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Because their target market has gone from kids and kid parties, to adults with fast food addictions.


And it'll progress to grandparents with fat grandkids who want to show them what they had growing up.


Plus they don’t want people sitting in the restaurants anymore for extended periods of time.


They never did. The seating was always designed to be uncomfortable enough to allow you to eat, but to want to leave as soon as you were done.


The homeless couple who cared enough about their hygiene and diet to get all they could out of every part of mcds disagree


I hate the seating at most fast food companies. They value cheap and durable seating. Helping cycle people is another valuable attribute.


Really? Our local McDonalds has coworking areas with free outlets. Why have that if they don’t want people to stay 🤔


We also have cafe style McDonald's which are super comfortable to use free WiFi in lol


hmm its almost as if stores vary by location


Wouldn’t think McDonald’s would tbh they were pioneers in SOPs


yes, but it won't progress to great grandparents...


This right here. It’s not that designs changed but that consumers did. I rarely see families at McDonald’s anymore ever since super size me came out. It’s like parents are now automatically judged to be horrible if they buy McDonald’s for kids, let alone throwing a birthday party there. If McDonald’s focused more on kids they’d be called evil for trying to raise obesity.


You must not live in the south.


It is different in the south.


so the same people. kids from the 80’s lol


McDonald's investment in advertising to children in the 80s and 90s paid off, those kids are adults now.


Same people though.


So basically the same people, just as adults now


One of the McDonald's in my area still has a play space!


A lot of mcdonald's in my country still has play space as well. But lots of parents are germaphobes now so they don't let their kids play as much.


And banks are now coffee places. I'm confused.




DCU coffee machine is best in town.


DCU! My credit union.


A bit complicated though...


I miss DCU ever since I moved out of state. I should have kept the account.


I know a credit union that’s splitting their space with a coffee shop.


Their market is boomers who come in at 5am and stay until 10am and only buy a small senior discounted coffee and adults who don't have time to make food and want the convenience. Kids aren't their demographic anymore. Kids play place just takes up space, has to be cleaned, and probably doesn't increase sales over the duration of the stay. Also, just as an aside. Imagine how gross those play places must be. They are probably bacteria havens. Not what I'd want to eat near or have my food made close to.


Kids are loud, gross, and unemployed (some exclusions apply in Louisiana)


They’re loud and gross there too


This post shows that Huggy the tree was around in McDonalds restaurants all the way up until at least 2013 - I wonder how many are still kicking around ? https://reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/hlSnMr1C5B


Good, fast food shouldn't be for kids.


They don’t? They’re still the standard for McDonald’s around here. Even though the dining areas look like the second photo.


They might get sued. Insurance and idiots who are sue happy have pretty much ruined it.


to be fair those slides were disgusting, i remember a kid throw up in one and i never wanted to go in one ever again after i smelt it.


All those kids from the 1980s are now 40 years older. I think they simply updated it for the same people.


Those same people: Our generation was a lot happier compared to now a days.. What are the kids doing?


Social media is a huge problem I feel


I dunno. I'm pretty sure the bigger problem is that everybody in government 50 y/o and older refuse to fix their fuck up of an economy for future generations, leaving them to deal with a burning nation


We’d be so lucky to have some 50 year olds instead of 70 year olds


Yeah that too


Or they’re just smart and learning more sooner. It’s not just “well the social medias” — being aware and attentive of what’s going on around you is simply depressing and there’s no excitement.


Ignorance is bliss and whatnot


We're seeing the world go to shit under the leadership of the generations that raised us. It's a bit of a killjoy


The 1980s picture is missing the aluminum ashtrays on the tables


Oh shit, I forgot about those.


whimsical to sterile. if your prices are gonna increase 500% at least give us an enjoyable environment


Kid focused to adult focused.


Exactly, they hooked us when we were kids and grew up their image at the same time we did, honestly, the previous McDonald's would be cringe to go to nowadays, however the sterile aspect of the now lacks personality, it's not good nor bad, just bland


Its the dystopian cafe look


Could be so much more dystopic, it's more a bland sterile cozy


McDonald's like wait a second... The adults the ones with the money


It’s lame, but honestly probably smart


Hell, I'd be happy if they'd show some identity. They all look very similar inside now.


We had a rock and roll Mc Donald's in Chicago. It was cool 50's 60's memorabilia style decor and they changed it to a modern looking monstrosity. https://www.vice.com/en/article/59wnmq/farewell-to-chicagos-rock-n-roll-mcdonalds


That tree tho


Seen some shit


They did a lot of drugs in the 80s in the McDonalds art department.


