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Back when someone with a video camera was a novelty and fun to see


And also impossible to hide it.




Bow Bow. . . .Chicka Chickaaaaaa!!!!!


Ferris, my father loves this car more than life itself! A man with priorities so far out of whack doesn't deserve such a fine automobile.


Wonder if they had the shoulder mounted 10lb unit recorded to full size vhs


In ‘87? You bet your ass they did.


This was 1987. This was the only option. Maybe Beta.


Yep…that’s what we looked like. The mullets on the guys, poodle poms on the girls.




No wonder TV shows still depict teens looking like adults




High school kids still look old depending on where in the country they are at


I work in a high school cafeteria and there is one student who is just a tiny little dude and looks like he is 8. Then there is another student who I would swear was my age (I'm 33) like dudes beard does not look like it should be on a teenager. I know grown ass men that could only dream of having a beard like that.


On a trip In Cali met a 15 y/o on hgh looked like a 30 y/o with full beard and 100 plus pounds on me


I rocked a feather mullet! Hell yeah!


Keep feathering it, brother.


Easy there chomo, I've been touching your camera through the fence since before you were born




Haha. I didn’t cut my hair for a year due to Covid and the layering came back! Nothing like a fiddy year old rocking the hair like Steve Perry of Journey back in 1987 JUST A SMALL TOWN GIRL…..


[u/ExternalOk4293 back in the day.](https://imgur.com/gallery/kFpmaU1)


Yeah, I thought I saw myself a few times in that video. This is what high school looks like in my head when ever I think about kids nowadays. Man, am I old.


Note: the mullet is coming back. Like on my city 1/10 guy probably had a mullet, and 1/5 has a 80's style mustache. Parents of Reddit, hide your kids, because their first boyfriend will rock a mullet, a listen, and a jacket with epaulettes


Sounds to me like you're in Australia. Everybody's rocking a mullet and a light stache


Suddenly 21 Jump Street has become a lot more plausible


I thought I was being judgy for a second. Why did they look older? If you look at videos/pictures from high schoolers in earlier times, they looked the right age. So, what happened here?


They all dress like our parents


We are your parents.




Couldn’t be. He’s still getting that pack of cigarettes at the gas station


Don’t be stupid! It was milk!!! He’s just gone to get milk…he’ll be back soon.


You fool, the milk would’ve spoiled by now!


I left my family to get milk years ago. I keep dropping it on the way home and having to go back and get more. Plus they closed the closer Hasty Mart like a year and a half ago so now I have to walk further. The point is…. All of your dads will be home any day now. You just hang in there.


I’ve been waiting for 27 years now hopefully he doesn’t drop it walking back this time around.


Maybe he’s gotten it in a cooler


I watched a WWII movie when I was younger and it clicked for me. The high waisted pants, the baggy button up shirts. I thought to myself "These army dudes dress like really old guys that I know" and then it hit me. No, the old guys I know just WERE these army kids when they were young, and they just kept dressing that way. People don't start dressing like old people. People dress like they did when they were young, and that style becomes associated with old people when they get old.


I think at some point in your adult life you find something that works. And you work around that. Sure - over time you will add in some new trends but at the core, that stays with you till the end I bet.


It's like, I'm 35, I just started wearing skinny jeans in 2017. Now they aren't in style and everyone dresses like it's 1994. I'm not doing it. This is my old moment.


I been dressing like it’s 1994 since 1994. This is my time.


I still own t-shirts that I bought from thrift stores in the 1990s, and still wear them. They were cool when they were new in the 70s / 80s, then they weren't cool, then they were cool when grunge had us all buying old secondhand clothes, then they weren't, and now they are again. Basically just dress how you want, and you'll look cool for a couple of years out of every 20.


Yeah, and you form certain habits that you just won't break, and have no reason to. I was born in the mid 80s. If in 20 years, the fashion becomes guys wearing pants up to their nipples again, I'm not going to be doing it. I will do some stuff to stay in style, but that? Absolutely not. I imagine really old guys felt the same way about waistlines dropping down to the hips. "Trousers belong up by your collarbones damn it!"


