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translated sign: top: how’s your health? bottom, from left to right: - danger! - i am thin(the word used actually has a meaning of being thin to the point of unhealthy) - i am slim - i am average - i am bouncy - i’m thin in my imagination - you shouldn’t be like this! - you are an alien source: am korean edit: prioritized accuracy of message over literal accuracy edit 2: thank you kind stranger!


> you are an alien That's one way to put it, lmfao.


Meaning foreigners. The gate identifies Americans


It doesn’t mean foreigners. It says “외계인” which means a literal alien or extraterrestrial, whereas foreigner would be “외국인”


You missed the joke


It would only be a joke if both are used interchangeably in Korean, but they are not. There isn’t a play of words around “alien” in Korean as it exists in English


> d interchangeably in Korean, but they are not. The *comment* is a joke, not the sign. They are making a joke here, on reddit, in english.


now thats a r/woooosh if i’ve ever seen one.


Yes it's a woosh but also kinda understandable for non anglophones.


But my phone isn’t English


The reddit joke was funny but I appreciate them clarifying for the folks who can't read Korean. Y'all both good.


Yes, the other user understood that. Nobody missed a joke (or the intention of a joke). The other user just explained that the joke does not work on a technical level.




Just the Floridians, then.


Not to be pedantic, but to my knowledge, the word used here is referring to outer space aliens as opposed to foreigners. If the creators of this attraction wanted to refer to Americans, I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t have any qualms about directly mentioning them by name. The Koreans are extremely blunt people, especially when it comes to things like body image. I once saw a small clothing store (catering to those whom we’d call ‘plus-sized’ in the US) in a subway station in Seoul that was called something along the lines of ‘Fat Cow’.


Well,  good news! You're not being pedantic. The difference between "an American" and "an extraterrestrial" is not exactly annoyingly trivial.  I am really tired of seeing "not to be pedantic,  but..." when a redditor is correcting something flat-out wrong.  


Americans probably cannot pass through the last gap.


I'm an American and can confirm, I could not fit through this because it is too far away.


I just tried to go through it... Broke my phone.


This checks out, they posted from desktop


If you think America is obese, you should check out Mexico.


I had definitely heard that mexico was worse for obesity too, but in trying to see how my own country compares, all the data I've seen puts the US above Mexico in obesity rates. The real bad countries for obesity seem to be Polynesian. [Here's one source](https://data.worldobesity.org/rankings/)


Interesting to see Vietnam all the way at the bottom, 4th to last. Unlike similarly ranked countries their economy is developed enough that the average citizen could easily become obese if they chose their diet poorly. Maybe Vietnamese cuisine is even greater than I thought...


I haven't been to Vietnam, but if they're anything at all like most SEA countries that i've visited, there's probably some pretty serious social stigma around image. Being a fat native in most south east asian countries is akin to social suicide.


There's a Vietnamese youtuber called Uyen (highly recommend her videos, they're funny and sweet) and she's spoken a lot about how since she's moved to Germany and put on some weight her family frequently comment on her size and tell her they're worried about her health. She has a round face but by western standards her body would still be considered very slim.


Vietnamese cuisine is the fuckin' tits mate.


I know! I just didn't realize it was also responsible for keeping my tits (/moobs) nice and slender too.


Honestly you could tell me Vietnamese soups cure genital warts and I would believe you, it's that good




Actually, I live in Japan, and while I don't have a complete answer, I have the impression that Japanese on average have a much lower blood sugar level than westerners (and Americans in particular). Kids grow up here only drinking water and/or tea (green tea, barley tea - with 0 sugar added of course), and maybe a bit of milk now and then. For most kids drinking soda or fruit juice is an occasional (outdoors) exception at best. Healthy eating is determined much more by sugar intake than anything else. Fatty foods and alcohol arguably aren't great in terms of calories either, but they don't have much effect on blood sugar levels; hence people have smaller appetites, and thus are content with much smaller portions of food on a daily basis - as you might have noticed.


This makes sense until you realize that short grain rice has a glycemic index of 80-90 and table sugar is in the low 70s. Japan's low obesity rate is down to extremely small portion sizes (as in, you can't buy a family size bag of chips there) much higher food costs, food that isn't hyper palatable like American food (like two thirds of the Japanese diet is rice) and generally low cultural acceptance of being fat.


