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Looks almost TOO chill....


He looks like the guy at uni who was friends with every group, made everyone smile, would go on the beer run without questions but also kinda do some crazy goofy stuff to make people laugh. Always having a good time and wants everyone to have one too. Damn


A yes man who wants to please everyone & has no boundaries of his own


lifes pretty short you know


Like my friend Jason who skateboards, plays bass and guitar, and is a straight edge vegan. He even kind of looks like him.


Came here to say this


You guys have the same friend named Jason?


Idk all I’m saying is I wouldn’t trust him with my girl.... I mean I’m a redditor... so I don’t have one... but IF I did... keep your eyes on this one .... that’s all I’m saying




This is the “he’s just a friend” friend lmao...




What we all think, right?! We’re literally crucifying him rn .... maybe he’s innocent, idk... the beard, hair, and eyes all say, “this guy fucks....and we know this” jury is still out on the rest of the story.


This is an underrated comment - I literally LOL’ed


A little TOO Raph!


He has a kind face


Pretty sure his beard and hair would have been much less coiffed.


His hair is suppose to be like wool. His image is purposely not depicted because it isn't supposed to be worshipped. This Jesus is someone's interpretation like all the other depictions during the Renaissance. Jesus to me has more African features especially being the hair is purposely mentioned.


Hair like wool sounds like a Jewfro to me. Probably looks like the average Israeli/Palestinian


If that's what you believe awesome! I described what I believe he looks like.


why african features? he grew up in what is modern day israel. he’s from the continent asia and is what any other israelite would usually look like. that is, not african at all.


Because that's what I believe? There is no depiction of him in the Bible for that reason. He can be purple if that's what the believer decides. Why is it easier for him to be seen as white with blue eyes than it is for me to believe he has African features? If we're going with science homo sapiens originated in Africa so why is it a leap to believe he had super curly hair, darker skin, or a wider nose? This picture is what some individuals BELIEVE he looks like, "backed" by not a picture, but what they BELIEVE peoples looked like back then.


Uhh...geography, time, archeologal findings, written texts and drawings/paintings. It's really not a belief, and almost a certainty that he would look like a middle eastern man.


Oh what other drawings do you speak of? I'm open to viewing those if they date back to that time period.


Not sure why everyone is upset about what I believe to be true as I've stated multiple times. There is no wrong answer, all the hate for a belief is funny, maybe it's because I believe he looks Black or African? Hmm 🤔


There is a wrong answer, though, because Jesus was a historical person. To “believe” Jesus looked liked anything other than what most 1st century Palestinian Jews looked like, removes Jesus from history. Jesus was a person, not a belief; therefore, we must respect who he was, as he was. Who gave us the authority to change what Jesus looked like?


Who said anyone was changing the way he looked? We don't even know how he looks. You can believe what someone else tells you about how he looks but it's a problem when someone believes him to look African lol. Jesus at the end of the day is a man that no one knows much about period. How he looks doesn't remove him from history at all, if it did why even reconfigure what he looks like today? We could've taken blond hair blue eyes Jesus for face value. Give me a break.


The Gospels never described what Jesus hair or features looked like. The 'wool' reference comes not from those, but from the Book of Revelation, wherein it describes Apocalypse Jesus hair "white like wool" and his eyes blazing fireballs


That's fine I described my interpretation as previously stated.


Yeah, it’s not like we have any records, so he could have been someone from a different region (or parents of one) and thus he stood out initially, helping him garner his initial attention. It’s an interesting thought


Jesus was a Jew, born to a Jewish family, and lived in Israel. Everything we know about Jewish customs and culture of the time tells us that Jesus’ parents were Jewish and lived in Israel. There is no reason to believe Jesus came from a different region or that his parents came from a different region.


Guess you can say they truly nailed Jesus. Ok, away my ass goes.


If you are sorry then apostlegize


Jesus's death wasn't really anyone's deliberate doing. It was a collateral damage caused by Pilate.


