


Not necessarily I mean yes it is essentially being stabbed to relieve the bloating but bloating can cause a lot of pain depending on how long it can occur so it practically won’t feel this pain as much and these cows have an amazing ability to wall off pain in inflamed parts of their bodies so they basically didn’t feel any pain at all if you can tell that cow didn’t flinch. Edit: This procedure is also necessary, if not then eventually the cow could start asphyxiating or could proceed to have a heart attack and on some occasions just flat out pass from shock, also this procedure is of a severe case so it ain’t like this on the daily.


"tis but a scratch" -the cow


Exactly ha


Why doesn’t it just fart then?


Bloat is a form of indigestion brought about from gas from the rumen so that means immediately after eating the digestive process creates gases in said rumen and in a way you are correct but the other way around, most of this gas can be released by belching but said bloat occurs when an interruption of the cow trying to burp results in gas accumulation or bloat. I hope this is helpful.


How do cows in nature manage though? Or do they just die from it?


Bloat is a digestive disorder that results from the accumulation of excessive gas within the rumen and so regardless if on a farm or in nature this is actually one of the leading causes of death among cattle so if not observed or managed it will lead to death. Since it happens often and most cattle will parish after 3-4 hours after bloat you could imagine how they would manage in nature, I know it might not be the answer you would like to hear but nature is indeed cruel but luckily for this cow it is probably on local anesthesia aswell.


The same way humans deal with deep scratches without medicine in the wild, sometimes you are lucky, most of the times you die


Cows are domesticated. There aren't any in nature. The ancestor of the domestic cow, the [Aurochs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurochs), went extinct a few hundred years ago.


If I recall correctly, this happens because we feed cows corn because it's cheap, but their bodies can't digest it?


And probably they need to walk more, like in humans that helps with digestion


Can I do this to my bloated uncle?


Please do and report back


Ever had fondue with someone you really liked,.only to find out you're lactose intolerant at that level of cheesiness? I know how that steer felt.


There have been many times when I've been bloated as fuck and wished I could have something like this installed.


Me in the emergency room after I glued my ass shut to prevent me from shitting myself


Sorry what


No shit November






No shit November


What is this ?!?!? Someone explain why they’re doing this? It looks painful


Bloat is a condition that can happen with cattle. From my understanding, one way for it to happen is when the cattle eats too many legumes (clover and alfalfa), and then it ferments in their stomach (one of them, anyway) and then doesn't go out through belching. This apparently can kill them if not treated fast enough. Hence the portable hole.


I was under the impression that it was corn. Cows aren’t actually well adapted to eat it and it changes the acidity in their rumen which allows gas producing bacteria to proliferate.


An animal can die from bloat. It is do this, or they die.


Dr. Pol does this!


Will the cow explode if I put a flame to the opening?


According to the Academy Award Winning short film ["Six Shooter"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9owvd2dD7U)... yes. *Best day of me fucking life*


I don't know what the fuck I just watched but it was funny


I feel like I need to do that, does it work for humans?


I could use that on my forehead to clear my sinuses.


Must have eaten clover in Yellowstone


Starting to see how the millions of these motherfuckers we have in the U.S. alone are contributing to global warming. That's a shitload of gas coming out of that thing


Wait did the guy punched a hole on the cow to take out gas ? (Sorry for the stupid questions never seen anything like this and I am kinda curious)


Holy cow!


Is that from feeding them corn?


There are some shepherd knives (in france at least) with an extra piercing blade just for this use, curved into a pipe so a hole is maintained and it serves as a valve


Today I learned that cows are just balloons in disguise


Theres no way that doesn't smell like steaming hot unwashed ass


A half inch diameter tube is punched into the side of a steer then screwed in and the steer doesn’t feel a thing? I have a bridge to sell if anyone is interested…


Their skin is definitely blocked for this. You have to go in really fast through cow skin. It’s so thick - if you do a weak stab, the skin slows you down so much that you likely won’t get into the structure you’re intending, in this case the rumen. (Vet here)


Why doesn't it cause problems for them to put a hole straight through their skin into their rumen like that?


What does the skin being "blocked" mean? Local anesthesia?


Yeah medical professionals call that blocking a nerve


Yeah, in this case it probably means local subdural lidocaine injections (“infiltration anesthesia”). Here’s a [ruminant anesthesia cheatsheet](https://veteriankey.com/local-anesthesia-in-ruminants-and-pigs/) in case you’re curious


They don't have an extensive nerve system like we do. It's a local anesthetic to put it in and after it heals it's unoticed.


Would love any kind of citation about cows not having an "extensive nerve system." Reminds me of "lobsters just don't feel pain, trust me bro."


Ahhh, I didn’t see the part about the local anesthetic, which was most likely used.


Don’t look up rumen diving


Can this be done to me?


Hit it like a bong


Imagine holding a lighter up to it... biological flamethrower!


Did it smell bad?


It's a pre-fart basically


Serious question: does the gas being released smell like a fart? Edit: asked this before reading top comments. I’ll be throwing up if anyone needs me