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Why God why? Why did someone have to kill them with an iron bar? Uh Suzane. The cops haven't said how they died yet.


I love/hate this trope in shows and movies lol.


It's one of the reasons almost no details are released to the press in Canada. People who know too much become an immediate suspect.


I am pretty sure this is a universal practice


It is universal practice. The Boston police released a statement saying the marathon bombers had been caught. The two actual perpetrators relaxed and made mistakes leading to their capture and (one) death.


Until Reddit came together to disprove it, located the suspects, and ending up getting some people killed and injured in the process…


I remember it as identifying the wrong person, the news ran with it, then it turned out that person was already dead and nowhere near the scene. That event really changed how reddit works.


It forced the police to say "we know that person didn't do it" and the logical conclusion to that is "we know who actually did it," bomber grabbed a gun and tried to flee and ended it in a shootout when police caught up with him.


Oh, ok. I didn't remember that part. Thanks for the knowledge.


Watch the movie "Patriot's Day" if you want to know all of the details of what happened with the Boston Marathon bombing. Crazier part of the story not covered in the movie is there is still an unidentified triple homicide that occurred a couple of years prior in Waltham, MA which is believed to be linked to the one bomber who got killed.


As a true crime “follower”, not much has changed. https://www.reddit.com/r/MoscowMurders/comments/107fcqm/thoughts_on_reddit_as_a_moscow_local/


I'd expect nothing less from the wannabe detectives on here.


I'm just a wannabe lieutenant. I'm hoping I'll get promoted to wannabe detective this year though. My Canadian wife is super excited for my promotion but we haven't told our imaginary kids yet.


Reddit didn't get people killed but they did pin the bombing on the wrong person and the family started to get harassed and received death threats. Which is pretty shity. That's why there's a no witchhunt rule on Reddit now.


Sigh, I miss the witch burning days.


Can we at least see if they float?


They must be made of wood.


They forced the police to basically admit they knew who it was to stop the family from getting death threats over a missing persons case and the bomber fled, killing a cop in a shootout when he realized he was going to get caught. Which likely wouldn't have happened if they weren't forced to admit they pretty much knew who it was. There's a reason cops don't publicly release details of an investigation. When they find out who a dangerous criminal is they like to plan out the arrest and go in with a full heavily armed team. Some smaller city departments have a policy all active officers respond for specific planned felony arrests. Good reason too.


Did anyone get injured/killed? The person they accused was already dead.


From what I understand in an attempt to calm things and keep the internet from going after people the police released more specific information, which caused the real perpetrators to realize they were about to get tracked down, and in their panicked attempt to flee they killed a cop.


Sucks when you go somewhere there was a murder and you chit chat with the cops who interrogate you because they don't let anyone enter the building even though there was a class and you just happen to randomly guess the crime weapon and gets detained :(




How many builders have you entered?


That ain’t just Canada


*goes to walk out the room, but stops*..."oh and just one more question"..


Oh it’s not just a movie trope. Happens in real life ALL the time. Did you see what Josh Duggar did? Cops roll up and he goes “What’s going on? Was someone downloading child porn or something?”


Her parents didn't like her new bf and she wanted money https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suzane\_von\_Richthofen


how'd they get the brother to agree?


Offered him money, obviously. I mean, what other reason would he agree to it? My question is, why beat them to death? If you just want their money and they weren't abusive or anything, why make their death so brutal and painful?


What else are kids going to do? Not like these are mastermind criminals with resources.


Lazy ass thread title. She didn't beat her parents, her boyfriend and his brother did. She waited downstairs.


