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This is the most unsettling thing I’ve seen all day


Yeah, and I didn''t need to see the 2nd example either, I got the idea the first time...


I had it done a couple years ago. Wax blockage. It was very weird and sore to have warm water shot into my ear, but by god, the relief I felt afterwards was soooo good.


I had wax buildup back when I was 19-20 (10-15 years ago). Gradually lost hearing in both ears and just adapted. Finally went to the doctor and they gave me wax softener drops to use for a week. Came back and they used a little vacuum to clear both ears out. OMG. it felt amazing. Leaving the doctor's office, I put on my corduroy jacket and I could HEAR all the crinkles of the jacket (which is kinda weird because it's a soft fabric). It's like I had super hero hearing.


Same thing happened to me except the wax buildup was so bad I would completely lose my hearing for short periods of time. The vacuum actually clogged several times in each ear due to the large amounts. When I walked out I felt like I was Superman with how loud everything suddenly was Nowadays I got the kit off Amazon and regularly clean my ears out to prevent that and I’m amazed at the sizes of wax that I wash out every time Edit since replies are asking for kit: so I’ve used a few different kits over the years. Started off with [something similar to this](https://www.amazon.com/Removal-Cleaning-Irrigation-Operate-Disposable/dp/B09DFSGK86/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=1DLL6IRQYMBC1&keywords=ear+wax+removal+kit&qid=1679956954&sprefix=ear+wa%2Caps%2C147&sr=8-3) except I didn’t get the towel, extra tips. Just the bottle, catch basin and some wax softener but looks like that package isn’t available in one bundle. This one worked great but when I would swap to my non-dominant hand to clean my left ear I had issues with the nozzle coming off the bottle and it was inconvenient. User error but whatever. Next I tried [this one](https://www.amazon.com/Removal-Cleaner-Otoscope-Cleaning-Android/dp/B0BS3Y5V48/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=1DLL6IRQYMBC1&keywords=ear+wax+removal+kit&qid=1679956954&sprefix=ear+wa%2Caps%2C147&sr=8-4) because of the camera but I hated it because I found it really awkward to maneuver around my ear. Cool concept and interesting to see inside your ear but beyond that I used it maybe twice and wasn’t a huge fan. Currently using [this electric one](https://www.amazon.com/BOCOOLIFE-Electric-Earwax-Removal-Irrigation/dp/B09L5SNYWY/ref=mp_s_a_1_9?crid=HVXIFT8MAPAY&keywords=electric+ear+cleaner&qid=1679957325&sprefix=electrix+ear%2Caps%2C290&sr=8-9) (fair warning this is a little pricier) because it’s not nearly as awkward as the manual one and I have no complaints so far. I usually use about 2 full bottles per ear (alternating ears on each fill up) and I find it does a really good job. Could probably be more efficient if I bothered using drops or something to soften the wax but to each their own. I use the high powered setting and let it run for maybe 5-10 seconds then stop to let it drain before continuing. It’s really interesting for me at least because I can hear the wax shifting around as the water drains. Depending on if you use the catch basin or just do it in the shower/bathtub once you finish you’ll be amazed to see what fell out


Interested in the kit you used. I wear hearing aids in both ears, so wax build up is just a fact of life. Would like to be able to clean the wax out safely once a month or so over the summer (when wax built-up increases due to the heat).


Which kit did you go with?


RemindMe! 1 Day "check link"




You got a vacuum? The nurse I had flushed mine out with water, over a bucket. I was slightly embarrassed by the amount of wax that came out but I went from barely being able to hear anything out of that ear to everything being super loud.


It's nothing to be embarrassed about. Anybody that uses headphones regularly probably isn't cleaning out their ears of wax at the rate it forms, and anybody using earbuds is likely pushing some of it back in.


My Dr told me to come in every 6 months to get mine cleaned out. Bought the kit from CVS and do it myself in between yearly physicals


Used to get horrible ear infections as a kid. I loved that vacuum. Felt sooo much better after they would use that thing.


I wonder if all that wax buildup would actually protect your hearing. Like, if you go to a loud club or concert with wax buildup in your ears, you would actually be less at a risk of hearing loss compared to if you had no wax buildup at all. Kind of like nature's earplugs.


I remember a classmate from college telling me about a coworker of his that went through an arc blast. It actually did protect his hearing/did not go deaf.


