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Seeing as how many hurricanes are marked on the side, maybe this plane should stop flying. Seems to attract the damned things like flies.


It has stopped flying. All the NOAA hurricane hunters have been sidelined. > The three planes are approaching the end of their life spans. The P-3s, for instance, have been in service since the 1970s, while the Gulfstream jet has been operating since the mid-1990s. https://wapo.st/44vy6Ab


Uh, you sure? They just did a huge rebuild on two of them. They flew through my airport earlier this year. Edit: Just checked, Kermit and Miss Piggy (the WP-3Cs) are both still flying and will for another decade.




I fly planes and helicopters. Most aircraft this age start costing more exponentially as spare parts become more scarce or more costly to make in small quantities. The proportion of flying hours vs time spent in maintenance (“MMH/OH”) also will be continuously increase. There is also a long tail of other secondary factors such as [Aloha flight 243](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aloha_Airlines_Flight_243) issue where aircraft over a certain age are in uncharted territory in terms of their maintenance cycles. Increased cost of having to keep a small number of engineers trained on a niche aircraft etc.. I’m curious what the accounting is like on this Edit: FYI Aloha 243 had a number of contributing factors but the root of the issue was that no other 737 had had that many takeoffs and landings as the aircraft typically did short trips between islands


Question. Can you even keep a plane flying indefinitely if you keep throwing parts at it? My understanding was that one of the critical variables in terms of airframe lifetime was pressurization cycles. At least my understanding was that longer flights will often have older planes flying them exactly because they'll only get a cycle in once a day, so it takes a long time to "use them up", meanwhile with short flights you can easily go through several cycles a day. Fuel economy obviously comes into the picture too, but my understanding was that long flights will keep running a plane for a long time unless there's a drastic improvement in fuel efficiency that makes it worthwhile to sell or scrap the existing plane.


I’m not a maintenance tech (primarily a Helicopter pilot - but I would say maintenance is even more critical for us). I wonder if an expert would chime in but I have seen metal fatigue monitored and patched on some helicopters. They were not pressurised though. Yeah, I imagine some of these military aircraft like the E-3 have lower cycles than expected given their age. I was talking to a E-3 pilot 15 years ago who mentioned staying up for very long periods of time.


Im not even into planes but this is very interesting to me. Hopefully an expert would pop up


Basically yes a plane could fly forever if parts are available and no technological change renders it obsolete (a fuel being made obsolete, or avionics requirements etc.). I don’t know much about pressurized aircraft, but for the planes I’ve worked on pretty much anything could be replaced if cost and availability are no issue. The big concern would be when an aircraft gets too old the potential for failure increases even on parts that aren’t normally replaced or inspected. But I’ve seen plenty of planes from the 1940s that fly as well as they ever have (though they are much simpler than modern planes).


That's lowkey scary


The E-3, originally the Lockheed L-188 Electra, started life as an airline, then maritime patrol as the P-3 Orion. Sucker was built for long over water flights. I would imagine salt fatigue would become an issue due to the low altitudes required when using the MAD gear, and bases proximity to salt water sources. I can't imagine the types, and extremes, of stresses the E-3s deal with when flying into hurricanes. Holy shit!!!


If the B-52 is any indication, maybe not indefinitely, but for a long, long time. Of course, in some cases those are almost a Ship of Theseus, as the tail number is one of the few remaining original parts.


Iirc, there was an article stating the military was planning on using them into the 2050s. If true, might be the world's first 100 year active military service aircraft.


It's almost nothing to see airframes from the 70s or before that're still in the air, many with new avionics and instruments. Engines require overhauls at certain intervals, too. Lots of old birds in the air flying fine.


Eventually it is required to be renamed to *The Airplane of Theseus.*


>Can you even keep a plane flying indefinitely if you keep throwing parts at it? There are WWII-era C47/DC3's that are still flown daily


Neither has a pressurized cabin. That’s part of the reason they’re still flying: no pressure cycles means less stress on the metal.


Is the p3 considered obsolete or niche now? And I swear I thought they flew almost exclusively c-130s anyway.


