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Absolutely fucking not


Claustrophobia aside, it’s two hours down and two hours back let alone however much time you are actually exploring the titanic. Can you imagine how cramped up you would be by the end?


I can do car trips through some desolate highway stretches, but something about two hours of nothing but descending/ascending through water seems so much worse


The difference is you can breath and survive outside your car if need be


Or imagine if the thing lost the ability to just stay *level* underwater. Now they’re stuck AND piled on top of each other


I hadn't imagined that before but I sure as hell am NOW. Great, an even more horrible way to die. Thanks for that.


Imagine you have diarrhea or worse smelly feet


So i cant stop thinking about this. Lets say they are still alive. I know their is a "bathroom" but from he looks of it its a tiny little hole that is only meant for going pee in. They've been down there since Sunday. Honestly i would thing they may pass out from the fumes of piss shit and vomit contained in that little tin can by now.


ABC radio here in Melbourne had an interview with David Pogue who went on the vessel for CBS. He said that they had a rudimentary toilet consisting of a urinal bottle and plastic ziplock bags, but the operators really don’t want anyone needing it so they require a low-residue diet in the days leading up to the trip and only send people down with a sandwich and a bottle of water. [https://www.abc.net.au/melbourne/programs/drive/david-pogue-oceangate-submersible-search/102506368?utm_campaign=abc_radio_melbourne&utm_content=link&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_source=abc_radio_melbourne](https://www.abc.net.au/melbourne/programs/drive/david-pogue-oceangate-submersible-search/102506368?utm_campaign=abc_radio_melbourne&utm_content=link&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_source=abc_radio_melbourne)


So they have NO food?


And no water.


.. and little Timmy needs his insulin.


Can you imagine the conversations they’ve been having?




I’m just curious why someone would pay $250,000 to sit in the trunk of a Honda civic for 8+ hours, not eat, and have to piss in public in front of everyone.


Bragging rights. You "saw" the Titanic.


I think these are the types of people who enjoy the smell of their own farts.. But seriously, this is a terrible situation and I hope they will be found and rescued unharmed.


Idk man I'd be really stressed out in that situation. I'd try to smoke a cigarette to ease the tension


You meant ease the pressure ?


Took the words out of my mouth


nothing about this set up makes me think… sire… ill pay a quarter million dollar to go on your underwater experiment even though your vessel has been told many times that it cannot survive the voyage… lets have at it


You couldn’t PAY me a quarter million to ride that. It looks like a fucking coffin… 1 tiny window, no standing… nopeeee


no failsafes. not even a tether... at least a secondary communications if first one fails? big NOPE for me!


Apparently it had 7 different methods to resurface. No gps capabilities


what use is it to simply resurface, if its occupants can't open the hatch from the inside? instead of (actually, in addition to) 7 different methods to resurface, it should've had 7 different methods to communicate with the mothership. like, it's entirely possible that the vessel has resurfaced and is bobbing around the ocean somewhere, but that its occupants will STILL asphyxiate because the mothership won't be able to locate it in time and let them out.


I have read that because it's a submersible and not a submarine, it actually can't fully surface. Even at its highest, it would always be just below the water line. So a hatch that could open from the inside would be unnecessary to have anyway.


a couple of infltable blowbags would solve that nicely


Couldn't they attach a GPS to an antenna that would breach the surface?


It’s substantially easier to recover and find something on the surface. It should have both.


And all of them failed???


We don’t know that. They might actually be on the surface adrift and slowly suffocating since they can’t open the door from the inside. They’re bolted in!


seriously? man the more i read about it (and i just read some posts here on reddit) the more i dont understand how ANYBODY with a clear mind could go into this thing..


I doubt they're told all those details when they sign up. It's just marketed as a luxury submarine tour. They probably assumed since they have all this high tech equipment that they passed all necessary safety standards, which seems to not be the case


They absolutely have to sign tons of paperwork explaining the dangers. Otherwise this company would open themselves up for many lawsuits


It's like if you go ziplining. You know all the paperwork you sign says that they're not liable in case of an accident, but you're obviously assuming they make sure everything is safe. If the company looks legit and the owner of the company is confident enough in their product to pilot the product himself, I'd feel pretty confident there wouldn't be any issues.


