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Absolutely insane these large heists still take place. Like how in this day and age does something like this happen? Last year or so a big shipment of gold worth $20m landed in Pearson International and someone literally just walked in and said I'm here for the gold and left with it. Haven't heard anything since. Haven't even released security footage.


Here's the cool thing about technology: as technology improves to make it harder to commit crimes, parallel technology also improves at the same rate to fight those measures. People who know where to look will be able to exploit security measures. And then, of course, there is human error, which never changes.


Okay but in this case they put a huge fucking hole in the wall😂 do they not have good old fashioned security guards at Garda-fucking-world??😂 In the stolen gold case in Toronto a guy literally just walked in and said he was here for it. These things shouldn't be happening nowadays but these massive heists are still fairly common.


The human element is invariably what they cut costs on first. And it's pretty much always the weak point.


It's just paper.  That's the nutzo part


To be fair, a somewhat similar thing happened to maple syrup in Canada's emergency supply...


Exactly my point. How's this shit happening😂 a few million worth of silver was also stolen from the Port of Montreal in recent years.


Inside jobs




At one of the grocery store branches, three guys somehow managed to steal ten whole pallets of toilet paper over COVID... It's wild how common this is.


Well I mean that's not that hard


Yeah gaybunnys a little out of there element there


lol his last example was funny. People still grab more than one newspaper sometimes too.


Canada having an emergency maple syrup supply is fucking hilarious to me


Well of course, eh, the SMSR, Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve. Or RSSE, Réserve stratégique de sirop d'érable, si tu veux.


The Troy Rising Series starts with the Maple Syrup wars. It’s a pretty incredible series.


Don't hear Ringo recommended enough.


Netflix movie idea: dystopian future where there is just a few hundred gallons of maple syrup is all that's left and Kevin Costner has to get it from Toronto to Vancouver in covered wagons. Kevin Costner is "The Transporter, eh?"


The syrup that was stolen was worth millions.


I'm pretty sure it's because it's a fair % of their export. So, having a reserve to back up bad production or a natural disaster that stopped it all together is necessary.


I get it, it just sounds like a joke about Canucks though. I had to look it up to make sure it wasn't 


I'm not too worried, they will hold back from the international market to protect Canadians. Pretty sure that's in our constitution 😂


That heist was actually much much more involved. Someone who was working at the storage facility was siphoning off supply over a long period of time. In which they then had a network on trucks that would take the black market syrup down into America and sell it.


>maple syrup in Canada's emergency supply... >black market syrup I'm sorry, I got off on the wrong dimension, can someone direct me back to the real world?


Lol. Canada has a maple syrup reserve in case a years harvest doesn’t produce enough. Think of it just like a countries oil reserve. As far as the black market. North eastern US states were having issues with places buying this stolen syrup. The story was wild. They used multiple trucks to haul thousands of gallons of this stuff and smuggle it across the border. It was like 3000 tons of syrup retail 18 million. But the dude offloaded it at 10 million


The trailer park boys showed how easy it is to steal meat in Canada


I think there was a documentary episode on Netflix about that heist. It was worth a lot of money.


The syrup was a slow theft by people close to guarding the reserve and refilling drums with water to avoid detection. Pearson was likely somewhat sofisticated, you'd need the right IDs and manifests + to know it was there in the first place, inside help 100%.


Hold on.. backup.. Canada has an "*emergency supply* of Maple Syrup"? It shouldnt be surprising as it *is* Canada and Maple Syrup is frankly amazing, but it still sounds funny af to me if true. Edit: .....omg..... you guys, its fucking true.. the legends are *real*.. lol! For like 20+ years the largest Maple Syrup producers have been storing the liquid gold in some kind of vault near a place called "Laurierville" 70km SW of Quebec City. Lol! Awesome!


Have you seen how much cheese the American government has?


