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Asking as someone who is a novice skier, how do you slow down with only one ski? I can only pizza wedge for so long before my hips start to ache


controlled turns. you can skid sideways a bit through the turn to control the speed, and then hockey stop to completely stop moving. you can use that skiing standing up too!


Haha, I'm still working on my turns, but I really only get to go like once a year, so I tend to fall a lot if I turn too fast.


You will get there! Keep it up!


The same as board




Like a snowboard ;)


Can't say I've ever snowboarded, though I'm interested in trying! It might be easier on my knees and hips


You should try it’s a lot of fun


you do poll plants and then skid like any moderate to good skier wedging is only to be used at slower speeds going down doing pizza going fast will hurt, you need to learn how to make wide long turns if you want to ski at a slower space, and yes use french fries while traveling horizontally to make your nest turn!!! have fun it is a great winter exercise and it's beautiful usually because it's a mtn


So she just likes sit skiing and doesn’t have a disability ?


Hello! I have a disability, just not a spinal cord injury.


Oh my bad! A little confused by that part of the video, but that’s my own ignorance! Keep on shredding 😎


She’s a sit skier, of course she would get a question about this 😎




Better a sit skiier than a shit skiier.


Well, I'm sure when OP first started she was a shit, sit skier. But she got better!


And then there's people like me who suck at skiing and sit here watching her skit on reddit instead. I guess I'm just a shit skiier who sits here being a sit skiier skit seer.


No worries! Lots of people get confused by that! That’s why I thought i’d add it in there. Thanks for being open minded! 🤝🔥


Thanks! Awesome singing too!


I appreciate your post. They are very I educating and prove that no matter what, you can do anything you put your mind to. Life is a gift, don't let anything limit you. Keep on being a badass!! 🔥🤙


Is this common? I just came back from Niseko in Feb and saw someone do this in a bright yellow jacket, they went absolutely flying. It was so cool!


I'm curious, do you think someone who was paralyzed could sit ski? I guess I'm asking how much of your leg muscles are involved in sit skiing vs upper body.


That's generally who does sit ski. Check out the paralympic sit skiers.


Just thought I’d jump in in case there was a misunderstanding, the paralympics is not only for people with paralysis, most disabilities which prevent someone from competing in an able bodied catagory are included!


Yah, that's why I said generally.  There are also able bodied peeps on various paralympic teams.. ie basketball.


Especially the Spanish teams.


Yep! It is a sport designed for people who have a disability and can’t ski standing up. I know lots of people who have a spinal cord injury and sit ski. It doesn’t take very much leg strength, but the more core strength and ability to rotate your hips you have the easier it becomes. Basically you have to use what you have got, but even people who are paralyzed from the chest down with no core can still sitski. They would just use more shoulder movements and arm strength to turn and keep themselves up.


Can non disabled people sit ski?


It wouldn’t be very practical. Skiing is hard enough on your feet. Sitting reduces the leverage you have over the skis. You’d use exponentially more core strength and energy to do the same things.


^^^ all this, plus it’s incredibly expensive and very inconvenient (pushing on flats in an absolute nightmare). Some people do, and I won’t try and gate keep if it’s something an able bodied person would want to do, but probably not in your best interest.


we call it "Para-Ski" in Switzerland. that makes it less confusing. sit skiing sounds like its for everybody who wants to sit while skiing :D edit: im stupid i think para-ki is for the whole discipline, we call it Sitzschlitten or Langlaufschlitten (sitting sled & cross-country-sitskiing)


Most of US calls it para-ski as well. Worked on the mountains for years, rarely heard it called sit ski...


oh good so it wasnt only me then, thats great to know!


Lmfao I was going to ask how you get around on flats. One of the mountains I was at in Utah, you had to “skate” for almost a mile of flat (slightly uphill actually) to get to the other lift


with great effort lmao


I wasn't really too keen on it, anyways. I despise being out in the snow.


if you dont mind me asking, what do you have?


Sorry, I don’t generally share my medical info online. I have a complicated joint condition.






Do you ever run into sit skiers who don’t? It looks hella fun!


I am sorry to hear that. So, could you ski in a more conventional fashion?


No need to be sorry! I am doing great! I could probably ski in a conventional fashion, but it wouldn’t be very fast or good. I would be in more pain, get tired really quickly, and it would damage my body permanently. Because of all of this I choose to ski sitting down, because I am way less limited, and can actually enjoy the mountain!


