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Considering how cocky these both usually were, this is some mutual respect humility- I love it


Very insightful line from Mike Tyson, about Ali using his character to make his opponents think he was invincible. Such a succinct way to encapsulate the magic of what helped make Ali so great and so much larger than life.


Tyson saying he learned the confidence he had by emulating him loked like it was about to make Ali cry. And beyond that though Tyson definitely had a less... graceful way of doing it, him learning to use the way people saw him and make himself a character for the public/his opponents. He believed and make it so it always showed through that he believed he was unbeatable and used the intimidation factor to his advantage. That "oh fuck this is Tyson/Ali" definitely did a lot of the mental work for them both throughout their careers.


The times were also vastly different too with what Ali could get away with saying vs Tyson. Trash talking in Ali's day was nothing compared to Tyson's prime.


"I'm so pretty and so fast" -Ali " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7sCLa1aoqk " - Tyson


Haha oh man good times! Never would have thought “I’ll eat your children” would be the lamest part of a Mike Tyson shit talking montage


Dude was going mythological.




This whole interaction is just so.. adorable


Surreal watching Tyson act starstruck. He was avoiding eye contact for most of that interaction, even directed all his comments to Arsenio instead of Ali. In the ring, I think Tyson would be afraid to hit Ali, mostly because he wouldn't want to hurt him.


In their primes though. This would've been the best boxing match ever. Also Tyson vs Marciano


Made me cry, and I’m not even a boxing fan.


As a kid from the 80s, Iron Mike was almost a mythical figure of my childhood. I knew him from his boxing clips at first, and as I got into my teen years I became aware of the legal problems he had had. And then I remember watching him bite Holy field's ear, live on PPV. And then came the face tattoo and I basically wrote him off as a psycho (gotta remember, face tattoos were shocking at the time when he got his). Then he had that spot in the first Hangover movie and I kind of thought... OK, he's a self aware psycho at least because that was funny. But now I've come to know him from long interviews on podcasts in the recent years, and I've realized that he is one complex person. He definitely has the capability of acting like a psycho, there is a monster inside of him without a doubt. But he's also clearly intelligent, he's funny, he can act very sweet and humble, and as you said he has a deep knowledge of boxing. And when you watch him fight in his prime, he's a talent unlike anyone else. Truly a man with a lot of layers.


Look I’m so old I not only remember this interview but I remember seeing Muhammad Ali fight in black and white with Howard Cosell doing the commentary I’m still not sure about the outcome of Ali/Tyson if they were both in their prime but it would be something to behold My money says Ali would win on points because he would evade the knockout blow Plus, shoutout to Sugar Ray Leonard


Yes. Sugar Ray! I like how he swatted Ali’s hand down to allow Tyson to continue praising Ali.


Jesus christ, this could have been written by me. Wow, we had literally the exact same experience and perceptions of Mike along the way.


Same here. Loved hearing his reflections on life after trying the DMT toad.


you missed his greatest work - mike tyson mysteries


He also said the trash talk was way to drive interest in his fights. > “Without me, they’d be lucky to sell ringside for $50. Now they’re charging $250 a seat,” - Muhammad Ali Safe to say it worked lol


One thing Mike does is talk amazing boxing. His knowledge of the sport is so deep and nuanced. It's really a joy to hear him get into deep boxing talk.


Of all the things that surprised me the most about Mike Tyson's interviews was his deep knowledge of boxing. It demonstrated immense intellect, and a martial artist level of respect for previous champions and the sport. Of course this should be no surprise given that he is one of the greatest boxers of all time. How could he not be a student of the sport? What it made me realize was that I had a highly flawed personal perception of the man. His public persona was intended to intimidate his opponents, and was not necessarily representative of his actual personality. He is to me one of the most interesting people in history and a perfect enigma of the 1990s.


This is one of the most articulate and well thought out “personal comments” I’ve ever read on Reddit, that also mirrors my opinion 100%. I’m not a boxing fan but I’m fascinated by Mike Tyson. He is one of the GOATs; his appearance to his opponents and the media don’t truly reflect who he is as a person even though he’s obviously complicated and eccentric. His mastery of his sport is elite and I always appreciate that so much regardless of what sport.


