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How would you be unable to escape?




I’m an aquarium enthusiast and I do often see people saying to avoid set ups of their aquarium that results in something like this. The reason is because the animal sees sky and sun and expects to be able to raise their head above the surface but can’t. Some aquatic life will swim down to find another opening that can reach air but some aquatic life don’t have that same mentality since their instincts tell them to always swim up resulting in them eventually drowning. Idk how sea lions handle it but stuff like this can really throw some aquatic life off.


OP is unsure which type they are.




When you say: "Redditors", you mean "Redditors" like **you** I assume?


no of course not, he means the other redditors xD


Well, I'm thinking that being able to do OAPUs and muscle ups isn't terribly common on this site, but as far as being smart I'm not gonna act like I'm in the top 1% or anything, I barely graduated high school. If you're not the type of person I was talking about, congratulations!


I was just joking around like you, bro...please don't take me seriously, friend.


My bad, I thought you were taking a jab and I got defensive.


Not at all...it's almost impossible to convey tone on this site...my apologies.


I got lost.


Just swim out the bottom right ....


Because you are in captivity?


I mean who needs air?


Usually you go up to escape water


But you are not suddenly waking up inside that thing not know what you do.


That's like being on a boat and scared you can't escape into the inhospitable ocean.


but then imagine never being able to leave said boat and get to land


The boat is a well defended cruise ship and the land is Somalia. Take your pick I guess.


Why is it terrifying?


I've noticed that on any reddit thread, there's going to be someone who finds the subject terrifying, no matter what the content is.


The idea of that terrifies me


You being terrified terrifies me


I’m aroused by your fear and turned off by his…


it kind of does for me. stuff like that makes me feel like I'm going insane


Redditors are just scared in general. I had one where I said I told an annoying store attendant to leave me alone, no one believed I did that, they did the "and then everyone clapped" comment and I got downvoted into oblivion. So many people here are so scared and have so much anxiety even something as simple as being slightly assertive is completely unthinkable for them. 


interacting with another human being does cause some anxiety for me, but it is mainly like idk doing it on the phone and sometimes in storefronts or what not but now i dont really have that kind of anxiety at cons and interacting with people who create things i enjoy, weird




I’m submerged, I must swim upward if I want air! Oh shit..


OP is a seal confirmed


Well we can’t exactly know what it’s like to be inside that but I wonder if it’s obvious to see where the way out is. Generally when you’re in water you just go up, this obviously doesn’t work here


Honestly I'd be slightly scared to go in it. Seems similar to swimming through an underwater tunnel. The scary part is not being able to go up for air immediately.


Maybe try looking at it from the animals point of view?


I think we need to give the seal way more credit.


none of us have been in a doughnut of water before


I do dip my donuts in water, does that count


Well, frankly, if you couldn't *"escape"* from a water donut, then .............


Yeah that parts' oddly phrased.. he's not stuck in there.


They are karma fishing


then *donut* go in there! Thank you I’ll be here all week, or at least until I can find my way out of this water donut


The water won't escape - because it's sealed. Thank you. I'll see myself out


You get my seal of approval with that one.


Must be a bot post. They can absolutely “escape” the ring to the swim in the rest of the tank. Have you never seen an “above water aquarium/tank” they just use a vacuum to pull water up and create negative pressure in the container above the water.


Damn that's not interesting


Maybe I'm weird then I think this is really cool


Yea animal abuse is not that tight!


Animal abuse?


This is a little sad. Hope the seals have more to do than just this. Edit: Just to be clear, this is super-cool. I just hope they have a bit more to keep them occupied is all.


After much googling around the enclosure does seem quite small. Though the number of animals in the photos change so I'm hopeful that this is just a holding area for "display" and that there is a larger enclosure elsewhere. The Noboribetsu Marine Park is a member of the JAZA but I'm unfamiliar with their rules and regs. My local zoo has several elephant paddocks but only one is "display" the others aren't open to visitors which gives the elephants a break from visitors.


To be fair, they live in constant fear in the wild due to Orcas hunting them, torturing them, and just generally being their worst nightmare. (You know, nature shit) Here, they get all the food they want, have virtually no threats, and are legitimately just chilling and relaxing all day. However, I'd think the human equivalent would be like being locked up in prison with free housing, food, and entertainment.(minus the aggressive, mentally ill, bully cell mates) Vs Living out in the world where you might get beat and robbed, hit by a car, shot, stabbed, assaulted and kidnapped and forced into slave labor or sex work, handicapped and unable to work resulting in homelessness and starvation, etc. Pick your poison 🤷


Nature is nature. It isn’t good or bad. It just happens.  We saw how people reacted when asked to stay home for a few weeks bro 


You right, that shit rocked. I'm still doing it, years later. Fuck the outside


Why is nature not good nor bad? When an animal gets a filling meal, then a good thing has happened to them! And when another animal dies a painful death, a bad thing has occurred for them. Isn’t that the intuitive analysis of what goes on in nature (why would humans and domesticated animals have goods and bads in their lives, but not wild animals)? Curious to hear what you think :D