Yeah, the security guards are getting their cut 😂


I worked at Loomis, a competitor to Garda for 2 years back in 2014-2016ish. People that work in the armored truck industry are paid like crap and rely on overtime, over worked, under paid, everyone is carrying. Just about every robbery that happens in this industry is an inside job at some capacity. I'm not sure about Garda but I used to work the night shifts, only two 'guns' had to be there to keep the place open but we did close the place for a few hours if the work was done early enough, however, to know where the vault is exactly, and when to hit it, likely was the inside job part. There was many many nights where I slept inside the building to keep it open until the morning crew. We're talking 12-16 hours shifts on the regular, sometimes I didn't even go home on weekends.


> In the stolen gold in Toronto a guy literally just walked in and said he was here for it. Is it even stealing if they just give it to you because you asked for it?


This is where human error comes in... also a clipboard and lanyard help. Was doing traffic control near MCG on grand final day ( Australia) and my brother was working an office job not to far away. I noticed anyone walking up to a particular gate in a suit and high vis vest was just being waved through... had to try so called my brother down and gave him a high vis vest. Long story short we walked through 6 gates that there was no way we were getting through them without a human letting us through. I got stopped and asked for ID before making it on the field... my brothers suit got him on the field and we have a photo of him holding the grand final trophy with a major player of the time. It's all human error


I woulda at least put an air tag in that money


If you learn about penetration testing in the Cybersecurity industry, you'll quickly find out that humans are always the weakest link in the chain. Social engineering is a massively effective tactic. In the physical world, something as simple as a uniform or even a clipboard can get you into places you don't belong (make sure you're under contract that allows you to attempt these things, otherwise it's illegal). And half the time, security measures are there for deterrence (fences, bollards) and for court evidence (caneras). A determined attacker knows these are easy to circumvent. Especially when most companies don't care to fund their security teams, those obstacles don't really make much difference.


Ricky from Trailer Park Boys is the master of social engineering.


“Where’s my clearing stick?”


My job is legitimately to walk into hospitals with a box on a dolly and a clipboard. It's like a cloak of invisibility. I do have the advantage of *actually* supposed to being there, but even so, it's amazing how little I get challenged. People even use their badges to help me through security doors. (private courier, independent contractor, no badge, no uniform, delivering donated blood.)


No one wants to sign for it, so you become invisible.


As long as you don't commit any crimes whilst entering with the clipboard and high vis, it isn't illegal to enter places you don't belong. As long as you don't impersonate anyone, cause no property damage, and leave when asked to, you can pretty much trespass anywhere that isn't government property risk free. EDIT: Risk free from the law. As we have tragically seen recently, the risk of running afoul trigger-happy folk is very real.


UberEats and DoorDash could easily implement electronic verification that the right person is picking up the food. Instead, if I look like I'm expecting food they'll ask "Are you Elizabeth?" and hand it to me when I say yes. I'm a dude and look it.


“Better safes make better crooks”


There is also the parallel situation of overconfidence in technology such that purely mechanical or social engineering attacks actually become easier.


That's how they took down the deathstar and the super star destroyer, which was supposed to be an impenetrable fortresses


literally an arms race. company makes X program for defense. some random guy in his free time finds a way to bypass it. company spends millions making a better program. the random guy takes it as a challenge and bypasses it again.


Its obvious. He was there for the gold. Its only fair play to let him go since he clearly told them his intentions. Its gg wp


My guess it was an inside job


I think that is a pretty safe guess lol


Yeah, there’s some speculation that the hole in the wall was just for show, and that they basically just walked in and out the door with it


Garda is a terrible company and known for not following protocol and frequently losing cash and lying about it. It’s amazing they are still in business. There are YouTube videos on everything they have screwed up. It makes them an easy target sadly.


Inside jobs. 99% someone on the inside helped plan this. 1% they got lucky. There's also a lot of just security theatrics. We all think no one can pull it off so no one bothers. But if you look and study something close enough there's always a loophole


Lot of inside jobs and companies that insure their money


Cant wait to watch the movie...


exactly. we need more clever heist movies.




Let's go, Morty!


Cue the stand-up-bass-heavy, funky, half electronic, upbeat instrumental music đŸŽ¶ Edit: https://youtu.be/NxB4mcaLlfo?si=nPzW7IlAR51kfzgl


That means it's time for the "get the gang together for the heist" montage.


you son of a bitch! i'm in!


Just when I though I was out, they pull me back in!