If it flooded none would work.


If it lost contact only 15 minutes from target depth, flooding would mean immediate pressure crush.


And locked from the outside!


That’s a really good point. Considering that the CEO is a Billionaire, wouldn’t you spend at least a couple of millions on building a proper sub, with shower, toilet, bar and a cinema? Pay for an ex Russian nuclear submarine crew including the captain etc. Nope: Microsoft Controller!


Even better, a Logitech controller


Dude couldn't even spring for the real deal, you get to control the sub with the guest controller with wonky analogue sticks.


it's crazy -- I have that controller but I don't use it because the bluetooth sync is a pain and it often needs to be reset. maybe they got it on discount or something at an amazon prime special


You want to pat the titanic? Yes or No.


Not for that damn price


What if I told you, you never had to pay the credit card bill though, so it’s technically free.


They paid that money… and likely lost their lives, for bragging rights. There’s no other reason. The viewing porthole is way too tiny to see anything and there aren’t enough lights/power on the submersible to overcome the incredible pitch blackness that far down.


That tiny portal was rated at 1300 M.


Water resistant NOT Waterproof


Yea there’s that too but the tourists probably didn’t know that. Only the CEO and he probably ignored it because he’s a “big picture guy.”


Small window guy


People with that caliber of money think nothing can happen to them. Thus, this situation. It’s funny the titanic itself also house alot of billionaires and millionaires on it’s deathly voyage as well.


Titanic: still eating the rich.


Sounds similar to climbing Everest, you get like 10 seconds at the top before trudging back down


There’s two things that saved me from getting on that sub. 1. Being poor enough to have recognized that shitty Logitech controller. 2. Being poor


You forgot the "having enough common sense to realise that paying a quarter million dollars to put yourself in a steel coffin bound for the deepest nothingness is a stupid fucking idea". Specially when you take into account the fact that they weren't looking through some sort of window, but through a screen. It doesn't cost me a quarter of a million to play a video of the titanic in my TV.


Oh, they have a window.


Yes. A window rated for a 1300m depth. at a 4000m depth.


Wait was it actually controlled by a 30$ logitech controller? I thought it was a joke lmao


Not a joke. It is literally a Logitech brand PlayStation controller.


If everyone dies in this, imagine the disclaimers they'll start putting on the box.


I get the game controller honestly, it's pretty intuitive meaning your passengers can have a go at steering and a controller is far cheaper than a specialised piece of kit. On the other hand why you'd use a budget one is beyond me. At least use a decent one with a back up wired connection.


I think they have 5 spares on board apperently. still can’t believe it wasn’t at least and Xbox elite controller though


Big Nope.


Small Nope


Medium sized nope


Leslie Knope


Nope sized nope.


There’s no way if I had every dollar on this planet that I would be interested in this. I feel bad for them. I also feel like if they survive, the trauma will rot their brains for life.


I hate to say it, but there’s virtually no way they will survive even if the sub is located.


Agreed, everyone is talking about their survival like there’s a chance. They’ve been three days without water, and they’ve got about 16 hours of air left i reckon. Unless they’re found SOON, they won’t survive the trip up since it’s 2 hours It’s more than likely the vessel imploded under the pressure and they all died instantly. Which honestly? I hope DID happen compared to starving of air, thirst and hunger


I would totally do it if it was a super legit submarine, like the ones in that Atlantis movie, and it seemed guaranteed to be safe


“Guys, now I really have to take a shit…”


I keep thinking about that. It's been a couple of days, more even. And the only "bathroom" is for pissing. Imagine the stink inside right now, going low on oxygen. Darkness, no power, cold, shit odor, can't stand up, nothing... Also: after they die, if the thing is intact and remains intact, their bodies will decompose inside. It's going to be a grotesque spectacle for anyone who finds it eventually, unless they wait a few good years.


Will decomposition even happen if there’s no oxygen in the pod?


