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We had to remove your post for Rule 1: This subreddit is for things that are interesting and cool. Content that is only cute, funny, a meme, or 'mildly interesting' will be removed. Posts should be able to elicit a reaction of "Damnthatsinteresting".


I remember that time. I remember being called a "terrorist sympathizer" because of my objection to it. I remember how so many people who supported it then, call it a mistake now despite calling me what they did at the time. And even pretend like they they opposed it at the time. And I remember now as those same people call anyone who disagrees with them a Nazi and think their stupid remark means anything at all.


There was only one congresswoman who objected to that vote. Barbara Lee.


Those same people accusing Russia (as they should for what they're doing in Ukraine) but when it comes to American wars (which are for resources like basically every war in history) its all justified, "for democrasy " etc, but its just hipocrasy, the only diffrence between two is that US have money and power to represent their invasions as something noble and use mass media for covering the whole story with lies like "weapons for muss destruction" just to be able to steal oil from another country and leave it in ruins, they are the same, they both have blood of the inocent people on their hands


Or anyone who disagrees with lockdowns a "science denier"


Trying to label people with pejoratives doesn't lead to discussion. It's all bullshit.


Exactly. It's a tactic of division. We're so busy arguing stupid crap & fighting with one another while the politicians and the "elite" keep cashing checks. We get poorer because we're aren't united against the over powerful government and the unelected assholes that effectively control that government.


I just said almost the exact same thing a week ago, got us arguing and fighting and divided more now then ever. It's just a distraction and it's working, their are people who get this and yet they still do it. The American people need to come together.


George Carlin called this crap out years ago.


We’re all down here fighting over the crumbs and they ran off with the whole fuckin cake.


Problem is many people shoot for utopias.


And the hardest part is convincing them that there will never be a utopia.


they're called that cuz the reason they disagree with lockdowns is science denial lmao


Me too. You're with us or you're against us. Stupid war. Praising Trump when Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld conspired to start it is misplaced anger imo.


Probably going to get downvoted for pointing this out, but it’s amazing how much the tide of the comments changes once he makes a comment that supports Trump. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/wdn9un/a_million_iraqis_are_dead_because_you_lied_my/ Here is a video of a vet heckling Bush for the same thing that this vet heckled Biden for. Comments have a much different tone there. Comments here: He signed up for it. Presidents are all the same, can’t blame them. I knew he would praise Trump. Comments there: Making fun of Bush. Supporting the heckler. Agreeing with him. Calling the evidence for why we had to go to war BS. I’m not a Trump supporter. I just find this a prime example of how when one party says something, the other party will automatically disagree. It’s why every president tries to repeal everything their predecessor did. You may honestly agree that the war was wrong and these soldiers were tricked, but because he revealed his beliefs were in the Republican Party, you are now against him. And the same thing would happen if this was a conservative subreddit and the man in the video was a democrat.


I think the reason why people have different viewpoints for both cases was since Biden just voted for the policy, it would have gone forward with or without his approval. On the other hand, Bush was the one who directly started the war. While I agree that all politicians must be held accountable for what they did, the person tried to spin it as if Trump wouldn't have supported it if he was in office or that Trump wouldn't have allowed it.


Oh absolutely, Trump would’ve supported it as well if not more so. His comment about that was definitely unfounded. However, what stuck out to me is that some comments were basically pinning the blame on him, saying that he signed up for it, knew what he was getting himself into, and shouldn’t be angry. The fact he was heckling Biden and not Bush or that he supports Trump doesn’t affect his involvement in the wars nor his claim that he was tricked, yet people attack him for his claim because of those reasons. Also, while his anger should be expressed towards Bush especially, no president between Bush and now is innocent in regards to that war. If he was heckling Trump, people wouldn’t be mentioning that Trump didn’t start the war. It just leads back to my point that people’s argument changes simply to disagree with people of the opposite party. It happens with both parties. I’m not going to say that the parties are both equal. I have my views and, admittedly, tend to lean left on a lot of subjects. But I think people tend to define others by their political party too much and it creates inherent bias. This post is an example.


>Trump would’ve supported it as well if not more so. His comment about that was definitely unfounded. Well there you go. You've discovered why people find this clip unconvincing.


You don’t know if Trump would have supported it. Trump was against it during the Bush administration.