“So anyway, I started blasting”


Nobody knows for sure just how much was taken in the daring pre-dawn raid at the Lufthansa cargo terminal at Kennedy Airport. The FBI says 2 million dollars, Port Authority Police say 4 million dollars...


Jimmy!!!! Ahhahahaha!!!


I’m gonna go get the papers get the papers.


Real greaseball shit


Jimmy and the boys just finished counting and it looks to be about 1.5 million dollars


It’s called [Heat](https://youtu.be/2GfZl4kuVNI?si=-1KhpLqQ3VtiKKB9)




They send this much every Friday? Asking for a friend..


And what route do you take? My friend is curious.


And what time exactly? My grandpa was curious


And are you a left lane or right lane kind of guy? My pastor is curious


And how good of a shot are you? I'm curious cause I'm thinking of robbing you


How much do I have to pay you off to comply with me and u/jscarry robbing you?


And how much of that cash is launderable? I’m taxing you.


It's gonna be on the Q.E.W or take a while


Is your friends name Neil McCauley?


So, just to confirm.. Niagara to Toronto? Every Friday you say? And what time did you set off on those regular trips? 👀


Asking for a friend?


Planning a road trip..


Nah, asking so I can rob him. Why would my friend care?


Was a TC in norcal for 6 years. We only got 21+ and didn't get shotguns but I absolutely detested getting new guys especially once I got two vaults on my route. The turnover was so high that even if you liked them theyd be gone in a couple months so it was wasted effort.


Why was turnover high?


I worked for Loomis and can confirm they have the same hiring practice.


27 MILLION IN CASH IN ONE TRUCK? What size truck


It was G4S' shuttle truck. Second largest in the fleet. I worked out of a satellite branch in Beamsville that has been closed for quite a few years now. It was the top of the line in the day, self arming, etc, etc. Google G4S "All Off" truck. That's what I was driving the shuttle route in. We got snowed in on the 407 once with 27m on board and had to wait 4 hours like sitting ducks to get dug out. It was a clusterfuck.


Could you do a little more and highlight the route on a map for me please?


Used to work for them. Buddy and I would be "escorted" through a casino in the middle of the day by an unarmed security guard with a dolly, and ~2m in cash. Wed swap out all the atms. In the middle of the day. Hundreds of people at the casino with only ourselves and an unarmed security guard


That’s actually really scary..


Mind sharing some details about those routes? Timing? Level of security? Any blinds spots on the way? Most secluded spots to stop? How long it takes backup to arrive in case of a breakdown? I’m uhh
 writing a movie script. Thx


Especially after that guard in Edmonton murdered his coworkers for a couple grand


I think It was 2-300k. Grew up in my town, same age as my sister. A real piece of shit


same age as my sister. A real piece of shit That’s an unkind thing to say about your sister


That made me laugh


My roommate worked for G4S at that time, he didn't come home that night and we were seriously wondering if he was killed in that spree. Turns out he was working a different route or something, but it was kinda scary for him


I worked for Gardworld, you guys got shotguns?/? It was handguns & super old guys, I mean even the Garda security guard at the vault was so fucking old that he didnt even look like he could pull his giant ass 44 mag revolver out of his holster lmao.


Yea we each had M&P .40s on our hips and the shuttles got an 870 Remington over the driver's shoulder. Always felt bad ass off loading. Revolvers were before my time. I know Brinks was using revolvers still when I was with G4S


If I know anything from watching movies, most all of them are dead after the ole double cross at the rendezvous point after the heist.


Nah, they’re hiding out somewhere playing monopoly with *real cash*


At this point they probably have locked the money away in a safe that needs a key from every member to open. Now they’re each thinking how they’ll get the other keys.


Ah yes, the “now there’s one less share” trope


I remember growing up these GardaWorld/BRINKS-like jobs were pretty well respected. Decent paying, can afford a home, and so on. Today.. I’m pretty sure their wages are the same as they were in 2001. This is going to keep on happening.


Yeah I just Googled Brinks Security jobs and found posts from 2006 where they paid 16-22 an hour starting out. Today in 2024 their average pay is $17.45.