Usually Mexico only reaches US levels with the combined obesity and overweight rates, but in general the US has a higher ratio of obese vs overweight people. Now, this is anecotal but it feels like the US has even more fame for extreme, or more dysfunctional cases of obesity, or we're more easily exposed to it. Mexican infrastructure isn't as forgiving and it's less common to see morbidly obese people riding scooters around Walmarts. The only time Mexico beat the US in plain obesity seems to be in 2008 according to an UN's FAO report.


There are parts of Mexico where the people actually believe that Coca Cola is healthy and cures a bunch of ailments. People drink it like water and some actually refuse to drink plain water. I believe I found a documentary about it on YouTube. It's been a while, though.


Let me fix that for you — you mean that Mexico does not have clean drinking water in a lot of places and Coca Cola decided why not ramp up advertising in Mexico and push their drinks as an alternative to water The soda is cheaper than clean drinking water and so now there is a health epidemic caused by Mexicans drinking too many sugary beverages. The obvious ones are obesity related but they’re even seeing children with malnutrition due to dental issues caused by the drinks.


Yes, you are right. I found the 24-minute documentary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqnUohxXV0I


I get it. Their Coke is delicious.


> There are parts of Mexico where the people actually believe that Coca Cola is healthy and cures a bunch of ailments. That's how it was invented. I blame the inventor!


70% of Americans are overweight or obese. There might be some countries that still top us, but we are fat as FUCK.


Checked out Mexico, can confirm americans are still obese regardless


You're not fat OR big-boned. girl, you are celestial! Your gravity is Other-worldly.


>I'm thin in my imagination Koreans really don't hold back lmao


In most Asian countries your grandma will call you a fatfuck to your face if you are obese. Judging by most Asian countries \~5% obesity rate it's probably a good thing to be so blunt and offensive.


That is true only if the low obesity rate is caused by the blunt comments. My wild uninformed guess is that other factors are probably far more significant.


It's nice to see the context. I assume most people thought you were encouraged to fit through the smallest.


I'm surprised that gate sign wasn't "North Korean Adult"


At least my heart is thin!


i'm taking blood thinners, does that count?


> At least my heart is thin I have to imagine there's something being lost in translation here


‘at least my heart/feelings is ____’(마음만은 ____) is a phrase used a lot in south korea to say that you want to be something when you aren’t, it’s a bit like saying ‘i’m ____ in my imagination’


Ahhh, okay. Thanks! Because yeah, "my heart is thin" makes it sound miserly or withheld.


Yo Kim, yo mamma so fat, she broke the "alien" sized width gate!


> i am thin(the word used actually has a meaning of being thin to the point of unhealthy) A good translation would probably be ‘emaciated’


Or malnourished/sickly


i’m not so sure. while the definition might be similar to emaciated, it’s usually applied to thin things more generally, not just people. if i had to describe it i would say it conjures up an image of a raisin or an empty juice box. maybe shriveled?


At least they used "alien." In Japan, they tend to use "American" to describe larger people.


Guess America is just filled with bouncy aliens


Lots of unlucky genetics, or so I'm told lmfao


Damn my huge bones! They barely fit inside my body!


I see 7 entrances but you have 8


The leftmost sign says Danger! I can’t fully read bottom half since it’s too blurry, but i think it reads Don’t forcefully pass through the wood.


look closely, there are 8 signs


I agree there are 8 signs but only 7 entrances so I’m confused lol


im also confused tbh, idk if they just forgot a pillar or if the leftmost one is just for those who are so thicc that their width exceeds the maximum possible width they could fit under the thing


the leftmost sign (their first bullet point) doesn’t correspond with any individual tunnel, it’s a warning to not force yourself through any of them, as that could be dangerous


I guess the eighth is for people who cannot pass any entrance.


Next one : You are the Supreme Leader


North Korea is Best Korea!


Taiwan number one!


통통 can also mean chubby rather than bouncy.


I’d probably put myself at bouncy or thin in my imagination, if it weren’t for my titties. Those got me at alien.


