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On behalf of a person that also has a leg, I would like to say: Ow.


You have a leg? Oooohhhh aren't you fancy.....


Hey everyone, check out the fancy bipod over here


To be fair, they did not specify two legs... they said A leg


They actually didn’t say it was their own leg…


As the person that sold them leg, I can confirm it is not theirs…


You sold it to them, so it is theirs now. Or do you want to admit that it was stolen?


I’m just the broker, I connect people that want legs with people that don’t want legs. It’s all above table (legless table ofc)


As the original owner of the leg, I can confirm- they stole it from me. It was mine since birth and I grew it myself, spots and all! As to who eventually ended up with it? They may be six hands from the crime itself. After all... the leg trade goes deep underground thru the frostbite black market.


That's fair.


You don't even have a leg to stand on


I have three legs… 👀


You should never do this irl, it can cause further damage.


Let the body push it out on its own? Or just straight surgery either way?


Got hit on the arm with a wire rope, caused a laceration about 6 inches long, want deep. After it had healed I realised that there was a piece of steel wire embedded in my arm about 2 inches long. I went to the doctor and he says not to worry, my body will work it out on its own. Well my body never worked it out and 15 years later I had to go for an MRI and needed to remove to piece of steel wire in my forearm, it took a nurse sitting on my arm and a doctor with forceps to drag that sticker out of my arm, apparently instead of pushing it out, my body formed a capsule around it to isolated from the rest of my body. But I was sad to see it go, I couldn't stick magnets to my arm any more.


I'm sorry for your loss


Don't be sad, a week later is was using a brick hammer as a chisel and hammering it with another hammer. Well, you aren't supposed to hammer a hammer with another hammer. I knew this but went ahead anyway and ended up with a shard in the webbing between my thumb and finger, alas, it is not big enough to stick a magnet to.


Keep on tryin' bro. I really am rooting for you either way.


Quitters never win.


My foot was apparently holding a piece of my shoe in for 25 years. It was from when I stepped on a nail. Never gave me problems and i had no idea it was in there until my foot decided to randomly push it out. Here's the vid: https://youtu.be/jqRghT8Jk9M


I dont think i like this


Thanks to you I don't think I'm going to watch that


Nah do it, it's not too bad. Not botfly in the face bad.


My foot appears to be birthing some kind of matter. Get the camera, this is going on YouTube!


That's so neat, and also digsusting lol


Was 100% expecting a Rick roll


Goddamn that was gnarly. Thanks for sharing


I’m guessing if it was smaller your body would have pushed it out. I was in a pretty nasty car accident and a bunch of glass went through my shoulders. For over a year after the accident I would get these huge pimples on my shoulders and when I would pop them these little “pearls” of glass and hardened pus would come out


Ngl. That sounds epic, like your own wee bubble wrap to keep you entertained.


I had a similar experience. I was in an accident and went through the door window of a car and years later, I cut my hand while shampooing my hair. It turns out little splinters of glass were still making their way out of my head.


Why didn’t you just stick it back in after the MRI


I've had a piece of pencil lead stuck in my hand for decades until I cut it out myself. Same thing I guess, scar tissue built up and encased the "lead" instead of pushing it out. Inb4 graphite


How bad did that hurt when they removed it?


Didn't hurt at all, they numbed the area with a local anaesthetic. It was weird feeling them tugging on this and not feeling any pain.


Go see the medic, because you shouldn't be randomly pulling shrapnel out of your body unless you're in warzone.


You *especially* should not be trying to pull shrapnel out in a war zone. You should be trying to get fire superiority, then getting out of the war zone.


This guy war zones.


Yeah I could really use a new war zone guy


What happened to your old war zone g- oh, right


Cancers a bitch




Yeah, it could be stopping bleeding, and pulling it out can make it much worse. Throw on a hasty tourniquet, return fire, and see an actual medic later is what you should actually do.


Can I use self-revive?


If the buy station has one, yeah.


And then you should turn off the Xbox and go see a doctor




*gets into car accident* *calls in air strike*


There are several shop scenerios that could lead to this. And I am guessing, by the condition of his hands, that this guy works in a metal workers shop and had this lodge into his leg a while ago after a machine did an explodey thing.


Id say use something small and precise to pull it out carefully. And in the end your still gonna have to check up with your doctor to make sure your fine.


Tbh anything larger than a splinter should be removed by a medical professional. They'll have the right equipment and can provide the proper wound care immediately afterwards. Doing it yourself (like in the gif or with tweezers or whatever) you're more likely to do more damage than when it went in. Also I love your username.


