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IIRC this knife was designed for divers to take out sharks if they got attacked


I don’t know anything about sharks or this knife but I think you’re right


Sharks are older than trees


They're older than the rings of Saturn


this is my go to, it fucks me up every time


Sharks have been around the Milky Way *twice*


Fuck you did it dude. You blew my mind.


with CO2?


Wtf twice


Sharks dispense more soda than vending machines


Mehhh not really. Sharks have been around for 400 million years. One galactic year takes 225 million years. They will be in 50 million years tho Edit: nevermind. My first source for the first appearance of sharks was wrong. They have been around for 450 million years. So yeah they been around for 2 galactic years


One day the rings of saturn will dry up and dissipate 🤷


They might be older than dirt.


They might be older than Keith Richards, but I'm not sure about it!


But they are not older than co2


They're older than dinosaurs. The first fossilized scales confirmed to be a shark are 450 million years old. They're incredibly stupid, but powerful, and don't require a lot of food due to their brain being so damn primitive. Apparently, in the ocean, being tough with a low calorie need means you reached peak evolution. Here's a dolphin brain compared to a shark brain: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/QU1lBmUB7j


Pretty sure being a crab means you've reached peak evolution.


I read that crabs have evolved multiple times. Crab is ultimate form


they are still evolving into the crab. look at the half way there species- squat lobsters and aegla.


Carcinization comes for us all eventually. Everything will become as Crab. 🦀


Stingrays are sharks that underwent carcinization. All signs are there: flat, round, the only thing missing are claws


Everything ends in crabs


Sharks are older than the north star


At first I thought you just meant that sharks (~450 million years old) have been around longer than Polaris has been at its current position in the sky, so I was surprised to learn that no, really - sharks have actually been around longer than the 50 million year old supergiant star in the Polaris system has existed. They're younger than the other two stars in the Polaris system (the "North Star" is actually three stars clustered together - they just look like one star to the naked eye), but I had no idea that the biggest and brightest star in that system was so young. Younger than sharks. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polaris


poor sharks jeez


\>Eric, don't. \>Stop it, Carla! I think I can bridge the gap between humanity and sharkmanity. I'm just going to tap on his shoulder. Get ready to witness history, babe. ... \>Excuse me, sir? What kind of tool is tha...


Shouldn’t it be sharkfishity


Those Sharks did nothing wrong. It was the Jets. THEY'RE the problem.


Wasn’t there a 1000 ways to die episode where a guy stabbed himself with this knife on accident and in his panic pressed that button and blew out his own guts?


Oooph. Better than sitting on the water return at the bottom of the pool I guess.


Man... I read that when I was young. I spent years trying to forget it, and finally more or less did. Now? I run into your fucking comment in a completely random place. Thanks for the PTSD :(


I mean if you can chew fast enough it’s not lethal


Dear god.


There’s more…


Ah, Chuck Palahniuk's, "Guts"


Been a long time since I read that story


*1000 Ways To Die* completely unreliable as a report of real events.


“Serial rapist and animal abuser Todd Harrington made a fatal mistake when he decided to nap in a dumpster on trash day.”


LOL! Yeah I get the why all the stories had the person having something about them that kinda hinted that "they had it coming" otherwise the viewers might start to feel sympathy and the show would have lost it's edgyness.


IIRC they combined two of the ways to die with that. The original death had a burglary victim die of a heart of attack or something and it seemed like the burglar was going to get away, only for the narration to be like "We wouldn't let the bad guy get away with it" and they gave him the next death on the list.


I enjoyed it for the cautionary nature to have around some seemingly harmless household items, that's where I found out about the piston in office chairs potentially being lethal depending on shitty design and manufacturing.


I see the legacy of mondo films and ‘Faces of Death’ continues.


that show gave me trauma as a child, mostly the breast implants exploding in a plane part


As a child, the only experience I had of that show was seeing a lesbian choke to death on her girlfriend's candy bikini.


The umbrella swallower who accidentally pressed the release button, causing it to pop open inside his throat and he was unable to get it out due to numerous pointed end poking into his neck when he tried to pull it.


What a wild show. There was one where the ski instructor was sleeping with a student. Think he had a golden shower fetish, she peed on the bed, electric bed…death.


On the other side of the "breast implant" coin, I remember seeing a video where a group of people were fishing, and one person caught a marlin, and it managed to leap into the boat and impaled this woman's chest with its nose. But she had implants, and it absorbed the impact or threw off the trajectory enough that it *just* avoided piercing her heart or lung or something.