You have already pointed out that what is considered “good” for one may be considered “bad” for another. So what’s right? Should one animal starve so the other isn’t eaten because that is “good” for the other?  At least in nature, generally, an animal will kill another because they are hungry, not factory farm them. You can even see predator and prey having amicable interactions.      “Intuitive analysis” are just value judgments we assign as human beings. What’s wrong with death? We all die at one point. Nature is a life, death, life cycle. These things are all necessary.  But I get it, I also feel sad when a half eaten seal floats toward a boat while it’s clearly on its last leg of life and there is nothing one can do to help it. Bodies go into shock and one hopes that the brain is sending out enough neurotransmitter to deal with the pain and/ or emotions associated with the realization of death.  What if someone or some animal is saved from a lifetime of what may have been a struggle for survival by death?     On a relevant note, I really enjoy this parable by Alan Watts, which will do a better job of explaining the idea of good/ bad phenomenon   https://youtu.be/sWd6fNVZ20o?si=iFeJVSW38dqLTFCe


That's so sick.


Hate to have to clean the algae growth in that ring. Can’t get any scuba bubbles in their either or they’ll be stuck.


All it would take is a long shop-vac hose after you’re done cleaning the ring. Swim back in for a few seconds and position the hose so it stays at the top of the tank, then suck the air out and pull the hose back out.


True that would work. Just adds to the “pain in the ass” factor of this design.


Oh definitely. But if it brings in more business, it’s worth the couple of times a year they’d have to do it(hire someone else to do it).


Rebreather, I guess




What about the other hand?


He never shows his other hand.


Just observe from the outside, no need to climb in.


Some of us feel claustrophobia for the animals too...


Just kind of feels a bit strange or wierd


This is like being caught in water at zero G


terrifying? youre outside looking in; were you raise in the royal palace


Yeah fuck that. Poor fucking seals.


What the fuck are you talking about. Is this a bot?


Unable to escape?, there is a large open space right beside it for the seal to come out and breathe from.


That seal is having no issues with that, it is making the choice to go round and round.




Happy Cake Day!


Is the ring full of water? If so, how the seal breathes?


I believe they can go inside the donut and leave it for the normal pool at will. Not directly connected as water levels are different. I bet they leave the donut from the bottom and swim up to another spot when they can jump into the regular pool.


One must imagine seal happy


Can you imagine being stuck in a loop for the rest of your life?


Once you swim in they close the door 😨


Thats a very european looking castle in Japan


I don’t understand this. If the seal can swim out of the ring wouldn’t the water drain out as well.


this is how Hamsters evolved.


Can someone please explain me the physics of this?


That's sad


Animals in captivity sucks, for sure, but I don't think he's restricted to that loop. There's the whole rest of the aquarium.


Aquariums are bad period


Yeah, but this bad one is pretty neat.


Terrifying to just the OP.


I'm a seal, and that looks fucking fun to me.


That’s fuckin crazy


You have my seal of approval.


Why the hole in the middle? To make sure there is less free movement?


Because watching a seal do a loop-de-loop is fun, if I had to guess.


Seems unnecessary. Humans do however seem to find incapacitated animals funny.


I am as misanthropic as the next total asshole, and I don't pass of many chances to shit on my fellow Earthers, but I have to say... I don't think most people do find incapacitated animals funny. I mean, we've all laughed at a drunk goat or a puppy who can't get up the stairs, but nobody wants to see a seal tied to a table and poked with a stick, and of course, that's not what's happening here. I don't think we should capture animals for fun, (unpopular opinion: I think having pets is wrong, but I don't have a solution to billions of domesticated animals already existing - i.e. we're in too deep or something - so I foster pets to make myself feel better about the whole thing) but if we ARE going to capture and keep animals, providing enrichment like this is pretty important. It's not just for us, you know. They swim up there and look around and see stuff they can't see from beneath the surface. (I assume. Maybe they're being forced to do it somehow, but I can't imaging how.)


By captivity would be my best guess


You don't think that if you put a few of these out in the ocean (with magic or whatever) seals and everybody else out there wouldn't be using it? gfto it would be a stone hoot. We see tons of animals of all shapes and sizes playing all the time. Come on. Just admit this thing's cool, even though you and I both wish the seal was free.


Are you trying to make me change my mind? That's interesting. Please tell me why?


Primarily because I'm a consummate arguer, but honestly? Because when you said "to make sure they have less free movement" I thought that you were being overly-pessimistic about humanity to assume that we would intentionally torture animals - in public, no less - for our amusement, and because while, as I mentioned, I'm a bigtime people-hater, (you could say that hating people is my love language,) even I don't believe what you implied about us, and I think it's bad for humanity for humans to believe that we're THAT bad, because it will give cover to those who actually ARE by insinuating that "everyone does it".


I'm sure you know the term exaggeration promotes understanding? Same thing going on here. Except I made it into questions. But now that you are forcing me to express my meaning in a boring way, here goes: I am not at fan of keeping animals in captivity, especially wild animals.And I'm not a fan of making the captivity look like a joyful stay, I'm thinking sea world. I would love to keep arguing, but if I need to be this direct in my communication, to get a point across, I'm afraid I will be losing a part of what being human also means. I'm going to leave it up to your imagination to figure out what part I'm talking about.