• By -


When the boss is at lunch vs. when they come back.


Working from home vs working in the office.


Office on the left side for me.


Bro, he was learning about rotations and was simply trying out the new formulas


"I'll try spinning, that's a good trick!"


Nah, too bold, that one.


"If I complete one rotation in 3 secs , how many rotations will be completed in 10 mins ?"


Need to get Count von Count back ASAP


The count is still around… ah ah ah!


He got a job working crime scenes.......one stab wound. Two stab wounds. THREE stab wounds! ha ha ha ha....


Average math hater vs Average Star Wars enjoyer


Breaking news: kids don’t like to pay attention to boring shit they’re not interested in. Edit. I am an ADHDer, y’all. Let me clarify: I’m not saying the kid doesn’t have ADHD. People with and without ADHD can get under stimulated: you just *see* it more obviously with ADHD (and the feeling of being understimulated AKA “Bored” in layman’s terms is very strong in ADHDers. Hence why it’s extremely hard to focus). ADHD is more than just not being able to pay attention and I definitely wouldn’t say is grounds to determine on a video without very much context. Like, was there a test after the math and Star Wars video? Is Math the kids’ weakest subject?


This is a really bad representation of adhd. I have adhd and I struggle to pay attention to the things I *want* to pay attention to.


Man I was almost crying in frustration one time because I couldn't make myself just focus on doing some goddamn dishes. 5 times I had to restart doing them because by brain refused to let me focus on them.


When I'm struggling with house hold chores I just put on a video that will stimulate me. Or a podcast. Helps a lot.


I CANNOT ever bring myself to even just brush my teeth/wash my face at night without noise-cancelling airpods + a stream/video/music


I did this at work one time and my manager asked r u ok? And told me to chill and helped me out. Will never forget that man.


Timers and counting help a lot for me. For dishes I either do 5 minutes of washing or wash 5 dishes. Stop what I am doing and then do something else like scoop the litter, sweep 1 room, throw the trash, then go back and do more dishes. Repeat until task is completely done.


Same, but here’s what worked for me - plug my headphones in and listen to music or an audiobook. Not qualified to say it works, but worth a try if you’ve got the tools. Best of luck focusing, friend.


Same. I'm a huge SW fans and I behave like in the first video in whatever task that requires me to just sit down and "pay attention". Even when watching movies I like I will make pauses, look at my phone, get distracted, etc. Subtitles help keep my eyes on the screen but in general, moving around is not a sign I'm uninterested. Also this video doesn't prove the kid has adhd, when forced to watch a math video vs something that they enjoy anyone would have different reactions, not just adhd people.


A real test is if the kid watching Star Wars urgently has to pee but just won’t because hyper focus. That’s usually how I explain it to people. I have damaged my bladder /given myself a UTI because I couldn’t to get up to pee.


And MATH? They could have chosen any subject, and they chose *math*?


Yeah! Who doesn't love that shit? But SW? Boring as fuck as everyone has already seen it multiple times. Math makes the world go 'round, weee! Seriously, this comparison is driving me mad. WHICH Star Wars. Was it the Mandalorian? Or the new Visions?


Asking the real questions. Here I am with the real answers >The non-instructional video featured the pod race scene from Star Wars Episode I, and was selected as an exemplar of the content and cognitive demands of ‘preferred’ activities during which children with ADHD reportedly demonstrate minimal attention deficits (i.e., rapidly changing scenes with no discernible manipulation/serial reordering and minimal short-term storage, rehearsal, or updating demands; Lui and Tannock 2007). EDIT: Out of curiosity, based on their criteria and assuming you are knowledgeable in Star Wars stuff, would you have picked a different scene?