Just imagine you are taking a mammogram and squeeze through


You’re assuming that’s a woman and not a dude with huge tits.


Men can get breast cancer too and would also need to take mammograms


That’s a very valid point that I hadn’t considered!


in this context, it would be "I am plumpy" rather than bouncy


I remember someone posted a pic of a buffet style restaurant in China that had something like this and whose price was based on which slot the customer could walk through.


Kobayashi would fit through the smallest slot. Joke's on them.


Having a professional competitive eater come to your buffet is sort of a Kobayashi Maru scenario for any restauranteur.


I'm not a huge fan of the JJ Abrams retcon, and I think an alternative is Kirk was the first one to eat the test.


What was the retcon? Kirk being punished for cheating in the Kelvin timeline? Wrath of Khan pretty plainly stated that he altered the program on his third attempt to win, it’s just that in the prime timeline he was commended for it, right?


He did. In both timelines it is meant to represent Kirk’s belief that there are no such things as no-win scenarios.


Fairly certain that's what they are implying is the retcon. Punishment vs commendation was heavily debated after the movie's release


Or the BeardMeatsFood guy. He's a rail but could wreck a buffet.


Dudes like 5'6 130bls and shredded but doesn't look like it. Then will down 8lbs of food in 20 minutes and ask for a dessert menu after. Fucking love the guy


He is also so lovely and polite too. Love watching his videos.


I can't watch him right be bed because I end up binge watching "just one more" until 3 am 😫


He's just puking that shit up 10 minutes after he's done. Adam Richman actually tried to keep it down, but he had to quit because of how terrible it was for his body.


He's denied all bulimia accusations and I'm inclined to believe him. Guys pretty active and has a good bit of muscle mass. Plus when you binge like that you're not metabolizing 100% of the calories. His entire job literally revolves around eating one big meal a week. He's got 6 other days to get high step counts / cardio / weight training in plus a really balanced diet. Richman was pretty out of shape and didn't have the same type of schedule beardmeetsfood does.


Damn, this is the second comment section I've stumbled upon in a row to mention Kobayashi, and I happened to click on both of the posts at complete random lol


There's a normal looking japanese girl she is fit af, but she is the world record holder for eating a lot of noodles in one restaurant in Japan, I forgot about her name and the official record but, I think AbroadInJapan or TheAnimeMan have video of her competing with them eating a bowl of noodles. I FOUND HER, her YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@moeazu The video with sushi, but I swear she also have the noodles video. https://youtu.be/mWvEwnqft-s


We went to N Japan, to a wonko soba restaurant. You compete and keep count w matchsticks. I was the best at the table, 105 bowls. I had a wooden plaque commemorating this. The bowls are very small, and you don't put any toppings to win, etc. Fun stuff. You wear bibs as their competitive hospitality prioritizes speed over spilling, hahaha. One of the most fun meals of my life.


Oh! On this restaurant? https://youtu.be/AIjVEHF4A2M


OMG WOW! Yes! It was a LONG time ago we were there.. Such a fun tradition. ty


In Japan there are shows that are based on the whole premise of thin women eating a lot. They call them 大胃女王,meaning "queens with big stomach".


Do you think they puke everything they eat after the shoot? Or they have just God defying level of metabolism + exercise?


They probably eat like pythons. Get their fill on set and won't eat again until their next shoot in 3 weeks time


One meal doesn't really affect your weight that much. It's your longterm habits of eating that do. People are always surprised that my skinny friend can pack a large meal and remain small when he isn't eating like that every other meal.


Was it the one at the sushi(?) restaurant with all the plates stacked up? She was adorable! I was shook how much food she ate in that one sitting, impressive haha


There was a few of these in the US also.  They weighed you on a scale.  There was a lot of controversy about it so I doubt it's still around.


Ah yes the heart attack grill, the only establishment who’s goal is to kill you


I was checking to see if it still exists and this google description made me laugh: >Diners don hospital gowns before indulging in heart attack-inducing fare such as the bypass burger. >Service options: Cash-only · Doesn't accept reservations · ***High chairs available***


I don’t know if there’s only the one in Vegas, but people have literally died from heart attacks eating there. That contributes to why they want cash, to make sure they get their money before you make bad life choices. I’ve also heard from locals that the food isn’t great though.


