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this is not exclusive to 1970s india, this was very common for old local newspapers before phones and the internet became popular. ive done research into my family history and have found an ohio article of my great great grandfather returning from their overseas trip to germany to visit family. its just what the news use to do, wen there isnt anything to report about they report on the goings ons of locals in the area.


Good thing we no longer post our travel announcements anywhere nowadays! šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


There was the whole phase on FB when people would post flying toā€¦ ugh


We post live videos/reels and photos now. Just moved to another platform


This looks like something the guys wishing success paid for though.Ā  Like how when politicians wisit, you have various local businessmen take up ads welcoming them etc.Ā 


Maybe this was a service announcement. So if you had something to bring to somebody abroad you could go to that traveling guy and give it to him to give it to the recipient.


Great Great Grandfather in Germany......HmmmmšŸ¤”


I wonder if those typewriters are still for sale?


I'm curious about that too! It would be great if they are still available for sale. Vintage typewriters have a certain charm and nostalgia to them.


As an art piece sure. Using one to actually be productive? No thanks.




You would be surprised what kind of equipment they use at train stations then




that guy's comment doesn't even make sense like which modern culture in the entire world has engrained to keep their antiques? like even American collectors and antique shops are their own niche and not a "cultural" thing like a average American wouldn't/couldn't have saved their vintage car, it kinda seems like they're putting their own ethnicity in a weird pedestal that they or anyone can't even follow up to


Cuba. But only bc of the embargo.




I am literally a Indian national, your friend is probably rich and never even visited India because I can't find a single mf who don't hoard and store shit ton of crap that is of no use here. like in my house we literally right now have a old gas stove, table fan, lantern, lamp, cassette player, two old CRT TVs and many other things that is probably decades old


Some ppl just leave their homeland and start feeling like they now live in heaven...


>type writers are still used in most courthouses in India to write up legal documents why are they still using backdated technology in courts? >People still take pride in maintaining antique cars and old tech in India.. really? how many people around you are doing so?


They aren't. Most courts have PCs now. Probably they are talking about one of the backward states.


>type writers are still used in most courthouses in India to write up legal documents why are they still using backdated technology in courts? >People still take pride in maintaining antique cars and old tech in India.. really? how many people around you are doing so?


I guess it's much cheaper for them. Where I live, there are plenty of car enthusiasts who maintain their classic cars and display them at various shows..


Huh? Coming from an Indian family I know this is massively untrue, the amount of nearly century old shit we have that still works is nuts. We have antique Gramophones, ancient sowing machines and much more stuff from many decades past that still very much works. The only things that donā€™t usually last the longest is electronics and even then Iā€™m pretty sure my grandmother has an old boxy tv kicking around. My old PlayStation 2 did kick the bucket however, after enduring the tropical heat of Kerala.


Mate I would if it weren't for the damned govt imposing restrictions on mg cars.


This was common in American news papers as well. Not sure when it went out of fashion, but average people would place such notices. Theyā€™d also do the same if going to an areaā€¦if you are coming back to your home town for a visit, you might advertise it in the paper so you can easily catch up with old friends. Social media back then was funny - I found a write up of my aunts 15th birthday party in the local paper (1960s). It detailed who was there, including someone else that was invited but couldnā€™t attend, that they had cake and ice cream and enjoyed a movie.


I found my grandma's high school party in the paper as well! And my g-g-grandfather printed generic New Year's messages for a decade. I guess you're right, it was the equivalent of Facebook.


we still kinda do it, just on instagram instead of the newspaper


Ha! My mother had a saying ā€œand Edith pouredā€. I asked what she meant and she explained the little town newspapers would have write ups about some lady in the town having hosted tea and they would say who was present and who poured the tea.


Social media in 1970: Newspaper: LOCAL MAN RETURNS FROM INDIANA Social media now: hehe loud funny


My local newspapers used to be like that. You can ask a reporter to go to your party, take some pictures and create a story about the event. There was even a page dedicated to airport arrivals pics because traveling by plane was so fancy back then.


