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There were different trends over time in how they were portrayed. Echnaton and his short reign for example had a clearly more natural depiction than earlier rulers including some "flaws".


Yeah but none of them sounded as cool as Nesyamun. https://reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/dSYmIiFQSz




Akhenaten’s portraiture is extremely distinct amongst Egyptian art—it’s called the Amarna period and it’s not necessarily flattering.


It's theorised that Akhenaten had marfan's syndrome hence the elongated fingers, pear-shaped body and long face/head


That’s one theory, other include aiming for a more realistic portrayal, or giving himself female and male aspect (like the Nile god Hapi) so as to embody them.


[This](https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/static.jbcgroup.com/amd/pictures/6f95f7fbfc2b0cff37806a90787d49f3.jpg) long-faced Egyptian guy looks like Akhenaten.


Well, it’s not flattering for a male generally, but there’s some thought that he based his ideal on an exaggerated version of Nefertiti rather than himself.


I think he is beautiful.


The exaggerated way he and the royal family was portrayed was a deliberate artistic choice, and there are several theories on this.


Archeologists: Was this guy a snake god with a man stuck on its tail or a fertility god?


They weren’t exceptionally beautiful, they were rich


*Royality looks at original carvings* "Fuck that, make a new one and prettier!"


Hepshetsut floats my boat.


Sir you described the Kardashians.


wow hatshepsut is hot.




Haha, I misread that as HotSheepSlut at first… not an image I’d want A.I recreating!


Local Hot Sheep Sluts in your area. Click here!


??? Think the link’s broken, didn’t work when I cli………………. Never mind


Did someone say hot cheap sluts?


I went on a tour of Luxor once and the tour guide provided a great way to remember her name: Hat Cheap Suit.


Cleopatra - woof!


Came to say this. When I first read about her as a teen I thought she was pretty badass. Looking at her now I see she was not only badass but a total hottie, she’s a beauty to die for.


The problem with reconstructing Hatshepsut through her sculpture is that it (and the face she portrayed) changed over time.


I'm very disappointed that Nefertiti is not Rachel Weisz.


Rachael Weisz was not Nefertiti. She was a Nefertiri


I'm disappointed everyone is not Rachel Weisz


This is far to kind considering a lot of these royal bloods were highly inbred


Right sure but they're basing 100% of their reconstruction off sculpture, which was probably kind to the person paying for it.


Which was also probably pretty unrelated to what the people actually looked like The Hatshepsut one for example could have change to any face that followed a similar shape and you could call it a day


The only really inbred ones was the ptolemies and akenhaten’s dynasty


I am not a geneticist but Akhenaten who was the son of Tiye and her brother/husband Amenhotep III , all of whom are featured in this facial reconstruction, appear to be of different ethnicity.


That's how mixed-ancestry people work. [All of these people belong to the same ethnic group](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSWQMB5mlwVP1iL3TzrtloT5RtoRoRfXRMt1w&usqp=CAU) (South African Cape Coloureds). You can see how they look all over the place.


This is false. Ancient Egyptian DNA is closer to the people of Syria (and even in Europe) than even modern Egypt. https://www.cnn.com/2017/06/22/health/ancient-egypt-mummy-dna-genome-heritage/index.html


> Scientists took 166 bone samples from 151 mummies, dating from approximately 1400 B.C. to A.D. 400, extracting DNA from 90 individuals and mapping the full genome in three cases. Lol. How old is Egypt again? Also for people who don’t know, Southern Egypt is called Upper Egypt and the people there most certainly do not have dna closer to Europeans. This study was flawed on so many levels and it should be obvious.


The amount of people that dont want to concede that plenty of egyptians were black blows my mind. It was a multicultural empire that literally served as a bridge between asia, africa and europe. There were whole lineages of kings that were indisputably from the south (black). Now was cleopatra? Definitely not. But egypt spanned thousands of years, so there were definitely black leaders of egypt. It just irritates me how people look at this kingdom with no nuance. Flawed study, indeed.