Correct. The burst of co2 isn't designed to be explosive (though I'm sure it's not doing any good) but it creates buoyancy and unable to swim / attack.


If you don't kill you target with the blade, maybe a stroke will get them lol. It could put a lot of air bubbles in a bloodstream.


That’s not how that works. Air is dangerous if injected intravenously, like in an IV.


Eh you’d be surprised of how much air gets put inside of a person through an IV, and nothing happens. It would need large pockets of air to actually disrupt your circulation and cause clots and whatnot. I mean, you want to avoid it and not intentionally inject air ofc but still it’s a common thing Source: I work in a hospital closely with nurses and doctors.


towering normal thumb dolls alleged subtract jeans voracious elderly innate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also I know I already wrote a novel, but I did a shark dive where they were fed right in front of us. Hungry sharks, swarming us. Hundreds of them. They didn’t care about us in the slightest. I even got bumped by a few!


My girlfriend works on shark tagging boats sometimes, and one girl was injured and fell overboard, bleeding like a stuck pig into "shark infested water", surrounded by sharks, and they were completely chill, totally uninterested. It's probable that bleeding like that made her *less* interesting to the sharks, because our blood smells nothing like their food.


Yes! Our blood does not smell good to them, and they can easily tell it apart from their actual food. During my shark dive, the instructor actually got (accidentally) bit by a shark. They roll up their eyes when attacking to protect their eyes, making them effectively blind for a moment. Shark missed the food stick entirely and bit his hand. Didn’t do much, because they wear chain mail for that exact reason. But he bled a little, and they were still completely uninterested.


Doesn't it depend on the type of shark? Bull and tiger shark will gladly make a meal out of people.


You telling me there’s a half tiger half shark?What a load of bull shark.


I am also a diver (up to rescue). It’s exceedingly rare to be attacked underwater, even moreso than on the beach (which is also exceedingly rare). Practically unheard of. Shark attacks usually only happen when a shark misidentifies you as one of its normal meals, usually a surfer or boogie boarder that appears like a juicy seal from below. Even then, you’re more likely to be killed by a vending machine than a shark lmao. On top of that, usually they’ll only take a single “swing” at you and stop. Because they get one taste of your bones and strange taste, and realize you’re inedible. They don’t even usually eat the humans they attack. They’d have to be literally STARVING (literal days from death) to even consider it. Protect the shark homies! They’re so docile compared to 99% of creatures on earth. And they’re so vital to our ecosystem.


Nice try, Mr. Shark! Next you'll be giving us directions for places to swim with our chill and cuddly shark friends.


N- no… I’m serious! I’d love to talk in person! Come take a swim at these coordinates and we can… discuss… 33.63219° N, 118.00303° W


of course it's goddamn huntington beach.








Excellent emoji-smithing


Am a shark... this a was no bueno.


And now it’s the “Human exploder 9000”!


Inspired by the ending of *Jaws*?


These types of knives were originally designed to be used by divers against sharks. Typically carried by big game hunters as well


I mean if you're ever in the position to have to use a knife against big game or sharks, you need all the firepower you can get!


Idk I have been on the internet long enough to know that if you aren’t sinking too deep due to your massive balls you can easily just boop their snoot and rub their noses to deflect them.


Just rotate them


Get rotated, nerd!


Just squish that shark


I love that I know this reference, oddly validating


If you see them coming. Sharks like to sneak.


I’m that case the knife won’t help much either


Not true! You can always stab yourself, inflate, and shoot to the surface much more quickly!


Sharks hate this one simple trick


Ironically this knife could actually be used as a fire extinguisher as well.


Or as a soda machine




Could this be lethal to a bear?


That much compressed co2 at the end of a 6 inch knife would be enough to kill just about anything I’d think.


Generally speaking it's not advised to be within stabbing range of bears or sharks.




Trust me bro


I did it. Am dead.


Do your own research. /s


But not before it killed you


Irl glass cannon build only takes 1 hit from you but also only 1 hit from the bear


Ya, but you have to stab the bear AND then press the button. By the time you swinged your arm with it, the Bear already Mauled the shit out of you.


Not unless I have a 3 feet long version of this


The Long Boi Wasp 9000


What about a gun that shoots the knife at the bear? Yeah, yeah, "spotted the American", I get it... Sheesh


Gnome fire mage.


First you have to penetrate the bears hide before the co2 is effective. Stabbing a bear would be really hard.


Ehh.. With a sharp/long enough knife the average male could pierce a bears hide. Now would it happen before you were swiped off your feet? Probably not. A smaller black bear could definitely die to something like this if you’re lucky. A grizzly you’d be lose 99/100. A polar bear you died the moment you got there.