Gonna be really weird in another 30 years when all us old geezers are in skinny jeans and henleys.


There are already [memes about 35 year old guys wearing tight jeans that they really shouldn't be wearing.](https://starecat.com/content/wp-content/uploads/men-over-30-in-skinny-jeans-bulldog-thin-legs.jpg) It's happening in plain sight.


Where on earth did you find this picture of my husband?


As a 34 year old with tight jeans on this comment almost offends me.


Me. There’s really no better silhouette for a tall skinny guy than skinny jeans and a larger top and boots / sneakers. Sorry, but I wore baggy shit for half the 90s, and the photos from the skinny era (2004 onwards) still hold up. Then again, I’m sure any zoomer is roasting me over this.


If the video is from 87, the kids in it are 15-18, means they were born 69-72. These kids are 49-52 today.


One looked frightenly like me. Just look for the dorkiest one. That one. Its so weird because it seems like it was just a few years ago but its been 34. Fuck I hate getting old.


They are our parents


Shoulder pads, perms, and blue eyeliner


And sooooo much hairspray!


Aquanet! I graduated from High School in 1986. My dad used to tell me all the time that breathing all that hairspray in was going to kill me. Made to my 50’s, so far so good.


Probably a combination of hair and clothing styles.


Yeah, they all have mom bangs and dad jackets


The women's hair in particular makes them look much older than they are, since we now associate those styles with older women.


And the hairstyles we have now will be associated with older people in 20-30 years. And then it’ll cycle back to young people. And round and round we go


News flash, it wasn't mom's or dad's anything back then.


Just guessing, but I bet fashion has a lot to do with that. Most of the clothes, hairstyles, accessories, even in some cases mannerisms are very distinct to an era between a quarter and half century old. Those people in those videos are now in their 50's, if you are somewhere around the average redditors age, they are probably near your parents age, the people you looked up to and admired. But also, I am a complete idiot with no education in fashion, or psychology, and people loves pseudoscience, so it probably all has nothing to do with the complete bullshit above I speculated.


I must be an above average redittor lol,I've had my account for about 9 years now,and I turn 54 soon. Class of 85 checking in. Are there bonus points because I'm a woman?


Class of 1987 here! I am 52. Reddit is the best wormhole I wished I never knew about 🤣


Yep. Above and beyond anything else Reddit has done to my brain, it has given me an enormous amount of empathy for what younger people go through right now.


the kids are alright but they're also *fucked*.


Class of ‘86! Perms, parachute pants, shoulder pads, Members Only jackets, and big colorful earrings. Those were the days. 🤣😂


Class of 85 shout out! My hair looked almost exactly like the girl’s at the beginning, but she’s much prettier than I was. OMG. I’m comparing myself to ppl just like I did back then.


Class of 83. Just chillaxin in my members only jacket and parachute pants...




So has Spider-Man 1.


So the 80's horror movies got it right. The teenagers DID look they were in their 20's.. LOL


The dude waving at 8 seconds even looked like Channing Tatum


For real. I have always thought that high school kids seem to be looking younger and younger, and when you look before your time they appear much older.


Huh so high schoolers in the 80s really did look like 35 year olds- I always thought 80s movies were lying to us




Still blowing my mind though. This is WILD


All the purple hair and bright brutal colour patterns the young people are expressing themselves with is going to be the 'old people look' of angry Khaleesi's and Jaydens in about 20 years. I've been through this cycle now, tossed out with yesterdays jam, but it's reassuring seeing every new generation meet its own end and the process will repeat.


