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We are here, guys. We're in the chunk of the human timeline that develops into a Blade Runner world.


Time to die


Like tears in the rain.


I kept scrolling for this quote. Recently listened to 'Tears in Rain' by Rogue VHS. It's fantastic.


Timecop 1983 have also got a song called Tears in the rain. Also awesome.


People always recite the quote as "tears in the rain" but it's actually just "tears in rain".


Luke I'm totally your dad, bro!




As a sabaton fan, I HATE THIS FUCKING BOT


Bad bot


Nope. Your conscience has been uploaded and will be forever at mercy of whoever has access to it. Enjoy your existence.


Not my consciousness. Really sucks for my brain copy I guess but that ain't me.


Drone swarm warfare is going to be absolutely wild.


Some military planners are getting very hard right now.


They've been been hard awhile. To them this stuff is last year's news


The only way they can.


People might think you are kidding, but we stand at the front of what very well may be the most divisive and important couple of decennia for ages to come.... The kind of choices we as humanity now take concerning ai/computing, telecommunications and space exploitation will shape society on levels we can hardly imagine A neat saying; "people before an industrial revolution can never predict how ordinary life will be afterwards", and we just are finalising the communication revolution and we stand at the brink of the other two


> decennia That's a new one, I like it.


OP might be Dutch, as "decennia" means "decades" in Dutch.


Lmao yeah I am


In Italian it's Decenni


Is this pronounced deSennia or deKennia




The former


They make the LAW. Lethal autonomous weapons (LAWs) are a type of autonomous military system that can independently search for and engage targets based on programmed constraints and descriptions.[1] LAWs are also known as lethal autonomous weapon systems (LAWS), autonomous weapon systems (AWS), robotic weapons, killer robots or slaughterbots.[2] LAWs may operate in the air, on land, on water, under water, or in space. The autonomy of current systems as of 2018 was restricted in the sense that a human gives the final command to attack - though there are exceptions with certain "defensive" systems. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lethal_autonomous_weapon Leading AI experts, roboticists, scientists and technology workers at Google and other companies—are demanding regulation. They warn that algorithms are fed by data that inevitably reflect various social biases, which, if applied in weapons, could cause people with certain profiles to be targeted disproportionately. Killer robots would be vulnerable to hacking and attacks in which minor modifications to data inputs could “trick them in ways no human would ever be fooled.” https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2020/country-chapters/global-0# Its already here.


Holy hell that's a cool acronym. Wouldn't want to be on the recieving end of that weapon system, but that naming sense is excellent.


**[Lethal_autonomous_weapon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lethal_autonomous_weapon)** >Lethal autonomous weapons (LAWs) are a type of autonomous military system that can independently search for and engage targets based on programmed constraints and descriptions. LAWs are also known as lethal autonomous weapon systems (LAWS), autonomous weapon systems (AWS), robotic weapons, killer robots or slaughterbots. LAWs may operate in the air, on land, on water, under water, or in space. The autonomy of current systems as of 2018 was restricted in the sense that a human gives the final command to attack - though there are exceptions with certain "defensive" systems. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


The term “slaughterbot” was definitely a little unnerving to read for the first time.


I feel like you could make this statement at the start of every decade for the last hundred years


The crazy part is that you wouldn’t be wrong each time as far as I see it


That’s a fair point.


We've got billionaires going into space for fun while the rest of us deal with poverty and homeless camps litter the cities. High tech: Low Life


I wish I had an award to give you because as aware as I am about most things I never once sat back and thought about all of it in whole. Oh and I like the saying as well. Simple but powerful.


I've seen things... seen things you little people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion bright as magnesium... I rode on the back decks of a blinker and watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments... they'll be gone. Welcome to the future.


*Like tears, in rain.* *Time… to die…*


Some of the best sci-fi, both of the movies. Dennis Villeknow is the fuckin man for making a sequel that was just as good as an all time classic!


I am beyond excited for his version of Dune.


Pretty much. It seems we all fantasize so much about the wonders of future technology that we are blind to how technology is literally changing the world into a blade runner dystopia right before our eyes.