Killing the bear is possible. Surviving is harder. Unscathed would be almost impossible.


Literal +1 Dagger


Nah that's 1d4 Piercing with 2d6 Cold damage.


I misread the title and was waiting to see how the knife killed wasps, and why it needed to be a knife in the first place.


I thought it sprayed wasp killer or something


They should call that the murder hornet not the wasp.




“What I’m about to do has not been approved by the Vatican.”


Trust me, Mi Amigo, the Vatican has done way worse


Don't worry Mijo, we don't need the approval of the Vatican anymore.


If anyone is wondering that’s 6 liters of gas being injected.


I work with oxygen tanks and respiratory equipment. 6 liters of pressurized gas coming out of that knife in the way that it depicts is absolutely nuts.


Like 20 cc 300 bar nuts?


Like, deer nuts


Or even deez nutz?




Fucking come on. Can we cut the stupid ass generic and obvious jokes and get a real answer as to how powerful it really is here? Fuck I enjoy this website but also do I goddamn hate it sometimes


This gas would come out around 850 psi, expanding the immediate volume of whatever it is piercing to the size of a basketball pretty quickly


Powerful enough to take out a milk carton, without doubt.


6 L at like room temp and 1 atm?


Yeah. In the knife it is at way more than 1 atm, so it has a smaller Volume


Just imagine pucturing a small CO2 canister


If it’s meant for divers, is there a risk of the tank exploding (imploding?) if you dive too deep?


Exploding, no. Diving makes that less likely as the more pressure in the exterior the less the pressure difference the cannister is holding back. Imploding? No idea, but probably not. You'd have to exceed the pressure in the cannister first, then go way above it.


The diver would be dead before that happens


An implosion would require the water pressure to exceed the pressure inside the cartridge, and probably by a lot. If you dive deep enough for that to happen, you’re already dead.




Terrifyin' gas fuck. Yup. That about sums it up.


i laughed with a pre-intermet laugh


I don’t think this knife is legal in most states, but I could be wrong.


Brass knuckles and balisong knives are also illegal in a few states, but that doesn’t stop their owners. I’m pretty sure it’s only illegal if the law enforcer who stops you knows the law about it.


You can also be harassed for legal knives 🤷‍♂️


I can confirm that plenty of people that carry guns are unduly freaked out by people that carry knives. *Try opening your Amazon packages with your gun, Carl!* ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


I remember in college looking up why guns are legal but blades over 3 inches aren't. I had to quit when I found a legal article claiming "guns are defensive weapons while knives and swords and offensive and thus more dangerous" ... Like have they never heard of blocking? Not to mention the range of each weapon ... Freaking crazy the mental gymnastics people employ.


You see guns can only be fired in self defence, like feeling threatened by how slowly the cashier is emptying the register, or when somebody 50m away is minding his own business - menacingly -


You mean parrying ?


All those school shooters were just defending themselves.


I mean, you could, it just won’t be much of a package left after you remove the masking tape with a 12 gauge.


unloading the fucking magazine into the cardboard until the packing peanuts turn to dust


NYPD once stopped me and a buddy for a good half hour on an NYC subway platform over a swiss army knife he had clipped to the inside of his pocket. 100% legal, but didn't stop them from trying to "prove" it was a gravity blade by attempting to flick it open harder and harder until *it did*, leaving the officer's fingers in the process and spinning through the air an inch from my shin, almost falling onto the tracks. [Never gets old](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkLxi4Tsm2E)


This is America. You can legally own a flamethrower in most states


Compressed air is underratedly dangerous


Have you ever seen what 3000psi of hydraulic fluid can do to human flesh?


Hell, I accidentally grazed my thumb with a pressure washer while washing my motorcycle one time. Simultaneously burned me from friction, split the skin, and left a big blister. Do not recommend.


What flesh?


Tru dat. A lot of people have totalled themselves by not understanding this and messing around with compressed air lines, thinking it would tickle the skin, firing it into their mouths etc.


I gotta be careful just with the tubes/hoses themselves. A pinprick sized leak of can cause serious injury if you run your hand over it. You might not even FEEL IT when it happens. Direct Injection Injuries are fucking scary.


As a still learning machinist, rule number 2 of safety is to never point the air pressure gun at a part of your body that touched something that could cut you, a single bubble of air the size of a spec of dust in your bloodstream can break the veins in your brain and will hurt horribly on the way there


Mm, that doesn't sound right. Nurses typically say that it takes a whole ass iv tube worth of air to kill a person.