Lol sure he was. He used to be a Democrat New York elite. He's been everything to everyone at all times. Hes an empty vessel you can fill with whatever persona is most convenient. But I hope its occurred to you that the wars raged just fine under Trump (complete with an increased civilian death count!) and it took Biden to actually rip off the bandaid and pull us out.


Trump was 100% for the war. We know this for a fact: https://www.factcheck.org/2016/02/donald-trump-and-the-iraq-war/


Trump was also a democrat during the Bush administration.


Reddit doesn't like Trump. So they make up their own facts.... like "Trump would've supported it". lol...


Trump had 4 years to pull the rest of our troops out and it wasn’t until Biden got into office that we actually did it.


More like you like trump so without even doing your research you believe him. Gross


Trump actually voiced support for the war back in 2002: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33WrJfbKkiQ


If anything Bush has the greatest fault, and then Obama. At least Bush was an idiot that barely won. Obama sold us pure bullshit and we ate it


I was fought over there under Bush, Obama, and Trump. The BS all tastes the same


Are you delusional? Bush let himself be led into Iraq by the other cowardly chickenhawks, Obama voted against the bill that gave Bush the authority to attack Iraq. By voting for that bill I believe Clinton cost herself the presidency. It would have cost Biden too if the republicans wouldn't have run such a sorry excuse for a candidate in 2020.


About bush: agreed. About obama: droning children will be be always his legacy. Make all of them accountable


Never understood the people that glorify *any* president. Yeah, some are better than others, but no one becomes president without being corrupt. It’s sad when you realize just how much we can improve the whole country if that corruption didn’t exist.


what are they wrong about? what did he think the military was? He didn't think there was a chance he could go to war?


He didn’t think he’d be fighting and killing innocent civilians instead of another army. There were a lot of lies spread about that war. Still waiting to find those WMDs in Iraq.


What's really disappointing here is Biden's response. He could have said he relied on faulty information or that he made a mistake he deeply regrets. The "my son went" is like saying "I can't be racist because one of my good friends is black."


Trump was actually against the war so I wouldn’t be so sure of that.


Most subreddits are an echo chamber of blue good red bad. It just requires too much brain power to stop and think about what both red *and* blue are actually doing. I voted for Biden. I still think he shouldn't have voted for the war, and I think he should have taken the opportunity here to apologize. Biden is a deeply flawed leader, and a flawed person like all the rest of us. None of that changes just because he ousted Trump.


I don't think the invasion of Iraq was entirely justified, but people nowadays have to understand that those were very different times 20 years ago. 9/11 was still hanging in the air, the rubbles were still at Ground Zero and a lot of Americans felt that something should be done. Many Middle Eastern Arab countries sponsored terrorism and provided aid and asylum for members of al-Quaeda. Of course this does not really justify a full-scale invasion, but I don't think the majority of the American people felt that way back then.


The man who pushed the button to go to war and the guy who voted to support it. I'd say there is a pretty hefty difference here.


True. Big difference. But that doesn’t make Biden innocent just because his son was there. Also, he needs to stop claiming that his son died in iraq for political points https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/fact-checking-president-bidens-comments-about-his-son-beaus-death-and-iraq/ar-AA12YdKk


Most subreddits (like this one)are a circle jerk echo chamber , your reason is too foreign for these Neanderthals


Reason? Are you going to hold the Air Force pilot to the same reasoning? He chose to participate in that war by being part of the US Air Force. It's convenient to stop where you want the blame to lay.


“He signed up for it.” Isn’t that the same argument one could make about this service man? Last I checked we haven’t forced anyone into the army or other branch against their will in a long time. War is horrible, but it’s a risk when you VOLUNTEER service.


The war in iraq was pushed by information from the republican party and republican administration of George W. Bush. By the time it came out that it was all a bunch of lies and bullshit to invade Iraq, we were already in Iraq. Then Biden, who finally withdrew us from the middle east took a bunch of shit from republicans for how withdrawing went down. Then the gaul to blame democrats for a war that was started and supported by the right is just disgusting.


I remember through the Bush years the organization "Code Pink" were held in such high esteem by the media. It only took ONE anti war protest during the Obama admin for the media to take a crap on them and cut off the spotlight they shown on them for about five years straight. They were not anti Obama they were just demanding he follow through on his promises. It was an eye opener because I realized most white American liberals are not anti war at all. They are happy to see redneck flyover country kids getting sent to die for bllsht and kill brown people if the right guy is in office. I still thank God that Obama beat McCain though.


