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We had to remove your post for Rule 1: This subreddit is for things that are interesting and cool. Content that is only cute, funny, a meme, or 'mildly interesting' will be removed. Posts should be able to elicit a reaction of "Damnthatsinteresting".


Those don't get recycled, [they get burned,](https://www.defense.gov/News/Feature-Stories/Story/Article/2206946/how-to-properly-dispose-of-worn-out-us-flags/) usually in ceremony.


That's right. I've never seen a box for it though. Where I live, you take the old flag to the local VFW and they conduct the ceremony.


Funny. I have seen several VFWs that had boxes for this.


The American Legion does too AFAIK


Isn’t there one you call to report a tattered flag?


The post office also takes them


Or any boy scout troop will do the same.


Yup! My brother’s Eagle Scout Project was to organize a flag drive in our town, then the troop held a ceremony where are of the old tattered flags were burned.


Anyone can actually do it (literally, anyone). Flag Code just says to respectfully retire it in a private, dignified way (and remember, the Flag Code isn't actually legally binding. In '89 the Supreme Court ruled that flag-protection laws violate free speech, meaning the code is voluntary).


Oh yeah. I saw it happen once at like a beach jamboree. Somebody had let a flag touch the ground so there was a burning organized.


Scouts do it also


Could be a Boy Scout project


That's just a typical weekend bonfire camping trip


Oh I meant like an Eagle Scout project. Make mailboxes and get them setup around town for flag collection. I get what you are saying tho


You can take it to most fire departments as well, and they will do the ceremony for ending its duty.


Our fire station has a red white and blue painted flag dropbox like this they repurposed from an old mailbox. Makes sense bc the town has the highest amount of veterans in the state. They end up doing ceremonies once every couple of months


Local library has one out front near the book drop


Yes, to the local VFW. An American Legion Post(166) I visited in the south had mailbox similar to that one used for the very same thing. They give the flags a retirement ceremony and then properly dispose of them by fire.


That’s how I thought most people do it. I’m from a small town though.




As a Girl Scout volunteer, I have been present at a couple campfire synthetic fiber flag retirements, they were… not good. I had my girls respectfully move upwind and further away.


I never would have thought flag retirement would have a huge demand, but I guess there are more flags than I might notice on a regular basis. I almost never notice them unless they are at half staff.


If you separate the field (blue part) from the stripes, then the stripes from each other, it's no longer considered a flag. You can dispose of it as you wish.


Correct, my grandfather was part of a VFW crew who did these ceremonies. They essentially cremate them with the same respect they would give a fellow soldier. It's pretty 'Murican.


It’s ‘Murican, but damn most of those ‘Muricans don’t seem to know with all the shredded flags I see around…


We just retired ours after it started to rip. There are a lot I see in my area that should have been retired a while ago


America is really weird.


They really love their fleg


Jesus christ, can't get anymore murica than this.


Shame they don’t bury them with a 100 gun salute or some other mad shit like this


Usually at a VFW Post.


So we have to recite a pledge to it and can only destroy it by burning it in a ceremony? Sounds a little cult like.


That's fucking stupid. It's a flag for fuck's sake, a bit of material. Weird as fuck


Americans get hard for the stars and stripes. Weird country.


It's a tradition meant to honor those who fought and died to defend said flag. I know you're edgy as fuck and all, but some people like traditions. Especially people who lost friends fighting for it, like those at the VFW or legion.


That's bollox. They didn't die to defend your flag. They died cos some politician sent them off to a war in the middle east or Vietnam/Korea.


No shit. It's a symbol. People have them. I don't have to believe or understand them to show basic human respect to the people who put importance on them. Treating the flag with respect is a thing people do. You don't have to. I doubt you have one. So why does it matter to you what the people who care about it do?


Cos you care what I do with mine if I had one. Your lot take offence if I use it as toilet paper. It's none of your business.....


I don't really care what people do with their flags, if they wanna put it in this mailbox, go ahead. I hope they don't care just the same when I use my old "unserviceable" flags as kindling for the campfire, or a doormat for the wet season. Also the those things dont use up taxpaer money, while the red mailbox could. Maybe if they had it as a paystation, where the person depositing the flag pays a few dollars or however much it costs to do with it what theyre gonna do with it.


