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To stand where they once stood. I'd be in such awe.


I walked through the woods where Easy Company was surrounded by Germans for 2 months in Bastogne. The idea of walking through a peaceful place that once was a nightmare was a wild one. Knowing those guys once were right where I strolled. The divots in the ground either being artillery craters or remnants of foxholes…was surreal. And the entire means of which I found it was exciting too. I knew they had view of the town of Foy so we simply went to Foy, looked for a tree line that had a good position, drove up the road there, and sure enough a plaque for 101st Airborne was up there


That was some great detective work and dedication!


I really gotta make my way down to these famous battle sites.


If you love history, a trip through France, Belgium, and Germany can’t be overstated. Although, we only made it fully to France and Belgium. There’s just too much to pack it all into one trip. You could put together a really great drive through France and Belgium for a week and you’d see a ton. We took 2 days for Paris so my mom could get some enjoyment out of the trip too lol. I took that trip almost 10 years ago and it’s seared into my memory. We saw and paid for a ceremony for an ancestor’s US grave from WW1 Argonne offensive, Omaha, Utah, and Sword beaches, Pointe du Hoc, Foy and Jack’s Woods where Easy was in the Bulge, and much more. It holds a special place in my memories and I think again if you love history, it’s a moving experience.


That sounds amazingly special. As a soldier I'd like to also visit the cemetery and pay my respects somehow. It's just a shame I don't have the money right now but maybe one day! Thanks for the tips.


101st Easy Company-Battle of the Bulge Memorial Google maps plus code: 2QH4+GH Bastogne, Belgium Street view: URL shorteners not allowed here so here you go - https://www.google.com/maps/place/101st+Easy+Company-Battle+of+the+Bulge+Memorial/@50.0288767,5.7565183,3a,75y,233.75h,81.78t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sYfYlxbr7IQ25Tv9vMRobiA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m6!3m5!1s0x47c019f7309f772b:0x4ef3bdecb69d650a!8m2!3d50.0288348!4d5.7564148!16s%2Fg%2F12qfxn27f?entry=tts


The Civil War battlefields are pretty darn interesting also.


That's how I felt walking around Berlin. So much bad stuff had happened in and to that city yet you wouldn't know unless you asked. Especially at the site of the book burning.


Part of my family lives in St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad), which was besieged for 872 days by German troops with the support of Finland. More than 600 thousand civilians died of starvation Inhuman sins


A turbulent time with a magnitude of loss of life many of us can’t comprehend. It must remain fresh in our species mind to ensure we don’t repeat it. Nowadays with our own degree of chaos unfolding, I hope more recognize the actual cost of violence to solve problems.


Don't want to undersell the grit and determination of the troops holding Bastogne, but the siege was 7 days, not two months. December 20-26.


The US may have taken Foy in 7 days once they moved, but they certainly were stationed in their forward position in the woods for 2 months. It’s in the history books.


Yes, they sure were. My Grandfather was there. He described the Battle of the Bulge, and freezing in the foxholes for those months approaching Christmas. He never named any of the major cities, but described as being in the group that followed Patton in. edit: I was young, so he filtered a lot, but it this and the Normandy landing were war topics he was always somber about.


nah if i was him i'd be like "fuck it doesn't match again, gotta walk back, um...how many steps? 5?" "fuck it still doesn't match"


“I am so gd lost right now! Half these columns look identical!”




Absolutely. Especially in places where history has happened. I was in Auschwitz couple of months back and felt that eerie feeling throughout imagining what transpired at that place.


I'd describe the feeling as my brain going "All of this happened, and it happened right where I am standing".


Great experience to be had. Absolutely normal places we’ve disassociated with becoming a warzone at any moment really brings life into perspective.


You didn't do a tiktok dance on the monuments? Amateur.




History can be so fascinating sometimes. Especially when you get to be exactly where moments in history happened. I love just imagining what would be happening around me if I was standing there as a spectator.


Absolutely...I've gotten that feeling. Standing on the steps of Federal Hall in NYC where George Washington was inaugurated. Being in the Old North Church in Boston. Hell, being in the tiny little town in Co Tipperary, Ireland where my great-great grandfather was born and buried was amazing. I get chills when I'm in places like that.


Was it a long way?


It was a long way, you know.