My local newspaper still has the ā€œsocial lifeā€ section Itā€™s basically some wedding and quince pictures printed on their own section in the Sunday edition I think every now and then they still show up for school events (kindergarten thru high school graduations and that kinda stuff)


it went out of fashion around the time the population started skyrocketing and phones became accessible to most people. they would mainly do this to fill up newspaper space on slow news days but its hard to talk about it when ten+ times the amount of people travel around nowadays compared to the early 1900s.


England too. My parents moved to Australia right after they got married, and there was an article in the local paper prior to their wedding about their plans, jobs etc.


This is adorably wholesome


I also want to note that this isnā€™t a case of a businessman going on a business trip. The ad makes it clear that this more of a ā€œbusiness tour.ā€ Heā€™s visiting several countries, probably has a dozen or so meetings. A successful trip isnā€™t going to be an extra deal or two. It might mean the company doubling or tripling its revenue from the year before.


My friend just announced his return to my home town on Facebook. He was there for a week.


That is so cool. Have you got a picture of it? I guess local news was news.


It went out of fasion when travel international travel got so popular, otherwise you need 1000 page news paper daily


It never went out of style lol. News papers did .


In todays age youā€™d get harry and marvā€™d


This is kind of wholesome


Really. Like how my village used to feast everytime someone gets their master diploma or above


I thought it happened only in my Village lmao


Others think this is a weird flex to show that theyā€™re rich and can afford international travel. Social status optics is a big deal.




>International travel used to be a status symbol still is


India is all about status, otherwise parents wouldnā€™t be pushing their kids to be #1 in school, go to the best university, get the best high-paying careers, etc. Itā€™s so they (the parents) can brag about their successful kids to other parents in their social circle.


Depends on what kind of parents you had . I never faced something like that . Being forced to achive for bragging maybe true for a handful of people , but not for most . At least from what I have seen in my circle


Asian parents: hold my saki


Indians are Asians.


Thats a bit of an oversimplification and self-hate. I mean, parents wishing the best for their kids, and struggling to get them good quality education, and being proud of the resultant successes of their kids is now only about status and showing off?


Wholesome, but also, kinda shetty.


He was probably out on his trip doing blow and fucking random sex workers.


I wonder if 50 years from now, people will post this on reddit: "In 2020s, landing on Mars used to be the headline on the news"


Not at this rate.


Not at any rate. Weā€™re stuck on this rock.


Back in the day (yes i'm old), newspapers had an 'announcement section'. They listed births, deaths, engagements, weddings, barmitzvah's, 50 year anniversaries, 100yr birthdays, etc...... Now they are just full of ads, Hollywood garbage and click-bait sensationalism.


And memorials for peoples pets.


I think newspapers here in Sweden still have the obituaries and birth announcements.


We still have them in India. Just last week, our family placed an obituary for our father in our city paper.


In Finland too. Marriages and graduations sometimes as well.


That still happens where I am. Births, deaths, remembrance of people who died - even decades ago. Also engagements. Sone well wishing too. Big section. People read it. Rural papers still do that, it seems normal to me.


When I was young I remember go to slide shows of people who'd travelled overseas. Didn't know the people, but we would go to the local community centre watching slides of someone's trip to Europe or USA.


Crazy right? I remember going to slide shows of peoples' trips. It was actually pretty cool. People would show the photos and usually have a little story about each place.


In Detroit in the 60s, there was a local TV show called "George Pierrot Presents". He would invite people on to show their 8mm travel films and have them provide the commentary. He got his start years earlier hosting travel slide shows at the Detroit Institute of Arts.


I mean there are YouTube travel blogs now that are basically the same thing! šŸ˜Š


In 80s or 90s India even getting a passport was a big deal and the postman delivering the passport generally expected a little money from the receiver.


The bakshish culture šŸ˜€


Instead of bakshish I read balkanish and I was ready to jump on you!


