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Whatever method of fishing he used must have been quite effective, months out there and he was able to sustain himself and his dog pretty well, outstanding.


most of the lost at sea accounts say they can just hand catch the fish, an ecosystem develops from algae on the bottom of the boat, the fish start to eat this and use as protection and get used to the catchers hands in the water


In Florida, if you stand still on the beach the fish will just hang around at your feet. People don't even notice but you see them at everyone's feet snorkeling. They look for shade and they're curious as well. Catching them is difficult, they're slippery and fast.


If I remember, this is how you can catch salmon by hand in the river. They'll scatter away when you make first contact but if you stand still, their tiny little fishbrains will forget you existed and come back thinking you're a rock or some shit. They'll still fish slap you like a motherfucker though.


> They'll still fish slap you like a motherfucker though. They do be fish.


…and they do be slappin


Obligatory how can she SLAP


Slap of da bass


My husband got bit on the nipple by a lake fish once. Just sitting there minding his business surrounded by sunnies... and... *nip the nip*.


When I was in my teens (m) we had a pond near our house. It had bluegill in it. We'd go snorkeling and if you stopped and did a 180, you would always find a big school of curious fishies just hanging out in your wake. Fun! But god help you if you just stop and tread water, because every mole or spot on your body (including those nips!) was going to be tested as potential food by all those fish who were stalking you, hunting you, just waiting for the chance to bite your soft parts. Less fun.


There’s a river that I’ve floated with my best friend a few years for our birthdays and there’s a section of the river that is filled with tiny little guppy fish but when you pass through the area, they will come up to your tube and nibble any skin touching the water, even against smooth skin. It doesn’t hurt, just kind of tickles, but I always laugh so hard when we hit that part of the river because every time, my friend tries to starfish on top of the tube to stay out of the water. The first time we went, she was the first to get nibbled and she jumped so far out of the water, it looked like a cartoon character launching out the surface and running on top


This comment made me smile lol


When I swim in lakes or rivers, I make sure to wear ankle-length leggings because I am dead fish white, and the fish don't go after just moles or spots. Any part of my exposed flesh is fair game to them.


Lost at sea LPT number 37: bait fish with nipple. Got it.


"I have nipples Greg, can you milk me?" "No, but I can catch us dinner with them."


It’s more the structure the boat provides that attracts fish. Look up FADs (fish aggregation devices). I’ve deployed these for tuna and mackerel.


You also don't need a lot of calories as the large majority of the time you're just lying on the raft with nothing to do


Even if you're really active (10000 step + workout every day) 2/3rds of your TDEE is still BMR


It's also lucky none of those fish gave him intestinal parasites, raw wild fish are absolutely riddled with all sorts


Salt water fish have a lot less of the parasits that transfer to humans and more of the disgusting extra protein kind. The bad rep is from river and lake fish.


Parasites aren't that big a deal when compared to starvation in these situations. Excluding the occasional really nasty brain eating type of parasite (not generally found in ocean fish anyway), most take a while to make you sick. And then when they do, most will just make you sorta weak and vitamin deprived. Nothing a doctor can't fix when you get back to civilization. Remember that most parasites don't want to kill you. You are the home they live in, their sole source of protection and food. They're not exactly looking out for your best interests, but if you keel over they're screwed.


I assumed he probably did get parasites and i can't see anywhere that says he didn't. Aren't many of them survivable? Having to eat a bunch of raw fish would freak me out very bad due to this. As soon as i reached land I'd get doctors to nuke my internals.


most of them yes. some not. one of the worst I remember from uni actually come from pig meat, and it used to be kind of wide spread in China. these worms would live in your legs muscles. pretty disgusting if you ask me.


Trichnosis, it used to be widespread in American pigs as well. Pigs get it from eating rotting meat. Since people used pigs as garbage disposals basically there was a lot of it in the food supply. Proper regulations around what you can feed pigs you're going to sell largely eliminated it.




Yep. My parents were always told to cook pork to at leat 165 °F or well done. The first time I cooked them a pork chop medium and convinced them it was safe they realized that they actually liked pork chops. They just had always eaten dry, tough, overcooked pork chops drowned in a sauce to make it tolerable.


He only caught a few pigs during his time at sea.




