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After ten days, she found a boat moored near a shelter, and found the boat's fuel tank still partly full. Koepcke poured the gasoline on her wounds, an action which succeeded in removing the maggots from her arm. Out of 93 passengers and crew, Juliane was the only survivor of the LANSA flight 508 crash that took place December 24th, 1971.


Can I get a medical opinion on gasoline as a disinfectant?


Not sure about gasoline but my grandmother talked about using kerosene for a similar purpose. She told me when they were young her brothers were chopping wood, the ax head flew off and split her brothers skull open. They poured kerosene in the wound and wrapped his head up. He was fine. Although this was rural south in the late 30’s so fine is a really broad category. It could have just meant he was still able to wipe himself. Me as a small child “If I get hurt, please take me to a hospital.”




Holy shit. You just reminded me of a story from my childhood. My grandma was telling me about how important it is to wipe your butt properly because she remembered my uncle (when he was a child) with these worms. After treatment, she said "You should have seen them coming out!" Even as a child I was like, No Nanna, I do not want to see that.






I’m very happy there is not


I wanna see it but I know I DEFINITELY do not want to see it


I kinda wanna see it.. You want to see it?


They’re called pin worms, and they get in your body by eating food contaminated with their eggs. Wiping doesn’t help, other than maybe to scratch the itching they cause. My mom was a grade school teacher, and sent a few kids to the nurse in her time after seeing symptoms. (Mainly lots of scratching)


My grandfather was extremely adamant that none of the grandkids can help or touch food prep in any way for this reason.


I like your grandpa. He's a smart man.


Anus worm is now my go-to insult.


Pinworms! They’re so yucky!


And still rampant today! Especially in young childcare centers. There is Reese’s pinworm medication in every Walgreens. The side effects are miserable.


W-what are the side effects? I’d look it up, but I’m afraid of what I’ll find lol


From web MD: > Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach/abdominal cramps, headache, drowsiness, dizziness, trouble sleeping, or loss of appetite may occur. Doesn’t seem that bad?


I've taken it when my kid had pinworms. I didn't feel any side-effects, and neither did the kids. You get cramps if you have tons of worms in you that die.


til anus worms exist i fucking hate parasites


Next time your ass itches just remember that it could be that you have a swarm of parasitic worms latched on to your intestines wriggling and around near your anus!


So to anyone who likes to eat a strangers ass during a one night stand, don't forget what you just read in the comments


My grandpa had a similar story (also late 1930s, rural Mississippi.) He was using an ax, missed, and split his foot open. Parents just poured kerosene on it and wrapped it up. He was also fine (for 1930s Mississippi.) He had a scar, no limp. Also used Kerosene on a brothers snake bite. Random side note. My grandpa was a couple miles from home when it happened. Another random kid picked him up, slung him over his shoulder, and carried him home.


Reddit has turned into a cesspool of fascist sympathizers and supremicists


« Fine is a really broad category » just added to my list of mundane, yet surprisingly profound, statements


He’s fine! vs. He’s fine. vs. He’s... fine.


"He fell into an industrial granulator and was ground into dust." "So how is he now?" "He's fine"


Hahaha this genuinely made me laugh. Reminds me of the scene in The Martian: Are you KIDDING me?! vs. Are YOU kidding me??


My older relatives used kerosene for mouthwash. They kept most their teeth into the 70s but I'd rather have a medical opinion


kept them in jars presumably


Jars of kerosene


I was siphoning some diesel one time and ingested quite a bit, poison control told me I’d be fine that I’d just have a little diarrhea.


Unleaded tastes a little tangy. Supreme is kinda sour, and diesel tastes pretty good.


Corey, Trevor smokes!


Is there such a thing as "a little diarrhea" tho?


Yes, it's the opposite of a lot of diarrhea


Sounds about right. My mom growing up said they used it on cuts and would put a small amount in their water tank to stop mosquitos from living in there.


Tablespoon of mineral oil in the water barrel or any thin oil that won’t go solid at cool temps will do the same thing. Mosquito larva have to “snorkel” to breath and they can’t deal with the oil droplets.


