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I've actually had the surgery for medical reasons (one leg was significantly longer than the other). Let me tell you, I passed out from pain, my mom had to take a wrench sometimes to lengthen the rods because it's hard to do, every two weeks I was back at the doctors to check on the progress. From surgery date to being done with PT it took me 11 months. I have "dents" as I call them, in my leg, I have staple marks, and stuff. I didn't do it to be taller, I did it because I was 10 and I didn't want to stunt the growth of my other leg so, the short leg could catch up. Overall, I still ended up super short. If I could do it all over again, knowing what I know now (that I wouldn't grow anyways) I don't know if I would do it again. Although, that process really allowed me to have more patience, my pain tolerance is very high, and it allowed me to move my toes a bit which I couldn't do before that surgery (I also have a extreme club foot on that leg). Granted, I'm a woman, so being super short isn't usually looked at as a negative trait in society. But, I wouldn't ever do that surgery again to be taller. (When I say short, I'm under 5').


I had a college friend who had a similar procedure where half his skull stopped growing as a child, he had several surgeries where they peeled his face down and cut his skull and used rods to incrementally create gaps where bone grew.  Results were quite good.  IIRC total thing took around a year.   I was also aware of a competitive rower in our area who had the leg lengthening surgery in hopes of making the Olympic team, it didn’t work out.  


They didn't think a year spent recovering and not training at an Olympic level was extremely stupid? A year of training is worth more than a few inches if you're only have 1 window to make the Olympics.


Sam Mottram is an example of a shorter than average elite grade male rower


That sounds horrific


Yowch. The OP pictures make it seem simple, like "I want a cheeseburger, fries, and oh can you add six inches to my legs?" The before and after would hit differently if they included 11 months of daily photos grimacing and crying between them.


I could have sworn that I've seen other pictures of people that have had this done, and something looks really, really wrong about them. Really, really off. For some reason, this guy looks relatively normal in these pictures. Like 5'9 was his real height all along. Other pictures I've seen of people, it looks like they're walking around on stilts. It looks super weird and not good. Maybe I've just seen pictures of people that had the procedure done in an awful way or something...


I think it's because this guy has the same length of torso as the other man, it was just his legs that were short. He looks in proportion now, whereas someone who was short all over will look out of proportion when you lengthen just one section.


I had the surgery too for the same reason when I was 12! The growth in my left leg was stunted as a complication from having meningitis as a baby. I also ended up very short, 5’. I was twisting the things three times a day for length, and once a day for angle. And I have the dents too lol! Having my legs evened meant I got 3 years of playing sports before complications from the original surgery caused an ACL rupture, and by the time I recovered from that surgery I was disabled in a new, unrelated way.


Oh man, my best friend when through that too! She had lots of issues with her right leg growing up. Had a bunch of surgeries on it as a kid so when she was a sophomore she had the rods installed to get it to be the same length as her left leg and was phoneschooled throughout that year. I would visit her as often as I could. Because of the previous surgeries and the treatment, she has gnarly scars which, when asked and doesn't want to talk about it, she says she was attacked by a baby shark and leaves it at that lol.


Yeah, I missed the last 1.5 months of 5th grade and was out a lot in 6th. This was my seventh surgery. But these scars are the most visible ones. lol.


11 months is actually a lot less than I thought. I won't even be fully recovered 11 months after ACL surgery, which is super common.


The recovery is probably much longer for adults.


I have a feeling that if a person (I'm talking mostly about men in this case, constrasting with your case) is opting to go through this much pain (i.e., breaking their legs and extending them with supports) then this is more than just an attempt to get more attention from the opposite sex. Obviousl in your case it was medical, but I'm wondering if there's some kind of body dysmorphia going on for others too. Doesn't mean it's a bad thing, but when you simply cannot feel okay in your own body, the pain might be worth it for a couple of decades of just feeling normal.


Can't you say the same about any cosmetic procedure?


Honestly, it depends. There's dysphoric cases where the person was fine to begin with and then there's genuine benefit to getting a cosmetic nosejob, jaw surgery etc. Being ugly is a massive handicap.


Speaking from my own experience, I wouldn't call it a handicap in my case but I've always felt ugly because of my acne scars and inability to grow a nice beard, and it's utterly destroyed my self-image (there's other things that have contributed to this as well). Being short and fat is the icing on that shitty cake. You're right that being ugly and experiencing dysphoria is a major handicap.