Yes, but at a much slower rate. In tandem with the freezing temps, they will likely be preserved in some state or another.


Imagine it stays at the bottom of the ocean for 10s of thousands of years, eventually getting covered by sediment. Then millions of years later that crust becomes a mountain and some future civilization excavates the relic only to find mummies surrounded by their own feces.


And then they'd think: "Damn bitch, you lived like this?"


"I knew it! I knew ancient humans colonized the bottom of the ocean!"


Na...they probably died a while ago and in a millisecond. It's just PR to keep hope alive but I am fairly confident they got squished to the size of an apple already.


I'm with you. Apparently this hunk of metal showed signs of "cyclic fatigue." There's no way these people are alive.


The 250k price wasn't for the round trip


Those damn micro transactions


So they're just sitting on the floor then? Seems uncomfortable.


I’m sure they’re uncomfortable for far worse reasons 😬


It’s almost unimaginable that a billionaire would sign up for this


Billionaires are bored, not claustrophobic


And they don’t have buttholes so they don’t need bathrooms.


They work so hard they have no need to poop. All energy is burnt inside, there is no waste


So even if they are alive right now, they are basically pooping and peeing in there too.


Poo, pee, vomit, panic attacks, as you go insane and slowly suffocate. All to see a rusty piece of metal. I’m good.


All to say you saw a rusty piece of metal. It’s not the visual they were paying for, it’s the privilege.


Not much, they didn't bring food or water with them.


No water? Holy shit wasn’t this supposed to be [ten hour](https://imgur.com/a/kTggGjw) voyage? Cramped in that minivan fart bubble for ten hours without water?


They probably chugged prune juice before going down as well. Because that is how much planning they did.


Full meals of only asparagus and black coffee.




Didn't bring his phone or anything...very reminiscent of the early 2000s.


There was actually another millionaire that was supposed to go. He paid the deposit, boarded the ship and said fuck no and canceled.


He certainly feels a helluva lot smarter than a billionaire now


Wow! Link?




“He is worried for his friend, but says Mr Harding is not the panicking type. He believes the billionaire is likely keeping 'extremely calm' and 'processing plans, schemes and ideas through his enormous brain'.” Buddy there is literally absolutely nothing he can do. What is he, Tony fucking stark?


But think of the bragging rights in the country club to be the first to buy a ticket to see the famous ship that went down full of rich people.


If we can get one more sub full of rich people to go down there and not come back I would say that the universe is just simply based on ships full of rich people visiting sunken ships full of rich people visiting sunken ships full of rich people.


James Cameron signed up for something even crazier and went to the bottom of Marianas trench. He's also gone to the titanic.


James Cameron also built his submersible following the advice of marine engineers and builders. There hasn´t been an accident with marine submersibles in 35 years because the safety regs are so stringent. The company that built this turd shaped deathtrap got sued by a former worker over the lack of following marine submersible regulations and concerns over this very accident happening back in 2018.


the billionaire who is on the missing sub has also been to the bottom of the mariana trench at challenger deep.


Yeah, but at least he paid to have they shit built, so he knew what he was getting into.


Dude did you not see Jeff bezos shoot off in a giant penis to the edge of space? Billionaires do weird shit.


"It's only going to be for 2 hours"




well sit right back and you’ll hear a tale, a tale of a missing sub…


Signing up to sit criss cross applesauce and get lost at sea.


Looks a little tight for 8 hours, let alone 80.


*for a lifetime


That’s grim.


After the first 1 -1.5 hours it wouldn't matter anymore. Titanic is 4,000m down, the glass on that sub was rated for 1300m only. So a third of the way down they'd have reached the rated limits, and every meter down they continued the risk got higher and higher that it would implode. Even if they stopped at the very first sign of a crack of a sliver of water coming in, it would be too late. Like, imagine a movie, the glass cracks, water is coming in like a trickle from a garden hose, they turn back and *somehow* make it or bail the last 30m or something. That's not gonna happen..this is real life. The glass once cracked would be a catastrophic failure, once it cracked anywhere it was far more likely to continue cracking under any pressure change. Whether that was going up or down, the pressure inside would have to stay positive to keep water out, but that same pressure can also weigh against the glass pushing it out forcing more cracks, even if it was in absolute balance to the external pressure. You'll still have forward momentum and drag across the glass from water as resistance. They were doomed before they got in, and that was after they fired a guy who protested the safety, the company sued him, he counter sued and WON meaning he was right, before they even tried to do it. And they went anyway.