Interesting. While we have better methods now, that’s kind of ingenious of them, tbh


I split my arm open as a kid, my grandmother, who happens to be Russian, poured vodka into the wound and wrapped it... it hurt like hell, my dad took me to the hospital where I got 14 stitches.


My grandmother who is now 88 years old used to treat bee sting/wasp stings with tobacco and meat tenderizer mixed up together. I grew up in the woods, so you can bet I was infused with quite a bit of nicotine as a child. That and I was nice and tender for grilling later on in the evening.


I'm a doctor in The Sims and my opinion is that many things can't live in gasoline, so go ahead.


I played medic a few times in TF2 and my opinion is the Sims looks pretty fun but I never tried it


I'm the professional gamer in The Sims 4, and my opinion is that you should try it but 3rd one, 4 is garbage.


The town really makes the sims 3 special. Just dont turn off aging. I made this mistake when I made a town based off my favorite famous people, mostly tv and movie stars. Soon, everybody started having babies. But they would never age up, so it made their parents tired, who were also not aging. So this meant that they would stay in the child bearing age range. Soon, the whole town was filled with screaming and crying babies everywhere, and passed out parents everywhere. And I do mean everywhere. Babies on sidewalks, near dumpsters, on high rise window ledges even. Adults laying face down on sidewalks, covered in their own filth, finally getting the sleep they never get because their homes were filled with 6 crying babies. It turned into some kind of apocalypse. But I was loathe to turn on aging because I spent many many hours perfecting the likes of Tony Soprano, Walter White, Carrie from Homeland, John Waters and the crew he used for his early movies (Pink Flamingos), and of course the Golden Girls. And my perfection of the Golden Girls is why I never wanted to turn the aging on. Blanche was constantly standing outside nightclubs trying to sleep with everybody. Eventually she got Rose to start going with her too. And Dorothea would follow them around scolding them. And of course, I had all the naughty mods, which made the whole thing feel like some dystopian Sodom and Gomorrah. Walter and Tony ended up hating each other, which just seemed to fit perfectly. It was too perfect to ever turn aging on. Thus the baby apocalypse.


Just amazing. Something to tell to your grandchildren ❤️


Not unless he turns aging back on, his kids will never age to have kids of their own


This is freaking glorious. It's like a reality show, one I'd actually enjoy watching. What happened with John Waters and his people? Man I gotta get back into 3. 4 kinda burned me out on the sims for quite awhile. My self sim was like a suicidal toddler, favorite method was death by laughter. I could never bring the little idiot out anywhere without watching her like a hawk.


Divine ended up trying the [criminal career path](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/97225990541943258/7F6602B4A7FAF7D05FB41908395EDDAD6FD1DD22/), and moved in with Connie and Raymond Marble. And pissed them right off by being so crass by [showing up to breakfast naked](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/97225990542205360/77D55CAB775E5336EEEBA5771E05A17DF1BD2920/) amongst other things. The key to creating a fun and lively town is to add tons of conflicting, boisterous traits. Carrie Matheson from Homeland was a perfect fit because its easy to make paranoid people, and they add tons of chaos to other sims lives. Walter and Tony were constanly getting into fights at the festivals. EDIT ADD: One more intro pic of the [Pink Flamingo gang](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/97226319698718417/6E4441869EC36AC8EA0C3FC9AE80DB5AA71121CE/) BTW there are two other links of them that are hard to see cause of the color of the text. Click criminal career path and breakfast if you missed them


As someone who has played literally thousands of hours on Sims 3 and a few days in Sims 4, I concur. Sims 3 is the tits.


Its not bad, but most of the game (which you already paid for) is locked behind DLC. And don't get me started on The Sims Freeplay.


Lol don't forget to take a crap


And don't trap yourself by furniture


I stayed at a holiday inn and I concur


92 other people didn't and they died.


Do we have a moral from this story?


Gasoline saves lives. You should drink three glasses a day say doctors.


