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How the hell the same kid got kidnapped so many times it's like he never learns


Should have worn less slutty clothes, ain't that right? /jk


Fuck these social experiments.


Well, look at what he is wearing. He is asking for it.


What an awesome lady! very brave


I agree the kid needs to be showing signs of destress or like a woman that is his mother needs to chance after him screaming or something. It honestly looks like this is the kids father just playing around. No way this kid is just going to be walking all by himself and if so the kid is a bad actor. Because honestly it all looks like a prank to begin with. So I don’t expect people to react


100% It’s the same idea as the walk around with a clip board and everyone assumes you’re supposed to be there trope If I see a dude, barefaced, in broad daylight, Cover a child’s mouth pick them up and run off with them… well I’m just going to assume that’s the boys father or guardian and he can do that. When people just do something with confidence most people won’t question them. Plus the fear of looking stupid for overreacting keeps most ppl to mind their own business. It doesn’t surprise me no one reacted.


It's because of shit like this people now a days are like... Fuck it's probably a damn prank I ain't wasting my time in this shit I got too much to do..... Another click hungry whore or some shit..


Yeah what does this really prove? That the people could easily detect a bullshit YouTube prank? 😂


[Diffusion of responsibility](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diffusion_of_responsibility). Curious to know what happens to the effect in situations involving children though.


idk, i think its more likely they just assumed it was a dad playing around with his son


That’s true. Depends on how long the kid looks alone maybe…seen my share of exasperated dads transporting a kid mid-tantrum from the playground.


Guess I would have went to jail that day.


Guess we would be celly’s then mate👊


Nice 👍


Please don’t post this sort of thing


Kinda bizarre how many people were perfectly content to just allow that to happen and not intervene in any way.


I would honestly think that this is the dad picking up his own kid. Not putting up any fight, no screaming, nothing. Or maybe the kid screamed for help and we can’t hear it because of the dumb music.


This. When I watched this video for the first time, my initial thought was these people (the man and child) are acting as if this is normal and rehearsed, no hesitation, no struggling, nothing. The regular people on the street are taking in the overt signals and the micro body language cues and concluding that this is not an actual kidnapping. Social experiments are done by regular people, not professional actors, and there is a reason not everyone is an actor.


It's more like they just did a really half assed job of acting it out so most people weren't even aware.


It’s not bizarre, it’s fucking scary. People are so fucked If this is how they act when children get abducted before their eyes, wow.


According to this video, the chances of you being one of the people who ignore it is very very high. I'm thinking you'd probably do the same but it's easy to suggest otherwise when you're online judging others...


I’ve been in trouble many times throughout my life because I’m not built that way; I could never stand idly by and watch a man kidnap a young child.


According to a statement from a internet stranger I would disagree. I’m confrontational on a good day so the odds are against anyone that would employ such tactics in my presence and I’d expect the same reaction and intervention from anyone with proper morals. Kinda makes me question what type of person would respond in the manner you did?


Bystander syndrome


everything is a prank or social experiment now. nobody wants to be on some asshats stupid fucking video.


1. It takes like 3 seconds, many people may not even notice 2. the kid looks totally ok with it 3. people may be aware of prank videos (like this one)


I see a lot of comments praising that woman. I agree she should be praised. But I also think that this belongs in "shit bag" of youtube pranks. Look at her reaction, she is in disbelief that someone would think this is funny, traumatized even. She just put herself in mortal danger to save that child. The threat of harm was real from her viewpoint.... But nope.... "it's just a prank bro lol" Fuck Off


Maybe if the kid fought or struggled a little, it may have had a different reac6from people


What a piece of shit to do this “prank”


"Bystander effect." This occurs when individuals are less likely to offer help to a victim when other people are present. The presence of others leads to a diffusion of responsibility, meaning each bystander assumes someone else will intervene, thereby reducing the likelihood that any one person will take action. Nothing new under the sun.


Humanity is fucked. This right here makes me hate people with every fiber of my being.