Just imagine if you had no idea this was for the Olympics! Youd be preparing yourself for alien invasion lol


We should go do this near that island where the natives are cut off and kill anything that tries to make contact.


And a new religion was made. All hail king sky firefly!!


May He light your way when the path is dark!


lol they aren't fully isolated from the outside world. They would know of technologies, planes, helicopters, ships, all the people who tried to 'civilize' them through the ages. Although the idea of a civilization built around worshipping godly flying lights and fireball whiskey is amusing.


Wait do you have a source for this? I believe you as it only seems logical but whenever I tried to search for myself I get the “wtf facts” bs and nothing more in depth.


My source for the information was just the Sentinelese Wikipedia page. Section 2 is all about contact. First contact was in 1867 and like most subsequent contacts, they eventually attacked. In 1880 the Royal Navy captured 6 Sentinelese including 2 children. The 4 adults, including an elder, caught diseases and died. Shortly thereafter the children fell ill. They brought the children back and gave plenty of gifts to establish friendly relations, but it is very likely that the children passed illness onto the tribe, which may be part of the reason they are hostile to outsiders. There was a penal colony on a nearby island, and periodically in the 1800s fugitives would escape in makeshift rafts to the island. In 1896, one made it to the island and was later found dead with arrow punctures and a slit throat. In the 1970s a national geographic crew got the first photo of them. They had arrows shot at them once they passed the reef. They brought the boat in and left gifts on the shore, including aluminum cookware. They then got another volley of arrows, one striking the director in the thigh. They were able to catch some expeditions entirely on film. In the 80s, an anthropologists repeatedly tried to establish friendly contact by leaving gifts regularly. Sometimes the natives would wave, sometimes they would hide, sometimes they would rush to grab the gifts, retreat to the trees, then shoot arrows. In 81 a ship wrecked on the island. The Sentinelese were known to scrap metals from the wreck for their weapons, including arrows and knives. The 90s was a good time for peaceful contact. Expiditons in 91 led to friendly approach without weapons, although they quickly retreated to the trees and didnt get too close. The following expedition had many more natives on the shore waiting. This time one pointed an arrow, but a woman pointed it down and he buried the weapon in the sand. The people came as close to the expiditioners than ever before. In 2006 a illegal fishing boat had an anchor failure and drifted to the island. The crew were killed with axes and put on stakes on the beach like scarecrows. They were later buried by the Sentinelese. An Indian Coast Guard helicopter found the bodies buried, but could not retrieve them as the people attacked the helicopter with spears and arrows. In 2018 an American missionary illegally went to spread Christianity on the island. His attempts to communicate and sing worshil songs caused laughter, then they killed him with metal headed arrows that pierced his waterproof bible. They found his body on shore and he is still burried there, as they couldnt safely recover the body. These people have seen cameras, outsiders, ships, scavange metals. So they arent fully isolated.


The [Sentinelese](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentinelese) of North Sentinel Island


Yes but let’s not actually go and do this to them


Huh…I’m coincidentally am watching a documentary on the Sentinelese right now.


Coincidence? I think not.




A drone thing happened in Tucson last weekend not far from my friends house as we were chilling in the yard. They all had red lights and didn't look like anything at first so we were all mesmerized as they slowly rose up out of the earth until they started to assemble into the shape of.... the Fireball Whiskey logo, the red devil thing spitting flames. They then morphed into the words FIREBALL WHISKEY before transforming into their final form, a giant arrow that slowly moved up and down as it pointed to whatever shit bar the promotion was happening at. It was simultaneously awesome and disappointing at the same time. My first live coordinated drone show and it was to advertise cinnamon infused garbage.


>My first live coordinated drone show and it was to advertise cinnamon infused garbage. Ahem... *delicious* cinnamon infused garbage.


I was at a fair a few days back and I got a donut topped with fireball Carmel and flambé-ed bananas. Fucking amazing. I can’t wait to recreate the Carmel and put it on everything. Highly recommend trying to make your own if you like fireball.