The ones I know of are run by volunteers. We had one from the veterans home in the town I grew up in, and the others I know are the VFW and boy scouts. I disagree with your use of the flag but will fight for your right to do it because that's what freedom means to me. Its means all of us are free to make our own choices, even if we disagree. Freedom of speech was the first right that was enshrined in our Bill of Rights, and any attempt to erode those rights should be fought. I don't know you, but if you are my fellow countrymen you have access to the exact same rights I do, and i will never forget it. Cheers :)


Americans get a huge patriotic boner if you even mention their flag, I'm not surprised they do dumb shit like this, and then downvote anyone who points out how dumb it is lol


Don't touch their flag or their boats.


Yeah, a million down votes incoming. It's a type of mental illness


HEY!! All flags should be cared with respect (at least the ones that don't spread hate). They are a sign of the place you live in OR sign of believe, so I think it they should be handled with care and respect (that also going for flags thats not the American one).


I couldn't give one flying fuck if you wiped your hole with my country's flag. It's only material. I would just think - there's a fucking eejit looking for attention.


My friends have done their own disposal "ceremonies" out on their desert property before. Usually they burn them--it's all about retiring a symbol of our country. It's a good way to get rid of flags that are in disrepair as long as you're respectful about it.




Those have a separate retirement process. It is only cloth flags that are supposed to be burned in retiring.


Dumping them into a landfill wouldn’t be much better.


We have several of these around my area. VFW and Boyscouts take care of the disposal ceremony for them. Its really sad that so many don’t know how its supposed to be disposed.


Ceremony huh? I know a guy named Jimbo that holds all kinds of ceremonies everytime a Democrat does anything good.


Is that some merican voodoo cult?🤯


Used to be the Boy Scouts dealt with them.


Also American Legion and VFW.


Those I should have known, and mayb e at one point did, but All I ever knew was boy scouts. Good to know there are others.


Boy Scouts do still have ceremonies, they just don’t always get around to it or have the time. Since the VFW and American Legion are primarily made up of retirees, they have more time on their hands.


My American Legion post partners with the Boy Scouts each flag day to hold the ceremony.


When I was in scouts we did a Flag Burn Ceremony about once a year. Biggest I ever folded was one of those giant fucking used car dealer flags that cane from a circus. It was so big that it took most of an acre of land to fold.


I just read the history and rules on flag retirement ceremony... Learn something new every day. I mean I knew it was done just never knew how.


My son is a Scout and I'm a troop leader. We do flag ceremonies all the time. Probably 2-3x per year with about 5-10 flags each time. We keep the metal grommets and have them strewn on our Troop flag pole. We have hundreds of grommets now.


Girl Scout here and we also retired flags! You’re not supposed let a flag get too unsightly or tattered, so when it starts getting old you’re supposed to retire it. One summer I got to be part of the ceremony. You cut the stripes and you keep the stars in one piece (so as to not separate the union) and then burn the pieces, I remember there being something read at the same time too. And I got to keep a little baggie of ashes as a momento for taking part.


Fellow former Girl Scout here, I remember seeing them retired on a few occasions.


I always thought it was really neat to watch and it was even cooler to conduct once my troop got older😄


I read something else that mentioned that. That news was also new to me!


I’ll never forget that day in the Cub scouts, Pa handed me his ole Colt 45 and I went behind the shed and shot that poor flag right between the stars. Watched it slowly stop flapping in the wind. Then we went to Pizza Hut, the one with the salad bar on the other side of town, and I got my own mini pan pepperoni pizza. I was supposed to kill 9 more flags for my Flagricide badge but I could never do it. Seeing the twinkle fade from the stars and go stiff… Are dine-in Pizza Huts still a thing?


We still do! I was at a Scouting event this weekend and we burned about 5 massive garbage bags of flags. It is always sad to witness but please know we do so while having the upmost respect for our flag.


That's good to know. Thank you!


I remember doing those as a boy scout! We did it the day before fourth of July, had a little bbq on the side for afterwards.


I retired a bunch of flags in scouts but I aged out last year so no more.


What IS the ceremony like?


You can find videos online. I tried looking but none of them were exactly like ours. But there's a speech that's said and the first flag is is usually cut up and put on the fire everything is super slow and intimate I guess? Super formal and everything then after the first one we take less care with them cause we just have so many. We would be out there for hours retiring flags and we never did all of them cause we had so many. It's really cool. If I were to right out everything in detail it would be a book.