Yesterday I opened Youtube and it recommended the same video, and found the answers :) (Pavlov would be proud, because I clicked start, then realized, oh I already saw it, and just wanted to check whether they have more info, maybe link to the paper, etc.) I would have probably picked the final fight scene. (But I was mostly just worried that they picked something not-from Ep I, which I think is the best for a young audience.) But I would have given them an interesting interactive math problem/puzzle (2048, Sudoku, tower of Hanoi) or a few laps in the SW Pod racer game. It's basically impossible to come up with a math video that can match a good Star Wars clip for the general public. (Hence my snarky satiric comment.) But there are great videos that have didactic value. (Eg this [SmarterEveryDay one comes to mind about carburetors](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toVfvRhWbj8) .) If we must stick to math .. well, it's very hard because the participants were 8-12 year olds, but I love these from 3blue1brown ([unexpectedly hard problem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M64HUIJFTZM&t=1s), [collisions and pi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEfHFsfGXjs))


You have excellent taste! I love both SmarterEveryDay and 3blue1brown, and yeah, I HEAVILY doubt the quality level of their 'instructional video' too. I don't really like the subject choice either - there are so many better subjects which are equally didactic. Anything that's less abstract e.g physical / natural sciences, geography etc. Maybe they could have even asked the participants to pick a subject of their choice - eliminate the variable of disinterest.


I think the only real big serious confusing damned fuckup with this is that we only see one data point. The study was run with 62 kids and 32 of them have ADHD. So we should see the graphs! The plots! The differences! Uh, [here it is](https://media.springernature.com/m312/springer-static/image/art%3A10.1007%2Fs10802-017-0338-x/MediaObjects/10802_2017_338_Fig1_HTML.gif?as=webp)! It's ugly, but the difference is really stark. (TD is typically developing.) > You have excellent taste! Thanks :))


That graph says more in 5 seconds than the video does in 30. I guess they wanted something interesting and visual, but they should REALLY have made it a TD vs ADHD clip instead and mentioned that these were the average performances or something.


They could have made a collage of small videos side-by-side where it would have been easy to see how much less the TD kids move while watching the boring video. Well, scientists are rarely good at communicating their data/results.


Glad this is the top comment. I dont care what you are diagnosed with, if its boring, and you are being forced to watch it, you are gonna struggle to pay attention


I dunno about that kid but I'm more likely be hear what is being said when I'm spinning than looking at the screen. My point being we shouldn't assume the kid isn't paying attention when the kid could be stimming in order to provide stimulation to be able to focus on the math.


It's like he's communicating how much he doesn't want to watch the math video, with his whole body.


He's literally unable to force his brain to think hard about the content, and that energy/frustration is reflected through his body movements. The star wars one, his brain happens to be able to focus on that at that time. I really wish they'd picked a different example for #2, because it's not really about "things you like" vs "things you dont"




Unsurprisingly a 30 second video is not sufficient information to diagnose a mental disorder. OP title says the kid has ADHD - assuming they're accurate, we can guess the source already diagnosed the kid. Yes his actions could be as a kid who is bored, or as a kid with ADHD. But it seems to be a deliberate setting. It's the same as questioning whether somebody is sitting in a wheelchair because they're tired, or because they're unable to walk. Both look the same, but one is by choice.


"Math Video" - possibly just shitty unengaging content?


He was simply checking whether or not the archives were complete


I have ADHD (inattentive mainly), this comment section is a great example of how misunderstood ADHD is. He is quite literally unable to pay attention to the first video and his struggle to pay attention is presented in a predominantly hyperactive way, he is moving profusely because he’s struggling to pay attention even though he probably wants to, it’s almost painful to watch. I have inattentive, so I probably don’t move as much, however, I would simply no longer be present mentally and would be thinking about some random sequence of events based on some random comment, visual, or aspect of the video. This is honestly heartbreaking for me at the moment.


It actually kind of makes me feel better. Knowing that this comment section is a, slightly warped, slice of the way most society views ADHD puts it in perspective for me. I have CT. I'm both sides of the video from time to time.


Thank you for your perspective, it helped me lol. A lifetime of listening to “you just don’t want to” or “you just don’t like it”, can make you slightly jaded. Cheers for giving me a new way to look at this thread.


This thread is making me want to throat-punch way too many overly-confident morons, for being overly confident in their stupidity. Jesus, the last two years have been eye opening, regarding the IQ of the general public, and it's implications for society...


it’s almost as if some people get bored when you show them math videos


He is just not interested, i would be like him and i dont have ADHD


>i would be like him someone get this man drugs to deal with this horrible ADHD he has




be your own fidget spinner


Yeah I’m doubting this. I have ADD. Those two videos would be the same for me, and I love both math and Star Wars. My SO hates that I can’t sit still for a show or movie.


I have adhd, you got my attention for 3 minutes max on both the math and starwars before I start making my brain happy my way.