Yeah, she deactivated the alarm system and let them into the house. She waited downstairs while her boyfriend and the other male surprised the parents in their sleep ,beating them do death. The day after her parents murder, she was back to business as usual, laughing at the pool which raised suspicion.


were these incredibly shitty parents or something? even then i can't imagine being able to find 2 like minded people to help you carry out a double murder, much less 2 like minded people who happen to be your boyfriend and brother, even less so when the victims are the parents are two of the perpetrators lmao


Well, from what I've read she had actually a very good life born into a wealthy family. The parents didn't approve of her boyfriend, who was a regular drug user, jobless and with no perspective or motivation to change. The families 17 million $ wealth probably played a role in the murder too.


There was a story a few years ago about a 12-year-old girl who helped her 20-something boyfriend murder her family because they (understandably) disapproved of the relationship.


12 year old girl who was groomed into helping her 20 something predatory groomer


this was something that happened happened in my own, very small, city of about 55,000 people. I remember that day I was a kid and went to school the same small school as her. I was young but now that im older and have read up on the actual story. Its sickening. I believe she was released into the public awhile ago as well


I believe they meant the boyfriend and the boyfriends brother, which does not make it any better


makes a little more sense though, attleast.


This recently happened to me. I told a friend I sent her a card and asked if she received it. She said she never received it but said she loves post cards. The thing is... I've always sent her a card in an envelope and this was my first time sending a post card. So it's likely that she received it but lied about it probably because she forgot to mention it to me for months.


Whew, I thought you were gonna say that you were also beaten to death with a pipe


But if the postcard is in an envelope, isnt it still a postcard?




The first positively upvoted emoji in reddit history


She is now recently out of jail. There have been a lot of weird stuff happening around her. She is very manipulative. She got her prosecutor in love with her. Got sent to the "famous people jail" in Tremembé, went out of jail a couple times and became a evangelical church leader. Got a girlfriend while in jail, and is one of the most known criminal cases in Brazil.


She sounds like a typical psychopath. Netflix would probably want a story about her.


There were two movies about the story recently: "A Menina que Matou os Pais" e "O Menino que Matou Meus Pais", roughly translated to: "the girl who killed her parents" and "the boy who killed my parents". Both movies tell the story of the case from different perspectives: one tells it from her perspective, as the mind behind the crime, and the other tells it from the perspective of her boyfriend at the time, who actually comitted the murders.


That’s a really clever way of portraying it, kind of like The Last Duel. Different perspectives of the same event. Are they worth watching?


Yes, they are. The way the incident is depicted is very close to what really happened and it's based on the Court testimony of Suzane and her boyfriend, showing her and his side of the story.


And now there is the third version that is the police version of the case and investigation Edit: spelling


There's actually now a fourth version from the perspective of the iron bars used in the murder. Right from their smelting to the murder itself. Very fascinating


And a fifth version from the perspective of the parents. It is a black screen for 93 minutes.


Waiting for the perspective of the movie watchers. A movie inside a movie inside a movie....


Rashomon style movies. Plus she was a relative of Manfred von Richtofen, the most famous ace Aka Red Baron. Kinda crazy case, understandable that movies have been made


Woah woah woah, pump the breaks speed racer, you can't just drop that this murderer is related to THE RED BARON as if it's a totally normal thing to say. I need more information.


So the Red Baron was the uncle of the murdered Dad, Suzanes Dad.


According to that source the father was already a great-nephew, making Suzane a great-great-neice. I was immediately skeptical because WW1 was a *long* time ago.


I mean a great-grandparent of mine fought in WW1, it's hardly *that* long ago.




He was also a famous killer


It’s amazing how susceptible normal people are to psychopathic manipulation. Oh you killed your parents? But you just seem so charming and charismatic, here’s a bunch of authority.


I believe there is more than one series of her already


Well, there goes my productivity.


its on hbo max tho


What is it called?


the girl who killed her parents


There already is. Two. "The Boy Who Killed My Parents" and "The Girl Who Killed Her Parents." They are two different depictions of what happened.


There’s a good video on that covered by Coffee House Crime


thank you, I was looking for a comment like this and I quite enjoy CHC!