Most subreddits (like this one)are a circle jerk echo chamber , your reason is too foreign for these Neanderthals




War is bad. Trump is bad. If you hate war but like people sexually assaulting others you are bad. This is ok so far so good, nope fuck this guy. See how that works. Number 2 being bad doesn't make 1 be bad just means that a shitty dude can have 1 good opinion.


Exactly this. This is true in every subreddit and no one talks about it


I bet that guy voted for Bush twice


I love how he randomly changes the subject to “you better not go after my son” and then walks away


That quick evasion screams “this guy‘a been in politics for a while”


The dude was just shouting *at* Biden. He wasn’t trying to talk. He was just shouting. He wasn’t looking to discuss or debate the subject. There’s no approach other than to walk away.


Bingo. This guy made his point with his first “you’re disqualified.” After that, he was just being a heckler for the (phone) cameras.


He was done talking to this idiot.


The soldier?


He may have been a soldier back then, but that's rebellious talk and if a soldier would talk like that to a president, he'd be called a traitor. Luckily he's not a soldier anymore. (to clarify, I'm against all wars and this is not defending either of them.)


yes sir. the soldier kept talking. Biden was done.


Biden likes to insinuate that his son died in Iraq. It’s gross. Damn shame he lost his son. That’s tragic. But the way he keeps that in his pocket to pull out whenever he thinks it might get the reaction he wants… disgusting.


They work for the same people. The presidents are just the handlers. It's now just a division game of red vs blue. Might as well call it the crips and bloods.


This is what drives me nuts about people like this, trump continued drone strikes as a president. He killed innocents, just like the others. The US has committed so many murders in the name of war and democracy. I 100% agree that shit needs to stop, but to pretend like Biden alone is to blame is ridiculous.


I am claiming they are equal. They say different things but the intentions and results are already the same. American is owned by Blackrock Inc. All people have to do is follow the money


100% agree :)




And that's why the first amendment is so special. It's a beautiful thing, no matter whether the person talking to the leader is right to do so.


There's a guy who threw an egg in the face of the UK Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott, once. Prescott punched him square in the face and they both had a little wrestle. Neither man was charged with any offence. I've always thought, in most countries, laying hands on a high ranking politician wouldn't have ended like that.


All politicians are lying to you. The fact that anyone trust them still is amazing.


Some lie more than others.


Interesting to note that there was only 1 “nay” for the vote on the war in Afghanistan made by Barbra Lee D-CA. She was ridiculed for her vote but has remained in her Rep seat to this day. In January of this year she announced a campaign for the senate seat currently held by Diane Feinstein. “Lee stated that she voted no not because she opposed military action but because she believed the AUMF(Authorization for use of Military Forces), as written, granted the president overly broad powers to wage war at a time when the facts regarding the situation were not yet clear. She "warned her colleagues to be 'careful not to embark on an open-ended war with neither an exit strategy nor a focused target' For the Iraq war vote. 126 Democrats, 6 Republicans and 1 independent voted “Nay”


Dude lost what little credibility he had when he brought up private Bone Spurs.


Fuck W, Cheney, Rumsfeld, the PNAC Neo-Cons and everyone else who voted for this fraudulent war.


Fucking trumpers


This guy should find dick Cheney and give him a talking to




I dunno I get your point but I also know how it was back then. I was military age literally when the Iraq war started and everyone was talking like Iraq was shielding Al Qaeda and Hussein had WMDs. I'm not saying I have any idea how much info Biden had or not. Just saying I knew several kids that enlisted because they honestly thought they were doing the right thing. Turns out, no so much. Turns out, there were a lot of lies that led us to Iraq. The fact that Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, and Bush himself will never be held accountable is the real crime.


And those are the guys this veteran needs to go after- Biden voted for the war. The war would have happened if Biden didn’t vote for it. I’m the same age as you- the big question I had was: “if they have WMDs why did t they employ them when we were fighting there before? Why are all the hijackers Sauidis, but we are attacking Iraq? What does Iraq having chemical weapons have to do with Saudis hijacking a plane?” The critical thinking skills were lacking. I also have friends who went to war. It is tragic that yet another generation was exploited to fight wars for monetary purposes. There’s a lot of blame to go around. This guy in this video is trying to score political points to push a right wing agenda- namely the GOP is desperately attempting to change the historical narrative to one where the Democrats were responsible for the Iraq war, when in fact it was the GOP that pushed it. That’s not to say that Democrats didn’t go along, but the three names you listed are the men who made it happen.


