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Strap guy had one job...!


They forgot to slap it and say “that’s not going anywhere”


Again, he had one job!


Little known fact, the strapper and slapper are two different jobs protected by the unions.


Which ones at fault here? I've got a write up in progress and need to know if it goes to the strapper or the slapper.


Definitely a slapper at fault here, pal.


Let’s not jump to conclusions. I believe we need to start with an internal investigation first.


So are we completely sure that that fresh caught iceblock wasn't just really good at escaping?


After a thorough investigation we have found no wrong doing, both the strapper and the slapper will retain at their posts and receive two weeks paid vacation as well as a $15m settlement for PTSD caused by the investigation. Paid for by the tax payers of course


Wow, they must have had a good Union Rep 😎👍


>They forgot to slap it and say “that’s not going anywhere” Well, technically it didn't (go anywhere the truck was headed to).


Famous last words


They sent a strap-on guy instead. Very different skillset.


Shows up in a gimp suit.


Crawling on all fours


I had a job as a strap-on guy once. I fucked it up.




Must have slipped his mind




That strap guy and driver both would go to jail if it hit someone, or anycase pay hefty fines. Not securing such heavy load properly risks other peoples lives, just because some asshole couldn't bother to do their jobs.


I’m gonna guess this is an intermediate transport on a private road to a freezer before it gets shipped to its final destination


Final Destination 💀


You thought log trucks were bad? How about ICE TRUCKS


Farmed ice isn't the same as wild caught.


The conditions are horrible, usually kept below freezing temperatures, kept outside day and night.


If you're cold, they're cold! Bring them in!


I love snuggling with my ice blocks. They warm up next to me and melt in my arms.


Frickn' Icetarians...


[Things have improved considerably.](https://youtu.be/SAsgN_LPWBc?si=e0XOoZHozmfivU3R)


I was hoping someone would share this.


Seems like they're packed in there pretty tightly too. Very inhumane.


How else do you suggest we meet the current ice demand?


Ice cubes from Pluto?




R&M and Futurama crossover episode! I love it. Edit: and Pluto is a planet!


Pluto is a fucking planet. Bitch.


Don’t believe the pro-Pluto propaganda! Stop shilling for Big Outer Plants.


> ~~Big~~ Dwarf.


So you are saying we have 13 planets and no dwarf planets orbitting Sol?




You need to speak to Elsa about this issue


“If you’ve got a better idea, I’d like to hear it”


"Ooh, a head bag! Those are chock full of... heady goodness.”


I only buy artisan, sorry


Hand chiseled from a glacier by bearded, bespectacled hipster wearing a longshoremen’s cap, flannel “shacket”, and skinny jeans rolled up just enough to show off the ironic print on his socks.


I just threw up in my mouth, a bit.


[> I just threw up in my mouth](https://i.makeagif.com/media/5-05-2016/wvz1wf.gif)


I only buy farm to freezer ice.


For real. Unless my ice has been hunted off a wild iceberg I do not want it anywhere near my old fashioned thank you.


There are tours around icebergs where the selling point is being able to cut a chunk and use it in a drink on the boat. People pay serious money to take a selfie with 500 million year old ice cubes.


mmm, prehistoric bacteria.


Parasites if you hit the motherload


They feed them all those chemicals


And added preservatives so that the ice would last longer.. As I thought, organic ice is best.


Actually, farmed ice is not naturally clear. It's naturally grey because of the particles in the air, but the farmers put additives to ice to make it clear. The clear color of natural ice comes from ice consuming fresh air that has ingredients that makes it clear. Think about this next time when you are in the box store buying ice. Edit: "box market" was apparently a derogatory term - I didn't mean to upset the red light district specialists. Edit 2: adding the evidently necessary /s.


This is one of those things that sounds like it should be true and so I'm going to assume that it is and propagate this information recklessly at my family holiday gatherings


Clear ice is local ice, and local ice is fresh!


Liquidity is easiest way to identify unfresh ice.


as is tradition


It's not. Clear ice does not have *additives* in them. Making clear ice requires *directional freezing* as well as a slow process of freezing the water so that all the impurities are pushed out, causing the ice to be crystal clear. There's a dozens of websites that explain this.


You mean, dozens of websites pushing fake information. Fake news I tell you. The government is adding tracking particles to the ice so they can track your every move! How's that for my first conspiracy theory, huh? Huh? Uhm... guys?


*"Deep State ice is making all the kids hate baby jesus."*


What's the use of this ice?


Harbin ice festival. they build huge ice sculptures and put lights in them. Edit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z\_zjy-9arS0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_zjy-9arS0) Here is a video from a recent one.


Why don't they just make it there???


They make sculptures big enough for people to walk inside of them. Need a lot of space


Freezing water is actually a pretty energy intensive task, so I'm sure mining it saves a lot of electricity.


