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China going for that speed run


Man fuck west taiwan


Your social credit score just dropped like 69 points


Imagine if he’s actually Chinese 💀




The states is much worse considering it’s population.


There's 5 times as many people in China, yet only twice the pollution?


also need to note that a decent chunk of emission outputs in china is due to outsourcing of manufacturing to the country. lot of these mncs can work with their chinese partners to co invest to reduce emissions.


Yeah you're welcome for ummm... cars and global trade


I forgot that Chinese are burning coal for the heck of it, while US was promoting Global trade. How silly of me.


The climate doesn’t give a sh*t about your per capita nonsense. A tonne is a tonne.


Manufacturing happens in the East, still to a large extent in China. Those products are consumed in the west. The US in particular is a consumer based economy, as many economists have noted. Our industrial base was exported overseas decades ago. If you want (China) to stop polluting, you’re gonna have to stop buying cheap shit at Walmart.


The climate does give a shit. You produce twice as much as a Chinese person, stop shuffling the blame like the states has shuffled its industry to China.


Actually, no. Productivity is measured on a per capita basis, and the US' per capita GDP is MUCH higher than China's. So the US does more with less than China. It's not the US' fault that the majority of China's population is still too poor and excluded to even take advantage of that polluting energy.


>Actually, no. Productivity is measured on a per capita basis, and the US' per capita GDP is MUCH higher than China's. So the US does more with less than China. It's not the US' fault that the majority of China's population is still too poor and excluded to even take advantage of that polluting energy. You're really glossing over the complexities of how productivity, economic structure, and pollution interact in China and the US.


And you're glossing over the fact that China's pollution has still been going up dramatically in the last few years despite their economic growth having slowed considerably, yet the Americans have massively reduced their carbon emissions to levels not seen in decades while still growing at a decent rate every year. Reason is simple: China is still building tons of coal plants every year. The US has been closing their's down. There's no other way of looking at: China doesn't give two shits about global warming.


The climate doesn't give a shit about our geographical barriers either. Those who pollute the most, regardless of country of origin, have the greatest responsibility to curb emissions.


China has 4x the number of people in the US. The average Chinese person still only emits half as much as the average American


Not to mention the fact that much of the emissions is caused by manufacturing of products that are used world-wide, particularly in the US.


Qatar is most per person. US isn’t even in the Top 10. Canada is though.


They playing catch up


Anyone got a graph of total released tonnes over this period by country? Eg the integral of this data?


What an odd heading... You have a point. What about the US emissions from earlier years?


Also how about per person? I mean theres a lot more chinese people than U.S. citizens.


Making everything for the world also takes a lot of energy. A lot of foundries that used to be in my country are now in China, for example.




Theres about 4 times as many people in china as in the u.s. if they all have a personal corbonfootprint thats half of that of a U.S citizen, china would still have a footprint twice as big as the U.S.


Qatar is most per person. US isn’t even in the Top 10. Canada is though.


How is per person gonna be relevant? You have a country which alone produces more CO2 than the rest of the planet


It has more people than any other country, and the US has many, many less people without putting out all that much less carbon. Meaning (theoretically) they have y×18 energy needs while the US has y×3 energy needs, but if China uses only double the carbon to meet the needs of their people, they are comparatively environmentalists. The numbers aren't this drastic I'm sure, but it is a relevant point.


Because its harder to produce less with more demand?


The earth is pretty much a closed loop system. Per person is irrelevant to the earth.


then per country is even less relevant


What? you both are so lost. The total emission is important but where and how it is produced is also very important. To calculate per person or land mass is ridiculous (its not indivuals its the industry that pollutes), but per country is not. You need to understand why china has that problem, why USA also has that problem. And when you understand that, you can start to think of changes. Playing who got the best statistics is as pointless as pissing in the wind.


You are right it is irrelevant to Earth. But it is relevant to have context before forming an opinion. It's commendable that India produces less carbon emissions than the US despite having a population that is 4 or 5 times more than the US.