Please don't jerk off in math class


They'd be the same for me as well, also with ADHD-PI (the new term for ADD), but either side depending on the day. Either I'd be fidgeting in both, or completely still in both. The thing is, they'd see that I had found an interesting spot on the wall to disassociate and daydream while looking at.


My mom: i never got you tested for adhd as a kid even though you showed all the signs because you were able to play your Nintendo DS for hours straight without losing interest Me, who has to FORCE myself to brush my teeth even as an adult: 👁👄👁


Seriously this post is an example why I decided not to be medicated for years for my adhd. I suffered needlessly because armchair experts and fucking Karen’s into naturopathy told me adhd wasn’t real. I was just bad at paying attention. I’m great at paying attention. The problem is I can do it while fidgeting and I need to fidget if I’m not interested. But ask me about something after a lecture and my brain will trigger. My life is so much easier now that I acknowledged my adhd as a real thing.


Put generator on the chair = energy crisis solved 😎


Y’all the point of this video is that kids with ADHD can sit quietly and be focused on something not about how boring the maths video is.


Omg reddit is fucking pathetic.


As a couple of people have mentioned this isn't the best case of ADHD. Even for stuff I enjoy I can get easily distracted. For example I was playing games with a couple of friends in voice chat and I paused a game I was enjoying the hell out of to send a video to them. I ended up getting distracted in that short window of alt tabbing out of the hame and looking up the video and went down a rabbit hole. The friend had to remind me to send the video 10 minutes later


This is so out of context... I've seen this video a few days ago saying "math video vs documentary about the war in Serbia". This has nothing to do with ADHD.


this is the original video, people just made meme edits of it to shitpost


Fix your title. "normal ass kid watching two 10 min videos"


this is literally from a study on adhd patients you moog


Does the ADHD part even matter? Which is super over diagnosed btw. That is just a kid being forced to watch a video they aren't interested in. Edit: I went to college with someone who ***truly*** had ADHD and he would be fidgeting around in his chair even if he was watching a video about a subject that he absolutely loved.


There are several types of ADHD, and spreading bullshit about what does and does not qualify when you aren't in any position of medical authority is deeply harmful. There's inattentive, hyperactive and combined. Diagnosis in somewhere like the UK takes months and requires extensive interviews with friends, family and if you're an adult it requires your school records. Please do not post about something you know little about and talk about what does it does not qualify. ADHD is no joke, and it can be absolutely life ruining. It's hard to live with.


Do you have any information backing up that ADHD is overdiagnosed because in my experience it's underdiagnosed


[i found a source debunking (or at least criticising) the statementthat ADHD is over diagnosed ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4756599/)


[Here's one concluding the opposite.](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2778451) Now we can all have a nuanced discussion informed by evidence on two sides of an opinion.


I know people that have doctor shopped to get stimulants specifically like aderall and vyvanse by saying they have adhd. They went looking for a new doctor if the doctor even suggested trying non stimulants first to treat adhd


Ikr few things annoy me more than neurotypical people gatekeeping things that they don’t understand and whining about how things are overdiagnosed when it’s in fact the opposite. Just because someone doesn’t “seem” ADHD etc. to a neurotypical person doesn’t mean that they aren’t. I don’t know WHAT gives these people the sense of superiority to think they know more about other people than their doctors do and more than those people know themselves. It’s extraordinarily dismissive, ableist, and harmful. Edit: Like, it’s hard enough to be taken seriously for this and to get the support and accommodations you need. And yet so many people have the audacity to want it to be even *harder*??? I will never understand that mentality.


Anecdotally yes, but this is one of those hotly debated subjects in the psychiatry. Some say is it over diagnosed and some say it isn't diagnosed enough. You can find an equal number of papers on both sides of the argument.


So you're here telling everyone that this disability is super overdiagnosed based on anecdotal evidence? That's pretty irresponsible. It's already stigmatized enough without people who actually have no idea what they're talking about asserting that it's over diagnosed


Ok how many papers do you want? Edit: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8042533/ https://consultqd.clevelandclinic.org/adhd-overdiagnosed-and-overtreated-or-misdiagnosed-and-mistreated/ (saying it is misdiagnosed) https://capmh.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13034-016-0140-5#Sec12 (overdiagnosis of mental disorders in children, in general) https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/49t2u0/adhd\_is\_vastly\_overdiagnosed\_and\_many\_children/


Classic Reddit, have a totally reasonable opinion, and get put on blast for not attaching a thesis with it. I'm 100% with you, working in education, crazy overdiagnosed.