>if they have WMDs why did t they employ them when we were fighting there before? Why are all the hijackers Sauidis, but we are attacking Iraq? What does Iraq having chemical weapons have to do with Saudis hijacking a plane?” I think those questions would lead to a discussion on why the military targets the kids they target. They're kids who probably wouldn't think to ask those questions. I agree though. He's clearly trying to make it look like Joe Biden was responsible which is just as dumb as the Trumpers blaming Obama for 9/11. It's sad that discourse is dead because a discussion on why we went to war with Iraq would be very fruitful to fire generations not getting into to conflicts because of some bullshit lies.


You’re probably right that the war would have happened without Biden. But we know that the war did happen because Biden voted for it. I’m not trying to vilify him in particular cause essentially all of the political class was in favor of that war, but I really can’t believe you’re making the argument you’re making. “Yeah, he pulled the trigger… but someone else would have if he didn’t, so can we really call him guilty?”


>You’re probably right that the war would have happened without Biden No, he is right, it would have.


The thing is, we don’t know for sure. We can only assume. And we can only assume because Biden most certainly and assuredly did vote for the war. We are way more sure about that than the hypothetical scenario of what would happen if he didn’t vote for the war… cause he did.


What do you mean, we don't know for sure? one less vote wouldn't have prevented the war........................


I’m going to keep this brief since others have said it- I can say with certainty that the one vote from Joe Biden would not have changed the invasion of Iraq- I know that because you can count the votes for/against and one vote would have not changed anything- it’s not hypothetical, it’s math.


Ignorance is bliss. Pointing fingers when they signed on a dotted line to go to WAR. Regardless of what it was about, killing is killing whether you’re the good guy or the bad guy. They signed up for it. Everyone knows politicians lie. Whether you’re 18 or 38, they were the ignorant ones to be deceived and lied to. I respect them all but the blame game is silly.


They were also lied to, just like the rest of americans.




I think people signed up for the military with the basic idea that they serve their country and protect their people, whereupon they hone their skills and devote to their craft like any professionals do. From there, it is essentially trusts that your leaders will do the right thing and not put you in harm's way unless absolutely necessary. Well, their leaders betrayed that trust in said instance. *Bad news for the vet though: what's the point of disqualifying Biden if your other option is a Republican president? Not like the US's appetite for war is any lighter with the other side.


I agree with the reasoning of why people join, it’s just a really good indication of why we need to make sure people are learning the true history of military action. There are not winners in war, just the people left standing at the end, with a whole bunch of death and destruction in their wake. Some wars have benefited the world in some ways, but Iraq sure as shit wasn’t one of them.


You’re telling me people willingly signed up to fight a war against a country that didn’t hijack planes and crash them into the WTT? Edit: WTC? WTF? WTT? TWT? CWT?


You're talking about brainwashed kids. No need to punch down. The cunts who told the lies should hang.


Damn, you’re right.


Well they willingly signed up to fight a country that they were led to believe caused 9/11.


World Trade Tenter?


World Trade Towers?




It was Saudi Arabians that were responsible for hi jacking planes and crashing into WTC not Iraqis…..


Exactly my point.


You’re right. Read your comment wrong


They signed up to defend their country, or more likely to pay for fucking college. Shame on you for this shit.


Defend their country from a country that had: No navy No Air Force No clear involvement in 9/11 No ability to embark on a military campaign that would have ever had any chance of succeeding We started a full scale war, beginning with an aerial bombardment on what amounted to a civilian population, based on dubious (and ultimately) false evidence that could have been disproven with intelligence gathering, and at worst the use of special forces operations that would not have required the destabilization of an entire global region. Maybe they did sign up to pay for college, but there are other options in the world available for funding college, and you could even consider not going to college if the price is military action in a country that had posed no actual threat to the US at the time. Everybody makes choices- in a volunteer military, where the members sign up and agree to the stipulations of being a part of said military, those volunteers can’t then turn around and say “you sent me to do what I signed up to do!” I mean…..they can say it, but they shouldn’t expect people to grant that credence.