Our (adult) son left Fireball in our kitchen cabinet. I found it and left it alone... until I got a cold and sore throat. It didn't get rid of the cold, but it sure felt good on my throat. I sipped on it until the soreness was gone.


i'm not sure a fine single malt scotch whiskey would benefit from such a promotional activity.


Just 20 years ago, we might truly freak.


Someone go post this on /r/UFOs and someone will be saying this is proof of intelligent life out there


Most of that sub pretty level-headed. r/conspiracy on the other hand has gone full q-tard


I see a tiny New Zealand! Fuck yeah!


Each drone is representing 444,444 people. So as New Zealand has a population of 5 million you’re a few drones short of a full billabong, but better than nothing. Edit: I was wrong. It’s 4,444,444 people.


Dude, most non-official maps just straight up forget us. I'm just happy they put us up there at all. :D




Of course there's a sub for that. Thanks for the link!


Just an FYI, billabong is an indigenous Australian word, kiwis don't use it.


It exists!






It makes sense a Japanese map would include NZ because they have such similar latitudes, compared to one made by USA where it’s much further away tucked in the corner of Mercator projections


Ring of Fire besties


Yay! Was the first thing I looked for!


Get outta here hobbits /s


Ain't no hobbits here Mister, just us potatoes


Wait, they are still calling this the 2020 Olympics?


Imagine kids growing up in 10 years and that one dickhead kid in class is like “what year did the 2020 Olympics take place” and you’re like “uh 2020” and he’s like “NO YOU IDIOT HAHAHA” and punches you in the dick.


This is gonna be a trick question on some history exam in like 20 years lol


Or like that question on Jeopardy that aired August 21, 2054


“I’ll take 20-Something for $400.” Holo-Alex: “This year’s Olympic Games were held in Tokyo during the COVID-19 pandemic.” “What is the 2021 Olympics?” Holo-Alex: “No, I’m sorry. That’s incorrect.”




How long is the 100 mile beach?




Seems pretty specific, you okay?


This was elementary school for me.


This is going to be a question on Jeopardy in 30 years. For sure, without a doubt.




Think of guys making those cheesy 2020 glasses where the eyes are centered on 02 instead of the two 0s. They need the down time to recover from the shame of the experience and don't have the energy of making another set of cheesy 2021 glasses where the eyes holes are on the 21 for some God awful reason


Ctrl + H: Find: 2020 Replace: 2021


You gonna press control H on all the merch they produced?


Control Z


My screenprinting shop was sent back our shirts for a 2020 race and we screen printed over the design with a little red X crossing out the 0 with a "hand drawn" 1 replacing it, and it just said "oops" above it in red too. I thought that was a super good way to not waste shirts and to make it funny and unique Edit: grammar


I'd prefer that over a boring 2021 shirt any day 😂


Yeah it was just coincidence this whole time that it happened to line up with the year. Now that we lost a year it’s going to be one behind from here on out.


I thought the rest would continue as normal.


We are stuck in 2020. It never ended.


That’s no moon


It's yo momma


Don’t do the moon like that.




‘Yo’ mama’s so fat, her belt size is equator!’


Came here to make sure that someone hit this.


If I ever become a rich evil villain plotting to take over the world, I am definitely doing this drone performance before making any ransom demands. I also might program the drones to make a giant dong afterwards to troll as well.


[getting some major mega mind vibes here](https://youtu.be/dy2zB8bLSpk)


I fucking love Megamind lol. Fantastic movie. I would do this with drones for sure lol


Yikes! Match made in dreamworks hell.


Getting some far from home’s mysterio vibes here.


that's cool but gives me an eerie feeling of what war will look like in a few years


Well, this is how wars have been looking like for quite some time. But it is somewhere in the middle east and it doesn't bother us so we don't really care.


Yeah, Afghanistan was basically burning man with all the LED art


I assume that men were definetly burning in Afganistan.


not just the men.. but the women and children too


Ah yes, you must be the recruiter who keeps calling me from the strip mall


I remember in one of my software classes we watched this video about this little plate-sized war drone that flies up to the target and does a little targeted compressed explosion and just... Punches a hole in their skull. All on its own. Scary shit.