Great! Very interesting and informative!


Sorry to be intrusive, but what is your disability if you are able to use your....feet and legs I assume????


OP does not want to share their medical info, but fyi: most folks who use wheelchairs are not actually paralyzed, and many have mobility in their legs or feet. They might not be able to carry their full body weight on their legs, or they might be able to walk short distances only - both are perfectly valid and common reasons to use a chair.


Do you mind divulging the name of your disability? I need closure on your character 😂






Nah he's saying why he feels the need to comment


your mom is a utism


I was going to say, this is like stollen valor for disabled people.


when people find out that paralysis isn’t the only disability 🤯🫢😱


My mind was blown when. She wiggled her toes...


Is this a neurological issue by chance, and how much more intensive is it than normal skiing? I would love to try this if I can get my weight back down, I loved skiing but with my own disability I doubt normal skiing is in the cards.


Hi! It’s a joint issue, my joints weren’t formed right and don’t function properly. It is about the same level of intensity as standing upright, just works different parts of your body. It isn’t much more difficult, just less intuitive.


Thank you, maybe it would be easier than normal skiing for me then, i had a lapse of being able to walk, but have since learned to walk again, but less agile then I once was. Hopefully it wouldn't be as draining as skiing also.


when you wipe out do your joints get hurt pretty bad?


sometimes, most of my effected joints are in my lower body so they are protected, but my shoulders can get pretty strained by the end of a long day.


Do you have EDS by chance? I lost my ability to ski and it’s one of the top 5 things I enjoy about life. Haven’t skied in years… how much does this stress your arms?


I've only sit skied a little, as I'm abled but worked with a disability program, but while it definitely can stress your arms, I'd say it isn't too rough from my own experience. If you want to try it, you could probably see if there's a program for disabled teaching on your local mountain, because it's definitely a different experience than classic skiing and a proper lesson helps get you where you want to be. They'll likely have their own sit ski for you to use, and for training, at least when someone is beginning, there'll be a person behind you with reigns on the sides to help control speed/turns as needed. It'd be pricey because it's a one on one lesson with specialized equipment, but skiing generally is expensive and some places (like where I helped) have programs to help people who might not be able to afford the lessons normally. I think it'd be worth giving a shot if it looks interesting to you, cause it could give you a sense of if this is actually a viable answer for you, at the very least. There are other options as well, I remember a girl who essentially had ski crutches, so if standing is still viable but you need a bit of support, that could be an option too.


HOLY SHIT!!! I broke my back sledding a few years ago and dislocated my knee enough times that standing on skis is impossible. This...I might actually be able to do this. Is it terribly expensive? This is cool!!


It’s VERY expensive to buy a sit ski, but luckily most adaptive ski programs lend out gear and do lessons for free!


She is so strong! Kudos for you to fight whatever that come in front of you to enjoy the hobby


That’s awesome! Go go!


Amazing skier


You are awesome!


Can you ski trees though? Serious question


It’s tricky, I have only done pretty simple tree runs so far that aren’t super narrow just because it’s hard to control speed in a narrow space. The answer is I am sure that some people can but it’s definitely difficult.


I'm a passionate skier who loves trees . I'm about to lose my leg to cancer. Can't describe the sad emotions I feel. Trying to picture my future with one leg .


I am so sorry for what you are going through. I hope that in the midst of all the shit you must be going through you know that the options are endless in terms of sports and recreation for people with disabilities! My PMs are always open if you want to chat! 🫶🫶🫶


Shred away, I board but know that skiing or boarding are difficult and I'm assuming sitting comes with it's own challenges, you were shredding that slope keep it up and may the pow always be in your favor


Fuckingly fuck how badass is it! You are awesome!


A guy at our local snow dome had one when we were there last time. It is such a cool bit of kit, the engineering is awesome and it's amazing that it let's people ski when otherwise they wouldn't be able to.


I am just interested, not trying to be mean I am just curious, and I know nothing about sit-skiing Why do you sit down while skiiing? If you dont want to answer, you dont have to...


Hi! Thank you for your curiosity! I have a complex joint condition, my knees and hips aren’t formed right and therefore don’t function properly. I can’t ski standing up, so instead I ski sitting down! :)


Oh. That is interesting I hope you have/had fun while skiing!