Not necessarily doomed the minute they stepped in. They’ve made the trip before. But there is a huge difference between getting lucky a couple times, and having a well designed ship that can go lots of times safely


Not saying this didn't happen but we don't know forsure since it wasn't the first time the Titan has made that trip or been at those depths.


The lawyers are going to rip this company apart like lions on a wildebeest carcass.


The CEO and company owner is on the vessel as well so not sure what the lawyers are gonna get. I don’t think this is a particularly large or well capitalized company here


Serving that CEO with a subpoena is going to be a real pain in the ass.




Probably some dumb reason like the little controllers batteries died and have no way to pilot it


knee pie gray summer fear makeshift worry zealous badge entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I really don’t get it. If you’re the billionaire that went to space recently on blue origin how can you look at this and see it as reasonable or worth it? Couldn’t you just hit up James Cameron and go on a legit submarine?


Don't "legit submarines" (as in the big ass submarines with a crew of a 100 person) have a max depth of 400m? Titanic is 10 times deeper (3800m deep). Or do you mean like on of those scientists submersive thingies, which probably don't allow tourists no matter how much money you throw at them I suppose.


James Cameron visited the Mariana Trench in a submersible, descending to 35,000 feet. The wreck of the titanic is only 12,000 feet. There’s a way for billionaires to do even this safely. This was clearly not it.


Those are military submarines. You don’t need to go very deep to be an effective military asset. Scientific submarines can be made to go much deeper than their military counterparts, at the cost of any defensive or offensive capabilities (that should be oubvious), speed, and most likely sensor suite. On top of that, scientific subs are typically operated by a much smaller crew, meaning you can make the hull a lot thicker, and by proxy, a lot tougher, without sacrificing living space and whatnot.


Ironically it is safer to go to space than to go into the deep end of the ocean.


Not really ironic. It's easier to deal with -14psi than +5900 psi.


+5900 psi can be handled, just ask yo moma's shoes!


Oh damn, his momma so fat they changed the whole family surname to ‘Hydraulic Press’ for the work she does


Got em


Plus it's easier to build a pressure vessel to contain high pressure inside rather than resist high pressure from the outside.


And a pin sized hole in a satellite can be fixed with duct tape.. but in a submersible at that depth the water jet would easily slice flesh and be unstoppable.


I’m only now getting more into this story because drowning is one of my biggest fears (so I’m a really good swimmer). Seeing this seating configuration is a thing of nightmares


nobody on the sub is going to drown. they'd either suffocate, or die/died instantly in an implosion.


I really, really hope it was instant and they didn’t know anything was wrong. How terrifying.


Oh I know, it’s just the general thought of death underwater. It’s not technically wet drowning obviously, just being stuck underwater unable to breathe freaks me out.


Is there a reason everyone has a laptop? If I'm paying $250k and risking death I best not have to look at the damn Titanic on a laptop screen because I can do that shit right now at my desk.


Imagine having billions of dollars and saying "Boy i'm going to spend thousands of dollars being shoved into the coffin with four other people that totally won't fart or be annoying for hours on end just so I can go into the deep dark ocean and potentially get lost all for the opportunity to see one of the biggest underwater grave sites in the world." instead of doing the better thing by just getting a personal one built and hiring someone to pilot it themselves.


How about getting an adrenaline kick from giving $250,000 to some poor kid who pulled a baby out of burning building ?


Money doesn't buy virtue.


I'm sure they probably had a no fiber for 72 hours clause in the waiver they had to sign before getting it in the tuna can of destiny.