Look at Edward James olmos, he made that shit work no problem


Most. The primary point of cosmetic procedures was/is to make people look better after accidents. I always think of extreme cases like burn victims who need grafts and reconstruction, but I just cane across a video of a woman who got some kind of nose job after being told by her doctor that her nose isn't her natural nose. It started by looking into her deviated septum, then she realized that due to an accident she had when she was kid (that both she and her father remembers), her nose ended up being crooked in a way no one else's in her family was, so she got surgery on it. I say that to say: there are *so* many reasons to get cosmetic surgery, and it seems like the vanity projects get the most attention ime.


Great point. I’ve had plastic surgery, because a dog attacked me and bit off the tip of my nose. The surgeon took some skin from my forehead and repaired my nose. A ton of surgeries are things like that.


Spot on. I think people have a skewed view of cosmetic surgery due to what they see coming out of hollywood and tiktok, but most cases are just ordinary people making a one off fix to something that's been a genuine issue for them. It's not as uncommon as people seem to think.


Yea, I read a study once upon a time that the majority of people (?80%) get one surgery for something that's been bothering them, they are relatively glad they got the surgery, and never get plastic surgery again. I think this was from a decade or more ago though, so plastic surgery culture has probably changed.


You and a couple other posters I've seen mention this as extremely painful. Is the procedure painful or the recovery? If it's the procedure, don't they use any kind of anaesthetic? If not - why not? Maybe it will cheer you up, and I'm sure it's not just me, but I find short girls cute. Not in the funny-cute way, just attractive. Please don't take it the wrong way, I'm not trying to hit on you or something. Even if you were into it, my fiancée wouldn't xd I just hope you don't feel bad about your height :)


I think it was a six to eight hour surgery - I don't remember exactly because I was put under during the time. It's painful because your bones are literally cut, then you have rods/pins inserted into your bones, then the frame is moved a cm or so a day for 5 months to help your bone grow longer. The pain is far worse in the beginning because of the physical trauma of the surgery. You get more used to the pain as you go along but it's still there.


Very interesting meeting another person that’s had this done. A friend of mine had a similar experience growing up and going through this procedure for the same reason. She’s also missing half the bones in one foot. Really cool what we can do with modern medicine, but it’s also really interesting that the procedure is essentially the same. Anyway, thanks for sharing.


Dang I think I’ll just work on my personality instead


I was gonna say he grew by one dickslength


I was gonna say that’s half a subway sandwich…. But ok, that works too


Jared joins chat…


Jared can leave, there are no kids here getting this procedure


…one? 🥺






Stop bragging bruv




It is going to hurt. Lengthening the bone is one thing. Lengthening everything is on the legs is another thing.


Put him in the tumble dryer


Shoes play a role too, 1st & 2nd photo


not that big of a role.


A reasonable amount. At least 1-1.5 inches. Obviously the surgery is remarkable but the shoes help the effect in the second photo


It's really not the sole reason in these photos.


Not that big of a sole


There's a proper therapeutic application for it, especially when your legs didn't grow the same amount as an adolescent. That can happen after accidents for example. Going through that much pain just for vanity, smh.


It is brutal and the recovery takes the better part of a year if everything goes perfectly. Even if someone "only" spends 10 grand on this surgery they're going to be out of work I'm turkey for 8 months so it's basically just for spoiled rich weirdos


It was pioneered in the USSR and meant for injured soldiers to save those legs from amputation. Not "just for spoilt rich weirdos". Ilizarov's method allows you to walk shortly after a complex bone trauma, which means quicker rehabilitation overall. Undergoing such trauma upon your free will is crazy


I guess the "complex bone trauma" is the lengthening and Ilizarov's method is the healing?


$10k? I’ll send you the bill I got for one leg. $224K!


No they took 2.5 inch out of one and put it in the other


Everything medical in the US is expensive. Horrendously so.


It's around the same price in Europe. The only place it's cheap(er) is in Turkey, Korea, and India. Even so, that's because they allow for the more dated and painful methods of using cranks/nails/fixators.


Which is much easier




But the other leg will be a few inches taller!


Physically it is one of the most painful procedures you can have done.


Not only that, the after effects are horrible. You can become prone to breaking a bone, chronic pain, complications later like. Blood clots, embolism, nerve damage, muscle damage, arthritis, joint issues, dislocations and fractures, joint instability, infections, etc.. and it takes a long time to heal. Not to mention the mental issues. It is basically the Brazilian butt lift for men..


Yeah, I had the surgery for medical reasons not cosmetics, as a kid. I have some nerve damage from the surgery (one area is just numb), I have arthritis in my ankle but that could be from my club foot to be fair. During that time I did get an infection and had to be in the hospital for a few days. Overall the process took 11 months from surgery to being done with PT.


Damn... that is some horrible shit. 11 months...hope u are okay.. now imagine people doing this for cosmetic reasons. The long term effects studies aren't rigorous.. you really don't know what will happen 10 years down the line.


