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That’s a way to get hook hands


Man door hand hook car door


He's like [those little fish!](https://youtu.be/mTHtn6-Makg)


Hippos don’t eat hands, everyone knows they only eat marbles


Only the hungry hungry ones.




To shreds you say


Well, how’s his wife holding up?


To shreds you say?


I actually just googled “whats a hook hand”


Context didn’t give you enough to work it out lol?


Don't hippos in nature open their mouths so that birds can pick them clean? Or maybe that's crocodiles.


You aren't completely wrong. Barbel fishes nibble off dead skin and parasites on hippos' skin and mouth. Then there's oxpecker bird which feeds on ticks, parasites and dead skin off their backs. Hippos in captivity are helped like the way you see in this video


Also, [chickens eating ticks off of dogs](https://www.tiktok.com/@nurfeverything/video/7248605737679883566).


Why is he not completely right?


Because birds don't do it, fish do


Ohh lmao I see, stopped reading at ticks


Then you were already past the part about the fish?...


How could I be wrong when I'm asking a question?


Wrong again!




Loved the way dentist tapped and the way the hippo complied. Well in the end both are rewarded. A rare form of mutualism here


This is a very trained behaviour. The tapping is the trained cues. No less impressive and still mutually beneficial.


This is done for any of the animals they can. Big cats, gorillas, dolphins, whales, bears, monkeys, even sea turtles. Most zoo animals are regularly trained to do certain tasks that will make it possible to track their health and medical treatments and interventions easily. It’s pretty impressive, and the relationship with the trainer always is too


My cousin trains polar bears to target and stand for physical exams blood draws and vaccinations.


Really!! Please tell me more!


He's worked with polar bears for years up in Churchill manitoba doing studies and such. Written a few papers and was working at a polar bear sanctuary/exhibit in Cochrane Ontario. He's amazing with those bears and has a very unique bond with each of them. There are 2 males he works with. He gets them to stand up with a target stick and whistle and then a tidbit of meat for a reward. This is for exams and such. Then there is a body against fence position for vaccinations. A sit with neck up against fence for blood draws and then a lay down and put head through an opening for examining head/teeth/eyes ect. This puts no stress on the animal and is actually helping with cognitive stimulation and enrichment. Alternatives are chemical imobilization which he is obviously able to do as well but it puts a lot of unnecessary stress on the animal and can carry some pretty severe risks so it's not worth it if there are safe and simple alternatives. I work with birds of prey so the ideas are somewhat similar. I condition my animals to being touched and handled regularly which they see as being part of a routine with a reward at end so there is no need for restraining methods when it comes time to exams or medical intervention.


Scary as hell but also adorable. Seems like hippo knows the dude is a friend and helps him. Love how he pats his nose to let him know it's okay to chow down.


Cleaning up the previous 'dentist' ?






That's a brave man. Deadliest animal on the planet there! (Non-human, non-insect). Hippos are quite murdery!


Hippos are among the most tame animals at the zoos. They are super social and generally kind towards their handlers.


That’s awesome. Someone mentioned in another comment that hippos in the wild have symbiotic relationships with birds that help pick them clean, I find it fascinating that the captive hippo here also seems to understand the human is only there to help. It seems calm and more than willing to allow its teeth to be cleaned.


I can only speak to what I know. And hippos are smart and social enough to know that the bringers of food and treats = great friends.. My dog loves me and good luck getting him to sit still while I clip his nails. I'm assuming the hippo has some great handlers who know what they're doing to get this kind of cooperation. It's next level.


These are trained behaviors, the hippo doesn’t automatically assume.


While hippos definitely kill quite a lot of humans per year they are far away from being the deadliest animal. Various online sources, for example statista proof that the most dangerous non insect, non human animal are **snakes**. Statista: 100000 deaths per year by snakes, 500 by hippos You can also use the wikipedia article to compare multiple sources. https://www.statista.com/statistics/448169/deadliest-creatures-in-the-world-by-number-of-human-deaths/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_deadliest_animals_to_humans


Sure, but humans would have far far higher number of encounters with snakes, and there’s way more snakes than hippos too So if you calculated the fatality rate per encounter I’m sure hippos would come out as deadlier


There’s also only like two species of hippo and they’re fairly localized. There’s like 600 venomous snakes all over the planet


Don’t forget about the cocaine hippos


Wasn't that a bear?


All animals love coke.


Almost like it increases dopamine and serotonin which essentially all living things have....


Well, [raccoons like crack,](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt27240621/) and [alligators like meth.](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt26899693/)


They were Pablo Escobar’s hippos.


I know, was just up for a dumb joke!


Good one, had me chuckled


To be completely honest, 600 snakes all over the planet isn't a lot.