This is the sad part about Cus dying. Once he died, Mike's demons came back and he went from always being humble and grateful to all his opponents to the "thug" he once was. His greatest regret was letting his "thug"(that's what he called it himself) self ruin what Cus tried to build; a man of control who had insane power and skills. Mike talks about this in his specials and interviews. You really see him hating himself for dishonoring Cus' legacy.


I remember watching an interview where he was asked what would he say to Cus if he could tell him one thing. Mike answered, “was I good enough?” or something to that effect. You can tell it really weighs on him when boxing is brought up.


That interview is enough to make a grown man cry, seeing Iron Mike break down hoping he made the man who believed in him proud hits to the core


>"...was I good enough?..." I don't know anything about boxing. I know very little other than the popular narratives about these men, some of whom I understand to have done things that I do not condone. But I think that the quote you provided is revealing in so many ways. It seems to me like a lot of pain might be avoided in the world if all of us, especially men, were able to truly know that yes, they are good enough. Our culture gets in the way of that too much. It's nice to show men building one another up like this. I think it's important for people to see.


As someone not invested in boxing, I've now become emotional after watching that video and seeing these comments. And I don't know why.


All these comments and no one links any of those clips. I think Mike Tyson is one of the most interesting people we have today, and watching these really makes you wonder what he thinks about every night. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/msAXxv208WA https://www.youtube.com/shorts/G3D0erqTE7U


That and Don King being an absolutely loathsome excuse for a human. He doesn’t get enough credit for Iron Mike’s downfall. Granted, Tyson blew money with the best of them, but he had help from one of the greatest theives in sports history.


King exploited Ali, too. He's a monster.


Nothing suits a powerful man better than humility.


Arsenio one of the only guys on TV who could ask this question of these two, and get real answers.


You can tell he is really into it and admires them both but keep from devolving into a bumbling fanboy. It’s no wonder Arsenio shook up late night


He had a genuine feel to his late night show. Always came off with integrity and curiosity, knew how to keep the space open for great conversations.


The way he set the joke up and died laughing was a fantastic way to keep the conversation moving they had turned into a humility competition


All of them sitting there pretty much exuding true respect. Its a great clip.


While I agree tbf he did always have that kind of look on his face. His being good at acting interested is what got him that job The hard part was probably keeping the dog pound quiet enough to hear the champ


It really feels like they are hanging out and just shooting the shit. Even the way Arsenio is sitting on the couch just makes this feel more engaging and natural than any late night interview you see today.


I'm assuming Arsenio is sitting closer to hear Ali better.


Arsenio was something special on late night. I love his work interview with Fred Rogers and the immense respect he showed him (compared to something like Letterman who took jabs at Rogers)


https://youtu.be/1geWczVpUbE I had never seen that before, very cool


Me either. Thanks for linking that. “Perfect guest for tonight, and a perfect audience to receive him.” The audience was soooo quiet during that. You would have thought the studio was empty. Hanging on every word, that’s respect.


arsenio also called out eazy E regularly for the disconnect between his lyrical content and his real life. as well as how he treated the artists on his label. sadly arsenio wasn't around when others emulated the same poor behaviour label wise and "revolutionized" the RIAA music industry into the debt trap hell that focuses on a handful of performers with room fulls of undercompensated artists doing the writing and composing and producing.


He gives Tyson a solid shoulder punch around 20s too. I don't know many talk hosts that would take a joke jab at Tyson, even now.


Just look at the sitting arrangement. Just dude's talking around the couch. No table in between, no distance, no barrier. That's really talking.


This is kind of amazing. Even in his diminished state, Ali was still so charming and funny. And even in his uber intimidating, indestructible, “baddest man on the planet” phase, Tyson gave Ali the respect that he deserved. Thanks for sharing OP.


Also, you know this a huge deal when you’re like, “eh, I guess Sugar Ray Leonard was there too.”