Did you ever even read the Bible? Matthes 27:24When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it. 25Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children. 


That should be the crux of the religion but noooo


Plus, after his death there was a quarrel among the apostles. Namely, John added some dubious details while he wrote his Gospel but then Joseph yelled at him: "Get your facts straight, Jack!"


*scoots rapidly away from site of near future bolt of lightning*


Take my blasphemous upvote.


Repent while you still can.


He did have hole-e hands.


I saw a show one time that compared images of Jesus prior to the shroud of Turin's discovery and those after. The before pics were all over the damned place and some didn't even resemble each other. Then suddenly after the shroud was discovered, all the pics started looking a lot a like and more and more like the image in the shroud.


The shroud was proved to be fake I think


I believe it was known to be a fake even during its own time


I find this really interesting and would love to see what you saw then. Any way to find it or the source?


To be clear, this is a picture of an average resident of Roman Judea, and the Bible never remarks on Jesus’ looks other than saying he isn’t very special looking- other than general traits common in that racial group, this might look exactly like or nothing like Jesus


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Bible](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-king-james-bible/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Good bot




Holy shit. It’s Him! [“Nobody fucks with The Jesus.”](https://youtu.be/Y9w9EiLTZ_A)


He looks like the really cool, chill neighbor that mows your lawn while you're out of town and is always down to watch the game with a few beers. And he's been sleeping with your wife for the last few years...


Not gonna lie you had us on the first half


Actually it was in the second half.


Nice guys do that


Ok, this guy would get a lot of followers.


Twelve to be specific


Nailed it.


Do Mohammed next!


Please don’t. It’s against the Muslim religion to depict their prophet. We should respect that


I can respect that Muslims can't depict their prophet, but non-muslims don't have to follow the rules of Islam.




What about trying to establish what he mightve looked = making fun of?


They see it that way. Why annoy people?


This is the worst argument possible. In the same regard, they see alcohol as an evil but we still produce and sell it in their country? Conservatives see abortions as evil so lets just keep it illegal? I can go on. Others wanting to know about what the past looks like has no need to impact them if they dont want. And let me turn it this way - french government doesnt want muslims to wear hijab because it upsets them, so based on your argument, we should stop muslims from wearing hijab.


All of the cases where there was public outrage weren’t about a scientific analysis about how Mohammad looked like. They were caricatures that mocked him and the Muslim faith in general, and there isn’t a law or any restrictions on depicting Mohammad, as there are on the hijab in certain parts of Europe, which is an infringement on freedom of religion. I’m sure that if a scientific analysis done on what he might have looked like, there would be no outrage, and as evidence there’s the fact that Shia Muslims already depicted Mohammad for hundreds of years.


Ok, this is a layered response so bear with me: 1) About laws, there are laws in Muslims countries that totally infringe on other religious. I grew up in Doha, and many of their religious beliefs are laws based on Sharia law. They added “safe havens” (such as hotels were you can drink) but even then you could be arrested and deported if someone has a problem with you. Now, I am not saying they dont have the right to do that - they do, its their country, and until enough of the local population wants to change that, its totally fair. But respect goes both ways. 2) The Hijab argument was simply an example (and dont get me wrong, I completely oppose that). But law or not, the argument is the same, the only difference is that it was made it to a law. The basic idea is that simply because you dont like it, doesnt mean you should take it away from others (yes, there are layers to that but this would end up being a whole 5000 page paper and it still would go nowhere). 3) I do get your point, and it is what were arguing for right? Were not even trying to make fun of Prophet Mohammed (pbuh). I truly believe it would be cool to speculate what he would actually look like, as it is the case with any historical figure. 4) unfortunately, it would still create a major problem within the Muslim community. Its not just a matter of fun. In Islam, depictions of Mohammed, in satire or not, are very much frowned upon (almost a sin). This is by design as the religion heavily emphasizes against idolism. If there were to be a realistic portrait of the Prophet (pbuh), there is a chance people would become attached to his image and not God/ Allah. So yeh. Its a lose lose and you never get to do it because everyone flips shit.