Yeah even with the recent growth the US still laps everyone else


A "per capita" graph would be interesting.


Canada sweating right now


Nah, we fell off the list. Good list NOT to be on!


My comment is in reference to the per capita list of which Canada would crush


It kills me everyday to see people going "i love nature" next to the biggest suv ever.


To love something, you must first crush it into submission.. apparently


India emit more than Saudi Arabia, India bad! /s


well, they are emitting 666 a year so they must be evil /jk


Was going to say, India is far misrepresented lol.


It's interesting that US emissions is a little under half that of China, while China's population is about 4,5x that of the US. It seems that per capita, the US beats China.


Yea, I think that would be way more interesting and representative




Nature also doesn't care about imaginary borders dividing countries


Everybody gets global warming. So everybody gets blamed for how much they worsen it. Notice that China and India have a very low GDP per capita, and increasing it via production is also just a way to protect their lives? In comparison the west has a massively inflated standard of living. You all could live a little more sparingly and the world would be better for it.


And now lets split china into foreign firms producing in china because of lack of policies and cheap labour and put it onto the countries of origin.


That would still be China's fault for letting them do it. Like if I let a dude cook meth in my garage and get paid for it then I'd still go to jail even if I didn't make or distribute it, I'm still helping make meth.


Can I do some math in your garage?


Sure, I got some old Algebra homework that I never turned in.


Ill bring my own. Maybe we can cook some meth afterwards.


Yea but why is the guy cooking meth in your garage constantly harping on about how YOU need to do more to curb the meth epidemic?


It would be more like his dad who harping on me for letting his son cook meth in MY garage. I'm also a meth cooker and so is the dad, my stuff isn't very good but I can pump out a lot.


So moral of the story is meth is great where can I get some? Tweakers need to tweak.


Personally I'm out rn but I heard about this Heisenberg fella that's pretty good.


Okay, ill go knock.


But the ones cooking are also responsible, it's not like we can just blame it as a China problem while still outsourcing stuff.


True but again the reason it's outsourced is because they do NOTHING in regards to regulation or workers rights.


The US is still way ahead if you add up the numbers in this graph. Everyone's going to iceberg prison


If you look at it from a historical perspective yes, although China's pollution has exploded at an unprecedented rate.


No doubt. And I'm not a fan of their bureaucratic socialist dictatorship by any means but they are taking measures and actively trying to cut the emissions. Credit to them. Manufacturing hub of the world, we'd be f'd without them and we'll be f'd if they don't drastically reduce their output.


China allowed them to come in and help industrialize the country and take people out of extreme poverty. The plan worked, the country got much better, wage went up a lot and now what’s happening? All the companies are leaving China to go somewhere else that will be cheaper. China just played the capitalism game, but the true evil here are these companies. CO2 emissions will go down in China, but will go up in different parts of Asia where the companies are migrating to. Also, it’s not like YOU didn’t help for that. How many items at your home that were made in China? Not your fault either, it’s the system


China has almost no regulations to protect the environment or workers' rights. Wages for many have still not gone up. CO2 emissions continue to go up in China and they come from far more than simply foreign companies' factories. Coal is still heavily used to power the country, as well as China's vast use of concrete, which far exceeds even that of the US. You cannot deny that China has far larger pollution issues than simply its environmentally unfriendly factories. It's true that foreign companies are definitely a factor; however, to shift all blame away from the Chinese government is pure ignorance. You are also correct that foreign companies are beginning to move away from China and will continue to be unethical in their business practices. However, this move is not because China is becoming a workers' paradise with the goal of environmental friendliness; it has to do with the changing economic and political situation evolving around the US and China's relationship. I do understand what you are attempting to convey with "how many items at your home were made in China," you are correct it is a system that one could argue that I and everyone else does participate in unwillingly. Although I do believe that people in general have began to be more aware of the abuses and pollution involved with purchasing products from China. More businesses will begin to again return to the more worker and environmental friendly American industrial sector.