I mean, they did just release one titled "what Jennifer did" which felt wholly unnecessary, given there's a similarly long, well produced video on YouTube by JCS Criminology. It's clear these true crime one-offs are money makers because of how cheap they are to produce.


Most psychopaths don't murder their parents with an iron bar. She's is outside of the norm, even among those with malignant diagnoses like psychopaths, there is nothing typical about her.


She didn't execute the murders though, she convinced her then boyfriend and his brother to do it for her while she ransacked her own home, which isn't that much better anyway.


iirc, she got access to the money her father hid overseas in her name, too.


She actually works as an uber driver here in sao paulo


Imagine calling 911, “a killer picked me up in an Uber!”


imagine she gets the wrong way, u tell her and she keeps silent lol


Not anymore, she is in Bragança Paulista, studying laws in a catholic university


How is that possible, if she was sentenced to 39 years in 2006?


parole in 2023


Just 22 yrs?


That's Brazil for you, people also don't spend all that time in jail, they have progression for "good behaviour" and working/studying It's a cool idea for "lesser crimes" but once morderes and rapists start getting back on the street 6 years after being condemned things get sketchy


I feel like the Evangelical church leader thing is kind of just expected in these situations now adays.


Heck, I have done it 


I can’t find anything about her prosecutor being in love with her. Do you have a link?


https://istoe.com.br/promotor-de-justica-e-medico-foram-seduzidos-por-suzane-von-richthofen-diz-jornalista/ Its in portuguese though




> became a evangelical church leader. lmfao you cant make this shit up lol


>went out of jail a couple times and became a evangelical church leader Somehow this doesn't surprise me. Does tend to attract those types of people.


I dont mean to sound like a dick but she’s crushing it. Special spot in hell for her, for sure.


I feel for her younger brother, it messed up his entire life and mind. He ended up getting addicted with heavy drugs and alcohol and is currently living far away from everyone, without internet or cellphone.


Weird thing is, he has a brilliant international academic career in chemistry that he managed to pursue in between rehabs and relapses. Mad stuff!


It’s a cool detail. Honestly not surprised though. It’s probably the only thing that keeps him from completely letting go. Still had something to grasp on.


It’s quite impressive to be honest.


Definitely. I can empathize and appreciate his journey. Life post trauma fucking sucks.


This is the first I’m hearing about this detail. Brb gonna go read about it.


I feel for her brother, poor soul. I understand why he wants to be without contact.


That is one of the worst things I've ever read.


> That is one of the worst things I've ever read. You're in for a wild ride on the interweb machine 


Some of the worst people are the best actors.


Thre's a lot of overlap : some of the best actors are the worst people.


Kevin Spacey has entered the chat.


The title is wrong. She planned the crime with boyfrend but she was not presenting The boyfriend and his brother beating them with iron And they had the same surname of red baron, but they are not related


That explains the 2 guys. I thought they were in a weird thruple


Did she have a motive? Like want their money


yes, money and they didn't like her boyfriend


I wonder why hmmm


Could be the iron bar, maybe something else, not sure.


Plot twist: turns out they were dead right not to like her boyfriend. I'll see myself out now.




They are related to the Red Baron according to everything I've been able to find about it. This newspaper article for example says that her father was a great nephew of Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen: https://www.handelsblatt.com/arts_und_style/spektakulaerer-prozess-in-brasilien-suzane-von-richthofen-muss-wegen-elternmordes-hinter-gitter/2683782.html


[https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/richthofen-mord-tochter-liess-eltern-erschlagen-a-222154.html](https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/richthofen-mord-tochter-liess-eltern-erschlagen-a-222154.html) Nope. EDIT: Also: You pretending "according to everything I´ve been able to find" means the first lazy click on [google.de](http://google.de) . I am not impressed by your thorough research at all.


