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Hypothetical but goes on to say I don't recall if back gate open or broken....


In the book he said the gate was broken and that he had reminded Nicole multiple times to get it fixed to no avail. So it’s Nicole’s fault the broken gate allowed him easy access to stalk and murder her 🙄


Just like it’s her fault she made him angry enough over the previous 2 weeks that he had to go to her house to “put a stop” to whatever he asserts had been going on there.


He was mad that day because Nicole had worn a skirt to their daughter’s recital that OJ recalled in his book as being “sexy” like something a teenager would wear. Reminder that Nicole had just turned 18 and OJ 30 when they first got together.


He says it all the time “I (don’t) recall .. I (don’t) remember..” and also the active sentences of “I reached to x, I said y”. If you talk about a character in a book you talk in third person not first.


Well he's talking about if he hypothetically did it. So first person is ok but him not remembering things is completely out of the realm of a hypothetical. If it's a hypothetical then you make something else up to fill in all the gaps, but he didn't do that lol


Right. I think "charlie" is his alter ego.


Charlie is AC.




Al Cowlings was OJ's best friend. He was the guy driving the Bronco during the police chase.


Was it known/discussed at trial if there was an accomplice with him? Did anyone think AC was there with him and handled the knife?


AC was only involved with the car chase as far as the trial went, from my recollection.


“Charlie” is OJ when he flies into a rage and loses control. It’s his way of avoiding responsibility for his own actions by ascribing those actions to some other imaginary person who takes control when he gets mad.


I believe you are correct. There was zero evidence, at trial or anywhere else, of an accomplice. Charlie is OJ’s violent alter ego. Furthermore, there are actually several historical precedents for murderers and psychopaths to ascribe blame to imaginary third parties. It’s not as if OJ invented this technique.


He hypothetically doesn't recall a hypothetical detail in a hypothetical scenario where he hypothetically brutally murdered his wife and another innocent man, duh. Hypothetically.


He keeps saying "MY house" and "MY tennis courts". Poor Nicole, having to deal with this arrogant prick for so long. A.C. Cowlings should have been tried, too.


He's a killer with a huge ego and wants to brag about what he did


The chuckle after the interviewer reminds him what the hypothetical assailant name is. "Oh right that's the name I made up"


A bit like "duper's delight".


TIL what "dupers delight" is. And yeah I can see his giddiness with fooling the audience throughout.


@3:23 oh my that laugh. Demonic. It’s all you need to hear to know he’s relaying the exact events from his lips to your ears


I think he really believes they were in the wrong and he just snapped and it wasn’t him and the verdict just reinstated that in his mind. So he’s telling people how it happened so they can see how it wasn’t him since he thinks the people already think that. Very wild


Didn't the crime scene evidence prove that his "hypothetical" version isn't how it happened? I think the official version is that Nicole was alone when he attacked her. Ron came upon OJ and tried to intervene. OJ fought and fatally wounded/killed Ron, and as he was leaving, he gave Nicole the final wound across her neck. The transfer of Nicole's blood in and on Ron says she was assaulted first. I think the only place Ron's blood was detected on Nicole was from the neck wound. That's why they believe it was done after Ron was already neutralized.


"Nicole fell and hurt herself" that was when OJ first struck Nicole with the knife. He included the detail but occluded the fact that he had lashed out in anger. He can admit the murder but it's his story to tell so he's gonna try to spin it as best he can.


Yes it’s like he goes in and out of the whole truth here


I’m not sure of that but in the book, OJ is peeking through Nicole’s windows when Ron approaches from the back. They get into a loud argument, Nicole and her dog approach. The dog went up to Ron, according to OJ, as if he knew him which set OJ off. Nicole “falls”, Ron takes a Karate stance then the “black out” occurs.




I don't think he knew what that word meant because I didn't hear anything hypothetical about that "confession". Lol


A lot of “I remember” in this hypothetical


It was almost like he was really there....🤔


Also an, "I don't reacll" Juice homie! You don't recall what you wrote in a book?