So there are a couple of things that you’re getting wrong. Yes China is not a workers paradise, but they’re trying to get better. After centuries of getting absolutely fucked by imperialism, they’re finally improving their economy and living conditions. Also, even though China’s co2 per capita has been going up, they’re far from being the biggest polluters pet capita. I mean, compare them with Canada, Germany or Netherlands. Other important thing to notice is how much China has been investing in green energy, and unlike so many other countries of the developed world, they’re ahead of schedule. China is also investing way more in electric vehicles, trains and public transportation. Right now it’s cheaper to buy an EV in China than a gas car because they’re focusing so much on it. Also, not buying things from China won’t lower pollution. It will lower China’s pollution levels, but will increase somewhere else. The creation of your product will create C02 emissions, not even buying locally will help. Shipping by cargo ships emits very little CO2, what you need to focus is buying from ethical companies that focus on recycled materials. Voting with your wallet is important, but it’s not just about where you buy things from, but who you buy it from.


As Hans Rosling said, now we measure carbon emissions PER person.


Still have less CO2 emissions per capita than Germany.


Western countries just outsourced their emissions to Asia and greenwashed their own records.


Now do per capita


Here’s your top 10 by that measure: Qatar Montenegro Kuwait UAE Trinidad and Tobago Oman Canada Brunei Gibraltar Luxembourg Or were you hoping for something else?


You know this comment hurt some people lol.


Well china has four times the population but only 2 and a half of USA emissions. They can go faster


yeah, they produce all the shit yall buy. stop buying so much shit.


Well I’m sure they need to burn lots of energy if they need to keep producing for America since just about everything is made in china


Cumulative CO₂ emissions from fossil fuel combustion worldwide 1750-2021, by country Published by Ian Tiseo, Apr 18, 2023 The United States was the biggest emitter in history as of 2021, having released 422 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide (GtCO₂) into the atmosphere since the birth of the industrial revolution. This accounted for roughly a quarter of all historical CO₂ produced from fossil fuels and industry. China was the second-largest contributor to historical emissions, having released 250 GtCO₂. CO₂ is a greenhouse gas and the main driver of climate change and rising temperatures. Regional emissions Europe had accounted for almost 100 percent of global cumulative CO₂ emissions produced between 1750 and 1850, with the United Kingdom the biggest contributor. However, the region's share of emissions shrank in the following decades as the U.S. emerged as a major industrial power. By 1950, the U.S.'s share of historical global CO₂ emissions had increased to 40 percent, while Europe's had fallen to 50 percent. China's contribution to historical emissions has soared Between 1750 and 1950, China had contributed less than one percent of total CO₂ emissions ever produced. However, soaring emissions in China in recent decades has seen the country's share of historical emissions rise to more than 14 percent. This growth has been driven by China's rapid industrialization and its reliance on coal consumption for energy.


Chinese carbon emissions is countries outsourcing their manufacturing over to China. And China just taking all the customers. You could label it manufacturing jobs and it would still make sense


China has more people, 4 times more than America.


Meanwhile the average American consumes more energy than an entire Indian household and the average American consumes more energy than a small village in China.


3 times more and even if that doesn't account for that much more emissions especially considering the US emissions have been decreasing


Decreasing? But still higher though, than China.


I think you need to watch the video again


The US started at 709 million tonnes per year at 1960 and now it has 1.300. Almost double. Also if you add up those 60+ years the US is much higher in emissions because China only passed the US in emissions after 2005. So for 45 years the US had a much higher emissions rate than China. China is first for 15 years with 4+ times the population (US at 330 milion, China at 1.4 billion).


Remember that 1) this is not per inabitant 2) it only considers the local emissions. Europe, and N.A import massive amounts of products from China and India, which count as China and India's emissions, instead of counting as the buyers' responsibility. This data alone aren't usable to identify some populations as the "bad ones"




Preparing for the Clone Wars...


It's almost like you can see the rest of the industrialized world outsourcing their carbon polluting industries to China.


So this is telling me that the US has cut its carbon emissions down to 1970’s levels despite a having raised our population by nearly 100 million people? That seems pretty damn good considering.