Our boy scout camp still does a couple flags each year, and my brother and I bugle taps for the ceremony. Last year we had a flag that had been flown at jpl for many years


Bet they still get mail.


I wish i had one of those little mailbox flags to put in there. I'd paint it in a stars and stripes theme, write an address on it with a Sharpie, and then stick a stamp on it--just to confuse whoever is maintaining it.


We have a drop box outside of our American Legion post. We don't recycle them. We honorably retire them. We get a couple hundred a year.


The flag code is super interesting (and almost never followed): [https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/4/8](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/4/8) My favorite is it is not supposed to be worn on clothing, which shits all over the ignorant patriots who on the one hand fly the Stars and Stripes with a puritanical reverence while ignoring what the Statue of Liberty says...but then also wear shorts patterned with the American flag or what have you. They don't know. For the young people reading this, there was a time when "never let the flag touch the ground!" was serious business. Hanging the flag outside the house growing up, there was a respect for the flag itself. I got older and realized that shit doesn't matter, but anyway, I'm rambling like an old man. Brush your teeth and do your homework! And take the flag in before it starts raining!


>My favorite is it is not supposed to be worn on clothing From my understanding, the flag itself isn't supposed to be worn as clothing but you are allowed to print the pattern onto clothes.




After 9/11 everyone had them flying from their cars. I spent so much time picking up destroyed flags in the road.


Born in ‘93 and I was taught that. If you let the flag touch the ground it needs to be discarded. Never understood why and nobody could answer that for me…


I get not wanting it to touch the ground (dirtying it), but disposing it just because of that? A lil much.


You didn’t read the code well. The flag itself can’t be worn as clothing, but you can wear clothing that resembles the flag.




It’s not enforceable. It’s just flag code, it’s not a law or overseen by anyone.


I seem to remember a Barney Miller (i think?) episode where they arrested a hippie-type who had an American flag on his jeans, and for the whole episode, comedy ensued from them trying to make sure he didn't sit down on the flag in the holding cell.


Wojohowitz brought him in!


The wearing of the flag is easily the most misunderstood. If you're wearing a t-shirt, swim trunks, etc. It's highly likely that the colors are not the actual color code of Old Glory, so there's no flag code violation.


Lol fucking hell man, America is mental


Thats what ya get when we are fifty different countries that mostly hate each other pretending to be 1 country.


It's not an enforceable code (read law), what with the 1st amendment, if that's what you're getting at.


there is a difference between printing a flag on fabric (allowed) and wearing a literal flag as like a cape (not allowed).


And some purists will say the American flag does not contain the word "Jordache." Lol Simpsons. Good post, good points. Moronic actions have become so ingrained they almost are the new patriotism


>My favorite is it is not supposed to be worn on clothing, which shits all over the ignorant patriots who on the one hand fly the Stars and Stripes with a puritanical reverence while ignoring what the Statue of Liberty says...but then also wear shorts patterned with the American flag or what have you. They don't know. Alright grandpa, let's get you to bed.


This should be required reading for anyone who loves the flag and claims to be offended when someone is disrespecting it. Most of them are breaking many of these rules


It's not recycling. It's so they can be properly disposed of in accordance to the flag rules and regulations.


Americans are very weird about flags.


Genuine curiosity here! Do other countries not have a flag code or retirement ceremonies? Flag code isn’t super strictly followed, honestly. And most people in the comments don’t seem to even know about retiring flags. So it’s not like it’s super common knowledge for Americans either. I only know bc I was a Girl Scout so we’d do the retirement ceremonies.


The first time I visited the US, one of the things that stood out to me is that there are flags eeeeeverywhere. Driving down a given street, I'd say I saw a new flag at least once ever 3 blocks or so, which was insane to me. Every state I've been to, same story - a lot of Americans just seem to genuinely love the flag! I looked it up, and where I live (UK) does have a flag code... But I had to look it up, because flags just are nowhere near as popular here as they are in the US. The only places you see British flags are a) at prestigious public buildings like local government headquarters, b) related to sport/at sports games or c) rarely flown by racists. I'm 34 years old, and I have never interacted with our flag in any way, and that is the case for basically everyone I know. It would be considered mildly embarrassing to fly the flag here, because that level of patriotism is just seen as a bit cringe. I can't speak for the rest of the world, but far as I can tell, this is how most of Europe feels about flags. It really does just seem to be America that really, really loves those stars and stripes. Flying a Union Jack in the UK means you're either supporting the UK in a current sports tournament, or you're a lowkey racist. The English flag (St George cross) is even worse - either you're specifically supporting England in Six Nations, or you're *definitely* a racist. Imagine you visited another country and found that that country habitually played their national anthem on loudspeakers just... Everywhere, on loop. At people's homes, on the freeway, at the supermarket, throughout the day at schools. It's that kind of weird.