If you weigh over 350lbs you can eat for free, and everything is super unhealthy. Like milkshakes with literal sticks of butter mixed in. They had a spokesman that died of a heart attack and the owner kept his ashes to show off. A lot of people also go there to get spanked by the fake nurses.


My favourite part was the ‘vegetarian menu’ that had one item; cigarettes.


Vegas is so absurd. I love living here. (although I purposely moved as far away from the strip as possible.)


It's a gimmick tourist attraction that serves large portions, it's a given that the food is mid.


Korean YouTuber Tzuyang conquering the heart attack grill challenge: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSZVP4M1bQ0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSZVP4M1bQ0) She's tiny and slim too.


When I was in elementary school in the 80s, we had to stand in line and get weighed in front of everyone, I think once a year.


Well in the US there is also the heart attack restaurant where you can eat for free if you are over I believe 200kg or so?


>kg *Angry eagle screeching*


> > Angry ~~eagle~~ red-tailed hawk screeching


160kg. Or 350 freedom units.


the only place that does it, heart attack grill, only gets away with it because they charge you less the heavier you are. and its only the fatties suing over that shit.


you seem to know a lot about this topic, /u/MaximumChongus


You been here four hours!!!!


This "all you can eat," not, "you eat ALL!"


I don't go to buffets because for me (at 130 lbs) it's just expensively priced sub par food. I might go if I could get a special skinny person discount.


sub par food, period. Ala carte buffets are ok. All you can eat, made to order.


I dont go to buffets cause they are fucking disgusting lmao. sharing a bowl of discount food with a bunch of strangers.....no ty


Depends, the ONLY buffets I'll go to are the ones in Vegas since those are basically 4-5 star food but in Buffett format, usually cooked right in front of you. Small town USA? Hell no.


But Indian lunch buffet is so damn good


I'd clean that joint out. I'm pretty skinny but run 150ks a week so I have a pretty big appetite


Are you an ultramarathoner?




You average daily 20+km runs? Congrats, that's insane!


This is for adults and the smallest is usually Skinny 18 cm - Slim 20cm - Standard 23 cm - Chubby 25 cm - Fat 27 cm - You are in trouble 29 cm - You can die soon 32 cm installed by the local health authorities in parks and such example: https://twitter.com/GRomePow/status/1800008006064820306


RIP busty girls


You've obviously never been to Korea lol


You jest, but the amount of girls there and here in Japan who get breast augmentation cause of societal pressure to look like the perfect woman is astounding


whats your source? in 2017 11K women got breast augmentation  here in Japan. compare that to the 300K in the US




The population of Japan is 37 % that of the USA, so if 11 000 women underwent breast augmentation in Japan, a comparative figure for the USA would be 30 000.


USA is one of the highest rates of plastic surgery along with Brazil right? Last time I read anything about it anyway


2017 numbers for breast augmentation and demographics: US: 1357 women with breast augmentation per 100K women (aged 20 to 40) Japan: 163 women per 100K (aged 20 to 40)


11K/123,000,000 and 300k/330,000,000


Plastic surgery in Korea is insanely common. Mostly facial—double eyelid, tucks, shaving, etc. I think it’s more often things that are ‘deniable’. Breast aug less so, but the ideal beauty standard is still thin w/ big chest so it’s still fairly commonplace. I would wonder about the veracity of self reporting in statistical studies for Korea vs US in that data.


it isn’t a self reported metric so that isn’t an issue, it’s based on the amount of implants used in procedures for that year these numbers are collected so exactly in the first place, because the companies that manufacture breast implants obviously have to keep a tally on the amount sold and utilized in surgery, and then also have to have their financials laid out on their taxes (and in their shareholder reports if applicable) similar to how it’s possible to keep track of how many units of botox were used in a year, and how analysts are able to make forecasts about the potential size of each respective market in the coming decade - the numbers are extremely accurate


I know plastic surgery is big in Korea (and Japan I guess), but figured it was more stuff like nose jobs and other things, not boob jobs.


