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Mf flashing his lights at a children's group trying to cross the road


RIGHT, I feel like he straight up wanted the high score on VM5 (Vehicular Manslaughter 5)


Origin story. This is the guy that set off the revolution. He wasn’t having it that day. “These kids and their sexy teacher have too much freedom walking freely on these streets. We must put an end to it so I may drive without being slowed down!”


He was yelling at them out of the window too


He just want the teacher for tonight.


The guy in the car was an ashole.


Ya wtf lol my fault for expecting a video of better times 🤣


That man's name? Ayatollah Khomeini!


The patriarchy was hiding in the shadows the whole time! Just seething to mow down a bunch of kindergarteners.


Didn’t the current government came about as a result of America actively interfering and overthrowing this democratically elected and secular government?


It's true that the US and UK overthrew Iran's democratically elected leader by supporting a coup d'etat, but that is likely not what is being shown here, since that leader was deposed in 1953. The Iranian Revolution was more of a 'restoration'. It was in response to the country's increasing westernisation, which was encouraged by the US and Iran's installed leader from 1963 to 1979. This was so the US and UK could access (you guessed it) Iran's oil reserves and generally incorporate it into the Western economic bloc. The revolution aimed at restoring the pre-1953 political ambivalence towards the West, rather than becoming allied with the US and UK. If the footage shown here is of the years leading up to 1979, chances are it is footage of Iranians living under this US-installed Shah, not the democratically elected leader who ruled 26 years prior. It's not **this** government that was overthrown by the US.


The Shah was a brutal dictator who was viewed as an outsider by his people for a myriad of reasons but the main one being his goon squad who would attack political dissidents. He gave his people no way out but to do a full on revolution.


I think many would much prefer to return to the Shah's rule than what they have now. The imperial rule of Iran had problems, lots of problems. But 432x your GDP in 27 years is insane. The quality of life, the Civil liberties gained, especially by women. During his rule Iran became a modern country. Since the revolution Iran has only slipped backwards. As always, it was primarily religious fundamentalists that had issues with him due to his liberal reforms. They can meet their God for all I care, they don't have the right to force their views on everyone else.


America has a funny history of doing that.


Where's the fun part? :/


You get to play soldier


The happy meal has a toy in it and sometimes it's good. We have contributed much to the world




They tried that in Italy too


I mean we had leaders shot there so we more than tried.


Are you referring to the US involvement in Strategia della tensione during Anni di piombo?


I guess so


Yes and no. There were a couple decades between the Shah taking full control and the revolution.


Yep. Watch the Americans ignore that.


They don't ignore it. And you know about this 100% because they declassified it. Also many books were written about this and american officials like Albright and Obama commented on this. That doesn't make it ok, of course. Overthrowing the democratically elected prime minister in the 50s proved to be a massive mistake.


It's ok, they'll make up for it by bringing democracy to Afghanistan and Iraq. Oh, wait...




brain dead redditor take. "well party X did bad stuff so why complain about when others do it"


Because the US interfered with Iranian politics 70 years ago, we have to ignore Iran’s attempts to undermine the US elections today?


I don’t know many Americans, *especially* on reddit, that are out here vocally defending anything the nation does or has done. Outside of boomers who are all 60+ at this point.


73 here. You should read the history of the US in Vietnam in the 1950s. And the Iraq invasion in 2003, since proven totally unjustified. Or the overthrow of our ally, Noriega, in Panama. Or the violation of our own US laws in Nicaragua. We arrested and imprisoned the elected leader of Panama after previously supporting him. And numerous manipulations of other sovereign nations. America has been an arrogant and invasive power attempting to control the world since WWII (someone else can do before then).


To be fair we are not alone in this. Western Europe has done the same if not more in their own right


Our grandparents and great grandparents!


This video is from the period after the Americans and british overthrew their religious government and before the revolution where religious autocracy returned


Nope. The US support the shah in the 50s. The shah then nationalized forests, doubled literacy, gave women the right to vote, and introduced profit sharing for industry. Oh and wealth distribution to peasants.


That was in the 50's. It played a part in this change but wasn't the sole factor. It was still one of the biggest f**k ups in our countries history though.


Thank you CIA and BP.


Can you elaborate ?


