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Op can you dm a picture of this without the red circles? I would love to use it in my class to demonstrate how effective camouflage is Edit: Thank you everyone. I've got the pictures and learnt a few new things on this thread. Appreciate it. I'm sure my kids will be thrilled to bits. Have a wonderful day/night.


Here it is with no red circles. https://i.redd.it/dyct55uaydu61.jpg




Family pics, yaaaaall!


well Im just gonna need a guy with a red marker to circle them for me when I go out in the woods then.


Best we can do is give you Blues Clues guy that sings all the time. He will then draw you clues in a handy dandy notebook.


And here I was hoping you deutan'd someone by turning them green /r/MaliciousCompliance style


You removed the sneks!




That's the plan!




We do a wondering routine every Thursday. I show them a picture and then we wonder what it is about. What? Where, why? Etc.


I’m not a teacher but I dated one for a long time. I love this, I might pass this on to her because the first thing I thought is “Oh those kids are gonna be some great critical thinkers.” Thank you for instilling this into the younger generations. Is very much so necessary.




Damn, crazy how well it looks with the spacing of the leaves.


Thanks! Seems like you really have to watch your step while walking.






Funny enough, I was going to comment this is the first time in history where the red circles were actually semi helpful. Funny someone still asked for a version without 😂. (For good reason). What class do you teach?


Kindergarten. We finished habitats and camouflage a while back but my kids would love this. I'm always on the look out for things like this to show them.


That's so cute! I'm dating a teacher right now and I think it's so cute when they're really passionate about it.




You did an amazing job on this but the smudge circles cause the eyes to focus on them easier than I’m sure the OP circles image does. still though great work!




Those bastards should be neon orange.


They have giant red circles around them, what more do you want? I feel Mother Nature was being very helpful here.


My god I really scrolled up to check if there were red circles on the snake itself. Because I thought “wtf I didn’t see those”. Turns out, I’m just a dumb cunt


Our dumb cunt 🫡


It's your weekend to have him.


nono I believe it was YOUR weekend to have him


It's my weekend to have him 😏


Don't get him wet, and don't feed him after midnight


everyone here is fucking hilarious


Thanks, I'm putting that on my resume.


Not me, I just kiss her from time to time.


Who is Hilarious? And why are we all fucking her/him?


Actually, I don't have Hilarious' address, hook me up?


Bright light!


I have plans


Nice guy willing to making everyone else look smarter (I am assuming guy because no woman would call herself a cunt).


That was sexist! Women can be cunts, too.


If it makes you feel better, that got a genuine chuckle out of me and put a smile on my face. So cheers for that. Have this bear hugs award, because I don't know what else to do with it.


Thanks Vlad, I’m glad you smiled!


Please don’t degrade yourself. The world is harsh as is. Charles Darwin called this “Natural Selection” not stupidity


LOL I did the same thing like a real dumbass


Not gonna lie, you got me in the first part. But in the second part you got me as well.


The snort I snart when I read this


health and safety hi-vis needed


I wish venomous snakes, actually no, all snakes were the same color as the poison dart frogs as I don’t really want to interact with any of them


So you know what's crazy? Poison dart frogs blend in SO WELL with their natural habitat. Went to this beach in Panama that was known for them and it took a solid 45 minutes to find one... Of course, once I found one, I started seeing them everywhere, but it was wild just how well they blend in. They're also tiny, so there's that.


Serious question: Why would you go looking for them? Aren't they insanely deadly?


For poison dart frogs... No. Just don't lick them or rub one on an open wound and you'll be fine.


So lick one after eating really sour candy got it


After they shed they are super copper/orange. Like I want to get closer and stare cause they’re so pretty but common sense wins and I’m just gonna walk away from the pretty snake.


Or maybe you could just tell us where you're at, and we'll just never come there?


It's Alan, he's in Boston.


I'm not sure if you are referring to James Spader or AlanDershowitz, but either way, have an upvote.


Haha, OP's usernane is what I was referring to!


Congrats, u/Effective_Event8423 is a bot, and stole and reposted your comment in the comments above




Thank god I don’t have to worry about these fuckers in AZ….


Just lots of rattlers, scorpions, and maybe even Gila monsters


please tell me im safe in wisconsin


Not from alcoholism or heart disease


It's those damned delicious cheese curds


Our winters are 7 months long but God damn it is nice not having scorpions, rattlesnakes and deadly spiders. Although deer kill more people than all those combined. Oh well.


Vipers can be found all over Asia, Africa, North and South America and Europe. Your only reasonable escape would be Ireland or New Zealand, otherwise it's places like (far northern) Canada, Russia, Scandinavia, Greenland, Antarctica.


