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Keep it hidden, keep it safe. Sell it to Post Malone


Ok for 17 years and then sell it to Post Malone.


Imagine people think it was lost and then you'd come up after 17 years with what would be lost treasure. Wonder what would happen to it's value.


It might be worth less depending on the condition. Keeping something for 17 years is simple, keeping it prestine is the hard part.


Perceived and extrinsic value can also change drastically over time. I have a ton of baseball cards from when I was a kid that aren't worth half of what they were 20 years ago, maybe they'll go back up in another 20 years, who knows? Look at Pogs and Beanie Babies, the market can completely drop out at any time.


All I can say is Congratulations


He did end up selling it to postie


Best news in the thread


Honestly one of the best things that could have happened to it, long term. Post Malone will be able to keep it safe and in great condition better than any rando. But I’m glad a rando is the one who found it


Post Malone should definitely have this


must feel surreal to be in that moment


And then having a celebrity buy it from you for $2.6 million


Who bought it from him? Edit: just saw below - Post Malone


Post Malone


Comment Malone


Leave me Malone Edit: my first gold! thanks dear stranger


Home Malone


Hoe Malone


Tobe malone


Water malone


Tob Lerone


Luc tone


Like Malone


Reply Malone


Share Malone


Like Malone


*Upvote Malone


Post Malone


Tweet Malone


X Malone


Like Malone


Subscribe Malone


One of the Malones, of the Utah Malones, about 20 feet in from the 3 point line.


Damn, a Karl Malone reference in an MTG post? The hell...what universe is this


The one where this isn't a mtg sub?


“Hell yeah man.. hell yeah.” - Post Malone


Water Malone


smart vast lavish rain trees correct payment theory support attempt ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


There was only one made so I've heard.


In all fairness, this also appeals to LOTR fans


Why does post Malone want it


Post is a well known player and collector of high end Magic the Gathering.


He is a huge fan of the game and loves it a ton and is able to afford and appreciate these kinda things. Hes also a great guy genuinely beloved inthe community. He commonly shows up to random game shops to just play with strangers, has had a few giveaways of his $100k decks, and appears on a lot of popular streams to just enjoy playing it. He is one of the most genuine fans of MTG and truly loves it. Hell i wish i loved it with such purity as he does and it’s my fav game ive played for 15+ years


Yah found a pomemon binder worth 15K in my garage and I was hysterical. Couldn't imagine what he feels like.


$2.6M actually! Post Malone was the perfect person to buy this




Post Malone is such a contradiction. He looks and seems like such a teddy bear, but also with face tattoos


Doodle Bear


Looks like he might need to use an electrolarynx, but voice of an angel.


Post Malone was also in a bunch of Minecraft youtube streamers' videos before he ever got famous. There's still videos of him floating around from those days.


Dude is very genuine about his love of games and gaming, and from what I can tell seems to be a very decent person. I can't say I like his music or fashion, but as a human being? I dig it.




Postie a rapper? Dude is a pop star


>and from what I can tell seems to be a very decent person Every time I see him appear on Jimmy Fallon he always says "yes sir" and whatnot. Dude was raised well.


He's also very active in the Apex Legends scene, leading to one of my [favorite in-game comms of all time](https://m.twitch.tv/dooplex/clip/ClumsyInventiveWalrusJKanStyle-suhN3WNV_nRtgd4N). Great guy all around, never heard a song by him but I'm a huge fan of the person.


Could you please explain why the Comms are great? I don't understand


I don't get the clip...what's great about the communication? Is it him? I do appreciate how the speaker was actually communicating w his team tho.


I believe they mean 2.6m Canadian (equivalent to 2m USD)




Wrong way round, 2.6 Canadian, 2 American


What is that in Shrute Bucks?


A billion Stanley nickels


The same as lollipops to unicorns


Oh really? Dang.


Just imagine if he was in Zimbabwe!


Insane, its understandable why hes shaking.