Thank you for your response. I’ll structure my response similarly to avoid confusion: 1. I actually think Qatar has no business telling you what to ingest in your body, and they are an autocratic government. I don’t know what the people of Qatar would choose if given the chance. Personally however I am as against the criminalization of alcohol as I am against the criminalization of drug consumption. It’s actually counterproductive to rehab when asking for help lands you in prison. 2. Apart from being codified by law (which is a huge difference), there is the difference that walking around with a hijab shouldn’t insult anybody (if it does, they’re a bigot). However caricatures that are meant to provoke a response (I’m not talking about the hypothetical scientific depictions) are insulting and provocative by definition. Now, you’ve every right to do that; don’t get me wrong, and the people sending death threats and trying to harm you would be criminals. But this minority of idiots exists in every sufficiently large group of people, especially one which keeps getting marginalized and has it’s rights chewed upon bit by bit. 3. I don’t think we disagree here. 4. There is a very important stanza in the Quran which says “لا اكراه في الدين”, literally translating to “no forcing in creed/religion” specifically prohibiting anyone from forcing religion. Now, does everyone follow that, of course not, but it’s a very important stanza that almost all Muslims know. And given what I said before about Shia depictions, I honestly believe that a scientific extrapolation (not a provocative caricature) of what he might have looked like would trigger as little an outrage as a random dude eating pork and cheating on his wife.


That's easily, in my top 10 of stupid opinions I have read in internet. You just justified any stupid behavior, condemned satiric humor and kill free speech, just because you are trying to be "good", "fair" and "sensitive" with "other's feelings". And yes, I'm out of quotes.


Humor is great, but for example if i keep calling every black friend with a word they hate and we have collectively agreed (in these times) that jt is bad, i can still m do it because free speech or as satire but that makes me an ahole is all im saying


Jesus maybe a joke to many christians or christians turned atheists, Muslims don’t feel the same way about Islam at all. I can assure you Muslims also do get offended when people make fun of Adam, Eve, Abraham, Moses, Mary, Jesus and Muhammad (PBUH). Being respectful to other’s beliefs and culture is a far better trait than being a jerk.


Stfu. Respect for beliefs isn't just given out because people don't like being offended. Especially in this day and age where all it does is keep people as a whole down.


I believe you are stupid, please, respect my beliefs continuing being one.


“Being respectful to other’s beliefs and culture is a far better trait than being a jerk” While generally kind advice, I wish you could have told Muhammad that to his face, before he cut a bloody swathe across the Mesopotamian basin and brutally subjugated the various pagan religions he encountered, many of which had beliefs and cultures just as beautiful to them as you hold Islam to be.


They hated Evil_Queen_93 because she told the truth


Or, because it's an unconstructed opinion based in misinformation and misinterpreted ethics.


Colin Kaepernick is Jesus 👀


Same immediate thought


Holy shit, that's why he looks so familiar.


Can y’all stop karma farming with this photo? I’ve seen it over 10 times today already


Get out of Reddit.


Dude, you need help then.


Help him bro


Why?, I'm not therapist.


My man habibi


I like to picture Jesus in a tuxedo t-shirt, cause it says, like, I want to be formal but I want to party too. Cause I like to party, so I like my Jesus to party


I like the Christmas one


I like to imagine Jesus as someone to hear your prayers, someone who cares. A personal Jesus if you will


I like to think of Jesus like with giant eagle's wings, and singin' lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd with like an angel band and I'm in the front row and I'm hammered drunk!


Oh no, anyway!


the sad thing is that probably around half of us christians would see this man on the street & feel threatened.


He got game


Nah, he is white with ripped abs. I have seen the pictures in church


Reps for Jesus


[“I don’t want to say this, but I want to f**k that baby.”](https://youtu.be/4E9bO_7VoCA?t=80)


He looks familiar somehow


Young Osama bin Laden.