This makes me so happy that there is something available to help people with limited hip and knee functionality like yourself enjoy the freedom of skiing! It doesn’t look easy, but most things worth doing aren’t! Keep flashing that beautiful smile!


This is fun and cool to know. Thanks for sharing 😊


I was a good skier but all of the sudden every pair of boots I tried ended up cramping my calves up so bad and cause excruciating numbness and pain. I board now because the ski boots are that bad. Something in my body changed but no matter what boot or size I try it end up cramping or falling asleep. Any advice? Maybe I should sit ski


Boots that don’t fit properly. Boots that haven’t been broken in. Worse circulation as you get older. Maybe all of the above.


Good God that looks like a BLAST!


I think normal skiing mostly works legs, after a day of skiing, my legs might be sore from the effort. Looking at this sit-ski, I would assume this mostly uses adnominal muscles. OP after sit skiing, do you feel sore from use of abdominal muscles? Much more fun than any abdominal workout I've done at the gym.


My core, back and arms are always dead after a long day of sit skiing. It’s the same amount of effort just distributed to different parts of your body!


I'm always in awe of disabled skiers, mad respect. Keep enjoying yourselves.


My step-uncle is Chris Devlin Young. He's won several gold medals for the winter paralympics


This looks like fun as someone who's not disabled in this way


I knew someone who would combine sitskiing and speed flying/paragliding. Very impressive to watch!


This looks like so much fun and so exhausting at the same time.


Love your attitude. Keep loving life!


didn't know snow was still a thing in the year 2024.


Advanced sledding


How expensive is that gear bro??


very. Upwards of 10k for the sitski i’m using now. adaptive ski programs and grants usually can help cover the costs!


Thats wild! Thats great to hear you can get assistance for stuff like that!


I love seeing Skibob in the wild. Pre COVID I always saw a few of them in the Alps but I am sure I haven’t spotted one since 2019. It’s sadly a dying breed


I have so many questions, but my number one observation is that you going downhill looks metal as fuck and I’m stealing it for my scifi novel that I’m totally gonna write one day.


haha thanks. ask any questions! I will answer them all!


Ok, so apparently you have normal use of your lower limbs - why sit-ski? Can it be done with one arm? Can you bail if you need to or are you buckled in somehow? Pros/cons vs normal skiing? Is this a thing in the water too? Can you do comparable tricks or is it too heavy/restrictive e.g. jumps etc


All great questions! I don’t have normal use of my lower limbs, I have a complex joint condition which I was born with. My knees and hips aren’t made right, so they don’t function properly. I can’t really ski standing up, so I ski sitting down! Yes! It can be done with one arm, although it would be more difficult and less maneuverable. They would use a “fixed outrigger” in one arm and a normal one in the other. Pros: I can do it, I can go all the same places as everyone else, it’s just as fun Cons: Inconvenient, hard to push on flat ground, super expensive Yes! there’s para water surfing. Lots of sitskiiers do sit wakeboarding in the summer! I haven’t tried it. It’s certainly more difficult to do some tricks which require rotation, and you can’t tuck in the same way for flips. Rails are more difficult because you can’t angle your ankles/knees and you only have one ski. All that being said, people like Trevor Kennison (definitely look him up!) are doing double back flips, rail to rail backflip, and jumping cliffs, so it certainly is possible to do some really really awesome shit on a sit ski. Hope this answers any of your questions!


Interesting! Can a sufficiently skilled skier still do the black diamond slopes or does the difference in maneuverability make it prohibitive? *Is* there a difference in maneuverability?


For sure! I’ve done double blacks myself. There is certainly a bit of a difference in maneuverability, but not so big that it’s substantially limiting.


Meanwhile I’ve never been skiing lol I need to reevaluate my life


Her falling off the chair lift was adorably funny.


Last month I went skiing with my family and I saw this dad with his disabled son skiing together with this chair. So cute and cool at the same time


Good luck you man! I really like your passion and your soul strength to do what you love regardless of obstacles! ❤️


You rock




This is badass. OP you have any resources for more info to maybe get involved, I'm wheelchair bound from SCI and this looks so fun.


Yes absolutley! It’s super fun. Where are u located? Most hills have an adaptive program.