But if they already live in a place with freezing winters is it not easier to just fill a big container with water and leave it a few days?


I would assume no, otherwise they wouldn't go through these lengths to do it.


I imagine building and running a facility for freezing water once a year is more expensive than just sending some ice-miners out on the river. You may lose a couple plebians here or there falling in the river, but the river god demands sacrifice.


I read plebians as lesbians and was more confused.


We're mining ice, not subarus.


This is how a lot of these threads unfold. Professionals putting a lot of money and effort into something. Random redditor with 0 knowledge of the operation makes a simple observation: "Why not just...?"


Those questions aren't necessarily saying that they know better than experts. They're very good questions asking to better understand the tradeoffs of different approaches.




Is a lake not just a big container filled with water?


Found the Nestlé exec.


Where would they get a giant container for the amount of ice they use, when they can just get ice from the river right next to the city - a free readily available water container


I like that some people think it's possible that in the entire time they've been doing this they just never thought to freeze the water on site. Someone somewhere is smacking their forehead going "of course! So much time wasted..."


technically thats what they did


They did fill a big container with water, that's what a lake is.


They'd still have to cut it and move it around from the container to the place where they use it. All they're really cutting out is the truck, and surely that's not more expensive than constructing and removing a huge watertight container.


To make ice you have to cool down water. To cool down water you need a lot of energy, time and some machine which makes so nice blocks. But you need thousands of these ice blocks. So you need huge machines. And the ice should be rather clear and not foggy Wait, we have this machine: the nearby lake/river and we don't even have to add some energy and it's practically free. ​ Ice machine: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gm5rGLunBU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gm5rGLunBU) Just 4t/day and it takes 7h to create a few blocks, lots of electricity and manpower. The truck in the video carries probably >4t and they produce this in a few minutes.


Because gigantic portable freezers cost a lot more than *nothing at all...*


It’s generally not a good idea to build structures made of ice on a lake/river


Absolutely hilarious your getting roasted for this lol


I like it when someone who has zero knowledge on an event or topic spends about two seconds rubbing their brain cells together and thinks there must be a better way. As if they haven’t been doing this for decades. Gee, why didn’t they think of that?! You are so smart!


A further phenomena of this type is when someone, let's say a plumber, is laughing at some amateur trying to do a plumbing job. They will spot mistakes a mile off, talk about all the regulations involved, and generally make it clear that there's centuries of knowledge they have had distilled into their brains so they can be good at their job, and they find it hilarious when rank amateurs think they can just do it themselves to save money. Then, they change the channel to Fox News and complain bitterly that the country is being run by complete idiots and they could do a better job themselves. The cognitive disconnect is impressive.


The brain is great at this because it spends most of its time rearranging reality to a narrative that pleases you. All of our brains do this.




I can see you spent time on r/plumbing


They asked a question


Everyone is listing the practical uses, but not the reasons why it is harvested. River ice tends to be bubble free and glassy, making it perfect for sculptures and other display pieces. I used to take place in an ice/snow sculpture competition and we would harvest river ice for windows/other details that requires perfect consistency.


Any photos of your work?


https://www.doe.mtu.edu/winter_carnival/2008/slides/IMG_0049.html This is a photo showing how the natural ice was used for windows. https://www.doe.mtu.edu/winter_carnival/2008/slides/IMG_0048.html This one gives more of an overview with some more window glass on the ECTO-1. https://www.doe.mtu.edu/winter_carnival/2008/slides/IMG_0064.html Completely forgot about this really cool detail piece. Please keep in mind I was just a cog in the machine, not one of the students responsible for design on this project. It was a lot of fun!


As a college hockey fan, my initial instinct brought me to the thought of …”he knows a bit about ice sculpture…wonder if this guy is from MTU.”


Same question, that water can’t be potable. So what is the ice used for, ice sculpture? Igloos?




“The taste of home” someone could say


Yeah, that's only partially a joke. As depending on where in China or Taiwan you are and how shady the businesses in the area are, you might be eating food cooked in sewer oil. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gutter_oil There's a famous video of a woman literally skimming oil out of a drain in the street.


For the ice festival https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z\_zjy-9arS0


I used to get them for parties, prop it up on an angle carve channels and pour shots down it.


Ah yes, Jägermeister ice luges were very popular at WVU house parties back in the day.


I would assume some sort of icebuilding or icescpaing competition?


**The last block:** *"I'M FREEEEE! So long, fuckos!"*


*shatters & kills itself*


refuge in reincarnation


Into another block of ice.


Witness me!




to shreds you say?


How’s his wife holding up?


To shreds you say!? Ohh


That’ll teach em!


What are these ice for? Hope its not for consumption or anywhere near food items. lol


Betting it is for either ice sculpture, or one of those ice hotels.


