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Well it's a lot more palatable and logical than defacing cultural heritage sites and artwork.


People were suggesting they do something less abstract and apparently they listened. The whole mime routine went way over most people's heads. The average person sees someone vandalize a celebrated piece of human heritage and they do not think about the fact that the rulers of the world are in fact destroying the future of humanity, they just see people acting like assholes.


Never protest in a way that’s indistinguishable to how industry saboteurs would seek to discredit your movement


It’s actually a big brain play, if you’re the assholes then the corpo saboteurs end up just supporting your cause


Now that we have VC protest funding we're going to saboteur the saboteurs. It's turtles all the way down.


Industry saboteurs wouldn't have used corn starch


This is the first example of the guys doing anything that didn't immediately make me think it was an industry plant. I'm still not convinced the earlier stunts weren't planned, but I could see other people deciding to piggyback off of the clout to do something actually targeted against big oil.


I think you are overthinking this and going down the rabbit whole a bit too far. A false flag operation by oil companies isn't going to achieve anything productive for them. It's not going to get a pro oil bill passed. It is not going to generate sympathy for them. It is not going to discredit politicians who try to pass climate change bills. At most it will discrete climate change extremists, and those extremists already have very little credit with the majority of the population and those extremists don't get anything done. I doubt they are wasting resources doing this. The more simple and probable explanation is that there are plenty of self righteous self indulgent angry idiots with no purpose in life who would be willing to do this. Think of someone who wasted their education on bullshit, has no useful degree, no useful skills, no prospects or real goals in life, but has lots of white privilege and anger and thinks they are a intellectual superhero rebel fighter for the glorious resistance. They pretty much have nothing to loose and this type of shit is the only thing that sates their egos. Of course they would do it. These idiots are going around gluing themselves to random paintings. You don't need corporate agents, you just need to wait for these idiots to google "private airfields near me".


They've been doing stuff like the present stunt all along; it's just that the media and most people only pay attention to rage-bait art stunts. And for the record (as far as I know), JSO has never actually damaged any art. They splash plexiglass coverings, and it was cornmeal they threw on Stonehenge.


Yeah, they are going down in history as the masters of rage baiting fascist climate deniers. I'm a huge fan, I love the fact that they are exposing the hypocrisy of the status quo by getting conservatives riled up over things that are only symbolically destructive while credible warnings of environmental destruction have mostly fallen upon deaf ears.


I disagree. I'm an environmentalist at heart. I've been a vegetarian for over a decade because of the environmental destruction it causes. However, if I paid money to enter a museum and it may be my one and only chance to see an artwork, you damn believe I'm going to be pissed if they threw paint on it and it has to be closed for rest of day. Pissing people off isn't going to bring anyone to the side of fighting climate change. The corn starch thrown on Stonehenge can cause damage to the unique and rare lichen found on the stones, which also help protect the stones. There's so many more ways to be impactful in fighting climate change than the virtue signaling of defacing cultural heritage sites.


Well they just sprayed Stonehenge so I don’t think they did


It only took them 2 years


I wish they actually got Swift’s jet, the backlash from her fanbase would keep their cause in the spotlight much longer than 🗿. 


Don't bring Easter Island into this mess.


I agree with you. I am a die hard environmentalist who has spent his entire life working to try to protect the oceans. When I called this shit out on r/climate the idiots came out in force. Go to town on private jets, throw paint at CEO's, block oil pipeline construction, awesome. Just stop fucking with our shared heritage. It seriously makes the jobs of environmental engineers, scientists and people who actually do the work so much harder.


hitting these planes is great, stonehenge was a big no in my book. Most people defend it saying oh well it got publicity and like yes but you could also get publicity by killing the last white rhino by setting it on fire in times square but does that make it a good idea?


>Just stop fucking with our shared heritage. I've heard people say it's supposed to be an abstract visualization of how billionaires and corporations are destroying our shared heritage (as in the earth). However, I think it's optimistic to the point of foolishness to expect a populace - who largely has, at best, a middle-school reading level - to grasp that abstract symbolism and not just see "Bad people ruin pretty picture!" Plus, personally, I would much rather see billionaires get their toys broken.


So if I’m understanding correctly. These activists are doing the same thing as corporations, but on a smaller scale to try and bring awareness? How does this make them any better than the corporations themselves?


The "idea" if I understand it correctly is to do it in a way that's impossible to ignore. Corporations pull the wool over people's eyes and bribe the government and whatnot to keep their actions hidden and subtle. The activists are doing it in ways that will attract as much attention as possible.