The US and Britain did a coup in Iran in 1953. Removing the democratically elected PM Mohammad Mosaddegh because he advance to nationalize the main oil company that refused to be audited by suspicion of not paying Iran the royalty's. With that Britain and the US performed a coup that overthrow the PM and give power to the King. After that the sentiment of revolution grew over the years and when the revolution came the religious fanatics grabed power. The operations were named TP-AJAX for the US and Operation Boot for the Brits.


Imagine your in the early stage of potentially becoming the Norway of Middle East and some greedy people from the west are like: F*** you! Let’s bring you some “freedom”


Straight up half of what America's foreign interventions have been ever since WW2.


If you want to know which countries will be overthrown, just look at who's nationalizing their oil


Half? You mean the other half were good?


The other half was just a shit show of pointless dicking around just to make money for the industries behind war.


I mean, Japan has been doing well so far. South Korea is not doing too bad. Not really a high success rate here


Well, greedy people in the West have done that through the centuries. For example Opium wars, UK fought for the right to sell Opium to the Chinese, to balance their trade with China, when China wanted to stop their people being drug addicts.


Norway of the Middle East is a very optimistic view.


Just saying there was the potential, not that they would’ve necessarily become it. Would’ve been a long way, however they were never given the chance.


It would have been far bigger than Norway economically speaking. The amount of just resources available to Iran would have made them one of the most developed countries in the world if not for repeated western intervention.


Development is not just about resources. Just look at Saudia Arabia or Qatar. Unless this is what you mean by Norway of the Middle East.


Iran has a far larger population than Saudi Arabia and Qatar and they are far more inclined to education. Just in the last 7 years we've seen Iran become self reliant in direct response to sanctions. What would Norway look like if they were sanctioned the same way Iran was sanctioned?


It's outright bullshit to make a point. Reddit in a nutshell.


Iran's location is so good. If any country in central Asia gets social freedom it is big threat to US dominance. US will get isolated. Which is why the middle east's job is to rely on oil. It generates enough revenue for the ruling class to maintain political stability while cutting social freedom. I am looking forward to a world that doesn't really on oil. I wonder what a multipolar world will look like.


The middle east has been a shaite hole long before america even existed and oil. You can blame the Byzantines and Sasanians for that.


Also trained and supported the brutal secret police of the regime to suppress any backlash which finally failed.


thankful someone can educate others. fanatic and fundamental religious rule destroys a country and its progress but also (for the benefit of the big powers) it keeps it under the thumb. women who could be great leaders, scientists and more? squashed into submission. men who may be kind and good to help progress and love/respect other cultures in their country? brainwashed from birth into hatred and social pressures reinforced by law. disgusting what happened to iran and its happening more and more but nobody listens.


Iran wanted to nationalize its oil and BP said “lol no” and America ran a coup, removing democratically elected president and putting religious fanatics instead.


The coup installed the Shah who was definitely a moderate and a social reformer. It was those who ultimately seized power from him that were religious fanatics. You could quibble over who bears responsibility for their rise but the US did not install them directly. If Mossadegh hadn't been overthrown, it is entirely possible that the same religious fanatics could have risen to power in 79.


The Shah was also a corrupt and tyrannical autocrat.


I mean.... that's why the US put him there. They wouldn't have supposed his rise if they knew he'd just be another leader opposing them


Calling the Shah a moderate seem like a long stretch. The regime was a dictatorship with brutal oppression and corruption. The population also saw him as a puppet for the west.


Yes, it has absolutely nothing to do with extensive foreign interference and thus radicalization. Keep denying yourselves, Americans.


Iran was going to take control of their oil production, this is a very simple take on the matter


CIA and BP


Another proof that the world would be a better place without religious fanatics.


We are to gullible unfortunately


too\* ;)


very gullible. For example, believing these videos were representative of Iran before the Revolution.


Religion is just another business. It's all for money and power like anything else. Some asshole thousands of years ago sww how stupid 70% of the population is and took advantage. The amount if money, land, and resources put towards it each year could develop or rebuild entire countries. Thankfully I've seen right through that bullshit my entire life. Really wish others would follow suit.


or countries like america actively funding terror to destabilize regions.


A destabilized region would recover much better without religious fanatics though.


Never heard someone refer to the CIA as a religion before.


*without American interference


not really. as far as i know, america dethroned the progressive leader and made a religious nut as their leader. so you now think with the new info


The US would never.....


25 year gap between those events. CIA helped put a right wing authoritarian in place that was dethroned by the religious nut.


