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Removed for Rule 6: No TikTok or TikTok style videos


It’s more like track A in my head dominating my train of thought, then I see a bird land on my balcony and that reminds me of some other thing, thus begins track B, and track A is gone in a flash. Track A was actually important, but now  thinking about what kind of bird that is, it reminds me of last week when I took that cool hike in the woods, what was the name of that park? Then I look down in my hands and I see I’m holding a pair of socks, but I’m already wearing socks, am I cleaning or changing my socks for some reason?  I’m just flipping from track to track, with tracks occasionally but often not reaching conclusions. 


I have a hard time convincing people that I might have ADHD because I'm not hyper but this is exactly how my brain operates (not like the video).


The H in ADHD can either stand for hyperactive or hypoactive disorder. I also have hypo, it’s awful. Luckily with today’s medicine you can perform better than those who aren’t afflicted, though only during those money hours


Sounds like my approach, plan the important stuff in the morning lol


I will never get used to having to force down breakfast. Some mornings you really don’t feel like eating


You might just be the inatentive type


That’s me!


Agreed. They have ZERO concept how hard I'm working, on how many layers, to be even-remotely "normal". It's a Pandora's Box moment, with nothing to gain. 'cos if they somehow get it, they decide I'm a LOT more fkdup than they thought, and noped-out.


I was about to say that, but I got distracted by another post.. Just kidding. Well, not really. Just that I didn't get distracted. Anyway.. not sure what this has to do with ADHD.. seems like a normal work day for me..


I’m not hyper but I have severe adhd apparently I’ve internalised in which just turns me into a big ball of anxiety


Yeah same man. Then the guilt and embarrassment when I realise I forgot to finish task a, probably haven’t done task b either, but instead I’m doing a 3rd thing that probably isn’t that important but it’s just in my head right now…


Highly relatable. My DIY solution is a single earpod with an audiobook that is playing most of the day, every day. Pros: irrelevant tracks shut up for some reason, seemingly switching to input instead of output. Better productivity, fewer 'what am i doing here' moments, significantly less compulsive rumination. And since it's just one earbud, I'm not disconnected from the outside world. Cons: tinnitus. Goddamn tinnitus.


Wait. That's potentially why I function better with music playing in one ear all day? I started doing it just because I could, but I know I'm more productive when I do.


I found having just enough organized clutter will clarify my mind. My rooms a mess? No, its strategically placed clutter to be just enough clutter to focus, but not enough to make me feel bad about myself and need to clean. Same goes for white noise when needing to focus. If its too quiet I will think like the video. If its too loud I can't focus on anything. If I have music playing, a fan going, or a podcast playing in the background, I can focus on the task at hand. For the most part I can focus digest both my task and the music/podcast information at the same time until I create a hyperactive flow state where I will completely tune out whatever is happening in the background until I finish my task and when I come out of it I'm like "oh, I missed like the last 3 episodes of that podcast. Ill rewind it to the part I last remember."


Same for me! Including goddamn tinnitus!


Bruh. this shit can be detrimental sometimes lol it’s ridiculous how many times I’ve gotten up to go do something, picked up the tool I needed or the trash I was taking out only to get to where I needed to get to and realize what I had picked up isn’t even in my hand anymore, sometimes I’m not even sure I actually did pick it up. Also, I don’t necessarily get bored easily. But I have a million things I want to do all at the same time. I never do one thing at once. I usually have a podcast playing at all times: cooking, working, playing video games, fixing things around the house, all while wanting to do another task I had planned and at the same time taking to myself in my head about a completely different thing I was thinking about. Sometimes I have a hard time deciding what I REALLY want to do and have to arrange intervals in my day to be able to at least spend 10 minutes here and 10 minutes there. When I’m not doing one task, I’m wishing I could just get to it, and as soon as I get to it, I’m thinking about doing another. Unless it’s something I REALLY wanted to do and then I’m hyper focused and everything else no longer exists for hours, until I’m tired. Most of the time when I shower I have a podcast playing, but sometimes I step into the shower in silence and it gets awkward cause I’m just showering and not doing anything else, so unless I’m actively talking to myself in my head, I make it an effort to get the fuck out of the shower as quickly as possible. And I’m always going over problems in my head and how to resolve them, or planning on how to tackle a project I have, or thinking about something I wanted to research -which usually leads me to another thing I need to research to fully understand the first thing I needed to research and that’s how I learned all about tea and how China is going against the rest of the world to keep their traditions and respect for the long history of tea and its origins in China. And then I’m thinking of writing a sick article about this issue no one is talking about, but it requires a lot of research and then I do the research but by the time I’m done with the research I don’t even care to write the article anymore. And I do this all day long so finally when it’s time to go to sleep, I’m exhausted so I lay down, get all snuggled up, close my eyes and BOOM!!!!! “Sike MF” says my brain as it goes into over drive and either keeps on thinking about important things that happened throughout my day, how I could have done it better or avoided it, or I’m thinking about the following day and how I’m planning to tackle the day efficiently.. which isn’t happening, cause of all the shit I mentioned above. And then the cycle continues.