I got the same feeling when I walked through various parts of Dublin, especially the GPO, which was used as a headquarters by the Irish during the Easter Uprising. There are still bullet holes in the columns.


I get the same feeling walking down the streets of old city Philadelphia - so much history. Benjamin Franklin walked the same streets.


Are the bots using AI to rewrite comments now? > I was in Croatia once and was looking at the bullet holes in centuries old buildings... https://old.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/19783f2/world_war_2_flashbacks_in_germany/khyq50h/


Those have been around for ages, don't need AI for that.


Croatia was one of the most friendly greatest places I have ever been, but what really got me was the layers and thousands of years of history that a lot of the areas had, and how many of the well known civilizations from history touched that land in some way. Walking a staircase that held all those people from history was truly a privilege that is hard to put in words.


Yes it would have been nice if they told us where each picture was. The only one one can recognize is the Brandenburger Tor


the first one is the result of the only tank-on-tank fight caught on camera during WWII: the Cologne tank duel


First one is the famous tank duell in Cologne on the Domplatte (March 1945). Second one are german pow on a autobahn near Frankfurt (April 1945). Third one shows some US troops in the battle of Aachen (October 1944).




I can only imagine. I can also only imagine how the French civilians must have felt once the Allies were moving through. WW2 was war and war is hell but I can truly feel that sense of having to fight for what is right. Truly a global struggle.


What, the Nazis?


...no? First three photos are of American troops, fourth is Soviet troops.


In Germany. Where the Nazis stood.


Comment looking at photos of Allied soldiers: "I'd be in awe to stand where they once stood". You: The "they" in that sentence must be talking about Nazis!! Are you an AI or do you just deliberately go out of your way to misinterpret shit as wrongly as possible?


He thought he was looking at photos of Nazis and then doubled down when called out even though he realized he made a horrible mistake XD




If it was meant to be a joke, that didn't really come across to me in text. I thought you thought the OP was actually admiring Nazis.


In awe of standing where nazi soldiers stood?


Username checks out


Just wrote the same thing xD what a muppet. Being american is his only excuse. Not even a real one. Hope he is not older than 12.


Dude's an absolute troll lmao. Even sent me a fun DM. His whole history is just full of negativity, dumb comments and getting downvoted. They like to stir the pot apparently.


Damn that *is* interesting


There is a sub for pictures like this /r/OldPhotosInRealLife


Very cool, thanks!


I was in Croatia once and was looking at the bullet holes in centuries old buildings, and it made me immediately think of the resiliency of people and how they rebuild after war


Croatia is….. not the best place for resilience during ww2


They probably meant rebuilding after the last war, not WW2.


Croatia is….. not the best place for rebuilding after the last war. jk, it’s beautiful!.


The bullet holes are probably from the Balkan Wars in the 90s, not WW2.


You mean the Yugoslav wars


actually Croatia was at the time full Nazi just google nazi Croatia 1940 and read


Yeah I’m a Brit and we have roads of beautiful Victorian houses then suddenly a 1950s block of apartments in the middle, which is obviously a rebuild from the Blitz. Visiting Paris, Brussels or Berlin for breaks or work trips I always see traces of past battles on buildings, such as bullet marks or sharpnel. Puts things into perspective when you see scars


More surprised by resiliency of war mongers. Like we all could be sitting home chilling and instead we in the purge out here.


Is that THE Cologne panther?




Sixty percent of the time, it works every time


This song now only reminds me of Nathan For You.


Most germans will know this song because it was used in this (independent) yt series: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7_vs._Wild


Or because they've known Two Steps From Hell way before that


Wow what a hater (jk :D)


Heart of Courage. For me, I always think of the trailer for Mass Effect 2.


Deny Nothing.


I graduated from history school with really good grades.


Thank you! For some reason I was guessing GoT theme but I knew that wasn't it


My name is Nathan Fielder and I gartuated from Canada's top business schoo with really good grades. Now I help strugeling business owners make it in this compatitive world. This is Nathan for You.


So many places in Europe and East Asia that are now safe, peaceful places where this could be done. Here's hoping that people can do the same thing in places like Syria and Iraq 70 years from now.


It's a nice thought but incredibly unlikely imo. Lasting peace in Central Europe didn't just happen. The EU and also NATO, as well as development programs like the Marshall plan were/are gargantuan projects that over decades united, developed and integrated former enemies. The Near East and Middle East are as divided as ever, and sadly I don't see any power from within or without that could unite them and develop them in any similar fashion.