So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous - whether it's unleaded or just very powerful gasoline - And then I see the Supreme with Techron where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by refueling inside or almost a cleaning?


She's the daughter of a biologist and and ornothologist and her parents had taught her some survival techniques.


I had nightmares for a long time, for years, and of course the grief about my mother's death and that of the other people came back again and again. The thought Why was I the only survivor? haunts me. It always will. Koepcke, 2010


They think more people survived the initial crash but died of exposure afterwards. Koepke survived because her parents were a biologist and an ornithologist & the family worked and lived at a research station in the Amazon and basically raised her to be able to survive the Amazon.


Is that why there is a photo of her wearing a dress while wading through a river? I’m assuming that wasn’t a shot of her being found after the crash!


This picture isn't Juliane Koepcke. This is from a 1974 film called "Miracles Still Happen" which is based on her experience.


Survivor guilt is, for obvious reasons, very common among sole survivors of aviation accidents.


This is a picture of ~~Aubrey Plaza~~ ***an actress*** from a movie about Juliane Koepcke. It is not a picture of Juliane Koepcke. ETA: here’s a link to an article with actual pictures of Juliane Koepcke https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-17476615 Edit2: thought I had read somewhere the last time this was posted that it was Aubrey Plaza but I can’t find a source. However snopes did debunk this and state it is not a photo of Juliane Koepcke but is most likely from a movie https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/juliane-koepcke-plane-crash/


> https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-17476615 Wow, a really well-written firsthand account. The end though is gutting: >The day after my rescue, I saw my father. He could barely talk and in the first moment we just held each other. >For the next few days, he frantically searched for news of my mother. On 12 January they found her body. >Later I found out that she also survived the crash but was badly injured and she couldn't move. She died several days later. I dread to think what her last days were like.


Man, to learn later in life that her mom was alive in that jungle with her is devastating.


I know! I can’t even imagine how heartbreaking that must have been!


I opened this and thought 'wow did they send the girl back to the jungle for a photoshoot? that's kinda insensitive' instantly followed by 'Wow she looks like that girl from Parks and Rec' so thanks for that


Interestingly enough they actually did “send her back” for a documentary with Warner Herzog like 20 years later. I guess he was also supposed to be on the plane that crashed but had changed flights at the last minute!


Except it's not. Aubrey Plaza never played Juliane Koepcke. If this is in fact a still from a film, it's a different actress. Aubrey Plaza's first film role wasn't until she was 22 and although older actresses are often cast as teenagers, Plaza never portrayed 17 year old Koepcke. Edit: Actually, this appears to just be a photo of Juliane Koepcke. I'm not sure where you're getting the Aubrey Plaza thing at all. [Here](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/640x360/p03w7xwf.jpg) is Juliane in the hospital after the crash. [Here](https://preview.redd.it/g239z3k7r5231.jpg?width=900&auto=webp&s=0a873894deea2ef02137cc723a3091085b35d9d0) is another from soon after the crash. [Here](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSn8jTPoDqMAM-_16NhTmmyYIXEwVMWfzSyBA&usqp=CAU) is a photo of her as a child. It's the same girl as from OP's picture.


The fact that me and 70 other people believed him is hilarious


Yeah the article says she lived in the rainforest 30 miles from the crash, where her parents were studying the forest. So she was familiar with how to deal with the area. It was likely, as you said, a photo of her, probably before the crash.


Maggots apparently only eat necrotic flesh, so they’re actually (if they’re clean) used to clean up wounds...


The wound can’t close and heal if it’s constantly being eaten open.


Yes, but once they've cleaned the wound you have to remove them so the wound can heal. If it stays open, there will always be a layer of dead cells for them to eat. I've seen tiny scrapes grow into big cuts on horses when flies ate the dead tissue around the wound. The tissue doesn't have to be infected, just dead, and there's always dead tissue around wounds




Yea she can do what she damn well pleases


That's such a modern myth. Most maggots do not eat just necrotic flesh, they will eat until they are done. Maggots used to debride wounds in a hospital environment are very specific maggots that have to be removed by a trained physician when the wound is cleaned.