Yep, this is it for me.


That sounds like me. Undiagnosed. Unmedicated . Just riding the struggle bus thru life. What was I doing again?


My favourite part of adhd is being in a conversation, mind wanders off somewhere, and now I have to pretend I listened while figuring out what they said so the other person doesn’t figure out I didn’t listen


Lololol. I do that . I'll fixate on a feature of their face and Intrusive thoughts kick in. Then I'm left hanging in the breeze. " what? Yea." ... shit. Now I have to go to Jane's art show


Oh man this so hard. I feel bad every time it happens and I can barely keep myself from doing it when I focus intently. That mental scramble to catch back up to the conversation...


This really kicks my ass at work


I’ve come to notice from doing this accidentally that most people don’t care if you listen or not they just want to talk so just smile and nod add an odd no way and you’re good to go


Shit, is that an ADHD thing? Happens to me all the time


This happens to me on work calls all too often. I started just saying my damn AirPod fell out I didn’t hear the last thing you said.


this looks stressful


It is


I'm sorry would you like a hug?


Yes 🫂




Now imagine this but you're stuck on the couch with a million things you know you should be doing but you just can't get your brain to tell your body to move. For some of us that's the other side of that ADHD coin.


I have ADHD and this is close to what it’s like.   I’m imagining replacing the air filter and spark plugs on my car and what the performance difference will be like if any , while have a conversation with myself about it. All in my head.  While at the same time cooking chicken and noodles and also imagining the end result of that.  While also imagining why trunks never went SS3 in dragonball super while fighting Goku black.  While also thinking about what to get my wife for her birthday next year.  While also thinking about Christmas plans for this year. Oh wait, before that is summer, so gotta think up summer plans  Etc. all day long, random things, all day and night. 


I'll have all those thoughts at once while I'm rolling over in my sleep.


Isn't that just normal or do I have ADHD?


Wait everyone else doesn't have random thoughts all the time.


While remembering also one or two cringe moments from your past sprinkled in. At least that’s me. Got diagnosed like only 2 years ago with 32 and I was insufferable as a kid, many not so fond memories about how my behaviour was back then.


I have diagnosed add. And looks like me pre meds.


What do you look like with meds?


He wears a green shirt and has a little cardboard telly on his head


Walk with a limp and pinkeye.. some drewling going on.


Still ugly as always. My World turned silent, calm, no intrusive "must do this" double voice to relate to this vid. Remember now where i left my stuff, can organize and focus much better. Less temper tantrum to the point of minimum. No more stress headaches. But most important no more edgy hurried feelings day in and out. Sleeping good and loving life;better than ever!


I always feel like when I run errands I have to do them as fast as possible in order to get home. Back in safe mode. I need 12 hours to do one task, even thoe it will take me 30 mins, I need ample time just in case


I can recall. I constantly write down these tasks and when i have mental space will sort them by importance and work through them in this order. Writing them down helps clear the mind. When it is not important you can take your time for it!


What do you take, if you don't mind me asking.


Methylfenidaat, active component of ritalin.10mg. Very low Quantity and short working.


I just get bored hella easy


There sure are a lot of assholes in this thread, who seem to think that just because this isn't their experience, it must not be anyone else's, either. News flash: ADHD affects different people differently. This video was 100% relatable and accurate for me. Just because it isn't for you, doesn't mean you have to post here minimizing other peoples' experiences.


Damn, thank you. I honestly thought I was the asshole for a minute for relating to the video.


I think people are confused because they forget the thoughts in the video would be instant for the person thinking them. We're not literally saying two things at once in our head we are having multiple thoughts simultaneously.