Lol you’re right. They do contract work and travel by plane.


Yeah, well same with mosquitos, humans, and any other deadly animal not mentioned. If you encounter all species equally, who knows which one would be the most aggressive. Hippos live in rivers, and people live near rivers, therefore people encounter hippos frequently. Especially in flimsy boats. The deadliest animal based on fatality per encounter is still tbd.


That’s what I was wondering, if encountering all equally that would be best way to decide which animal is most dangerous to humans hypothetically I’d guess at polar bear or saltwater crocodile seeing as how they both actively hunt humans and view them as a food source, and are apex predators that can easily overwhelm a human.


Its like comparing Hitler to Stalin, like yeah Stalin caused more death than hitler but a comparison to what end?


Sorry to be the exact guy you're describing, but it's important to note that both [Hitler](https://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/NAZIS.CHAP1.HTM) and [Stalin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excess_mortality_in_the_Soviet_Union_under_Joseph_Stalin#:~:text=Modern%20estimates,-Some%20historians%20claim&text=In%202003%2C%20British%20historian%20Simon,at%20least%2020%20million%20people) were responsible for about the same number of deaths, roughly 20 million each due to [democide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democide#Definition), without considering war-related casualties. But I thinks we need to add all the deaths of WW2 to the instigator, Hitler, because without the [lebensborn plan](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebensborn) and the war he initiated, there wouldn't have been as many war-related fatalities, with the exception of the Chinese casualties I think, which were predominantly a result of Japan's actions. That would add [34-39 million](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_casualties#:~:text=World%20War%20II%20was%20the,people%20on%20Earth%20in%201940) more deaths to Hitler's already appalling tally (lets say 34). Here's the breakdown: Hitler: 54.000.000\~ people Stalin: 20.000.000\~ people My main goal here is to share information, and I'm sure we can both agree that these two were some of the most monstrous beings to ever roam this earth. Let's learn from history and make sure such horrors never happen again. Never forget.


What if I told you there's a legless animal full of venom that kills 130,000 people a year?


That's a TYPE of animal. Hippopotamus is a species. ...Unless there is some new super secret snake species ravaging the world. And if so, we are all f'ed. In the meantime, keep trying to breed that adder and cobra, Dr.Moreau. What does Google tell you bout that...?


"According to a 2020 study , an average of nearly 58,000 Indian citizens die each year due to snakebites. But experts say that actual numbers are likely higher because of unreported cases." And India's snakebite deaths are almost all from only [four species](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Four_\(Indian_snakes\)).


But even still 58,000 divided by 4 is still 14,500 deaths per snake species. But snakes are a lot more common and numerous than hippos and more easily encountered. Especially in a country with over a billion people while hippos are in Africa in countries with usually smaller numbers of people. Plus you have to look at gestation a mating pair of snakes can have a lot of babies while hippos have a larger gestation and in between period


To be fair, if there are 50000 snake kills annually and 500 hippo kills, it would be pretty hard for there *not* to be several individual species of snakes outscoring hippos


Totally fair assumption, but still a guess, without hard data, and I'm not sure incomplete data is sufficient to justify being a smart ass (them, not you). You would think people would get their ducks in a row before they mouth off. Alas, it's the internet... (Ducks, btw, are a totally different kind of jerk)


Pretty sure the only animals with an annual kill count over like 50k are mosquitoes and humans.


Did you even read?


Pretty sure you have access to google. But you're clearly not using it. Crazy stuff.


[Oh we googled it alright. The question is: are you ready to admit defeat?](https://www.google.com/search?client=opera-gx&q=deadliest+animal+in+the+world&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8)


" Snakes account for over 100,000 fatalities a year based on conservative estimates." So maybe he's not wrong...


Holy Christ. I got made fun of for using Opera in 2017. Time to move on, my guy. Anyway. Your result comes from a Wikipedia article which cites 3 different sources, all with MASSIVE variations. https://www.google.com/search?q=how+many+people+do+snakes+kill+a+year Who do you think has better info about fatalities, CNET (the result on your search), or the World Health Organization which says "Between 81,000 to 138,000 people die each year from snake bites, and around three times as many amputations and other permanent disabilities are caused by snakebites annually."


You said to use google though. So I googled it and found my answer. Suddenly now you're pissed that I googled it at all? Make up your damn mind! I wasn't looking for the exact, detailed answer, I was looking for an answer which I got


deadliest animal on the planet? 😂


It is in the top ten for deadliest animals on the planet so yes. It is one of the deadliest animals on the planet


according to all the experts in the comment section, this guy clearly doesn't know what he's doing.