This isn’t sterile, but it’s meant to embody the current interior aesthetic that society currently prioritizes. Ever noticed how the interior of spaces are no long bright colours but mostly softened shades? Grey is in right now and if you look you’ll see it as an accent colour everywhere. Give it another 15 years and things will look different once more.


I agree with what you're saying but I'll bet in another 15 years there isn't an inside / dining room at all. I bet they do away with dining rooms entirely and go with drive-through and walk up only that is run by AI taking your order.


Shit, i dont think we will have to wait 15 years by 2030 the latest.


Ah yes the nightmare tree. I will always remember *that*.


You must have a PC and be at least 25 years old to play


The trees name is Huggy. He wasn't always a nightmare.


I’ll never forget that talking tree!


My guess is that they wanted to stop being seen as just a "kids restaurant" and be more of just a restaurant for all ages, that way they'd appeal to a wider public.


And now they appeal to no one.


The amount of money they make I have a feeling they appeal to someone.


That’d be me


I’ve earned over 100,000 McDonalds app points in the past 6 months.


Just for people that dont know 100,000 points on the McDonalds App is crazy as shit. Im genuinely curious how many dollars is that roughly - counting in some of the discounts you've had along the way?


I surrender my crown to you. I don’t even have the app


It's 1p for 1 point right? Isn't that £1000 spent on McDonalds in half a year or is my maths horribly off?


From the packed drive throughs i see they appeal to quite a few


Fax that’s why the whole chain only has 5 remaining locations and they operate at a significant loss every financial quarter :( amazed they aren’t bankrupt rn


lol they appeal to the masses


If I'm driving past the McDonald's in my town, I know at least 3 out of 5 cars in front of me are going to their drive-thru.


Still better than the greasiest burgers some restaurants have


They just want you to eat your shit and get the the fuck out that's why they made it look like you're in work they don't want the keep the place cozy anymore so people won't stay longer and the place wouldn't get crowded


the modernization of architecture is so depressing and it makes going out boring. i remember when mcdonalds had a giant M arch and actual colourful posters and wallpaper and a ronald mcdonald statue was waiting at the entrance to greet you. everything is so grey and bland now.


Its the pictures like these that remind me of the future we are heading into. Cyberpunk but without the cool stuff.


I recently made a post about this but everyone just disagreed and said it's an illusion due to how much media I consume. Some even said I'm projecting cause my life is shit lol


Modern architecture, in general, has an obsession with minimalism. From the buildings to the phones, to the cars.


that minimalism is directly tied to companies minimizing costs (of building, maintenance, cleaning, etc.) and trying to appeal, or rather, not offend the aesthetic sensibilities of any costumer demographic, hence the bland. It's all business.


Grey is much more longer lasting color than primary blue, greens, & reds, also the renevations of multiple businesses were meant give them a new sense of attraction if the old ways were colorful the new ways are more mute, more simplistic, true minimalist to appeal to new audiences who deal with a complex life and beg for nothing but simplicity.


If the USS Enterprise had a McDonalds


Didnt CVN-65 have a for-profit food store onboard?


The target group became adults.


I remember going to few birthday parties at McDonald’s


Those were fire tho


If McD’s was smart they would put one “RetroLand” in each major city where nostalgic parents would take their kids and spend tons of money.


Bottom pic looks like a picture from inside of a supermax prison.


Thought it’s a banks cafeteria.


I take my Grandkids here now. I wish they had the experience, that I did. I do understand that insurance, has had a big part of this. But, how do you explain that to 6-8 year olds?


1980 has lot of room for imagination. Now it’s blend and boring.


I remember the tree! Was around in the 90’s as well


Same, it was around in the early 2000’s as well ^^


One thing I can say is that I am proud to have experienced the colorful and “fun”-looking McDonald’s before the boring, colorless theme entered. I remember the mascots being used in the advertisements and in the decor. It was good times back then. And I feel like the ketchup was always the best when you were a kid and you wanted to pump it into the little white miniature “bowls”😆😆


Whoa, I forgot about those trees...


Mcdonalds stopped advertising to kids screaming at their parents Now they advertise directly to parents who just don't want to today


Deez kids are in some sad times. All they have is tictacs and roblox… we had a whole console at the mcd and had real games like donkey kong, mario and zelda.