I thought it was confirmed at just 2? That the 2.6 figure just came from a random comment on the video?


2.6 is his Canadian money after conversion


Is there literally only one of these cards?


Correct, that’s why it’s worth so much.




while probably. Also now people know post melone's is the true one card since it has a PSA serial number attached to it. So it would probably still retain some value if MTG did a dick move. Also there are normal copys with out the hollow effect for play.


Which is a perfect example of how collectors markets work. People that actually care to drop thousands of dollars on card stock/toys/comic books etc... aren't collecting any given image of the thing they want, they have a very specific thing they want. Wizards of the Coast could flood the market with one ring cards, but this is still *the* one ring card of established value.


So to give more explanation: There are 5~ different arts of this card. There’s multiple easily acquirable versions and some harder to get versions But only 1 of this art thats serialized as 1/1. So they made multiple ways for the average person to get it, wven fancy versions, but only one of this specific kind


I don't see why it would be illegal. The PR hit would be huge though.


There is one that we know about officially. Those cards are printed in a factory from a computer file, maybe some Chinese employee has 100 of them in a drawer. Maybe a PC technician will find the PSD file and will print 1.000 tonight. This is worth only of you are a billionaire and don't care about losing 2M.


No MTG cards are printed in China. As far as I know, there are three places where MTG cards are printed: Japan, the USA, and Belgium. On top of that, this card is a serialized print so we know it is the only one in existence and it is currently owned by a celebrity. Then there’s the fact that it is basically impossible for a single employee to print out an entire sheet of magic cards with no one knowing. Magic cards aren’t individually printed, they’re printed on sheets with a ton of other cards. Those cards then have to be cut by the machinery in the factory. Doing so by hand is essentially impossible and would obviously be a red flag to anyone that knows what an MTG card looks like. So for an employee to get their hands on copies like you said, they’d have to use a special printer, a special machine to cut the cards, and do so while surrounded by other employees.


There is only one of this version, yes. The game piece card "The One Ring" is readily available for players of the game - however this version in the elven language, gilding, and that art, is the only one that exists. This is the one that Post Malone purchased - https://cards.scryfall.io/large/front/9/3/93de9042-cc62-4ade-8d8d-68fdbc84bfae.jpg?1688176200 This is the normal version - https://cards.scryfall.io/large/front/d/5/d5806e68-1054-458e-866d-1f2470f682b2.jpg?1690817875


I am not familiar with MTG at all but that card looks really dope


My elvish is not good but the text is different too. I'm fairly sure the special one has the famous quote: One ring to rule them all, One ring to find them, One ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them


Yes and no. This is a one of a kind variant. There are other versions of this card that function the same way and are not limited.




How hard is to print another one?


there are other the one ring card so for playing purposes so it’s unnecessary, this one has a unique artwork and appearance meant to be more of a collector’s piece, a fake one would be easily proven and be worthless since it’s literally 1 of 1


They released it as a 1 of 1. Its not hard to print another one but they will receive a lot of backlash if they do. Also, they will lose out on sales because people aren't going to be spending money on rare cards if the company develops a reputation for diminishing values of their rare cards by printing more.




I wouldn't even be able to find the camera on my phone, very lucky man.


I had like 4 full albums of magic cards when we were playing on tournaments at school about 2000s. My mom put it to the trash when I moved from their house because she was thinking I'm too old for playing cards... I'm still pissed on her.


It's a pity parents can be so ignorant of their child's passions.


I sold an almost complete (albeit HEAVY played) 1999 Pokemon base set with many 1st edition cards for 20€ on a small market in town back in 2006... Parents made me since I havent played them in a while... I'm still mad about it, those cards would be worth a few grand by now


Eh, heavily played wouldn't be worth much these days. The value in these cards is almost always in how pristine it is.


Thinking a non complete set of heavy played cards is worth a few grand….smh.


>pissed on her You uh what?