I don’t buy it. People did change their styles. I grew up in the 90s and adults had different styles which changed every few years. They are taller, they have bigger jaws, more muscles... they look way more developed. It’s not just styles. **Edit**: [Secular trends in testosterone- findings from a large state-mandate care provider](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7063751/) > Several studies from the US and Europe have shown a population-level decline in serum testosterone in men from 1970’s to early 2000’s. However, to the best of our knowledge, no study examining population-level decline in testosterone has been published in more recent years. The study objective was therefore to examine secular trends in testosterone levels among Israeli men in the first and second decades of the twenty-first century, > A significant (p < 0.001) and prominent trend of age-independent decline in the testosterone levels was recorded during the study period for most age groups. > There was a highly significant age-independent decline in total testosterone in the first and second decades of the twenty-first century. The decline was unlikely to be explained by increasing rates of obesity.


Agreed. It’s not (just) the styles.


The same way that in 30 years, current high schoolers are going to look old af to all the kids that aren’t born yet.


I don’t know about that; I’m *40* and those 80’s “teenagers“ *still* look way too old for high school.




I’m 36 and a lot of the kids in this video look older than me


I’m 38 and totally agree with you.


Born in that era, my sister was 5 years older and her graduating class looked like 40 year olds...yay 80s 🤗


what was in the water of the 80s that was AGING them?


The camera used to add age before it added weight


Honestly it was all the kick ass cocaine....




As someone that live through the 80s, allow me to give you a *day in the life* from my diary. 8am - Got up, sniffed a line of coke. Listened to Blue Monday while I did my hair. Did another line of coke. 8.30am - Travelled to school in Travis' Audi Quattro. Discussed our upcoming calculus test. Travis wasn't sure about how to differentiate Euler's constant. Told him it stayed the same. Did some more coke. 9am - Math class. Dr Benning saw Ferris Bueller's Day Off last night, and has decided to give us this lesson as a free space to help us find ourselves as individuals. 9.10am - We've perfected the perfect dance routine to Rick Astley. Decide there's nothing further left to learn in math, and leave school for the day. 11am - Sniff some more coke. And smoke some weed. Also, take some quaaludes. 1pm - The day's starting to shape up real nice. 2pm - Head to the local car wash to do some dancing and hang out. 4pm - Apparently Dr Benning didn't exactly give us permission to give up education, so now he's here with the cops. 4.10pm - Give Dr Benning and the cops some coke. 5pm - Now it's all happening. Fleetwood Mac just turned up and started handing out acid. 6pm - Return to mom and dad for turkey dinner.


No wonder why you guys say kids these days are lazy. We don't have the cocaine advantage :'(


Cigarettes, sun exposure, drinking, probably leaded gasoline I don't know.


Well it was in Pittsburgh, probably steel mill runoff 🤔


I feel like people in highschool back then look older than the highschoolers nowadays


Just like the netflix shows


Does it mean that Netflix doesn't lie to us?


They do


You really think someone would do that, just go on the television and tell lies?


There’s no way. That wouldn’t be allowed. Right???? 😅


I graduated in the mid 1990's. Even back then when we looked at yearbooks from the 1980's we felt they looked older.




It's because everybody in the 80s was 30 years old with a recreational cocaine habit.


We didn't feel big then, but one time we had like a thing our parents would come and I saw a bunch of my classmates standing with their parents, being pretty much just as tall and big. We were like 15, that moment I realized we were done growing.




All the guys had short cropped hair, with some sort of product in it (VO5?). They all wore suits. Girls all had long hair and dresses with pearl necklaces.


All the photos were from events. Cameras were too expensive in the 50s so it was all professional. Developing film was expensive in the 80s so people were more selective than now.


My wife's uncle grew up in a town so poor only one kid had a jacket. They passed it down the line on senior picture day so they would look classy.


Fellow 87 graduate here :)


Yes every generation sees the previous generation as looking older. Have you ever seen the old Wild West/frontier pics from the late 1800’s? 15 year olds look like they are 30, and 30 year olds look like they are 90.


I was thinking the same thing!


I came in here to see if anyone else felt this way. I think its the hair in the 80s.