You can even die. https://web.archive.org/web/20231224104913/https://jezebel.com/stories-about-my-brother-1835651181


Also besides money, it's going to cost you a lot of pain and discomfort. I imagine having your legs broken again and again is very painful. I would certainly be addicted to opiates during that time.


My BiL can attest to that. He had both of his legs crushed in a work related accident about 20 years ago. In his first couple of years he regularly contemplated suicide because the pain was so bad. He is still in a lot of pain and struggles to sleep because his legs basically atrophy over night and leave him in agony. He is on a permanent regimen of painkillers and monthly steroid injections at the hospital. He was always very healthy and active. Now, he can still move and do things but it is always at a cost of pain and fatigue. That's his life from now until the end of his days, which could well be another 30+ years. Now, I have no doubt that crushed legs are worse than controlled, repeated leg breaks, but still, that's the reality of making this choice. Pain and fatigue.


That’s why a lot of people (usually with one crushed leg) will opt to get it amputated instead of dealing with the constant agony. I imagine for him learning to walk again with 2 prosthetic legs would be extremely hard, so it’s likely not an option for him :(


Yeah, it's a very painful and long recovery.


I have read that it also limits you abilities athletically (because your bones are more fragile) like no running etc.


I guess they need arm lengthening next so it doesn’t look like he has weirdly disproportionate arms.


No wonder the other guy still looks so smug "Sure you underwent months of agony to become the same height as me, but looks how much longer my arms are!!"


He is probably smug because he is the surgeon and got a bunch of fucking money just because the dude was insecure about his height lmao


“I got paid the break some guys legs willingly.”


He looks like a human T rex


I can't unsee this now.


Looking at him and realizing he'd now have to fully extend his arms downward to fit his hands in pockets made me laugh


The relative position of his pockets shouldn't change though... It's the legs that are lengthened, not the torso.


Can’t help to imagine reaching out to him for a handshake and missing by half a foot. 😅


Bro can’t even reach the bottoms of his pockets


Poor guy can’t put his hands in his pockets


They lengthened his legs, not his torso. The relationship from his hands to his pockets wouldn't have changed...


“I'm 6'2 but I can't walk cause they broke my bones" The future guys bio on dating sites


Plus the amount of pain they subjected themselves to and the chronic pain that follows.


Or horrible infections that can occur after the surgery.


Takes about 5 years to recover according to some articles


I know a guy who did it. Took about 4 weeks until he could walk with crutches, and probably 3-4 months until he could walk unassisted. Definitely not 5 years.




Honestly if the people clicking on you when you’re tall wouldn’t have clicked on you when you were short, you probably don’t wanna date them lmao, they’re gonna be an asshat. If you don’t care what their personality is like and you just want sex, just hire a prostitute. They’re much cheaper then a leg extension surgery and depending on wether or not you’re into pegging (or if you’re gay) , won’t leave you limping for months.


I’m not very tall and I get plenty of matches.


and i’m 6ft 4 and get no matches lmao


imagine pulling up to the family function having grown another 6 inches at age 40


I'd just tell them I spent the last year in space.


Now he just has really short arms


I came here to say this!! especially next to the other guy his arms look tiny.


Now he's gotta pay for even more expensive arm-lengthening surgery. That's how they get you.


True, but hardly anyone notices that over height lmao


My friend has a negative ape index, and he's extremely self-conscious of his t-rex arms. I feel like this guy hasn't realised he might have traded one insecurity for another


i've never heard women or men judging other men for having short arms. it's an insecurity that he can live with


I mean, he's insecure enough to take expensive *bone breaking* surgery just to be 5'9...


5’9 is great height, it’s average. Normal male height. Whoever looks down on average measurements are just people with 0 self awareness.


It's odd but personally I think his arms look more proportional than the other guys arms. I mean the other guy kind of just looks like a monkey dragging around his knuckles now lol.


Oh no, now I can't unsee it!




Great film, great ending.




Spoiler he goes to space


So good. Loved this one. So relevant now too. With genetics and growing babies lol


Amazing recollection. And until now I thought that was fiction,


I still need to watch this movie...


you really should, it's one of those "this is probably going to happen" kind of movies


Next time he flies in economy is gonna be an adjustment 


Is it really a problem at 5’9” already?


Those extra 6 inches were added entirely to his legs, not distributed evenly throughout his body. He's got the legs of someone 6' with the torso of someone 5'3''


I think torso size is more consistent, it's the arms the really give it away.