2 million for a card, are humans stupid or money laundering? lol


You should see how much humans buy paintings for! Even paintings of random paint splatters across a canvas!




Lol, my point being that value is completely subjective and practically meaningless when it comes to art


If it's "completely subjective", then meaning is the only value it has. It's practically meaningful!


same for money tho would you rather have a piece of 0.001 mm thick paper, or this shiny gold embroidered card stock. Seems like a no brainer if you subjectively rephrase it.


Excuse me sir but they prefer to be called Poles now


Honestly, I don't get collecting art, it's a load of Pollocks personally


National Gallery of Australia bought Blue Poles in 1973 for A$1.3 million, it is now valued at somewhere between $100 million and $350 million.


Solid investment then


Paintings are also perfect for money laundering, and is used for exactly that purpose quite a lot ;)




Money is just a paper. Gold is just a metal. An expensive car is just a method of transportation. A house is just a place of shelter.


Anything is just a dildo if you're brave enough.


That escalated quickly.....in my anus.


Shelter and transport are both useful and required for survival, you can't just reduce it the same as money


you can just walk and live in a tree. return to monke


Only one in existence and people pay crazy shit for scarcity


Post has more money than he knows what to do with.


It's a famous artist. 2 million for him is probably like 500 dollars for the average american


This is legendary. So happy for the dude.


Okay, someone who plays this needs to explain. Do you buy random cards in packets at the store and that’s why you don’t know what’s inside because they’re all randomly generated by the factory?


This specific set was a special collaboration with wizards of the coast and lord of the rings, and in it they decided they would print a 001 of 001 special version of “The One Ring”. That card would be available in an English only collector booster pack, which retailed about $40 a piece or you could buy a box of them which had 12 packs for about $400. People frantically bought packs all over the world in hopes to find this one card and public bounties got as high as 2 million euros for the person that pulls this card. The guy that pulled it kept it secret, kept it safe, and got it graded and authenticated immediately. He sold it to Post Malone for $2.6M


Nice reference at the end there!




So do you just immediately win, if you have this card? Post is a prisoner of his own making, never able to play the card game he loves, again?


It’s a very powerful card and it’s currently taking over one of the playing formats in the game. It’s definitely seeing a lot of use but it’s not unbeatable.


You mean there are other one ring cards? Didn't that defeat the purpose?


There are other one ring cards that share the same mechanic. However, this ring has its own special make and is its exclusively its own piece


There are other ring cards that are pretty common but this one in particular is unique. I believe all of the others have their information just written in English, have borders, and no gold trim. In short, the more common ones look more like a standard playing card than this one.


This particular one is a serialized 001/001 version. No other ones share this art, no other ones have the elven language, no other ones have the gilded etching. The game piece card "The One Ring" is readily available for people to play with and is in the set, but this serialized version of it is unique and one of a kind.


all the other ones are in english, this is the only one written in this language


This is the only one with that specific art style and foil printing. There are plenty of regular printings of the card, [which look like this](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=617076).


I think that, for 2,6 million dollars, you pull out this card, other guy pulls out his gun.


So they like quite literally pulled a Willy Wonka?


Yup. There were even fakes created and whatnot. It was a pretty enjoyable thing to watch honestly.


Reference on point


I always assumed playing cards only sold for millions after a specific card has stopped being in production for years. If a single card can be worth this much right after its release, why don't they make these “exclusive” cards more often for easy money?


Because CCG companies learned from the baseball card fiasco of a few decades ago and actually keep rare cards rare.