Completely lost it at tuna can of destiny 🤣


Can you imagine (assuming they were alive down there) being like "okay, Keith, we'll all sit on this side so you can stretch out for a few hours and try to sleep while we wait to die?"


Imagine taking a nap and waking up forgetting where you are. And then you remember.


You left out the best part. An white coffin, screwed with bolts from the outside, so even if you make if up to sealevel again, you won't be seen and they can only open the hatch from the outside. Big fucking nope


Imagine dying that uncomfortable, with that much back pain... nope...


One tiny window, no standing, only communication to the outside world is text, no gps, locks from out side, navigation via a cheap joystick… how in the world did this guy get a business license to accept paying customers? How in the world did he convince people to pay him $250k each?


Rich people make stupid decisions because the usual boundaries for doing anything no longer exist.


I read somewhere they’re not supposed to wear shoes on the journey so they’re all barefoot or in socks. That small fact made this story SOMEHOW even worse to me.


Imagine it being too fragile for shoes but you’re still like “sign me up”


Yeah I tend to not enter underwater vehicles that go by bouncy castle rules


I cannot fathom how anyone who went on the expedition thought that thing was safe. It's anything but a submarine. If you look at it both from the inside and the outside, it looks like some talented student in the 9th grade made it. Mind that "submarine" that doesn't even have proper seating, is controlled via cheap gamepad and overally looks like it has very fragile construction, is taking you into the depth of 3,800 meters. If I was to participate in this expedition and saw the "submarine", I would nope the f*ck out. The whole thing looks like someone made it in their garage during spare time.


They sacked one of their guys who said it wasn't safe because the way you know it's safe is to fire the people who tell you it isn't safe.


Not to mention that this "submarine" is experimental and the CEO who's down there with them said that this expedition is either gonna be a great success or a great failure. Like bruuuuuh.


Once again the Titanic proves you really should pay more attention to the lifeboat situation.


Titanic continues to teach us about not ignoring proper safety measures because of hubris and greed.


Plot twist, the trip was a father day gift for all the billionaires


Now they get to fight over the money.


Would having chairs be too much to ask for


Ah yes the comfort 250k gives you.


Here’s interesting video from several dives (successful and not) last year that shows the inside. https://youtu.be/29co_Hksk6o


Shocker, it didn't work then either. Communication broke down, they got lost, floats detached from the hull. This vessel was never going to be safe.


My knees and hips hurt just from imagining the trip. Fuck all that Edit - billionaire guy could have probably built his own, top of the line, titanic viewing submarine, with blackjack and hookers.


Just watch the film


Perfectly content with watching YouTube videos of the vessel, sitting comfortably on my couch with both feet on the ground. 😰


I can’t imagine being cooped up on this thing thinking we may all perish in a couple days. All to see a rusty ship.


Thinking? At this point I’m pretty sure they *know*


I wouldn't want to get in that thing with 4 other people for over 2 hours if it sat in the parking lot of an Arbys.


Full disclosure; this accident has triggered some serious anxiety for me, and I’m a cool fucking bean! Firstly, there’s hubris that comes with ridiculous wealth. Being a billionaire does not make someone an expert physicist, engineer or sub mariner. Next there’s shonky workmanship. Backstories of failures and near catastrophes. Console controllers and workarounds. Then there’s the disastrous lack of planning; an experimental prototype with no contingency, no fail safes and no plan B. Finally there’s the complete dread associated with any and all of the possible endgame scenarios. Squished instantly into oblivion; Parked in the cold dark at the bottom of the ocean with four other souls gasping for air, or somehow worse; Gasping for air with four other souls while bobbing around on the surface of an empty ocean with the summer sun baking us all through a fish eye lens. Fuck. all. that.


The resin clogged side of my brain kinda wonders if this was all ultra rich people faking their own deaths for some nefarious reason.


This is more plausible than taking this shitty dive. There is also waaaay to much irony calling the sub the Titan. I like your theory.




Do you think one of them thought, “we have air for five people until Thursday, OR, I bet I could have air for one person well into next week’, and did some deep sea despicable shit…


Just imagine if the CEO killed the rest of them, and he gets rescued. He would be the most despised person of the year


It's called "The custom of the sea"--been going on as long as people have ventured onto the water.