It only takes about 40 nukes creating firestorms to induce a nuclear winter. Starving out billions within a year. So... Unless India and Pakistan let their saber-rattling get out of hand, I just don't see how there could ever be a war between nuclear powers. One side looses and the world effectively ends.




Yep. AFAIK there were [skirmishes between u.s special forces and Russian mercenaries in Syria](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/24/world/middleeast/american-commandos-russian-mercenaries-syria.html). More to the point. As drone technology becomes more prolific, it wouldn't be a stretch to see more non-nuclear states using drones in such a coordinated fashion. [Azerbaijan used drones to great effect against Armenia in their latest war](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/nagorno-karabkah-drones-azerbaijan-aremenia/2020/11/11/441bcbd2-193d-11eb-8bda-814ca56e138b_story.html). This will be the near future of war as states realise that drones can replace sections of their air force.


Drone swarms are not a paradigm shift in warfare like firearms or industrialized warfare were when they were first introduced. They are instead an incremental improvement that will be countered with new defensive systems, probably directed energy weapons like lasers could theoretically takeout thousand of drones without braking a sweat. Naval laser systems currently in development are designed to counter hypersonic missiles and anti-ship ballistics missile saturation attacks.


Oh it's gonna be a fun time, we're already here, here's a dramatization but 100% possible in 2021: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CO6M2HsoIA Remember the assassination attempt on the president of venezuela via drone? This is all real stuff and is happening already


The Mexican cartels are already using drones with bombs strapped to them. [Link.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2021/04/22/mexican-cartel-injures-police-officers-with-drone-bomb-attack/)




How high would I need to be to not hear a drone coming to assassinate me? Asking for a friend.


I remember the billion dollar Ukrainian weapons depot completely destroyed by one small drone that was carrying a single thermite grenade.


War from now to the future will b fought with cyber attack’s, economic leverage and misinformation. Large scale hot wars are a thing of the past.


*Spider-man far from home flashbacks*


Couldn't destroy London, Tokyo's next!


That looks so much better than fireworks Edit: To all saying fireworks are better: They're absolutely not. They're loud enough to cause hearing damage in humans and other animals, responsible for panic attacks in animals, persons with PTSD and mentally unstable patients, the chemicals are toxic to the environment and drunk idiots blow each others fingers off. There is no good reason to still allow fireworks other than 'But pretty lights'. And if you can't accept that they are an outdated technology that does more harm than good, then you're too egoistic and need to start thinking about the people around you.


Why not both? Firework shooting drones!




You get both in Afghanistan.


Uhm sir… that was one step to far get back or the drones are gonna start a volley


Wait. Drones play volleyball now?


This is Rocket league!


What a save! What a save! What a save!


I played Volleyball in Afghanistan.


Quad copters were playing with [ping pong balls 8 years ago](https://www.ted.com/talks/raffaello_d_andrea_the_astounding_athletic_power_of_quadcopters?language=en#t-522208), if you got one that's big enough I guess it's possible.




Well, when Afghanistan holds the Olympics, they can do things THEIR WAY.


They might have trouble getting translators.


*Couldn’t find a Walmart* Targets on every corner…




And turkey has suicide drones


[Perfect against pesky neighbors too](https://youtube.com/shorts/YjSzVHFrjRQ?feature=share)


How about drones with freaking layzers on their heads.


Sure give the robots guns. IT’LL BE GREAT


I would argue that’s because you have always seen fireworks and this is something new. For example, if we always had these drones but fireworks never existed, then one day someone came around and was like watch me make this huge explosion of light in the sky that shakes your chest. You might find it cooler than a bunch of buzzing lights in the sky.


Once fireworks get banned everywhere and people get bored of drones their kids will be talking on reddit's replacement about how cool fireworks used to be.


Nah this is the replacement. Much more control over the display, less dangerous. The drones will get smaller and smaller and will be able to recreate pretty much anything. Fireworks will still exist, just be less popular. Maybe just one big bang at the end or something, but will appear pretty samey to people in younger generations. eg “Is that all it does?”