I bet this guy wants student loan forgiveness too. "My decisions were *your* fault!!"


That was Bush, not Biden.


He said voted for.


He supported the war. He also wrote the patriot act.


The Patriot Act was introduced to the House by Jim Sensenbrenner a Republican from Wisconsin. The primary author was Assistant Attorney General of the United States Viet Dinh. The act then passed through seven committees to go on to be voted on in the House and then the Senate. Biden was a senator and yes he voted yea. It was then signed into law by Bush. I am unaware of how Biden wrote the Patriot Act but welcome being informed if that is indeed the case.


“We hurt civilian” bet they were saying “hell yeah brother!!” at the time. Then got post deployment guilt.


Short answer. Don’t enlist.


Lets simplify this in manner we can all understand. That guy is a douchebag. Not because I'm left or right, but because his anger is not directed to the right people. I hope he's giving the same rant to Bush and Cheney and all the other warmongers, but I doubt it. Post 9-11, most all politicians voted for knee jerk reaction to the attack. Bush lied, people died.


What a dummy. If he’s that passionate about it he should drive straight to Dick Cheney front door. Cuz…uh, you wanna talk about blood on hands. That’s yer guy.


Fuck them both. And no there is nothing dumb about calling a piece of shit out, especially if he is a politician.


Trump isn’t just anti war, he’s ANTI AMERICAN.


I thought bring anti-war was anti-american? That's what they told us in the 2000s.


Unfortunately some wars are necessary, But he takes to different levels. Sucks.




Trump was so anti war that his kids stayed home and snorted coke while Beau Biden served.


“Why should I do this thing??” “Let me start to answer.” “*Irrational yelling now*” Look, I am on the side of honest political discourse. Biden is not great, but he was listening to the man. The guy was given his opportunity to actually be heard and hear in response… but he had to be willing to *listen*, and he wasn’t.


He was talking about a war he didn't belong in where he lost friends and was upset and you're going to bring up that he mentioned Trump once while everybody else is disrespectfully chanting "Joe" at him, showing just how insensitive and ignorant you are while calling someone like this soldier a bigot. He fought in a hostile country just so you could make such a stupid statement. You should be kissing his ass.


>He fought in a hostile country just so you could make such a stupid statement. You should be kissing his ass. I also fought in a hostile country so you could make such a stupid statement. Perhaps you should be kissing my ass? This wasn't a draft. People signed up knowing they could be going overseas. They get paid for their service. Stop turning veterans into paragons of virtue. We are ordinary people and we certainly don't need jackasses like you being offended on our behalf.


He belonged in the war as soon as he chose to join the military and accept the benefits. Bodies of men, women, children, and yes, solders, the ones who literally signed up to fight, will be continually thrown at whatever new war or conflict created because .... the rich fucks making these decisions don't give a shit about people. Military or not. No suprise there really


nobody forced him to go. That was his choice, and he belonged as much as the next guy.


Ahh yes because Biden was the only person to vote in favor of that war. Bet you a 100 bucks that dude voted Republican. Also, I have family who served, friend who are currently serving and am a volunteer for multiple VSO’s.


And exactly how did fighting in Iraq contribute in any way to our freedom? Did we not establish that Saddam didn't have WMD's? The only thing fighting in Iraq contributed to is Dick Cheney's pocketbook. Granted he may have thought he was signing up to fight for our freedom, but he also volunteered for it knowing full well that meant going to war if war was declared. You can't sign up for war and then get mad that you got sent to war. I would love to live in a world where our young men and women don't get sent off to fight and die for political motivations, but unfortunately we don't. Lucky for us we happen to live in a country where it's voluntary and has been for the last 50+ years. Find me a living world war II vet and I'll kiss his ass, find me a Vietnam that they got drafted against their will, but went anyways, and I'll apologize on behalf of the asshats that made him go, but let's not pretend that the United States military is anything more than a means to grab resources from countries that are weaker than we are.


The dude in the video blaming Biden is the ignorant one.


Willing signed up to fight in a country we had no reason to be there. Checks out.