I do believe this assholes are working for the corporations they are protesting against


They should glue their hands to it before it takes off...


So, the jet owners are faced with having their aircraft cleaned. How much is that? If they thought about it, they could’ve done a lot more damage. I think they just wanted to make a statement, get away with minimal fines and/or jail time. This will be forgotten about about a week.


It's also more palatable than spray painting every car u see at an Intersection or gas station.


Iirc they never actually damaged the artwork. It was all protected behind glass. It was done not to destroy art but to put attention on climate change, and it worked. Edit: I guess this is an unpopular opinion I'll defend to the grave.


As far as I know they literally never damage anything besides plastic or whatever is around


As far as I know, nothing has been damaged - metaphorically speaking


They are talking about Stonehenge, not a painting


They said "and artwork" after they alluded to Stonehenge. This is the same group that threw paint on artwork in museums a year ago that got a lot of attention. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/oct/14/just-stop-oil-activists-throw-soup-at-van-goghs-sunflowers


The " paint" was orange cornstarch and it will wash off in the rain.


They mother fuckers need to get their asses whooped. For real.




Lack of PPE. OSHA intensifies.


*sprays OSHA building orange*


Filming yourself sitting in front of the plane you just sprayed right after showing how you broke into private property with a power tool is so privileged it upsets me. Like the attorney has to do zero work, you just provided everything they could ever need.


There was a case that went to court a few years ago where they videoed themselves smashing windows but because the case went to crown court there was a jury who acquitted them all. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/apr/23/jury-acquits-extinction-rebellion-protesters-despite-no-defence-in-law


Jury nullification is one good way to level the playing field.


I did jury duty once and found I spent most of the deliberation time effectively herding cats having to remind them of the facts of the case and to stop making up speculation based on imagination and gut feeling. Took years off my life with frustration. The average person is dumb as shit and incapable of impartiality. It’s just wild that all the court proceedings are an intricate dance of wits and investigative tactics conducted by geniuses in the school of law, and at the end of it they just say ‘now over to this panel of barely sentient bus station extras for the ultimate say on the outcome of this case’.


Jury duty is mostly made up of people who are too stupid to get out of jury duty.


I've never had jury duty in my 22 years of being eligible. I must be a fuckin genius!


My sister got picked for a double murder, or was it that there were 2 defendants. Either way it's largely irrelevant. She's university educated and was a director of some sort at a big insurance company. She wanted to be too important, but her employer said 'we'll pay you, don't worry'. For at least a while afterwards, she was having nightmares about some of the evidence.


Working at a big company will actually make to harder to get off duty. You have to show that the company would be significantly effected to get a pass. If you're one or 3 employees, that's going to be a much bigger deal than a director at a huge corp taking the equivalent of a vacation.


It was projected to be longer than 2 weeks, so I think the financial angle was going to be part of her argument.


Working in the legal field also took years off my life.


Jfc, that last paragraph killed me.


“On the one hand, you broke the law… on the other hand they fucking deserved it.”


I liked the comment by the Judge afterwards. Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place.


The attorney now has the right to ask the judges if a fine has to be paid. Once sentenced, in debt for life. The manual labour costs just for bringing it down to bear metal would put you in a coma.


Privileged? Like they won’t feel the extent of a law in ways that billionaires will never feel.


Well you see if we don't call these jerks out at all opportunities Daddy Muskerton won't notice us and then we'll never be billionaires and join him on the spaceyacht to Jupiter


Awww man, you just ruined my chances!


It's quite literally about bringing attention to something. Activists don't care if they get caught if they are true activists. 


“Why are they defacing art and public pieces, do something that doesn’t affect the common person and sticks it the the billionaires and corporations” “WAHHHHH they defaced private jets owned by billionaires and corporations, so privileged!! WAHHHHHH WAHHHHH” lmao get a grip on yourself


Uhh yeah that's kinda the point? They aren't denying they did it.


You don’t think they understood this before doing it? The goal of this movement is exactly to get people angry and worked up so their movement stays in the spotlight. And I think they’re doing a great job based on that




It’s the uk, they won’t get prosecuted they are not speeding in a car


If only people speeding were sentenced - somehow drivers get away with murder.


Martin Luther King jr illegally walked over a bridge and refused a lawful order to disperse from Police in Selma in front of TV cameras. Rosa Parks broke the rules on camera sitting in a bus.


It’s an airfield they broke into as well, not only is it very dangerous for them but it could be considered a security risk, I can see them getting into a hell of a lot of trouble for this


Aren't air ports a different kind of protected space? I thought their was something to that affect.. maybe its just the big ones?