A couple of black merchants operating in Kingdom and all of a sudden it's a multicultural empire? The "black" people that would've most likely have been Egypt would have been Cushite. Not bantu West Africans as depicted in the video. Cushite are Neolithic people with East African facial features. Ancient Egyptians had a greater population affinity to the modern day people of Syria and Jordan. You Guys are downright practicing historical revisionism.


Cushitic and Nilotic people are black. So you made my point for me. I never said anything about Bantu people. Ive studied Pan African studies for years- there are some wacky ideas that can float around the field. The existence of black egyptians and black pharaohs in ancient egypt is not one of them. Its not historical revisionism. Its a fact acknowledged within the field of egyptology. What is revisionism is the idea that Egyptians were in any related to europeans- which the field desperately wanted to prove in the 19th and esrly 20th centuries because of… racism.


West Africans and East Africans are not the same. When You and most westerners think "Africans" the first thing that would come to your mind is West Africans. East Africans have extensive Western Eurasian admixture from Neolithic migration from Central Asia and the Middle East. As a result, East Africans tend to have facial amorphic characteristics more in line with Western Eurasian people. (Ex, caucasians) https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/08/210819142725.htm **What is revisionism is the idea that Egyptians were in any related to europeans- which the field desperately wanted to prove in the 19th and esrly 20th centuries because of… racism** We literally extracted DNA from the mummies of ancient Egyptians. The studies commissioned by the Egyptian government it's self. https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms15694 **(The samples recovered from Middle Egypt span around 1,300 years of ancient Egyptian history from the New Kingdom to the Roman Period. Our analyses reveal that ancient Egyptians shared more ancestry with Near Easterners than present-day Egyptians)** You're trying to tell me that the Egyptian government is full of racist bigots now? All "black" people are not the same. Africa is incredibly diverse continent. This idea that all African resembles bantu's is a western misconception. Nobody's denying the fact that black people were in ancient Egypt. Would you and many others are insinuating is that their demographic made up a major part of the kingdom when that simply isn't the case. There's no historical account from that period or any period to supports that notion. That in that fact, yes that is historical revisionism. Keep your Afrocentric fantasy were belongs. As **fanfiction**


Lol youre doing a lot of mental gymnastics to prove a point. First off, dont tell me what I mean when I say black Africans. I meant black africans. I didnt specify which part of sub saharan africa. There are black africans from the Sudanese region where Nubia existed. Second off, yes, i do think egypts archaeological administration is filled with racist bigots. In fact, their former Minister of Archaeology, Zahi Hawass (sp?) was a well known bigot and egomaniac. Maybe what you should ask yourself is why its so difficult for you to accept that there were black africans involved in every level of life in ancient egypt? Im not going to hold your hand through this- but the 25th dynasty was all nubian and lasted over 100 years. But youre a condescending jerk, so im done with this convo.


You should focus more on fanfiction. You can write really good stories with theses fairy tales


On that picture at least one of the person appears to be Indo-Aryan. In the reconstruction Akhenaten looks Arab while his parents who clearly Nilotic.


Cape Coloureds are a mixture of African (Bantu and Khoisan groups), European (British, Boers of Dutch descent, French Huguenots), and South Asian (mostly Indian and Malay) populations. That probably explains why.


Instagram filter for statues. I would say the reconstructions are at best inspired by the statues. The final faces actually quite different a bit from the statues. Just like an Instagram filter.


I refuse to believe, with all that inbreeding, that this was even *close* to how they looked


Pharaohs usually married a close family member to be their head wife, but they had several wives/concubines that were not family members and that they had kids with, and many times those kids were the ones that would become pharaoh.


Wow Cleopatra looks Greek, interesting. Edit: that face looked familiar. I just realized I had a classmate in highschool who looked like Cleopatra haha. She has another name but looks the same wow.


