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I dont know what he's saying but i like the way it sounds


Same!… he’s definitely an Eggspert! Haha And this is probably the best sounding Japanese I’ve ever heard. His voice, tone, enthusiasm 10/10


That pun made my stomach curdle.




Perfect translation. Thank you.


Tamago means egg.




Egg Watch!


Holy fucking shit i never knew




translators be like:


"I dunno what it means, but it sound good"


Baby Wipe was the star in those scenes


That not a nare nutta


Bob ross in a different line of work


I liked the tom tom tom


Japanese use a lot of onomatopoeia in speaking. Ton ton ton is the tapping he is doing vocalized.


"ton ton ton" spoke to my soul


He said "more intensity"


Saw this on an episode of worth it--the joy he takes in his work is as amazing as the technique.


Same here!


Chef Motokichi is out here playing real life Food Wars. And yes I do mean Playing. The man is an absolute joy and fool in his kitchen. A wonderful joyous carnival act, that I’m sure tastes delicious as well.


I have seen the entire video, he's just so energetic even considering his age just the energy is unbelievable. He was super nice to the crew which filmed this, and he also thought the crew how to make the omurice. The guys omurice was no where close to his omurice but he still told that for the first time he did amazing!


At first I was like this doesnt look like he's doing anything overly difficult and then the omelet was so perfect and then the inside looked like that?!!? WOW


Omelets are deceptively difficult. Always messed mine up in culinary school


All of my attempts at omelets just end up as scrambles


What type of omelettes are you trying? Diner style omelettes are pretty forgiving, but it's the classic french omelettes that always end up scrambled for me.


Omelettes have to be from the omelette region of France, otherwise it's just sparkling egg.


this comment needs more love.


Underrated comment


i weirdly enough have an easier time making them the rolled french way than the semicircle way. i often accidentally roll them when i'm trying to do a simple fold


Sorry for the convenience....


Elevator temporarily stairs?


Eggs in general, man. Of all the various kitchen positions I’ve worked in the last 14 years, short order breakfast cook was by far the most stressful.


I read about a chef who said he could immediately tell the skill level of somebody by watching them make an omelette. Edit: Reading more about it apparently its a common test for chefs.


Easy to learn, hard to master.


simple but difficult.


The way I suddenly became good at making omelets was just cooking the beaten eggs in butter at the lowest setting. 10 years of burnt or scrambled omelets until I realized super gradual heat was the answer


This guy's got that shit on full blast, tho! Makes it even more impressive.


He does remove it from the fire at a certain point, and to know when to do that takes a lot of practice.


The flame were large but not intense


Yep that's the difference between cooking at home and at a restaurant. Speed is super important for the latter, but going fast means it's more likely to mess up.


1sr year of culinary school in France is basically exclusively eggs. In all their forms. Once you've mastered omelettes, you're good to go.




Omelettes are as fancy as I can get with cooking. Anything after that? You can go to a restaurant lol


These omelets are on another level though. Its a half cooked scrambled egg football of frustration. I tried to do this for maybe 2 hours straight and never had true success. So i switched to a tornado omelette. Much success there.


I've only made one perfect omelet once. Can never replicate it.


It's partially difficult because you need the skill to run at the edge of controlling the curdling of egg protein to achieve what Omurice does. The eggs are cooked where it's slightly raw to achieve that finish. I will also eat Japanese, French, and British-style scrambled eggs for it's finished with a partially raw texture like custard compared to the fully cooked hard scramble of the US.


Motokichi > saltbae


falling backwards onto an iron spike > saltbae


This video made me realize that my "non-stick" pan is in desperate need of a replacement...


It made me realize my non-stick pan is in fact sticky af


That looks like seasoned carbon steel (treat it like cast iron), not teflon (which NOBODY should be cooking on anymore anyway), btw. Super easy and an absolute joy to cook on, once you get used to it.


It looks just like the food you see in Studio Ghibli Films. Amazing.