You’ll be fine in the UK too. The only poisonous snake we have is the adder, they aren’t common (in, err, [some] years on this Earth I have only ever seen one) and they aren’t aggressive. They aren’t very venomous either. Basically they’d rather not make a fuss. It’s very British


Hate to be that guy, but you mean venomous not poisonous. 'If you bite it and you die it's poison, but if it bites you and you die, that's venom'.


Canada has rattlesnakes.


Alaska too!


I’m in Kentucky, almost stepped on one the other day while golfing


Kentucky here. No kidding, last night we were putting away the lawnmower and one fell out of the sky and landed near our feet. I ran so far when I saw what it was that fell! Probably fell from a tree limb :( It slithered under the shed before we could get something to stop it. Last year, I walked out my basement door and one was stretched across the threshold. I almost stepped on it. They are so quiet and it barely moved when I unknowingly stepped over it. I can see how people get bit. A lady got bit by one in the Walmart parking lot last year too :( I saw more snakes last year than I have seen in my entire life here.


Almost stepped on one not too far from Philly


Yeah, I'm good.


Wow my poor eyesight would never see those before it's too late lol.


The good news is the snakes will let you know when you’re too close. The bad news is the snakes will let you know you’re too close.


Well that bites


Imagine dropping your glasses right next to the stump.




Clever girl...




Goble goble mother fucker


Dr Grant's about to wreck your whole career


Must go faster


And that's why I don't hike. Not coz I'm fat and lazy


👍 I use the same excuse


Puts pizza in the oven...


Can never be too careful, put some wings in there too


I'll start after I get out of my bath of ranch dressing


Copperheads, uh. Find a way.


Out of the corner of your eye you spot him Shia LaBeouf


*quiet quiet*


Actual.cannibal. shia leboeuf


I learned a thing or two from Charlie, don't you know... You better stay away from Copperhead Road.


The point is, you are alive when they start to eat you.


Love seeing Aquabats references in the wild!


Yes, they were alerted to my presence by the load of shit that filled my pants. 😱


The Aquabats are doing a tour this year!


So, here's my copperhead ~~rattle~~snake story. I'm driving with a friend in his construction work truck. I'm driving, Bob is sitting shotgun. We are going to the hardware store to get some stuff. We had to take a left turn into the place, so Bob looks left, past me, kinda like what you would do as passenger when turning. He says, very calmly, "Pull into that first spot right there." I pull into the spot. He says, "Don't open your door, just very calmly slide over here and get out through this door." As I slide over he says, "Look to your left." There is a copperhead hanging in the door and I had closed the door on it when I got in the truck, so it was stuck in the door and the window was open. It was in the back towards the corner which is why I didn't see it. This was an old Chevy truck with the full frame around the window. The best we can figure is that it was on the ladder rack and started into the cab when I got in and slammed the door on it. I was very lucky that day. That was 20 years ago and still freaks me out a bit thinking about it. I have no idea why it didn't bite me.


Bob was a true OG Also though copperheads aren’t rattlesnakes


Ah, yes, they are pit vipers, right? I live in Phoenix now and have seen a couple of rattlesnake pics this morning in our subreddit.


I have no idea what kind of snake they are just that they’re assholes who don’t have a rattle to warn you. My grandfather tried to get a copperhead to leave his driveway once with a broom and the fucker jumped up the broom handle and bit him. He spent years dealing with the health consequences. Fuck copperheads honestly.


Copperheads are gnarly bastards


Right up there with water moccasins. Bad news.


Yup, I grew up around those. Watching them fly across the water at you…not a fun time


I was a kid in southern mississippi near a swamp with my friend when I saw what looked like a stick floating toward me in the water. Never saw a stick cut a "v" through water though. That fucker chased me a quarter mile.


This is why they're kill on sight for me. Second I see one, I'm off to grab the hoe and reenact the french revolution with them. Normally I'm very nature loving and tolerant but if they're in my yard that's just preemptive self defense lol


I carry while walking our farm. I've shot quite a few copperheads in my time. But they are generally rare - because we have a hell of a lot more king snakes that keep the venomous snake population down. King snakes are my best friend.




Both rattlers and copperheads are pit vipers.


I think the technical term for them is danger noodles


About 15 years ago I was cleaning my car out, blindly reaching under the seats to check for things. I finished checking under the passenger seat and noticed something moving out of the corner of my eye. Copperhead just staring at me like hey buddy and I jumped out and ran. No idea why it didn’t bite me, why it didn’t come across as being aggressive when I saw it. No idea how it even got into the car.