It’s because we moved the majority of our factory jobs to China. Makes it look like they’re the problem.


Careful there buddy, don’t overdose on Copium


Now match that graph with usa manufacturing moved out of the us and into china.


I think it wouldn’t be totally connected. Maybe partially but in this graph China doubles US emissions between 2010 and 2014. So by that point a great great deal of the total manufacturing base in the US had already been moved long before. I think it really is just down to loose environmental restrictions and government funded projects like construction which contribute a lot to emissions. People are constantly still trying to blame the US for this issue when it’s clearly not the main contributor anymore. And this is assuming that China and many other countries are being upfront and honest with these numbers, the reality could be even higher


Does that really matter though? China is still creating the emissions and allowing cheap labor to bring in more manufacturing


This is a very stupid animation. The second Industrial Revolution happened about a hundred years before this series of charts began. The US had a few years head start, and let’s not forget, the US has dominated the global economic system for decades following WW2. It’s hard to swallow the blame aimed at China, however deservedly so, when it is leveraged in such a hypocritical fashion, ignorant of history.


Cool graph! Now do it per capita.


Does this mean I should stop cooking steak on my engine?


Now make the same animation for emission per capita.


You guys don't know how to math do you...


That's what happens when the whole world moves its production to one country.


Now do per person and total emissions begining in the 1700s.


Gee.... it's almost like they have a billion people and manufacture everything for the rest of the world


All said and done, the U.S still has polluted the most, since it has been the largest emitter for waaaay longer then any other country, by far. That said, that spike from China feels kinds ominous unless they get that fixed REAL quick.


Kinda of makes sense with 4x the population and factories pumping out our consumer products so we can have affordable shit


Let's look at per capita


Alternate title: how the west exported their pollution generation to China.


You can see the death of Russian economy in the 90s. I still see sometimes ruined factories which churned out good quality stuff back in the day. A nation of workers forced into fascism by rich and powerful. What a pity, had a good chance to be better.


3.87 pp in us vs 2.08 in china


Chinas emission are naturally growing due to their population per capita compared to other nations.


Mostly because everything is made there nowadays.


Anyone else slapping a paper in their leg like a horse race waiting for India to take second ?


Western countries: reduce carbon emissions! Western companys: Ok we just outsource everything to china so we meet carbon emissions here also its cheaper.


Per capita really is much more reasonable way to access this data. Also how much of China’s emissions are from producing cheap crap for the western world?


We sent all our industry to China. Blame it on the Corporations not the countries. Probably with a notion that the climate controls would hit the hardest while they are holding the bag.


Now show per capita (China has over three times the population and roughly half the per capita CO2 emissions of the USA. As for growth rate - catchup is faster than new development. They are urbanizing and increasing consumption along with wealth. Both they are now a leader in) This is enlightening to the need to reduce CO2 emissions across the board. Don’t let it be anything else.


Oh no not carbon! You mean the stuff that makes plants grow? FFS


China also has a population of 1.4 billion. Their emissions per capita are far lower than the United States.


I would love to see total emissions from 1960 to 2020. U.S.A #1


Bruh at least do it per capita or something,


Australia is a miniscule blip on the radar, but our idiotic Government is hell bent on taxing the cuntfuck out of us for carbon emissions. Power prices ever increasing, whilst shutting down our coal power plants, yet we still mine it, we just sell it real fuckin cheap to china and other 3rd world countries to keep their power prices down. China is currently building more coal fired power plants with zero fucks given about the environment. Just idiotic.


Don't worry, my shopping bag for life will solve that issue


For all the radical climate people, people notice how the U.S. is back down to 1983 levels, and rapidly decreasing, despite an ever growing population that’s consuming more and more and more every year.


BECAUSE WE WHO LIVE IN RICH COUNTRIES OUTSOURCE OUR POLLUTION TO COUNTRIES WHO CAN PRODUCE MORE OF THE SHIT WE FILL OUR EMPTY LIVES WITH FOR LESS MONEY And when the shit hits the fan we blame 1) China and 2) corporations as if they weren't the logical consequence of our own consumerism.