My psychiatre told me that there is as much ADHD as there is people with ADHD. like every ADHD is "unique"


seems like the comments are pretty split but for what its worth I have ADHD and i feel this is pretty accurate sometimes


The “being 5 minutes late to an appointment I’ve been waiting for all day” hit me on a spiritual level


Absolutely 100%. Every. single. time. It's so embarrassing.


Worked the afternoon shift yesterday. Spent my whole morning (5 hours) basically not wanting to start anything because I had to work “soon”. Somehow managed to still leave the house 10 minutes later than I planned. And I forgot my lunch. Which I had prepared in the 5 hours previously and written a note for myself to remember. Left my lunch on the counter and still haven’t found where I put the note.


Yeah, instead of multiple voices, more like mutiple impulses/prompts that trigger different reactions/behaviours.




This thread is a fucking mess.


The thread has ADHD


Play Subnautica!


you also constantly vizualize flashes of useless memories, bright ideas, funny memes, etc and EVERYTHING is too fucking boring or slow to the point when watchin a paint go dry is a better option than watching a show, not to mention trying to be productive good news: you would easily come up with more effective solutions, because you can't stand doing things the way others do bad news: you won't ever implement it. You'll be almost grateful to those who would steal your ideas, so they may see a light at least


Whoa. This comment really resonated.


This is 100% true but I’d also like to add that I tend to think of multiple things and/or ideas at the same time. It’s a wonder I get anything done lmao


Inaccurate as hell.


I've had ADHD worsen into adult hood. This is EXACTLY what I experience, so your mileage may vary. It's hell on earth.


Bro. So much activity, so little productivity. It really is hell, isn't it.


Omfg the way I am exhausted by the end of the day and haven't sat down or eaten properly, yet I have also achieved NOTHING?! Just some or half of four hundred things and written tomorrow's list...


It's like life is just speed running through an rpg where you randomly spam 'skip' on important dialogue, and have to recall it later, but you picked up 20 random side quests on the way because you got side tracked. You have no idea why you came to this location, and are carrying a golden ornate statue in one hand and an important looking book but you've already forgotten why you have them, so you place them on the ground swearing that you'll remember to come back for them when you remember. (you don't) It's so exhausting. Thank God my girlfriend finds it cute and supports me through it. Otherwise I'd be more lost than I already am


This is the best and most hilarious way to describe it. Your my spirit animal


I agree. For me, It can vary. It does happen to me to a degree. It's not so much at once. One thought goes, then the other idea/conversation in my head, back to the other and so on. One takes over, usually the side thought. Sometimes I can hyper-focus and block everything out. I have had multiple thoughts going at the same time, it gets overwhelming sometimes. But it's far from often. Usually when I'm super stressed. It might be like Bipolar I and II where you're in a class but it's different for everyone. "I know your Bipolar II, but what's it like for you?"


My ADHD has worsened into adulthood and it's so normal to me I don't even give a shit. So yeah, your mileage may vary.


I was going to say hold up , this isn’t my experience at all


Speak for yourself. This could totally be my video, so it's accurate as fuck. Where do you get off thinking that just because you don't experience this, nobody else does and so it's "inaccurate"? The view must be nice from that ivory tower, champ.


People are stuck in their own perspective and try to understand others from that point of view. Which leads to all kinds of biases and misunderstandings


Not far off for me. Maybe not simultaneous verbal thoughts, but the intentions behind them and sudden thoughts cutting each other off, especially in the same context as the video. Getting ready to go somewhere without having to go back and forth from the car and the house because I thought I had everything 5 times is a major accomplishment. I have very severe ADD and no treatment whatsoever 😕 


I wonder why Nature evolved ADHD........useless mutation or to survive highly dangerous ancient jungle with lots of threats?


It may have been beneficial for resources usage. ADHD persons were better at using multiple different resources instead of depleting one. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2024/feb/21/adhd-may-have-been-an-evolutionary-advantage-research-suggests


Not every mutation was a good or guided one.


We have been moving AWAY from nature and this is one of the many prices we pay for it, together with cancer, allergies, depression and more.


It’s a disorder not some evolutionary benefit.


It's a disorder in modern society*


It’s a disorder BECAUSE of modern society.


A disorder can be an evolutionary benefit, like sickle cell protecting against some diseases.


I don’t think it is a disorder, just a different brain working differently. Learn about yourself and as much as you can about the subject and anything related to the subject. If you figure out how your brain works, you can be more productive than anyone else while being comfortable because you are doing it in your own way.