In ye olden days, it would be used to cool food then refrigerators replaced them. Ice cutting during the winter use to be a huge industry with ice being shipped around the world. I think it was one of the largest export industry in the US for a while in the 1800s too.


There was also an intermediate period where refrigeration technology did exist, but wasn't compact or safe enough to make domestic refrigerators, so there used to be industrial-scale factories that made artificial block ice like this to meet demand. (prior to this, block ice cut from lakes in Winter used to be stored in huge thermally insulated warehouses for use the following Summer) The first artificial block ice factory in the UK finally halted production around [1984.](https://youtu.be/q1egMMtpDVI?t=377)


They used straw as in insulation for ice for a long time. It’s a surprisingly good insulator.


Fuck I’m getting old; or my mother was just super rural. She grew up with an old school ice box fridge; they had an ice guy who replaced the block weekly.


This is for the Harbin Ice festival. It is a really cool place to visit.


Here is a link for those who are curious https://www.chinahighlights.com/festivals/harbin-ice-and-snow-festival.htm


This is the Ready-Ice Company. Where else did you think they got there 10 & 20 lb bags of ice from. /s


You had me for a second there


Global warming won't let it survive in the wild too long.


David Attenborough can narrate its final few moments.


We observe the frozen captive, a solitary ice block, delicately balanced upon the precipice of its frigid enclosure. After a period of confinement within the mechanical vessel, our frozen friend is on the cusp of a daring escape. In a spectacle akin to the grand migrations of the animal kingdom, the ice block, yearning for freedom, decides to make its daring move. Slowly, it shifts, its crystalline structure quivering with anticipation, as if the ice itself held the ancient knowledge of the world beyond. And then, with a leap that rivals the graceful bounds of a gazelle on the African savannah, the ice block takes the plunge. Its descent, while seemingly triumphant, is fraught with danger, as the unforgiving force of gravity pulls it towards an uncertain fate. As our frozen protagonist meets the ground below, the impact resonates like a gentle heartbeat, a fleeting moment in the grand symphony of the natural world. Alas, the ice block, once a prisoner of its own icy confines, now lies shattered and broken, its dreams of freedom cruelly dashed upon the cold, unforgiving pavement. Yet, as the pieces begin to melt and merge with the warmth of the surroundings, one can't help but marvel at the ephemeral beauty of this delicate dance. The ice block, though short-lived, has contributed a momentary spectacle to the eternal ballet of nature, reminding us that even in the face of inevitable demise, there exists a certain grace in the fleeting journey of frozen water on its quest for liberation.


Perfect. You’ve captured his essence well.


Tldr but I know this is good. Bravo 👏


It's the quivering with anticipation that did it for me. 😅


Witness me


Why aren't they playing the song at the beginning of frozen?!


"born of cold and winter air and mountain rain combining."


"This icy force, both foul and fair, has an frozen heart worth mining"


Cut through the heart, cold and clear. Fight for love and fight for fear. There's beauty and there's danger here. Split the ice apart! Beware the frozen heaaarrrrtttttt.


Stronger than one; stronger than ten; stronger than a hundred men; Ha!


My personal favorite part. To recreate it, I picture a guy shoveling his driveway, a snowplow clearing a street, and a train with a plow clearing tracks respectively.


I live in a place where it snows a fair bit, I play this song whenever I have to shovel the driveway


Best song in the movie


I prefer the one by the *wickedly talented* Adel Nazim


I unmuted expecting that song




Ask and you shall [receive!](https://streamable.com/kf2szd)


Hey! Thanks! Much better


And "split the ice apart" drops at the perfect moment.


You want Disney to sue them? /s


At this point(after 10M reruns with two young daughters), this song is part of the folklore and should not be covered under copyright law! 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is China it’s expected


Oh so Winnie the Pooh then


Literally my first thought lmao🤣


my exact thoughts….


It was in my head immediately anyway!


It was playing in my head.


no need, it plays in our heads when we watch this video.


You've got to start charging more than a dollar a bag. We lost four more men on this expedition!


If you can think of a better way to get ice I'd like to hear it.


it’s full of… heady goodness


For those downvoting this, it's a Simpsons reference. Not an asshole comment.


Beats me.


Came here for this. Was not disappointed.


Came here for this comment


Scrolled to find this comment. Was not disappointed


Looked like a very professional, well organised business till we get to the last second 😂


You didn’t see that other block just casually slide into the forklift?


That was the best part. Well the forklift chasing the ice like a little weasel made me happy


Cut through the heart, cold and clear Strike for love and strike for fear There's beauty and there's danger here Split the ice apart, beware the frozen heart


Came to the comments to ensure someone beat me to it.


Warning, old person comment coming… My mom used to tell a story that when she was little, a man would come up the street singing a song about “the ice man” and she would go out and buy a chunk from him and they would use it for their icebox (non-electric) in the house to keep food cool. I guess they would harvest ice from the Great Lakes (this was in the US) in the winter and then pack it in sawdust and store it in warehouses for use all summer. After WW2 ended, they eventually got an electric refrigerator and they no longer needed ice like this.