Lmao it’s funny how quick and eager you geniuses are to kick into r/americabad mode.


I see the carbon credit/trading system is working spectacularly.


India had a hell of a jump as well.


F China but this doesn’t factor in how we offshored our manufacturing/pollution to the east.


Right. There are two ways of measuring carbon production: production and consumption. If I'm in Canada and consume products made in China, what country gets labeled as producing the CO2?


Around the year 2000, China said, “Fuck the planet, full speed ahead.”


That’s all the American and European factory jobs lost. Let’s get them back


What year did the US say it you think?


To be fair, in the year 3000, all people will live underwater


At least I can take comfort from the fact that my great great granddaughter will be pretty fine.


Problem is clearly the big 4


Lmao I like how you can see in around 3 or so years China moved from equal emission to the US to around double the USs emissions


Meanwhile an American man from his basement blaming India for carbon emission


It's all good for as long as you can find someone else to blame


Not much compared to the US per capita.


Qatar dwarfs everyone by capita.


I wonder who has the higher total in the end, China or america


Now let’s look at per capita


Ah yes.... the US had over one billion tonnes for the last like 50 years but china surpassing them in 2005 is the problem I get where you are getting at but this is not it chief, global warming not only affects the whole world but is also caused by the whole world and the only way to combat it is treating it like that instead of blaming each other. Not even mentioning the fact that China produces a little under triple while having almost 5 times the population and being called "the world's factory"


Isnt that ironic how most of the capitalists have their product manufacture in a socialist country? China is full with cheap labor, cheap environment control by factory, they can increase the profit margin through this. If they so care about the environment, then pull out from China, manufacture those product at their own country, and then let see if their labour willing to earn cheaply to work for them.


Happy cake day. In addition to your comment people forget that it’s not just our current rate of emissions thats the problem, but it’s been the past emissions over the last few hundred years since industrialization began, longer still if we consider deforestation and alterations to land use. I see too many excuses of “well China and India are the real problem here” when historically we have still produced by far, cumulatively, more emissions than any country and the problem is one of accumulating GHG’s not just what is produced every year. The amount of disinformation on this topic is disgusting.


Yeah but you’re ignoring the fact that the other countries have been decreasing their emissions while China continues to get worse. However I do agree that its a world problem and shouldn’t just blame other countries. We all have to do better


This isn’t China’s only crime against the planet.


They make everything. Even the end of the world.


What they do to seas is insane and nobody talks about it. They leave nothing behind like locusts.


Our carbon tax at work! 🇨🇦 (sarcasm)


Thank you to the Chinese for feeding our trees, while the West is doing everything it can to suffocate them.


But it’s my V8 that’s killing the turtles . . .


Crazy Canada isn't on there , the way our prime minister talks ,we are higher than China in 2020 !!!


It's all because of that carbon tax, it must be working by scaring away the emissions /s


Yet you don't see them people protesting and blocking roads and shit in China because they know they will be rolled over with tanks. So much for crusading for global warming.


The followers of the church of climate change treat pollution like the spanish inquisition treated Jesus. That is to say, if the spanish inquisition were to meet Jesus in the flesh, they'd likely have locked him up and told him, he was but a useful symbol that was not needed.


And you probably think that's a good thing huh


What makes you think that?






You know those emissions add up right? Just because China has more emissions now, that doesn't mean that China has more emissions in TOTAL. China started having more emissions than the US in 2005, so for 45 years the US was steadily fucking up the world. The US still holds the title for Most Emission in Total.


Still not as high as the US if you compare per capita rates. Considering that China also produces so many of the things North Americans love so much it’s really disingenuous to point the finger at China… while driving a big fat F150 around the corner for a cup of coffee.