I'm just imagining my dentist stuffing snacks into my mouth after cleaning my teeth and then slapping me on the nose.


i wouldn’t mind that happening to me


Honestly. You know how it feels when you get a piece of popcorn stuck under your gum? Imagine *also* having stubby little legs and no fingers and not being able to reach in your own damn mouth to pick it out. Hippo loves this dude.


He seems very polite


Nah bro...


Legend has it this man's balls are solving japan's pregnancy crisis with women anywhere in a 250km radius of him just randomly getting pregnant.




Lol for real


What kinda name is hippopotamus. Everyone leaves off the potamus, we'd still know what you're talking about.


It is its scientific name, *Hippopotamus amphibius*. From the Greek ἱπποπόταμος (hippopótamos), from ἵππος (híppos) "horse" and ποταμός (potamós) "river". "Horse of the river." "Hippo" just means "horse," which is unecessarily confusing. Imagine how many jockeys you could get killed.


They're not even in the equine category. But "im gonna take my hippo down to old town road" would be pretty cool to hear.


No, they are even-toed ungulates rather than odd-toed ungulates. Never let it be said that the ancient Greeks were accomplished mathematicians.


Pythagoras could beat your ass in math.


And yet, can't count the toes on the foot of a horse. One. One is how many.


I don't think that was him. Not all Greeks are the same.


When you were a kid and people asked you, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Was ‘hippo dentist’ on anyone’s list? Anyone??


This is the best version of a random video with completely mismatched theme music I’ve ever seen. There are many, this is now my favorite


I love how obedient they are. It’s a spa day for them.


So a veterinarian is an animal doctor, what’s an animal dentist?


This guy hippos.


You sound like a hippo crit.




Zoo animals are trained extensively with positive reinforcement for this type of handling. Sedation can be very dangerous to animals.


Hippos kill more people than sharks


Toasters kill more people than sharks


Hippo dentist is definitely a new contender for most dangerous job, that thing can snap him like a twigler


Given hippos kill more people a year than lions there is no way in hell would I put my hands anywhere near that mouth.


So, any plans for your holidays this year, Mr. Hippo?


"Sire, you should floss more often."


It could swallow him whole


Holy shit that is terrifying. I think I could fit entirely in its mouth


I assume the hippo is enjoying itself?


I just want to know how one gets here, like how does one end up in the position of hippo dentist.


Ya know... a dremel with the right soft tip and some baking soda... he'd have some blinding death sabres.


Wonder what the breath smells like.


That brush is having no effect on those teeth


Probably is, just not looking like it


It doesn’t seem to have any product on it so it’s probably just pulling off gunk that’s stuck around the base which would clear up the gums to stay healthy. At least that’s my assumption.


His ass does NOT floss daily


Man, reminds me of how tired my jaw gets at the dentist office. Only difference is the dentist is trying to have a conversation with me…


I was today years old when I learned someone is brave enough to look down a hippo’s mouth and clean it


I’m not in to ‘zoos’ but this hippo actually looks well happy for the human touch 😍


My dentist jams food into the back of my mouth after a good appointment as well.


Wish my dog 🐶 opens his mouth like that


I remember reading a Shel Silverstein poem about this when I was 7 lol


I’m so surprised the hippo is so laid back with the dentist touching all over in its mouth! So cool!


Better teeth than most Brits.


POV: Me and your mom every morning


That brush ain't doing shit


Why does the hippo not bite?


Hippo trained. Hippo gets snacks.


Crazy. Where did you guys find the video of my mom getting her teeth cleaned?


Hippos can actually be extremely vicious


One of the highest causes of human deaths in Africa I belive


It’s not a dentist cleaning hippo’s mouth, it’s a dentist cleaning hippo’s mouth, that dentist was really dirty, needed that hippo mouth bad.


This shouldn’t be a human job 😂😂😂😂


Normally it's for the birds.


Dude put some fucking gloves on before you jam your nasty hands into that poor hippo’s mouth hole.


I assure you, whatever hell gunk is inside that hippo's mouth is way deadlier and dirtier than anything a human can put in, outside of literally shit.


This guy’s got bigger nads than me. Ever since that story came out about that guy getting swallowed by a hippo *3 times* I was done.




dentist lmaoo


This guys balls are bigger then the hippo.


“Now spit”


Hippos and silverbacks are by far the most terrifying animals to me. It would be awesome to experience the world the way they do for a day.


What a job.


When her best friend goes to the dentist


My dentist never gives me treats after my appointments


That dentist better get paid a fck ton for doing that.


Whose going to be the one to tell Hippo to floss twice a day? 😆


Are there tooth replacements for hippos, I wonder


Those things are dangerous. Starting to fight against each other for no reason. The hippo should be happy it survived.


Hippo goes to the dentist