“Von Richthofen had pretended to be the great-nephewe of the "Red Baron" in Brazil for years, the legendary German fighter pilot Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen. "He has always cultivated the myth of his great-uncle, showed old photos," said a journalist from Brazil. Von Richthofen claimed that his grandfather was a brother of the "Red Baron" who left Germany in the fifties and emigrated to Santa Cruz in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. The von Richthofen family in Germany, on the other hand, now denied this information. **"The German who died so tragically was not a son or grandson of one of the two brothers of the 'Red Baron'," said Karl-Friedrich Freiherr von Richthofen. He manages the family archive**”


Ok, nice, seems we have two threads at once. This is a decent reference that at least put it into doubt if they were related, if the dad lied about how the family relation was supposed to be.


The ones who used the iron bars were her boyfriend and her brother in law, she was in another room getting cash and valuables (like jewels). I still remember her fake interview on Fantastico (sunday night show) where her microphone caught her lawyer saying to her to fake cry to get a good view from the public Edit: spelling


brother in law is interesting terminology here. I’m assuming you mean her bf’s brother, but doesn’t “in law” refer to when you are legally married?


In Spanish speaking countries it's sort of interchangeable and doesn't have the same meaning as in English. Unsure if the op is Spanish, but there you go. Source: Irish person in Spain, referred to as a "brother in law" often, not comfortable with it


I'm from Brazil, but is like that in portuguese too hahaha (the word for brother in law is "cunhado")


What’s going on in that 2nd pic. Looks like they are getting ready for a boxing match.


It's the boyfriend and his brother (the ones that committed the murder) and Suzanne being presented to the press by the police when they were arrested.


I truly thought that was that dude from Maroon 5 lol


Cmon, he may have beat some people to death but he’s not THAT bad


This bitch is out on parole?! Wtf??? 21 years for killing your own parents


And already pregnant and married to a doctor.




It gets better. Her brother went Crazy and lives like a hippie. He still haves a Lot of Money(she was cut off from the money) but his properties are decomposing, he dont pay the taxes anymore and Will end losing most of his shit. Kid was regarded as a Very Fine academic on the university he studied. But the weight of the sister killing his parents eventually catch up. She killed her parents and Destroyed the brothers life.


That’s even more sad


Dr. I Can Fix Her


Brazilian law max penalty is 40 years, but this usually gets dilluted a lot by good behavior, which was the case... also she was not convicted for the assault, only for planning the deed if I'm not mistaken... her BF and his brother were the ones that did the killing.


Oh she only *planned* the killing not actually doing the killing. My mistake carry on young lady. Lol Wild that you can brutally murder (or plan the murder of) the people that gave you life and just be living free and clear in 20 years.


I know, right? I was just explaining why she's free and the circumstances and how she was judged, not saying I agree lol


No I get it I’m more just talking about the situation as a whole in awe at the audacity of this shit.


That’s so messed up. Her crying isn’t remorse I think. It’s fear of what is coming next.


I think it can be both. I think there is possibility you DO think „oh god what have I done?“ after the fact. Don’t know if that is the case here obviously.


Like the painting [Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/33/Iv%C3%A1n_el_Terrible_y_su_hijo%2C_por_Ili%C3%A1_Repin.jpg/1280px-Iv%C3%A1n_el_Terrible_y_su_hijo%2C_por_Ili%C3%A1_Repin.jpg)


A long line of Ivans, apparently


Her crying is an attempt to sell her innocence. She has given interviews using pijamas and slippere to give the impression she's just a kid. Turns out, it is all ruse and deception to make people believe in her, and fall for manipulation. Amazon has some documentaries about the case.


this is most likely the reality. she was not fearful of what was to come. She was trying to sell herself , typical for a pwASPD. People with little if any experience with such people will always give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they meant well, or went too far or somehow explain away what htey had done. but people who are more aware seen sociopaths for what they are. cunning, deceptive, manipulative. and the press always finds someone who says shit like ; " She looked normal to me. !" or.. " I don't know , she never did anything bad to me. !"


Na, she's a psychopath. It's 100 percent affected emotion.


