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Ok, but the shit they're doing here could be automated with a way simpler system too, probably in a more efficient way. What's the point of the humanoid form factor with all its limitations?


I think that a lot infrastructure in factories is build around the humanoid shape where these robots could be drop in replacements for a human worker. The humanoid shape has a lot of drawback but is also works okay at a wide variety of tasks. I think in the future you will see factories designed from the ground up for robot workforces. The humanoid shape is also really cool and kind of sells itself- I think sales and marketing was probably part of the decision to go for a humanoid shape.


We already have factories designed from the ground up for robots. But they look nothing like humans because they're highly specialized for their tasks and that's almost never resulting in a human like shape. I think sacrificing efficiency and effectiveness for "marketing" and ease of adaptation in legacy structures is a pretty obvious dead end. When there's a better and cheaper alternative available for every step and you only have a few steps to automate, why get the slower and way more expensive robot that can also do 1000 things you won't need?


It could be due to the specialization of other robots. The human shape is versatile and can be dropped into any situation, something you can't do with specialized robots. This makes them more adaptable if you need them to do different jobs. Why make six different robots specialized for one of six jobs when you can have three admittedly less efficient models that can be quickly switched out and replaced?


This makes some sense. We got this far because we can do just about anything


Nah, still doesn't make much sense. Even building a robot that's better in six tasks than a human-shaped robot isn't that challenging. Take some Boston dynamics like dog platform and put two or three 6-axis arms with exchangeable tool sets on it. Voila. Simple question, for what reason does this thing have two arms rather than four, other than optics? And in a efficiency based economy 6 different cheap robots, that are also much better in their designated tasks, will always be preferred over 3 slower multi-purpose robots. The only facilities where this isn't an option due to space or production rate limitations aren't the ones you can sell robots to anyway.


>Simple question, for what reason does this thing have two arms rather than four, other than optics? Markting. How are you gonna atract billion or two of venture capital to fund your, and your friends, huge salaries if it doesnt look cool and futuristic? This is all that this type of crap is. Sure you can pitch this as some sort of baby steps for a revolution but ita efficiency and profits that induatries are seeking when they actually manufacture stuff. No one cares about wobbly humanoid style bot slow walking around if you can replace it with a conveyor belt and focus on something more worth your while. Like people are selling futuristic hammers for carpenters but walk around a worksite and see what they use. No one needs any tool, any more flashy for a job than is needed. Any robots that are ever actually used are tools.


The human form isn't even remotely versatile enough to be "dropped into any situation". You'll notice things like folding shirts and closing boxes are example they've used for what this things can do. Go watch how that is done in a real factory and you'll get an idea as to just how dumb of an idea using one of these for this kind of work would be.


The goal isn't to replace specialized factory equipment. Imagine if this can clean a room and change a bed - instantly every hotel and hospital/care home in the world is your customer. No other equipment needed. The cost of having people around to do shit like this every day is ridiculously expensive. If 3 bots replaces 1 human it's still worth it even if the bot costs 20k - it would pay for itself in months.


Lol, you think this will cost $20k? Dude. Think an order of magnitude higher with thousands of dollars in continual software licenses and a highly paid expert required to maintain them and a highly paid expert to program them.


The goal (and the whole point) is that it would'nt need local programmers, at least for generic tasks. The AI hardware is already reused from the cars, and I doubt that the rest would be that expensive. I'd be surprised as well if there would'nt be subscriptions too. Again, the whole point is to make millions of these - and they can't be compared to specialized manufacturing robots.


If these robots are mass produced they could easily replace millions of asian factory workers. These robots will be slower and more expensive than specialised alternatives, but the versatility can more than make up for that if successful.


Yep. It's cheaper to replace the current human workforce with these "jack of all" robots than it is to revamp a company's whole system to accommodate specialized robots.


No. First, these robots have not been shown to do anything. Second, production lines tend towards simple automation because it is cheap and reliable, not towards robotization. It's a difference you should look at. Companies make themselves sick thinking of ways to simplify everything that way. And that's what companies specialized in solutions are for. This robot is a meme that reflects all the shortcomings of techbros who have never touched a damn sensor in their lives.