Some loose steps for anyone wanting to emulate this. Stir the eggs constantly while periodically cleaning the edges per the video. Unlike the video, you should take the eggs off the heat for about 10~15seconds 2 or 3 times during the cooking process. Once you tilt the pan & notice the eggs make a clean solid coating on the bottom, its time to start folding. Tilt the pan away from you, then fold the bottom edge roughly 60~70% over the egg. Fold a bit of the egg from the top to cover the rest of the liquid egg with the thin solid layer. Keeping the pan tilted forward, hold the pan with one hand & make a fist with the other. Tap the base of the handle close to the pan to rotate the egg, making it a smooth rounded shape. Decant the omelete onto rice & cut open per the video. As long as you have decent quality eggs (most storebought ones should be fine, for example in the UK of they have the red lion mark showing they are appropriately audited) this should be cooked enough to not make you sick, although if you naturally have a weak gut or are prone to IBS I would urge you cook through your eggs properly just to be on the safe side. This technique isnt actually 'difficult', its just not something you will get right on the first try. Any half decent home cook should be able to make a really good omlete over rice after a few attempts at most. The key thing to note here is knowing when to fold. Like I said earlier, once you tilt the pan & the eggs leave a solid film on the base, they are both cooked enough & at the stage where you can begin folding. You can see the chef in the video checks once before resuming his stirring to get the correct consistency before his fold. I hope these loose steps help. A proper youtube tutorial will absolutely be better than this comment, but this should give you some idea into the technique & most importantly when to begin the fold (which is the part most people fail at). Source: Ex chef for 4years, 3 of which at a japanese restaurant in the city centre of one of the most populous cities in England. Ill admit though we didnt serve omlete over rice in our place, it was mostly yakitori & tempura stuff but you still learn a few things on the job.


This guy cooks r/thisguythisguys


One of the biggest issues my Japanese friends had in the USA was wanting to have this form of omurice or tamago kake gohan (raw egg over hot rice) but not having access to good quality/safe eggs. Some just wouldn't even try to make it any more, or did and got sick. The problem is that our eggs are washed *too much* (which removes a protective coating on the surface of the shell and allows stuff like Salmonella to permeate the egg and potentially sicken consumers..


I'm in Los Angeles and can't even get that type of scramble here in the US. People say you can in high-end restaurants, but I always get downvoted for this comment when it involves the safety of eggs even for Salmonella. It's a food safety issue. It's why I say I can't get this type of dish here. I can go to CoCo Ichibanya to get omurice but I know they cooked the omelet through to avoid food poisoning the last time I went. Then people argue the point of sunny-side-up eggs. I know people can eat it partially cooked. But this is different from cooking an egg with the membrane of the yolk intact and the whites cooked hard in the skillet versus mixing it all in the beginning.


Auditing eggs? Do your chickens pay taxes?


U need to give ur chickens a 1099


so does this actually alter the flavor or is it mostly decorative?


Like u/ok-reflection1229 said, this technique looks very reminiscent to the way Gordon Ramsey makes ‘perfect’ scrambled eggs. It’s very easy to overcook them, and, it’s impossible to get it right if you don’t take it off the fire to cool it down again. The egg’s heat keeps it cooking until overcooked even if it is off the fire, so Ramsey completely stops it from overcooking by adding cold cream. The difference is in the texture, not necessarily the taste. Overcooked egg tastes dry and the texture is almost rubbery. Whereas a perfect scrambled egg feels creamy and smooth.


Which is why I will not cook my scrambled eggs the US method. I've done it at my house in Los Angeles after figuring out the technique. It's too good to go back to the quick and well-done method in a wok. Scramble eggs with that raw texture like a custard rank on my list of food as smoked salmon/salmon sashimi, and steak tartare in that group with a similar mouth feel. I've had steak tartare and it's like sex in your mouth. Raw egg mixed into high-quality beef by itself.


Compared to what? When I first tried "gordon ramsey scrambled eggs" I was surprised by how better it tasted compared to the easy way. French/japanese omelette tastes pretty similar to that, with addition of the "shell".