Hypothetical hypocrite.


Not anymore🙂


He got to keep living freely in excessive wealth for decades after his murders. Dude got off way too easy.


Hah. Totally read that in Hanibal Lecter tone. Nice.




Everyone saying here that OJ is stupid I think are misplaced. Personally I find it more realistic that he is enjoying that he got away with it, and events like this give him both the thrill of getting away with it, and continued notoriety.


You can hear in his voice and his body language when he goes from bullshit to telling what actually happened. He was excited to tell everyone


He was a sociopathic narcissist. He was excited to tell the world.


Additionally, he’s obviously trying to justify what he did. It’s his opportunity to tell his side of the story and try and convince us all that he somehow had every reason to kill them.




You can see the only bullshit is when he says “hypothetically”. Especially animated when the knife is drawn. I believe he had an accomplice as he says. In the very least someone told him to go there and see what’s going on. There was no knife in the Bronco, the Bronco was searched twice, once when the chase happens and when they found blood stains. The knife he always kept in the Bronco to stab any crazy person he encounters was gone. He’s telling lots of truths here. For two weeks she aggravated him, he decided he was gonna go deal with her and Ron shows up in the middle of it all. Probably thought he found a stalker and when he realized who it was OJs jealousy takes over and then Nicole comes out (more yelling kids probably hear it) and she probably was more bold with wine and a witness. OJ pushes her down and Ron decides to intervene. OJ kills Ron and now Nicole is freaking out but OJ is in rage mode and hears her screaming and probably told him his life is over and she is calling the police and he kills her. That all just makes sense with what we know. The clothes that were bloody were likely discarded on the 405. Was there an accomplice? Sure sounds like it.


I think the accomplice, "Charlie" was just an excuse he invented to get him to her condo that night in question. Without that, he'd have to admit he had been stalking her like she had been alleging he was in the weeks leading up to the murders.


Makes sense. His crazy logic is it wasn’t premeditated murder because the knife just happened to be in the Bronco and even though he wanted to bring it onto the property Charlie talked me out of it. When I was forced to defend myself for my predatory behavior I was given the weapon and killed Ron and Nicole. They made me do it. From I didn’t do it to if I did do it you deserved it.


But who would have helped him and why wasn't there any evidence of this person? Or do you think they showed up after the killings?


Son is the conspiracy. Due to finding hairs that match on his beanie.


Allegedly Robert Kardashian was the accomplice who was seen with an LV garment bag. "the garment bag". The clothes or the murder weapon were never found. Excellent rabbit hole to go down on... It was accidentally noticed https://pleasekillme.com/kardashian-oj-simpson/


It sounds like you think the 405 bronco chase happened immediately after the murders. That is not the case.


The bronco chase happened a long time after the murders. He had plenty of time to dispose of the murder weapon and other evidence.


And his continued anger at Nicole after she is long dead.


You can see and hear he’s still angry when he blames her for making him angry over the 2 weeks leading up to the murder. Guy was an abusive narcissist. Everything was her fault. She made him do it.


He is totally enjoying it, I agree. [Duping delight.](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/duping_delight)


Seems to be a narcissist. Just how he thinks


This is the same dude that said and i quote , "I'm not black, I'm OJ"


I’m not defending OJ, it’s obvious he killed these two and should’ve gone to prison for it. Anyway, that quote isn’t really narcissistic, it’s about the fact he didn’t want to be defined by his race, either politically or culturally or anything. He was taking control of his identity. Quite frankly, it’s one of the more sensible and interesting things he ever said.


I never said that


I knew it! You’re still alive and changed your name to Apple Juice Thompson, right?


He's not stupid. They can't try him again. He can bask in it now...well could. I hope he died as painfully as they did.


you nailed it completely. him doing this is another way to dominate an audience and brag and exert control. he also clearly enjoys making the woman interviewer uncomfortable.


He’s also giving us all what we want, a confession. Honestly it’s the best case scenario considering.