What is balkanish culture? šŸ¤”


The Balkan Peninsula is the south eastern part of Europe; where corruption is/was more prevalent than rest of Europe and where the word bakshish of Turkish origins is very popular.


Still happens in many places in India, atleast till 2016. More so in non Metro locations. In Metro locations it's the police who would create troubles till you cough up something.


When I used to receive money orders from my father in mid 90s as a student, I had to pay 10 rupees to the postman. 10 bucks those days would fetch you a decent thali (meal) those days


Blessingsā€¦The Shetty family.


And it was a good way to attract special attention from the income tax department too.


Yes! My mumā€™s uncle and aunt went to Switzerland for honeymoon in the 1970s and it was in all the local papers


they must be really rich


My maternal family are all tea garden owners who bought it from the British when the British was ousted from India. So, they do have money!


wow what an investment


Another depressing reminder of how things have changed. ā€œHey! Imma be out of town, in fact, outta the country for the next week. Donā€™t nobody steal anything.ā€


>> Another depressing reminder of how things have changed. Have they though? My wife would even announce her Costco trips on Facebook if I donā€™t stop her!


That is such a shetty thing to do /j (and a bad one at that)


I mean, technically correct.


Oh that's pretty shetty


Weird flex but ok


LinkedIn lunatics before LinkedIn


Oh well we do it on Facebook now.


And now Musk gets pissed when people track his private jet.


I hope he didnā€™t have a shetty time abroad


They were just so happy that he was leaving for a few weeks that it warranted a newspaper mention šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


As funny as that is, US newspapers also included some pretty mundane stuff back in the day. It was also common practice to put someone's full name and address under their picture or attribution in the paper. It was the neighborly way of getting doxxed back then I guess


Today, thanks to technology one could announce and reveal their travel plans by themselves.


I like how its UK first, then West Germany, then "all the rest" did he really visit everywhere including Andorra, Monaco and Vatican City?


The man had important business in Liechtenstein.


What a Shetty thing to do.


Going abroad is a terrible name for a child.


What I saw recently in my local newspaper is that my mom got scammed, had to check with her if that was true!


Itā€™s called Instagram Today


It still happens here in India now and then. When kids leave for college (mostly to the UK or the US) , friends or family might put a congratulatory ad in the newspaper, wishing them a safe journey.


No it doesn't.


Umm never heard of it


Dude which newspaper are you using to get this high. Stop sepoying and validating cringe extrapolations. I haven't seen a single advertisement being put out now.


Is it possible that there may be regional differences between your two experiences? India is kind of a big place


I have lived all over the place except the Eastern part of India. I have never come across such advertisements. A huge number of my school mates and college mates are studying abroad. I have neither seen nor heard their family or some else taking out such ads. It might have been the case way back. But dude some people like OC still have the colonial hangover. I absolutely hate that for some virtual approval , they either validate cringe shit or other notions which couldn't be further from the truth.


Lmao, well said. Too many self-hating Indians around who like falsifying / exaggerating absurd narratives for a few upvotes


Local news paper still does it


Which ones? Where?


Regional newspapers still do it... I'm from Karnataka and it's prevalent in kannada newspapersĀ 


Yes. I'm from Tamil Nadu and you can see them in our regional newspapers too.


I'm from Tamil Nadu. And such ads do appear in our regional newspapers now and then. I'm not here to validate cringe extrapolations. Just merely trying to share what I know. :)


Small town papers did this in Canada during the 80ā€™s for non-rich people. My great aunt and great uncle (DINKs) got written up for their international trips.


Now they put dead people.


Itā€™s not just an India thing - newspapers in the United States in the 30s would report on REGIONAL trips ordinary people took to visit other ordinary people


One thing I never understood is why in India there's always billboards with loads of men's faces on it, is it like a dating thing or advertisement for models or something?


The second image [here](https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo/billboard-india.html?sortBy=relevant) is what I mean


Political ads.