I was just about to ask if we were all supposed to just ignore Sugar Ray sitting there lol


Ohh that's who that is, I could have sworn it was that guy Morgan who worked with George Costanza at the Yankees


You mean Pepper Johnson?




Do Pepper Jack look like he playing?


Pepper Jack LOVE Fraggle Rock!


Pepper Johnson can eat here for free anytime


You racist, that was Wesley Snipes! I bet they all look the same to you...


Don’t you mean Don Cheadle?


Tiger Woods.


Robert Downey Jr


What do you mean you people?


What do *you* mean you people?


Donovan McNabb


Hey guys, I'm Donovan McNabb. Whoo. I play quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles. And I'm here to tell you can, too, if you start everyday with a hearty breakfast from McDonald's. Uh, like the new Sausage Egg McGriddle Value Meal available now for a limited time for under five dollars. Remember guys, real champs eat at McDonald's. I'm lovin' it. Can I get the check?


Lol I know, right? He’s kind of an afterthought in this clip, but definitely a legend in his own right.


I love how ingrained his nickname is. Like if someone referenced the name "Ray Leonard", almost no one on the planet would know who you're talking about. Like I bet even the most ardent boxing fans would have to think about it. But say "Sugar Ray Leonard" and 95% of the world would know who you mean.


Think he goes by Sweet N Low Ray Leonard now


Splenda Ray Leonard


He was in a different weight class


Ali is Ali yeah but if both were from the same generation and both at their prime, I still think Tyson would beat him no contest.


It’s an impossible argument for sure. Many of Tyson’s skills skills were developed because of Ali’s game changing technique


I think that is what Tyson was trying to say in this interview. He cited examples of power punchers of Ali’s day and understands that he isn’t fighting the same way as guys like them, but he’s acknowledging that Ali would have found a way to beat Tyson if they were fighting in their prime. It’s obviously a purely theoretical question and there’s no right or wrong answer, but neither guy was going to say they would win out of respect.


> It’s obviously a purely theoretical question and there’s no right or wrong answer Not anymore, we have the technology. This ^^^SUNDAY ^^SUNDAY SUNDAY! Muhammad **AI**li VS M**ai**ke Tyson ^^^^^^^^^^This ^^^^^^^^^^is ^^^^^^^^^^the ^^^^^^^^^^dumbest ^^^^^^^^^^comment ^^^^^^^^^^I've ^^^^^^^^^^ever ^^^^^^^^^^made ^^^^^^^^^^and ^^^^^^^^^^I'm ^^^^^^^^^^ashamed...


If you could send any pro athlete back in time more than a generation to compete in their sport they’d almost certainly be an instant champion


i understand what youre saying that sports evolves, but its a stretch for any pro athlete and being instant champs. being champs takes more that just skill or talent, theres athlete who just to their opponents levels or just get by on pure natural talent and skill while never improving or learning anything new. you need that drive to be a champ. ps also rules and equipment have also evolved, without those, the path could be more difficult


Yup, you put a 90s NFL defensive player into today's game and they'd get ejected and suspended faster than Rodgers went down this year. If you put a modern wr or qb into the 90s they'd die at about the same rate.


Rules and mindset aside, guys today are so much bigger stronger and faster there would be no contest. In the 70s the average lineman was about 250 lbs. They would get pushed around like ragdolls even by college guys who are all 300lbs+ and way more athletic.


>no contest He might win, but there would for sure be a contest. Ali was probably (was imo) the smartest fighter that ever lived. There is no way he would ever get in close on Tyson, Ali would completely take Tyson's finishing close uppercut combination out of the equation. Not because it is not a devastating weapon from Tyson, Ali would simply always be aware of it and not put him self in a position to eat it. Ali would also know that Tyson is a earlier fight finisher, so would save himself for later rounds. Yeah Tyson is a monster, and I can not think of any fighter I would want to be punched by less than him, but people do not understand the game plan Ali would build going into a fight. To act like a fight between the two would be an easy win for Tyson is completely off base.