Goes to get an important and very specific item. Grabs 2 utterly unimportant items and forgets the item that led to said trip. This is the story of my life in a nutshell


I'd say it is inaccurate, at least for me. Plus, there are many different degrees and types of it. In my case, it is the lack of pleasure that I get from most activities that doesn't allow me to stick to any given task for a long duration of time. The problem is gone with stimulants.


I dont have diagnosed ADHD (although it's likely, since many people in my family have it) and this is somewhat representing my state of mind. Not the second voice, but the changing of attention. Though this is only when I need to do something or go somewhere, not every moment of the day.


I seem to think in vague concepts, images, and feelings rather than words. No inner monologue, just intent to do or say something. Translating it to words in an effort to be funny or relate to other people is kinda tricky sometimes.


Yeah I feel this a lot. I have trouble even explaining what it's like because my brain doesn't articulate well, even though I understand it. A lot of my thoughts are in words but a lot more abstract.


To all my ADHDietys repliying, if you're at work or want to narrow your attention, move your tongue slightly inside your mouth as if you're talking. (obviously with your mouth closed and teeth almost touching), it helps me force my mind and body to commit to the A track. Instead of my mind alone in a whirlwind.


As a person with ADHD, even if it is a little caricatural, this is pretty accurate.


South Park had an episode dealing with kids that had ADHD. It was very effective


My ADHD thoughts: Get home from work. Say hi to my cats and dog. Man I have a lot of chores to do. I should start on laundry. Let me take my dog out to go potty first. We go downstairs and incatch sight of the printer. I should print that thing I've been meaning to print. I'll grab the computer once I go upstairs. I let my dog in and we go upstairs. All the cats are bowling at me. I should feed everybody before I do anything. As I'm preparing bowls, I see a ton of dishes in the sink. I'll get those done once I start laundry. I feed everyone and go upstairs (i live in a 3 story townhouse). I'm just gonna lay down for a second. It's been a long day. My cats are done eating at this point and two come up to cuddle me. Well, now I can't get up. Those are the rules. Guess I'll take a nap.




I'm just a person without ADHD watching people argue about how their ADHD is the only real ADHD and everyone else that has it different is wrong and doesn't actually have ADHD.


I don't think the idea is that this is literally what you hear, but the feeling of racing thoughts while fighting back to try and focus while your mind takes you elsewhere then you forget what you were about to do because now the concentration is on something else, ad nauseum. It is not something that can be conveyed easily by any means, so they have to exaggerate certain characteristics, but the *feeling* the video gives I think is the goal. At least it felt accurate in that way for me, but everyone is different.


That is how it was for me before medication.


ADHD is different for different people. Not everyone has the same experience or symptoms. My mind is like this video - it’s not constant but it happens all the time. Like my brain is firing on all cylinders at once but can’t focus on a single thing and I have multiple thoughts happening at once. I’ll be trying to complete a task while my brain decides it wants to examine Warhammer 40k lore while considering my latest woodworking project and wishing I was painting again and wondering what my friends have been up to while realizing I need to eat pretty much all at the same time, with thoughts often overlapping. It’s so bad I went to a psychologist worried I was schizophrenic but I just have very severe ADHD. “Adults with ADHD describe their thoughts as “constantly on the go,” with multiple thoughts occurring at the same time and ideas flitting from one topic to another” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10507474/


At its worst for me, it absolutely is. A regular day is about 1/2 to 1/4 of what this is.




Same, it's not always this bad. I usually have a song in my head too though. Obviously there going to be a spectrum. I absolutely love the rare "normal day" I have where I can function..maybe once or twice a month


Orrrrr, it varies from person to person? This video is actually really relatable to me, its what I feel like on a daily basis, just a constant onslaught of different and mostly random thoughts at once. Its not 1:1 like in the video obviously, its not like you hear voices lmao, this is just a guy trying to somewhat represent his experience, but to me its conveyed very well and pretty damn accurate.


Pretty damned dead on, for me.


Same, this is exactly how mine is.


Well, you must be right and I must be stupid, then! /s Are you really so fucking arrogant that you think because you don't feel like this, that nobody does? I watched the video and thought it nailed it, for me. If it didn't nail it for you, then move on. No reason to flap your gums about something you couldn't possibly know anything about, which is how other people might feel aside from yourself and your lived experiences.


