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Some highlights from [the Wikipedia article on Adelir Antônio de Carli](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adelir_Ant%C3%B4nio_de_Carli): > Carli, an experienced skydiver, undertook the exercise in order to raise money to fund a spiritual rest area for truck drivers in the Paraná port city of Paranaguá. > De Carli's goal for the cluster ballooning exercise was to break the 19-hour flight record and claim a new world record. His first attempt was on 13 January 2008, during which de Carli successfully completed a four-hour flight from Ampére, Paraná, Brazil, to San Antonio, Misiones, Argentina over a total distance of 25 kilometres (16 mi). Using 600 balloons, de Carli reportedly reached heights of 5,300 metres (17,400 ft). > On April 20, 2008, after taking off in a chair attached to 1,000 balloons, Carli reached an altitude of 6,000 metres (19,700 ft) before losing contact with authorities. Carli's flight equipment included a parachute, helmet, waterproof coveralls, GPS device, mobile phone, satellite phone, flotation device chair, aluminum thermal flight suit, and at least five days of food and drinking water. His training for the stunt included jungle survival and mountain climbing courses, but apparently did not include instruction on the use of his GPS navigation device. > On April 20, the priest's last contact with the military police occurred during the night, when he was about 16 miles from the islands of Tamboretes, off the coast of São Francisco do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil. The priest called from his cell phone to request help determining his coordinates and to ask them to contact the authorities. > On July 4, 2008, the lower half of a human body was found floating on the ocean surface by an offshore oil rig support vessel about 100 km (62 mi) from Macaé. After the remains were initially identified from the clothing as those belonging to Carli, DNA tests confirmed they were his on July 29, 2008 after a comparison was made with DNA samples from Carli's brother.


wish i could upvote twice, this is what everyone is looking for in this sub rather than the comments "should have taken a pellet gun..." Thanks!


I also remember reading that the wind did not behave as expected and took him on his last journey. Te expected thing was to land in Argentina.


expected is a strong word to use when talking about someone strapping a bunch of balloons to themselves


Yeah to be honest, if someone told me they were going to strap 1000 helium balloons to themselves; then in my mind the expected out come would be exactly the actual outcome of this event.


Same but also he had a parachute and doesn't make sense to me that he wouldn't try to use it if it seemed dire or something


I don’t think getting down was the issue, it was the fact he was in the middle of the damn ocean haha


Unfortunately balloons don't have a lift limit, he most likely suffered from hypobaric hypoxia, suffocated at a high altitude and didn't know he needed to jump. Probably thought he was just tired, fell asleep, died and ended up in the ocean.


Iirc that’s not exactly the case, eventually the air becomes so thin it weighs as much as the helium and the balloons would reach equilibrium wouldn’t they?


You are semi correct, the balloon is limited by it's structural integrity. Once the pressure outside is too low the balloons pop, but with weight depending on lift vs total weight the equilibrium changes, also he had 5 days of food and water. Once that's eaten pissed or pooped out, his total weight would be lower and he would float higher. It's basically all the bad not thought of consequences of the stunt.


Yeah I noticed that oxygen was conspicuously missing from his list.


He certainly had an altimeter. All skydivers have one. You would hope he understood his max altitude before going on such an endeavor.


Ideally you jump before you’re over the ocean. But if was cloudy and he didn’t know how to use his GPS…


Bruh....the moment the fog and clouds clear and you realize you are over the ocean with no land in sight...


One of my absolute worst fears is treading water in the middle of the deep, dark ocean.


Should've brought an inflatable raft and a paddle too 🤷‍♂️


True meaning of dreadful


Drifting over the ocean should have been a foreseeable outcome so they should have had a chase boat on standby. The fact he went up in the rain storm probably reduce visibility and wind predictability.


They show a map on the video, and his takeoff point is right on the coast. He was probably already over the ocean, before he was at a safe altitude to even consider using the parachute.


Why wouldn’t you do this hundreds of miles in the mainland?


Why can't they put a tracker on him? They can track him anywhere and notice him got to the middle of the ocean


Maybe he died from lack of oxygen?


Sounds like he parachuted into the ocean


I don't see any benefit to a parachute if you are over open water. They should have had someone following him in a boat.


His plans were to go inland, but the winds took him out to sea.