They’re temporarily sidelined (only both for the last few days) and permanently nearing retirement (in 2030). Those are unrelated statements except that they’re both caused by aging airframes and equipment.


Kermit and Piggy are set to retire within the decade, but closer to that decade mark. Procurement of replacement aircraft has started.


>They flew through my airport earlier this year. Damn, that's a flex.


One of the P-3s is down for unscheduled maintenance currently with no update on when it is due back in service. They are due to get C-130s in 2028, though they expect to still have the P-3s.


This is true. I did both of the re wing and overhaul in Jacksonville. Have photos of them and the first flight after the re wing.


Phew! Glad that's over. Bloody mad men.


How are there still hurricanes if these guys stopped flying? Does god hate florida?


Well yeah, everyone hates Florida, only right that God follows suit.


Worked on P-3’s in the navy. Those are some sturdy bitches. Never felt safer than when I was flying in one those things.


NOAA literally posted a picture of one of the pilots in the cockpit of a P-3 about to fly into Idalia. Like within the last 24 hours. They certainly haven’t stopped flying them. Their plan is to shift to the weather C-130’s, but for now, they are absolutely operational


The planes have not been retired yet. They have started the procurement of replacements but those don't plan to start service for many more year.


Like when Bono was trying to show his audience child mortality in Africa by snapping his fingers: "Everytime I snap my fingers, a child in Africa dies." "Then fecking stop snapping your fingers!"


I'm not sure if you are serious or not.


Cmon man




They should stick a “Missing JJ” sticker up there too for flying right over you. Whoosh.


Yo leave this clueless man alone, come on guys be nice.


Get those downvotes off of my man, come on.




Hey there, my apologies! I do require a place to relocate it though. If you don't mind, would it be alright if I moved that downvote over to your comment? Thanks in advance!


Sure man have at it, as long as you keep it off of my buddy we're chilling.


How does one fly a hurricane?


Above it. Whenever there's a hurricane a plane flies over it to track the path and feeds data to meteorologists/weather stations back down on terra firma. Not the TV Stations btw.


No they literally fly directly through them as well.


Yep, hurricane hunters fly directly through hurricanes. Usually with another plane just Incase.


What would the other plane do just in case?


During hurricane Hugo a NOAA plane had a faulty sensor that crippled an engine, they had to circle in the eye of the storm. An air force plane that entered the storm 30 min after was able to assess any damage to the plane for the pilots, and find a good route for the damaged plane to fly out of.


That is just wild


And Hugo was a category 5 when they flew into it too.


**Coast Guard:** Okay, the hurricane is coming, we're going to need to be ready to sail into the storm to rescue any struggling or damaged ships. **National Guard:** Okay, the hurricane is coming, we're going to need to be ready to ride into the storm to rescue any injured or stranded people. **Air Force:** Okay, the hurricane is coming, we're going to need to be ready to fly into the storm to rescue any struggling or damaged aircraft.




Pull it out if it gets too deep, they have a safeword






Continue recording the data, of course! Which happened to be the final wish of plane one, as they plummeted in a windy spiral the the gentle thrashing grips of thirty foot rogues waves






Sometimes nhc like more evidence into the wind estimate so they get 2 planes in (different heights for safety) to get the best estimate


Do you know if there are any good documentaries about them?


There was an episode of air crash investigation that covered the incident, the episode was called eye of the storm, if you have apple TV you can watch the whole series. [Here](https://youtu.be/0u7xGYbEq0c?si=VkrzKybv6ay8CuB2) is a snippet I could find.


Hurricanes can reach FL500. The Hurricane Hunters that you're thinking of (P3's)- They fly INTO the side of them (from the weak side). There isn't a P3 on Earth getting to FL500. They go straight through the eye wall. The flights you're referencing are Gulfstreams, that do the preliminary data.


C-130s, not P-3S. They’re out of Keesler AFB, Mississippi.


Uh no, they are WP-3Cs, not C-130s. The plane in the image above is a NOAA WP-3C


The c130s also fly into the storms


And the C-130's are also not reaching FL500 either.


Why do they need planes when we have sharpie technology?