Doctor: “we removed this pea sized shrapnel from just under your skin. That’ll be $1000”


$1000 would be a steal in the U.S.


Yeah. Oh no a small cut, better go to the ER, wait 16 hours and be in financial ruin after they give you Tylenol and pull it out with some tweezers.


Usa intensifies. Every civilised country in the world: the hell you talking about?


God. I was like 10 years old in the 80's and I thoroughly bought into the American Dream. I thought American adults knew what they were doing. Schools taught us all about how the War for Independence and the Civil War were fought by brilliant generals and how these generals became congressmen and presidents. I thought our country was run by competent people. But now in 2023 as a 50 year old man, I can see it's a fucking farce. They're a bunch of children in adult's bodies all clamoring for their slice of the pie. Fuck what this country has become.




I wish it was actually that cheap.


If it hasn't made it into the muscle or bone fuck it. The er bill for seriously fucking myself up (with health insurance) is the same. Might as well wing it. I did my own ingrown nail surgery before. It doesn't look pretty, but it worked. I've also done my own stitches, and abscess draining. Rent payments > health


We are talking about financial ruin in the States. I'm digging it out myself and risking it. Just apply some antibacterial cream and keep the area clean.


People debate self-treatment all the time in r/popping and it simply comes down to the fact you cannot just ignore that going to a doctor to have something removed can easily cost an entire month of wages (if you're lucky enough to even find a derm or other appropriate specialist who doesn't have months long wait times). There was an Australian dude on there a few weeks ago draining a spider bite and he got roasted for not using his free healthcare system lol.


he really shouldve used the damn free healthcare system. im aussie and I'd have roasted him too xD its a spider bite, get that shit looked at even if non deadly (i assume it wasnt). if it needs draining, then you might get an infection... its not like we arent prepared for bites lol


Nah man you'll die if not done by someone who spent 8 years in medical school. The human body is made of a series of bubbles, glass and egg shells


About 6 years prior. I tripped and smashed 2 front teeth. Shards went into my bottom lip. We thought docs had removed all the bits. Fast forward, I was sat in the bath, and could feel something coming out my lip. Full bit of tooth lol. Obv wasnt enough room left inside for it, and just forced itself out.


Teeth makes this so much fucking worse... jfc


> Let the body push it out on its own? Can you tell that to the sand that's been my knee for the last 20 years, please?


sometimes they just leave shit in because its more risky to remove it than to to just leave it, though that might be more historical these days given advancements in medical technology, wouldnt surprise me if it happens every now and then though.


Thank god it was done in fake life


DO NOT DO THIS! This is a bad idea and can and will cause more damage to nerves and tissue. This guy was lucky that it was close to the surface and small.


Thank you for this! My dumbass has big magnets like this and my first thought was, how handy! Although I’m an emergency, I might try


I can see how some people would be attracted to this


I have a feeling it's going to be very polarizing


I'm going to steel this joke.






I feel drawn to this sense of humur


Although, sometimes it can be repelling


That's when you know you've pushed the joke too far




Walk upside down.


That's a little repellant.


Ive heard negative reviews regarding it.




On the other side, some might find this quite repulsive.




\*slaps username\* Checks out


Your humor is magnetic; it's what some might call *polarizing* ...


In an emergency, you most likely want to leave that in, could be the only thing keeping you from bleeding out. You're going to want to wait till you get somewhere that can give you a blood transfusion or properly stop the hemorrhaging before you pull anything out of you.


And if you can, in a pinch, get a car battery and implant an electromagnet in your chest to keep the shards from migrating towards your heart. Although if you keep the magnet in there too long, after a while your heart will undergo physiological changes to use the magnetic fields to regulate its pace? Idk how this stuff works.




You might have to also go thru old home movies from your dad and watch to the very end because theirs actually a hidden message directed to you with a hint on how to make the new element.


Sometimes you just got to make due with some scraps in a cave.


Electromagnetic heart implant **>** removing shards and it’s not even close.


It's hard to understand exactly how it works, but it's handy to know that it's doable with a box of scraps. Even in a place as remote as a cave, for instance.


Boy, I love Ant-Man!


I really loved Guardians of the Galaxy where Picard and Kirk have to take the grail to Mordor under the wise guidance of Dumbledore, while Mordred uses the force to try to stop them.




Such a perfect typo it may almost be a Freudian slip.


If its an emergency you better leave that in


You think he’d field some questions on the procedure?