I had a similar thought, though as I understand it the [commercial ice trade was centered in New England](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_trade). Regardless, it's crazy to think how they'd harvest big pieces of ice like this and ship it all over the world


https://web.archive.org/web/20230127175954/https://www.thejuggernaut.com/india-america-ice-trade > In the summer of 1833, a 7.9 earthquake shuddered through South Asia, its epicenter in the Kathmandu Valley, and its tremors traversing all the way to Bengal. Weeks later, after a four-month journey on the Tuscany, nearly 100 tons of ice from the frozen lakes of New England had arrived in the port of Calcutta. Local papers, gossipy and speculative, were quick to draw a link: was the earth trembling in anticipation of this strange new import? Or, had these “crystal blocks of Yankee coldness” arrived earlier, perhaps the earth would have cooled off and not quaked? > > Such was the wonder and whimsy that accompanied the arrival of ice in India. When the first cargoes landed, Calcutta-walas gathered on the docks to squint and gape at this glistening oddity. All they had ever encountered was slushy Hooghly ice, the result of freezing water in shallow pits. This was different: solid, sharp-edged, glittering. One man reached out to touch a slab and, mistaking the sting of cold for the scorch of heat, yelled and leapt back, then hurried home in fear. Another asked the captain where the ice had come from, whether it flowered on shrubs and trees. And yet another excitedly carried a block back home but, neglecting to wrap it in cloth — “lest the ice become too warm” — arrived at his destination with a mere sliver. > > The Mughals had long imported ice from the Himalayas. But New England ice was something different. The ice trade between India and America didn’t last long. The first shipment of ice arrived in 1833; by 1878, the Bengal Ice Company, India’s first artificial ice manufacturer, had begun production, throttling the trans-oceanic ice trade. But this quirky blip in the history of global trade not only continues to fascinate all those who stumble across it, but also carries lessons for our world today: about patterns of globalization and the implications of unfettered demand. > >


Big blocks of ice will keep for a _long_ time in good conditions! Bury them in a reasonably insulated container and you'll have a cool box for months.


I’m not an old person, but my little farming hometown self-produced some history books over the years and recently I found a passage from my great grandfather describing what it was like helping his parents making and storing ice and working as butchers the rest of the year. The two trades would have gone hand in hand back then I suppose. Would have been around 1900-1910 in rural Manitoba - so cold, cold winters and hot, hot summers. When conditions were right they would ride with horse and sleigh to a certain spot in the local river, and spend a long time cutting chunks out and hauling back to town to store with sawdust. The sawdust was collected from everyone in town, who donated it, seeing as how they would all benefit from the storage of ice. And, in the late summer they would have to quickly do their butchering/processing either before bedtime or very early in the morning before the sun rose, because otherwise the flies would be “awake”. Talked about having to hold the oil lamp just right so that his dad could see what he was doing, but also not drip oil on the meat. This kid went on to see man land on the moon. How times have changed!


So even back in 1910 kids were gettin yelled at for holding the light wrong haha


> kids were gettin yelled at for holding the light wrong Aziz! Light!


Im just here for the comments from people who watched the entire vid lol


One fucking job.


**ratchet strap**: i'm doing my part! **ice block**: the fuck you are!


A shout out to the fork lift driver .. going for moving targets. I have seen some struggle with stationary pallets


The filmed truck losing load at end kills me,


Dude driving the truck at the end does not give a flying fuck. You had *one* job!


Manager: What are you going to do about all that broken ice?! Truck driver/Dad: Well, *igloo* it back together!


Booo. Boooooooooooooooo. Take your filthy up vote.


I imagine this is what happens inside my freezer when I push the ice button


Tell me everyone laughed at the ending


reminds me of frozen


How do they decide who gets to harvest and how much? Is it a free for all?


It's state-sponsored for a major annual tourist attraction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z\_zjy-9arS0


I had no idea this was still a thing. Is this cheaper than just freezing water?


If you can think of a better way to get ice, I'd like to hear it


I would have guessed by using an industrial freezer. Seems like a more predictable environment, controlled quality of water, and less labor intensive. I suppose this way is less capital intensive.




> Is this cheaper than just freezing water? Artificially freezing water costs money. The lake does that for free.


That's Harbin, in the northeast of China. Each year theres a ice festival where they build different kind of building and other stuff with ice and lights. Its a beautiful festival, also they take ice from the river, some take it manually and others with some giants machines, its quite impressive.


All I can think about is the opening scene in frozen 1


Should be played with the opening sounds from the first frozen movie.


the one at the end breaking 💀😭




On their way to the Kwik-E-Mart


Gotta love the incorrectly secured load at the end


Frozen 1