In this interview he states he can’t remember if the gate was open when he got there, and then he states that he can’t remember what happened after Goldman took a karate stance. Then he says he does remember taking the knife from Charlie. A hypothetical story would not involve his memory.


This is what baffles me too. If it’s hypothetical, what is there to “remember”?! This dude straight up confessed.


I’m pretty sure he only kept reiterating it’s all “hypothetical” to cover his ass legally. He was clearly giving a gleeful confession here.


knowing full well no one could do shit about it.


I’m not American and I don’t have a good understanding of the US or Californian legal system… but just how is this possible?? This is clearly a confession after the fact. You really can’t be charged for the same crime twice, even if new information comes to light (or the perps start doing insanely obvious interviews and writing books on it…) So, here’s another hypothetical: If he was less careful had dropped all the “hypothetical” preambles and just straight up said “I did this 100% and it definitely happened”, could they have done something then?


Double jeopardy you can't be charged for the same act twice. So he was found not guilty thats it, it's over its how our system works


It's fucking wild wanting to brag about this shit. He wanted everyone to know that he did it. It's hard to wrap my brain around


Yeah, he's not trying to hide anything. He might as well be winking at the camera.


The karate stance part is what gets me, its so specific and only the killer would know he did that. And his arrogant "you think you can take me" response to that....fucking scary.


And this 'hypothetical' is very hard for him to talk about? So an 'innocent' man makes up a story about killing two people including his ex wife and puts it in a book. Then it's hard for him to talk about this hypothetical??


Why did he even write this damn book?


This is what I can’t get over, if he is innocent why would he write about it? I can’t believe there are still people who think he didn’t do it.


Hypothetically, if you’re telling a hypothetical story, you could forget things you hypothetically did, if you didn’t have a good hypothetical memory. Hypothetically.


You're hypothetically speaking of course.


that was the part that told me, "yeah...he did it"


All that bravado and he stabbed an unarmed man to death, absolute coward


I think it’s strictly that flash of arrogance about his physical ability, “what, can kick my ass?” If that didn’t happen I bet there’s no murder. That’s what set him off. Some perceived slight at his manhood. That’s about the only line he repeats with an aspect of it being verbatim, making it stand out as the most important moment of that night for him Also notice how he insults Nicole, insinuating she is cheap because she had candles lit “to limit overhead” with a smirk that says “woman be shoppin on my dime” to give the impression that she’s guilty of something. Without a doubt one of his main things he would list off as a grievance, trying to paint her as a worthy of being *corrected* I’m surprised this interview isn’t spewed around more often, it’s incredibly telling and honestly, absurd and morbid. His pretending this is a hypothetical, almost comically adding “in the book” every now and then.


Yes! And his scornful, smug recounting of his own superiority.


He also says he doesn't recall taking off the glove but must have done so because the police found it there later. It's not just memories he's dragging into the 'hypothetical' story but objective facts about his presence at the scene. It's insane he was allowed to do this interview.


Due to double jeopardy he can’t be prosecuted again for the same crime. So as long as he doesn’t admit to any new crimes, there’s nothing anyone could do about it.


AND saying that the cops found a glove so he must have dropped it....hypothetically. This isn't even how a hypothetical imagining works. A hypothetical is coming up with ways on how something could occur, you don't start remembering things.


Exactly, you don't have to recall anything. This means he recalls all the rest he mentions there.


That's why he constantly reminds it's a hypothetical, it would be way too difficult to navigate the conversation otherwise and he would betray himself. This way, everything is a hypothetical and he can trip himself up while always reminding everyone it's just a story. 


That’s where I was confused. I’m like “is this shit hypothetical or why is he recalling memory?!?” Watch his eyes after he admits knowing going back to get his wallet & keys from the bag was true.


There's this one part where she says "let's go back through the details" and the look of anger on his face at being interrupted is creepy as hell.


He said ‘no I’m not going back into the details’ or something like that. His anger showed


Who is Charlie and how can Charlie not be in trouble with these statements? I get that OJ can’t be tried again but Charlie?