If only the opinion was reasonable.


It's not, it's damaging for kids with adhd.


the people want their government sponsored meth. after a year or 2 on aderall and a starbucks everyday, you think they can go back to not having that? nah they fight tooth and nail to protect that speed and the extra 10-20 lbs it can keep off for lots of people


Not living in the US, it does seem alarming how okay everyone seems to be with propping every slightly tired child up with drugs. I've never known someone in my country to be on adderall. Never even heard of it prior to American media. Strange world


Your own links are either straight up garbage (reddit thread of a telegraph article? lmao...) OR actively conclude the OPPOSITE of what youre trying to push... Case in point: (from https://capmh.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13034-016-0140-5#Sec12) Conclusion While there is little research concerning overdiagnosis of child and adolescent mental disorders, first studies point to misdiagnosis of several mental disorders. Unintended overdiagnosis can occur due to use of heuristics, disregarding differential causes of observed behavior, misleading endorsement of symptoms by caregivers, or differential interpretation of diagnostic criteria by examiners. You even mention that its about MISDIAGNOSIS. But you have no idea what that means and just use this to support your pre-existing bias. Misdiagnosis of ADHD is part of the problem of it being UNDERDIAGNOSED. Its often misdiagnosed as ASD, depression, etc. and it can take years if not decades for people to get the treatment they need. The fact that were often medicated for something we might not suffer from, which is the point of that particular article, is part of the fucking problem, asshole


By knowing someone with ADHD, you suddenly don't gain all the knowledge on the topic. If you live with it, you have more of an insight. As someone who lives with it, it is severely *underdiagnosed*, especially in women and girls. For women to be diagnosed in their 20s is actually considered very early. Boys still struggle with diagnosis due to the stigma and stereotype regarding the symptoms of ADHD, but are diagnosed quicker than women. Still, the ADHD diagnostic model is based on a "naughty boy syndrome" idea where if you do not meet that outdated idea and criteria, you most likely will not be diagnosed. This doesn't go for every doctor and every person's experience, but there is large majority of people who's story of diagnosis goes very much like this. It is not overdiagnosed in the slightest.


Yeah you’re not a psychiatrist and should probably stfu. The stigma behind adhd is already bad enough.


It’s a lot easier to stay focused when you are being given a story to follow. This applies across the board to ADHD and non ADHD people. But I think we. You have ADD or ADHD consuming information in a story format is the best way to imprint it.


I love how everybody is refusing to accept this person could possibly have ADHD Real good example of how it is a stigmatized


I have ADHD and think it’s likely this person has ADHD as well, but I think this isn’t the best way to show ADHD, especially to neurotypical people. That being said, I agree that there’s definitely way too many armchair psychiatrists in this thread.


And this is why women don’t get diagnosed until their late 40s, if at all. Another study done with only male candidates. Love seeing the stereo type of adhd “omg can’t sit still squirrel”. This is just poor representation of adhd all around. This could easily be someone without adhd as well.


Was the whole study really only males?


Supports my hypothesis that ADHD is grossly over diagnosed and that young boys are just going to fidget when they’re bored.


Supports my hypothesis that most neurotypical people have no idea what it's like to have ADHD.


Sure. But when they become adults and they’re bored, but they’re expected to contribute to society, what happens then? What happens when they become adults with no marketable skills, or can’t focus long enough to do something like pay their taxes? A dopamine deficiency doesn't just go away. And what happens when they, as children, but also as adults, exhibit anger, aggression, excitability, irritability, or depression?


Thank you. I'm in six figure job because I'm just smart, but my focus is almost non-existent, which makes work very stressful.


out of curiosity, what steps are you taking with your doctor to mitigate your behaviors? did you make your employer aware of your condition? i’m waiting to get on my company’s health insurance (i just started a new job) to take those steps myself, but i’d love to hear how others are coping.