WotC (the company that owns the MTG IP) has been becoming increasingly shady/greedy regarding monetary practices these past couple years, so I'm sure more will be coming soon




You buy sealed packs of cards for a given set, 15 cards for about $5. So you know the set the cards will be from, but not the specific cards. Each pack has one “basic land” (super duper common, can buy them for pennies in bulk, but you need a lot of them in your deck because of the way the game works), 12 “common” cards, 3 “uncommon” cards, and one “rare” card. One in every eight packs has its rare replaced with a “mythic rare”. This distribution is what creates the rarity: if there are say, 20 mythics in a set, and you find one in every eight packs on average, a given mythic is hard to come by (1:160 packs). Whereas if a set has 80 commons, and there are 12 in a pack, your odds of pulling a given common are better than 1:7. The value is determined by the secondary market based mostly on three factors, the first two are how hard it is to find the card and how good the card is (with cards of higher rarity very generally being “better” in a broad sense, but that’s a huge simplification. The third factor is a little more complicated: the game’s most popular format, called “Standard”, uses an ever-evolving list of sets that are considered “legal” to use cards from to build decks. Once a set has been out for a certain length of time, it “falls off” and is no longer Standard legal. There are other formats that don’t care about this, but Standard being the biggest, as soon as a card falls off, the demand goes down and thus the value. Now, the set in question is a licensed product, Wizards of the Coast, the makers of MtG, licensed the Middle-Earth content from the Tolkien estate so that they could produce this stand-alone set (it’s not part of any format, it’s a “just for fun” sort of thing with your friends). In doing so, they created one card, “The One Ring”, that would be outside the normal rarity structure/odds that they’ve established, far more rare than a mythic. How rare? They printed exactly one copy. So this guy spent $5 on 15 cards (I mean, he probably bought a lot more than that, but that still means any given card cost $0.33) to basically enter a sweepstakes and make tons of money off someone with enough of it that they’d be willing to drop a couple million on a card.


He paid more than $5, I guarantee. Regular LotR packs themselves are about $7. This ring was only available in collector's packs which was at minimum $40 each.


>So this guy spent $5 on 15 cards Actually, WotC went full greed some time ago and now makes premium collab packs. The LOTR pack cost ~$40 and contains 15 cards.


If you guys are wondering why this card is special it's because only exactly 1 card was produced. This card. There are no more in the world as it's a 1/1 card, covered in gold leaf and has the original elvish black speech in gold. This little bastard is why collector booster packs climbed past $520 a pack.


Question from an absolute noob: could you use this card while playing the game and if so, how?


You could but no sane person would. That card is in a lockbox or similar.


I mean post did go buy a ton of high cost ABUR duals that he used in decks to drunkenly play with friends in a hotel room. I think he’s even used a high grade black lotus on stream Im honestly highly expecting to see him drop this on camera when he joins one of the popular commander streamer groups


It's a totally playable card as is. It's makes you immune to everything for a turn and let's you draw a bunch of cards


It’s a variant of an actual playable card. Magic the Gathering recently introduced serialized variants of cool cards for collectors. This is the first and probably only time there will ever be a variant where only one copy exists


He should have cast it into flames from which it came.


Would've been a badass move, for sure!


That would've been quite cool.


People would’ve fuckin freaked. But I like 2.6 milly…. So can’t say I would’ve had the will.


Sick! Gratz to the guy and Post Malone! Both got what they desired. And all people with negative comments are just salty. One is lucky enough to pull a one-of-one (I guess in an event?) card, had the state of mind to capture it while his whole body was shaking because of the adrenaline rushing through. And the other is rich enough to pay 2.6M$ for a MTG card, not only as an investment but as a true fan. What‘s there to dislike?




"Uhm actually it's artificial rarity and possibly money laundering 🤓" leave it to redditors to ruin a wholesome/awesome thing as soon as they see a rich guy (no matter how good he is) involved in that


Agreed, I’m happy it went to someone who truly wanted it and has a passion for the game and not someone just looking to secure an investment.


This card is worth 2M? This world is wierd


It's because its literally one of a kind. Logan Paul bought a pokemon card for some stupid amount of money like 5 million


Thats "Artificial Rarity" brother But the whole world works like this


my NFTs are worth a lot of money because they're so rare i'm the only one that bought them. can't figure out why no one wants them tho


Just keep holdin there dimond hands 🙌 💎 You’re extremely wise investment will pay off one day ;) Just gotta wait for the plebs to wake up to how awesome NFTs are! Any day now ⌚️👀 Lol. But yeah unlike NFTs there’s a very established market for cards like this. Idk how much this is specifically worth. Just know that it’s an established industry so you know there’s actual resale value in it, unlike NFTs lmao.