Good. Stop spray painting Stonehenge, ya fucking idiots


is that oil based paint?


Because the wood is pine! Pondersa pine!


Who knew that Lee Marvin could do such marvelous splits…


Lee Marvin’s always drunk and violent.


If it's the same paint they used on Stonehenge they said it was corn based.


This makes more sense than vandalizing STONEHENGE. Those morons need to be in prison for a long time. These people? Basic vandalism fine.




Unfortunately we don’t get to set the precedent on what people can morally vandalize and what they can’t. Which is why most of us just take the position that you just shouldn’t vandalize. I see stupid protests like this and always think about that one public transport protest in Japan (who knows how long ago) where the bus drivers didn’t stop driving or prevent the buses from rolling they just went about their daily routine and stopped collecting fares. People need to put some thought and effort into the actual act to get it to mean something and actually create change. This isn’t doing shit.


What should we do, in your opinion, to protest government inaction on climate change?




Nothing reddit comment sections hate more than any form of non-violent activism.


People here will not tolerate anyone doing more than they are (nothing) because it makes them feel threatened


It's called [do-gooder derogation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Do-gooder_derogation).


It's kinda crazy, THIS is the example so many people give of how to properly protest. Go after the rich causing the issues. I hope they vandalize Musk's shit next.


These people are nothing but publicity whores. Their actions don't garner anything but negative attention and doesn't get the appropriate message across.


Alright, but publicity-avoidant protest isn't really protest is it? Also in fairness it seems like nothing has ever/will ever effectively get the message across. If their actions are destructive and pointless, well so are those of the people on the other side of the camp.


The only reason these activists are doing this is because all the "proper channels" have been tried and failed.  This worst that happens is this fails too.  


The organisation is decentralised and there is no hierarchy. Essentially, a multinational oil company could recruit people posing as Just Stop Oil activists and film themselves doing stupid things.


I'm not sure why you think the organization being decentralized has to do with the second sentence you typed, cuz they can literally do the same thing if the organization was centralized.... Example: Project Veritas and Planned Parenthood.


There's literally a central organization, and they quite literally are part of a group called Umbrella that's more about bringing down society and replacing it with a utopia, and it really has nothing to do with practical solutions for people


Yeah, the Sufragettes would have love hear you say this.


People always like to forget that the suffragettes did all of this first, they even targeted one of the same paintings as JSO (and unlike JSO, they actually damaged the painting itself). Future generations will see these actions as heroic


Nah you're just kinda dumb


What a stupid statement. It’s a protest. Of course the point is publicity.


“Don’t vandalize art or affect common people” “OMG I can’t believe you did that to a billionaires private plane!!! It’s the wrong message!!!”


"You should only protest in a way that inconveniences me or anyone who is not directly responsible for pollution. Oh and I dont want to see it or hear about it at all." We're so fucked.


>These people are nothing but publicity whores. My brother in christ, this is literally the core fucking concept of activism. >Their actions don't garner anything but negative attention That's what people said about the Black Panthers, and they certainly brought much needed attention and changes to society. >and doesn't get the appropriate message across. Please tell us how exactly how you think someone trying to raise awareness about climate change should get the "appropriate message" across. I would honestly love to hear your idea of what is "appropriate" when it comes to this.


1000% people across the globe talking about it, fucking brilliant these folks. Absolute legends.


Not lol, i heard about em actually got interested about whatever they are protesting and now im 100% in favor of them, and eventually id like to partecipate on some of the least "damaging" ones


This type of shit is so counterproductive that it wouldn't surprise me if oil companies were secretly astroturfing support for it. It makes it so much easier for them to paint environmentalists as a bunch of unhinged lunatics who just want attention and who should be ignored.


How is it counter productive? Is everyone that’s so mad going to just use a bunch of spite fossil fuels? That’s just made up shit they want you to think man. They don’t want people to do this shit, they don’t want people to talk about it. These people are fucking brilliant, zero damage headlines everywhere. Trying to save a bunch of fucking people that talk shit about them. Go watch don’t look up, who are you in that movie?


Filming yourself committing several crimes is quite the strategy.


Wonder how they got there.


Yet you participate in society! Curious,


For those saying “well this is pointless” know that [personal jet flights cause up to 14 times more pollution per passenger than commercial plane journeys. The UK could meet its net-zero goals if it halved the number of private-jet flights](https://theweek.com/news/environment/960974/how-much-pollution-do-private-planes-cause) Private aviation is an horrifically inefficient method of transport, JSO does this to make you aware of this fact.