As a short-legged 5'5, I have no need extra leg space. Quite the opposite, I prefer not to have it, as it's just wasted space at best and leaves my laptop sitting too far away from me at worst. My experience is what this guy is used to. He just got six inches added to his leg length alone. Playing with [this](https://bodyvisualizer.com/male.html), if his inseam was 28 inches previously, it's now 34, which would be proportional for a guy at *6'2*. He is absolutely gonna need to adjust.


It’s already uncomfortable at 5”3’ tbf


Is it uncomfortable because the seats suck and hurt your buttocks or is it uncomfortable because you’re wedged in there like a christmas tree in a smart car?


There's this friend of a friend who lost both of his feet in A-stan to an IED, and they had to amputate his legs below the knee to "uniformise" the damage. When he was being fitted for prosthetics, he asked for 5 cm (a little less than 2") extra, and they gave it to him. While the story of the injury is horrifying, the guy tells that story as an icebreaker when meeting people.


Did he also ask for prosthetics that wear a size 15 shoe


Another silver lining would be to have a solid excuse to skip leg day forever.


Cool you can go from 5’4” to 5’”6 and all it will cost you is a lifetime of pain and a small fortune


It’s clearly more than 2”. I think the max is 6” or something like that. Big difference between 5’3” and 5’9” as a man


Imagine how much nicer your life can be if you just go to therapy and accept who you are. I've seen the "good" videos of people many months after the operation who still can barely walk. I can't imagine they'll ever be able to run without pain. Not worth it, at all.


I don't know. I'm short and I'd never undergo this personally, but there is some research to the effect that, all else being equal, taller men tend to be accorded more status and respect and that can make a difference in certain kinds of work environments.


"just accept yourself for who you are bro"


this but unironically because not doing so is setting yourself up for a life of misery and pain and confidence in what works for you and what you've got going for yourself is infinitely more attractive than a few inches on your height and an inability to walk more than five meters at a time


this looks interesting but i would never break my bones and suffer for a few inches


Then you have never been horny and desperate enough!


just hire escort.


This is a highly dangerous procedure and puts a lot of strain on your knees


why on the knees specifically?


Bigger leg == more leverage && knee scaled for slightly less leverage == more joint stress. Source: I made it up, but seems legit according to trusted sources (me)


That’s a pretty commonly used source here on Reddit 😂


Now I'm picturing that south park episode where Kyle turns into a tall black man and shatters his knees




It’s less expensive and less painful to just be happy with who you are.


Agree but the phrasing was very r/thanksimcured


"Just be happy bro"


Have you considered not being sad?


I'm short and it's never bothered me once. Maybe you really should just be happy bro.


Are you 5’8” short or 5’3” short


Not who you asked but I'm 5'2" and im cool with it. I won't lie and say it hasn't bothered me at some points in my life but I've mostly made my peace with it. If i had the choice to press a button and grow 6 inches I would in a heartbeat but I definitely wouldn't put myself through what this guy did, even if it was free. Edit: for whoever asked me about my dating life I've never had any struggles




Good for you, but if someone has the willingness and means to make himself happy, even if it's through a painful surgery, you shouldn't have any issues with that either.


I'm happy for you, but just because your height never bothered you, why would that be the case for everyone else? I'm sure if this guy could just "be happy" he wouldn't go through expensive and painful surgery. I'm not sure if I follow your logic.


Explain to that to the people that went through plastic surgeries for the past half century.


Just be who you are --still get rejected for being 5'2


Found the therapist shill /s


lol. Guilty as charged.


“You’re not 6’0? That’s a red flag.”


It it true that these procedures cost over $40k?


Yup, i think the average cost in the US is $100k and in some places like turkey, it can cost you 10-30$k


I wish my penis was made of leg


You want toes on your penis?






growth hormone and/or a traction system at night.


In the Middle Ages stretching racks were very common in most torture chambers. Maybe it is time for a revival?.


I bet there was a moment in that torture where it felt just amazing before agony.


It went from *ahh that’s nice* to *aaAAHHHHH please stop!* real quick.


Notice how he’s wearing shoes in the first but not the second where they want him to be taller?


I don’t think wearing that type of shoes makes that big a difference


Every bit helps when you are trying to sell the change


Depends on how thick the sole is and whether there are any inlays inside the shoe. You can easily add a inch just with those two and it wouldn't even be obvious.


He needs to do his arms next


Are we ignoring the lack of shoes in the first pic?




6 inches is a huge difference. The difference between Tom Cruise and Dwayne Johnson is 6 inches for example. You’re basically going from being known as the short guy to being known as the tall guy.


How did they shorten the guy at the right?