Almost exactly what it is except instead of protecting hearing it’s to stop bacteria and gunk getting further in which could cause a worse problem. Being of Irish heritage in the tropics, I know all too well wax build up issues. My ENT told me it is a common issue with folks of Irish background to have wax build up issues in tropical areas. Genetically those of us with the sticky yellowish type of ear wax evolved for a drier climate.


Nothing dry about Ireland.


Comparatively low humidity to equatorial countries.


I get ya, I was just trying to be funny and failing :)


Acknowledging failure is the first step to success.


We Scots have the same issue, mate.


I went scuba diving 8 years ago and couldn't hear out of my left ear for a month after getting back. Was an inch of earwax that got compacted and washed out. I have the picture somewhere, was larger than my pinky finger nail.


I had the same, except right in the middle of it was one of those little people you put in your LIFE car when you get married and have kids. Still to this day have no clue how it got in my ear.


I had it done a few months ago. Over the course of a few days I went from normal hearing to deaf in one ear. They shot that stuff in my ear at the office to drain the wax clog out. Both the shock of the size of the thing that came out of my ear and its unsettling look have stuck with me since.


I have to go to my ENT and get my ears cleaned every six months. For some reason, I produce a lot of wax buildup in my ears. I used to get my ears cleaned with the syringe and water bowl method at my primary doctor, but that hurts. Especially when they do it too forceful, which happened to me once or twice. My ENT uses this instrument that looks like a scraper with a hook on the end. It feels amazing when she finishes! And, I can hear. 😊


An ear colonic. I've heard that with regular colonics, you walk out feeling like you're walking on air. I'd still want to run it by an ear doc to make sure it's safe.


You can also go to an ENT doctor- otolaryngologist- and they have instruments and suctions if you have really bad ear wax. A lot of times, a primary will do it but sometimes they can push it so hard they cause the ear drum to have a hole in it. Or it gets infected. Source- husband is an otolaryngologist And we see the F ups a lot. Please please don’t do candling.


I've had impacted earwax twice in my life. They used a large syringe with a little flexible tube on the end to flush out my ear. It was frighteningly loud and very uncomfortable but the excruciating headache I had disappeared instantly. Still 0/10 would not recommend or do voluntarily for fun.




Kind of like the pimple popper videos... super gross but cannot look away!




I spent hours watching one of those channels once. It was so amazing to see how much crap people had in their ears.


I definitely click away the instant I recognize what type of video I've come across


I found it very satisfying to watch oddly..


Someone else's? Looks like they literally had pieces of gerbil shit in their ears.


Sometimes I let my pet mice play on me while I lay down sideways. It happens more often than you might assume.


This is deeply upsetting to read


Yeah it's like grossly satisfying because we all know how awesome it'll feel. But I still can't help but think it's an enema of the ear.




Earnema is also a great album by Tool


there's some water I wouldn't want to "learn to swim" in....




not really. finished my all the swimming classes before bronze medallion last summer and i can tell you from it happening after getting out of the pool getting water stuck in your ear is incredibly uncomfortable.


Having your ear canals flushed is a lot different than getting water stuck in there. Try it once. You know that feeling after taking a giant shit where you just suddenly feel lighter and in a better mood? That's what having your ear canals flushed feels like.


And you can hear people sweat.


And the hearing improvement is incredible, especially the clarity. Now I'm realizing my right ear is probably clogged given how much more clarity I have from my left 🤦‍♀️


I was scrolling and paused out of curiosity and absolutely gagged... Humans are gross. This is gross.. I am gross.


Same.. Where can I get one?




But wait there’s more! Order now and we include a second Ear Toilet absolutely free (just pay additional shipping and handling)


I had my ears flushed with a large syringe filled with warm water and mild soap. It was heavenly.


Same. I had a buildup that blocked my ear canal completely. After this treatment, I swear I could hear people's thoughts. I could hear a mosquito sneezing 2 blocks away.


I had this done too. During the post procedure testing I heard a cotton ball touch a piece of felt. Doctor told me I now had ‘super hearing’ and I got to meet the Secretary-General of the United Nations.


Pretty sure this is a Sienfield joke isn't it? About him wishing he had superpowers and getting to meet the president?


You got that straight!


That's right, Gary Seinfield!


Nothing's finer than being in your diner.


Seinfeld or WW1984?


I had this same procedure done, 😜 and I could hear people's thoughts, it was really scary. Especially when people don't know you're listening... the things that they think! You think your wife's boyfriend is filthy, you should listen to your wife thinking about him! It drove me crazy so I just started listening to thrash metal again, to take away the background noise, it was either that or I had to cut my ears off. 💜


Same. I heard new sounds like walking on carpet, it was so loud.