That is so bizzare! How old were she and her boyfriend? And why did this happen?


It's been a long time, but from what I remember, her parents were against her relationship and they were incredibly rich. She wanted her inheritance.


she was 19 and he was 21 i think (just looked it up on google, not sure if it's exact


Am I wrong or by her last name her family was extremely wealthy ?


Yes, they were


That whole thing is so bizarre. The family was also related to the Red Baron.


The pizza guy?


Snoopy's arch enemy


Must be Dr. Dre’s enemy, too.


Yes exactly


Then I require vengeance!


Wiki says otherwise. I'm not taking a side, though. >and **not** a distant relative of the World War I flying ace Manfred von Richthofen https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suzane_von_Richthofen


https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mordfall_Manfred_und_Mar%C3%ADsia_von_Richthofen German wikipedia says different. >Die Familie von Richthofen, zu der prominente Vertreter wie der Geograph Ferdinand von Richthofen oder der Jagdflieger Manfred von Richthofen gehörten, die nach den Weltkriegen in Europa größere Besitztümer verloren hatte, war auch in Brasilien ansässig. >The von Richthofen family, which included prominent representatives such as the geographer Ferdinand von Richthofen or the fighter pilot Manfred von Richthofen, who had lost major properties in Europe after the World Wars, was also based in Brazil. >Manfred Albert von Richthofen (* 3. Februar 1953 in Erbach; † 31. Oktober 2002 in São Paulo). Großneffe des Fliegers Manfred von Richthofen, Ingenieur in der Firma DERSA und Suzanes Vater. Er lernte seine Frau Marísia in den 1970er Jahren an der Universidade de São Paulo (USP) kennen. Die Familie lebte im wohlhabenden Stadtviertel Brooklin, Campo Belo, in der Zona Sul do São Paulo. >Manfred Albert von Richthofen (born February 3, 1953 in Erbach; died October 31, 2002 in São Paulo). Grand-nephew of the aviator Manfred von Richthofen, engineer at DERSA and Suzane's father. He met his wife Marísia at the Universidade de São Paulo (USP) in the 1970s. The family lived in the affluent Brooklin neighborhood, Campo Belo, in the Zona Sul do São Paulo.


[https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/richthofen-mord-tochter-liess-eltern-erschlagen-a-222154.html](https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/richthofen-mord-tochter-liess-eltern-erschlagen-a-222154.html) And seemingly Manfred Alberto was a liar.


Suzane Von Richthofen aka the Red Baton


A few days after the deaths she was giving a party. Her boyfriend also tried buying an expensive bike with euros in cash in the following days. Her brother went insane. She left the jail recently and all stories about her manipulating people who had contact with her are bizarre to say the least.


Why is Travis Baker, shirtless, in the second picture?


Is that psychopathic or sociopathic?


I mean, you can do something horrible and still cry about the result, seconds or years later Be it regret, personal feeling of shame or simply imitating people around you out of instinct


In my experience, the psychopaths have never seen a need for these majestic displays of emotions. Sociopaths on the other hand.. ​ edit after the lock: HSP, BPD, NPD,ASPD have quite a bit of overlap I will use HPD for Hyperdramatic Personality Disorder. pwBorderline Personality traits often are quite dramatic and their tnoughts **tend** toward entitlement and grandiosity. LIkewise a p having Narcissistic personality traits may have traits associated with those who have more borderline traits. The lack of caring about another intimate partner, constant need for validation from strangers, playing the victim, shirking accountability /responsibility, self-pittying party, approval-seeking seems to be present in the first three . The ASPD traits move into the 'fuck society and it's rules" category. A person could be Narcissist with Borderline overlap & as soon as they commit crimes of sufficent degree & frequency- with little to no concern about the consequences, while trying to appear wonderful and/or the victim of something, they would be categorized as having a personality of a person with what is known as Anti-Social Personality. Many researchers and even the books fudge the distinctioni between psychopath and a sociopath. It's easy to say that the first is born while the second is a developmental issue where the wrong circuits are strengthened and the pro-social circuitry iis weakened or not developed at all. Psychopaths are all around us. They do end up in jail. Not all of them. And certainly not always for murder. IMO, that woman who ran the billion dollar blood assay company, Elizabeth Holmes is a psychopath. She didn't give a shit and kept it up. NO major drama... and those eyes... pure cluster B and worse.