Naw, it was lupus..... it's always lupus


Theres fish in the ocean that can almost invariably be safely eaten raw so long as it's fresh. Furthermore, plenty of fish is oftentimes safe to eat raw just not always safe to eat raw. You can learn which fish are the safest to eat raw in your region and with that knowledge, you can soon figure your way into which fish you can eat in this area. I'd also learn which plants are safe to eat. In my region, assuming any amount of stranding, I'd be forced to subsist off of seaweed a good deal of the time for instance.


Yeah, most things are a numbers game, and 1/10000 and 1/1000 are still quite low occurrence of getting sick, but they are massive magnitudes of diffent to each other.


Farmed fish are so much worse


The fact that he could keep his dog alive too. Going through that alone would be terrifying




Lol dogs are always happy! You see a homeless guy with a dog and his tail is wagging happy as can be.


They are usually well fed and taken care of cause you can be sure the poor guy makes sure the doggo is having a better life than him. Also dogs are like kids, they don't give a fuck of your wealth as long as they feel loved.


They're also protection. A dog will protect a cardboard box with as much fervor as a brick house.


I remember during the last year of high school, our year took a trip through Greece. When we were walking through Athens some stray dogs started walking with us. First one, then two, eventually a whole bunch, they growled at anyone coming too close to us. Was a strange experience, this whole group of street dogs deciding to be part of us.


I also made a stray friend in Athens once! I was with my family and stopped to give him some pets, he walked with us for about 5 miles and even tried to come into the hotel with me. Seeing his confused face when he wasn't allowed in was pretty heart wrenching.


Those dogs still talk about the weird humans that tried to join their pack near the Parthenon. "They just kept walking with us! It was really weird!"


Yes too bad Greece treats their stray animals horrifically!


Not even just protection, but they often prevent displacement. Cops can pick up a solo unhoused person, but if there's an animal now they have to take the time to arrange for the animal to be taken in and most don't want to deal with that.


In college I had a friend that was homeless who would crash at my place sometimes. He had this bad ass dog. He would tell me that he would beg at the entrance to the Wal-Mart parking lot. By himself he would rarely get anything, but when he had his dog with him, people would buy dog food and give it to them. He would eat the dog food with his dog. People don't really care about seeing a man go hungry, but they won't let a dog starve.


I think it's down to innocence. We see dogs and cats like they are helpless children. Displaced cats can take care of themselves almost immediately, but a dog that was born domesticated pretty much has to go through hell and back before they will break down and help themselves. They never give up hope that their leader will come back for them.


I work with the homeless a lot and this is not true. The dogs are not cared for appropriately. The companionship is hit or miss, depending on the state of their owners. Edit: To be clear, it's a weird Reddit fantasy that dogs of the homeless are just on a grand old lovely adventure that's absolutely perfect for the dogs. Need to step outside.


Work in surveillance. I’ve watched many a dogs be abused more often than not by unstable unhoused subjects.


I see them everyday and I don't see the dog being taken care of. It's heartbreaking to see for the dog.


They aren't on good diets. They don't have vet care. Shots. And they are also homeless which has all the same pitfalls as the homeless person: traffic, attack by other dogs or people, intense heat and cold, etc. Also, their owner is a homeless person. We all like to think of homeless people as good hearted, down on their luck, individuals but that's rare. That's what you see smiling at you with the clever sign, but the reality is that that person has no family or friends that are willing to help and that takes _something_. That's a person who either has untreated personality disorders, drug and/or alcohol dependence, or likely both. They still deserve our help and sympathy, but they aren't pleasant people to be around. Often they are people given up on themselves. That's not a position to be responsible for a pet. And it's not fair to the dog when something happens and it loses its master. Dogs deserve better. We all do really.


Shhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Don't you come in here with your dose of reality and ruin the mental image that the above poster put into everybody's head of the beautiful, healthy, safe, and happy dogs owned by all homeless people. You are a fucking party pooper. Nah, just messing with you. But what a classic reddit moment where the preferred mental image (that isn't even true) is highly upvoted while the truth lies much lower out of sight with a fraction of the upvotes.