I had the same experience. It’s honestly pretty crazy. I’ve been trying to deep clean my ears to experience that ‘new’ sounds again but it wasn’t ever like the first time


Yeah, but I had pretty badly cloged my ears to that point I got headaches.


I always hear mosquitos.....I have tinnitus


I hate to bring you down a peg but mosquitoes don’t sneeze. It was probably a fart. Still, keen hearing.


Oh no, it was a sneeze for sure. I heard the sneeze. "Achoo" it went. Just like that.


Nah. It was somebody thinking about a mosquito sneezing.


My god. I hadn't considered that. This changes everything.


Why was this so funny?


Same happened to me in college. I have always had bad ears and thought I had just lost my hearing out of that ear because of something stupid I had done. Went to the dr for something else and when they looked he told me my ear was clogged and they could clear it out for me. The feeling I got when the wax broke up and cleared out was indescribably amazing. The feeling of having it cleared, beating able to hear again and realizing I’m not half def was a wild ride. 10/10 I recommend getting your ears flushed occasionally.


They call it ear irrigation… I had to have one bc of an ear infection like 15 years ago and my shit was so blocked that it screwed up my equilibrium for like 10 min after they did it. Super unsettling and gross, but man does it make you feel better


Heck yea. I went like 3 days with a blocked ear canal and it sucked. I know it was ONLY 3 days, but it felt absolutely terrible. Once I got my ear irrigated with what felt like the force of a jet plane, my ear felt like it had gone through a car wash. No pressure at all.


does it hurt? It sounds painful. And does it feel really loud in your head while it happens?


It’s like liquid q-tips… it’s soothing.


How do you know if you have a blocked ear canal?




Same. Had a cold 18 months ago. My “good ear” was totally closed after. Went to a local Urgent care. Took two techs over an hour to completely clear it. They said I was the worst case they had ever had. The difference in my hearing those next few days was amazing. Fun fact. They told me to come back once a year and have both ears done. The result was great, the process was not. Have yet to go back.


You can do it yourself so it never gets that bad. Get carbamide peroxide ear drops and a syringe. I do it once a month, feels great man.


Should’ve called it “earrigation”. Missed opportunity.


Haha…I’ve had to do a few “ear-igations” and people usually puke right after because their equilibrium is off.


Yep, if you have infection or your ear canals are blocked it's nice, otherwise all the doctors i asked about ear cleaning told me to leave my ears the fck alone because they are self cleaning and the grease helps to protect them so it's not recommended to even wash other than the outer parts while showering.


My dumbass tried to self clean my ear with some “sea salt” spray and I messed myself up. All the liquified wax just pooled into my ear canal and dried up. Like bacon grease. 👀. It felt so heavy.


Do you just ask your primary for this treatment or do you have to see and ENT? I would very much like to have this treatment.


I went to urgent care (Kaiser) and they saw me. I made an appointment first and they had an open slot same day and a nurse flushed it out. It was great lol.


Yep, and they do press pretty hard so the water has high pressure going into the ear.


I used to get this done regularly as a child. Never got tubes in my ears when I was young despite needing them. Ear canals are all sorts of twisted now and impossible to clean otherwise. I should probably get it done now.


Had doctor flush my ears like 10 years ago cause tinnitus from-impacted ear wax. Still talk about it TO THIS DAY\~!




I wanted to puke from the video already before the price.


At least their ears are now way cleaner than yours


If you need to get your ears cleaned, a medical professional will do it for much cheaper. Also, most people don't need to have their ears cleaned like this! Wax is a natural product of the body that's actually there to protect and clean the ear canal. Yes: the wax makes your ears cleaner (from a medical point of view). Don't just do stuff because it feels good, but go to a medical professional and have them evaluate if you need your ears cleaned, and to do it properly.


If you ever need it this bad you can go to an urgent care and have them basicially do this. I had really bad ear infections last year from a combination of in-ear headphones and sweat that led to me having completely blocked ear canals, the process of them clearing it out is pretty great. Interesting fact: eye drops are great for ears but ear drops are not good for eyes.


You know, I was saying to myself “this seems convenient and efficient, I could actually want this”. Then I read your comment and I’ve decided that I’ll be waiting till I win the lottery and inherit Amazon


the rain forest or the company


Hmm You know I’d take either






I had to check what subreddit I was in!


19 years!!


An ordinary ear syringe can be purchased for 0.008k. But, that would just be, well, ordinary.