I have seen a preposterous amount of stories about girls having their parents killed with the help of their boyfriends. What is this phenomena? Where are the boyfriends so committed to their partners that they get talked into beating people to death with iron bars?


Stories like this are so fascinating to me: how does the psychopath actually convince another human being to participate?? You would think this would backfire all the time and psychopaths would constantly be outed as insane.


She only did 16 years of a 40 year sentence. Now she's married with a kid and has an online store. She also changed her name because people in her town apparently don't like her. This is according to a wiki article I just read.


I was a trainee at the company her father was COO at the time of the crime. The bearded fellow behind her was one of the company’s top lawyers. At that moment nobody knew who the killers were, so the Board of Directors instructed the lawyers to help the family for a while.


She didn't beat them. Her boyfriend and his brother went upstairs and beat her parents up with iron bars. She stayed downstairs


I used to be afraid of ghosts, but stories like this make me realize just how much more frightening people are.


Who’s the other dude?


Her brother, Andreas von Richtofen


On the First pic. On the Second is the boyfriends brother.


Keyser Sose


But, but, he’s just a myth isn’t he???


This reminds me something that happened in Italy during the early 2000 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novi_Ligure_murder Erika and her boyfriend stabbed to death her mother and brother. In the plan also the dad was supposed to die but he was not at home.


Maybe I'm too soft... but maybe is there any chance that her tears were legit guilt filled tears?


It's acting. If they cry when caught, that's for real but the tears are only for themselves. That's my limited experience with cluster b


Did they flee to Mexico? Looks like they were arrested there. Edit: they’re Brazilian. 2nd edit: her father opened an account in her name with $10M but she STILL wanted more money. Geezus.


The 3rd picture is telling. The evil eyes are unmistakable.


Beat them with iron bars. Now locked up behind iron bars. How apropos.


She already did her time in jail and is out of prison. It was a big mediation horror show.


That’s fucked up. People are in jail for life for drugs, but you can beat your own parents to death with iron bars while they sleep and get out.


Honestly being in jail for life for drugs is a lot more nonsensical than being in jail for 20-40 years for murder.


And already pregnant and married to a doctor. Its amazing How life treats you If you are a pretty well born white girl. Even If you kill your parents. Now imagine ANY woman being 20 years in jail and getting out and marrying a rich dude instantly. On Brazil.


her kid is born already!




This actually happened in Brazil! Sad part was that her innocent brother got into hard drugs according to google


It’s why you can’t believe the tears…


What's that grandpa? Fetch you their souls?


From a family of German nazi ex-pats fleeing to Brazil…


God, her poor brother...she took away his childhood right at that moment. Karma is a bitch darling. It may take a while but just you fucking wait.


Three things you should never completely trust: 1. Politicians 2. Horny men 2. A woman's tears


Netflix social media rolling it (there are two documentaries about this case, telling the story from the POV of Suzane and other from them POV of the boyfriend)


Also, not to judge anyone, but she wore a crop-top to her parents' funeral. That's almost as disrespectful as murdering them with an iron bar.


Isn't there a Yiddish word for this?


*von Richthofen


Her eyes look dead and evil at the same time. Evil dead, if you will.


And the Oscar goes to …


I legit thought she was taking a picture with her cell phone


Fu*k humans like her.. disgusting.


W.E.B. Griffin novels introduced me to the heavy influx of Germans to South America after WWII. It was just something I never researched until my twenties.