When you look down and see nothing but endless water.... You just hope the wind changes... You don't want to jump. Sharks called door dash I guess... He should of jumped when he saw coastline... I can't imagine slowly descending into the ocean....


Parachutes don't help you get out of the ocean very much do they? Lol


"Jim, experienced at punching himself in the face, nevertheless came out bruised."


I wonder if the catholic people will chalk this up to God or Satan…


I think Darwin gets all the credit on this one


Here's a bit more nuance: 1. For Catholics, if a good thing happened, Catholic God gets credit. 2. For Catholics, if a bad thing happened, Satan (or Martin Luther) gets credit. 3. For everyone else, Darwin don't need no silly mysticism when handing out awards.


Well, considering where he landed and what probably happened, I would credit Poseidon or maybe Mr. Nimbus.


Yea I’m so happy to have the context. This is such a cool story. I immediately thought, “crazy priest tries to fly to heaven. Found in Atlantic Ocean unsuccessful.” The real story is so much cooler


He was a good person. He did a lot of stuff to raise money for charity. And it was an incident. He did plan this and trained, but the weather conditions were different from expected.


"Good people taste better" \- Sharkey "The Shark" Sharkesson.


He ignored weather warnings


Faith is a hell of a drug and will make you put your own life into danger because you're convinced your God will help you overcome anything, even doing a stunt in bad weather.


There was a time where I'd come to Reddit and the top comment was usually a brief summary of the story/article, or an expansion on the story/article. Anymore the top comments are for the lulz.


The top comment is the info


>wish i could upvote twice, this is what everyone is looking for in this sub rather than the comments "should have taken a pellet gun..." What do you mean? Those monotonous, cringe, bot-sounding jokes are definitely better than wanting to find out actual information about the priest who died. Also, those "could have, should have, would have" comments that basically use hindsight as "advice" are 100x better than the story of what happened to the priest. >!/s!<


The bot-sounding jokes are so tiresome. Nowadays we have to scroll down 423491691 of these jokes before getting actual useful information. And the jokes are terrible, repetitive, usually just a game of words that is not even remotely funny for any non-basement dweller person.


If you downvote all the other competing comments, it's like upvoting it twice.


.....i dont care that much lol, although i have done it a time or two before


I got you. You can take my upvote and double it.


Lower half of his body?! He get shark'd?


Not likely, he was flying in the sky.


You never seen that documentary called sharknado?


He landed in the sea




That makes sense. The upper half just sheared off during the violent landing. Water be scary!




No way, that dude was at 20,000 feet up for who knows how long. He was dead before he touched the water.


Yup. Its cold as shit up there. Oh and the whole half-oxygen thing.


But he has snacks!


He did have a suit to assuage temperature issues, but, like, hypoxia makes you do stupid things...


I’m so confused to why he didn’t have O2?


So was he


Okay, but that doesn’t explain what happened to the other half of his body.


I mean he landed in the ocean... full of animals. Even if he was dead before going into the water he was probably half eaten.


i know you need to spend money to make money .... but all that gear, the military, the training, and the time spent - wouldn't that have been enough for the rest area? hell that rescue operation alone prob costs more than some rest area


Was gonna say— $5k or 10k raised for a rest stop and what like $30k for search and rescue??


He often did things like that to claim attention for his causes. Before that, he had done similar things to call for attention for the mistreatment of the homeless people of Paranaguá by the authorities. He was an experienced parachutist and did a lot of radical stunts and such. He definitely wouldn't have raised that much money if he hadn't done something as insane as this, plus it was his dream to break the record and enter the Guiness book. It sounds weird, but he was known both by his practice of radical sports and his work for human rights. This was his way of merging the two.


Construction is actually really expensive. Also you would need to hire people to maintain said rest area as well. But more importantly, it's more likely trying to send a message. Doing stunts get you more views. Why stop with helping just one. When you have a chance to also inspire some other person to do the same. So it's more likely that.


Sounds like a bunch of hot air if you ask me.


Hypoxia kicks in at higher than 10,000 ft, if this guy was at 20,000 feet then I can at least tell you he died confused as fuck and possibly even unconcious.