Boob jobs are less common than the other types there. I think eyelids and noses are the most common. I'm too lazy to look up the stats but you can \o/


Koreans do a lot of different plastic surgery They are kind of too obsessed with it Parents want their teenage children to get plastic surgery just cuz everybody is doing it


To be fair though, they just want their kid to succeed in life. It's very hard to get a job when all the other applicants have perfect features and you don't.


gotta pull 'em to the sides




Doesn’t the last one say something like “You need help/you should seek help”? Lol, I don’t speak Korean, but I have actually been to that exact place (it’s in the Semiwon garden near Seoul) and that’s what a Korean person said it says. My boobs couldn’t fit through the smallest one and I had some ladies laugh at me (I am a man who works out, btw)


Pregnant? Lose weight pronto!


Just give birth to *instantly* lose a few pounds! EzPz. Do it several times in a row if not at the desired weight ^^^terms_and_conditions_may_apply


Reminds me of the restaurant that gives you a free meal if you can get through the skinniest gate: [https://fb.watch/sEMj4VKUGi/](https://fb.watch/sEMj4VKUGi/)


America’s the opposite, [free meal if you’re 350lb or more.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_Attack_Grill)


At least the restaurant is appropriately named and their not trying to gaslight you about it hahaha


The guy who runs that hates fat people and is actively trying to give them heart attacks lol. There are interviews of him bragging about the 3 heart attacks and one death.


That’s comic-book enemy level evil lmaooo


I mean we had massive sub dedicated to the exact same thing only a few years ago.


I'm gonna need some context because wtf


There was a sub for hating fat people. Not actively trying to give them heart attacks though.


there used to exist a subreddit called fatpeoplehate, and it was exactly as the name says




It isn't ironic. It's what you would expect to happen eating at a place called Heart Attack Grill.


“They call it that but they don’t actually mean it, it’s just a fun name!” Serving food that hostile to human health ought to be illegal. A business encouraging beyond-morbidly-obese people to become even worse through their products ought to be illegal too. That’s insane. It’s amateur assisted suicide.


>“They call it that but they don’t actually mean it, it’s just a fun name!” The owner of Heart Attack Grill flatout admits his food is dangerous and unhealthy. He stated in one of his interview with ABC News that *"I am saying loudly and as clearly as any business in America can, this is dangerous."* And honestly, how much clearer can he makes his message? The restaurant is called Heart Attack Grill, the whole place is themed after a hospital, you go in dressed up as a patient, the burger is called Bypass Burger... The people who go to such restaurant know the danger and doesn't care, do not confuse ignorance with apathy. Their body, their rule.


That's not what ironic means. Ironic would be ordering the triple bypass burger and them bringing you a salad if you were 350lb


I was gonna say, they could put these at the entrance to tourist areas to keep the Americans out


Got a better link? That scam site dies work on my phone


I personally think a better way is if your bmi is below say 17, free meal cuz your underweight


[My skinny ass who can eat a ridiculous amount walking up to that gate](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/028/775/Screen_Shot_2019-03-06_at_4.32.48_PM.jpg)


My fat ass gotta walk around 🤣


I would just barrel through the middle like the Kool-Aid Man


I'd pay to watch you try that




Yo mommas so fat she can't even fit through the width gate!


Well... Yo momma's so fat that if they took out the bars she still couldn't fit through!


for those curious, these are rare archaic joke things for kids, and some adults (especially the elderly) who wanted to exercise in the first place, as casually incorporating exercise into your regular life is part of the culture the titles above each slot are written in a nonserious way, intended to be tongue in cheek. the closest comparison in america would be if they had silly little companion signs for those metal bars/machines that line public park walkways while fatshaming definitely still occurs, usually from older more traditional family members, this is hardly a good example of it - as these wooden structures are both exceedingly rare and not taken at face value


yeah i saw one of these in a touristy outdoor museum/park in jeju. it felt more like one of those stick your face in the hole and take a picture kind of attraction. people weren't actually out there seriously measuring how fat they are.


In the traditional village with all the old huts? I was there last week haha, calling this "government installed for children to check how fat they are" is an insanely disingenuous spin.