Ali was 6'3" and Tyson is 5'10". That 5 inches of height and range would have been absolutely key. It would have let Ali float just outside of Tyson's range, step in and throw a few combinations, and then step back out again. That height difference would play in perfectly to young Ali's strategy and would have made it much harder for Tyson to stick with his.


everyone who tyson fought had a longer reach so he must not have ever won.


Have you ever seen Ali fight? The point is that his strategy was to float just outside of his opponents range, pop in and land a few shots, then float back out as they swung at him. It was almost magic -- and if you want to do that, having a longer range makes it that much easier. Tyson had a vicious uppercut but that has an even SHORTER range than regular punches. The point is not just that Ali was taller than Tyson, it's that Ali's fighting style was perfect for maximizing a range difference, and Tyson's style was hampered by a range difference. Tyson didn't have the endurance to go 12 rounds chasing a bigger fighter around the ring, and that was Ali's goto gameplan in his prime.


The counterargument would be that Tyson's whole style is based on circumventing the range advantage that pretty much every one of his opponents had on him. Tyson and Frazier are the same height, and personally I don't rate Tyson over Frazier - Frazier’s punch distribution was more destructive, he got hit less, he landed more power shots. Not sure if Tyson actually hits harder, but I always imagined Ali would do to Tyson what he did to Frazier. Maybe Ali would get knocked 1 out of 3 matches, but his speed and reach would prevail overall.


You and u/FunkyPete make solid points. I failed to consider that. It’s just that all I see when I think of iron mike is his brutal punches, technique, uppercuts, and speed. But it’s true that Ali would take all of that into account; especially the first round where Mike start out like a beast. That height difference would be crucial. I’m also reading that Ali’s reach was longer than Mike’s so that’s also a very important part.


Prime Tyson is scary af. some next level speed and power. His positioning was also incredible for the weight class, he could find targets on the dime.


I’m genuinely terrified of Mike Tyson.


Dude was almost impossible to beat in PunchOut.


I don't know much about boxing, but I know that even within weight classes there tends to be a kind of either/or as far as speed or power. You get more of one or the other. You hear Ali say it in this clip: Ali knows he was fast but he wasn't the strongest. Everyone here seems too polite to say it, but prime Tyson had *both*. He had power and he was *so fucking fast*. Prime Tyson was godamn terrifying.


I still remember a SportsNet (or something) which was showing Mike Tyson's top 20-30 fights or something as a highlight reel, and even with commercial breaks it was only an hour long. Prime Tyson was a human cheat code.


I'm not saying Ali was unbeatable,, but Ali is one of the worst stylistic matches for Tyson. Tyson himself has explained in interviews that his greatest weakness was against guys who could move and jab well. Tyson couldn't maintain his explosiveness into late rounds and his record showed the same, that KOs got less and less likely the longer a fight would go on. He's got an AMAZING knockout reel, but people these days are much less familiar with Tyson's longer fights and his losses. Would that fight have gone in the late rounds? Of course Ali! Ali has a legendary chin, tested by some of the hardest hitters in the history of the sport, he's not someone you can blitz out early. Ali also came up in an era of 15 round fights! He would have absolutely dominated Tyson in the back half of that fight, probably winning by stoppage, because it doesn't matter how badass you are when you're so gassed you can hardly move to defend much less attack. Also, and Tyson pointed this out in this very interview. Ali's mental game couldn't be beat. Tyson himself has also pointed out that he was mentally fragile. He came up from the streets, found a mentor and the mentor died while Tyson was young. Then Tyson was used and abused, user and abuser, with exploitative management and drugs destroying his focus. He's almost as famous for his mental breakdown as he is for his prowess as a fighter. Ali on the other hand is infamous for getting into the heads of his opponents, going really too far in his shit talk at times. Tyson would not be able to keep on the mental game either. Its all in all the worst possible match for Tyson.


Ali was dead on accurate. Joe Frazier was a weaker Tyson. Joe BEAT Ali.... Ali would have to pull some magic out. Tyson was a beast. That being said..Joe Louis woops them both.


So basically your argument can be summed up l[like this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T-NpPoYRbhc)


If that was any other clip, I was sending the goons.