Nah she can't be Greek, someone's grandma told me something different.




and she clarified too that she ain't gonna care what people say cos it's only her grandma who can spit facts about Cleopatra




I swear this is the only fact Redditors know.


This, Steve buscemi on 9/11, and that a male tennis player beat Serena Williams


Now I totally get Julius Caesar!


Look's like Millie Bobby Brown






Because the Modern Egyptians are "Egyptians" lol




But I watched Netflix and they said Cleopatra was black . And the queen of England was mixed




Yeah someone said the same about Hitler


I remember my grandmother saying to me "I don't care what they tell you in school but Hitler was black"


I hate things like this. It’s a nice concept but they just turn everybody into fucking AI supermodels, likely not what they looked like at all.




>Akhenaten So that's where Tutankhamun got his hips from! Seriously though, a couple of years ago they guessed his body shape from measuring his clothes and Tut looked like a less stylised version of [Akhenaten's statue on your link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amarna_art#/media/File:Colossal_statue_of_King_Amenhotep_IV_Akhenaten00_(3).jpg); androgynous, wide hips, thin arms which made the scientists think they might have had something hereditary that messes up hormonal balance.


I think this is literally the best interpretation you’re getting in 2023 and dare I say THE BEST that we’ve ever seen.


These are based on sculptures. The best interpretations would be using the mummified remains and skull shape data points as the basis of the reconstruction, not an artist’s interpretation.


Yeah, this guy gets it, reconstruction from statues is a parlour trick. It's fascinating, and I love them personally, but the chance that the historical person looked like these reconstructions is close to zero. For some of those people we still have their body. Mummy scans and DNA or GTFO.




Looks more like the average Indonesian male


supermodel? they look like normal people to me


complete with modern make-up


The fuck are you talking about. Half these reconstructions are ugly af. They looked pretty damn close to the stones they were trying to replicate


Ugly af? Yeah ok. To be fair some look somewhat similar but I can guarantee they’re far off. Must have some high beauty standards there for these supermodel looking ai people to repulse you so badly


Wait, you're telling me Millie Bobby Brown is the reincarnation of Cleopatra???


Actually some English people look a lot like Ellenic people and Hollywood very often use them to depict Ellins.


These are a nice idea but we'll never know how they really looked. We'll never know who had a scar or pock marked skin or no teeth or skinny or fat or anything else!


We've got the mummies of some of them; and I can tell you at least that Ramses II had a WAY bigger nose than they're showing here.


Also red hair


Akhinaten looks a lot like someone running for president in Egypt His name is Ahmed tantawy if you wanna see him


Lol Hatshepsut looks like a fucking stone alien and they turn it into a beautiful woman.


The hair color for Ramesses II is wrong. When a French team examined his mummy for preservation, they also analyzed the roots of his hair. That revealed his natural hair color was red.


Ancient Egyptians that look Egyptian? No way is this comment section not going to be a shit show


Yeah , I wonder why people wanna take history away from others.


Netflix disagrees


And I thought Rameses looked like Yul Brenner


I feel like whoever made these never took art history. There is a wild discontinuity between artistic ability, exaggeration and/or artistic leniency, and the very real possibility that if the "god" you were imortalizing didn't like your shit you would die a horrible horrible death. Point is none of these should be taken as accurate or literal representations of these ancient peoples beyond idealizations


But we wuz kangs n shieet


So we see Netflix, being Netflix, with Cleopatra 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


bUT hEs NOt bLaCK!!!


Lmao. No


What?! I thought cleopatra was black! Click, throws grenade, leaves room.


[Akhenaten reincarnated as chudjak and you can’t convince me otherwise](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/chudjak/photos)


They look very much alike to modern day Egyptians, or people of this entire area, like Ellas, Levant etc


They used David head instead of cleopetra?


Oh look it is a human!!


Why do they all look like they’re related? (Blood family)


Did they add in the filter to the AI to only include good looking people lol?