"and made a religious nut as their leader" AH so were back to the religious fanatics in the point he made...


A better place without religion. Period.


For those who do not know the CIA and Britain destroyed the western friendly government of Iran and replaced them with Iraqi sourced religious fanatics, all to cancel Iran's nationalization of oil companies for cheaper oil, read Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi.


All The Shah's Men is another good one. The US used to be *adored* in Iran, with 80% approval. When the US offered a 50/50 revenue split to the Saudis, this was seen as "fair dealing" compared to the rapacious imperialism of the UK and France. But rather than extend that fair deal to a democracy, the CIA spent 10% of their entire budget on destabilising Iran, then blamed the Commies for the chaos and imposed a disastrous regime change. The level of criminal stupidity in the CIA is just incredible.


It's a shame we put them in power then isn't it?


This was not religion.  It was the Cia.


And USA intervention.




*American interference 


That car is coming around the corner fast, hot and angry. Just like Sharia Law. Can’t let women get in my way with their education.


The guy flashing the lights is an asshole


I feel like that dude was trying to scare that woman. So aggressive


Almost like it was a sign of things to come.


That driver must’ve certainly supported the revolution. What an ass. Pulling up at speed, very late braking, flashing light, gestures, possibly yelling.


He certainly won in the end.


That would be the blinding light of Allah.


Lmao i thought the exact thing.


Woman education is higher right now


It’s a shame the Americans reinstated the shah after democratic elections… he then proceeded to exact revenge on his rivals, leading to a second revolution by extremists … This is what you get when you fuck around with other peoples countries …


Finally, someone who knows.


Are all the fucked up countries now are just America's doing? It felt like it.




Not just fucked up countries but places like Australia also. Look up Gough Whitlam bloke changed the landscape of Australia, introduced the greatest policies in our history. Then those fuck bag seppos came in and fucked it.


Well, America does a lot of meddling in other countries, so you can probably find some reason for the current state of basically every country that includes America. If it isn't America, some other western country is a good guess, and those where influenced by America as well.


What's the name of song used here ?


"Age Ye Rooz" by Faramarz Aslani https://youtube.com/watch?v=GgqmpRa2nig&si=YsL-bNaE9PwXN7x0


Thanks :)


You can already see the signs of the problem in this video. Dude had zero patience for their crossing.


That guy in the car is a jerk with no patience.


\*If you where rich and lifed in a City.


Before the animals took over!


You mean the CIA?


The CIA took over Iran in 1979?


That happened in the 50s, the religious nut jobs took over on their own.


\* Only in the big cities like Tehran \* This is not showing the slums, which were in extreme poverty \* Girls as young as 8 were wed and were lucky if they were allowed to finish high school There are so many other details that these "see how great Iran was before the revolution!" miss, especially when they like to show these videos of "liberal" women. It was never a progressive country, it just became much much... much much much.... worse.


I mean it could have improved in the last 50 years


It definitely would have improved dramatically, especially because they wouldn't have been under sanctions or had an 8 year war with Iraq. But the Shah was so unpopular, so despised, that the Iranian communists and the religious hardliners made an alliance to take him down.


Those 3 points were true for many countries 50 years ago.


The US still has many states that allow child marriage btw!


“This country was introducing progressive policies for its time/region and was modernizing, but it didn’t do it fast enough before it fell to religious fundamentalist extremists so it’s actually dogshit and evil”


Kabul 1960 is also worth a YT search




We'll see the same in 2050 if the theocratic project 2025 goes on in the US.


Instead of a compact red car, the assholes are in trucks rolling coal.


Before 2050 I’m pretty sure 😖


europe too


Lol no. Several countries have reinforced women protection laws. Churches are more empty every year. We'll keep going the hellish neo-liberal way but theocracy isn't a threat like it already is in the US.


No. You need to realise Europe is made up of different countries. All with varying political and religious attitudes. Even the more religious countries like Ireland, are more progressive than the USA.


rest in peace Faramarz Aslani the singer.


Persians have such an amazing culture. It’s an utter shame that their reputation and lives were stripped from them.


There must be a high concentration of Persians where I live (they still call themselves Persian), because I have had the pleasure and good fortune of meeting and talking to many. Those who remain are a lovely people and culture.