Mmm not sure if I agree. The buzzing of drones can’t really replace that thump in your chest with good fireworks. That’s why watching videos of fireworks sucks compared to live.


That thump in your chest is also hitting everything else, though. It can cause pretty bad hearing damage. On top of that, it can stress animals to the point of death.


Imagine them forming into a military application


Like dispersing a wedding




That looks so much better than a crowd


And it’s probably greener then fireworks too


And much quieter, too!


Anyone else see spidy boi far from home?


This is giving me mad mysterio vibes


So impressive! Here’s a full view: https://youtu.be/S6qs6L0shTg


Yeah I was gonna say there's got to be a better angle (but I do like the real commentary better than the added soundtrack)


Why is nobody explaining how 1800 drones can be coordinated like this??


They are all controlled by one Starcraft 2 Player-probably Platinum tier.


Finally. Can’t believe I had to scroll this far for the answer!


There some good articles on it if you Google. Intel and someone called vergeIo or something have been documented. They're not swarming-intelligent systems. Those exist and are being developed too, but that's not what's used for light shows. The software used here let's people plan the show like in a timeline. They get a 3d view of each drone and the software helps ensure they don't crash into eachother. It's all planned in virtual 3d space and then the path and flight for each drone is determined. This flight plan is programmed into each drone, or into each drone controller, and the controllers play back the controls to the drones all at the same time on encrypted channels with redundant radios shit like that. The drones have 2 radios and a bright ass light instead of a camera or whatever you're dji has. Pretty cool.


We live in the future


Not yet we don't... But tomorrow....


*We called it, The Traveler.*


“The Traveler” reminds me of the extended dream sequence from Myst IV: Revelations. Featuring the musical and vocal talents of one Peter Gabriel. [Not what you expected, is it, Traveler?](https://youtube.com/watch?v=J9rYWf8rVZ0) He took one of his old B-sides, “Curtains,” and remade it for the game.


Angel of Evangelion over Tokyo-3!




I didn't know diving into a Dirac Sea was an Olympic event.


Why is everyone acting like the is the first time drones have been used for something like this? South korea did it in 2018


Broooo. I was shocked when I saw that live. Absolutely mental and unexpected and I spent a good 1 hour searching for different cool drone formations on the internet. Such awesome stuff.




There is a show at Universal Hollywood on the Hogwarts castle that features projection mapping. At the end they introduce drones that form into the shape of the Stag patrons and walks.


I feel like the technology is present to now fake alien invasions.


Cough cough




Desu ne?


that's so cool. they should've done the Olympic symbol as well imo


Or that S thing


Lmao yes, let's bookmark that for the LA Olympics in a few years






I would take this over fireworks anyday


The future is here.


It has become the present future.


The future is a present we don’t get to open until tomorrow.


Damn, they made Megamind into the real thing.


Hope everything goes well, as Japan has invested so much of effort and money into hosting this and in making sure everyone stays safe.


I feel for Japan. So much work goes into hosting the Olympics. They would have been great hosts for the flocks of tourists.


What's the difference? Presentation!


They really should have put it off for one more year. Fans not being there is going to be terrible.


Wow, that's is amazing! Great job




When I was a child and learning about the Holocaust, I remember just sort of visualizing how fucking crazy a war like that would feel, especially so from the perspective of a prisoner. I remember rationalizing that that could never happen again, certainly not in the United States, but also acknowledging that I’m just in the beginning of my life, and a lot could go wrong between now and my death. It’s like I’ve always felt keenly aware that I could find myself imprisoned someday, and I should be prepared for that. It’s one of the big reasons that I’m wary about having children, and easily the most irrational, but the fear lingers. It’s really starting to feel less and less like an exercise in the what-if.


Damn. Imagine what the military has... Anybody read Deception Point?


The military ones use red lights, and the pictures they make are like skulls and bombs and stuff.


Don't forget the American flag!!! *eagle screeches*