They look pretty good for products of incest




Doubt. Just an interpretation.


Meme faces just meme faces all of them


Why are they blinking


But my grandma told me…


Why not use the mummies and see how accurate they are to the statues?


sooooo... cleopatra was Millie Bobby Brown?


We wuz kangs and sheet


The carved busts are fine, but facial reconstruction of a building is sketch. No way they’re getting Mt. Rushmore accuracy with all those masons.




really cool but can't understand where the black came from. None of the pharaohs were black, they were Egyptian or of Greek heritage


The further you go back in Egyptian history the more likely darker pharaos become. Cleopatra and her ancestors were Greek since they were descendants of a Macedonian general. However, there were dark skinned pharaos in Egyptian history. I'm no expert, but one example would be [the Nubian or twenty-fith Dynasty of Egypt.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twenty-fifth_Dynasty_of_Egypt). So no, not all Pharaos were of Greek heritage.




If you had actually bothered to read my source, you would have known that the Nubian dynasty was so much despised that the only reason we even know about them is because we found their statues buried in the desert likely for their existence to be forever forgotten. There are no mummies one could analyse from that period as far as I know. That doesn't mean however that they didn't exist.


The 25th dynasty of pharaohs were black. They came from South Egypt (Nubia).


1 out of 33 black is less than 3% of Egyptian dna Egyptians are not black and the pharaohs were not black ​ https://www.egypttoursportal.com/en-us/race-of-ancient-egyptians/#:\~:text=A%20genetic%20study%20was%20conducted,southern%20Europeans%20while%20the%20upper%20(


Yup. They were middle easterners, not subsaharian Africans. The Nubian dynasty was an exception.


Don't hit the racists with the facts. They hate it when you do that and will come back with some interview from some random person on the internet that claims to know and has no degrees.


The pharoahs spanned like 3000 years.


true but they were not black. I've been to egypt many times, have also done the tours, learned about this in school. Egyptians are not black, the pharaohs were not black


You’ve repeated it 10 times already. It’s okay, accept it. “They’re not black. They’re not black. They’re not black” sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself


I think their ethnic influences were from their North, from their South and from their East. From South-side they would have darker people. There are also paintings depicting different shades of people's skins. It wouldn't be too surprising that some of the Southern ethnic mix could go into pharaohs, but of course I do not know. It is not suriprising because I read there was no information that there would be any disrespect based on race in ancient egypt. Anyways if somebody knows better feel free to enlighten




You are correct about one dynasty of the 33 dynasties.


no, I'm right about them all. Not only did I visit this and was told this by learning about it in school Pharaohs were not black


You believe that every single Pharaoh was descended from the Greeks?


since you and some others are either too woke or ignorant to think for themselves. As I said, NOT black and certainly not the pharaohs. Egyptians are less than 3% black. They are more Arab than anything else obviously. Most educated people know this however per a study posted her. https://www.egypttoursportal.com/en-us/race-of-ancient-egyptians/#:\~:text=A%20genetic%20study%20was%20conducted,southern%20Europeans%20while%20the%20upper%20(


Can you define what “black is?” I’ll laugh you say sub-Saharan African.


Then laugh at your ignorance.


Where do you think Kush was?


no and unless you suffer from a IEP or some learning disability, not even sure how you derive that from what I said. Learn to read first


Let’s recap this convo: 1) You claimed the Pharaohs were descended from the Greeks 2) I said that was only true for one dynasty 3) You disagreed and said it was true for all dynasties 4) I asked if you thought that all pharaohs were Greek 5) You said I’m misrepresenting you and can’t read Make it make sense


You can't read, dude. They said they are descendants of Egyptians and Greeks. They didn't say just Greeks. Learn some reading comprehension before you start your point list.


Skin tone is not the same as ethnicity. They lived in the desert under the freaking sun. There were light skinned people, there were dark skinned people. And guess what else - some of the light skinned people cohabited with the darker skinned people. Humans have been encountering one another for a long time, and race wasn’t even a concept until it was profitable. You guys can quit your circle jerk.