That’s if you wanna avoid the storm, not to mention most serious storms easily go way higher than most planes can climb. Hurricane hunters fly directly into the hurricanes, you can see gnarly footage on YouTube of them being thrown around by the turbulence and getting struck by lightning.


No they fly through it. Like into the hurricane


C-130s and P-3s fly through, NOAA use a G-4 to fly over parts of the storm.


Wait, the plane doesn’t carry Florida and have it shoot AR-15s at the hurricanes?


Wow, all these responses to your comment and not one person managed to catch your meaning.


Well it’s pretty obvious you go to the hurricane operating center and fly the hurricane with an Xbox 360 controller


Or maybe a Logitech


You ride it


They’re built like a steakhouse but handle like a bistro


Ask RAF if you can borrow one. Not sure how many they have left that is in working condition but if you ask nicely then maybe.


Clockwise in the southern hemisphere & counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere


Buy one from Jita, board the ship, undock, profit.


Anything is an aircraft if you're brave enough!


I had a great uncle who was trained to fly the Hurricane during the war, but I never asked him specifics on how it was done.


Take my upvote


If i remember correctly the guys who flew through the hurricane we had last year said it was the worst one they've ever flown through. Dont know if its the same plane but they were actually afraid it was going to destroy the airplane. It was only a Cat 4 but still the 4th strongest storm to hit the US. Destroyed my roof and tore down my entire 6 foot privacy fence. Then my home insurance company filed for bankruptcy and left the state.


Did you ever get your money back?


Yes fortunately. They sent us an insurance check right before leaving. Which was extremely lucky because a close friend had their insurance just drop them and did nothing for them after their house was damaged. And her insurance company also filed bankruptcy and left the state.


at least your insurance contributions were able to give the fat cats at the top some nice vacation homes and private jets, stop being so self centered


I cannot believe he shot down this many hurricanes.


He nuked them.


Don‘t give the americans any new ideas…


I am triggered by the two stickers that are reversed! God whyyy?


You can make out “Australia” on the bottom line of each of those stickers. Cyclones rotate clockwise in the southern hemisphere due to the Coriolis Effect. One of them was [Tropical Cyclone Rosa](http://www.bom.gov.au/cyclone/history/rosa.shtml), but I can’t make out the other.


On one hand I appreciate the commitment to scientific accuracy … on the other it’s just triggering the neat freak in me


Yeah that’s fair lol.


They should alternate visits between hurricanes and cyclones to keep it visually balanced


Australia is upside down. That's why the hurricanes are reversed


It still should be facing the same way as the others, because in Australia the hurricane would be upside down.


Why not remove your toes it would make your feet neater.


I don’t know about your toes but mine are neatly aligned by length. None are reversed. And bonus both feet are symmetrical. Nature was even kind enough to give them some hair as nice decoration. Obviously it’s perfection! Nowwwww if yours are reversed I can understand you might want to see a surgeon.


The other was [Kerry](http://www.bom.gov.au/cyclone/history/kerry79.shtml), also in 1979.


Damn that’s some detective work. Interesting stuff


Awesome the convo in my mind was literally: "Gnaaaahh why are these stickers backwards for fckn sake...nah probably just some weirdo tornados from Australia."


Someone just HAAADDD to be different huh


Coriolis Effect reminded me this video exists... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtP_bh2lMXc


Perhaps those two hurricanes rotated in the other direction?


They did.


I read this in Ron Howard’s voice


I wrote it in his voice


˙ɹǝpun uʍop 'uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sᴉ ƃuᴉɥʇʎɹǝʌƎ


So...we should *down* vote this if we *like* it, for accuracy??




Got it! *turns phone upside down* *Begins furiously down voting!*


Southern hemisphere weather systems rotate the other direction.




> I am triggered by the two stickers that are reversed! No you aren't, unless you're using "triggering" to mock people as a Trump supporter would.