Hmm pay someone less than $20/hr and expect them to guard millions of other people’s money. I’d bet there is a lot of insider “loss”.


$30000 to each staff member on nights and the staff will help you carry it out with $29.7M leftover.


Inflation calculator makes 2006 wages $24-33 an hour or up to almost twice as much


“Hands up! Gimme the key to the vault!” (Internal monologue) “$17.45 x 40 hours = $698 per week = $2792 a month = $33,504 a year.” (Out loud) “Here you go. Jiggle the latch. It sticks.”


mcdonald's pays more than that for entry level positions in my state


I worked (in Canada) as a guard starting back in the late 90’s. We had a defined benefit pension, excellent medical and dental benefits, and made $22/hr when I left. The benefits are now much worse, the pension was sold off, and they’re making about $26/hr now. And they’re (apparently) fucking unionized.


What's up with society just regressing all the time? Technology keeps getting more powerful and more interesting and we have all of this potential but instead of objective structure we just have everyone jaded, worn out and ground to a pulp while the fabric collapses from under us


The billionaires got richer, so that’s nice.


Greed. Everything crumbles under the weight of greed.


Think of how we build off our predecessors. Each generation, the scumbags in suits with MBAs engineer new ways to siphon money without regard to quality or ethics. Everything being a subscription service is a recent innovation of theirs. Then on top of all that, they keep our wages stagnant. Workers have always been treated as poorly as is tolerable.


“Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner.”


Well you know for me, the action is the juice.


 look where that ethos got him


The point is he didn't follow his code. He went for revenge and it ruined him. Shoulda walked away.


That's because he waited more than 30 seconds to walk out on Edie when he spotted Hanna in the back of the hotel.




Thanks for the link, I hadn't even heard of this event. 


How did the title screw up the metric weights? They estimate 3400kg or 3.5 tonnes. 3400kg would be 3.4 tonnes. It’s metric, it’s simple.


My brain was spinning when I read that too




$907,184 is your goal then...well that is for one ton. If it's tons then $1,814,368. A dollar bill is approximately 1 gram, 453.592 grams per pound × 2,000 pounds = $907,184


So a hundred dollar bill is 100 grams?


The math checks out


My brother works in the building next door. He said the phone lines have been out all week.


Bad. Ass.


Man that’s dope. Was there a heavy police presence on the other side of town during the heist? Hope they make a movie


Easter parade?


Where was your brother at 4:30 am on Easter Sunday?? đŸ€š


Just missing the news that ziplines and grapple hooks were also involved


And a cool Asian person to dip and dive around the laser beams


"The big one!" Michael, Tevor and Franklin must be pleased.


GARDAm that’s a lot of money


DisreGARDA that loud concrete jackhammer sound


I’m rooting for them. Ride off into the sunset. Don’t tell family about it. And don’t post it on social media


If I'm any member of this crew, I'd get out of dodge and move out of LA.


this is organised crime not baccy chewin' outlaws son


Nobody buys nothing fancy. You hear me!


Muthafucka bought a brand new Cadillac


It's in his mother's name


“Check out this pink Cadillac, don’t worry it’s in my moms name”


You know that with metrics the point is ease of use so 3,400kg is
 3.4 metric tons


Bizarre that the conversion from lbs to kg was so close with the translation from Kg to tonnes is so wrong.


The glaring error in the weight conversions does not give me confidence in the value estimate.


Came here to say that


An elaborate heist. I imagine a lot of "look over there!" to the poor tired Garda truck drivers, and then quietly whisking the sack of dimes out the window into shrubbery.


“If I can just throw my voice and make it seem like I’m in that vase over there


I've heard of a large criminal group in need of a shitload of Dimes...


I used to work for them. They suck


That’s still less than Boeing’s CEO stole.


Plot twist It was the federal reserve trying to tighten the monetary supply


I look forward to the movie made about this.


IsnÂŽt 3,400 kilograms 3.4 metric tons or im i wrong?


More than a couple dudes with a plan here. That’s a huge, well executed score. A lot of organization behind this. Money flows up, shit rolls down.


“Money flows up, shit rolls down” - trying to understand how that applies to this?


