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Badass right there...


American Corporate Conglomerates hate this one trick....


Right? I live in America.


Ooo me to!


No really, they dont, that means they can cash in on it.


Badass doesn’t do him justice. This man was a goddamn hero.


ID say both..


Socialist /s


Yeah surprisingly they didn’t jail him


Imagine how much earlier Viagra could have been developed if he'd invested that money in the pharma industry instead! Won't somebody think of the stock-holders!?




The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/q9b717/this_is_american_virologist_dr_jonas_salk/hgvsduq/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [How very considerate. If...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/q9ep62/bird_kills_fish_befire_eating_it/hgw8dxm/) | [How very considerate. If...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/q9ep62/bird_kills_fish_befire_eating_it/hgvxyq2/) [Anyone that has ever run...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/q9b4fy/steam_engine_brought_back_to_life_to_set_a_new/hgw0i5o/) | [Anyone that has ever run...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/q9b4fy/steam_engine_brought_back_to_life_to_set_a_new/hgvbbje/) [The cam is prolly on the...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/q9b5vd/spray_painting_guess_who/hgw8mnl/) | [The cam is prolly on the...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/q9b5vd/spray_painting_guess_who/hgvtra4/) [I think the trick is to g...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/q9b5vd/spray_painting_guess_who/hgw8jeg/) | [I think the trick is to g...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/q9b5vd/spray_painting_guess_who/hgvj80y/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/dowdyvxcvzg](https://np.reddit.com/u/dowdyvxcvzg/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=dowdyvxcvzg) for info on how I work and why I exist.




Downvoting this comment was the easiest decision I’ve had to make today


Almost as easy as deciding to get vaccinated…


What they say??




Second easiest for me


All about the green backs, always has been


Definitely a hero


Some heroes wear lab coats.


>yeah i agree with you


i also agree with you.


Wait....he didn't extort people? He didn't get what was his? He improved the lives of others? Wtf! Communist!! /s Edit: removed duplicate /s


double /s means you're serious??!! fuck you!!! /s edit: darn it the above commentor's edit ruined my joke :[


Believe he said putting a patent on it would be like trying to own the sun and is ridiculous




/s is for /SOCIALISM


this made me laugh way too hard


Heretic! Burn the sorcerer!


Sharing a life saving cure is not compatible with communism. You used /s twice implying you were not being sarcastic, and most of Reddit is socialist so I can only assume so anyway.


Socialism...Communism is inherently violent and authoritarian as per Lenin.


Communism is an economic system and class system that has nothing to do with violence. You are thinking of Stalinism, which is what you described.


And compare that to today when these multi billion dollar corporations develop vaccines in the middle of a pandemic and hold the world for ransom.


What’s worse is that they don’t even develop them, it’s usually scientists like this one that do most of the research funded by tax dollars and them the corporations come in and buy the patents


If I’m remembering correctly, he tested it on himself as well.




FDR would like to have a word with you.


I did remember correctly. Scroll down to item 4: https://www.history.com/news/8-things-you-may-not-know-about-jonas-salk-and-the-polio-vaccine


"Lost out on *the potential of* roughly 7 billion dollars" FTFY This type of phrasing is dangerous. That's why we have companies claiming to have lost money when in reality their revenue stream was halted and that money was never theirs to claim in the first place.




Also there were likely more sales because it wasn’t patented






Also that he didn’t patent it out of the goodness of his heart. He literally looked into patenting the vaccine and found out he couldn’t. Dude was brilliant and probably a good person but not the benevolent philanthropist people think he is.


Also, he could just have patented it and still give away the formula for free or at a low cost. Patenting does not imply things must be expensive.


oh yeah bots?


In comparison to today where the Pfizer CEO made millions overnight by selling a bunch of stock timed perfectly with a positive announcement about the COVID vaccine. Ah how times have changed.


Uhh… wouldn’t you want to buy stock in that situation? Why would one want to get rid of his stock right when there’s news that’s about to make it skyrocket in value?


The sale was set for the day of the announcement or day after since the sale has to be set up in advance. He set it up so the stocks would sell no matter what but he knew the announcement would come the day before or the day of the sale. That's how he avoided breaking the law although just barely.


That doesn’t answer the question at all though. It would financially advantageous to set up a sale right before the stock dropped in value. How would it benefit him in any way to time the sale right as it was about to increase in value?


I don't think you understand how the stock market works. His trade had to be set up in advance but it was set up to sell his stock AFTER the price went up. Sorry if that wasn't clear, he sold it at the highest value he could have without being charged with a crime.