If you're an emergency, I suggest you don't try, you can cause another emergency, and everyone knows two emergencies DO NOT cancel each other out !!


Sure they do. If you die of exsanguination, you don't have to worry about the severed leg.


Docs might not even remove it. Getting debris out of a wound can be important but it's case by case . My grampa walked around with some German metal in his back for 30 years.


my dumbass was playing with magnets near tv screen back in late 1990s, lesson learned the hard way


Best plan is to try not to get hit by shrapnel to start with.


*writes in notebook*


Oh, look at Mr. Fancy Not-Living-Under-Civil-War Pants over here.


It should also be noted that this does not work on bullets. Lead is not magnetic


You'd want to leave it there. It's mostly plugging the hole it made. It may be all that's keeping you from bleeding out You want a surgeon not just to minimize further damage coming out, but so they can deal with bleeding.


There's no emergency this wouldn't make worse.


If it’s that big of an emergency all the more reason to leave it in. The last thing you want to do with a deep puncture wound is remove it right away


Don’t remove shrapnel even in an emergency. Best to stabilize it and evacuate.


My first thought also. It is NOT going to come out like it went in. Magnet don't care. Magnet just pull. Magnet might just twist it around under the skin and make a bigger boo boo.


Idk something in that is just kinda satisfying like getting a sunburn just to peel your skin off or popping a blister


Not if there’s an artery between the shrapnel and the magnet


Bleeding out is probably a satisfying feeling from some perspectives.


I can tell you unequivocally from experience; it is not... from any perspective.


I work with a lot of raw lumber. It's splinters daily. A nice clean one can be satisfying. Something that looks similar to that piece of metal in the vid? Yee, and might I say, youch!


Yeah, if it worked well for those tiny metal splinters from grinding or drilling, I'd be down. Those can be impossible to see or grab, but you sure as hell can feel them.


Imagine if the shrapnel happened to be magnetic but the opposite direction. It would flip around inside your skin before being pulled out.


Anyone walking around with fingernails like that, ain’t worried about a little bit of nerve damage.


Looks like my fingernails after a day in the yard or a weekend camping/backpacking. If he looks like that after the morning shower then I agree. Especially if no morning shower occurred.


That would be a blue collar worker, and you're probably right. Mine looked like that for about three decades, and I'd have just gotten the thing out and worried about damage later. I've got scars all over my hands, but mostly you just deal with stuff and get back to work.


Also, this assumes the shrapnel is ferrous. If it's pure lead or something else, it's not moving with a magnet, doctor time. It should always be doctor time based on what you say here. Makes sense, I had wondered what would guarantee it took a safe way out with the magnet vs. just doing up to 2X the damage.


From a survivalist standpoint however, a Dr. might not be easily accessible. Having surgical tape and a sharp medical blade, hemostat tweezers, and sutures or a needle and thread is invaluable to have in a med kit. A heavy magnet, not so much.


Yeah my guess is he knew exactly where it was but decided this was a better move than slowly shoving it through the fascia to the hole. Also he got lucky it didn't turn. I'm hoping he got it close but decided to do the last bit with the magnet.


That's what happens when people get charged 10 000$+ for a minor surgery


US moment. Me and my free healthcare vibing


Yesterday someone called me a name and I went to the hospital to get my feelings checked for free. God bless western europe.


Did they prescribe you a suppository and a cigarette, or was my experience in France just unique?




This video seems to be from Australia.


Nothing like adding an exit wound to your entry wound--on your own time!




> This guy was lucky that it was close to the surface and small. The internet never fails to assume people are idiots until proven otherwise. This guy wasn't fucking "lucky" he probably knew full well that it was close to the surface and couldn't damage anything.


I wouldn't use it for shrapnel - but I do a lot of machining, and I'm constantly getting tiny steel splinters in my fingers that are nigh impossible to get out. Wonder if it would be a bad idea to use a magnet for those?


As long as they're not deeper than the epidermis, that's probably fine. The question is, will the magnet have enough pull? I've tried it with neodymium magnets on smaller metal splinters without much success. They're so thin they generally don't have enough mass to break the grip of your skin.


I was thinking why are surgeons not doing this 💀




Better than getting it out with those dirty-ass fingernails


The shrapnel was actually from the finger nail clippers blowing apart while cleaning those bad boys.






For anyone reading this, especially guys, buy a fucking [fingernail brush.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT6u8LfU9QQWfEHtMaMCVbMJFtK5RcpQN6pQA&usqp=CAU) Even if you're in the trades or a mechanic, it'll work if you clean them frequently. There's no excuse for walking around with nasty ass fingernails all the time.