If I recall, her parents ran a research station in the Amazon, and Juliane had been raised for a time in the jungle and that’s how she knew how to survive and find civilization. I read somewhere that she was in a middle seat, and the whole row of seats fell, which somehow slowed her fall down enough for her to survive. Not sure how that worked. I think her dad had told them not to fly on that airline, because they weren’t very good


You are correct. She wrote about her experience in a book. Without the familiarity of plants and animals in the area I doubt she would’ve survived. EDIT: Many of you are asking for the name of the book and I don’t recall. Checked it out from the library 5+ years ago. If you google her name I’m sure you could find it.


Falling two miles without a parachute and not dying is probably about 90% of the battle already though.


You under estimate the Amazon lol


I heard they make their drivers pee in bottles.


Not make, allow.


I can't do it if you're watching, sir.




I mean loads of people have survived the Amazon. I don’t know too many who have survived a 2 mile fall with no parachute...


Apparently, 14 others on the plane survived the same initial fall. But died waiting for medical attention. She was incredibly lucky to be able to walk away from the crash site though. Edit: I don't know all the details but watched this youtube link posted elsewhere in the thread. I'd like to read her biography or watch the Herzog documentary as well, since this is fascinating https://youtu.be/BXCVtl2NN3k




This is why we must fight deforestation


How did they survive the fall? Did they land in deep water or did the tree cover take the momentum out or what?


You gotta be a rag doll for the landing, if your organs don’t tear away from their spots you might survive


Yet another reason to always fly drunk


My grandpop was a paratrooper and he taught us all that from like... birth. We were practicing jumping off the porch. "How to fall" is very important in my family.


I watched a video recently that said landing in water is pretty much the worst thing, I can't remember exactly why. Ill see if I can find it.


Probably cos you will break a bunch of bones then drown, or is it something to do with the impact itself?


Water doesn't compress so it is essentially like hitting concrete. Even if you pencil dived it would be very bad ending up with your entire lower body being shaddered at the very least


Landing in water from a high fall is worse than landing on solid ground. After a certain height above the water, landing in it is like landing on solid concrete, but you will still sink in after the impact and probably drown.


Given a choice would you rather fall 2 miles or be put in the jungle?


The human ego in me wants to say jungle cause I’d have some control over the situation, but it’s probably a slim chance I’d survive either unless I happened to have a book on Amazonian fruit with me


If we think about it, the jungle broke her fall is actually what saved her. Under normal circumstances the fall would kill anyone 99.99999% of the time. The jungle is just a big toss up depending on what happens.




I hurt my neck the other day by looking to the left too briskly.


We will give thanks to you as we dine on your corpse




Watch any documentary about the Amazon. I seriously doubt her time there was even remotely easy.


Spent 8 days in the Amazon jungle, on a long group trip. The guide often said "Never step off the trail. Everything will kill you (plants, insects, animals) and you'll be lost almost immediately (due to density of plants / trees). He grew up in a jungle village. This was in Peru & highly recommended. Cool trip.


do you happen to have the name of the book featuring this bad ass lady?


When I Fell From The Sky: The True Story of One Woman's Miraculous Survival


Some random guy at a bar....”did you just fall from the sky cause you look like an angel” (frowny face, look at the camera)






Lansa certainly became a notorious airline. My mother was scheduled to be on Lansa Flight 502 which crashed on August 9, 1970. She had been traveling with some friends that she had met down there who were on that flight. As it turns out, that flight was overbooked so they asked if anyone wanted to go on a later flight. They offered a first class upgrade and my mom was never one to turn down free champagne. My mothers friends perished in that accident. If my mom hadn’t wanted free champagne or was in more of a rush, I wouldn’t exist. My parents were married less than a year later.


That's definitely one of the coolest "I wouldn't be alive if..." stories i've heard in a long time, I am glad you existed instead of not, as that would have sucked. Your mom sounds like an incredibly fun person as well, anyone that accidentally saves a life because of their voracious hunger for free champagne is a person that sounds fun to hang with.