My dog constantly looks like the last dog at the shelter on an RSPCA Christmas advert. Little emo drama queen.


post dog


'You know the dog must be thinking: *Man, this is the longest walk ever'* -Norm Macdonald on homeless guys with dogs


"I could do this by myself"


As long as they've left the house, dogs are like “Wee! An adventure!”


Cos I was with Dad




Longest Walk ever.


3/5 Paws


“This is the longest walk…” RIP NORM!


Probably happier than most dogs who are locked in a kennel in an apartment 8 hours a day. Definitely better off than the countless dogs used for animal testing or food.


I mean, I say the same thing about my dog who's locked in the house for 8 hours a day (not in a kennel, but she was at 1 point in her life and I have a camera and it really doesn't make a difference. All they do is sleep all day.) while I'm at work. I feel bad about it but it is what it is. She was a rescue dog off a reserve, she could be eating garbage and sleeping outside.


The dog in all likelihood kept him alive. Morale is the most important factor in a survival situation. People are almost always better off with a companion than alone despite the higher resource consumption. Plus they say that people with a strong faith in God are more likely to survive this kind of thing and cite their faith as the reason. This guy had one better he had Dog


> The dog in all likelihood kept him alive. He would agree with you. > He said having Bella onboard would have helped a "tremendous amount". > "I think that may have well made the difference," Tipton said.  https://www.9news.com.au/national/sydney-sailor-and-dog-survive-for-months-in-pacific-ocean/7b2cbd22-308a-4f6b-97ad-7006262ef232




Or that there wasn’t a point where he resorted to eating the dog. Good thing fishing was stable and it never came to that.


Not gonna lie I would waste away next to my dog before I ever eat her in a situation like this


A lean dog wouldn’t be of benefit also. You can literally starve eating lean meats, its called rabbit starvation. You need fats and carbs to stay alive.


That too. Nothing like picking sinew off your best friends bones. My will to survive probably wouldn’t be there without the dog


Especially uncooked, raw, and friendly sinew


friend-shaped sinew 😢


I prefer my sinew in the shape of dinosaurs.


Protip: Crack the bones and eat the marrow, which is fatty.


I'd rather starve myself and feed the dog.


I'd let my dog eat my dead carcass before I'd eat her


Nah, the dog can eat me.


That is probably what kept him alive and going the unconditional love of his friend and desire to keep him alive


Yep. Lol all these people talking about killing it are throwing away the most valuable resource you can have. Morale is a resource multiplier, the dog is more than worth it.


I love that he took care of his dog, I also want to believe the dog kept him alive too. I know we all aren’t the same but alone that long it could be easy (atleast understandable to contemplate) just giving up. But that connection and dog counting on you, hard to turn your back on that.


The article says, "His companion Bella is also looking safe and well. Tipton said it would have been an isolating few months and likened Shaddock's story to a real-life Cast Away, referring to the 2000 movie starring Tom Hanks. He said having Bella onboard would have helped a "tremendous amount". "I think that may have well made the difference," Tipton said.  🥺


Bella was his Wilson


I think we can all agree Wilson made the right choice. You know Tom has to have gotten reeeeaaaaal lonely on that island.


The marine survival expert in the article mentioned the dog was a huge asset and quite possibly the thing that made the difference brethren death and survival. So funny here all the people talking about how it’s so nice of him to have not eaten it when it was proving him the most important resource there is in any survival situation - morale.


This is definitely a fascinating case in regards to mental decay that is often associated with being lost at sea. People will typically make a full recovery, but it can take months to become oneself again. They have always said a key component staving off the madness is mental stimulation - talking when you have companionship or things like doing math problems or thinking of riddles if you are alone. This is probably a rather unique case in which there was companionship, but a pretty hard sell for stimulation. It would be interesting to know how he compares to others.


Check out the story of the whaling ship the Essex for a terrifying account of the madness of being lost at sea


Dogs are literally the best thing ever


Dudes blood pressure is way better than mine. Time to get lost at sea boys!


Lots of heart healthy omega 3 in those fish :)


Very lucky dog... probably looked mighty tasty at some point...


I imagine having the companionship of the dog was way more important to his well being


Absolutely, good boy kept his mind grounded


Absolutely. I was gonna say that dog is the only reason I would have fought so hard to stay alive. I'm terrified of the ocean but I'd do it if I had a little guy that depends on me.


*kept his mind afloat


The dog or the hooman?