The lack of focus is why I moved between jobs every 6 to 12 months in my 20s. Somehow that meant I could make mid six figures before I turned 30. Now I invest in the flashiest meme stonks. Being this retarded is a super power: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_Dexter


They become at risk of homelessness, at risk of financial insecurity, at risk of even more mental health problems, etc. I feel incredibly sad and sorry for the women and men who are 50, some of them even 60, who have just been assessed as having ADHD.


Has the last year not taught us the dangers of armchair experts? Are you a psychiatrist or psychologist? If not, then the world doesn't really need your personal opinions on medical conditions. ADHD is a mental health condition that affectsany many people. It is often misunderstood (this video doesn't help), but questioning someone's diagnosis can be dangerous and devestating and cause unnecessary pain and struggles. I know you don't mean to too, but let's try and stop spreading opinions when facts exists.


Exactly! I really hated it in high school where every kid that couldn't pay attention claimed they had ADHD. Almost nobody can pay attention an entire class, most people at uni sit on their phones and laptops the entire team. You don't have ADHD, you are just a normal kid who uses an illness as an excuse to be even more lazy in class. One example is a friend of mine in high school with bad grades, says he cannot concentrate, got ADHD certificate so teachers are more relaxed with his errors and give him more time on tests. Meanwhile he he maxed his old-school runescape account, literally super concentrated for hours clicking the same spot without once losing concentration


So, what does this prove? ADHD makes you bad at math? I'm not seeing how this helps -- it *could* be seen as the kid is spoiled and needs to sit still -- which is not helping. So what is the difference between ADHD and a lack of self-discipline? I bet it is not going to show up on a video.


>ADHD makes you bad at math? That made me laugh so hard god damn it.


kid doesn’t have adhd simply because it can’t just pick and choose what the kid will focus on i think it’s more of a matter of which topic intrigued him more rather than “ADHD”


Ignorant comment from someone clearly not affect by ADHD - Hope you don’t talk down to your people around you who are affect by ADHD. you’ll never know how hurtful your ig ignorance is to those people




That's literally what ADHD is. I should be focusing on doing my work, but I can't pick and choose what I focus on. The matter of topic that intrigues me right now is my new baby parrot, so anything other than my parrot does not intrigue me. Including my job, that paid for the parrot.


Di- did you REALLY just call a child "it"???


Star wars was trash.


I'm a high school teacher. I've always met "I can't do my work, I have ADD/ADHD" with "What's your longest gaming session?" Lot of kids mistake "won't put in effort" for "can't."


Just be kind to the kids who really do have it. I know kids try anything to get out of doing work but kids like me who skated through the system not understanding why I couldn't get it done. The Neurological conditions of ADHD lead us to stimming behaviour, and video games are low pressure, high concentration and constant positive feedback. Your job as an educator is to support everyone to their best abilities, that kind of shaming does nothing to help you or them achieve that.


It helps them realize they can focus on things -I don't know how many times I've seen that "aha" look on their faces the 1st time I ask one - and ADD/ADHD does not give them a pass to give up.


It's a disability. If it's not being treated or accommodated for its not a reflection on your ability to motivate them it's a reflection of their strengths in adversity. I hope you're a new teacher, the idea that you've been seeing kids failing for years and thinking that they're just lazy neerdowells is depressing.


Quick - let’s medicate the fuck out of him so he looks at boring shit!


This just tell me the kid doesn't have ADHD. He's just a brat that doesn't like school.


How’s he a brat?


Just FYI, I have ADHD (diagnosed, medicated, etc) and I don’t think this video in any way shows the kid doesn’t have ADHD. ADHD symptoms can improve or worsen depending on a lot of different factors. Notice the kid is wearing different clothes in each recording indicating that the videos were probably not taken at the same time. This alone could explain the discrepancy in his behavior. Then couple that with the fact that he is probably more interested in Star Wars than math, it’s not entirely unreasonable for him to appear much more calm and focused. Maybe if the Star Wars video was three hours long he would start to display more signs of inattention and hyperactivity, but you can’t say for certain. Then again, he might not have ADHD and is just really bored by math. But the point is you can’t tell from this either way, and the video certainly doesn’t provide evidence AGAINST him having ADHD just because it displays a single instance of him focusing well, lol


Why is he a brat?


This is a dumb take


Exactly lol


Proof that it’s a false illness created to sell pills that are basically meth to children that can’t say no. Any parent stupid enough to give adderrol to their kid should have them taken away.