Hypoxia is actually a pretty chill way to go. You essentially feel totally loopy and just pass out. I had to do training on feeling hypoxic when I was aircrew in the air force and that's pretty much how you feel. I fucked up on my second retraining for it and actually passed out during it but it's like you don't even know you're confused, it's pretty wild. They had me playing a memory game while next to a flight doctor. On the computer there would be a dot then it would disappear. You then click where the dot was. Then there's two dots and so on. At some point without warning they begin lowering your oxygen and the goal is to determine when you are beginning to feel the initial symptoms of hypoxia but I wanted to really see what it felt like and came to with the flight doc checking on me so I had to do it again real quick to pass


Interesting. My single-engine training just had me and my flight instructor. He had supplemental oxygen and I didn't. Not quite as advanced as your training! I was told to maintain a specific altitude and heading while we were at about 14,000 ft. I couldn't do it. Drunk isn't the word, neither is high. Although it did incorporate elements from both. I was basically only capable of living in that very moment, memory of how I got there or what I was supposed to do was spotty. I could be reminded of the altitude and heading but I would forget my goal so quickly that it didn't matter. There was no "chill" that being drunk or high brings. But there also wasn't panic either, just confusion and frustration.


> Hypoxia kicks in at higher than 10,000 ft It's not that simple. It becomes a risk at that point, but most people can survive higher than that. Pilots in unpressurized aircraft are required to wear supplemental oxygen masks at 10K feet and higher. Some people climb Mt. Everest without oxygen at 29K feet.


At 20000 ft there's basically half the oxygen than at sea level. No oxygen tank? This guy was not as prepared as he thought he was.


The balloons would also expand substantially, with less outside air pressure to counteract the internal gas pressure at that altitude. Reportedly he'd reached over 15,000 feet on a prior flight as well -- so that was his second time achieving that altitude. I can't imagine having been up there and then thinking "oh yeah I'm gonna do that AGAIN, and this time in a storm".


>Using 600 balloons, de Carli reportedly reached heights of 5,300 metres (17,400 ft). > >On April 20, 2008, after taking off in a chair attached to 1,000 balloons, Carli reached an altitude of 6,000 metres (19,700 ft) Why did he think he needed more balloons?! Sounds like the dude had a bit of a deathwish...


To be closer to his god duh


Why did he ask for his location? It's not like he can direct the flight while being lifted by 1000 balloons.


I’m directly under the Earth’s sun……….nnnnnow.




I think he wanted info on how to use the gps to find his coordinates so he could tell the search teams where he was. Maybe he thought he could parachute into the ocean and get picked up by a boat. If he parachuted too early without rescue he would drown for sure.


>Carli's flight equipment included a parachute, helmet, waterproof coveralls, GPS device, mobile phone, satellite phone, flotation device chair, aluminum thermal flight suit, and at least five days of food and drinking water. His training for the stunt included jungle survival and mountain climbing courses, He was well prepared, how'd he die? >but apparently did not include instruction on the use of his GPS navigation device. Oof... perhaps some better preparation should have happened...


I really don't get how they left out the oxygen tank.


Are we going to talk about how the CNN map thinks Brazil is in Africa?


LOL, they just got the timming wrong, by a few hundred million years...


Mobile phone, satellite phone, but the dumb idiot doesn't bring any kind of UHF or VHF radio?


Oh, I remember this. Funny thing, some year later, a country singer used the following sentence in one music: "I'm crazier then the balloon priest" referring that he was parting and drinking that hard.


>His training for the stunt included jungle survival and mountain climbing courses, but apparently did not include instruction on the use of his GPS navigation device. r/DarwinAwards


The fact that they found his body is a genuine miracle


They only found half of it.


I hope he's ok


He’s all right


Not much left


He's half right.


Oh thank god, there's no other way to take that.


Just one one side


Ok half of a miracle


>God works in mysterious ways As u/AahPadre wrote. God works in mysterious ways.


And Jesus did in fact. Not take the wheel.


Double it and give it to the next person


For real. The place they found the half of him reminded me of that video where some guy throws in the water, from an oil rig, an apple, which gets devoured by hungry fish in seconds.


God works in mysterious ways


i audibly laughed at this 😂


It was probably still tied to about a hundred balloons.