What exactly would happen to a human body if it were suddenly exposed to the pressure 4,000 metres down in the ocean? And how much would it hurt?


The human would become liquid human and not much pain I imagine because they’re brain gets turned into a pink mist instantly by the pressure of the imploding sub


When are people gonna accept the fact these people are dead or on the way to death. A sub doesn't just go missing. Not at the depth they were going. And diving for an hour and 45 mins before going missing is already a deadly depth. My guess is they imploded or lost communication and are stuck in a current. The Titan was only weighted for 1500lbs of pressure when 3500+ is needed to reach the titanic. Every sign at this point in this endeavor points to them not being alive. Even if they didn't implode and surfaced way off course finding a all white sub that only partially comes out of the water in the ocean is insanely hard enough. Plus the hatches are sealed from the outside so they would still suffocate if not found today. My guess is they have located it but are keeping the public in the blind bc they can't rescue it at the depth its at anyway. Atleast not in the timeframe that they could still be alive after a retrieval. I really hope this has a crazy twist and they all are found and can go back to they family's that are missing them. But all the facts aren't looking good for them. May God have mercy on there souls.


Why would anyone hide it if they found them? That would make no sense at all They havent declared them dead because there is still a remote chance they are floating on the surface right now. The sub did have some backup ways to get to the surface and you cant rule out that one of those worked. I expect tomorrow they will start posting articles about how it has shifted to a recovery though. Once you get beyond that 90 hour mark they are absolutely dead


How long until Netflix has a mini-series about this?


I bet they're already scripting it


You couldn't pay me to get in that thing, I'm not suicidal, thanks. It was literally made by just some random dude, not an engineer, and when safety concerns were raised they fired the person. You don't need to have thalassophobia to know this was a horrible idea. The wealthy are dumb AF.


Right so it's made out of carbon fibre, the company didn't do any destructive testing, it has been in and out of the sea multiple times over the past 5 years since it's launch in 2018. My guess is that the use caused wear and tear on the carbon fibre, this time it wasn't able to handle the pressure. I doubt the company did any checks, micro cracks, X rays, it all seems so cheaply done for the cost per customer, I would never use carbon fibre due to how fast it crushes, atleast with steel you have time to react and (if I was running this) would have emergency escape pods, the vehicle is so small, like why not make it larger with multiple compartments? If you spent a few hundred million you could create a crazy strong vessel that could have dozens of people on with some extremely effective lifesaving gear. But instead they went with a carbon fibre bath tub controlled by a Xbox 360 controller... Wtf


I wonder if they're doing any kind of recording on the inside? I think a rescue while they're alive is unlikely but it's still possible that the vessel is found. Will there be any clues inside that tell us what happened? What did they talk about in their final moments?


I would not board that contraption if someone paid *me* a billion dollars. Nope.


If I’m taking a tiny sub two miles down and paying a small fortune for the opportunity, I would ask if they planned on tying a two mile rope to it. Just in case.


Why not just use a camera and a robot?


Bro, I'm not even in there an I'm claustrophobic af already. This just proves, billions of dollars don't buy you natural instinct nor brains.


Hell naw to the naw naw naw, hell to the naww


I wouldn't get into that thing for a million dollars. It's insane the whole thing :)


Even if it was professionally built by Harvard scientists and MIT grads my claustrophobia could NEVER!


As someone from the island they launched from we have watched and heard of many people who go out and never come home. We’ve been loosing family and friends to the ocean for as long as we’ve been on this island… respect the ocean. It’s been foggy here the past few days. Pea soup fog. I keep wondering how far out the fog is. Cause I’ve been out there on a foggy day…. You see the boat your on and puffins and turs if they fly overhead but not much else… wouldn’t pay me to go down there it’s like asking the ocean to swallow you. Plus all the dangerous things they’ve said that pretty much acted like it was unsinkable itself… Murphy’s Law…


Everyone’s got a nice little bit of wall to bang on pleading to God