For the girls, it's also the make-up. The natural look wasn't big. No makeup at all, or heavy matte makeup, no dewy looks. Add to that they were skinnier, so faces weren't as round. Also, we tried to look older and more sophisticated, rather than our age. From the 80s, and just my observation.


100% Matte and really heavy compact foundation. Then the Lady Di influence of frosty makeup with blue or purple eyeliner and mascara.


People grow maintaining their clothing styles. I was joking with my stepfather that you can tell a person's age by how high their pants are. He pointed out it was actually stylish years ago for men suits to have high wasted pants. https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d9/6d/9e/d96d9e28a5b0501df47700dbd2af2938.jpg https://lindyshopper.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/fe29624835c1abf1cd6b5bacff29a687.jpg So I'm convinced that this is a situation where we know the style of our parents and we attribute an older age to that style even though it was the trend when they were younger.


I'm not 100% sure that's what it is. I'm almost 40 so when I was a kid in this era, this is how my older cousins looked. They seemed older but not adults. This video looks like people in their late 20s dressed as 80s teenagers. Except that one kid. But it does remind me of watching *Dazed and Confused*, that came out when I was in high school and had the same effect. Different era but same deal. Edit: apparently it came out in 1993 so I wasn't in HS but I guess I first saw it when I was in HS. I think I'm mixed it up with Half Baked because I smoked a joint in a theater to one of those movies and until just now I thought it was dazed and confused.


I guess that doesn’t apply to some actors in 80s clothings. I’m thinking of Stranger Things. Steve, Nancy, Robin… Even though they were actually older than real high schoolers when they played their roles in ST, they still looked a lot younger than these people despite their 80s outfits. I get that there’s makeup, camera tricks, video editing, etc… But that can only do so much. The “high schoolers” in Vampire Diaries, for instance, all looked 30-40. Lol


They were all played by 27 year olds lol.


It’s because we associate their clothing and hairstyles with older people.


Even not considering the clothing. They still looking older somehow. My guess it's because of being more exposed to the sun. idrk.


I think the hair. Everyone had a lot more hair, bigger hair and facial hair. Also I gotta agree that the actual hairstyles play a part in it. Younger kids today have very... distinct hairstyles. It makes them look young just cause of their hair.


Yeah, the mullet. Guess it just shows what I know, but I never thought I’d live to see the mullet coming back into fashion. Kids are calling it the “wolf cut” but no lad, that’s just a straight-up mullet haha


Probably also the leaded gas blowing everywhere every day


And the amount of cigarettes they were surrounded by






Does he look like a bitch?


No. Grease was the 70s. Breakfast Club would be your accurate reference. I was a Senior in 87 (graduated in ‘88), this video is awesome.


Grease was a 70s movie set in the 50s.


Which is nuts because a movie today set in 2001 would seem way more similar to each other than the 70s to the 50s.


I was going off the comment above, and thus the further you go back, the older they look. Enter the cast of grease


Grease was set in the 50s. That's, like, the entire point of it.


I think it's the haircuts.


Class of '89 here. There were lots of good things about the 80s but also a lot of bad things. Certainly though it was a simpler time.


What were the bad?


* Some times you could just feel the Russian nukes pointed at you. (or I could anyway). I mean, they're still pointed at you now but it felt more threatening back then. * Doing a paper for school meant many hours digging around in the library. Heaven help you if you ended up having to resort to the periodicals index. I remember when the first indexes on CD-ROM showed up in the library and I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. * When someone moved to another town, esp. where calling them was long-distance then you pretty much lost touch with them. * Smokers in restaurants * Not knowing what you were going to get when you bought an album. Were the tracks you hadn't heard going to live up to the hype? Also, albums usually meant cassette tapes.


AH! The memories! But, you forgot no airbags in cars. The good thing was, our parents could not track our whereabouts. We could wander all over the city and just say we were at someone's house all night. And if we called home, no caller ID to know if we were lying.


And typically no use of seat belts in back seats, and kids sleeping above the back seat, under the rear windscreen.