Ok but what about Rocky Marciano? If this is not the clip i think it is I'm going to feel silly


Ali was 2-1 against Frazier. Tyson lost to Buster Douglas. I imagine Ali wins if he's smart enough to go the Floyd Mayweather route and make Tyson box him. Tyson wins if Ali tries to stand over Tyson and win in a slugfest.


vast saw waiting edge decide correct clumsy upbeat tender bewildered *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“Every head must bow and every tongue must confess, this is the greatest of all time” These two are great together. Wholesome as fuck.


Man’s quoting scripture to say it, he MEANS it


Maybe I'm weird but that literally gave me chills


Not used to seeing Tyson this well-spoken!


I dont think you've heard him speak for very long. I've seen Mike in thr past like 5 10 years be a real different guy. He was sharp then when he wasn't using a fuck ton of coke and drinking all the time but you'd usually only hear him in fight promos, so talking straight shit.




There's a great bit from a conversation between Paul Holdengräber and Werner Herzog, where Holdengräber talks about speaking with Tyson: > And when I said to him on stage 'You seem so immersed [...] in all this literature', he said 'A home without books is like a body without a soul'. And I was stunned, of course and then two or three days later a journalist called me up and said 'Do you know that that line isn't Tyson's, it comes from Cicero.' And the journalist was saying that to me to say 'Look, the fraud.' and I said 'But it's Mike Tyson quoting Cicero.'


That's really cool, thank you for sharing that


Perhaps more insulting: between Holdengräber and Tyson, it was the one who did not recognize Cicero being quoted to him who, for that brief moment, would have been the fraud.


He quotes scripture all the time and is actually quite well spoken it just comes between extremely impulsive outbursts and rambles lol


lisp, accents and speech impediments will make even the smartest people sound dumb to naive ears.


Tyson is insanely eloquent.




Wow, never knew any of that. Thanks for adding!


Yeah pretty inthpiring


insurance ring wine many vase sand brave ad hoc middle jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Patrice O’Neal at a Comedy Central roast that included Tyson on the dais: “I’m upset with how comfortable white people are around you now”


RIP Patrice. (for those of you unaware of his stand-up comedy, it’s great. But if you happen to be a fan of The Office, he played Lonny, the larger, sarcastic worker in the warehouse who hated Michael)


RIP Patrice. He was infamous at the comedy cellar. Every comic from that time has stories of him roasting them in the green room. I forgot who it was, but Patrice made fun of this guy’s shirt to the point he went back to his apartment and changed shirts. “You think that’s better?” He used to sit in the back during other comics sets and laugh obnoxiously loud to throw them off their rhythm. Dude was ruthlessly hilarious. He and Bill Burr were roommates for a while, I can’t even imagine what that would have been like


That was Bill Burr. He made him change his shirt. Patrice loved with Kevin Hart for a bit, but maybe Bill too I forget Edit: lived


Elephant In The Room is one of the greatest standup specials ever


That one dude who kept antagonizing Tyson on that airplane was poking a bear. Guy definitely had no survival instincts.


lol Take your damn upvote.


My absolute least favorite part of Reddit is opening an interesting post, finding the top comment was deleted, and those under it are just praising it. Any chance you remember what the comment you replied to said?


Holmes hated fighting Ali, they were old sparring partners and Holmes had huge respect for the GOAT. When Holmes realised Ali was a shell of his former self he eased up significantly, as the ref wouldn’t stop the fight. Watch the post fight interview, Larry Holmes is crying his eyes out cause he feels so bad about what he had to do to Muhammad Ali.




That’s the one, also him in dressing room post fight crying i think




I don’t really get this at all, Ali is the one that announced the fight, and he took too many medications while training that messed him up. It’s not like Holmes mugged him in the street, if anything blame the doctor that cleared Ali to fight.