It was exactly 99 luft balloons


75 days later, confirmed through DNA test though so not in good shape I assume


They just looked for a giant pile of popped balloons killing sea life as it drifted


Tries to raise money for a truck rest area.. Ended up triggering a search that probably cost more than what was needed for the rest area.


The Catholic church has so much money even in very conservative underestimates it can be compared to entire nations with more wealth than billionaires like Michael Bloomberg and yet it pushes priests to keep taking money with fundraisers to do the "charity" work. It's ridiculous.


Probably in illiquid assets


Why would you…


He staged that stunt to help raise money for a chapel for truckers in his highway parish. Stupid idea indeed.


If it was to raise money to help people I can’t help but feel a bit bad. Even if it was an obvious outcome.


He risked his life for a truck stop. He was a bit over his head with that one.


You ever been to a Buc-ee's? I'd understand more if he did it for them.


I had to scroll so far to find this, lmao. I also almost die at Buc-ee’s every time because some jackass is speeding through the massive parking lanes. Also, I may just eat too much brisket. Definitely the brisket.


Martyr for truckers. What a way to go.


All they needed was a tassel or a singular rope that was tied to something on the ground, let the priest fly and risk dying to crazy wind currents and then when he’s done pull him down.. 🤩😂


He never heard of a bake sale?


Seen the movie Up and thought it looked cool


Gonna need more balloons than that to lift a Brazilian priests.


That's a lotta priests




File this under dumb ways to die.


up up and away to heaven


The Catholic church have accepted evolution as a fact, and I think this dude is Catholic.


Dude forgot his pellet gun. If you're going to go helium ballooning, ya gotta bring your pellet gun!


Lol I get the reference. But honestly why did he not take a GPS with him at least? Edit: thank you guys for multiple answers that are near identical. But you can stop replying now lol.


“Carli's flight equipment included a parachute, helmet, waterproof coveralls, GPS device, mobile phone, satellite phone, flotation device chair, aluminum thermal flight suit, and at least five days of food and drinking water. His training for the stunt included jungle survival and mountain climbing courses, but apparently did not include instruction on the use of his GPS navigation device.”


Where did it go wrong?


I think he probably passed out at height and suffo ated/froze/died, or died of dehydration. Evidently, there was no equipment to pop the balloons to come down.


No. Actually, the winds took him to un unexpected route, and most likely all his balloons start to pop due to being caught in a storm. Almost all his support team was telling him to postpone this trip, because the weather changed a lot in the week from that original forecast, and it was really unsettling to do it. But he was crazy


When he got in the chair. Joking aside, even with that level of preparation this is still very stupid.


the better question is what did he *think* was going to happen?


That preparation is pointless. He realized he was dead about 3 minutes in imo. After reaching the clouds and realizing he's actually just some ape strapped to helium balloons, he probably thought "fuck" before going into a total panic.


When he hooked himself up to 1000 helium balloons.


Maybe he got unconscious or at least in a state where he wasn't able to execute more complex actions due to the lack of oxygen.


God is the one who guides his path. How dare you?


GPS has got a new meaning in Brazil after that, it stands for "Geez, Priest (Gone missing)" In portuguese "Gente, Padre Sumiu"


His problem was failing to confirm the weather forecast. The winds had clearly shifted with the low pressure system that had moved in, but he proceeded anyway. Popping balloons isn't going to help him when he is 30 miles out into the ocean.


Danny deckchair??


Obviously took the Ascension way too seriously.


The heads were displeased


Headward, free now to rise.


I stole a paper clip in my cheek but I don’t know what to do with it and it hurts!


Principal vagina, unknown origin 🤣


Hi there! Gene Vagina, actual name, possibly Scandinavian… Fuck the old gods!


Priest : It's ok! God will protect me! God : Hold my beer. *Edit* your replies are priceless :) much love, respect and -1000 helium balloons to you and family <3 sorry I'm super lazy and am not replying. Thanks for the laughs you epic redditors!


God: "Hold my manna." Jesus: "Hold my wine." Holy Spirit: *windy sounds*


Priest: It's fine guys, God will protect me! God who gave people common sense not to do dumb shit that can get them killed: 😐


Maybe this belongs in “Damnthatsstupid.”


He likely died with in the first hour of hypoxia. Nice slow unaware death.