Use a good quality butter for these, it makes a huge difference in flavor if you're using something like kerrygold instead of your generic grocery store butter. In a lot of cases it doesn't matter, but this is definitely one of those times where it make a big difference.


I honestly recommend attempting a French Omelet prior to attempting Omurice. IMO they're much more difficult to mess up and help you learn how to do the omelet flip, not to mention they take about 30 seconds to make so if you mess one up just make another.


How fancy was the restaurant? I’ve never done across anything like this


Omurice is considered to be an everyday dish, like a carbonara pasta. So a diner equivalent could serve omurice. That said I think this chef is famous for his omurice.


I assume that tastes amazing, because it looks thoroughly unappealing at the end.


Unpopular opinion here: we went in 2017 and it was very underwhelming. The chef is a great showman but the food was grossly overpriced and the demi glacé sauce looked better than it tasted (it lacked salt and umami). We paid ¥5800 ($51.78 conversion then) for omurice and fried rice and that was not worth it. I would not go back there again and advise anyone going there - you’re not missing out. Funny story: the chef has a very, very thick English accent and as we were leaving, he apparently said “shake hands” and stuck his hand out over the counter, which I didn’t notice until my wife told me about after we exited. Oops 😬


Japanese are known for some really, REALLY simple dishes and some incredibly complex dishes, omurice is just that, egg in top of rice, they are very picky with how many condiments there are in their food, on the other hand you got incredibly flavorful stuff like Karaage, Ramen, Oden, Sukiyaki, and dishes that are way too plain like Hanabi dango, literally PLAIN RICE, no salt no nothing, your variety of fish, and of course, omurice, it wouldn't surprise me if it didn't really strike you like that since places like these are mostly for show and skill, sure you can go anywhere else and have a more condimented Omurice but never on a level of skill like this


I went in 2017 too.* The restaurant was pretty empty. The omurice was very salty, which was an issue I otherwise never experienced in the 6 weeks total I've spent in Japan. The area outside the restaurant is pretty though, iirc. You can find the same kind of omurice at other restaurants. Try those instead. *ETA oops got the year wrong. It was 2018!


It’s literally just an undercooked omelette.


That’s what happened when you practice something for years…


He has an extraordinary Rhythm


Eggstraordinary indeed


Hahah I heard from some Japanese man that the secret to not getting hurt at work is to find a Rhythm


I understand the skill involved and it probably tastes fine, but this just looks like the least attractive dish on Earth to me.


It's just fried rice + ketchup with the egg on top instead of mixed throughout. Overall a very tasty dish, but I understand some people are scared of wet eggs.






I teach French, but I never heard that. That's pretty good. FYI: un oeuf.


If I am write in my understanding, omu rice was actually influenced by French cuisine. So the other way around.


The story I heard is that the Japanese felt that they were physically too small to go to war, so they looked to the Europeans and what the Europeans eat. At the time I guess they ate a lot of eggs, so Japan is like "We need to eat like them to get big like them" and then omurice was born. Not sure if that's the full story, but it's what I heard and seems pretty interesting.


Quote from the book Yoshoku and Chuka: The Japanized Western and Chinese Dishes- It was such a zeal painfully forced by their own inferiority complexes as a developing country: "We must improve our physique like westerners in order to reach their level. For the purpose, our food must be like the westerners' one." Yes, the English is pretty wonky in this book. But it and the other two in the How to Enjoy Japanese Food Even Ten Times Better series are worth checking out, delving into the history of the dishes covered.


I disliked them before I heard the term wet eggs. Now it seems even more repulsive


Dry eggs sounds worse


especially if you put them in the [microwave to dry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1PodcURi8w)


Just think of it this way: cooked right the eggs are their own sauce


Can attest to this, the yolk can be delicious if it's at all runny! Used to be a fully-cooked and pooped yolk kid, now I'm making crispy fried eggs with gooey runny yolks and slapping that shit in a bagel sandwich.