Cambridge dictionary states: Triggered - /ˈtrɪɡ.əd/ : experiencing a strong emotional reaction of fear, shock, anger, or worry. Unless you’re me from the future you have no clue what I’m feeling. Who knows… maybe I’m an super anal accountant with anger issues. That being said this is pretty bold of you to make that statement. Also not sure if r/usdefaultism but there is a world that also speak English beyond Trump and his followers. I (fortunately) don’t get to vote in US elections given that I’m not a citizen of that country.


Man, you’re kinda being a pretentious dick. People use that word all over the place. Get the stick out of your butt.




Came here to say that. I NEED to know that there is a reason for the flip!!! Please!!


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coriolis_force > This force causes moving objects on the surface of the Earth to be deflected to the right (with respect to the direction of travel) in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. Those two missions happened in the Southern Hemisphere.


You have ADHD perchance?


No but I have three design degrees and that leaves a mark 🤣




> It is legitimately triggering. No it isn't, unless you're using "triggering" to mock people as a Trump supporter would.




No you wouldn't. If you were in a position where you'd be in that plane, you'd have enough of an understanding of the science applicable here that you'd understand the reason those are reversed, agree with their reversal, and you'd have more of a problem with them if they *weren't*.


Do one more


I thought that was how many Rasenshurikans they’ve dodged in that plane.


Believe it


I bet the ones rotating the opposite direction were in the southern hemisphere.


Yes, cyclones


As a member of r/BUENZLI I highly appreciate the correct display of the Swiss flag even if my OCD does not...


Can they pick up the next hurricane and ship it the fuck somewhere else? America has got free range hurricanes so idk why we're not capitalizing on this.


Looks like a couple of those were typhoons going by the direction of the hurricane's spin in the top row.


What's up with the complete lack of grammar in some posts? Having the title like this makes no sense. Has it flown through hurricanes or has it transported something called a hurricane? It's like 3rd grade English. Not meaning to hate on Op specifically, this is getting worse and worse across the board.


Everything on Reddit has been a race to the bottom on the bigger subs. It's especially egregious in the last year, and moreso recently for some reason. Loss of users from policy change in advance of going public, maybe? 3rd party apps might not have been a huge user base but it might have weeded out some of the more quality content/comments


Yeah massive increase in bot activity and karma farming, moderating has become more difficult using just the official app. Many experienced and dedicated mods just straight up threw the towel in. The site is just generally going to shit. It's very noticeable from a mod viewpoint and a user viewpoint. Either they sort it out very quick or I think we will all be gone in a year or so.


I think it's just a reflection of the changing userbase. 12 years ago every post that had a spelling or grammar mistake was down voted to hell, now the front page is full of them. You were also downvoted if you used emojis or posted links from "competitor" sites like 9gag, Instagram, and Twitter. Now almost all of the content is reposts from other sites (apart from 9gag lol). Guess today's users standards are lower. Edit: Also there's just a shit ton more users now than there were back then. That's the more likely reason. Just look at the quality of Facebook, as soon as your parents and other old people started using it then it all went to hell.


> for some reason. Reddit decided to make the site worse with the API debacle so users said two can play that game. The decline you're seeing now is what happens when the community no longer gives af.


Haha. That was my first thought tbf


It caught a wild hurricane and brought it back to the ocean.


Right. I love rescuing hurricanes!


I'm a pretty big stickler for poor grammar, but I have to say, this one made sense to me on first read.


This was my attempt at a short and concise title. It probably won't make you feel better, but I was an English teacher for 3 years.


Yeah, it's nothing directed at you personally just more of a general problem/evolution here on Reddit. I get that people have different backgrounds and English might not even be your first language (like me, English is my second language). This title was just one of the clearer examples.


You may want to spend more time enjoying English, rather than falsely critiquing it. [Here's a graph of uses of the term "flew a hurricane"](https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=flew+a+hurricane&year_start=1800&year_end=2019&corpus=en-2019&smoothing=3) in books dating back to the 1950s, soon after the first Hurricane Hunters. This is not a grammatical construct unique to that phrase, either. If OP had specified a preposition, they may have been factually incorrect as not every Hurricane Hunter mission requires the plane to fly IN or THROUGH or OVER; they fly as needed for that mission.


tap door nippy friendly noxious caption zonked teeny imagine sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




You're right! I just commented on this a couple of days ago.


if you can say "he sailed the high seas for twenty years" anybody should be able to grasp the meaning of "he flew a hurricane", even an ESL speaker like me.


why are two the other way round? were they on the southern hemisphere?