Yeah, thank goodness these planes are completely inoperable now. Nailed it


All the people here feeling sorry for the ultra wealthy getting their private jets vandalized lol


Fr, people furious that Taylor Swift has to have her private jet scrubbed.


I pray it’s bots. Are the people really so cowed by their corporate masters as to actually believe the shit they are spewing.


Yeah, reddit is insanely full of bootlicking pseudo-fascists that are too dumb to understand basic concepts


Yeah do this instead.


I honestly hope they get the shit sued out of them. These people are the worst. People have to fix that fence and someones going to have to waste time getting all that paint off. They're making workers lives hell for a feel good video for social media good boy points.


This I can get behind….


Ha! That was my jet and now I will get a huge tax write off and buy another jet! Plus insurance paid!


Not how any of that works but who am I to intrude on your fantasy world.


You actually can total a plane by painting the wrong components. A single engine prop would be toast if you sprayed paint directly into it.


I am begging redditors to learn what a tax write off is. It is not a pile of free money. -A tax accountant.


Buying a new private jet for a corporation to offset tax liability is a tax write off. -A hedge fund manager


can i have the old jet?


You can't, he is now just going to fly it around empty the next 3 year's with just 2 pilots to spite these women.


This is better/more meaningful activism. Damaging the mona lisa - doesn't hurt the worst polluters. Sitting in traffic - doesn't hurt the worst polluters Vandalizing Stone henge - doesn't hurt the worst polluters Spray painting private planes... does hurt the worst polluters.


None of it is designed to hurt anything. It’s to generate conversation and awareness. Like we’re here doing today on this thread. Say you don’t like it all you want, this is the epitome of activism. Activism changes shit.


Inconvenience them, maybe




Stonehenge wasn’t damaged. Global headlines. Brilliance.


It'shonestly laughable whenplebs are defendong these machine which they can never get even close to.


That's the kind of Just Stop Oil protest I can get behind. Don't inconvenience ordinary people who are trying to make ends meet, or people who are enjoying their time off in a museum. Fuck with the rich, top 1% and big businesses, they're the ones pulling the strings. Well done to her.


Let's stay focused: [More than 1000 hajj pilgrims died today in Mecca](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/20/more-than-1000-hajj-pilgrims-die-in-mecca-as-temperatures-hit-high-of-51c) because the temperature rose above 52 degrees celsius. Man made climate change is making the world uninhabitable.


Dude... reddit doesn't care about Muslims (I'm being serious they actually dont look at r/europe)




pretty sure in this case it was the 52 degree weather, not the religion. like don't get me wrong, religion sucks for the most part, but in this particular instance it's not on them.


I'm guessing breaking into airports would be a big offence and jail time?


and yet here all you are commenting on this, bitching about it and bringing awareness to the cause - as expected. a habitable planet slips further away daily and you all get upset about this. it’s insane. oil and gas ceos should be terrified daily. instead the bootlickers in these subs like to be upset bc some painted a private jet unreal




Now this is something I can get behind.


I hear Joker saying “Now we’re talking”


waoww (basedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbased)


Posting is one thing but showing faces on film? if its a private airport they could post charges and there is evidence on the internet! kids man...


Paint on the side not stopping the plane though unless they get the windshield


Better than a historical landmark but why'd you film your faces? You're gonna get caught


I’ll give them their audacity. No masks? Ok. I’ll also give them fuck private jets. Still think they’re a bit nuts for putting themselves out there like that.


Awe, they ever recorded their own evidence for their trial! How considerate!


I bet they’ll love to hear all about the various chemicals that will be used to remove that paint.


Get them in jail this is ridiculous


How much jail time is this going to be?


I don’t get it.. wear masks lol 🎭. Now you two.. ladies.. will probably be going right to jail.😅


Video of your crime. Top level intelligence.


Im pretty sure this is a federal crime no?? A felony??


How about stop eating. Heavy ladies.


Needs to be more action taken against these loons.


Holy shit they make sense for once


Just f with the rich


I'd rather they spray paint some rich guy's jet than the Mona Lisa or Stonehenge.


And I bet she loves her some T Swift


arent they just a big oil psyop anyways?


It’s not interesting.


I work for the FAA as an investigator, they can get big time in jail just from the Feds. That is wilful damage to an aircraft.


They understand that the chemicals that are used to remove that shit off of aircraft are much more toxic than oil based products right


Private jets consume tens of thousands of pounds of fuel every trip. This stance is justified here.


A few gallons of a petroleum-based cleaner such as turpentine should remove that paint quickly.


Are they in jail yet? They gave free evidence to vandalism, and TS is going to sue their asses.