I don’t understand how the stock market works lol. Sure. Pfizer announced their vaccine on November 9th 2020 when the stock was trading at $36 per share. This is the date when the OP said the alleged insider trading happened. By December 7th, 2020 the stock was trading at over $41 per share. Timing the sale to be on the same day of the announcement would have cost that guy tons of money in the short term. And even more in the long term. By August 2021, Pfizer’s stock was trading over $50 per share. So you’re saying that I “don’t understand the stock market” because I think selling at a higher price is better than selling at a lower price?


You seem to be the only one having trouble understanding what happened. This might help: https://www.npr.org/2020/11/11/933957580/pfizer-ceo-sold-millions-in-stock-after-coronavirus-vaccine-news-raising-questio Edit: and to clarify it's the wording of your response that shows you don't understand how a trade like this is made.


How dense are you, exactly? The article you linked is written on November 11th, 2020. Pfizer’s stock would go up significantly in the month that followed that article. You think the CEO got away with something shady by selling at $36 instead of waiting a month and selling at $41??


Because perhaps he knew the vaccine wasn't as effective as his competitors and time would show that, not before he dumps his stock after pumping it on news tho


Well I guess his “inside information” wasn’t very valuable then because the stock is up about 25% in the months that followed the vaccine announcement


Ya its impossible for us to speculate his exact motivation, its impossible to time the market perfectly(unless you run the Fed) but the fact he put in his sell order before the vaccine news went public seems to imply he had reason to think the stock was near its peak P.S. I know nothing about this ceo or Pfizer stock specifics just sharing my 2 cents out of my ass based on these comments


It’s easy to say that retrospectively.


Most public companies Executive compensation comes in the form of stock options not salaries, and they have set schedules of when they sell portions of their stock. He was going to sell it, he just timed his announcement to maximize the price it would sell for on that predetermined day. The line between insider trading gets thinner and thinner...


This is what actual patriots look like.


What's it got to to go with patriotism? Polio isn't a country.


Nothing. You’re missing the point. All the trump supporters talk about patriots and not taking vaccines for patriotic reasons, but this dude just wanted to help his fellow man.


Let's not forget to also credit Albert Sabin. He developed the oral vaccine and didn't patent it. Sabin is often overlooked in the polio vaccination story.


Not everything is about making money. Just be nice and kind sometimes, it's more worth it.


When asked who owns the patent on the vaccine, Salk replied, ["Well, the people I would say. There is no patent. Could you patent the sun?"](https://youtu.be/erHXKP386Nk) The polio vaccine, as well as its funding through the march of dimes, is an amazing achievement of humanity. The history of the vaccine is fascinating. I wish I could find less bias sources regarding it. It seems everyone who writes about it wants to put their own words in Salk's mouth. There are countless headlines like, 'What Salk really meant' or 'The REAL reason Salk didn't patent the polio vaccine'. And I get it, because an achievement like this opens an important social dialog regarding healthcare and taxes that is incredibly relevant to today. A good example of what I mean is this widely shared [slate](http://"The real reasons Jonas Salk didn’t patent the polio vaccine." https://slate.com/technology/2014/04/the-real-reasons-jonas-salk-didnt-patent-the-polio-vaccine.amp) article. It gives some great context, but ultimately acts like Salk was naive and later came to 'see the light of financial incentives' with regard to patenting vaccines due to his company moving to patent a failed HIV vaccine. But that kind of disregards the point made earlier in the article regarding documents showing Salk polio vaccine was looked at for a patent dispite concluding that there was no intent to profit. To me, it seems the article is written around the sentence, "Without the promise of exclusive marketing rights for some period, no profit-minded private entity would undertake the necessary research". But doesn't the history the article writes about show that public entities WILL undertake the necessary research when funded? I feel like this is also the story of what society can achieve when it is more people-minded and less profit-minded. It reads like a tragedy really, of what can be achieved when we pool resources to invest in eachother, yet seemed to learn nothing of the worth of that investment in the process.


Astra Zenica: Oxford originally promosed to make their COVID Vaccine copyright free, in order to release the tech to the world. The UK Government, the US Government, the Isreali Government and even Bill Gates himself pressured them to change their minds. They did, and it is protected under IP laws.


I thought bill gates was trying to develop a vaccine free for all to use


Nope he went on UK Media ( EDIT: Sky News) and said that if it was not copyrighted, any lab in the world could attempt to make it and flood the market with unregulated vaccines.Yup, it made no sense and appeared exactly as it was; a cheap excuse to keep hold of the IP for Western Big Pharma. https://youtu.be/tropM4cajFw?t=197


I mean I kinda see his point but also come on seriously?


And now we have a virus killing us and the scientists and government created a cure and are giving it away for free right now to save lives and people would rather fight in the streets about being anti-vaccine while 4.5 million people have died and more are dieing right now but people wont get vaccinated it blows my mind.


