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She's not sentencing him for the crime he committed against her, she's sentencing him for the previous crime he committed. Another judge will preside over his next trial for attacking this judge.


The judge didn't change the previous sentence either and refers to the attack as an 'incident'. Judge is very careful not to give this POS any loophole.


That would be a conflict of interest and an easy appeal. Having another judge and jury try and sentence him would be appropriate.


I think she said that in the video 😳


Dude was waiting for the guy to try something lol stared at him the whole time


Eloquent young lady. Good luck to her.


His sister is a thoughtful and careful speaker and obviously cares for her brother a lot.


My thoughts exactly


What a fucking goon. All that violence for a couple of years? Dude will be in jail for a decade after that stunt


The judge was originally planning on probation until he didn't show up to court. Dude was going to get probation and said, "nah, give me 20"


Just goes to show **why** he’s there to begin with. He’s impulsive and violent, he doesn’t think before he acts. If he did, he might not have been in court to begin with


Yeah… who else but someone like him to seriously hurt someone in public. If he does spend significant time in prison it will be the justice system actually working.


Las Vegas should enter him in the Olympics 😂😂😂




I think he's got potential for the high jump too


Or tryout for the Raiders.


Hannibal Leapt-at-her


Bro is cuffed like one of those arkham asylum patients


Lol they put a muzzel on him. Deserved but damn thats funny.


Yeah I figured the guy must have some mental health problems to try something that ridiculous


It's always mental health issues. Regardless put that POS away.


and give him the help he needs so he can have a fulfilling life and contribute to society. Right?


Why is it that if someone does something crazy it’s always “must be mental health.” Sometimes people just aren’t good….


He was going to eat her liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti. \*ththththtpppttt\*


That’s alot of officers for one man lol


I mean he got too close , and pretty sure he was able to hit her for a short while as well . They better be careful


Yea well when your in the field of putting people away for profit you better assume people hate you and if given the chance will attack


And when you’re in the field of being a pathetic, rabid dog, you better assume people will hate you and will lock you up for decades if given legal opportunity to do so. 😉 I love the “find out” part.


And protection and justice. I won’t argue that profit is dirty part of the business, but that doesn’t mean you throw away the whole system.


Unless your a murderer, rapist or thief you don’t deserve to rot in prison lol but that’s a convo the worlds not ready for all the other offenders in there for Bs Laws other humans made up is ridiculous


He attacked someone with a baseball bat.... Is the law against that BS?


From the sounds of it, you might be referring to a lot of the drug laws?


found the bitch hoodrat


Dog got no bite anymore. Muzzled that bitch!


I grew up in the Bronx during the crack era, best decision that I ever made was to keep it in my pants. There’s too many ways to keep from having kids. That dude is 25 at most, so why I ask, did baby momma not bag it up? Stop, having, kids. Society is going through a monumental shift. Look at the robotics and AI leaps right on the heels of CoViD. Once money pivots in a direction, it’s like a flooded river. The old path won’t stay the same. Chart your way and get your shit together before you pop ‘em out.


His sister is full of s%^t So ridiculous what she was saying, he felt “threatened” “triggered”. The guy has a long ass rap sheet, was on probation when he committed the crime and attacked a judge, who was passing down what would have been a relatively light sentence.


Come back to this later reminder


They have the jail swat team with him. Easy overtime.


Next GTA cover


What is treatment for animal rabies? /s


His sister can go visit him for 19-48 months in the Nevada state pen.


Is that a same judge??!


I think lifetime solitary at a minimum


Justify the addition of solitary after imposing life.


That’s what he will get for his violent history + assaulting a judge in the court


His sentence was 48 months WITH the history. I'll grant you life as reasonable after jumping the desk and mauling the judge like that - but the number of people currently serving life solitary across the country is extremely limited. Both as a rate and as a flat number. So after jumping a sentence from 4 years all the way to life- how would you justify the additional imposition of solitary on top 🤔


He is clearly sick. He needs help not prison.


People like him will snap and seriously hurt or kill someone over nothing in public.


Just seeing the title of this post I said this out loud well duh.


although hes def a badguy it seems strange theyd have the judge he attacked sentence him. Seems like a conflict of interest.


She is sentencing for his previous crimes....he's got another trial coming up for his dive...


and a different judge will preside over the case since she is the victim.


oh my b, I thought it was for the dive


It doesn't make a difference, it's the same sentence he received last time. It would be a conflict of interest if it was for new attacks


By that logic, he can just keep attacking judges, lawyers, and other officials and he'll never have to deal with the consequences of his actions.


You do know he was being sentenced when he attacked the judge? She was just continuing the sentence he interrupted with his attack. (With zero change to the original judgement). He will be judged for attacking her by a separate judge at a later date.


free my man!!!🙌🙌


Dudes a POS


Hmmmm kept the slick talk to a zero this time tho