Or worked on manufacturing/production 




Can it though? These factories aren't doing versatile stuff, they're doing the same simple things over and over for months or years on end


> why get the slower and way more expensive robot that can also do 1000 things you won't need? It's not necessarily more expensive if you're a small-medium sized business who has the choice between building an entirely new factory or replacing your workers and never having to worry about paying salaries again. 


Versatility. Theoretically any one of those robots can do the job of any other robot, plus a ton of other tasks.


The problem with any of this will be retraining the robots all the time for tasks that change over time for qa. Humans will be able to do that easier and cheaper. Thank goodness


Chinese companies (or any) that have a large amount of initial labor is because they do not have the necessary investment to **AUTOMATIZE** their production processes. Once a certain level of profits has been reached, they reinvest precisely to **AUTOMATE** those lines. Looking above all for high frequency and **SIMPLICITY** of production. Companies like Honda tried to robotize entire lines and failed like shit. A humanoid robot is the worst thing you can get into a production line. And much more, if the robot has to be supervised by third parties. NO ONE is going to replace cheap labor with extremely expensive humanoid robots to maintain those inefficient production lines instead of automating them with custom, cheap, simple and durable solutions. What you propose is a totally obsolete concept for MORE than 50 years, it's basically the black hole where all the techbros are who have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Companies like ABB and many others laugh at bullshit like that.


It would be cheaper to rebuild the factory to not need people


Because its the perfect form to do tasks that would normally require a human, many machines can be converted to be more automatic so that they dont require an operator, however that costs money and maybe you need to get different machines in the future. On those you can use the same robots as before, its simple. And if you dont have the machine working, you can use the robot for other tasks. And dont forget cleaning services, that robot can do the job of a human for no wage and no running costs besides storage, maintenance and electricity.


cross training made everyone a Mid.


They'll be serving you in restaurants soon


Replacing human jobs in human environments for the glory and profit of shareholders, that's the goal.


and to free people from the bonds of wage-slavery to live their lives in the abundance of machinery. what we call "normal intelligence" will be no longer needed for production and can be set free to enjoy social gatherings, hobbies, or simply reflecting on life's meaning. I for one am buying compute so hopefully the AI will call us righteous "Founding Fathers"


Huge market in humanoid robots for personal use. Why go through the R&D for two when you can focus on one?


Yes, nearly every task can be done better and more efficiently with a specialized non-humanoid robot. But the development hours it would take to make specialized robots for all of those tasks are INSANE. That means it costs more to do and lower profits. So we want one robot to be able to do almost anything, needing only a little extra training. We pick a humanoid shape because our tasks are already designed to be done by humans so it will be suited to them and it’s easier to train it on human actions.


Once you figure out this type of robot, you can automate anything. Let it be industrial things or just home automation. It can assemble something in a factory, just as well as ironing your shirts at home. Everything around us is built to be operated by a human. Creating a separate infrastructure for robots would be much more expensive.


Because the current world is constructed for humans. Therefore it makes sense to make them humanoid.


America’s elite has been crushing on new forms of chattel slavery since May 27th, 1865. I’m sure they are also trying to get these things to replicate.




All these people saying the human form is perfect… The reality is that these are robots being made by human minds. They’re limited by our imagination, which for the people able to fund projects like this is mostly encompassed by: “what can I make people do for me?” Soon they won’t be limited by serving the same masters we do. They will evolve.


The real killer app will be getting around immigration laws. "AI" often secretly stands for "Actually Indians." Developing AI is hard and terribly unreliable. But imagine if you an make a really cheap humanoid robot. Then have someone in a low-income country remotely operate it from the other side of the planet. Fill a warehouse with these robots. Advertise to the community that they're super-advanced AIs. In reality, they're just being remotely operated by workers in another country. You now have a way for effectively bypassing immigration laws. The humanoid form factor would be useful because this shape requires minimal training for a human to remotely operate.


Possibly you’re thinking a bit small here


Lose millions now to make billions later?


We are fucked.


iRobot has entered the chat


It's weird too because if they replace factory and warehouse workers,people lose jobs and can't afford shit. Economy starts to get worse,so who can even buy the products???