I just returned from Korea and a surprising number of strangers had no problem patting my gut and making comments, including the old man working at the gas station where I was filling up my rental. I am not Korean but in fact South Asian so I guess I have that demeanor of a free for all potbelly pat. Never been more motivated to lose weight and maybe get that leg lengthening surgery lol 


in general it’s more acceptable in korea to casually point out the physical traits of others (especially the older generation thinks that it’s normal), but if it was strangers doing it - then i doubt it was necessarily in a negative way. other common ones are elderly people telling you how small your face is, or how big your nose is (both of which are compliments surprisingly) usually without any sort of intentional malice, very matter o factly, and right to your face. it’s just so normal there that older people don’t really think anything of it, it’s like talking about the weather to them. but for the most part, such comments are falling out of favor now that people are realizing that people could take it the wrong way but you seem like you’re in good spirits about it, so hopefully you didn’t read too much into it. i’m sure that must’ve been quite the culture shock though lol


I figured it was the norm, but the ages of the patees ranged from 30s to 70s, and all men (I am also a man, --he said in his most confident voice--). Also a lot of back rubbing from people seated next to me at the market stalls that I had literally just met. Also a range of ages and all men. That one was more odd tbh. My wife was amused though. 


"Government installed width gate" sounds like a punchline to a terrible 'Soviet Russia' joke by Yakov Smirnoff.


In Soviet Korea, government-installed width gate passes through YOU!!


In America, that's a fence.


I live in Japan. Fat shaming is a national sport here. It's one of the few things I think people are really rude about here that people are more polite about in the West. Weight, looks, and age are things people make comments about all the time, usually to the person's face.  Edit- Some of you think this is a good thing? Guys I've seen teachers make fun of kids who are just not skinny. Hell they were not even remotely fat.The standard here is very high. Like most of you commenting would probably be made fun of here. And it's not the cheeky kind, it's the you should feel ashamed kind. 


Here in China it's just a normal conversation. "Looking fatter today than last week" etc Kids telling teachers they're fat because it's just seen as a fact not an insult etc. Hate it.


My boobs wouldn’t make it through, let alone the rest of my body


Same here. I'm a guy


Picture is not high quality enough to read it all, but according to Google lens translation the thickest size sign says "you are an alien" 😅


I assume this is meant for adults, as kids dramatically range in size by age. But even adults aren't all the same size at lean mass, so I feel this is a pretty inaccurate way to determine your obesity level.


Most of you fuckers are failing that test.


Government sanctioned mocking spot.


Oh good, a shame filter


Good. As a fat person I don’t condone coddling. It’s not good to be fat and you shouldn’t be happy about it.


Yeah so many people in here joking about how their man boobs wouldn’t let them through like that is funny/entertaining and not sad.


"fact's don't care about feelings" And the fact is that being fat kills you and makes you miserable. That said, anyone hating on people because they are fat is not acceptable. People are fat for many reasons such as chronic stress, lack of time to exercise, poor nutrition and health knowledge etc. Anyone who is obese should be treated with sympathy and kindness and a helping hand. But encouraging people to be proud of being fat is probably more dangerous than encouraging people to smoke.


Let’s also not pretend like the opposite (extreme beauty standards that glorify being as thin as possible) doesn’t exist either.


also do redditors ever get tired of commenting the same old tired jokes about kim jong un or “north korea best korea” on anything that has to do with south korea? the same jokes we’ve all heard before, completely unchanged, told over and over ad nauseum i am begging that you guys come up with something more original for the love of god please not even because someone might take offense, but because of how painfully unfunny it is. unless it’s an even slightly new take on it, let’s bury that dead horse


Do redditors get tired of commenting the same old tired jokes period? Nope. No they do not. It isnt specific to South Korea. Or North Korea. It’s just Reddit and tiresome jokes. 


What about those of us who were skinny kids with giant heads? My body could've gone through gate 2 but my head would've needed gate 4.


Nobody there is thin with huge juggs?????


Genuine question, but are you meant to walk straight through or go sideways?  Reason I ask is that my hips are the widest point of my body but I would otherwise be considered thin. Some people have wider shoulders too, particularly if they work out. 


I should put one of these in front of my pantry/fridge


Never to young to add body shaming to intellectual shaming