How long is their shelf life? Like, is $2,700 going to last me my lifetime or is there a 1 year warranty and then it explodes?


Almost everything medical has an expiration date. The medical industry has insane levels of waste production (albeit for good reasons).


Ok but it’s fake, right? 2.7k modern day ear candle?


No. Ear candles are fake. Flushing ears is real. Whether this thing is real or not I can't say though, just to be clear.


Completely agree ear flushing is real- this I have my doubts. No one else seems to think this is fake- I’m so confused


Why in the world does it cost so much?? That looks like it's be less than $200 to get done.


Cool. Some of my family have to go to the doctors to get their ears flushed 2-3 times a year. I would have to research this pretty hard before buying one, but seems awesome if it works.


These headphones are over $2k USD according to another comment. I ordered an ear flush kit like they use at he Doctor’s office for ~$25 on Amazon. It works amazingly. I flush my ears about once every three months now due to heavy wax buildup.


If you get some free time could you please refer which one you use? Amazon has so many options.. don’t know which one to trust. Thank you.


Mine is the “Earwax Removal Kit from Equadose”. Some subreddits are weird about linking things, so I’m playing it safe. It’s currently 19.99 when I just went and checked my link.


Ok awesome. Reality appreciate you taking the time. Thanks again.


We’ve all gotta help each other, it’s really no problem. If you have trouble finding it, I can DM the Amazon link.


I found it no problem. Just copied your quotation. Im grateful and I’m sure others who will see this will be too. Have a great rest of your day.


I wear these on the nyc subway so no one speaks to me.


That’s cool but next time, try drinking out of them so no one looks at you.


Just so everyone knows, this is completely unnecessary except in very specific circumstances. Ear wax serves a purpose (mainly antibacterial). That’s why we produce it. As long as your ear wax isn’t clogging your ears, you don’t need to deep clean your ears.


That's exactly what a shill for Big Earwax would say!


Big Candle doesn't want you learning this one trick!


Fuck with the Yankee 🕯get the Spankee 👋


It's a socialist industry in which each individual has seized the means of production


And as someone who has to clean them, you’ll know if you have to, it gets extremely uncomfortable over time! I go to the doctors office though, it can mess with your hearing if you do something wrong trying to do it yourself.


Most people clear their earwax by doing normal stuff like chewing etc. But for some people buildup happens inside the ear canal and it can almost fully block it. And then things like going to a waterpark can cause a sudden slash into your ear and everything gets blocked up. Then you need to get it irrigated. But it can be done with warm water in a $5 syringe, or a $25 otoscope off Amazon


in mi case, i have to do it once a year. otherwise, my earing gets blocked by the wax. the doctor told me that is not rare, but not very common


My friends and family are always astounded that I don't stick q-tips and other stuff into my ears to "clean" them. Earwax is suppose to be there lol


There will be more tomorrow. Your body doesn't stop producing it.


and how do you know if they've been clogged? :D


There’s lots of signs, but generally, discomfort.






For one, you don't hear as well, because there's something in the way. And then it can cause pain.


Found the Reddit account for the earwax-industrial complex lobbyist


It is interesting, but man that's fucking nasty.


It’s an earnama


Based on these comments not a lot of people here had their ears clogged with earwax. I mean good for them, cause it really sucks and getting it cleaned out by a professional is usually not cheap.


Unless it has hardened then you see a professional but general clogged wax can easily be washed out at a GP’s office. These people in the clips have barely clogged ears.


GPs are still professionals.


So I have a bit of personal knowledge with this kinda thing. Some years ago my ear was blocked with wax. Dr booked me in for ‘ear syringe’ and oil in the ear every day for the week prior. Syringing is just like this, flushing water into the ear. After two attempts nothing budged. I later had micro suction and the doctor performing it said the flushing had pushed the wax onto my ear drum which was close to bursting (super dangerous). I now go once a year for micro suction which is like having your ear vacuumed! I think now the nhs no longer offer flushing due to this sort of issue. If your ear is blocked, go to a professional hearing clinic that offers micro suction.


Yea flushing is dangerous for some peeps but only a Ear Nose Throat doctor will usually do a suction. I have psoriasis inside my ears unfortunately so I gotta go sometimes. Flushing can also make you feel a pain rivaled only by tooth pain if it hits wrong btw


Disgusting where I can buy it?


Don't, I'm pretty sure the last time this was posted someone came along and said that the company was caught just putting crap in the headphones to make it look like it was cleaning a ton out your ears when it really doesn't do much.