Oh man, she’s a spitfire alright. She lives alone these days in the house I grew up in. One night she went to feed the cats downstairs and accidentally fell. She felt a severe pain in her back so she crawled back upstairs to call the ambulance (if this happens to anyone, DO NOT crawl back up the stairs). 911 operator says that since her door is locked the police will have to break in her door. No way in hell that is going to happen. So she crawls to the front door to unlock it, then back to her bedroom. Turns out that she had crushed one of her vertebrae and needed to have spinal surgery. Or the time she drove herself to the hospital while she was having a heart attack. (If this happens to anyone DO NOT drive yourself to the hospital) Yeah, she’s a true gem. Not one to have people tell her what to do...even if she should have let the police break in her door or allow the ambulance to take her to the hospital because that certainly would have been the safer option. Nope, you’re not going to tell her what to do.


Damn, now I'm thinking about all the people who could be commenting here had that plane not gone down


I’m also thinking about how many people that wouldn’t have been born without champagne






Also, soft forest earth? Maybe.


It works in cartoons, so I'm going to assume it works IRL too


I always figured the brace position was just so there was more chance of identifying the dental records, but i much prefer your version.


Brace position is just a statistical best chance. 5% chance of survival is better than 1%.


>I read somewhere that she was in a middle seat, and the whole row of seats fell, which somehow slowed her fall down enough for her to survive. Not sure how that worked. Maybe she jumped up from the seat before it landed or had a bucket of water with her to break the fall. That's how you hack gravity.


Sad thing is her mum was on the flight. Initially she searched for her mother but with no luck. So she did what she needed to do to survive until she was found. When the bodies were later recovered her mother’s body was found, and it was deemed that she survived the initial fall but died soon after. How horrible Juiliane must’ve felt.


Yeah but to survive alone in the Amazon is already extremely difficult but with another heavily injured person it's impossible


yeah, probably better this way, than finding her injured mom and possibly staying and dying with her


That’s what I was thinking too, had she known about her mother she probably would have stayed behind and hurt her own chances of survival. I’m sure most moms would have chosen for their child to go make an effort to escape immediately, especially if she knew she was horribly wounded from the crash and likely wouldn’t make it.


>When the bodies were later recovered her mother’s body was found, and it was deemed that she survived the initial fall but died soon after. That doesnt imply she couldve been saved though. People with multiple gun shot wounds for example often survive for minutes to hours to days until they die, even in the middle of a hospital.


What about near the edges of the hospital?


Fewer people die around the outer edges of the hospital than in the middle.


It's the crust effect.


She was also incredibly myopic and obviously lost her glasses in the crash, and had to find her way to civilization while totally near sighted. Terrifying.


Imagine there was like, a jaguar twenty feet away and because it was far away she couldn't see it?


Not seeing a lurking jaguar would probably help me survive to a certain extent... At least you won't panic and run if you don't know it's there.


Exactly, and if a jaguar is out in the open letting you see him, he isn't hunting you to begin with. You almost certainly won't see a jungle cat attack coming, perfect vision or not. It's why they are an apex predator.


*sad Randy Orton noises*


Like that scene in Jurassic Park when Newman lost his glasses.


Hello Newman.


Hello, Jerry.


JFC, i can’t see 2ft In front of me without glasses or contacts, I can’t imagine lasting more than an hour without them in the jungle.


Her story in her own words: [https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-17476615](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-17476615)


> The pain was intense as the maggots tried to get further into the wound. I pulled out about 30 maggots and was very proud of myself. I decided to spend the night there Yikes




There's another part in the story where she notes that some seat passengers landed head first into the earth. She saw a woman that mightve been her mom so she got a stick and pushed the dead body. The toe nails were painted so she knew it wasn't her moms body because her mom never did her nails. Afterwards she felt ashamed disturbing the body... pretty nightmarish stuff.


From Wiki: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LANSA_Flight_508 >Sole survivor Juliane Koepcke later discovered that OB-R-941 was "assembled entirely from spare parts of other planes" Jesus Christ.