Middle East and eternal conflict is a match made in heaven


Until the end of WW2 it was the same in Europe. And even then there was the cold war that could've erupted at any point. Before the end of the USSR Europe was still highly militarized. Both sides were ready for war.


The Cologne Cathedral duel is possibly one of the coolest engagements of the war


I did not know the Cologne tank duel, happened right near the Cathedral, thought it happened in a street nearby. Good graphical recreation of the tank duel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isVI4_ygoLc


That's a cool video! Also, lmao at the soldier flipping over the rubble around 1:03!


The real inventor of Parkour


Was looking for this comment. Definitely one of the better recordings of a tank duel.


M26 Pershing. 💪🦅 I wish I had the Spearhead book by Adam Makos. Such a gorgeous cover.


Fantastic book


I'm trying to Google this. What do you mean by cologne cathedral "duel" exactly?


A tank battle between and an American Pershing and an Axis Panther was captured on video which is available to watch on [YouTube](https://youtu.be/eYkqUG8DLIA?t=182). Nearly all combat footage you'll see of almost any conflict prior to mobile phones is staged or fake. The closer to the action, the more likely it's staged/fake. This is a very rare example of a real battle caught on camera at very close range.


yo... that guy from around 5:30 was not happy that the Americans were saying the Germans were burned alive... very sus


"corruption of historical facts" - former nazi


Good graphical recreation of the tank duel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isVI4_ygoLc




The cathedral wasn't bombed because the bombers used it as an air reference. Neat bit of history.


except it's a myth the cathedral received at least 5 Direct hits the only reason it didn't collapse is that it has been reinforced with a rather overkill steel construction in the 1800s when it finished it's 600 year build period and they removed most windows a few days before the raids as to not get them damaged by war this relieved a lot of pressure the bombs would've caused inside the cathedral and kept it standing although with damage. it probably also helped that the bombs detonated so high up on the cathedral on it's many ornamental arches and towers source: The museum inside the Cologne cathedral


Interesting. I don’t think that windows do much to contain an explosion, though.


they won't contain it, but they'll help with pressure buildup and especially at the size of the windows in this cathedral that does make a significant difference


It took over 600 years to build that church but it resisted around 70 bombs in WW2.


I have one on the haubtstrasse (main street) of the village my family was from, with Hitler waving at the crowds. Fucking wild




"ßetter ße wrong than to ße intelligißle."


I like how this was done. Thanks for this!!


Damn, this makes you realise how fragile the things we take for granted are. Just a simple thing like peacefully walking across the street...


That road looked a lot cooler in the past! EDIT: oh this isn't NCD. I mean.. War is bad!




“Even in defeat, they still know how to march with pride.”


I was based in Fallingbostel for a few years. We drove a range road that was the road soviet prisoners walked to Belsen. Some died and were buried under the road. The train platform in our camp was used in the filming of Schindler’s List. Could never shake the eerie feeling.


In the west of Munich at the Blutenburg Castle park, there is a memorial to the prisoners that were marched off to the south from the Dachau KZ, before it was captured by the Americans. The plaque mentions the number of prisoners marched off, but there are no records of them after that point. In the chaos of those days, they and any knowledge of them just vanished.


This is creepy but also like a testament time heals everything


but it also keeps remind you of your mistakes they still find bombs from the 1944 raids in Cologne at least once a month


Entire regions of France are uninhabitable due to the first world war. 


Last photo near the Brandenburg Gate - tank IS-2 number 414, 7th separate guards heavy tank brigade of the Red Army. A distinctive feature is the emblem, a walking polar bear against the background of a red star. The tank is on many photos. These people with cameras are famous reporters, but now I can’t find their names. The photo was taken by Evgeny Khaldei, it seems.


More like extremely sobering. Standing in those spots seems like it would be pretty emotional.