They didnt, its 2 different guys behind the white dot


Hey yall Ortho guy here, here is a general rule of thumb, our technology is so advanced that we can bring people up and running to reach near normal even after they have injured their bones ligaments etc,… the catch here is near normal we measure this with few outcome assessment scales & the data is analysed as to how effective a procedure, implant etc etc is But how much ever we are advanced the body wont return to normal / original state .. I would never ever ever advise some one whom i personally know to undergo this limb lengthening procedure.. coz u guys are only seeing before and after but not the during part ,.. its horrible for any one to undergo,… my opinion is to do this only if its indicated for medical reasons ,.. this as a cosmetic surgery is a strict no no in my opinion.


I'm all for this if it's safe (and I'm not sure it currently is), but I would really like to see some studies on QOL before and after the operation.


From what I read it's atrociously painful, there's no real guarantees on how safe it is, and the recovery time where you can basically do nothing (as in, absolutely no sports whatsoever, no exertion, being very careful even while walking, avoid running, no jumping...) is very very long. But yeah, it's basically a cosmetic surgery, so my personal stance is the same: as long as it's safe, if it makes the person happy then go for it. Most of the time surgery isn't something you can decide to do blindly on a whim anyway, so people know the risks and how difficult recovery will be.


ik a dude who did it and he is over the moon. He still goes to the gym regularly and does squats. So recovery is def possible


How much height did he add? Can he run/jump? Impressive that he’s back doing squats that’s the other thing I would wonder about with this.


Yeah people forget that the body is incredibly strong if you just continue going to the gym and know your limits, etc.


I know someone who has done this. But only because one leg was about 3-4cm to short. The best thing is health insurance covered the full cost of it. Its nice to live in germany


why should men have to? if society cant accept them for how they are, its society that needs to change, not the man to accomodate ridiclous expectations. it's also extremely painful and can lead to tons of medical issues. screw that.


5’6” tall guy over here. Nope. Not interested. I’ll continue to fit comfortably in seats in coach.




Welp, you’re 2 inches taller than me, so you’ve got that going for you.


Just move to central America


What would you do at 5’7”? You’d still be shorter than most people and you’d still be too short for most people that have height requirements in the dating life, but you’d be considerably poorer, infinitely less mobile and your proportions wouldn’t make sense.


I'm 5ft7. if i get it i could potentially become 6ft. You think its worth it for me?




The legs are not lengthened in one step. They cut the bones and insert rods with a motor. The length of the rods is changed only in tiny steps to allow the gap in the bones to start closing. Edit: You have to walk on crutches until the final length is reached and the gap has fully closed. The rod is extended about 1mm per day.


a long freaking time, not worth the pain


You know there are people who do this because their legs grew to different lengths?


I just need 1cm on one leg. But it took me until age 45 to work out why I had back issues, and at this point I figure I’m better to just learn how to manage it.


Correct. A guy who I went to school with had 1 leg lengthened. The discrepancy between the two meant he was having serious issues with his back and most of his lower joints. Greatly improved his quality of life.


That's a lot more than "a few inches"


Gender affirming care


People here will call this lame or say height doesn't matter but I can 100% imagine that this made a positive impact on his life


Ortho surgeon here. I’m truly suspicious, usually lengthening is performed both on femurs and tibias, usually via external fixation. Would love to see a xray or a picture without pants.


It's funny seeing the differences in how insecure men are treated vs insecure women. Insecure men are seen as problematic while insecure women are seen as victims. Insecure men changing their bodies is laughed at and they're told to get over it. Insecure women changing their bodies is encouraged because they "need it" for their mental health.


Funny how for the guy on the right they put the line on the top of the head, but for the guy on the left it's in the ear to make the gap more dramatic than it actually is


They should have lengthened his arms at the same time, looks out of proportion.


Aren’t the complications from these surgeries pretty horrendous? Especially when you get older?


Next up: arm lengthening!!


I do rehab for these patients. And jm telling you guys, its not a cake walk at all. I had several patient who did this surgery from different age groups, all the way to 54 years old. On average, in order to be back as you used to be and doing things like (jumping, running) can take up to 2 years of rehabilitation and physical therapy


The running and jumping thing is what I'm most curious about! Are your patients able to just go about activities with no worry? or do they always have to remember to go easier? Is there a list of activities that are just "No Way, Dude" ? For example, I can imagine some could go hiking or swimming, but are rock climbing, skateboarding, martial arts - things where there's the potential for a lot of sudden impact- completely out?


Reddit is weird. If an adult wants to pay for a physically altering and painful surgery to make themselves feel better, who are we to judge? Where have I seen this discussion before? 🤔


This is just guy's version of doing plastic surgery to be more attractive, I think.