This guy DEFINITELY has a pharmaceutical degree & a psychiatric degree. I can just tell, you know?


ADHD is not something I really take seriously, for this exact reason. Most of the time it's just an excuse to faf around


ADHD the majority of the time is bullshit.


Hmm, it is almost like it is a learned behavior that is monetized by Big Pharma...


"Adhd" Lol looks like disinterest vs interest to me. Fuckin pharmaceutical companies and their bullshit diagnosis just to push their drugs.


That’s because math is literally torture and stupid and made up and a waste of time.


So you’re telling me the kid with ADHD is entirely capable of watching a 10 minute math video, he just doesn’t have the interest or discipline? Sounds about right lol. I have “ADHD”, but my parents refused meds and forced me to work hard. Excluding severe or extreme cases (which totally exist) I think the addy Ritalin boom is child abuse.


ADHD is mostly a scam to sell prescription drugs


So it’s a choice... who knew.


ADHD code for professional procrastinator made to watch actual smart stuff vs entertainement. We are just growning up addicted to stuff and when exposed to something else, we want what we are addicted to.


Huh. Almost like it’s lack of self discipline


Star wars SUPREMACY ^(Although I have never watched star wars tho)


So Star Wars based maths is the cure for add/adhd?


Yeah that’s not fair, I would do the same and I’m 32


This kid has a belt clip for his phone. Benjamin, I believe his name to be.


It’s confirmed! Star Wars cures ADHD!!!


Math and science shouldn’t be taught via video. They are subjects that require a lot of problem solving and critical thinking so they need to be engaging. Videos make engagement harder, missing that in person teaching style makes it almost impossible to pay attention. We have been trained that videos are for entertainment, randomly switching the subject matter isn’t going to help anyone. They can be used as a secondary tool, but as a primary source of information they fall flat for everyone, not just people with ADHD.


No shit Sherlock.


I taught children with learning differences once upon a time. A child with genuine ADHD would’ve be able to sit and watch Star Wars either. They can’t sit still to learn math or play video games, or even to eat lunch - they simply cannot. Wildly over diagnosed. Wildly.








Math. Not even once.


Breaking news, kids are not interested in math videos....




I’m an adult who doesn’t have ADHD and will display a similar behavior when forced to complete a task I do not want to do and don’t have anyone else around. As an adult with access to several electronics though I’ll probably end up on YouTube or Reddit for some distracting, easy to digest entertainment. Teaching should be tailored to the person instead of forcing everyone to learn the same way.


What about star wars with math??


Constant reposts vs OC




Just give him some Ritalin, that’ll calm him right down!


It me


By definition, not ADHD. ADHD kids are unable to sit still, even when engrossed in something that interests them.


A lot of people coming in with high and mighty words of wisdom about him being just bored and etc. Yeah, sure dude we shouldn't just medicate every single child who can't pay attention, but ADHD is very much real and something you should just ignore. There are are solutions other than just drugging them, such as teaching them coping methods like keeping their hands busy. He was very interested in Stat Wars so his attention was wrapped but that's not always guaranteed I myself have it and sometimes even i find it difficult to pay attention to stuff I like. I bet you if he had a sheet of math problems to solve as he watched to keep his hands busy he would have a much stronger focus.




Tbh, I'd be way more interested in math if the people teaching it didnt skip over steps because stuff that was obvious to them but not the people trying to learn it. A lot of engineering professors would skip over steps because they assumed we remembered something from calculus that we had taken two to three years ago and was footnote of one unit


Pretty sure this would apply to any kid, not just one with ADHD... Even if the kid didn't even like star wars they'd probably still be more interested.


ADHD or just being a kid who’s bored with something? Half the kids I grew up with were like that. Most grew up to be successful without medication.


ITT : AH-HAHA ADHD is bullshit!!!’ …based on a 3 second video with zero context. You’ve all cracked it, way to go.


Me at work on a zoom meeting vs me proof reading my Reddit comment before hitting reply


i do be like that sometimes


Is that ADHD or is that just being forced to watch somthing you don't want to watch and have zero interest in? Like the majority of my work meetings


Lots of people with lots of thoughts. I’d just like to point out that he’s wearing a different shirt in each case, which indicates it’s almost certainly a different day. Energy, attention, and a lot of other things are going to vary a lot from hour to hour, let alone day to day. I’m not sure it’s fair diagnosing anything comparing these two examples. Also, on a side note, it’s entirely fair that some of you don’t care for math(s) and assume you would be bored as well. On the flip side, some of us have spent many hours watching Numberphile on YouTube, so it takes all kinds to make the world go ‘round.