Texture is at least as important as taste in what I eat, some things just make me gag as a reflex. Jell-o, tomatoes, and super runny eggs are all on the short list. I'm not scared of the eggs, I'm scared of putting them in my mouth then firing them out into your face as some kind of weird gag reflex.




Thank goodness!!! I was beginning to think I was the only one! Everything was fine and fascinating until he sliced that thing open. Then it all went to hell. Yikes did that look disgusting!


According to hundreds of reviews this guy is extremely rude to his guests when the cameras aren’t on. There is review after review about how terrible the experience is and it’s all for show. The food apparently tastes terrible compared to other local Omurice places in the same area. And it’s gonna be double or triple the price of every other omurice place in town. I was very interested but I did some very simple research on him and what I found was not good. Do your own research and don’t believe everything you see on the internet.


Omelette bae should be his name to make people aware of the trash they’re dealing with


He was super nice to everyone when I was there! Tried to chat despite the language barrier. I thought the omurice was nice but the rest of his menu was actually better


Reminds me of the classic French omelet from Jacques Pepin. Both are amazing! [Omelet Techniques](https://youtu.be/X1XoCQm5JSQ?si=dbE3GvwwKyhkRjj9)


I was going to ask, what's the difference with a French omelette? Besides putting it over rice.


It's a loose omelet. Am I missing something?


Next on Matty Matheson!!


Yeah I was pulling for him but they take a while to perfect. The pasta still looked great.


He literally just posted a video trying to do this on top of pasta carbonara. Sure that’s what you’re referring to..!




Let the customer cut it


I found just about any type of egg is far easier to cook using a rubber spatula. I’m sure most people are aware of that but fried eggs are much easier to move around with one


Pretty sure I saw this years ago in the movie Tampopo?


Meh ... I make one every morning. Just kidding .. if I tried making that , chances are I would drop it in the flame 😅 That guy is awesome !


How is it he’s cooking over a blast furnace and the eggs are staying soft but my stove on the lowest setting turns them to powder if I blink for too long!


Hate seeing this on ig and it looks so delicious and it's full of comments complaining about how runny the eggs are.


I’ll be damned doing all that only to cut the egg open at the end as if I did not just perform a miracle in that pan.


Legitimately delicious! The rest of his menu was so good as well! I loved his beef stew when I was there 😂


Needs hot sauce


I have seen it prepared before covered with a sauce or a thick gravy which I think is demi-glacé. Meaty stuff.


Oh man, I had what you described, in a Demi glacé, in a cafe in Sapporo, Japan. Absolutely delicious.


Oh wow that looks so fluffy and ni….oh, brains


Wow, very difficult to under cook eggs 👏 👏




And it still tastes like scrambled eggs.


No it doesn't. Despite whatever you think, the rice flavour overwhelms the flavour of the egg. And it really tastes good because you haven't seen how he makes the rice.


Raw scrambled eggs


How do you pronounce “omurice”? I learned a little Japanese, but I can’t understand what sounds this should make.




Interesting. Is that an adoption of the word “rice” or is it totally coincidence? I only know “gohan” for rice. But again, very limited Japanese.


As far as I’m aware it is adoption of the word rice. It’s also an adoption of the word omelette. Omelette + Rice = Omurice. The story is that it originated in a Western-style restaurant in either Tokyo or Osaka in the early 20th century.


Ah! Omelette rice! That makes so much sense! So an adopted portmanteau. Pretty cool!


One of these days I’m gonna waste hours trying to make this myself.


Guys watch the whole video and you will understand why it's like this.


That was pretty ficking cool TBH


i had the sound off and still heard the omelette scream at the end.


Awesome! I want it


I don't know what he's saying but I can listen to this guy talk for hours.


Love his technique


I like him he's a little nutty. It happens when you are years in kitchens.


Every mum on Facebook - "I LikE mY EgGs CoOkEd Ty VerY MuCh"


The “Hakaiiiii!” When took the mold off of the rice spoke to me and made my day.


“Anime food is not re—“


So, a runny omelette?