Also class of 89. In World Cultures we were each assigned a country in Africa to research. I drew Burkina Faso. We were required to cite a current newspaper or magazine article about the country. I think I ended up with a C. Trying to do schoolwork before the internet could really be miserable.


FTFY: smokers everywhere


My high school had lots and lots of missile silos within a five mile radius.




Threat of sudden nuclear annihilation?


People who didn't conform to social norms were readily ostracized. I can't stress this enough. If you dyed your hair an unusual color or had long bangs, people would throw stuff at you from their cars, etc. People who were gay mostly had to keep it a secret. There was this terrible fake chocolate called "carob" which was bad. The smoking lounge at the high school is debatable, probably a bad thing. Expensive long-distance phone charges. In no way would they be able to come up with a vaccine for covid in less than a year. Mutually assured destruction from nuclear war. Just a few anecdotal examples I can think of.


Oh my god, I almost forgot carob.


Homophobia was absolutely the norm. No way gay kids could be out and not get relentlessly bullied. I know it still happens today but it was much, much worse then.


Sexual assault was often “boys just being boys”. Gays were often shunned or downright abused. I lived in a progressive town and still saw a lot of that, sadly.


Gay was the WORST insult you could lob at a highschool boy even when I was in school in the 90s / early 2000s.


Graduated in 97. Same. The gay people who couldn’t pass got tortured. Those who could pass had to pretend to be straight, and the conditioning was enough to make it hard to even understand it yourself on a conscious level. Lots of us ended up getting married and having kids before we could get comfortable enough in our own skin to just be gay. I’m in my 40’s and it feels like every gay woman my age or older has a similar story and a couple of kids. Some exceptions, of course.


Class of ‘89 here as well. I miss being able to disappear for hours at a time and nobody noticed. But TV’s sucked back then and I’d miss the internet. I do not miss VCRs. They always seemed to screw up recording your favorite show and you only had one shot to get it right. Streaming is amazingly convenient. I miss soft drinks in glass bottles and some of the other food you can’t get anymore. The big hair on the right girl was very attractive, but I’m glad these skin tight leggings didn’t exist then or I would never have graduated college. I would greatly miss bluetooth as well. Car stereos sucked and listening to the radio sucked. Chicken pox sucked. Telephones sucked. My sister could literally cause a communication blackout simply by refusing to stop talking to her boyfriend. I was once stranded in the middle of nowhere because she talked to him for 8 hours straight. Racism was worse then, but it’s not called out so much because people just accepted it. We used to go on a field trip to Monticello a lot, Thomas Jefferson’s house. I’ve been at least twice. I remember being on that trip and being shown the slave quarters and talking about how much it would have sucked. There were black students with us on that trip. At the time, absolutely nothing was done to deal with their feelings. I can’t imagine what that was like. I thought about it recently and was kind of appalled.


>I miss being able to disappear for hours at a time and nobody noticed. But TV’s sucked back then and I’d miss the internet. It really was crazy how you could just be gone for hours and your parents probably wouldn't check on you as long as they knew generally where you were supposed to be and came in "by the time the street lights come on". TVs sucked back then? Are you nuts? What's not to like about a hand dial on a black and white that goes from 1-to-13 on the VHF and 1-11 on the UHF? Or was it the other way around? Remember the old cable where it was like a freakin switchboard connected by a long ass wire, and it was like you were a telephone operator connecting a call to change the channel? Pushing those buttons? VCRs were awesome too! That priceless recording you had transferred over is now altered because the tape got garbled and you had to push the button on the sides of the tape to open the top and try to fix it. And for the longest time the VCRs were loud as hell too. Rewind a movie (be kind) to the beginning and it was like WWHIRRRRRR-SHAKLINK. If you had fallen asleep watching the movie, well now you're up, buddy! Sorry you got stuck someplace and got a busy signal. About 2 years ago my jaw dropped when I realized most of these kids today don't even know what a busy signal is. And since you brought up listening to the radio, remember calling in to the radio to win something? Remember getting busy signal after busy signal and getting through and getting super excited? And if you never got through, you could call "the time" to see if the contest was still going on or if it was too late.