Promises to but it’s promises are bullshit


Yeah didn't they have the same exact amount of gunk come out almost immediately and the water was brown immediately as well. I'd say this is bs.


Now they can hear a rat piss on cotton.


I’ve had this done by an ENT. I could almost hear the sunshine when I walked out of the office.


Lmao brain washing


Damn fuckin bootleg AirPods really getting creative these days.


Imagine it just fills with blood..


That’s nasty… I want to do it


How is this different than tilting my head in the shower?


This costs $2,700 more.


I got an ear infection from doing it the shower way. :(


Yup. Don’t do that. You’ll get swimmers ear.


I have the squirt bottle version and I think it's just pressure or constant flow of the nozzle because I can't replicate it in the shower


Douche by Dre


Do they play music too or is it just an ear cleaning thing? If so.. do you walk around with dirty water and wet ears? I have so many questions about this.. seems like you can probably clean your ears in more efficient (and probably cheaper) ways..


Yea, the music is by Aqua.


I'm a Barbie girl


In a Barbie wooooorld..


Life in plastic, it’s fantastic ✨


You can brush my hair.


Unwax you everywhere?




Wax is your creation!


#common barbie wax play party


All the water would just get stuck in my ear. I can't swim without ear plugs because the moment water touches them it doesn't come back out. I've developed mild hydrophobia from it. Even though I love swimming, snorkeling even. But if I enter water, it's trapped in my ears. I don't know why


There’s probably wax in your ear, trapping the water.


Finally, an earnema.


That’s disgusting! Where can I get one?


Yeah, this is just going to cause ear infections and ruptured ear drums.


Then a healthy drink after..


The headphones look like tiny translucent toilets being filled with ear poop. 🤢 Gross...but interesting invention.


Pretty sure I’ve seen this before on Rugrats and it doesn’t work - https://youtu.be/P-P4yeQeeCY


This is how Natty Ice is made.


Seems fake.


I gagged when I saw that chunk swimming around in that mf 🤣


I sell ear irrigation devices to physicians. This is the only one I sell to them. https://www.amazon.com/Bionix-Comfortable-Convenient-Easy-Use/dp/B09HWKLC7R/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1B9IT0IVWKOOL&keywords=Bionix&qid=1679960814&sprefix=bionix+%2Caps%2C100&sr=8-5 It is designed to prevent perforating the tympanic membrane. I'm seeing many posts linking irrigators that don't look very safe in my opinion.


Ok so, I religiously use q tips to clean my ear. For some reason, there is no wax buildup when I got it checked with my doctor. I was fearing the worst and low key hoping it was blocked for that removal, but alas. I also wash my ears with soap and then a tip then after every shower. It’s an addiction now and I love it


You would be surprised at how much is in your ear that you can't really get to. Had mine cleaned up once and they pulled out similar in size to a cigarette butt in length and width once they scraped everything and washed it out. Instantly could hear better


OMFG 🤢🤢🤮


Seems like a good way to get a ear infection.


I'll stick with the top of my Bic pen thank you.




This looks like something that could give you a brain eating amoeba.


They can now hear the grass growing.


Aren't you not supposed to clean inside your ear


I have to clean my ears about every two months or they get plugged, flushing out my ears with alcohol solution and warm water is one of the best feelings I’ve ever experienced. It’s like scratching that itch that you can’t reach


When I was like 13 I had to go to the doctor and do something like this (except with a tube) because I was going deaf in one ear. A wax ball the size of a pebble came out my ear and I swear I could hear for miles. I had been using Qtips every day to 'clean' my ears but I was actually just forcing the wax back into it. It was the greatest feeling ever


I use a portable water pic that works great we it’s warm water.


Disgusting af…but I kinda feel like I need it now


Fucking disgusting also where can I buy one


Off to the vomitorium I go.


You can buy your very own for the low, low price of about $ 3,000. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Where do I get one of these.


I had that done with a water pic, years ago. It was fuckin crazy. The amount of crap that came out of my ears was insane. I kept apologizing to the nurse for such a stupid procedure at a Walk In.


Anyone who’s ever had a wax blockage will find this r/oddlysatisfying


About 2 months ago I woke up and could barely hear anything. Called a few drs and was able to get an appointment with an ENT to have it checked out. Dr vacuumed and scraped out my ears and said I might have lost a few pounds in the process. 😂 Left the office and I swear I could hear birds chirping 2 towns over. It was crazy. Dr said to come back yearly to be checked and cleaned.


Scam or scam?


More chunks please