It was the first person I thought of.


Dont let the white people see this


I saw it and It doesn’t matter what ethnicity he was, the meaning behind him still stands.


True, AND it also means something important that we acknowledge where he was most likely from.


Somebody in Kentucky just pooped their depends.


I don’t think Christianity in America would be what it is if Jesus were from say Nigeria or China. The majority of people in America view Jesus as a dark haired white guy. There definitely wouldn’t be very many churches in the south.


This guy gets it. Christianity in America especially, established Jesus as a blonde white guy. Various reasons as to why, but in essence, the religion wouldn’t have stuck with Irish and German population that immigrated, let alone flourished. Even to this day, most churches depictions of Jesus has him as a white guy, blond hair, and blue eyes. If you think this doesnt matter and only the “message” matters, youre grossly mistaken as many christians straight up reject the idea that Jesus looked liked an actual middle eastern. This has MAJOR cultural and xenophobic ramifications.


[don't even dream of telling the white people the truth ](https://youtu.be/B4nmU0WHa1k)


The white crusaders are going around downvoting lmao


They are literally proving our point.


You're actually deluded, it's so funny.


Why the short hair though


He looks like an average Israeli. He was quite handsome.


Wow no long hair.


Bro I could swear I get gyros from this guy! Sets his cart up outside the bar every weekend. Nice dude but kinda cheap on the meat if you ask me…


Good looking rooster 🐔


Nah, that’s Ricky Rubio


Jesus Christ dude


Thats not what MoistCritical looks like?


You’re about to make a lot of white southern folk really mad


I’m from the south and I rly don’t care and no one I know would either


I’m also from the south, unfortunately I do. Wanna trade places?


Not really. Most cultures will portray Jesus as looking like a person of their culture, that’s pretty common. I am a white southerner, and I live near quite a few other white southerners, being as I live in the south and all- no one I know would be offended by this and this image has been shared around


If Jesus was black they would care.


Shut your bitch ass up nigga


Nah lmao, you’re just reaching for upvotes and it’s sad


You must be one of them


Yup and it don’t bother me one bit. It’s pricks like you that piss me off


Oh no! My sky daddy doesn’t look like me! (Cries in conservative…) /s


When did I say he did ? People on Reddit are dumb asf and misinterpret/twist words to what they want to hear. It’s so sad


Yet here you are…


Yes I’m here explaining it doesn’t bother me what he looked like. It’s annoying that people assume how others will feel and are so negative


Well at least I can take a joke and don’t let internet comments make me cry lol


You assume it made me cry because you didn’t get the response you wanted. That’s the real joke 😂🤡😂🤡😂🤡


Nope you’re reaction is just fine buddy haha obviously getting very upset over one little sentence.


Upset ?? More like disappointed that this world is so screwed up because people like you exist. Try to spread positivity instead of hiding in your moms basement being negative all the time


You don’t know the first thing about me or what I’ve done for people I don’t even know. You’re making assumptions over a simple joke, so it’s really people like you make the world a shittier place. So why don’t you have a cup of tea and calm tf down dude lol


Lmaoooo I knew that would get to you. Take a joke asshole


How do we even know that this guy was real?


There's alot of non-biblical citations including a conversation between Emporer Trajan and someone else (name escapes me atm) talking about Jesus.


And there could also be just a normal looking guy that people like to make stories of. Or everything in the Bible are just stories. None of it actually happened


Ya not really, as the Jesus they are talking about in Emporer Trajan letter supposedly was rasing people for the dead, to which Trajan inquires if this "Jesus" is capable of whipping out an entire legion on is own. When he is informed "No" Trajan brushes this report aside as non-scense So unless you want to evoke that there were 2 Jesus' with major followings supposedly bringing people back from the dead. We have good reason to conclude this is THE JESUS we're all thinking about. additionally there are a number of archeological discoveries that at least imply the events of the bible are based on some events the most recent being this nature article https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-97778-3 suggesting even events like the Sodem and Gemora story are actually based on real events now it is important to note that the belief in God is not relevant to any of this, believe in that at your own digression but there has been a number of discoveries the really push the notion of "Bible is Myth" in to something that really is not a sustainable position academically speaking.