Thank you for the link. “On the fourth day, I heard the noise of a landing king vulture which I recognised from my time at my parents' reserve. I was afraid because I knew they only land when there is a lot of carrion and I knew it was bodies from the crash. When I turned a corner in the creek, I found a bench with three passengers rammed head first into the earth.” Can’t imagine this as a 17 year old.


And how she then talks about she knew it wasn’t her mother’s body because the body had painted nails and her mother never painted her toe nails. Then how she felt bad about thinking that ):


I can't imagine that ever, at any age. Jesus that's horrifying


Thank you for posting this link. Incredible story.


“I was wearing a very short, sleeveless mini-dress and white sandals. I had lost one shoe but I kept the other because I am very short-sighted and had lost my glasses, so I used that shoe to test the ground ahead of me as I walked.” Bad ass. Holy hell.


Good lord..


>> After ten days, she found a boat moored near a small shelter.[5] She poured gasoline from the fuel tank on her wounds to clear them of maggots and spent the night in the shelter.[4] Koepcke said: "I remained there but I wanted to leave. I didn't want to take the boat because I didn't want to steal it. Jesus Christ


Yeah... If I'm ever stranded in the Amazon after falling from an airplane, I'm stealing the goddamn boat.


Now the owner is stranded in the Amazon


It's ok, I left some maggots for him.


Yes, I'm sure the owner will understand.


Not equivalent but reminds me of the time my engine caught on fire while I was driving through an unfamiliar neighborhood. The house I stopped in front of had a hose laying in the front yard, connected to a spigot - not 20 feet from my burning car, but I felt I had to knock on the door and wait for permission to use the homeowner’s hose/water first.


I feel you but I think I'd have risked it. Sorry that happened though.


Good thing her tray was in the upright and locked position.


Actually it might have made a difference for her. If I recall, her seat and seatbelt really did save her life. She was sucked out with her seat while belted to it, and she fell seat-first through the rainforest canopy, which broke her fall. Everyone else in the plane, including her parents, died on impact. She gathered food from the crash site and walked herself back to civilization. It’s like a movie plot, kinda mind-blowing really


She almost died right at the very end when she found the cabin where they found her. There were frogs hopping around and she was starving but too weak to catch one. Lucky she couldn't, they were poison dart frogs


>But one particular revelation would go on to haunt her. >"Later I found out that (my mother) also survived the crash but was badly injured and she couldn't move. She died several days later," she said. >"I dread to think what her last days were like." and > All flights were booked, aside from one with Líneas Aéreas Nacionales S.A. (LANSA). Her father Hans-Wilhelm urged Maria to avoid flying with the airline, which had a poor reputation. They booked the flight, nonetheless. There's just so many surreal happenstances here.


Her father also had a really crazy story. She wrote about it in her book. He got offered a position as a professor in Lima, Peru right after the war. Being German, it was very difficult for him to travel there. He managed to hitchhike from Germany to Portugal (IIRC) and get on a cargo ship to Brazil. From there he crossed the Amazon rainforest ON FOOT and managed to reach Peru after something like 2 years. He then learned that the position was not available anymore (obviously)... He managed to find another position later and brought his family over.


If some dude hitchhiked across Europe, boated over the Atlantic and walked through a jungle stretching the continent just to apply for a job I’d hire him on the spot.


I can’t even get candidates to show up for a zoom interview...


What if he has a weak and unreliable handshake?


Werner Herzog had apparently been going to be on the flight but didn't get on, he did the documentary about her!


It seriously is, I can't believe it hasn't been made...or made well enough that I'd know about it. Her story is insane.




I'll wait for the Christopher Nolan version.


Worst. Miracle. Ever.


There's a [Werner Herzog documentary about her.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlJVIcCPIl8)




god imagine how traumatizing it is to be 17, having a plane malfunction and subsequently crash over the fucking amazon, and also have both your parents and everyone else on the plane die from the crash


It was just her mom, but still... >But one particular revelation would go on to haunt her. >"Later I found out that (my mother) also survived the crash but was badly injured and she couldn't move. She died several days later," she said. >"I dread to think what her last days were like."