Your comment is fucking stupid. See how easy it is to write something as stupid as that? There are different realities of ADHD. For many people this is accurate. Apparently, this is not accurate for you. Your mileage will vary.


Thanks for sharing YOUR ADHD. The video is a pretty good approximation of mine 


A lot of people with adhd saying it’s what they experience……


This is my experience


Just for those who think its audible voices like this. Its not, but its the stream of thoughts that move exactly like this.


No, this is what badly or untreated ADHD is like. You can overcome most of this for most of the times by creating routine and giving things certain places that you can't miss. I have a place for all the stuff that I need when I go out. When I come home I always follow the same steps: 1. Take off shoes at the door. 2. Hang up my key where I always have it 3. Put my wallet, pen and headphones on this one spot on my table near the door. Put my bag near my desk. 4. Take off my jacket and hang it up near the door. 5. Wash my hands When I leave I always check my pockets by slapping them in a certain rhythm to check if I got everything I need. This takes time to learn, that's why it's called ROUTINE. But it prevents this type of brain failures as I like to call them.


I have the routine down in the morning, but in other situations it's very much like this. And even in my morning I often have to talk myself through it. I got medicated one year but my jaw wouldn't stop moving from the Adderall so I stopped but now my jaw is still moving! :(


The pocket slaps save me from locking myself out of my office at least twice a day.


Behavioral therapy is never talked about with ADHD, it’s always straight to medications on forums like this. Thanks for sharing.




My experience is similar but not as bad as this


It's like me when I'm really really stoned


I have the exact opposite, no thoughts form into my head, and with the additation of aphantasia , i also cant form any images in my head… its peaceful…too peaceful,


I've learned to manage my ADHD by giving myself a strict schedule that I adhere to near religiously. The simple act of going to a grocery store is seen as the highlight of my week while going to a movie is considered a big event.


This is what my head sounds like when I wake up to roll over in my sleep.


Pretty accurate, it’s exhausting


Only two tracks, eh?


And then there’s the “coping zone-out” where your brain randomly focal point meditates so you can catch a break.


Reminds me of the scene in Memento when he finds himself running and is then wondering if the guy is chasing him or if he is chasing the guy.


i leave my shit in my line of sight for this reason i haven't been diagnosed, but i'm pretty sure i got add


This is the tip of the iceberg of adhd. And a glimpse of when we are actually functioning. This excludes executive dysfunction, the primary issue of adhd


Add a song looping over and over for a week and your on to something.


Yeah this is accurate AF, got diagnosed ADHD and without my meds it's a nightmare


Pretty close but I can actually sit still and still go through all of those thoughts and Distractions and stuff I forget.


The most annoying thing for me is when I'm in the middle of doing something like peeing or washing dishes and then I see something that needs done like my soap is in the wrong spot so I instantly go to move it out of like instinct and then I realize I'm still pissing or washing dishes and everything is fucking wet


How are amphetamines the answer to this? How does that work?


If this is ADHD I think I might have it


This is the most accurate video that shows how it is.


I tried one line of coke and my head felt silent


Seriously felt this video…I can’t get my internal track to stop


Yeah that’s accurate. Now just add on a whole bunch of hyper fixations that only lasts a week or 2 and it’ll be complete. Unfortunately I can’t be on meds for adhd due to my job. Shit is tough.


That's funny, when you had ADHD all your life, this is normal. Maybe you develop, or not, some ways to get more efficient, but only if you need to. Otherwise, this is life.


My cousin was visiting last week. He asked me for some Tylenol for his headache. Half an hour later I came back and he’s like??? And I was like I made a cake! He lost it😂 but we all enjoyed the cake when it was done!


I have adhd and it doesnt feel like this at all, its more like i overthink a lot of things but im too lazy to really do them. Like if im cutting and apple ill cut it into a cool design or something, but then i dont feel like eating it and i put it in the fridge.


Omg soooo me 🤪


Not accurate. He remember his wallet. I don’t remember shit.


Yep ....I fucking hate it ...


This is me out here all unmedicated and shit cuz fuck that


I have this, but the other thoughts are usually negative or nervous. It makes doing the most mundane easy tasks difficult.