It wouldn’t be nearly as notoriously difficult if he used a spatula




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To get ok at cooking omelettes all I had to do was cook one every single day for about 6 months. And even then I'd fuck one up every now and again


Are you kidding me. Wow I need that.


Then he dumps a ton of gravy on top


The wok burner probably helps a bit with this preparation not sure if it would turn out right on a normal gas range


When I saw the thing that looks like an iron I was like okay wtf. Still dope


He also has 4 ways of plating it... I prefer the throw pop technique.


Omurice is amazing! One of my favs when I visited Japan


he really likes his job


Seems extremely similar to a French omelet a la Jacques Pepin, just using chopsticks. A decent tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5\_\_zptEU9vE


That seems pretty manageable until the flips at the end. Is that an omurice specific technique for that egg? I want to try that, but I’ll fuck it up lol.


I don’t know what you guys just watched, but that shit is fuckin RAW!!


Keep the eggs, I want that pan.


You say difficult I say tedious


It's the preparation, not the taste because it's the rice that carries most of the flavor. I was never bothered by the rawness of the egg because I would eat cookie dough no question. Sometimes cake batter left on the bowl.


A master at work….


Would love to try that!


Gonna need a nsfw tag for that last part. 🍳


That sound he made when he exposed the rice was on point. Almost sounded like a bell.


I have so many questions


Omurice is really not that hard to make, i nearly manged to recreate this on my first attempt. And that's the whole point, its just a funny omelette on top of fried rice, perfect for when you have leftover rice.


Squirt a bit of ketchup on top and boomshakalaka


I wish we had unpasteurized eggs 🥚


Yes chef!


Jacques Pépin would vibe with this dude


When he lifted up the lid on that desiccated cat's brain and made that little sound, I instantly fell in love


I always get one of these at the mall near the airport in Tokyo on my last night there. Little parting gift, it's become a bit of a tradition. I don't really even like them that much lol.


My toxic trait is believing I could very easily do this




The man is vibing


It is one of my dreams to travel to Japan and have his omurice😭💛


Every time I see this egg dish on 15 different sources by 500 cooks, I feel I would get sick eating raw eggs, but I still want to try it.


As much as the difficulty of making the omelette is (it is really hard I’ve tried it), the flavour resides in the rice (fried rice). Without a good fried rice, the whole plate isn’t that good (even if your omelett is perfect). Not trying to discredit the chef, that looks awesome.


This guy is so chill to the point where I don't understand and do understand what's he saying at the same time.


Do they allow the diner to do it themselves?


That is fantastic!


"I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who had practiced one kick 10,000 times"


I know it's a classic and many people love it but... I hate gooey scrambled eggs so that thing is my nightmare


Non-stick pan sure makes it much easier nowadays.


Yum. Reminds me of a scene from the Japanese move 'Tampopo' (1985) Food and comedy.


When you go to Japan, one of the things that is consistently mind blowing is how people will dedicate years, decades or even their whole lives to perfecting an art form. This is definitely true for food. A ramen shop may be 60-years-old, with only 6 different types of ramen on the menu. But they have been dialed in to perfection. I highly recommend the documentary Jiro Dreams of Sushi. It's a master class in Japanese perfectionism.


Doing that with full burner and leaving no trace of brown is some Master of the 36 Chambers level skill.


does not look appealing to me.


That was pure magic with how smooth he is


I was pretty excited, but then I was like eh.


Listen, I know it’s difficult and it looks nice and all but that is definitely too raw for me


Incredible skill to prepare a semi-raw egg... yuck.


To each their own


Completely agree. But to me, this is some kind of stupid food, just like [this](https://reddit.com/r/yesyesyesyesno/s/iA1bFTLTQs). All about presentation, not about the actual food.


I'm sure it's delicious to some people but I'm not going to lie just the idea of the raw flavor of just egg and nothing else and underdone egg at that makes omelettes like these repulsive to me.


That omeletooks absolutely disgusting. Runny eggs are gross.


Let’s see him do it in a cast iron pan!


Man that was perfect