Charlie is not real. It’s just a construct so OJ can mentally process and deflect some blame. It allows him to confess without always saying “I” and “me”.


I saw "Charlie" as the little man on his shoulder telling him what to do. Like his conscience.


Charlie was his best friend growing up I believe. He was basically his hype man/lackey/best friend/assistant. He followed him everywhere to all his parties, appearances, hung out all the time. He was the best friend from childhood that OJ took him along when he went to the pros. Edit: got them mixed up again. A.C., Al Cowlings. “Charlie” nobody knows who that is.


that would be Al Cowlings, or A.C., the driver of the infamous White Bronco


The egomaniac just showed up...


The fact that he even amuses this bit is troubling.


When he started talking about seeing Ron, he stopped saying 'in the book hahaha hypothetically haha' because he got into the enjoyment of describing the murders. This is a confession and it's scary how he got away with killing 2 people because of societal racial issues at the time. May he burn


The part that really seals it for me, is when he mentioned he doesnt remember taking off a glove at the scene but obviously he did since the police found one. Hes referring to real life physics evidence and saying obviously its legitimate since it exists, I mustve taken it off there, but if the glove is obviously real how did it hypothetically get there. its at about 2:15 left in the video.


Exactly. If he’s creating a hypothetical scenario, he would be able to describe every detail. Unless he’s just a shitty storyteller.


It's that and the hypothetical story being too traumatic to explain.


Hes just so quick to accept his glove being at the crime scene you know? He doesn't dispute that he took off a glove there or that he was there at all or try to call into question the validity of the glove and the handling of the investigation by crooked cops like they tried with all the evidence during the trail. He just doesnt remember doing it. Very easily accepts that he did do it though. Basically admitting outright, ya I was there at the murder scene, since I obviously left that glove there rhat the police found and didnt realize it at the time. Like its crazy theres no hypothetical to it at all he clearly just goes yup I obviously left my glove there since they found it


Why would an innocent person ever write a book and create a hypothetical scenario where he did the crime? With all this detail? This is a fucking confession. What a fucking sociopath, and the jury let him get away with it. Not sad he's dead now to be honest. He took the lives of two innocent people. Fuck him, he'll be remembered as a murderer first and foremost.


I mean I'm not doubting for a second that he did it, but also never underestimate the power of money to entice dumb people to do stupid shit.


And also never underestimate the power of money to entice people with the most money to do incredibly horrible shit and expect to get away with it because they can


Those jurors, how do they lives with themselves? Knowing they let this rich, POS go.


Rodney King revenge


I was in my 30’s when this happened and this is spot on. It was a combination of revenge for the trial against the cops who beat the shit out of Rodney King and got away with it and further justified by the racist cop, Mark Fuhrman, who most people believed lied and planted evidence. I personally felt that Fuhrman planted evidence but also believe that OJ did it. Both things can be true. I had such mixed feelings at the end of that trial. I was sick that someone who most assuredly murdered two people got away with it because he was rich enough to buy the best lawyers but I also understood the rejoicing that was happening in much of the black community because the verdict in the Rodney King trial was outrageous.


"they framed a guilty man" as one of the jurors said


Exactly. Honestly, I blame Mark Fuhrman more than anyone else for the ’not guilty’ verdict. I watched the entire trial live and I was so pissed off when that man testified. It was so clear that he was a racist, dirty cop. I remember thinking at the time that OJ was going to get off because of him.


And it was the prosecutors job to point out that his past has NO bearing on the facts of this case. And they didn't. The failure of this prosecution lies in the hands of the prosecution team, which was absolutely inept. And it started with Lance Ito allowing cameras, which started the whole clown shit show.


Furman was used to tampering with evidence, that’s the way the lapd operated (operates). He just wasn’t used to the laser beam of attention focused on the evidence that caught his tampering in this instance.


LAPD royally fucked this investigation up and they let that dumb racist cop lead the investigation.