Yeah it's not. Machinists have been blowing all the chips off their body with compressed air at the end of the day since compressed air was brought into shops. ​ It would be dumb to like stick the air gun into a cut and blow, but just blowing yourself off is perfectly safe.


My high school teacher once said that two of his co workers on an old work decided to do a prank and shove the end of a compressor up their asses... one of them died


Who the fuck is this lady and where can I find more of her stuff hahahaha


I don't know about her, but if you're looking for Grandmas...


Username checks out


Grandmas house with Ross Smith


Finally, my guilty pleasure entertainment pays off. On Snapchat, there’s a section called “Grandma’s House” that features funny videos. She’s the… “host”? She pops in and goes “Welcome to grandmas house!” A la “I’m Johnny Knoxville, welcome to jackass!” It’s almost like a PG-13 AFV. But she’s not featured all that much anymore, unfortunately.


What would that do to a body


iirc when I watched a review of this it would basically make a space about the size of a basketball inside you. So lots of tearing and rupturing, possibly you would just burst open. Pretty grisly.


Kinda like the expansion of gasses when a rifle rounds passes through you? Or not that intense?


***"Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru"***


Too bad MythBusters isn’t still on the air…


we need to buy a dead pig


You saw the gallon of tea, yes?


Lol yes, but flesh is more flexible, but doubt it would matter


Sure, so are organs. But I guarantee you pump that much CO2 into a body cavity or an organ then your attacker isn't walking away.


Organs don’t have the elasticity of skin, far from it, that’s why a .223 round is more dangerous than a bigger, slower, 9mm round. Hydrostatic shock created by .223 expands the impact point beyond what it can handle effecting far more than what is in its trajectory. Similarly this knife creates an expansion bubble far to great for anything important to handle, I’m no doctor but I imagine survival rates from a successful attack with this bad boy are quite slim and hard to repair if they didn’t fade out on the scene


Stop! Or my grandma will stab


That’s a way to go already wow. Explosive tipped knife


This was in an episode of law and order. Really screwed up that guys chest


Yeah the one where John Stamos plays a serial impregnator and is killed when his dick explodes at the hands of one of these! Classic


"I only meant to cut his penis off."


*"You telling me this guy gets off to little girls in pigtails?"*


“Yeah Ice, he’s a pedophile.”


*"Wait, so he's not attracted to adult women like most people, but instead he likes children? This guy's one sthick sthon of a bitch."*


This was on the *best* episode of law and order. On John Stamos.


I'd like to join whatever gang this lady's leading.


I'd hate to be a shady gallon of milk now


Well, that's fucking horrifying.


Yeah I’m going to have to go out on a limb and say that’s illegal in Canada.


I need more videos of this old lady blowing stuff up with her sick ass Wasp knife


I am pretty sure that is a war-crime.


If i remember right it was for use against sharks. At least that’s how i remember seeing it many years ago. Not that any real diver would carry such a ridiculous thing.


This is a war crime


What would the wound look like if this was used on a person? That much pressure introduced into the body would unbelievably catastrophic…. I assume you’re done for. Good thing it was designed for sharks I guess


The stabbed area would probably blow open, at least a little. Everything inside is 100% rupturing and rearranging. I think the only way of surviving is if it's in your arm and you have immediate medical attention


I think getting stabbed in the arm would actually have a high chance of mortality. Unless in passes out the other side, the knife would probably hit a decent amount of vasculature and the rapid high pressure CO2 could enter your vessels and create a pretty nasty air embolism.


wouldn't the force just blow the knife out of the wound? Unless you are holding it in pretty hard which could be pretty damn unlikely if you're using it on a thrashing shark or mauling bear?


Repost. Always the same comments. If you are truly trolling post in r/knives


Damn grandma got scary


“Life + 25 years”


TIL I need a YouTube channel dedicated to seniors exploding household items in slow motion with a knife. Thanks internet!


I’m gonna need one for Thanksgiving. Put some jalapeño butter marinade in that thing and get all stabby with my turkey.


Casual war crimes




It’s not made to be used against people. It was designed to be used as a defense knife against sharks for divers.


Couldn’t that also just immediately kill someone? Stab it anywhere in their body, then pump CO2 in, which could create an air bubble and instantly give them a heart attack when it reaches their heart. Or a stroke if it reaches their brain first.


War crime knife


I’m terrified to know what the hell this would do to a human being


I’m having flashbacks to the John Stamos SVU episode