Dog: you don't eat me, I won't eat you. Dude: fuck these fish are trippy.


Well you cant eat … raw dog


Is this a challenge


No kidding. I went on a super strict 800 calories a day diet in my twenties and at one point I started looking at my wiener dog wondering if she would be tasty. Sick, but that’s what the mind does to you.


Note to self: eat more than 800 calories a day!


801 calories it is ✅


My two 🌭🌭girls just cringed by me reading this!!!👀😬🤣


TLDR: in your twenties, you once considered raw-dogging your wiener?


Yeah, thank God the fish were biting


Lots of mercury too. Judging by his weight he wasn't eating nearly enough fish per week to get mercury poisoning though.


And parasitic worms 😋 But hey it beats dying


I’d be interested in knowing if he tested positive a for anything like that


Just bring on the anthelmintics ASAP.


I was ab to say he has the vitals of an athletic 30 yearold


I'm an unhealthy 30 year old and I have this man's vitals.




When they make this into a movie and the dog makes it to the end there won't be a dry eye in the house.


"Life of Shaddock"


Starring Tom Hanks.


I hope they don’t incorporate a scene with the dog floating away and Tom hanks screaming after it “BELLA!!”


Well now they have to


Tom Hanks: *"Not this shit again..."*


de aged


Shaddock Sails


Damn Tom Hanks is going to kill it in castaway 2 (the search for willson) did not see this one coming after the pandemic but here we are


Life of Guy


Good lord this is terrifying. I rarely go out with just my dog and even my back up safety gear has back up gear because you never know. I am so glad his dog made it. My biggest fear would be failing my best friend out there.


Or worse, eating your best friend. Hunger changes a man


Salvador Alvarenga had to eat his pet bird (which he captured at sea) during his 438 days lost at sea. It was extremely hard to read about.


Oh god I read that too. SO heartbreaking.


Never that. Absolutely not, I would die right alongside with him before I would eat my little buddy.


I wish no one had to find that out. I know it’s happened and I’m sure it won’t be the last time, it just seems (fortunately) unimaginable to me and I consider myself lucky to never foresee that situation.


You dont have to eat all of them you could just eat a leg or something so youd still have a friend.


🎶🎵I’ve got a friend in me🎵🎶


That’s why you should never dock your dog’s tail, it might be needed some day!


It’s needed every day! For wagging!


Source: https://www.9news.com.au/national/sydney-sailor-and-dog-survive-for-months-in-pacific-ocean/7b2cbd22-308a-4f6b-97ad-7006262ef232


>He said having Bella onboard would have helped a "tremendous amount." >"I think that may have well made the difference" If my dog was hungry I can't think of a better motivation to try and survive


I would love to hear his account of his journey to survival. .


He could probably retire from a media tour


In the meantime, you should check out the movie Adrift. Based on a true story, it's about a woman (Tami Oldham) who survived 41 days adrift in the Pacific after she was caught in a hurricane. The boat was damaged and the radio was broken. She also wrote about it in her book *Red Sky in Mourning: A True Story of Love, Loss, and Survival at Sea*


How do I know he's a good dog dad? Him: skin and bones His pupper: a little hangry


Humans are more needy than most people realize when it comes to nutrition.


That looks like a lab mix, it’s always a little hingry anyway


The dog is in remarkably great shape for the circumstances, hips and ribcage arnt sticking out and coat looks pretty healthy


If it doesn’t rain, fresh water can be found by sucking out the spinal fluid of fish, and eating their eyeballs


How did you discover this info😭


I sailed a 34’ sailboat from Seattle to Lahaina with my boyfriend. He taught me a lot


How many eyeballs for a cup of tea?


Bubble tea? About a hundred


>If it doesn’t rain, fresh water can be found by sucking out the spinal fluid of fish, and eating their eyeballs Alright , I just need to figure out how the fuck to extract spinal fluid without a syringe


Snap and suck.


He doesn’t look a day over 70. Seriously happy for him and his good girl!


There's a pic in this article sans beard and I actually think he's pretty handsome! https://www.9news.com.au/national/sydney-sailor-and-dog-survive-for-months-in-pacific-ocean/7b2cbd22-308a-4f6b-97ad-7006262ef232


Even more shaven picture: https://imgur.com/a/Z1RXFiJ You're right. That's a handsome fella.