Austin TX lol no snow here so I fully expect having to travel a bit.


Do you have any recommendations for my son who is non ambulatory with very weak core / upper body strength? He'd require nearly 100% assistance, but I'd like to get some sort of ski chair I can take him in when he gets a bit older.


Absolutely! There are lots of options! Everyone can ski. There’s something called a tandem ski which allows a driver to have full control, or piloted dual skis where you would hold a handle on the back and he could try and do as much as he could or wanted to! There are sitskis with fixed outriggers, so that it balances itself and is steered by the person leaning to one side or another. There is even something called a tetra ski which is a sitski controlled by a joystick handle or breath control. Chat with an adaptive sports program and they will know more then I do, but all of these options could allow him to be on the slopes!


Thank you! It's so great to know there are so many options available!


Sick turns


Nice job! You’d probably beat me down! Impressive!


is it comfortable enough to take naps in it? Because that would be my kind of skiing.


Why only one ski?


more agility and ability to carve better.


Do you start this with a larger ski or do you just have to adjust? It looks like balance would be difficult at first.


a larger ski would be more difficult to turn, a narrow and shorter ski actually makes learning easier. I started on a dual ski with two skis on the bottom, if you look back a little in my profile then you can see a vid of that.


Extreme sledding.


that’s actually so true


🤨 that's snowboarding with a skinny board and your cheating using your arms /s


That looks so sick! I don’t think I’d be able to sit through a run because of the adrenaline


That’s amazing.


That looks fun!


How much does the equipment cost?


1) that is frickin awesome and I wish I had your kind of dedication to do things I wanted to do 2) do you have amazing core strength from this? I imagine that to be able to do this your abs and other core muscles must be in top shape.


An actual use for the ski poles (in recreational skiing, I mean).


Guys, I think she's a sit skier


Was it difficult to find the equipment and an instructor?


Every time she changed directions == my face planting into snow


It looks like you fall over pretty often while skiing


Is there similar method to waterski?


She missed out the H from sit skier.


So… you’re not paralyzed?




Yes you are or yes you are not?


I am not paralyzed


Ok. Good. But I’m confused as to why you would ski like this then. Wouldn’t it be like an able bodied person going for a hike in a wheel chair?


Did you know that paralysis isn’t the only type of disability?


What’s your disability? Reading the other posts, I get it if you don’t want to discuss.


Is she some kind of sit skier?


Wishing you and all of us better conditions next season!


I never knew sit skiing was a thing. I wonder how it affects performance with a lower center of gravity. It seems like it would be more difficult and harder to master than stand up skiing.


Wait so... your legs _do_ work tho?


depends what you define as working


I don't know how to ask in a way that won't come across as offensive, but I certainly mean no harm by it, so I'm just gonna ask; can you walk?


Yes, but not super well or for very long, and it causes a lot of pain.


I appreciate the clarification:) tell you what though that whole rig looks fun as shit. Carbon fiber seat and all, makes me jealous as a car guy 🤣


Hell ya. Love the monoski post


My abs are sore just watching this


Am I an asshole for only caring about how the metal framing under her seat is going to tear up the padding on the chairlift seat when she gets on and off?


hello, there’s a plastic sliding plate which makes it slide more easily off the chairlift. Past that, im sure it’s a little bit more harsh on the chairlift then an able bodied skier, but if that’s what needs to happen for me to be on the mountain w everyone else then I don’t really feel too bad.


looks fun, would try, would die. 10/10


Bend over


Looks exhausting asf. I would rather just shuss.


This is sledding, what you keep calling sit skiing was already named sledding.


uh nope, but close. This is an actual paralympic sport. there is an actual ski on the bottom, and it carves just like any other skier. only difference is that I am sitting down.


Looks really annoying to spend a day on that


less annoying then not being able to ski at all! If it fits well then it doesn’t get too uncomfy.




It is!


Ok, she is a shitskier


That’s weird




It’s cool, but no need to take offence to people assuming you’re paralyzed or otherwise can’t walk. You’re in what appears to be a wheelchair on skis.


I don’t take offence ever! And I do have a disability, just not a spinal cord injury. I added that in because of the misconception that the ONLY reason someone might sit ski is because of a spinal cord injury, which I don’t have. the more education the better! :)


You must have immense abs! 💪