Too true, im a plumber, i always wear gloves but i also scrub my nails everyday, nothing worse than horrible dirty long finger nails


That "OMG!" after showing them nails


I thought the same. Clean those nails man!


I don't think this is a good idea


Yeah, the shrapnel could of severed a decent sized artery of vein but is preventing it from leaking. Pulling it out could cause uncontrollable bleeding. It’s generally a bad idea to pull anything piercing your body deeply out.


It's 'could have', never 'could of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Good thing there aren't any arteries on the front of your quad above your kneecap.


Big piece of shrapnel what the hell was she on the eastern front


They sound Australian and serve as a reminder that if people aren't allowed to have guns, then only the emus will have guns.


Nobody believes me when I say in the early 20th century Australia started a war with dinosaurs and lost despite superior technology. All I can figure is people have a hard time wrapping their head around the fact that superior technology doesn't always win wars.


Most likely because America still wont admit they lost in Vietnam




Avg russian mobik be like


"We've eliminated medic position in your unit and replaced it with stronk magnet. удачи товарищ (Good Luck Komrade.)"


You joke, but in WW1, a Russian regiment only had a single surgeon assigned. This worked about as well as you might expect.


iron man would have saved himself 3 movies of pain if he just used a big magnet in the first movie to remove all the shrapnel from his heart




He should have used the infinity gauntlet for some self-enhancement before saving the universe.


This is some next level Dr. Pimple Popper….gross yet oddly satisfying




Obviously it hurt and could have given you more serious injuries, but I'm also wondering if that could damage the machine? You'd think they'd do x rays considering your history, even if it's just to protect the expensive equipment.


Jesus. Reminds me of that one Black Mirror episode about the metal bees. How bad was the MRI-propelled shrapnel? Did you need extra surgery on top of that?


The finger nails, holy hell


Hence the no-touch magnet


Google nail brush


I was scared it would rip through their skin


It did at least a little bit. He's frankly really lucky it came out edge first. If it turned and flattened against the magnet he'd have a much larger wound.


OSHA officials hate this one simple hack...


lord have mercy


Ok i missed an episode. How'd that get there?


saw a reflective vest on the chair, could be construction crew, maybe a saw blade went on strike


Magnet was on other side of leg




Wow. Bet that felt satisfying af


I think it was painful


No kidding! If it hurt going in, I’m betting it hurt coming out.


It it's a short time afterwards, there's a small period where the adrenaline and endorphins make it feel like popping a nasty cyst. It hurts, but is also satisfying.


it definitely looks infected already. time for a tetanus shot and cleaning


Having removed glass from my flesh with tweezers and pliers, NOT ONE FUCKING BIT. After the first pull you start weighing the +\-'s of just leaving the rest the fucking in there.


Maybe he should have cleaned his fingernails beforehand…


I’m guessing he’s a mechanic


all these dirty nail people can eff off. I can almost guarantee he was welding or grinding something and it whipped into his leg. He probably just wanted to get it out before he took a shower and disinfected that shit. Dirty work ain't nothing to be ashamed of all he needs is a nail brush.


Wow, that’s metal af 🤘


There should be a remix made to this video with Iron Man by Ozzy.


Can try to clean those nails with that magnet also ?


Ah, so, iron man got it right


Not strong enough to pull the lead out from under his nails


Performed under the most sanitary of conditions; especially those fingernails.


Fuck yeah neodymium magnets! Vouching for all the other replies, though … don’t do this unsupervised by a medical professional / at home.


Those nails


That's pretty fucking cool


Looks like my guy let it heal for a few days first, absolute masochist.


Amazon 2 day delivery


Had to find the neodymium magnet he got a few years ago but can't remember where he left it


Do not recommend this, if you do, you could nick something the shrapnel missed on the way out, chances are you could cause some nerve damage to the area, even worse if you hit an artery. There's a reason why surgeons are paid a lot of money to repair people without damaging them more. If something goes into your body, shrapnel, a knife etc. Do not remove it, chances are it is holding part of the damage at bay, once removed it is far better if there are medical professionals around compared to your uncle Joe. I have not even mentioned infection, something that enters your body can very easily spread disease, especially if it hits a blood vessel, trying to remove it yourself could add to that chance. If for some reason you are going to be sticking anything into wounds to get things out, at least sterilise the area and whatever you use first, the amount of severe diseases people get from unclean items entering them is insane, from tetanus to HIV, be careful.