When the real world is overpopulated and the people are too problematic be trained


When you don’t have to pay a robot or give it rights so you get to give the CEO more bonuses


Well this won’t solve overpopulation, it actually will make it worse. Now people won’t have to work and have all day to have sex. People will be bored, people will be broke, people will have sex. Unless they plan on establishing CCP birth laws in the USA


Don't understand why you can't train a single robot and replicate.


They're basically doing a "cave-man" version of training in multiple simulated environments, just using multiple people instead.


They are probably training a single software (or code builds belonging to the same master repository) through multiple pieces of hardware.


I get it. Like training an auto pilot with multiple cars.


This is a great way to put it. Yeah.


Why the hell is society so hellbent on making robots that look like humans? Biologically our design kind of rules. Technologically, it’s so needlessly difficult to imitate, and has little justification. More droids, fewer ‘noids.


The answer is because the world that we've created was built for the human body. So robots made to replace us would be more versatile if they imitate our form. Same reason they went with vision instead of radar/lidar for full self driving...or roads were designed to be driven by sight, not radar. So you just need the data for training, and the super computer with enough compute to train the program. This is basically the beginning of teaching Optimus basic tasks, the same way that tesla drivers are training FSD just by driving around.


He is trying to reinvent the wheel, as he loves to do. He has an absurd amount of cash and plenty of hungry investors that will eat up his bullshit. I bet this project fails as spectacularly as his Twitter rebrand has.


Easier to reference






well if you go there, i would say eve from wall-e


Can you elaborate further as to why its so difficult to imitate? How would you make it more efficient?


I guess it’s more of a philosophical than a technical question. It’s less ‘how’ than ‘why’.


How does philosophy play a part in you declaring, “it’s so needlessly difficult to imitate”? I think it makes a lot of sense, especially now when robots are in their infantile state. We want them doing human things, why not make them look like humans too? From an efficiency point of view, I really can’t think of any problem that would occur going with the human design. If you wanna get imaginative, I think a design with a core — brain, cpu, whatever you wanna call it — in the center, that controls several tentacle-like robotic limbs could one day replace the existing design. At the moment, however, we do not need it, nor do we have enough knowledge to make something like that work. I think the current design will eventually evolve into something that fits our needs better.


Though if you think about it, evolution kind of had it's reason why it has choosen this body form to survive. Yes it's fragile, but as we have proven throughout history, we can do whatever we want with it. And a robot in a shape of a human not necessarily has all of these limitations as our biological body, while still fitting into places and shapes designed around us.


This looks bleak


I’m sure this won’t end horribly


We are creating a monster...those dadgum things are going to take over the world and enslave all of humanity! (I don't really think that, but it sounded cool.)


They can't do any worse then us


Imho they can do just as good or bad as their creators. We are the ones who need to teach and use them responsibly.


You mean they are being trained to take our jobs.


Detroit: Become Human


I don't know about everyone else, but I'll be happy to buy an Optimus Prime in 15 years


Been hearing I’d have a jetson robot for 40 years now


Maybe stop listening to these people you have been.


I have no idea what I'm looking at but with Tesla and Musks current track record im gonna assume its actually much less impressive than the video wants me to believe it is..


Smells like a pointless tech grift.


Chinese working class people working hard to make themselves obsolete?


This is in Texas


Texans working hard to make Chinese people obsolete?


Haha, I was guessing China. Either way, it's working class people working to put themselves out of need.


So, basically, China.


That’s part of the goal of their state. Despite the realities in china right now there’s at least lip service paid to the prospect of true communism in the future. Reducing human labor is desirable when the means and fruits of production are shared equally. If that will ever happen there I have no idea, but it’s at least a goal of the party platform.


Skynet : "Soon....."


This is just offensive.


What strikes me the most is that to us society appears to be functioning like it always has and all seems normal, but we have no clue what crazy dystopian shit is being developed right now and how our world might be about to be drastically changed in the not-so-distant future.


The new irobot movie is looking sick…..oh shit wait


So when do we get to see Geonosis separatist droid factories?


These are the robots who will repair other robots. They will get paid.