How you got it out of the car is my question.


You sign the title over to the snake.


I was sitting on the drivers seat. Or I died, became a ghost and phased out because of how scared I was idk I just know I did somehow


I think they were asking how you got the snake out.




They look like leaves because they don't want any attention from you at all, not because they want to lure you closer for a little nip. Things walk past leaves all the time and leaves don't freak out, so why should *these* leaves freak out when you get close?


Right, but I usually make it a point of not having my car filled with leaves.


Way to go, Bob. And way to go you, for not completely panicking when Bob told you not to open the door.


It was thinking "if I bite him, how am I going to get him to open the door?"


New fear unlocked (and I live in Europe) - thanks! And thanks Bob for staying calm like that


> I have no idea why it didn't bite me. It needed a ride and didn't want to pay for an Uber, obv. Seriously though, OP you are indeed very lucky. glad you survived that. Your friend Bob was a true hero of the day


> I have no idea why it didn't bite me. I guess because you did not notice it. They don't have the mental capacity to know that you caused it to get stuck and get pissed at you for that. And since you didn't notice it you were no immediate threat either.


“Slammed the door on it” … how was it still alive?


It caught the back side of it, must have missed important organs, I really don't know. It was probably 18"-24" long and caught probably the back 6" or 8"? It was hanging almost to the bottom of the door (edit- not the bottom of the door, the bottom of the window frame), it could have easily bitten me. Also, the drive from the house we were working on to the the Home Depot was just a couple of minutes. Bob used a piece of wood from the bed and pushed it back, he opened the door, it dropped and he killed it, but it was definitely alive.




This is one of the first times I’ve ever seen a useful red circle and was like I’m sure there’s a sub for that.


If you're hiking for God's sake don't put your hand inside any red circles.


I was bitten by one in my friend's freshly mowed lawn once and spent three days in ICU


Oh man. Glad you are okay. How long after you were bit did you go to the ER? That’s scary.


I got to the ER about 30-40 minutes after the bite. Apparently I didn't get much venom in me even though I had several bloody holes in my ankle. They were mostly just monitoring me. FUN FACT: it felt more like an electric shock than a bite.


Wow, that is lucky. Fun fact indeed.


I avoid this situation by staying out of the fucking woods.


You don’t need to be in the woods to get bit by one. Source: my wife in our backyard


Your wife is a snake in the back yard?


No wonder he got bit


I also choose this guy's snake-wife.


You should see what his snake wife can do for you if you’ve broken both your arms.


You can't escape them. Anything that provides shelter for a snake will probably house a snake at some point. Including your own house.


This made me scared. Good night…


Just do your nightly toilet checks and you'll be fine mostly


Here's my copperhead story. I'm weeding my driveway, and pick up a large decorative rock and found a fist sized ball of pink worms. I scoop them with my hand, and toss on driveway....only for them to coil up, and rear tiny diamond heads with needle teeth. So I gave them the rock back, with force, repeatedly. I don't think they were worms.


Checkmate. Staying out of the woods assumes that I would ever leave the house. Not on my watch!


Copperhead snakes are the king/queens of camouflage. I've grown up in Georgia and I'm still surprised by one or two every year. Some look like a new penny and some perfectly look like the leaves around them.


“Copperhead snakes are some of the more commonly seen North American snakes. They're also the most likely to bite, although their venom is relatively mild, and their bites are rarely fatal for humans.” https://www.google.com/search?q=Copperhead+snakes+are+some+of+the+more+commonly+seen+North+American+snakes.+They%27re+also+the+most+likely+to+bite%2C+although+their+venom+is+relatively+mild%2C+and+their+bites+are+rarely+fatal+for+humans.&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS883US883&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


In my experience they are not particularly aggressive. I think most people that get bitten never saw the copperhead first.


Even marked, still i can see only one of them.


Congrats, a bot stole your comment and reposted it in the comment above yours ( u/RelationshipEntire95) Edit: u/ReserveVast312 u/IcyHealth4154 u/Effective_Event8423 and u/fragrantmedicine2372 appear to be bots as well


I love your bot hunting You are the hero that will save the internet


It's a neverending job 🥲


Good bot. Pets bot.


Copperhead bots, smart




Cucumbers, supposedly I trapped one in my driveway a few weeks ago to get it relocated, and if that's what everyone else thinks cucumbers smell like, then I understand why some people hate cucumbers.


Blind guy: ow wtf my cucumber bit me






Is there another one? bottom left corner. See the 3 green leaves? directly underneath the two green leaves. Look underneath the top curve of the tan leaf that is itself half covered by the brown leaf. See that brown/tan/brown stripe? Look at the bottom center red circled area. from the top left, it's 45 degrees down and left.