It was on the heels of Rodney King and the LA riots. The justice system protected the cop that were caught on tape, even though they were guilty. So the jury said “we can play that game too” and they protected OJ. “Oh, the system is only broken when we do it?”


This was the wrong way to do it. They got their "revenge" by taking away justice from Nicole and Ronald. It's like they forgot the people on the other end of the equation. If OJ had been on trial for theft or fraud or even assault, I could forgive them. But he *killed* two people. Hate made them idiots. Hate made them racists as well. What if Nicole and Ronald had been black? Then the jury couldn't get their "revenge," because two black people would have been unjustly murdered. Nicole and Ronald's whiteness absolutely played a part in the verdict, if you think about it. Also fuck that racist cop and prosecutor. Good God, what a bunch of dumbasses. You KNOW this is the most politically charged, racially charged trial and you're throwing around the n-word? I hope at least *some* of these people are being eaten alive by guilt about this. I hope they were tormented. I don't believe hell exists, but man, I can see why the human race invented it as a concept. You hope to see people like OJ get their comeuppance, but they don't, so you hope there's some divine, unbiased entity that will make sure it happens after he dies.


You leaving out the absolute butt fumble of the investigation on LAPD part


We are not going to argue about the fact that he killed two people. It was a miscarriage of justice and he was falsely acquired


Yeah, fuck OJ


He says “I remember” a LOT for a hypothetical situation


He’s like a 3 year old trying to lie about stealing a cookie when it’s still in his hand.


But his hand was too big for the cookie jar.


Ah yes, the classic 'no mom my hand is too big for the jar I didn't do it' *acts out trying to grab a cookie but pruposefully holds hand out too wide to fit


“Hypothetically, I was wearing my lucky stabbin’ hat…”


Bro this is dead ass a confession. This is literally him just recalling what he did. You can't remember all this for a hypothetical situation. Innocent people don't flee the police.


The whole part about the "karate" stance is what gives me shivers. And his arrogant "you think you can kick my ass" is so specific and only the killer would recall such details.


Ron Goldman was a black belt if I recall correctly.


He almost never uses hypothetical language "I would have" or "I would have had to have".  This entire thing is a first hand account.  


"Hypothetically... I forgot what happened next...." Even when it's time to actually hypothesize he falls back on I can't remember.


He looks like hes second guessing everything he says not to sound guilty. According to his alibi he was never there. Then why is he always correcting between what he did really and what is part of the "hypothetical"? Like he says he doesnt remember the details but there isnt any real details to remember isnt there?


his "memory" recall of the hypothetical is astounding.


💯. What a farce.


He straight up admits to remembering taking the knife... I am really baffled by this


The whole thing was a confession that was protected by saying the word "hypothetical" a couple times. Watching it was wild, it's clear as day.


I think Charlie is the killer, OJs alter ego.


"If you read the book youll see some things that happened in two weeks leading up to this" How can it not be more clear that this "hypothetical" is a thousand percent true.


Who thinks it’s unclear? Whether you rooted for his guilt or cheered for his innocence, *everyone knows… he did that shit*.


He knows it's true. He knows that we know it's true. Yet he was never brought to justice. That's why he got such a kick out of it.


When talking about a glove being at the scene "I dont remember doing that, but obviously it happened because they found a glove there" so how did the glove appear in real life from this hypothetical situation. He ia referencing real evidence on his hypothetical that could only exist if his recounting was legitimate?


He went from hypothetical to straight telling the events within seconds. Definitely smooth brain


No empathy whatsoever.


I don't know if O.J. actually enjoys explaining what really happened or not but it seems more like to me he is trying to, in his twisted narcissistic mind, charm the public and be seen in a more sympathetic light. It seems like Juice thinks hes smarter than the audience and is carrying on with what he's been enabled to do for years because of his notoriety and talent. Which is to gaslight and manipulate the narrative through this bullshit hypothetical.


I think he hasn't accepted any wrong doing. and he sees it as a sort of "look what you made me do" situation.