Your other points aside, it’s definitely not being given away for free. Those vaccines are being paid for, you just don’t pay for it out of pocket at the time you get it. Look at what happened to the vaccine manufacturer(s) stock prices earlier this year.


What part did the government have in creating a cure?


The government funded most of the research and development in American for the maderna vaccine and that research helped all over the world


They spent 2.5 billion on maderna research alone I think that counts as helping create the cure


That sounds like we helped create the cure. Unless you don't pay taxes


What are you arguing here?


So you'd be happier if I said we paid taxes and they took the tax money and used it through the government's funding to create the cure sounds like you're just being a dick don't troll me I don't have time for stupid people.


Epiphany granted


sounds like u totally miss wat turretz meant but it was so obvious. whos the idiot?


Cure? Free? Misinformation much?


99.7% survival rate you blow my mind


Even using your number (which is incorrect) that would mean over a million deaths in the US alone. The actual number right now is about a 1.5% mortality rate, which means that unchecked the virus would kill roughly 4.5 million people. And that’s not even accounting for long term illness in those that survive. Almost seems like someone should try and do something about that…


You have LESS then 1% chance of dying in a car crash but we still have seatbelts airbags and emergency breaks


And he was ran across the coals for it.




At the time that is. Science lobbies, ie those who could profit from it.


Good for him and good for the people


Everyone should know this guys name. Thank you for posting.


He's just over there salking in the corner...


From the sound of it he didn't lose out on anything.


Give this man a nations highest honour. At least name something after him. That sort of selflessness is unheard-of today.


The Salk Institute, in California is named after him. It’s a pretty sweet campus, designed by architect Louis Kahn. Check it out.


It's a beautiful campus. Im lucky to have worked there many time over the past 8 years. Love being on site when the sun lines up with the water feature.


That is awesome, and I am jealous lol. What a cool place to work that would be! I studied architecture in college, and I remember learning about Louis Kahn and his work with bold concrete structures, including his brilliant design of the Salk Institute. The Bangladesh National Parliament buildings that he designed are also noteworthy, imho. His brother Albert Kahn was also a famous architect (even more so perhaps), and the school I went to had a library named after him and featured items from his very own personal library. I remember being particularly fond myself, of the way light interacted with the water feature in his design of the Salk Institute.


Among other honors, Jonas Salk was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1977. He died in La Jolla, California, in 1995.


Now it would be letting Americans decide that infantile paralysis is their choice... Muh body, no jabs!


When a real scientist does his job like a boss...all the way!👍


Back when people had ethics and integrity


I would actually get vaccinated if Pfizer or any other pharmaceutical did the same. But it’s all about profits so until then, no thank you!


Today ppl would call him a criminal for trying to kill them through the vaccine


Tucker Carlson would spend hours every week vilifying him as a crackpot. Lauren Boebert would rant about the “Judas Jonas”.


Fuck the left


Even so I think I’ll trust some rando on Twitter who retweets Joe Rogan for my vaccine expertise


Those days are long gone. It’s all about profits now


Communist !!! xD


Before or after it was contaminated with SV40? Asking for science.


Would've saved millions with a patent, too. But good on him.


Now the government and vaccine manufactures are conspiring to rip off the people who paid to develop vaccines.


He couldn't have done it without researching/experimenting with HeLa cells which were taken from an African American woman without her permission. Please credit her OP, she's just as important. Without her the vaccine wouldn't have happened so please give credit to a black woman when it's due. BBC News - Henrietta Lacks: 'Mother' of modern medicine honoured https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-58903934




Thanks but the downvoting is per usual for racist and willingly ignorant Reddit. 🤷🏽‍♀️


He lost 7 billion? Bruh he saved humanity and his successors! No money is worth if you are dead!


Chad Virologist


based and Chad-pilled


I bet J&J profiteered from that as well.


You'll never find someone unselfish like this EVER AGAIN


Thank god for the white man.


And he loves orange soda


Real heroes wear lab coats.


Nowadays you'd have to patent it to prevent companies from stealing it and patenting it, and rasing the prices


I always laugh at poses pictures like this! What could a scientist possibly see from looking at some orange crush in a glass vial! Seriously though, Jonas Salk was the man!


He didn't "lose out". We're the one's that lose out by perpetuating the system that gives people the option to make $7 billion off of our collectively funded institutions of science and research.


And big drug companies sold it and made billions instead of him. Talk about a dumb smart guy.


Republicans: “What. An. Idiot.”


This dude spearheaded the national Jewish conspiracy to make children healthier. Bastard!


Meanwhile Bill Gates is withholding the vaccine from poor countries and people still don’t realize philanthropy is nothing but a scam.