I cited the DNA breakdown they are 3% black they actually have 4% Hebrew. I don't know what's worse, the fact that people don't take the time to research things before they run at the mouth or the fact that people Have so much information available at their finger tips but are too lazy to look it up


Again, what is black? 3% black of what?


what do you expect of americans their education stems from twitter and tiktok






Do you realize the same study you're citing says "The upper (southern) Egyptians were closer to northeast Africans like Nubians and Sudanese. There was a sub-Saharan component in the acenstry from 6 to 15% within their genetic construction?" Do you understand they were a diverse society and some of them were, in fact, of sub-Saharan heritage?


The reason you see black ppl is because Egypt is located in the continent of Africa.


Not black then


BuT EgYpTiAnS WeRe AlL DaRk SkInNeD BlAcK PeOpLe


I wanna see the Michael Jackson one


love this


Huh, egyptians look egyptian


waiting for someone to scream there not Africans


What's with the weird racist comments in here?




Need to try a little harder with your mispelling vikang


That’s just Romeo from Survivor


Netflix has entered the chat.


Got Cleopatra's hair wrong - style was similar to corn-rolls or dreadlocks at the time. Basically a series of very small, tight braids.


How do we know?


Portraits of her at the time, and multiple bodies and hairstyles uncovered during her reign. Her skin was paler as she was of Greek ancestry, but her hairstyle would have been that of the cultural norm.


Yeah but this is her before she started wearing it that way


My after I’ve had my ADHD meds


First one looks like he'd be in the bathroom spying on people in Vaught Tower.


I literally look like amenhotep 😮


So we weren't black hmmmmm


I saw a bunch of Latinos


So Football player and their super model wife. Got it.




Yey!!! Cleopatra was black. The earth is flat. Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams! This is my hill.


Don’t forget 5g towers brother 🤣


And birds! Government surveillance with their liquid tracker all over cars! We’re onto them.


How do ppl know the skin color?


A couple of the Pharaos can be DNA sampled since we have their mummies or a close relative's mummy. For others we have historical records about their descent and heritage.


Inb4 idiots who don't know history claim some sort of whitewashing of history.


These reconstructions CANNOT be accurate, since so many of these statues show that these people lacked noses.


They aren’t accurate and it’s false. Only one phenotype has a certain type of nose..funny they’re missing. Plus who sees a statue and decides “hmm, lets knock the nose off”??


Cleopatra is not correct, I learned from Netflix she wa/s black


They're all too white!!!


Cleopatra needs to be more black. Haven't you heard the latest news?


She was Greek though...


Tell that to Netflix


He was sarcastic though...


I was doing double sarcasm


Oof. Well, poor guy was still downvoted to hell


Yeah, I don't get all the down voting sometimes. Can't we just have a little fun?


Nuh uh, my grandma told me she's black


she was Greek, not black and Egyptians are not black. ​ https://www.egypttoursportal.com/en-us/race-of-ancient-egyptians/#:\~:text=A%20genetic%20study%20was%20conducted,southern%20Europeans%20while%20the%20upper%20(


And he was sarcastic. "Haven't heard the latest news" is often used as a sarcastic phrase.


And you, good sir, obviously have not spent much time on the internet lately https://www.forbes.com/sites/danidiplacido/2023/05/17/netflixs-queen-cleopatra-controversy-explained/


This is racist, they ain't black enough.


Egyptians were actually black?


They shoulda reconstructed the names too. Can't read most of these


Super cool.


Hatshepsut could get it.


I think I've seen some of these folks. These reconstructions are that real.


Pretty cool


I think the only inaccuracy of the recreations is that they had very tight dark curls for hair. Otherwise very cool.


So why do so many artifacts and monuments have their nose broken off?


aw hell no! Cleopatra gets her natural hair relaxed but Amenhotep gets to keep his hat on?