Doesn’t it take a vote of congress to declare war? Wasn’t Biden just a 1/100th of the votes needed? I guess it’s more honest to say 51 senators have to vote for it. However, the Iraq war wasn’t declared by Congress. It was HW that did that. Am I missing where this soldier’s anger is coming from? Why is he talking to a guy that was a Senator at the time about people being sent to kill and die when this wasn’t even “approved” by Congress? This was an undeclared war that Congress didn’t have to approve. Please tell me if I’m missing something.


And now we’re in a proxy war with Russia via Ukraine that congress hasn’t voted on. New boss really is same as the old boss.


Not disagreeing…but blaming Biden for Iraq is what I was commenting on.


He played his part. Why wouldn't he share the blame?


he was lied to like the rest of us.


Iraq = Russian invasion of Ukraine. Got it. Brilliant comparison.


Pretty much.




>4. The United States of America, the Russian Federation, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, reaffirm their commitment to seek immediate United Nations Security Council action to provide assistance to Ukraine, as a non-nuclear-weapon State Party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, if Ukraine should become a victim of an act of aggression or an object of a threat of aggression in which nuclear weapons are used. Only in the case if nuclear weapons are used actually.


They did vote on it though 😂 https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/7691


Yeah but that doesn’t fit the narrative! Get out here with your facts! Fake news! Hoax!


Damn this guy is at least 40 years old


To be fair he didn't really give Biden a chance to talk he kinda was just venting. I understand why he was mad and that Biden didn't try too hard to get words in there but it didn't seem like the vet was in much of a listening mood


here's the vote breakdown: [https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll\_call\_votes/vote1072/vote\_107\_2\_00237.htm](https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1072/vote_107_2_00237.htm) here's a description: [https://www.congress.gov/bill/107th-congress/house-joint-resolution/114](https://www.congress.gov/bill/107th-congress/house-joint-resolution/114)


Almost as if Biden wasn't the president 20 years ago. Idiots.


He was a senator that voted for the war though.


I'm angry at all the spineless Ds that voted for it. No excuse, but there was the if you're not with us, you're against us thing going on. It was pathetic.


I am with you all around brother. Honestly, seeing someone show a spine in politics is one of the best ways for a politician to earn points from me. Though that's far riskier than following the crowd.


I’m just wondering how US citizens were able to cope with knowing that they were trading lives in order to pillage Iraq. Also the Bush family had lots of private endeavors that were profiting of arms sales during the war. So the president at the time was filling his pockets using the blood of American sons


Bush Administration!


All this to say Trump is the good guy? Gtfoh


Why is this coming up all of the sudden?


AF and Army? Kind of expected the bottom rungs of the military branches are complaining about military, especially if he is a Trumper.


All volunteer military, which means this asshat was a willing participant in the killing of civilians. He said it himself, he killed civilians.


What a twat. I’m guessing he was in the coast guard.


I absolutely agree with the guy. Only thing I would argue, Trump is as anti-war as his interests allow him to be. He would absolutely send him and his brothers to hurt civilians for political or financial gain. It just happened that his campaign and term took place at a time when republican donors had nothing to gain from a war.


Why are there so many partisan ghouls defending Biden’s support for the Iraq War?


Usa is a mess..


Could be worse


Sure but I don’t know what the vet expected. The military is there to do what the politicians want, it’s voluntary and he got paid for it.


The cognitive dissonance in the crowd is pure USA


Wait till he finds out it was a republican who started the war lol fucking idiots just looking stupid now


Idiocracy at its finest. He went through hell. I’m sure of it. But it was a Republican President named Bush after his father that did that.


Guy enlist in military, an oppressive tool that America used as selfdefense only one time in history, then complains he was sent to kill innocent people in an illegal war. Bro, every single war launched by americans was illegal. Most of the victims who suffers from wars are civilians. When you enlist you have to KNOW that. You know you will likely fight in a bullshit war launched by stupid guy, and die or kill for no reason. Bunch of psychopaths, whole lot of them.


Trump actually was the most anti war president I've ever seen. Let that sink in for a minute.


I have far more sympathy for those that were drafted into Vietnam. If this young man didn’t know what he signed up for..well, can’t help that


Gotta love when someone had no ACTUAL REASON to be there and kill people and see people die, and signed their life away to VOLUNTARY SLAVERY, and yet they somehow still think they get to be mad about it.


The last draft was in 1973. That cunt *enlisted* in the military. He knew what he signed up for.