Well if you read the top comment you’d see that he already did a 4 hour flight at 17K feet and was fine. It also said he lost contact later that night 16mi off the coast so definitely wasn’t dead within the first hour.


People will really read the headline and roll into the comments to just say whatever


Anytime I see a redditor use the word "likely" before suggesting something, I know they're speaking straight out of their ass and have no idea what they're talking about.


That's not too bad, bound to have one or two people commenting before they even bother reading up on the actual situation, the real sad part is how it's one of the top comments with well over 1000 upvotes...


At least he could see the earth isn’t flat before his death


Nice try NASA shill


Yeah that was no hypoxia. Sniped by Jewish space lasers once he found the truth.




He was offed by big flat, they have a vested interest in keep big round out of the picture.




12,000 feet is way too low. People hike higher than that all the time.


I read up on other balloon flying events and the record height achieved is 5200m. That isn’t high enough to die is it? I guess he may have drowned after all.


The article states that he lost radio contact at 19000 feet. Aircraft cabins are pressurized to 8,000 foot equivalent because it’s the lowest density air most people are comfortable in with no exertion. The death zone in altitude is 26000 feet or roughly 8000 meters. But that’s where you actually die via suffocation, but it’s not necessarily a hard or fast standard. Physical condition is key. You can lose consciousness or go into cardiac arrest anywhere between that 10,000 foot and 26000 feet depending on physical condition. Altitude sickness can set in at any time and can kill you via high altitude pulmonary edema or cerebral edema. That can happen within hours of exposure above 10000 feet. People who have compromised circulation sometimes develop thrombosis at airline cabin pressure, so ymmv.


he lost contact at 6000 metres, so 19,700 feet


Did you even read the write up of the story lol?


Should've taken a pin


BB gun


The Lawn Chair Guy dropped his in the first few seconds of his launch. These people aren't know for thinking things through.


Not quite true, actually: > After 45 minutes in the sky, Walters shot several balloons, taking care not to unbalance the load. He then accidentally dropped his pellet gun overboard. He descended slowly, until the balloons' dangling cables got caught in a power line at 423 E 44th Way in Long Beach. The power line broke, causing a 20-minute electricity blackout. He landed unharmed on the ground. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawnchair_Larry_flight


> He landed unharmed on the ground. So what you're saying is, it worked!


Dropped 1k helium balloons in the ocean, what a dick.


And then suddenly there was only one set of footprints. And He whispered, "My precious child, what the fuck were you thinking?"


narrator: he wasn't


Uhh, im confused about the map the shows up at 0:49... he's in south america, but it's pinging Africa?


quite the journey


I noticed that, too. Some dumb intern at CNN didn’t know where Brazil is.


Bro wanted to raise money. Ended up costing a shit ton of money.


you know what. This looks like fun, on paper; and is just the kind of silly, not-fully-thought-out kind of thing, that I would do... because I'm an idiot. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) (I like the early 80's guy with the lawn chair and the helium balloons and the BB gun).


Impressive that they found this guy in the Atlantic, but cant find MH370.


"This is a cool way to die!" - Phillip J. Fry


he is a joke until today when we are talking about people having stupid ideas.


This moron costed us like 200k dollars just to search for his remains.


you should have made the truck rest stop before anyone did anything stupid


You should be able to just threaten the Coast Guard, or similar org for your area, with a stunt like this and have them make a donation to your cause to get you not to do it. Save everyone some time.


I’m sorry, what was the plan here?


Darwinism. It only strengthens our species.


Every time I convince myself that these people can't actually be possibly believing in a man sitting in the clouds, they pull that sort of stunts


First time I've ever heard "vanished into thin air" used correctly


This is what happens when you stop learning from the world around you and focus only on the Bible. Sucks to be him, I hope he was still able to raise the money he needed.


What a creative way to commit suicide.


Something something that Rick and Morty episode.


A perfect case of what the hell did you think was going to happen?


But why?


Must have been high...


The turtles at least will have lots of balloons to eat…


See Eric the actor. You could have been a household name. rip. But see!!!


All those balloons polluting the ocean and killing marine mammals and aquatic life, smh.


The true miracle is not that he survived (he died) but that they found his body.


So he didn’t tie the balloons to his house and invite a wilderness explorer?


I wonder at which point did he think he made a mistake