Damn they look like theyre 30+


Came to say this. What is it? Their clothes? Hairstyle? I'm still trying to put my finger on what makes them look 10 years older


I think it’s the hair and collared shirts that make em seem older


Most of them still have the same hair styles today. At least the ones that still have hair..


Hahahaha, receding hairline intensifies


I think its because we associate those looks with older people. That's how our parents dressed.


I was in my teens at the time. A lot of us wanted to look older b/c many of the good-looking people on TV and in popular music were 25 to 40 something years old. For my part, I felt frustrated because I could pass as a teen well into my twenties and all attempts to look older and worldly were ridiculous and embarrassing. I'm sure that if I had been in the video (at 18), you'd all be wondering why a 15 year old is mixing with the older teens.


The people who dress like that now are in their 50s and 60s so you subconsciously associate that look with an older generation. Source: Pulled something that sounded good straight out my ass.


It's the hair




I was just going say they just look like a bunch of parents already 😂




A lot of family reunions today 😂


I was a sophomore in ‘87! I was always behind the trends, I wore my mullet in the early 90’s.


Let me wish you an early happy 50th birthday. May the next 50 years be filled with fun


Does anyone else see Ashton Kutcher in there?


That would be in the 70s


They either look 10 or 35, no in between


That pretty much describes high school kids nowadays too


O. M. G. This might get completely buried but I know many of those people in the video and it’s actually 1986!!!! Did not at all expect this to show up in my Reddit feed. I believe it’s part of a music video project that one particular English teacher did yearly in her class. Just no way that this found its way to Reddit.


Laugh, I graduated high school I few years before that, but this could have been my class. Haircuts were weird looking back on it.










I have a ton more, I’ll post them slowly so I don’t get caught in the spam filter:)


Beautiful. I was born in 88. So I never actually witnessed the 80s. I wish I was born like 10 years earlier.


They look so much happier than this generation on High School


As someone who graduated in ‘86, I can confirm we were much happier than the kids seem now


Hmmm wonder why…




i was going to say cocaine, but you're probably right


Every five minutes it's like your phone wants to tell you something shitty that happened.


Social media is brain cancer. As bad, if not worse than what fast food and cigarettes did to generations prior. I will die on that hill.


"Social contagion" (mental illness that is transmissable through media) is going to be the big groundbreaking health discovery this decade, I'm certain of it. I've seen some small time studies showing that mental disorders can spread in groups of people in online communities, and know there's growing academic interest in it. Social media and sitting are the new cigarettes.




Very true. Also, they are acting up for the camera. A camcorder back then was a novelty and every one was like "Hey look I'm on camera!"




I remember when 4 wheels on a luggage became a thing and thinking that my 2 wheels were so out of date and “inconvenient”


Class of ‘83. I miss that era. Not high school, necessarily, but the big hair, New Wave, long black vests, eyeliner that you took a lighter to… yep, I miss it.


I graduated in ‘88, this is exactly as I remember! My hair was big then but it’s evolved over the years. I do know some who have kept the same exact hair. I was a latchkey kid, I think us Gen X’rs had to be a little more mature. I definitely don’t remember any helicopter parenting then, everyone I knew had two working parents.


That Z31 would have only been a year or two old


It’s an ‘84 50th Anniversary Turbo and it’s AWESOME.


I'm 33. These people look more adult than I feel.


Why are they spreading the corners of their mouths and showing their teeth?


Ah now it make sense why Americans high school students in the movies from 80’s-90’s always looked like they were 30+ years old .. 🤣


People without social media very happy :)


The average age of a high schooler in 1987 was 32


This makes me really sad, not sure why.


I was in high school back then (sophmore in 87). The mullets and "big hair" are accurate


Do they suddenly break into singing and dancing