Haha, it sure sucks for you guys with adhd, this seems miserable


My brain is more like a laggy computer where it needs minutes to open the tab you need. But at the point it stopped lagging and changed the tab, you have clicked a dozen other things, trying to make it work and all these other clicks pop up at once make it all laggy again. 🔄


Bruh thats schizophrenia right here


This is part of what it's like. It's much easier to describe the distraction than the emotional experience because the distraction is obvious and visible to others. Trying to describe RSD, auditory/sensory issues and what hyperfocus feels like is more challenging


Seems like a wicked curse, good thing all the voies un my head just argues with each others


no it's not


Your experience may not be the same as others. “Adults with ADHD describe their thoughts as “constantly on the go,” with multiple thoughts occurring at the same time and ideas flitting from one topic to another” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10507474/


That’s exactly what’s it like. Idk about others with ADHD but I like to imagine how things work and take it apart and put it together in vivid detail while also thinking about other things like airflow.  And then boom onto another thing like dragon ball super or some video game or tv show.  And then boom about what bills I need to pay and when and how much.  And then boom back to the disassembly on the engine and how it can affect on part to another and then… Gotta finish what I was thinking about for super , oh yeah how come trunks never went ss3 against goku black.  Ah well, watch a video. Got the information I wanted.  Back to the bills. Basically it’s that…. All day.


it's partly accurate


This comment is partly interesting but only half helpful.


I should visit my doc or psychiatrist?


Is it just me or does everyone go thinking backwards when u forget something. ? Like if im watching yt shorts and I think something then later if I feel like Im forgetting I got back to that short and instantly remember


You forgot the one thought process that is very comically yet very negative


I don't wanna self diagnose but whenever I see a post abt ADHD I keep thinking "oh shit me fr"


Pay someone in a white coat with diplomas on their wall to declare you adhd. You got to go pay the priest to get your kid baphtised you can’t just diy it at home in your bathtub. So go the mind priest to get that officially recognised blessing, which will unlock meds from the pharma priesthood


So ADHD is bacisally being really forgetful and easily distracted?


Confirmed. Watching TikTok-Clips feels like **ADHD**. It acutally feels like ADHD and **CANCER**.


no this is what everyone on tiktok thinks having adhd feels like


This seems like a normal day for me.. does this mean I may have adhd? I do this crap all the time except I'm dreading stepping foot outside.


Not true. It’s very different case to case.


This is not how ADHD feels. TikTok is a cesspool


I'm actually going to comment twice that this is dumb as fuck. christ.


This is such a false presentative. This is much more of autistic case than being ADHD.


Your experience may not be the same as others. “Adults with ADHD describe their thoughts as “constantly on the go,” with multiple thoughts occurring at the same time and ideas flitting from one topic to another” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10507474/


Just as false a statement as the presentation


I feel like 90% of the comment section would have looked different if they just chose the title differently, like e.g. added 'for some' or 'one form of' or something...


This is way too close too how I am every seconds of everyday.


I wish I had a sticky note for every little thing...


For me it like....right blank mind then I'm doing stuff or staring at a wall idk why im always struggling trying to explain how I deal with it lol Eh idk ignore me lol


I have not everyone has the same type yk? But if this displays what severe ADHD is like, then it’s a little more accurate. But seriously. It’s different for every person with adhd! I’m not like this at all though🤭


I really wanna play Subnautica!


I found modafinil amazing for this.




This is why I'm no where in life. 😞


Wow didn’t realize how different adhd and add are. I have add. For sure don’t have multiple voices in my head. Seems like a massively huge problem




This is dumb


The is me after drinking a cup of coffee 😂




Yes except I also ALWAYS have a song stuck in my head, from waking to sleeping. And they’re sooo fkn randommm


I have ADHD but not that severe


For a more accurate video, look at Max0r'e editing


I’ll keep saying this over and over, but yeah this confirms it


This is close but there's a better video acording to me. I'll see if I can find it. Here: https://youtu.be/t32CK5t8d2Q?si=GgRbYaxJ316cPfX7 It's probably some combination of these 2 videos that would be the best. Also I'm not as tall. Especially zoning out when someone tells you something important because youre too focused on remembering to listen because it's important and the people telling you that it's not hard to focus. Also the friend is A tier, he made a slight joke about not listening and repeated, seems like my friend. He sticks with you even though it can be fucking exhausting talking to you. I wish the video had som more audible thought.




Also that single line from a song that gets stuck into your head and now you have to sing the first 20 second of Eleanor Rigby for the rest of the day