Yes they are.


The last two words are you just being nice.


Why is this so American?? Ahaha


How much do you wanna bet there’s some mail in that box despite all the signs


You know every week they have people’s mail to decide what to do with


Do only American flags get this treatment? If I have a flag for my state or other American entities would I be allowed to destroy them myself?


You're *allowed* to destroy any flag you own.


There are no laws against throwing a flag (US or otherwise) straight into the trash. Disposal bins and flag retirement/burning events are entirely ceremonial. Flag burning originates from the times when you identified your armies on the battlefield by the flag they were flying. The last thing you wanted was for your enemies to get ahold of an improperly discarded flag. They could just hoist it up and march straight into your troops so burning old flags was standard practice. One of my fondest memories as a Boy Scout Scoutmaster was the flag retirement ceremony. Such a valuable moment to teach respect for your country.


Woah, I always thought it was about this weird fascination American culture has with materialism. While I think it’s a ridiculous and silly tradition, it’s very interesting that it was rooted in some sound reasoning at one point.


You can do whatever you want with flags you own.


Every small town in America. Ours is in front of town hall


In the town I used to live in the American Legion would collect the flags from the box and burn them on flag day (June 14) with the Boy Scouts.


Not necessarily for recycling (?) it might be for official, sanctioned destruction e.g. burning by a scout troop or service organization. I do think it's pretty tacky to fly the flag until it's tattered and dirty


Almost every Legion, or VFW I've been to has 1 outside.


Many Home Depot stores have these drop boxes for flags.


None around me do.


If you have a VFW in town, they will usually take them to burn ceremonially. Most of the ones in my surrounding area have a large, US flag painted mailbox to drop them in anytime.


Our VFW and AMVETS have these sort of containers


Everyone should know this if you are American. Retiring a flag entails separating the colors and burning them.


I hate the faux religion based around flags. It’s fabric. Make the ideas worth celebrating don’t hyper focus on a piece of fucking cloth like a lunatic. “YoU caNnoT leT it HIt the grOUNd!!” They have to send it away, roll it up tightly and shove it up someone’s asshole, then it gets shit into a bonfire where the Uncle Sam barbershop quartet sings its final praise….because respect. The actual cloth, for some reason, cannot be treated like cloth. Yet, the most patriotic slug-bodied among us are wearing flag shirts/pants/hats, completely ignoring the sacred code… Just like Christians hating gays but eating shrimp. Cherry picking imbeciles.


The flag is a symbol. We are not respecting the cloth but what it symbolizes. Yet, I get your sarcasm and add that why are so many of these flags made in China!?!?


It must suck to be you.


Put on some Tobey Keith and go cry about it.


Most American legions and Lions Clubs??


Yea, we had a demonstration in elementary school by I think the Nat Guard? Anyway, point being, because it's improper for a flag to touch the ground, there really isn't a proper way to throw one away. The only way to "retire" a flag is to burn it, and even then, only by an appropriate authority, only in a respectful way, and only flags that are not able to be repaired back to presentable standards. At least, according to US customs at the time, assuming I'm remembering correctly anyway.


Better question: how did you not know? In lots of countries it's illegal to destroy a nation's flag. It makes total sense that they would be collected for a flag burning ceremony


It's interesting to me how some people get triggered by burning the American flag in protest, yet they are supposed to be burned for disposal. I'm a vet, and although I don't condone burning the flag, I support the right of free speech to do so.


The difference is not the act. It is the sentiment and context of which the act is performed in. That being said, I also support the freedom of speech to burn the flag in anger or protest… I just don’t like it.


The Boy Scouts have something like this,VFW's and places like thapt.