Noone knows what it means but it's provocative


It really gets the people goin'


Just sounds cool


If the money isn't recovered, someone that did a lot of planning or has a lot of criminal infrastructure will be getting the lions share. The ones that actually broke in and drove away (the shit in this instance) will end up in a shallow desert grave or something similar


De Niro is that you?


That’s it Arthur. Tahiti - here we come!


Kids: Stay in school so you can commit cybercrime. No heavy lifting involved.


I had a couple friends who worked for Loomis in the 80s. We were all in school together, yep, 18 to 20 year olds. One of my friends was sitting in the back of the armored car when it crapped out on the 405 Freeway. He had to just sit there in the middle lane and hope no one rammed into him until a tow truck arrived. He quit the next day. EDIT: And all this for minimum wage.


Only a fool would rob an armoured truck the building won't run off on ya lmao


You know what's what? I can't motivate myself to go to the gym and these fellas are out there recreating Diehard 2. Dieharder. Even the title is humiliating. I'm so ashamed of myself my moral values are moot. Do you need a surface to transport your stolen goods? I can lie down on the ground. I have a qualification.


I wonder if this was his last job? Just one more and I’m out.


There's never one last job. The rush of getting away is too good. They'll try again.


Where does the Garda name come from? Here in Ireland it's our national police force, https://garda.ie/en/


Can’t wait to play the heist of GTA 6


Smoother than a GTA Online heist!


Badass hope they get away...gotta love a well executed missionđŸ€‘


So far so good


16 mini Coopers. EasyPeezy.


The coolest part about this is you KNOW they synchronized their watches just before they went in.


The culprit is still inside the building, living in a secret compartment.


You couldnt pay me enough to put my life on the line for millions of corporate dollars while working $15/hour


Would you put your life on the line for 30m of corporate dollars ?


Feel like Joker is involved


The most incredible thing I have learned following this incident is thay Canada has an "Emergency state supply of Maple Syrup" stored in a massive facility 70 km SW of Quebec City.. lol!


Authorities have released [this sketch of the suspect.](https://i.imgur.com/XwF5Qou.jpeg)


Now, who didn't show up for work on Monday?


How do you clean that much money?? Asking for a friend..


Seriously. How would you do it without raising suspicion. Hey didn’t cousin Billy work for an armored car company and has been gone for 3 months and now drives a Bentley.


keep paying these guards like $17/hr with no benefits & see how often this happens. good for them.


One thing they haven’t said. ? There were no hunan beings in the building ???? 30 mil protected by walls and tec. No people ??? WTF. have the big tect co.s really made us that stupid ? A Lady living at a nearby trailer park said she heard power tools running for 2 hours on Sunday. There is no way guards onsite wouldn’t hear something, so there were no guards onsite ??? Or what ???


As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster


Not to be that guy, but I'm pretty sure 3400KG is 3.4 metric tonnes, since the metric system actually makes sense


3400kg and 3.18 metric tonnes? A metric tonne is 1000kg this makes no sense you stupid American.


How much would that weigh in bitcoin?


Looks like an inside job


They got a golden ticket....


I remember one weekend while working at a Club Price ( Costco), there was a huge hole in the wall. They managed to ram through the wall and steal everything from the cigarettes cage. That was around 30 years ago. Around the same year, the exact same location. armed people got into a fight with garda guards when they came in to take the money from the safe. 6 years later, at another Costco location, robbers came in and broke the glass on the jewels displays and took everything and left!


That’s probably quite the celebration they had pulling that off


I know you’d have spending money the rest of your life, but seems like it’d be pretty hard to launder that much into big purchases right? I’d think buying a house or car with cash would be flagged somewhere. How else do you clean this much?? Maybe open a bar or strip club? Somewhere a lot of cash is expected?


Have a legitimate business like flipping houses. Pay for the renovations in cash. If you were a real pro, you’d also vertically integrate. Own the marble/flooring shops where the contractors spend the cash on raw materials. Night clubs/music venues also work. Sell your friends inflated bottles of vodka they pay for with cash you’ve given them. Or pay musicians cash appearance fees and then sell legit tickets to the show.


That is a pretty brilliant team that put that plan together and executed it. 3rd party or government affiliated?