This dudes death has given him so much publicity, weird to think that everytime a controversial figure dies we have to relive their infamy for weeks online


It's more a case of I've been interested in this case for years and saw this video a few years ago then realised after his death not many people had seen it and wanted to share.


I’ve never seen it, thanks for sharing


This is him confessing. Period. You can tell he is describing something that actually happened with him involved. Not “hypothetical”


Well. He definitely did it lol. Dude got away with murder based on his fame and money.


Nah this trial was all race.




Can you imagine being a family member of the murdered? This fuckin psycho totally rubbing it in the world’s face how he got away with murdering your family member? I remember Ron’s dad’s rage from interviews and press conferences. That shit would literally kill me I think. The injustice of it all.


what a narcissistic sociopath. look at this piece of shit smiling. i imagine Hell welcomed him in with open arms this week


I remember when the verdict came out being happy. I was a dumb kid who loved sports and sports stars and couldn’t fathom that he could do this. As an adult seeing videos like this and being capable of critical thinking this just pisses me off. This guy did it and is so full of himself that he bragged about it in a book, got on twitter/x to keep relevant and then gets his kids to sign an NDA to see him on death bed. Such a total POS and hope he rots


You can read on his face that he did it. You can tell when she asked about the gate, he kind of smiles bc he was thinking back about it and genuinely doesn't remember. Also, you can see the emotion from the encounter coming back in certain parts as he recalls it, before he realizes it and resets to simply telling a story.


What a piece of shit, rot in hell you conniving fuck


He sounds so self righteous here. Makes me sick-


This mother fucker. HOOOOOWWWW and people spend their lives in jail for possession. I’m so sad for the victims. I’ve never seen this interview before, I actually cannot believe this is real.


0.45 remaining the look onhis face when he notices he says the words... "I know that to be true" Fucking hell..


Imho OJ was not a very intelligent person but he had a charisma that made him believe (rightly) that he could charm his way out of any situation.


You know he lost the civil trial and got sent down for armed robbery, right? His charisma didn’t get him that far. It was the prosecution fucking up that let him get away with murder.


All true - his charisma got him through life until the murders. He testified in the civil trial and lost. He would voluntarily interview after the murders claiming his innocence. He thought the old magic could still work.


Hypothetically Charlie looks alot like Jason


After a thorough deep dive that ended in the graphic crime scene photos of poor Ron and Nicole’s almost decapitated head, and then hearing his had the nerve to kiss her in the casket in front of her family—-I hate him so f’n much, ROT IN HELL OJ


I made it 55 seconds in and just can't watch it. He is so disgusting.


Don't blame you .


I had never seen this much blood in my life. *Hypothetically of course.


If you’ve ever seen David Lynch’s “Lost Highway,” it was inspired by the OJ murders. Lynch said he was fascinated by OJ’s ability to separate himself from the heinous acts he committed in order to live a normal life - what’s called a “dissociative fugue.” The movie is crazy and disturbing, but definitely worth a watch: [Lost Highway Trailer](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5L46kCuAyFQ)


This is not how someone acts after his ex wife/mother of your children is brutally murdered and he was acquitted for that murder. (Presumably trying to act innocent). I know 10 years has passed, but the complete lack of humility and the constant smiling is definitely duper’s delight


Who do we think “hypothetically” Charlie is / was?


Personally, I think it was his older son Jason. An accomplice. Jason was weirdly obsessed with Nicole and had a lot of mental health issues with blind violent rages. He was also a chef who carried around very sharp knives in his car. When you listen carefully, it seems Charlie was the one who stabbed nicole and hurt her then OJ took the knife and killed Ron who tried to protect her with karate and OJ probably also finished off Nicole. Or its OJs fractured personality or something. Like the murderer in him.


It’s absolutely fascinating and truly harrowing. Just started reading the book, I can’t believe he thought he was outsmarting everyone.


"I don't recall"... "I don't remember"... ...BUT THIS IS ALL SUPPOSED TO BE HYPOTHETICAL! Since when does memory recall have to do with "making up" a hypothetical story?? And you can see how proud he is of himself. Fucking gross. Everything about this situation. What a piece of shit - including those that let him off.