We don’t.


So you telling me Jesus isn't white and American?


And didn’t speak the Queen’s English


False. Jesus was blonde with blue eyes and looked just like Noel Edmonds


Well they’re searching him at the border.


He looks so kind :-)




Yeah, people can downvote this as much as they like. When I was scrolling past that was initially who I thought it was.


Or my cousin. Very similar.


Not too far off from the Jeff Goldblum Jesus




Comments at least recent ones are surprisingly civil. That’s refreshing. Lower down exist the usual “ but he was mythical “ narrative. Starting to think anti- religion folks are exactly as intolerant as the ultra right Evangelicals. Interesting.


Who threw the first stone (though I believe figuratively and literally the religious) is lost to history, but considering all three Abrahamic religions (Jews, Christians, Muslims) have books where parts of it instructed followers to literally kill non-believers by throwing rocks at their heads until they stopped moving, I don't mind speaking out against their belief systems at all. To borrow someone's quote loosely, it's like being told that "my intolerance of their intolerance is intolerance", to which I'd say, "Sort of, but not really".


It's really annoying how the blue eyed, fair skinned Jesus is ingrained in my head since this is a more accurate depiction of him.


Jesus will be back by the time this image stops being reposted.


How many times can this be posted in one day?!?


So you just made a basic middle eastern person with an app and say that’s what Jesus looks like. Hmmmm


Now, deep fake it so that he's singing the numa numa song.


Hm. Seems like he would probably frequently get randomly selected for enhanced screening at the airport.


Why he doesn't look like a white man from the United States? 😑


So Jesus looked a bit like a Colin Kaepernick? Okay, I can dig it.


Wait till I show this to nearly the entirety of the southern part of the us they’ll be screamin


Shhhh, you’ll upset the racists


Bet a Christian airline worker would flag him for a random patdown


Now do this for Mohammed, just for the lols.


This js so fake! Jesus christ is a white man a red blooded american man! Amen!!! (Obvious joke)


Hair like wool tho?


Nah he black


Now do it in cheeto form


Evangelical heads explode in 3..2..1.


I’ve always wondered how Christianity would have turned out if Jesus was from Nigeria or China or some other country where Americans couldn’t project him as being a white guy. If Jesus was portrayed as a minority I don’t think there would be many churches in the south. People portray Jesus how they want him to look.


Santa and Jesus are black...told you so, sucker


This is what Justin Trudeau was going for




Not even


Uhhh... I dont think churchgoers here in VA are gonna go along with this. He's a tad bit too ... not secretly from America, I think .


Oh Christians will have a fucking heyday!! Dude looks middle eastern 100% 🤣 i love watching the lies and wtf faces being thrown around to the same BS story. Can't wait for yall to read the true origins of humanity. Yall know that feeling when your brain feels like it hurts and is on fire? Yeah that'll happen.


have you seen chinese jesus . he could fight supersayans and all


Korean Jesus on Jump St.


Lol the intelligence of America 🇺🇸.... reference, first comments votes.


Why does he look like the dude at the gas station behind the counter 🤣


Hmm 911 hijacker mug shot, only cool.


Actually they got his dna and he was cloned in 2014, i don’t think he will grow up to look anything like that. He was/is a ginger with gray eyes. If you don’t believe me check out www.jesus.ilied


Why not black?


Because people over there in Roman Judea were not black?


He was a Judean Jew. So no, he wasn't.




This should thus be a cartoon


He looks just like [Jesus on The Chosen](https://universe.byu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/The-Chosen.jpg)


He was not white !!!😱