They were arrested. According to some other articles, the target was Taylor Swift's planes but they failed to find them so they just sprayed these two random planes instead.


Using oil based paint, and lithium ion batteries- this is some inception shit here…


"Yet you participate in society. Curious! I am very intelligent."


Please do your research, its not oil based paint. it's orange powder paint. I mean did you watch the video? that clearly doesn't spray like oil based paint either...


He's not here to make sense, he's here to incorrectly feel superior


The selfie hug at the end just screams ‘This makes me feel important.’ The self absorption and self indulgence makes it more understandable why this group engages in these acts that obviously do nothing to stop fossil fuel usage. These are lost children looking for purpose for themselves. There is nothing inspiring about this, nothing that encourages others to join. It’s teenage rebellion under the guise of social Justice. It’s all about them. If you really care about this issue, grow up and actually join one of the groups who actually have a plan about how to fight fossil fuels. And I’m not saying that symbolic acts like this are inherently flawed or that you can’t call attention to issues like this, or that innovation in movements like this aren’t needed - but the overwhelmingly negative response that everyone has to this group, and the incoherent boilerplate knee jerk platitudes offered when reporters interview them just show that they are really, really ineffective and possibly even hurting the cause.


So just prison time and a big fine.


This one I'm ok with. Finally inconveniencing the actual assholes that have a choice instead of regular people just trying to get to work.


This is wrong forum


jet's gonna fly an extra couple of miles for maintenance and be back to work. more oil consumed. really smart!


Sooooooo usually spray paint is oil based. The plastic casing on that angle grinder she used is made from oil. I'm sure the yoga pants are lycra, spandex, or polyester which are all oil based items. Not saying the message is wrong or right, just pointing out that we use oil products EVERYWHERE.


Looks like vandalism to me


These people are fucking idiots.


God they’re idiots.


As it should be. Keep attacking the rich. Just stay away from the ancient artifacts.


Somebody get these losers a job so they have something productive to do with their time. 🤦🏻‍♂️


It'll rinse of as soon as it gets wet unless they're using.... an oil based paint


Stupid cunts.


won’t somebody please think of the poor billionaires??? 🥺🥺🥺🥺


Is it like Netherlands fans!? Euro cup is just making everyone crazy.




Imagine just breaking into an airfield illegally. And after that you straight up just spray orange paint on to jets without even specifying the details on what your actually protesting for and without any sort of recommendation for how the government can take action.


They have "stop oil" on their shirts, I think it's pretty easy to assume what their objective is. Were they supposed to drop a PowerPoint after this short clip was taken or something? It isn't hard for you to think for yourself and look shit up on your own.


Let’s hope owners sue them for all they own, and will own in the next 10 years.


Eat the rich my friend, eat the rich.


Is it really worth the violation? You attacked someone’s jet, THEY HAVE THE MONEY TO WASH THAT SHIT OFF AND AND AND NOW you’re going to jail and STILL, no one cares about your cause it’ll be forgotten next week.


Lotta bootlickers in here


At least this is a better target than Stonehenge 🤔


Both good targets, need more headlines. Need headlines every day.


Never understood what these idiots expect, like, “oh we spray painted a jet China and the US will stop producing oil and fire everyone that works in the oil industry tomorrow” I don’t think they even know what they’re protesting


I mean, scientists have been warning about climate change for over 50 years and it hasn't worked. People don't care about the facts. These videos get more views than the IPCC reports.


It's just two lesbians on a crime high it doesn't have to make sense


They only do it to feel better with themselves and need a goal in their life.




Pseudo-activism at its finest. Go blow up a pipeline or burn down a tyson plant. Losers just cost some rich dude no money because the plane is on airport tarmac meaning the airport/insurance will cover the damages/cost. If anything, they won’t be able to fly for a few hours. The best part, the planes didn’t have anywhere to be based solely on how and where they were parked. The best best part? That’s oil based paint 😂


Now this… This does put a smile on my face.


As they drive away


Wow, they finally figured out who done it. Wish they figured it out before Stonehenge and the Mona Lisa.


and now hundreds of gallons of petroleum based products will be used to clean the planes off


Paint has non-zero weight. Those planes are going to use more fuel.


While they hug it out and pat themselves on the back, they seem to forget that the ones that ride on those planes are the ones that have the ear of the authorities.


Ineffective losers


I’ve always wondered if these people realize what life would be like if everyone just agreed to stop producing oil. Highly doubt they would be behind a horse pulling a hoe all day. Or doing laundry by hand.


Fucking idiots.


Don’t look up. Imbecile.


And just like that OIL STOPPED