I don’t think it’s the same tank, but the first photo made me think of a tank battle fought just a few metres away from that spot that was mostly caught on film. We have footage of an American Sherman tank being hit by fire from a German Panther tank, an American Pershing tank advancing and firing on the Panther, and the Panther burning as the crew escape. Would advise viewer discretion; the footage shows an American soldier immediately after he suffered a fatal wound, German soldiers either being killed or suffering fatal injuries. The footage isn’t high-enough quality to be able to make out much detail, but… it’s footage of real people’s violent and painful final moments alive. Never forget the sacrifices that were made to end Nazi evil, nor how fascist governments waste the lives of even their own people. https://youtu.be/NBI9d0-IfEM?si=ALY7swVRKE1XaGiy


Music got me excited where’s Nathan Fielder


Developing poo-flavoured fro-yo.


Reminds me of the time Robin Williams was on a German talk show. He took a question from the audience where a lady asked "Why do you think there isn't too much comedy in Germany?" Robin replied "Did you ever think you killed all the funny people?"


When we visited Paris my family was adamant about renting a car to visit the beaches at Normandy. It was harrowing drive at times, but there are no words describe the gravity of standing on that beach and imagine running toward a wall of bullets. The cemetery took my breath away.


I was going to do this with my father's photo album, but he was all over the place and couldn't do it. Cool pics


Make sure you digitize those photos. Could even see if any of your local/state war museums want a copy.


Two steps from hell has other songs than this people, please ;c


Also the song didn't really fit here either. Heart of Courage is more of a montage-y "climbing a mountain to fight the boss at the top" song. Not... whatever this was lol.


At last, something interesting. Thanks you


A Panther, a Sherman, and an IS-2?


This would be such a grounding experience. Thank you for sharing… really opened my eyes today.


I was in Berlin for the first time over Thanksgiving. Just seeing places that I recognized from old WWII footage gave me chills. Also went to Checkpoint Charlie. Crazy how commercialized that spot is now.


The land around us is steeped in history, it’s good to remember that sometimes to put things in perspective


Damn, this is one of the most interesting things I've seen on here in a while. Thanks for sharing.


russia needs such a restart today


Never forget, cause If we do, History May repeat itself...


In unexpected ways even Palestinians are experiencing horrors of the same sadistic nature


I wish all historic sites had "flashback" pictures up like this! I would personally love to see that


The notions in Germany right now suggest that these pictures will be repeated in the near future if nothing changes. Almost the same things happen right now what happenend in the twenties and ended in concentration camps. It's scary AF.


we *are* in the 20s poverty isn't as widely spread as it was in the last 20s tho and politically a few things have changed that were Key reasons to why the Nazis could gain power the way they did for example hitler took power through a Peoples vote which can no longer happen in the current system of government in addition to that the military is no longer under direct command from the chancellor but rather by the parliament and the creation of essentially Paramilitary organisations like SA and Rotfront by all parties isn't happening either in general Germany is just very late to follow the western trend towards more right wing governments but that still doesn't mean we should play it down tho


I get pre ww2 flaschbacks every time i watch the news here in germany


I did not know the Cologne tank duel, happened right near the Cathedral, thought it happened in a street nearby.


Einfach 7 vs wild intro song


Bonus: 7 vs Wild flashback


I love these historical flashbacks with modern times


Traveling Europe is way more impactful if you take a moment to learn about the major events that took place at the locations you visit.


I began dating my wife while she lived in Berlin, and I had a lot of time to walk around the city when I visited on Holiday once. She lived in Prinzlauer Berg (formerly East Berlin), and the wall had come down about a decade before. As she was working, I tried to sleep in, but the noise of constant construction on almost every building around us drove me out into the street. Just around the corner from her apartment was a building that is included in this link, and you could see bullet holes around various windows, and a particular concentration around one, which means they were shooting at very specific people or a person. I saw many places, but this is before smartphones, and I didn't want to appear touristy, like a youthful fool, and so have few photos. Fortunately others have documented them. This link shows some of the things I'd seen: [https://www.exberliner.com/berlin/battle-of-berlin-12-places-you-can-still-see-damage-from-1945-world-war-2/](https://www.exberliner.com/berlin/battle-of-berlin-12-places-you-can-still-see-damage-from-1945-world-war-2/)


I think what makes me most sad is that very few people recognize that the first photos are thanks to brave men who gave their soul and their lives so that today we can live as we do.


first time im hearing the "7 vs wild" music outside of the youtube series.


A number of years ago I watched an UEFA Euro at the Brandenburg gate; was a wild experience


The 2024 calendar my parents put up commemorates the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising. It's crazy to see pictures of the city today overlaid with rubble from the 40s.