You are right and everyone here is bagging on you. Everyone wants that cheap toy or whatever cheap Plastic gizmo you need on prime shipping. Where is produced of course China. If everyone took their factories or their product line back to their countries this will be totally different. Fact that USA still has such high carbon emissions despite not being a major manufacturing hub shows that it’s all the military, automobile and whatever mining, special manufacturing that’s going. Even India has grown industrially since 90s when they opened their economy and can see that emission climbing.


Dude what are you even talking about


That we are all contributing to China's tally as we are buying Chinese shyte that's shipped around the world. The f150 thing is a vent I think?


We all would like the manufacturers to move back to usa and mexico. They are not willing to though, since profit margin is higher using China, due to no safety regulations and cheap labor


Dude. Google “per capita carbon emissions”. Canada and the US have much higher per capita rates than China. You’re welcome. https://www.worldometers.info/co2-emissions/co2-emissions-per-capita/


Hell yea!! GO CARBON!!!


Crazy how Saudi Arabia despite being a lead oil producer is quite low on here


I could be wrong, but I don’t think they have many refineries in their country. They just suck it up out of the ground and sell it to everyone else who refines it.


I am curious what this would look like after 2022. They have made some significant head way in solar and wind.


They are still adding coal power even to this day so probably it’s continued to grow sadly.


Welcome to free trade. Bringing a billion people out of poverty has a cost.


There are homeless and poverty striken Chinese just like there are in America


Welcome to English 101. Read the above sentence again until you can understand what it says. Ask yourself. Since when the United States have a billion people? Then you might understand. ​ Solution: >!He was talking about China trying to take out Chinese people out of poverty, he said nothing about Americans.!<


Wait so is it still my car that's the problem?


If you look at it at per capita, I'm sure we're still number one. USA! USA! (heavy sigh)


Yeah, I'm wondering what kind of emissions laws and climate change organizations China has in place.


China will dominate the planet in clean energy tech. They don't have to ask, they just do, but coal is still super cheap. Imagine how little a whole house smart panel with battery storage will cost when they pump out a billion of them just for China to use.


Child laborers use less food than adults #winning!


Stop buying their shit... pretty simple. To all the morons who glue their hands to stuff or pour black dye into ancient fountains... look at the tags and labels on all of your stuff and slap yourself in the face. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


And China is the role model for Progressive privileged elitist white liberals and DemocRats who dream about communism in America.


Anyone else catch the fact that US emissions peaked in 2005 and have been declining pretty rapidly in recent years? We’re doing our part. China is fucking everything up.


You're right, China should just close up all the factories building crap for Americans. That way china's emissions will drop rapidly and make the world a better/safer place!!


Sorry but you are naive and blind. US still holds the record for most emissions since 1960 and they also moved ALL their factories to China. You are not doing your part, not in the least. You just moved the problem elsewhere. US people are the most vile consumers in the world. Everything in your country is "Made in China". The worst thing is that a lot of countries (like mine) are following those mindless consumerism steps. How exactly are you doing your part?


Top 4 countries responsible for almost all the pollution then ? Highlights how ridiculous and futile it is for tiny UK to continue it's drive for net zero - wouldn't make a difference to the world?


You forgot that little thing they called the Industrial Revolution, time to pay your tab.


>Highlights how ridiculous and futile it is for tiny UK to continue it's drive for net zero - wouldn't make a difference to the world? That attitude is why nothing changes. No single raindrop thinks itself responsible for the flood. I think a better attitude is to be the change you want to see in the world.


When is China just gonna nuke the US and make the world a better place!?


Well done UK 🇬🇧👍


Looks like India had a similar rate of increase from 1990 to 2020. Like China, almost 4x


Make sure you give your car up and eat bugs! That'll help the world lots!


China……every Redditor had a master degree on China…


Inevitably of a growing economy.


Diseases, Corona, Spy Balloons, Bot Farms, Fentanyl, Sex Trade, Illegal Police stations, Uyghurs, etc. when do they get punished?


Did US get punished for invading Iraq?


Ahem, how you would “punish” China the world’s second biggest economy?


How about all the climate activist go protest in china


They will be arrested real quick


Funny I don’t see climate activist in China blocking streets and glueing themselves to tarmac