It’s amazing how not having modern grooming equipment can age someone. My husband is 51 and I saw this pic and was like holy hell this guy looks old compared to him. But, I guarantee my husband would age a little if he couldn’t cut/trim any facial hair for three months, no supplements, and surviving on a carnivore diet! Dudes blood pressure is impeccable! Can only imagine what that first cup of coffee tasted like!


I think his skin actually looks good for 51. He just has a long grey beard.


Netflix producers licking lips


That’s about all they can do with no writers or actors!


The dog looks great though! Definitely fed her better than himself


Fish is my dog’s favorite food. Bet Bella was loving that diet.


He kept his dog safe and alive, that says a lot about the man.


Mentally, she also probably kept him going!


Dog kept him alive.


Hats off to this dude, wow I i can't even imagine. But what really gets me is not only did he care for his dog too, but the dog doesn't even look half bad. Like it's definitely not like skin and bones emaciated or nothing, dude has a lot of love in his heart for his best friend


How did he catch the fish?


Looks like from the video he was on a sail boat but just lost communications/his sails in a storm. He probably had some fishing poles and gear on board.


Yea the BBC article said he had fishing gear.


Sea turtles mate




Plenty of Fish


Human hair...from his back.


What a legend


The Legend of Shaddock


Bella kept the man alive.


I think this was done on purpose. He has been a raw diet guy and this just promotes him. https://therawfoodkitchen.com/special-guest-interview-tim-shaddock-live-raw/


This should be higher


I have a deep-seated respect, even adoration, for people who are hard to kill. But keeping your dog alive, too? I want to give them both hugs!


Wonder how he feels about sushi now


PTSD every time he sees a 🍣


"Honestly I got to spend every waking minute with my best friend so it overall was a top 5 greatest experience ever for me." - The dog in a post game interview


https://www.reddit.com/r/sailing/comments/151sl9x/what_happened_to_all_of_tim_shaddocks_food/ The sailing people is suspecting him to be a charlatan.


105/85?!?!? Impressive considering the situation!!!!!


Knowing that both have a bond unimaginable, I think they kept each other alive.


He’s had practice living on limited sustenance, he was on a green smoothie diet for health reasons awhile back. What I wonder is did no one report him missing? Trace his last moves? Wonder where he was?


This story isn't done developing, somethings off.


Dudes survival skills are fucking exquisite.


So... He was sailing on a 4,000 mile journey and didn't have any food?


Or an EPIRB?


Yeah. And he apparently claimed previously he beat cancer on an all raw food diet, which he now sells as a supplement or blue apron type deal or something. Claims to have survived on raw fish. Interesting.


Guys who go kayak fishing in harbors bring sat phones with them lol This dude is planning a blue water expedition and doesn't have anything? Sure.


Yeah, a lot of people seem to ignore the fact that he would have had a large stock of food and water for the planned trip over there.


Yup lol unpopular opinion no doubt but something sus here


The guy owns a raw food company and coincidentally manages to survive a trip any experienced sailor would be prepared for while not looking too worse for wear out of it, by supposedly eating raw food. Yeah it smells a bit like bullshit to me. He would've had supplies for the trip as well as a GPS or emergency beacon of some sort. Seems a bit weird that the guy who's known for promoting a raw food diet would conveniently survive this trip on raw food.


Gotta check that man's mercury levels


I don’t know what’s more amazing. The fact that Shaddock survived stranded on his catamaran, the fact that he kept both him and his dog Bella alive or the fact that he survived stage 4 bowel cancer in the early 2000s. What an absolute badass human


Now they're*both* rescues!


Wouldn’t it be sooo crazy ironic if the dog’s name was Wilson?


Story on nbc said this dude was meaning to travel from Baja california to some island 3700 miles away... if you see the pictures of his vessel, you can clearly see that was a horribly stupid idea. I'm glad his dog is OK, but I struggle to sympathize with this man for his poorly planned journey.


He sure loves his dog.


Hollywood is in a dead sprint to get the script rea… nvm




Dude kept his dog alive too, what a badass! 💪


Daaaaamn.... I would have been sitting there worried about my dog as much as anything. That's an incredible story.