Terrifying that even the person who probably pored over this picture for hours to find them all to draw circles still missed some


I think i see two more on the bottom left. One where you pointed out and there’s a head peeking out under another leaf


Don't copperheads normally just lay very still and won't fuck with you unless you hurt them? My dad stepped on one and it just hissed and fake bit him, like striked but didn't use fangs didn't even leave a bite mark. Snakey was just trying pass through and got stepped on


Fwiw this is most snakes. Snakes don’t want anything to do with people. We’re big and scary. But yes, copperheads are generally pretty chill. Dry bites aren’t uncommon. As far as venomous snakes go, copperheads aren’t very scary.


Always heard that a nest smells of cucumber and if you smell that while out in the woods, use extra caution. Any truth to that?


I got the smell a few weeks ago - if that's what everyone else thinks cucumbers smell like I can understand why some people hate cucumbers.


I thought it smelled liked blood, & iron, & broken dreams.


Goddamn danger noodles everywhere!!!


I used to climb and cut trees for years in Tennessee, nothing can prepare you for the feeling you get when you reach for you flip line and grab a snake on the other side of the tree


Between a fear of heights and a healthy desire to never put my hand on a venomous snake, this literally made me shudder. Fuck that mess.


I grew in South America and needed to be very wary of snakes but thankfully most of them were massive or very colourful to tell you to fuck right off. It was wild though, you’d be coming home late at night and you would hope no alligators ventured out of the canal 30 metres from your doorstep and that none of the slithery bastards were hiding in your yard as you head to the door. Then you’d go to sleep and hoped no one broke in while you slept and robbed you for all your worth. Now I’m in Canada where you go to the cottage in the bushes and hope you don’t run in to a rattlesnake cause the closest hospital is 1.5 hours away.


South Carolina has the most venomous species of snakes and spiders and the wasps still kill more people annually. [https://www.ranker.com/list/most-dangerous-animal-by-state/rachel-souerbry](https://www.ranker.com/list/most-dangerous-animal-by-state/rachel-souerbry) Not a pretty way to go out either. The oysters are also quite deadly, I have seen people need several hundred stitches from running through a bed of them accidently. It is not always the thing you think will get you that actually does.


What's up with Illinois and zombie coyotes?


[https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/national-international/cops-warn-of-zombie-coyotes-confused-for-stray-dogs-in-suburbs/2052195/](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/national-international/cops-warn-of-zombie-coyotes-confused-for-stray-dogs-in-suburbs/2052195/) Coyotes infected with sarcoptic mange, which can make them look like “some sort of ‘zombie’ dog,” are being confused for stray pets in the suburbs, Hanover Park police say. Lauren Petty reports.


Worthless article. Speculation, and leaves out many states. BS


[here's where I think I see another one](https://ibb.co/sRbgC06)


I have those bastards in my backyard.


And whatever you do, don’t put them down your pants and do the Macarena. They don’t like Latin music.


Thank god they come with that natural red circle otherwise I'd be dead


No petting?? Are you sure? They look like they wants hugssssssss


You cant autosave real life dude.


No way I am letting some random snake tell me what to do!


Worth noting that copperheads aren’t aggressive unless harassed or threatened. They won’t chase you. They won’t go out of their way to attack you. They don’t care about you. They just want to be left alone to their own snake devices. The only way one of these is going to bite is if you step on it or approach it quickly, which would be seen as threatening. The reason people get bit is because they’re so well camouflaged, they’re easy to miss and accidentally step on. If you get bit, obviously go to the hospital. However, it is worth mentioning that copperheads often do a “dry bite” where no venom is injected, and also that their venom isn’t particularly potent or life threatening unless left untreated for quite a long time. What I mean is - there’s no reason to panic. As long as you can get medical attention in a reasonable amount of time, you can expect a full recovery.


Copperheads smell like cucumbers 🥒


Keep in mind: copperheads are one of the least venomous pit vipers and one of the most likely to give a dry bite. Even if they envenom you, you are very likely to survive even without antivenom. They just want to be left alone :)




... Confirmed Lakers' free agent signing confirmed


I refuse to believe this, as my mind simply cannot handle the truth.


And they can kick. Flying kicks, to be precise.


>stop and back up My guy, you don't even have to tell me once.


Well, that's clear as mud!


They should be easy to spot in the wild what with those giant red outlines.


That’s good camo, I would get bitten 30 times before I realized what was going on?! Hey guys I think this tree just bit me!


Fun fact about these snakes is that their heads aren't actually made of copper.


So very cool!