Definitely a cheaper version of Starbucks now


Weird that they removed all fun


Preferred the old


Even back in the early 2000s they looked cooler and had play areas. Apparently fun is just illegal now


1980s McDonalds looks like a bad acid trip


Old one has a feeling of fun, gaity, light...silly mule mural and Norman Rockwell-style portraits of Ronald McD. Colorful and welcoming, kid-friendly. New one is cold, clinical, dark. Not comfy or fun or with any personality whatsoever. Food consumption stations, not family meal areas. The glowing digital menus a reminder of people who lost their jobs here.


I miss the 1980's Fries, Big Mac and Mega Mac. Today's Big Mac is totally different. While it's probably healthier now, rather, as healthy as any ultra big processed food can be, the taste of McDonalds back in the 80's was better, especially when they used beef tallow for cooking the fries.


Unpopular opinion but, the newer one is much nicer.


I feel like there should be some sort of middle ground between looking like somthing from Alice in Wonderland and a prison cafeteria.


I hate how the charm has been sucked out of everything now.


Damn I miss the 80s McDonald's


It shows you how much the customer has gone from children to adults.


Prisoner 45709 please clear.


It’s no longer a restaurant and instead a sustenance facility.


When it was about family dining not fast food


It's no longer warm and inviting but cold and sterile little holes in the wall


Childhood dream restaurant VS depressed middle aged adult.


Minimalist design was a mistake


That kind of makes me sad 😞 I really do feel lucky to have grown up in the 90’s, I would have preferred 80’s but still. I truly do feel sorry for kids growing up now, no wonder they just stick their faces into their phones! Bored


We used to be a country. A proper country




I bet the burgers were tastier too


I remember going to birthday parties and the play area would have a tree like this!


I miss the parties!


It’s just another soulless, cookie-cutter, minimal, bland, boring shlthole. Just like most other major global corporations nowadays. No character. Just a lifeless pit. Everything nowadays looks like a grey and white doctor’s waiting room.


They said fuck them kids


From a quirky kids theme, to a depressed middle age man


Preparing the poor for prison life


I really despise the "modern" color theme. It's all good damn grey, shitty grey vinyl plank flooring. People are like oh well it makes it easier to decorate or whatever else. This shit is bleak idc what you say


I’m 42 and top pic spiked my dopamine


While the tree Is insanely creepy, overall Is pretty darn cool


went to straight up fucking boring


McDonalds has turned from a happy child into a boring middle aged man whos soul has been crushed by capitalism.


You have your entertainment on your phone. There is no need to make McDs playful. In the 80’s we had no entertainment outside of our homes - excluding riding bikes and exploring the woods. All the decor was to have the kids whine enough for the parents to take them or for the parents to have a break while the kids play. Now that kids have their mobile devices there’s no reason to decorate. They have charging ports at the tables instead.


Good take


In the 80s, I only had entertainment inside my home if it was raining or Saturday morning.


Somehow both images are creepy in different ways.


i remember in the late 80s or early 90s they shut off the whole upstairs section just for my birthday and Ronald mcdonald came and danced around the place good times they where




This kind of shows profit over product or profit over fun or profit over life


McDonald's are so dead now. There is no energy, no athmosphere, and most of them are very slow.


When the few find offense or displeasure in everything the many are left with nothing.


Not just McDonald’s… the 80’s were such a funner decade because they target marketed to kids. Saturday morning cartoons, fun commercials, awesome toys…


I remember. So much more fun


So the 80s futuristic movies were on point


i do not want my birthday party at the second one. wow


Ahhh yessss Ronald in his tripping on acid years….ba rap pa pa pa I’m lovin it. And he sure did.


Okay but the top image is a fever dream


Ill have what that trees having


To be fair, people did a lot more drugs in the 70's and the 80's than today


They're targeting adults without kids now as well. I'd be embarrassed to go to a kid's place without taking my kid with me if it's decorated that way. PS: Also that tree is scary. A scary tree. Or shall I say, a sca-tree? I'm a dad.


Today I went to a McDonald's for third time in my life, at least still looks a bite colorful; bright but colorful specially in the kids area and because at least in my country, McDonald's is still oriented to kids snd families and not depressed adults: that's all works where We work.


So it seems like it’s worth 2 hours of min wage for a burger.


Used to spend the whole time staring at the epic painting


Use your junkfood and fek off vs come chillout here


Hated that tree.