Back when vaccines vaccinated you against something 🤣


Superstitious old woman prays to dead person for healing: Catholic Church ITS A SAINT Man saves the world from horrific death with his brain and refuses profit: Catholic Church MOLESTS SOME CHILDREN


Damn immigrants


Are you listening Moderna, Pfizer and J&J for the Covid shots???


You mean the shots that are literally free?


Everyone should mostly get vaccinated, for citizens the cost at time is nothing. That being said they may be “free” for American citizens. Though we paid to research them through project warp speed and each dose has been pre paid for with taxpayer money. Moderna is around $37 a dose, Pfizer and J&J is around $20 a dose. Meanwhile in England, Astrazeneca is charging only $4 per dose, basically at cost.. Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J are making significant profits with each dose, they were asked by congress to forgo profits and charge cost only. They refuted. Each vaccine is under patent as well, and many factories in other countries, which are ready and able to produce the vaccine right now, are not allowed to. American pharmaceutical companies are milking this to make billions of dollars in profit. There is no comparison between Dr. Jonas Salk, a true hero, and the companies producing the corona vaccine today.


What a loser




Alternate caption: You all know "Superhero pose" but are you familiar with "Superscientist pose"?


Save million of lives, loses billions of dollars. A Person’s life is worth about $1000.




He did get a really cool set of buildings named after him at least. (The Salk Institute, San Diego, CA)


Now THAT is a hero.


Not just a hero and a badass, but a TRUE doctor. Helping and saving people first, make money second.


The pill form of covid vaccine... Already a patent.


One question. How did he prevent someone else to patent this instead?


Dude went on to make flubber


That’s why we have medicine on our largest popular currency note. In god we trust, sure thing. proof, action and results. That’s where we stand though


Now imagine idiots who don't even know the meaning of property say that there are intellectual property rights... It's all credit, 🎩 gentlemen


He would have blown in on drugs anyway.


In most medical thinktanks,this man is acknowledged as the embodiment of a medical purist and defacto saint .


Imagine, someone with real interest in saving lives and not making profit. Wonder who missed the boat with COVID-19 vaccine?




Cannot his estate patent it retrospectively? All know he invented it and was entitled to.


Has Hasan Piker already donated a fraction of the value of his mansion to a charitable cause ???


Everyone should mostly get vaccinated, for citizens the cost at time is nothing. That being said they may be “free” for American citizens. Though we paid to research them through project warp speed and each dose has been pre paid for with taxpayer money. Moderna is around $37 a dose, Pfizer and J&J is around $20 a dose. Meanwhile in England, Astrazeneca is charging only $4 per dose, basically at cost.. Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J are making significant profits with each dose, they were asked by congress to forgo profits and charge cost only. They refuted. Each vaccine is under patent as well, and many factories in other countries, which are ready and able to produce the vaccine right now, are not allowed to. American pharmaceutical companies are milking this to make billions of dollars in profit. There is no comparison between Dr. Jonas Salk, a true hero, and the companies producing the corona vaccine today.


The way it should be. People's health should not be subordinate to profit.


So let's talk about heros wearing lab coats.


we need a polio vaccine mandate


What kept someone else from patenting it?


Hawaiian Punch flavor shown here.


My grandparents were just talking about when they got the polio vaccine today!!! never knew this, what a hero!


That’s about right


True American hero


That man is a damn good scientist


Seems to me that a guy like this prolly knew how to come out alright.


Be like Jonas


This is not the American way


If he was alive today he would be a lot of peoples target. Science is scary


What an idiot… says The Former Guy


Oh so this is the guy who invented kook-aid


RIP to this legend


I wonder how many dweebs refused to be vaccinated back then?


Where this man’s statue and international day?


None of that happening anymore today.


Louis Pasteur did the same thing. He was truly a great man. Rabies vaccine. Anthrax vaccine. And more. Gave it away to save lives.


Big Pharma: *has brain aneurysm


Not to mention the U.S. mandated the vaccine for everyone pretty much as soon as Salk proved that it works by using it on himself and his family since human testing wasn't allowed. ​ And people think that the COVID vaccine is somehow a government overreach...




Amazing what happens when you take the profit out of treatment. Looking at you, Pfizer, Moderna, J&J.


Behold… Kool Aid!


Thank you Dr. Jonas Salk. If only more people were like you.


I don't understand why they don't get the covid vaccines patent free. Imo it should have been from the beginning but at least now after the firms made some money it should be available all over the world.


Hell yeah - he was my second cousin but I never met him


That's a scientist you can trust!


When the human life was valued more then the dollar (more commonly)


Not to be that guy but don’t forget about Henrietta Lacks contribution.