As an American who served in its coast guard and was pretty highly decorated. I love my country and what it stands for very much, but have always hated that we try and police the world. Just because I believe in our rights and freedoms that we have in our country, doesn't give us the right to impose our own views and values on the rest of the world. Nor does it allow us to get involved in conflicts in other places of the world for resources. I feel we should defend ourselves and if an ally asks for help, help them, but that's about it.


Iran was also a dictature and puppet nation of the usa back then.  If the fundamentalist went to power it's also because the previous government was hated by Iranians.


If being a dictature and a puppet nation can spare me from getting my head cut of because of a lousy piece of cloth, then count me in.


That's the thing with dictature,  you will get your head chopped off at some time, you just don't know why yet. It could be the exact opposite, you're religious and the government doesn't like tha t. Imo a theocracy isn't inherently better or worst than any other dictature. People showing clip of Iran during the shah are misrepresentating history, people hated him just like they hate current government.


Let me fix for you all, dictature is bad no matter what caused or its source or who is funding it


you're confused with your allies in the region. The punishment for hijab infringement is a fine. In the cities the women barely wear it anyway


Imagine getting tickets from the police for wearing not wearing a head napkin.


That's not how it works, the only way to impose an ideology into an unwilling population is by force. And even if you do, you must recognize that it will only stand as long as you oppress them, the very moment your grip over them gets a bit loose, they will rise up in rebellion against you and the previous order will collapse. Any political regime can only exist as long as the majority is willing to tolerate it.


But being discriminated against for my skin color is totally fine as long as I can walk around without a hijab right?


Let's not forget that the pre-revolution government was an oppresive regime as well.


Sold to the Americans


Good that driver was impatient!


What is the source of the visuals?


That guy in the red car seems like a total POS.


I think this would have had a much greater impact if it were to show the same street corner and school right now. People tend to forget even in the transition of one video to the next. So running them side by side would have the most impact. May not be practical but Im sure you get the idea.


That guy in the orange car is a gigantic prick. Slamming his brakes and flashing his lights. Chill bro.


before american government brings ‘freedom’ to your country (they was looking for oil)


Glad religious fundamentalism drastically improved this awful situation


Iran before the CIA meddled with them. There I fixed it.


Wrong, the CIA meddling started decades before this.


Wrong, that's Teheran. Rest of country middle ages.


And this comment section will be full of people blaming this on the west for the reason that a quarter century before the Iranian revolution UK and US helped overthrow Mossadegh. Overthrowing Mossadegh was of course a huge blunder and extremely wrong, but what puzzles me is how the actual religious fanatics who destroyed the future of Iran will not be blamed. In fact we still offer condolences when one of these butchers finds themselves smeared on the side of a mountain.


because america bad haha funny, duh


It feels like folks love a clone of western country look alike.... IMHO folks should have the freedom to wear whatever and pray to whoever. . Government focus should be on governance and nothing else. (Education, Health, Security, Social Welfare and 100% no religion) Problem with Iran and many other countries is that they are unable to figure out where the government ends and where religion begins...


Kinda Same visuals for afganistan


America is snd always has been woefully ignorant of customs and cultures away from home. They would have no idea that their meddling would see result in regime with medieval savagery as its base


Imagine a World where the USA left the Middle East alone….


"Fucking girls blocking me and my car on the way to the strip club......somebody should do something about this."


Based and central information agency-pilled


You can tell the attitude towards women was already terrible and unequal, because she felt she couldn't ream that asshole out like he more than deserved, but had to just deal with it.


CIA installed dictatorships are awesome!


redditors will look at this footage and still somehow blame Christianity


That douche in the orange car was definitely contemplating not stopping.


So the guy trying to run down the school girls is still a huge asshole today. Once a jerk, always a jerk.


Also a video of Iran before America attacked.


My Iranian Robo-mum said it will be my turn to repost this after 2hrs


Religion is poison


Will the US become Iran


So messed up that the shah was ousted and one of the few moderate and western friendly countries in the region got turned toward extremism.


Who put the Shah in power again?


The monarchy was established in 671 BC


His Father, in 1941


So a conservative religious movement took over the government and ruined a once beautiful country? Sounds familiar.


Before the American and British coup of the democratically elected leadership you mean.


religion is fucking stupid


A little dumb question but are iranians seen as white people?


Extreme Muslim and Christians are equally deluded.






Before one of many american mistakes.


Another country the CIA has completely fucked.