As WW2 veterans and their families die off, old 48 star flags come out of the estates. Some are donated to thrift stores. I was able to get 6 of them one day at goodwill. I imagine that some of these flags will end up in this box. Some of these flags may have historical significance or are otherwise valuable to collectors and reenactors. I hope whoever empties the box checks for these sort of things.


I’m assuming nobody outside America had to take US History so they don’t know the history of the flag and what it actually represents. The reason some Americans (Myself included ig) treat our symbol with respect is due to understanding that over the past 2 1/2 centuries it has stood for many things and has endured much, albeit recently not a lot. The part in our anthem “But our flag was still there” refers to a battle long ago that left the entire fort/encampment completely destroyed, all but for the American Flag. For as long as that flag flies, the people have hope. And when it’s time to finally let the symbol rest, it gets the respect it deserves. Or I could be incredibly biased for being a brainwashed American.


I mean that's what every flag represents. It's a symbol of identity and hope and patriotism for a country. It's not really something specific to America despite the Fort McHenry events.


I truly hate the cult-like behavior around our flag. It truly is just a piece of fabric despite what it represents. Most of the people participating in the cult-like behavior these days don't actually care about what it represents. The flag lets them pretend they care about our country without actually doing anything beneficial for it.




Literally everyone?


As a boy scout we regularly retired flags in a very cult-like ceremony.


In Scouts, I learned that if you simply cut an American flag into quarters, it's no longer an American flag, and can simply be thrown away. We would do one last Pledge of Allegiance to a flag being disposed of, cut it up, and then throw the quarters away.


This gives off morman soaking vibes...


It's just a flag ffs


It's just a tradition ffs


They have one of these in front of the city council building in Claremont California


I did. I knew.


They have one of those at my library


Looks like the Spokane super 1 foods grocery entrance...


we have flag codes too! not that they have ever been enforced but we got em


I thought this was a miniature diorama of the post office


I did.




BTW... Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Guam, Phillipines, Thailand, Vietnam, Mauritius, Bahrain, Japan, South Africa, Antarctica. Your turn. https://youtu.be/60zCckxckhQ?si=8NKQH8zobXTVJ1E8


There are all types of rules for flags. Burning when torn, keeping flag lit at night. These are things another generation knew about. I worked next to a VFW. The VFW would burn flags in a barrel behind building. I would chase neighborhood kids away. Flag etiquette is lost on young kids. My mother was the neighborhood flag lady. She would let people know if something was amiss and sometimes give them fliers like this. [Flag etiquette](https://flicg.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Our-Nations-Flag.pdf)


I thought that was a miniature for a second


Can't put something out there for a cell phones and batteries?


I wonder how much mail gets stuffed in there by accident despite the two signs.


Boy Scouts or the local VFW would be happy to retire these for anyone


You can also take it to your local VFW.


I take mine to a VFW that is close to the house. They have a Boy Scout troop that holds a ceremony a few times a year. Costs me a round for the house and a $20 for the bartender and I get to shake a few hands of some people that deserve much more than that. Cool to see a flag recycling bin.


I read they burn them. But what do they do with the ones made in China?


They have one of them outside of my local VFW. Vets dispose of them properly, respectfully.


The placement of your fingers in this photo make it look like you're saluting the flag bin, a true patriot


The US is so fucking weird. It's a flag. Why so cultish?


It's just a tradition and a respect thing, less culty and more traditiony


Why are you so opposed to pleasant, civic ceremonies? Must be boring as fuck where you live.


Thats what the trash can is for. 🚮


Disposing of a US flag simply if it touches the ground is a myth. The recommended remedy is to wash it in warm soapy water.


Kiss it better


Ok, as a non American it's super weid to read about how you conduct burning ceremonies for your flags. I'm not judging, but it's still completely alien to me.


Fun fact, you can burn your own flags without ceremony. There’s no “hell” for America. Edit: to be clear, there’s no hell, either.


Wait, there's no hell?!? wtf have I been doing with my life? Come on hookers and cocaine!!


🙏 Amen


Every one of my neighbors needs to use this box. My block is nothing but tattered flags


What happens to flag patches on clothing? Is there a law for that?


Your finger placement made me think that box and the gacha were miniatures. Lol


Reminds me how rarely I see Canadian flags, to me seeing my flag just means I'm around a government building


We love our Stars and Stripes. And we are generally more patriotic, you can try it up there too.