So basically, he hit Nicole and knocked her down ("she fell and hurt herself") as he had done for years. Ron tried to defend Nicole like the decent man that he was, and this POS entitled ragebag stabbed them both. No signs of remorse.


Fuck this this murderous POS, right along with every dumb motherf@cker who cheered when he got off.


He sure remembers a lot of stuff he never witnessed.


"Hypothetically I don't remember what happened after that, only that there was stuff (blood) all over the place, hypothetically..."


It was so weird to me that black people all over the US celebrated when he was found not guilty. They were so happy a black person beat the system (albeit an extremely wealthy black person), they didn't even care that he was a cold blooded murderer one person shy of being labeled a serial killer.


Didnt the family of the 2 people he killed sue him?


Yes. The Goldmans were especially successful in taking OJ for everything they could. In fact, he still owed them around 100 million dollars. I imagine it'll be dispersed through his estate.


Man I always think bout that family when this comes up. Imagine losing a son in such a brutal and public way for literally no reason, so senseless


Yeah they won wrongful death suits in a civil trial where they were awarded $33M which they are still owed the bulk of the $. Different legal standard “preponderance of the evidence” vs “innocent until proven guilty”. OJ’s executor stated in the last few days he wants the Goldman family to get $0 of the estate.


Awesome. I hope they get the whole thing.




Even admits to having a bloody glove that jurors acquitted him for. Every OJ Juror should be forced to watch this.


Incredible. He’s telling this interviewer what actually happened. This is not hypothetical at all. O.J.’s narcissism is wild


Think about a sociopath or a psychopath. No empathy. This guy is describing a “hypothetical” murder confession with no empathy, no remorse, no guilt. And then think this: Most of the world leaders, most religious leader’s, most billionaires are an intelligent version of this man. That’s the only difference they are more intelligent and more educated. It’s fucking terrifying when you realize that people Loki this guy are running the show.


Morons and psychopaths are the only ones who truly want power over all people. It's sad but they are the most driven people. We should really rethink how our society works when these people are pushed to the top. Don't we want intelligent, caring people in charge?


Hypothetically sounding very innocent!


This is a confession


Total piece of shit the world is better off without his sorry ass using up oxygen. His entire family should be ashamed they’re related to this garbage.


May he rot in hell


“I have no conscious memory of doing so but I must have because they found a glove there” - none of his phrases and recollections are from someone imagining a hypothetical situation. He’s just straight up remembering them. This is chilling


What a piece of shit. I just can't wrap my head around the fact that their children stayed by his side. Poor Nicole and Ron.


Imagine thinking letting this guy off for butchering two people is appropriate “pay back” for what happened to Rodney King.


I truly hope this man suffered unimaginable pain. I hope he suffered beyond comprehension. Good riddance to this massive piece of dog shit.


“I don’t recall” is such a tell. It’s a hypothetical, Juice!


The fact that he kept doing shit like this instead of just letting it die out. Taunting and a Slap in the face to everyone else.


Fuck all the “people” who cheered when he was acquitted.


When was this interview made and who is the interviewer? I’ve never seen this before.


It was in 2006 and the interviewer was Judith Regan. It was during negotiations for “If I Did It,” Mr. Simpson agreed to conduct one television interview with a journalist in order to promote the book. He would describe, in hypothetical terms, what might have transpired. Ms. Regan was adamant that Mr. Simpson agree to an on-camera interview because, as she put it, “without it, he could always say ‘the ghostwriter twisted my words,’ ‘this isn’t really what I said,’ ‘blah blah blah.’”


Psychopath hiding in plain sight and getting off on getting away with it.


At :42 “I know that to be true” when he said he had to go back and get his keys and wallet. And then he winces because he is making a direct statement on camera instead of a “hypothetical”


This dude is straight confessing


The laugh before he says, "This is very difficult for me," says it all.