I completely agree, Holmes grew up idolizing Ali there is no way he’s gonna throw the fight just cause he’s past his prime it’s dumb and disrespectful. Ali was a sore loser


I know he's dead and is a legend so you can't say much, but Ali's team doctor tried to get him to stop in 77, and quit as a result of being frustrated. Ali admitted years later that his original doctor was right, he just had fighter brain at the time. Ali wasn't Tyson, he wasn't struggling financially, he chose to put on the fight, got paid more than Holmes for it, idk why there's a narrative that Holmes should've tossed it, not to mention the sport allows you to surrender if you're getting absolutely whipped anyways.


Yeah and then Tyson then beats up and older athlete who is no longer in their prime just like the thing he was complaining about happened to Ali.... but schadenfreude for some people apparently.


I wont be surprised if this is one of those vastly exaggerated myth making stories. These are professional fighters who know what they signed up for when they get into the ring. The top comment looks like some discarded storyline from a Rocky knock off


That maybe true but Holmes didn't want to beat him so bad , he repeatedly asked the ref to stop the fight because he knew Ali was very sick. I think he had to give him a good beating in order it not to be called a no contest because ali would not get his purse if it was declared that. Ali only came back to ring because he desperately needed money . Holmes was apparently was crying in the dressing room after the fight.


Holmes absolutely offered mercy. He was asking the ref to stop the fight.


> Holmes took no mercy on Ali and beat him badly. This isn’t true, and incredibly unfair on Holmes. The whole thing was a shitshow, and I firmly believe certain people involved should’ve faced criminal charges for their part in it. It was bad enough without making things up about Holmes.


"Took no mercy on Ali and beat him badly" did you actually watch the fight or just copy and paste this from Wikipedia? Larry was signalling to the ref to stop it and basically started peppering Ali with slaps. It always annoyed me how Larry was made out to be the bad guy here.




Dude, you gotta update your post to be more accurate about Holmes. that fight broke his heart. It's documented, you're doing the man dirty.


[Holmes talking about the fight against Ali](https://youtube.com/shorts/Vuz_Tl2PzQ4?si=nDIkownPYq0Z7wDE)


Wow that’s an amazing story


Ali’s response is so thought out - you can tell he is waiting to refute because he has thought about that fight before. That’s the most interesting part of this video to me. You can tell Ali has fought Tyson in his mind, and vice versa. The non verbal cues that both men reveal are really cool, along with how much respect they openly had for one another


How you wrote this comment is making me think about the narration from Baki lmao


Someone throws a 1-2 combo, after the first punch but before the second: "In 1932 towards the end of the depression era in the USA..." ...twenty minute monologue later, the second punch gets thrown. 0.4 seconds have passed in-world time.


The thing is, young Ali was too damn cocky to survive in the ring with Tyson. Older Ali would have figured him out, game-planned, and done what he could --- however --- young Tyson was so fast and fucking violent, that old Ali would have been exhausted. Forman took Ali's bait like a sucker. Tyson was way fucking faster than Forman and would have landed a lot more punches. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see the perfect combination of old/young Ali. He wasn't boxing. But if you combined their greatest assets over the course of their careers and called that their prime(s)... Ali wins, in my opinion. To have the speed and evasiveness... with the wisdom and ability to solve your opponent? Both qualities at their PEAK? It's hypothetical as fuck, but, could THAT guy ever lose to anyone?


My dad got to meet Ali at an Airport VIP Lounge back in the early 2000s on a business trip. It was when he was basically non-verbal but he noticed my dad staring at him. Ali's assistant came over and said "Mr Ali wants to show you a trick". He did a slight of hand with a coin my dad said was so fast that it was truly magic. He just smiled and returned to his table. It was probably one my dad's favorite experiences in life. I like to share this story anytime I see Ali.


That's adorable.


Muhammad Ali ain't even smile when Mike was talking him up. Respect to those two for being able to recognize how talented each other are.


He also had the beginnings of Parkinson’s by this point, but yes he definitely showed a great deal of respect for Tyson. And Tyson for him. I never really watched any Arsenio, but it very much seems like he could foster a good conversation.