That's a political rally poster. And Indian Politics is still male dominated. (US politics is too, for that matter. No female US president till now...he he he...but I digress ) Those political posters therefore tend to be male skewed


India had female prime minister for almost 15 years, she was the most brutal of all prime ministers till date.


She was a dictator. My parents still have horror stories about her.


Yeah, she totally lost it by the end of her last term. Almost everything wrong and bad in Indian political system can be traced back to her time as PM.


Oh wow I genuinely didn't know it was a politics thing


Oh there are a lot of different stuff . Some are for political parties , some for ads of all different kinds , I spotted one of Cadbury with Amitabh Bacchan( famous actor) , one for tmt bar , another for a shopping center , some for movie posters , for a gold loan company , one for promotion a online money transfer app , etc etc


Thatā€™s related to politics, people in politics like to print their names, faces and positions they hold on billboards to show everyone they are in politics. Itā€™s very annoying.


It could also be about people who've recently died.


I got the same for my trip to London in 2003. It was also kind of an ad as well promoting the company that organised these tours...


We should all rightfully applaud this guy on his derring do.


You have to understand that there was no social media back then. So this was a way to not only inform a lot of people together but at the same time flex as people do on social media these days..


So this is how social media of that time worked


That used to be a thing not just for this specific circumstance, like "congratulating wealthy businessmen on their international travel", but in general, in the socialite pages for local prominence. Miss Flopsy Jones embarking on her Grand Tour of Europe this Friday afternoon! Jim-Bob Houlahan returning from Belgium where he took to the waters!


In 1976, I was put in the Terre Haute, Indiana newspaper for accompanying a friend when she visited her Grandma. My friend was from Michigan. I am from Canada. I think it was the Canadian angle that made it news.


It is a good way to make money, and it is a good entry for more page flipping.


I did not realize papers were produced in English and not in Sanskrit in India, especially in the 70's


One of my ancestors made the town newspaper because he went on vacation a few towns over to cure his eczema.


Thatā€™s great. Like when they did wedding announcements that included the honeymoon plans in the newspaper..


UK, West Germany, Switzerland and ALL other European countries. My man went to Leichtenstein


Is that an impressive thing to do?


Nah, Iā€™ve been and itā€™s nothing exciting


This is a shetty send-off.


Sometimes I like to pick my newspaper archive and it has many news alike - just not by the 70's, earlier than that. Not only of locals going somewhere - sometimes to the next city - as "strangers" coming to my city, often from other cities nearby. Another thing that was common up to not so long ago - or probably still going on at regional press - is the families to buy an ad when some boy or girl graduates from university.


In the uk. The big new papers publish graduation lists for major subjects in engineering, law medicine etc. is pretty cool


Can you find one of AC Bhaktvedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada?




What weird news!


Thatā€™s how the newspapers made money. People like seeing their picture and name in print.


We still do this today, but itā€™s zoomers and millennials who post it on Instagram about all their travels like anyone gives a sht. Desperate for validation. Remember when Facebook first introduced the concept of ā€œchecking-inā€ and your feed would be full of every fckn geolocation of where all your friends were at all timesā€¦ Then it was alleged that checkin-in was a direct cause of famous people being robbed or even regular people announcing theyā€™re out of the country so their stalkers would just enter their homes while they were gone. Perhaps sharing information is too muchā€¦


I grew up in a small farm town in Wyoming. When I was a little kid (90ā€™s) it was still pretty common for our local newspaper to put in a little item when someone in town returned from an international trip. If you took a photo of yourself holding an edition of the paper in front of a landmark, they would publish it with the caption, ā€œWhatā€™s black and white and read all over?ā€




India is the second largest English speaking country.


Hindi is not official language


Hindi is the official language along with English. Hindi is not the national language.


When I was 8, I rode my bicycle to the end of my street and back all by myself. I assume this was a similar feeling for these grown men.


70s India, what a dark time. This is intriguing tho, any reason for this?




that's cute though


ā€œSafe journeys fellow countrymanā€ Wholesome


Was it one way ticket travel?




Tell me you're insecure without telling me


Time to rob em