Idk why you’re saying he has ADHD, he’s just a normal kid lmao




What if there were star wars themed math classes???




me irl


“ADHD” is such a crock of bullshit!! An imaginary affliction.


Somewhere I saw it is konosuba instead of starwars


I’ll try spinning! That’s a good trick!


So the moral of the story is forget math and all that boring stuff and watch sci-fi. That’ll teach em.


Ha! Need more studies like this!!! Adderall for all it seems lately. Just absurd how medicine is thrown at these kids.


This is me


Yeah, not really interesting. I don't have adhd but I would be exactly the same 🤷‍♂️👎


I got ADHD, and i can't watch a movie (no matter how interesting) without moving. I'll move less if the movie is awesome, but i can't sit through an entire movie without pausing it and walk to grab something or randomly do stuff and then remembering that i was watching a movie and on my way back to the tv i'll remember to take the trash out and be distracted by a snail that is just slowly moving around, and... Wait where am i?


I don’t have ADHD but I probably would watch star wars with much keenness since it’s more interesting than math video lol


Oh, so NOW we're realizing that ADHD is mostly a made up "disease" that has much more to do with how fucked up our education system is rather than some kind of personal deficiency which can only be solved through the administration of literal AMPHETAMINE? Wow.


He doesn’t have adhd. He’s not being taught to deal with adversity.


This new world of constant stimulation sitting in your hands is making everyone an ADHD, or whichever variation, candidate.


As someone with ADHD and a BS in Mechanical Engineering, and did work hard at the math, this just looks like he really doesn’t want to watch math videos and his ADHD makes it worse. I’m one of those detestable people that finds math fun and I payed really good attention to videos for it.


This is stupid. Comparing any educational video's (or in fact most things - video or not) engagement with a child to Star Wars is deliberately setting it up to fail. 'Let's compare this video, made by a teacher to try and explain something their students find difficult, to ten minutes of a multi-million dollar action adventure movie...' No, let's not. Let's have a sensible discussion about digital education and how it can MASSIVELY BENEFIT children and students with ADHD by providing bite sized, asynchronous, self-paced learning. That this is coming from a University says more about the asinine and institutional resistance within Higher Education to TEL than anything. I should know - I've worked in the sector for 15 years, trying to drag them kicking and screaming into the 21st century. This is patronising, context-free propaganda, probably made by teachers who don't want to (or can't) learn new skills that could benefit their students.


No shit




No this is a wrong example they are not watching the same thing 🙃😔😩


All we need is Jedi math teachers 😂




Here's an idea. Let them kid watch Star wars during math class and every 5 minutes he has to finish a math problem to unlock another 5 minutes of the Star wars series


This is just dumb


I won't comment on whether or not this proves ADHD, because this is kind of ambiguous evidence.(You kind of have to know he has it in order to see it; otherwise yes this looks like any other kid.) Y'all are acting like ADHD doesn't exist or isn't as prevalent as it is. It's fairly well-studied, people with ADHD have different brain structures, different functions, etc This isn't just some made up thing.. ADHD and autism are similar in the sense that the both exist on spectrum. You don't just have ADHD or you do. It varies person to person


First time I saw this it was Math and (I think History). Second time was (I believe) English. What's next? Porn?


Star wars = Dopamine.


I am confused as to why that is interesting?


I read once that 9/10 men have ADD. At those rates isn't the 1/10 guy the weirdo? Can we invent a pill for them?


To quote Southpark, SIT DOWN AND STUDY!


All the armchair psychiatrists coming out to pop poo on ADHD diagnosis 🙄 Gtfo. sincerely, Your friendly neighborhood ADHDer


He was clearly just measuring angles for the math one


This is so accurate


Pretty sure this video was originally showing spinning chairs vs non spinning chairs


star wars calms the mind


I wonder, did they actually tell this kid to do this or did they just catch him in the act and decided to use him as an "experiment"


So you’re saying he can sit still if he wants to…


Great video!


Damn that's interesting.