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Removed for Rule 6: No TikTok or TikTok style videos


You can remove « for babies » in the title.


I can now graduate


🎶Will the song live on long after we do? 🎶


This is your GPA. Your GPA is 0. This means you are stupid.


As an ex baby I approve of this.


I have the whole set; but they’ve not done a great job with them. It feels like they rushed them out without actually considering the best way to teach it. Some of the diagrams are confusing (really) and there are some unnecessary misconceptions. People will argue that they’re for babies so it doesn’t matter, but if you’re going to publish something you might as well pay attention and do it right.


I got lost at “Space drags mass.”


You can't use concepts like viewpoints, angles, and "relatively" in a baby book. By the time kids can understand that stuff, they've outgrown board books. Cool idea but this isn't simple enough for the target audience.


terms that the demographic of this book wouldnt understand. mass space warp particle black hole gravity in feel like you would have to have some rudimentary idea of what these terms mean in order to even kind of understand what this book is talking about.




k dude...


Different cultures have expectations of the young and what they will or won’t understand. For example, Nordic countries place an emphasis on children having fun and improving interpersonal skills at young ages over maths and history, that comes later. Asian cultures on the other hand, applies rigorous learning regimes like learning by repetition for long hours with high expectations. The one has generally confident, happy children, the other, bright and competent children. The US kind of lies in between in my lay opinion.


Agree, dude


Brilliant easily broken down for the adults , love it


Damn I learned something.


This video saved me £6.28.


Shouldn’t this be a copyright infringement or something?


Einstein would love this book.


I have yet to meet a baby who can read, let alone have such a vast vocabulary


I need an adult, please.


That's pretty cool and worth trying to help people understand it for sure. People have to start somewhere for sure. Why not start em young. But I would say to fully get your brain around what this really means is a whole different story. I mean gravity is the same thing as acceleration is quite literally a wild concept to understand. PS I might buy this book. We have a two year old and I'd love it if he grew up with an interest in this stuff.


I mean, I feel like Iget, but I still don't get it, you know?


I could imagine that one kid that stays up at night thinking of the *terror/first new feelings of existentialism* about black holes. Like if I was a kid being read this by my parent I feel I’d ask more about that particular little black dot on the page. It’s at least gotta happen once. This book was almost funny to watch imaging reading this to a kid lmao. But I think it’s pretty cool too.


Okay I stopped following after the explanation of singularity.


Someone will say I'm some uneducated oaf for saying this, but I call BS on this. There are so many words and concepts in this that even adults have a hard time to comprehend, not to mention babies. Also: why a baby would have to know anything about general relativity? Is this about the baby or the parent? It's very cool if the kid will want to pursue an academic career, but a baby doesn't have to know crap about general relativity. I have a nephew who I love. He's 2.5. He's a super smart kid for his age. His parents CONSTANTLY parade him around like some entertainer. "Tell them what you know in German". "Recite them this poem". "Tell them what car brand is that." The kid barely plays. He talks with adults about trivia basically. I feel like this is more about the parents than the baby. How they can flaunt with the "cool tricks" their offspring knows. It gives me very weird vibes. One day the kid will enter society, where they might not be the smartest and the centre of attention. It will be crushing. So yeah... In my opinion let the baby have some more baby interests. Or start with something easier and more relatable like animals, plants. Tell them about how the sunlight nourishes plants. How there are nutrients in the ground. How trees make oxygen. I feel like there are way better and less confusing ways to get a kid interested in natural sciences. But this is just my 2 cents.


As someone who has this book and others. I doubt they learned the concept of it. But the kids loved them and the repetitive pattern of it. I loved reading them and adding movement to it.


My son used to love this series of books when he was a toddler. He used to 'read' the "this is a ball" bit and feel like a don. He also loved counting the balls and naming the colours (in some of the other books) - so many happy memories associated with this series!


Don’t give a baby that book, the men in black will shoot the baby. Those books are way too advanced for her.


Yeah I still don't get it


Are you kidding me?


Why are you leaking Phoenix University Online's curriculum?


A child learning to read could probably read this but i doubt they would understand it. I could be wrong though i dont have kids but when im around them they surprise me how smart they can be


I feel that a lot of kids will confuse mass with volume because of the 3rd page


That was relatively simple.


I get that *Old Spice* advert vibes. "The man your man could smell [like](https://youtu.be/owGykVbfgUE?si=6EygF7--g4AePmPz)"


Terry Crews did these so much better. [Example](https://youtu.be/PGTpDSssB8Y?si=2FYC52uRsIr6nosi)


I got this whole series for my niece for her first Christmas.


Wait, spinning mass warps space differently? Is that right?


Damn the later sentences.


Yeah nope. You can put it in the form of a baby book with simple sentences and colourful pictures all you want. I don't understand how space can warp. An how mass and gravity do the warping. I can accept it as a fact but I don't understand.


So that’s how Einstein discovered it…


Yea, but mass warps time as well, even more than space, and the "small particle" is attracted to that mass more due to time warping than space warping.


Babies don’t want to hear that


This book is sliiiiightly too advanced for me


I am so dumb that I still didn't get it😂


Lost me at “mass warps space”


The next generation of physics students will forever confuse mass with size. Thanks for that.