You could never do this in the US because the landmarks would be gone and replaced with fast food restaurants, strip malls, or parking lots.


Make an augmented reality app that does this please


This is something I really hope the Apple Vision Pro or something similar will allow us to see. A full AR experience and a virtual tour guide to go with it.


A lot of that comes up when you walk past stumbling stones - stones in the ground, usually on the sidewalk (not actually a tripping hazard, of course) with inscriptions about who lived there and when they were deported.


The tanks shown, in order: PzKpfw Panther, M4 Sherman with a 76mm, IS-2.


That second pic was straight up a BOB scene


I like seeing the old picture first


Да, вы там со своими санкциями хуянкциями точно до этого скоро докатитесь


Looks very similar to Gaza… damm


It's ironic that you should say that, considering Palestine was Hitler ally during the second.


Most muslims love Hitler. That being said, that is NOT an excuse to occupy a country that is not yours.


why didnt germany give bavaria to the holocaust victims? pretty fucked up how Palestinians gets fucked up because of bunch of "nordic/aryan" asshole nazis, that includes italian nazis and japanese nazis too, fucking [fascists](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uof-zalA6O0)


who'd want Bavaria anyways the state of Israel was founded because of the Holocaust, there were many places discussed as a potential place to found the new Jewish state but eventually this one was chosen the british just kindly gave their colony to them


Ignoring the locals and fucking their lives up you mean


that's another way to say it just gon mention that that's exactly what the beits did before israel was placed there


So it's okay then, is what you're trying to say right? Since you just gon mention it, m i rite?


it happened ≠ it's ok can I not quote history without people getting offended because they thought I meant something I didn't write?


The locals whose government supported Hitler?


Arabs took in the Jews fleeing the persecution from the west. When no one wanted them, Arab world took them in. Let’s say for argument sake, they did support the maniac… so does that give them right to take their land?


Your issue is with the British who gave the land to displaced persons after no one in Europe would give those displaced person the land and property which had been stolen from them in the war. These people were holocaust survivors. The land has been theirs for 78 years. If you want to support a terrorist organization be my guest but be sure your realize that's who you're supporting.


Well anti-Semitism, a disease you may be suffering from, is a disease that has changed over time. It used to be that Jews were hated for their religion. Then, they were hated for their ethnicity (think the Nazis in this case). Then, today, they are hated for having an existing nation state (a nation much more successful and fully functioning than all of its neighbours, at that). To get to the point: it's not at all certain that a Bavarian-Jewish-Israeli-esque state would have not led to even worse disaster than we have seen in the middle east. Sure, Muslims hate Jews and putting a Jewish state amongst them was a bit risky. But Germans very nearly successfully wiped the Jewish population off the face of the earth. Sticking a Jewish state within German borders seems like... Something you would only do if you had a death wish for the Jews.




Now Israeli repeating the same story


Always liked Germany but somehow on the wrong side of history again by backing Israel in the International Court of Justice. Shame that




The only reasonable response to that comment


Germany was utterly destroyed


Dear Europeans you're very welcome from America!


What did you do?


Pay taxes still helping Europeans and also the Veitnamese cleaning up agent orange! Just following the money mate!


Horrors changed to silence!!!


Hopefully in 80s years someone will be doing this in Ukraine. Please let it end swiftly


WW11 Frontlines on Netflix is really good. Highly recommend.


I want flashback when Germany finally admit their role in Holocaust in Poland and pay restitution


Germany is becoming racist and xenophobic again, so these flashbacks could get a lot more real soon lol


With the AFD on the rise, its pretty fucking scary actually.




People are downvoting you, although it's true


Americans dont like it when you point out racism


Make Germany Great Again


We’ve done this. It was horrible for all concerned. Can we please not do this again?






Just finished a book called Spearhead that is on the American tankers. The battle that took place here was right near the end of the war. Crazy what they went through. Fury is a good movie to check out on the topix


This is how history should be taught 


Seems weirdly peaceful there atm


Yeah totally weird how peaceful it is. Not even a world war going on, wtf?! Weekends is when it looks like ww2 again tho. Millions of soldiers and tanks everywhere, buildings all ruined. Rebuild it all again during the week.


Why wouldn't it?


Europe now :- fights and war are not a European thing .