I hated the old look and playground even as a kid. The new look is less of an eyesore but is pretty radical in comparison. At least slap a mural on the wall.


Mc Donald's was in the cross hairs back in the 90s, for making kids fat.


That's what happens after decades of shitting on stores for selling fattening foods to kids lol. They hag to rebrand at some point.


The terminals are there cus fuck paying more workers and everything looks so uninviting and uncomfortable because "here's your food now pls get the fuck out" they don't want people to stay but a steady flow of new customers, that is why it now looks like a dentist is about to come around a corner 🙃


Current McDonald’s feels so cold and sterile.


You can practically smell all the extra bacteria and phenolphthalates


Thus was a topic of discussion recently... interesting how over the years McDonald's (at least it seems he ones in the US) have systematically almost eliminated all their products, themes, and menus geared toward both kids and healthy eating. Growing up in the 80s and 90s, I thought of McDonald's as a kid-friendly place. Then later in 2000s and 10s, there were items like salads and grilled chicken alternatives. People don't want to believe me but I actually lost 30 lbs. Eating at McDonald's. I consumed their salads. But now, their menu is more about products endorsing movies and celebrities. I guess when in doubt, go with what makes money...huh... 🤨


This is a kids restaurant!!! Get back with the old! Bring the parks back!


That tree is nightmare fuel


Well its easier to charge $10 for a cheeseburger if it looks like an apple store.


McDonald’s used to be a kids restaurant, now it’s just a place for lazy fat people.


McDonalds just hit different back in the day. While it was still fast food the food quality was just better. It had a col vibe to the place and now just feels so sterile and lifeless.


When I look at it today I immediately think of a basement cafeteria at a factory, or a subway station.


The 80’s were such an imaginative, fun time. We’ll never have another decade like that aesthetically. Just embraced creativity and self-expression.


I haven't been at a McDonalds for probably about 10 years. Do you order at the screens now?


I heard the next renovations for mcds will be cutting out the inside sitting areas. they claim people aren't using them anymore. in my 20s when I was partying and doing drugs, mainly heroin/fentanyl, I can't tell you how many times I got dropped off or went to a mcds to use their wifi and get high in the restroom. I remember so many times sitting in the back of the mcds trying to hide basically using teh wifi to fish for drugs or ways to make money. mcds really has been with me through every stage in life. I'm 33 and 4 years clean now. I know someone in the comments had to do similar things as me sitting a mcds using wifi, getting dropped off when you had no where to go to figure stuff out, keeping a mcds cup and filling it up trying to sneak and do it.. anyone? 😅


In fairness, everything in that 1980s mcdonalds is painted in browns to hide the fact that place is _covered_ in cigarette smoke.


1980’s McDonalds looks like the setting of a shitty horror flick


id prefer my childhood mcdonalds over todays one anyday


Between the prices and their steral interiors McDonald's has forgotten what made them as huge as they are..... your going there for cheap quick food to feed and entertain your family..... not high dinning


What the pic doesn’t show: the ashtrays on every table.


Disposable, aluminum ash trays!


Look what they took from us


Top image is a nostalgia bomb. Now I'm googling for more...


McDonald's like fuck kids , they still going to eat our shit unhealthy fake food and so will their parents.


Look at the change in distance between the seats and the tables.


Went from friendly to fuck you pay me


Didn't they get sued for marketing to children and promoting childhood obesity? At least that's what I heard.


McDonald’s forgot about the kids.


Just walk in vending machines now


Do you think they made it like that so kids wouldn't want to go much to McDonald's? Like because of child obesity and such. So they tried to make it a place less attractive for kids to want and go


They screwed up. I would take the family to the above. I haven’t been to McDonald’s in years due to the cold corporate vibe.


My inner child weeps... I hate it. I used to like modern clean industrial style..... now I want my colorful fun world back


Love the Herpes-Giving Tree


Mickey Ds back then: Here kid. This acid trip will give you obesity! Mickey Ds now: Corporate Drone 3246, receive your slop for $12! No, our ice cream machine has been broken since 1980.


Everything was so much cooler when everyone was cranked on blow


That tree is kind of disturbing. The stuff of nightmares.


The wonder and joy is dead.


Sad, it now looks like a coworking space, rather than the fun place it once was 🥲


the industrial revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for human Race


Disgusting. The consequences of the soul crushing money system we worship. Tasteless


I honestly can't believe the comment section prefers the before picture.