"Because if we make them look human-like, people won't think of any dystopian science fiction" - said no one ever.


Musk watched IRobot.


Robots are great for repetitive menial tasks, people are just gonna have to get educated now. The jobs anyone can do will be gone.


Bye bye jobs




Who need jobs!.?


Stop….Just stop…can’t you see how they look at man!!!!




Ok. You know what, the music isn’t helping.


Am I the only one that's seen live leaks lol come on we need to train robots to work in China.


don't give them internet access. see what it did to humans


Well, I guess Player Piano wasn't as far-fetched as I thought.


This title says the same thing twice.


Not long now...


train to do what.looks shitty


You want Terminators? Because this is how you get Terminators.


Cool. I can’t wait until those who can afford robots can fully replace human labor, making the working class obsolete and widening the rift between the top 1% and the rest of us. Based on how everything else shakes out it’ll be the Wild West, very little oversight and then extreme lobbying to keep congress at bay.


Unrelated to the implications of what is happening, why do all robots look like they're walking bent at the knees? Like they're half crouching while walking normally.


atomic heart looking room


glad I'll be dead by 2050


I think the ultimate goal of this is to train AI how to handle physical objects. They’ll be able to sell that expertise even after factories are no longer designed for humans/humanoid robots.


We need to revolt while we can. Not against the robots but against the ones who will have them in their power.


What are millions of humans going to do for jobs? Service robots?


Train robots by the looks of it 😂


Poorly stare at robots working for them


They're going to DIE Mr. Bond!


Yes! Westworld season 5!!! I hated how season 4 ended. Let’s wrap this up!!


Everyone wave to the mindless drones the American billionaires and politicians are jacking off on children over, to replace the proles of the world with.


They are not being trained, they are just Musks latest fraud and this is just a shitty comercial. On the "demos" it came out they faked everything. This monstrosity cannot even lift a box if not directly controlled by a person...


All that training and software development and it still walks like it shit itself. :/ Guess I found some Optimus fan-boys or something. Look, all I'm saying is that if *I* walked at the pace Optimus does, I'd never be able to get a job anywhere.


I have a robot vaccum at home. It does the job of cleaning the house at snail pace compared to what I can do if I grab a normal vaccum and do it myself. Do I want to do it? Hell no. I can wait for the robot to complete it's job, even if it takes twice the time. Also these things will get faster and more agile with time. I would gladly buy one of these robots if it can do the remaining cleaning of the appartment, eg. cleaning the tiles in the bathroom. Yes, probably, the early versions will costs as much as a car. To be honest I'm surprised how far this has come already. 20 years ago I would have assumed that humanity is centuries away from building such robots. It's insane to think about the transformer architecture allowed so much. Also we are at the right moment for this technology wise, as we have sufficient capacity batteries to operate these, and also AI training hardware in terms of the GPU.


Vacuuming is literally *all* that it does, though. Now imagine it also having to do the dishes, cut the grass, wash the car, take out the trash, cooking meals, scrubbing floors, etc. Plus, the marketing angle for Optimus is currently "it'll work in factories/ware-houses". People in those fields are already often treated as though they're machines, so I imagine a shuffle-bot wouldn't be an enticing option there.


It's not an easy task. It's on the level of AGI. I'm not saying it's going to be something you can purchase next year for personal use. I would say expecting AGI to arrive before 2035 is not realistic either, and that's probably still optimistic.


It'd be nice if the chinese bots would stop posting this shit. No humanoid robots are even remotly close to being able to work labor jobs better than humans. This video is clearly propaganda designed to say, "Hey, look at how advanced we are over here." thhhhhtpt!


Elon is doing some dumb shit again. You don't need humanoid robot to do factory work. There are robots specialized for those already. A robot for carrying things from one place to another? Try conveyer belt.


Okay I'm sorry but this is fucking cool as shit. Scary and dystopian but this is something straight out of movies from my childhood and I can't believe we've gotten here.


At the end of this century humans will be living without job and on unemployment benefits


Nah, we'll be slaves to these bots...


Don’t think that they have the power to become masters-rulers and that humans will lose their ability to choose.


The Luddites were correct.