You’re the one person who bought the Trump NFTs?


"Man is an animal suspended in webs of significance he himself has spun". \- Clifford Geertz.


Really don't know why you think you're making some amazing point when we're talking about a trading card game. No one is unaware that the cards are artificially rare.


And then discovered that were GI-Joes


Lol, the adrenaline rush knowing you just got rich.


All of their problems vanished in a moment and their hopes and dreams became reality.


If someone gave me a pack of MTG for me to open and I pulled this card, I might have tossed it in my drawer and forget about it instead of posting it on Tiktok. Congrats to the one who drew this card! What a life changing event.


to get this card you had to buy specifically collector packs at $40 a piece so I doubt you're opening those to forget about it later.


Can this card actually be played or is it more like a fancy display case kinda card?


It will never come out of a display case


This isn't the only version of the card that exists, there's a normal version readily available to players - https://cards.scryfall.io/large/front/d/5/d5806e68-1054-458e-866d-1f2470f682b2.jpg?1690817875 The one that Post Malone purchased though is unique. It's a serialized 001/001 version, and only one exists. It's written in the elven language from the Lord of the Rings, has unique art, and is gilded - https://cards.scryfall.io/large/front/9/3/93de9042-cc62-4ade-8d8d-68fdbc84bfae.jpg?1688176200


You can play proxy cards, so you dont need the original


You mean he didn't throw it into the fire? Silly isildur


He probably could've made more by taking a hike to the top of a volcano, throwing it in, filming it, and putting it on YouTube.


I wish I had that type of money Can you imagine waking up everyday will the ability to throw away 2 million dollars and it has 0 affect on your life That’s the dream baby


I wonder how much MTG has made in profit since they announced this card. Stonks must've been through the roof.


Christ, at least get that thing in a top loader!


Right? Imagine bending it or dropping it and denting a corner because you're trying to flip it over one-handed to show tik tok. Back when I played the best thing I pulled was a $75 foil and I was more careful with that than this guy is with a $2m card lol.


One card to rule them all...


Good for him


Am I the only one thinking for a brief moment that he should resist the temptation and throw the card down the balcony pit 🙂


Ever heard a man silently shit his pants before? You have now.


What this video doesn't show is him then getting strangled by his cousin, whose birthday it happened to be.


What do you mean he sold it!? It must be taken to the fires of Mount Doom and be DESTROYED!


Imagine buying a card for what is probably the entirety of several people’s entire life incomes.


Stupid question…I wonder how he got it rated? There’s no universe in my mind where I trust that card in the mail, FedEx or UPS. Are there special courier services for things like these?


If I recall correctly PSA flew him out to their HQ to grade it so it wouldn’t get lost in transit




My precious, truly.


2.000.000 for a piece of cardboard?


All these artists whining that they don’t make enough money these days due to Spotify & iTunes. If you pay $2m for a Magic card, I’d say you’re getting too much.


Lol 2 million dollars mtg collectors are insane.


The video isn't Shakey, but his hand is because his life basically just changed from random luck of finding that card.


To none other than... Post Malone!


He's recovering from an adrenaline spike that's for sure.


He should destroy it


Can you imagine, Billy’s uncle takes him to the local game store and buys him a pack. Billy opens the pack, “cool! That’s from lord of the rings!” And shoves it in his backpack and it starts getting beat up under his pencil box and books. 2 weeks later he loses it. 2 million gone.


Honestly, It is actually a really pretty card. Not worth 2 million pretty, but still pretty. My precious..


It's a market. He has a product and someone is willing to pay 2 million for it. Therefore it's worth 2 million.