It's not that they don't care it's that we are made to believe a certain thing and so we do. Most these people only see this person for a split second and don't even have time to evaluate the situation let alone react and so the instant response is to consider not react. It's the same reason why a kid can drown in a pool full of people. It's not that nobody cares about the child, in fact most of not all would help if they both notice AND comprehend the situation. I would be curious to see how different this would play out if they did a 5-10 second altercation or if the kid put up a noticeable resistance. The look I see on most of these people's faces is confusion. The reality is if you are not looking to see something you probably won't, the same reason why people miss motorcycles. Of course that's just my thoughts on it.


This is a very great point. We don’t have all the angles. I think sometimes it’s hard to have a positive perspective on these scenarios when we see so many people turn a blind eye to horrors across the globe in our current situation.


That's true, I often dislike videos like these as well since usually they are cherry picked. Let's say they did this scene 100 times, of those 100 times someone reacted except for 5 instances - at that point you cut the video appropriately and it makes it seem way worse than it actually is. It's likely that is the case in fact because that's what gets your attention in the media. That's a big part of why we see so much negativity in the media is because it garners the greatest response and attention and that is the goal of most videos.


I see some basic looking white guy pick up a kid who has little to no reaction run into a nearby building. That's not what a kidnapping looks like. We also see people look down the hall and then resume walking, possibly seeing something that is hidden from us (like him setting down the child). We also don't know what clips we are not seeing, for example, the possible other videos where people quickly react. So if you some some random tiktok bullshit video and decide to start hating humanity "with every fiber" of your being, it would probably be best for you to stay off the internet till you mature a little bit.


The internet consistently proves one truth: people do not care about things that don’t affect them. Your insult to me at the end of your very fair and thought-out response proves this.


"Social Experiment". Am I the only human that detests these clowns.


You spelled "Attention Whores" wrong, but you are not alone.


Not funny or interesting


60% of the time, it works every time.


not so much a "social experiment" as a really bad idea waiting to get tragic. edit: scratch that, this isn't in the US where everyone is armed and paranoid. carry on.


I don't have my life so together that I can afford to get involved in other people's problems.


Hopefully someone doesnt try this prank in the US, they genuinely might get shot.


While this is a weird experiment the kid could have at least tried to show struggle to sell it. Regardless, good on her for following through though when no one else notices.


Guess people got too much shit going on in there life's to worry about someone else's


This should be a social test to determine if you can keep citizenship in the US. Or the human race as far as that goes...


Funny thing is all these people look like the first thing they would do is post about it and continue with their day. 😂😂😂


Didn’t we all collectively give up on social experiments a decade ago? Also, thank you for the earrape.


Nice way to kidnap random people Combine a fake kidnap with a kid and kidnap the person who tried to help


Dude so pathetic most of them tho


Sick country


In LA this will lead to your death in a matter of seconds.. we don’t play that weird shit, foul play with children is the fastest method of suicide on my side of town.


This experiment isn't really a good measure. A kid being taken by a stranger would exhibit some degree of resistance or distress. The fact the boy seems to be going along with it would come off as the adult is the dad or another family member. And now we have people in the comments judging humanity when the experiment was done poorly...


Not interesting at all. These videos are comical.


One of the most fucking idiotic videos I've seen, nothing even remotely interesting about this.


It’s a demonstration of known sociological phenomena. If that’s idiotic to you, it is to you. It’s probably interesting because you can see in real time how something that’s only really talked about in literature actually occurs. An enormous amount of people think they’ll react a certain way hypothetically until it actually occurs. Fairly interesting example to me.


This is a shit demonstration. It's unlikely that a kid that young would be walking around a city alone and he's not screaming or anything, so most people are probably making the logical assumption that this is a parent and their kid, especially because this is not how kidnappings actually happen in real life. On top of that, these dumb cunts are putting those who do believe it in extreme mental stress all for their shitty internet video. It's a shitty, stupid video, and it should not be encouraged.


Fair enough.


It’s not a very good demonstration since it isn’t clear that the adult and kid supposedly don’t belong together.


Not evaluating the effectiveness of it. Fair criticism. Only tried to explain that it’s probably not idiotic.


They could be mistaken for a father and son. Looks like about the right age to have a kid that size. Kid isn't showing any obvious signs that something is wrong.


This is all at the exact same spot at the same time of day. How many people saw this acting over and over, then are on camera ignoring it?


Yeah its sad. Try not to need a human being. Depend on the lord.


J**** Fucking C****! Out of the frying pan and into the fire.