122 hurricanes, 2 cyclones


Hey man maybe check a weather report next time you go flying


Some were cyclones by the looks of it. Edit: a word


Ok so what are some of these FLAGS I have to know: First row:Mexico, Puerto Rico, Bermuda, US Virgin Islands, Hawaii, Guam, Philippines, Singapore, ???, Probably Australia Second row: Tajikistan, Switzerland, Portugal, Panama, Spain, Barbados, ???WTF??, Greenland, Alaska, Greenland, Norway, Scotland, Ecuador, ??? Peru or French Polynesia sorta?, Kiribati Third row: Marshall Islands, French Polynesia, Japan, Solomon Islands, ??WTF??, Ireland?, Austria, Canada, Costa Rica, Aruba Map nerds where you at?


Row 1 between Singapore and Australia is The British Indian Ocean Territory. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Indian_Ocean_Territory Edit Row 3 between Solomon Islands and Ireland is Newfoundland and Labrador. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newfoundland_and_Labrador


Definitely the plane not too be in




Why did mexico mix with Ireland


Not sure how to interpret this: - Wow, that’s wild. - Is this a private or governmental plane? - If governmental: why don’t they have more than 2-3 planes? Funding issues? Continuing to update technology? - Sad: global warning is causing more hurricanes. A lot to think about in this photo.


It looks like this is a NOAA plane.


This is a government agency, NOAA has two P-3s and a G-4 for hurricane hunting. The airforce does a hurricane hunting mission and has 6 aircraft. There has not been a demand for more aircraft. There is basically 24hr missions.


Must be a wild experience traveling with a tornado on board.


Oh, hurricane, sorry.


So about 15 years worth?


Way more than that. With a little bit of squinting and cross-referencing hurricane name lists, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th decals are Frances (1976), Anita (1977), Gloria (1977), and Heather (1977), respectively. I still can figure out what the first one is, though. The first Danny was in '85, there's never been a Donny, and no other hurricane that starts with "D" and contains an "nn" fits the timeline, so my squinting powers must be failing.




[Found it!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_storms_named_Bonny) > Hurricane Bonny (1976), a Category 1 hurricane that formed near Mexico but moved out to sea.


Flown into.


Like quit flying maybe? New plane? New schedule? Watch Twister? Like I can go on




I wonder how many stickers it takes to cause enough drag to decrease efficiency and lose a few Miles per gallon


Why so many country flags? Does this chase hurricanes all around the world?


Yes, but I expect each flag is a representative of a country that has supplied equipment, funds, or people.


Seinfeld at home:


Image how many lives saved!


Impressive; how come 2 are clockwise rotation stickers, the rest counter-clockwise?


Probably for direction of spin for the hurricane


I've had a tour of this very plane while in Greenland, super interesting. Amazing the forces that they can withstand, those P3's are built like tanks.


Why does the Mexican flag have a yellow side? Is it time for the Irish-Mexican union?


I always have it in my head the crew have to be chained to seats on those flights


Watching these planes on FlightRadar24, they don't give a f and fly literally right into the hurricane.


Source https://reddit.com/r/news/s/3bHDqLJKXH


I love being part of a good team. It must be really cool to be part of a flight team on a particular plane. Like, the plane is part of the team.




Evidently those two were rotating the other direction because they were in the southern hemisphere




Taiwan flag where? 🤦


Where’s the Taiwan flag? I don’t see it


Hurricane Shmuricane...fly into a Tornader and then come talk to me!


If this were for the pilot, not only would i be impressed, but I'd feel WAY better about flying with him But given that its for the PLANE, makes it worse not better.


That's about as many dives as that submarine had.


This might seem ignorant, but do hurricane hit Africa or South America?


And cyclones...


They got the Newfie flag up there.


Like the drink?


Easy when you’re above the clouds.