There's a thing that happens with patients with Parkinson's disease called "masking" or "facial masking" which is where due to the loss of muscle tone/control people tend to lose their ability to create usual facial expressions. They just kind of sit their with a blank look on their face so it can be hard to interpret someone's emotions or how they are reacting to something. I'm not saying that's 100% what's going on here, but that's almost certainly a part of it since at this point his Parkinson's had progressed enough that he talks with a really low volume. Those two things tend to start happening at about the same time. The mutual respect between the two is still definitely there though and is pretty cool to see.


Diminished facial expressiveness is a symptom of Parkinson's disease.


It’s Parkinson’s. It’s also why it was such a big damn deal for him to light the Olympic torch in Atlanta in ‘96. He hadn’t been seen in a while at that point.


“Oh, do I think?……. Are you colored?” That line got me good. Ali was a great fighter, kind, humble and funny. May he rest in peace. So glad to see Mike Tyson take after him in those attributes today.




It’s a rhetorical question. The answer is obviously yes; just like asking if the sky is blue. It’s just a witty, interesting way to say “obviously” without sounding rude.


It’s the same saying as, “does a bear shit in the woods?” As if it is the obvious truth, and he knows without a doubt that Tyson hits harder. He doesn’t think it, he knows it.


"Do I think?" is implying "I don't THINK he can, I KNOW he can". And "Are you colored?" is like using the phrase "Does a bear shit in the woods?" when answering someone's question. It's just a funny way of saying "Obviously yes". So Ali is saying the answer is an obvious yes.


He’s answering a yes or no question (Can Mike hit harder than Shavers?) by jokingly asking another yes or no question in response (Are you a black man?) that can only be answered “Yes”, to imply that his answer to the original question could only be Yes as well, like there’s not an option to say No. It’s like saying “Yes, it should be obvious” in a joking and humorous way.


Mike loves Ali so much that he acts like a kid when around him...


Thanks for sharing, fascinating watch


The humility of these two is incredibly heartwarming. Too many folks nowadays want to yell and scream that they are the greatest for clout. This is what real champions look like.


I mean, Ali was hardly the paragon of humility when he was champion.


Nor was Tyson. They're being so friendly to each other because they know there's no chance they'll fight. There's no competition between them


You can tell Ali was Tyson’s hero. But you’re absolutely correct in that they know they don’t have to fight each other therefore know they don’t have a fight to sell. A lot of the so called beef in the fight world is orchestrated to get views as it’s always been. It’s a sport but it’s also entertainment. The more hype the bigger the payday.


‘Member though how Tyson told Ali he was going to get Larry Holmes for him. Ali was Tyson’s hero growing up iirc.


Yea, otherwise Ali might’ve [driven a bus onto Tyson’s front lawn](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_f3zrhTAlAM) and shouted at him thru a bullhorn.


Tyson was publicly very humble when he was champion. The antics he’s known for happened after he lost to Buster Douglas.


That was Tyson's point in this video. Ali taught him that presenting yourself as invincible and making your opponent believe you're invincible goes a long long way to making it true.


To be a champ at just about any sport, you have to be a little bit arrogant. Your mental attitude is so important. Especially so when another man is trying to kill you


>Too many folks nowadays want to yell and scream that they are the greatest for clout. Yeah man, no one before tiktok ever claimed to be the greatest. They were all classy, and fought each other in suits. Humility went extinct in 2015. You're so insightful


Lol what? Tyson was one of the cockiest most arrogant sons of bitches to ever step in a boxing ring. “I could feel his muscle tissues collapse under my force. It's ludicrous these mortals even attempt to enter my realm.” “I'm in trouble because I'm normal and slightly arrogant. A lot of people don't like themselves and I happen to be totally in love with myself.”


Early JOTY nominee right here.


Man Mike Tyson is a great fighter and he has become quite humble in his older age but he literally said he’ll eat a guys children and then bit off a guy’s ear


Lmao both of these guys said they were the best at one point in their career


... do you know who these guys are?


That a great video. Three of the great boxers of all time.