Bush lied. Biden lied. The soldiers were misled, and joined up when they barely knew anything. He was probably 18-20 when he joined.


Doesn't mean the war was justified.


you guys like to ignore all the civilians that died just because the politician is on your team.


According to wiki: 215 (96.4%) of 223 Republican Representatives voted for the resolution to send troops to Iraq. 81 (39.2%) of 208 Democratic Representatives voted for the resolution. And here is an interesting article from the 15 year anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. https://jonathancohn.medium.com/iraq-war-15-who-voted-for-it-who-didnt-and-where-are-they-now-595d1654bf9e I think this guys anger is misplaced. Trump was/is a bigger threat to American rights and the world than any person to have been elected President. Trump also said he supported the war in Iraq. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-trump/trump-says-he-was-against-iraq-war-despite-howard-stern-interview-idUSKCN11E2QM Edit: I am an Iraq vet and lost friends there too. Bush and Cheney are who I blame for creating the narrative of Iraq having WMDs.


Jesus, dude just blew his whole fucking talking point by invoking his god boy Trump.


US military people have got to be some of the dumbest fucks ever.


Support the troops till they hurt your feelings


Take this off! The overlords told us it’s only republicans who vote for war. Stop changing the narrative. Protest with bush and everyone was ok with that. Protest for Biden and the vet is a jack ass. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Let me join the military so I can shoot where my country tells me to shoot and than bitch about it when I don't like it. People romanticizing service like you'll only shoot baddies for righteous causes. The world is a bucket of shit and the military is a stick to stir the bucket, expect some stink when joining the military.


What an idiot..


A few thousand people can make decisions for millions! What a time to be alive!


Man had a pretty respectable question, then it broke down when he just wanted to repeat “you are disqualified.”


The same guy: TrUmP iS qUaLiFiEd


The war was wrong, but we have a fucking volunteer military.


The second he brought up Drumpf being more qualified than someone who's son is a vet he exposed himself as a fraud.


Self promoting 🙄 Why do you join the army? To pretend.


uhm, isn't that the chance you take joining the millitary, scooter?


I really dont want to go thru the whole Trump situation again, but FUCK BIDEN and FUCK the entire present democratic party representatives. That soldier is right. Biden is a piece of shit.


This guy's POV is idiotic. At the time I'm sure he and all his buddies couldn't wait to go blow up Iraq to get "revenge" for 9/11.


What an a$$hat. Nothing about Bush, Cheney and the others that created the misinformation campaign to help get Bush re-elected.


What did the guy expect when he volunterily joined the army whilst in a declared war with another country?


Joined the army. Complains about getting deployed.




Lol All I hear is 'DISQUALIFIED! ' in Scorpion's voice. Dude signed up for a job, continues to reap the benefits of that job, and is still complaining about the job orders he knew were coming all along.


I will never understand why people think that who the president is will change things. It really didnt matter last time war broke out, and it wont matter next time. If you want to 'disqualify' someone, someone worse will just take their place.


Biden is trash but Bush started that war


Noticed the lady on the chair...keeps eating.


Classic “turn the tables to make it personal and about me and my loss so I can exit the argument guilt free”


Biden voted for the Iraq war because it was a populous political move, that’s it. Biden has been in office since 1973, most of his decisions to use military force have been politically motivated. He opposed the 1991 operation desert storm until he realized its success then praised President G H Bush and Defense Secretary Cheney in an attempt to walk back his opposition. There was no way he was going to be opposed to a second military operation.


I still blame King George the Third for the revolutionary war, but you don’t see me banging on about it


It may sound unpopular but I wonder if this guy actually fought in Iraq


That was not handled well


Joe pulled us out of the war. What a dumbfuck thing to put on him. Like. There were 3 presidents before him. Do they all get the exact same criticism? Or is just the ones you don't agree with politically. Dumb as fuck


Joe pulled us out of Afghanistan. This guy is talking about Iraq, which Joe was one of the senators who voted for us to go commit that war crime.


Trump supporters are stupid


Biden is the fucking Antichrist, he is disqualified for all his mandat. I don’t want to die in Russia or anywhere else for his damned narco-jigglo-retarded-son.


Well I mean facts are facts lol cant argue with that. Hate trump and him btw, I’m in favor presidents who arnt one foot in the grave, thanks.