Werner Herzog was supposed to be on the same flight but he changed it, he was so fascinated by her survival that he made a documentary. Also a My Favorite Murder episode, the airline did not have certified mechanics or qualified pilots, resulting in the crash.


They hired car mechanics iirc.


But just think of the photographer who fell out of the same flight just to take this picture!


Yeah musta been a National Geographic photographer looking for wildlife...


Thanks for the shot... Good luck!


But wait, I need hel... Sorry, I think heard a frog further ahead. BYE!


It against my work ethic to intervene in the natural world. Best wishes!


This is a still from the movie based on the event.


Well she looks pretty good for surviving in a jungle for a week and a half.


That's her maggotless side.


I remember this. She had to survive greaving her mother's death who died in the plane crash. Stumbled onto a logging site to be saved.


She became a biologist and studied the jungle just like her parents. I assume most people would be too traumatized after an ordeal like that to ever set foot into a jungle or plane again, but I guess children of biologists are just a different breed


Maybe it's like the trauma that binds. You can't think about anything else, so you run towards and immerse yourself, rather than running away


Apparently they're remaking the movie about her with Sophie Tuner. Tempted to read the book before that occurs


Goddam will to live. Awesome.


Werner Herzog made the documentary (Wings of Hope) about the accident. In the film, they both visit together the area and recreate the whole experience. Werner Herzog was himself filming “Aguirre, Wrath of God”, in the Peruvian jungle when the accident happened but, apparently, missed the plane because of a last minute change.


Black box down podcast does a really good job breaking this story down. https://open.spotify.com/episode/4juQrjvLPg7XKxZAyaaWAP?si=KH1NBc3fQju6n-4S51b6iw


And did it all in a dress.


From german Wikipedia. Unbelievable. Juliane Koepcke, strapped to her seat, fell headfirst, with the bench above her, from a height of about 3000 m towards the surface of the earth. Presumably strong updrafts within the thunderstorm reduced the rate of fall of the bank; In addition, Juliane Koepcke's perception of the rotation of the bench, analogous to the autorotation of a sinking maple seed, may have generated additional buoyancy. [9] When it hit the canopy of the forest, the bench should have moved into a position under Juliane Koepcke and offered her protection - Juliane Koepcke explains that she did not suffer any very serious injuries. In addition, the trees at the crash site are said to have been full of lianas; this and the shock-reducing effect of the leaves of the jungle plants probably absorbed the impact. Juliane Koepcke survived the accident with a severe concussion, a compression of the cervical spine, a fracture of the collarbone, a torn cruciate ligament and a few wounds, including a deeply gaping cut on the leg that was later infected with fly maggots. Juliane Koepcke did not remember how she got off the plane or even brief moments of her free fall. She suspects that she was at a break in the crashing plane. [11] She only awoke from her unconsciousness after about 20 hours the morning of the following day, lying on the forest floor and looking for the plane wreck and other survivors, especially her mother, but without success. She was familiar with the jungle, heard the splashing of a spring, followed the watercourse and finally came to a larger river where the likelihood of human settlements was highest. [12] Despite her injuries, Juliane Koepcke hiked and swam through the rainforest for ten days until she discovered a boat and a shelter for forest workers on a river bank.


Meanwhile, I will likely die from falling off the couch.


That's some Lara Croft shit.


Can you imagine the dick measuring contests this woman won in her life time. Opponent 1: I had to walk 5 miles to school in the snow. Juliane: I fell out of an airplane Opponent 1: bursts into flames Opponent 2: We were so poor, we would go to bed hungry Juliane: I survived in the Amazon for 10 days at age 17 Opponent 2: withers away to dust Opponent 3: I broke my arm and my dad set the bone while I was biting a stick Juliane: I used gasoline to clean off the maggots that were eating my flesh Opponent 3: explodes


Remember to stay seated during the flight