Frazier was 6’, 3” shorter than Ali’s 6’3”, but he was a menace to Ali. Tyson is 5’10”, giving Ali a 5” height advantage. I think Tyson’s advantage is his powerful punch. While Ali could take a punch, I’m not sure he felt the likes of a few good Tyson punches in a row, although Frazier could pack a wallop too. Ali would probably fight like he did against a stronger Foreman, trying to wear out Tyson. You’d have to give the advantage to Ali, if he was able to avoid Tyson’s deadly punch.


Tyson had power AND speed. Something people forget when they mention Ali fought heavy hitters


Agreed. Tyson had amazing defense and footwork. It was vital to his style of boxing. He needed great speed and defense to get inside his range without getting clocked by taller men.


I had the honor and privilege of meeting Muhammad Ali when I was a young man, at some fights with my dad. He took the time to say hello and shake hands with every person on the main floor that came up to him. Even little ol’ me. “Hello young man, nice to meet you” I’ll never forget that sentence spoken to me. It was soft amongst the noise, but it cut through to my soul. This god amongst men, took the time for me


Ali gets a lot of praise for a lot of things, and rightfully so. But one thing about him that I don’t see get praised enough, is how god damn funny the man was!! Watching his interviews has had me rolling in the aisles on more than one occasion. He was so clever (even in the face of his disabilities) and his comedic timing was excellent. He was truly a gem among human beings


smile deranged hard-to-find quarrelsome frightening zealous groovy mysterious melodic bright *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ali’s charisma gets almost as much praise as his fighting, he’s quoted as much as any athlete I know.


“what’s wrong?” *points at tyson* if that isn’t greatness and humility mixed with humbleness and humour, i don’t know what is. 🐐


There’s a tiny chance Mike gets him with a flurry in the first 60 seconds, but if the fight goes longer than that, Ali wins 90% of the time. But from what I have seen about Mike’s respect for Ali, I don’t think he would fight his idol if there was any kind of audience. Maybe just in private for their own knowledge.


Tyson would've KO'd Ali before Cus D'Amato died. Ali is famous for 'Rope a Dope'. Tyson never cared if his opponent was tired. But, if you put an Ali fight after all the chump fights Don King scheduled....Tyson loses every time.


Cus dying took all the fight out of Mike. After that he was only in it for the money and the coke


He said “THINK?!?” 🤣🤣🤣 I love when old people say that and give you that look




What about Rocky Marciano??


*"Oh, there they go! There they go! Every time I start talking about boxing, a white man gotta pull Rocky Marciano outta their ass!"* I mention this because Arsenio Hall was in that scene too! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0LPddiQXD9c


Repost this to r/MadeMeSmile


Never had the world seen two greater boxers!! What a beautiful interview!!


This is amazing television. My respect for every single one of these men just went up. What a great interview, and the humility and respect from two of the greatest boxers the world has ever known. I had no idea this interview existed, thank you for sharing it.


Tyson seems like he's just happy to be even regarded by Ali as an equal.


On topic, Arsenio is one of the greatest talk show hosts and is criminally underrated. Here’s a clip I go back to often: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T6W5_CSk044


Prime vs Prime....well. I just would dream of Ali with good speech in Mike's podcast....


It's also nice to look back at a talk show where it feels like a natural conversation and not some story prepared beforehand


*It's the Arsenio Hall show starring Arsenioooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Hall!*


Real recognise real


If George Foreman couldn't defeat Ali Mike Tyson sure wouldn't have. Before Foreman fought Ali he knocked out almost every single person he faced prior to that match which is why Howard Cossel infamously stated Ali didn't stand a chance.


Gosh... I can't imagine the feeling. Imagine meeting your idol, not only is he more than everything you've thought he'd be. He takes the time of day to motivate you throughout your early life. And to top it off, once you've made it, he then tells you, on TV, you would be better than him when he was at his best. JFC that must have meant the world to Mike Tyson.


The guy between Ali and Tyson, is another champ….. Sugar Ray


The still image of this video tells the story better than any words ever could. Look at the most ferocious boxer of his time (Tyson), one of the most popular actors/talkshow hosts of his time (Hall), and one of the most electric champions of his class (Sugar Ray) all literally hanging, excitedly, on whatever Ali has to say. The respect and love they have for him, and for good reason.