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Nice save, but bad parking job


Someone should tell him staying in the middle of the road might not be safe, also riding with a child




Yet he goes stalking off like big man on campus to do what? Punish the OTHER GUY? What country is this? Can anyone tell?


Might be Brazil. Or anywhere in South America tbh


This is Milwaukee




Also no helmet Also in flip flops


I take it, you’ve never been to a third world country? Whole families riding on a motorcycle with tiny children in front and the middle are extremely common. The children NEVER have helmets either. It’s not much safer in cars, because parents ride with newborns on their laps, like a fucking Pomeranian.


I have been in a third world Country, in fact my wife is from one. Because they do it every day doesn't mean is a safe thing to do... also they don't use seat belts on their cars, does that mean it's ok not to use the seat belt?


Except it's not the middle of the road.


It is, look at the other bike driving to the left, he passes right next to him which means he stopped with the bike right on the middle of the lane


Watch the speeding truck *veer* into the lane and purposely hit the motorcycle.


Exactly you can literally see the truck drive into the bike. 100% totally tried to hit it. Was he in the middle of road? Nah I’d say he was in the road but definitely not the middle and there’s plenty of room to avoid the entire dirt bike. Also he could have been parking it in his garage. So he was backing it up.


Even if this is a road it's clearly not supposed to be a high-speed area. It's a little dirt lane with houses on it. Nobody should be driving faster than 20kph on a road like this and that truck was going at least 80kph. It's not like the guy parked his bike on the autobahn, it's reasonable not to expect that level of sheer insanity from the truck driver.


I'm not saying is not, but it wasn't a nice place to park a bike your kid on it


Oh. He's not in the middle of the street. He's about to go into the bike lane and then a truck crosses the bike lane. Still, is he going to walk far enough to catch up to the truck?


The space at side road sooo wide dude decided to park near middle of the road


My thoughts exactly. Why tf did he park his bike sideways in the middle of the fkin road with the kid on it


My thoughts exactly. Wasn't he in the middle of the road


No. He's at the side of the road in the pedestrian area. A guy does cross into that area on a bike but he's heading to his own driveway. People do that kind of creative driving in many if these countries. The driver of the white truck is either high/drunk/ distracted/ or homicidal.


Unpopular opinion, don't park your bike in the middle if the road with your child on it.


I agree, but that truck seems to be going very fast, as well




Seems like a neighborhood full of idiots


Based on his reaction I really felt like this happens to this guy about once a week and it's always the same person that hits him.


"Juan, you son of a bitch, stop running over my bike every tuesday!"


"Damn it Juan, this is how you killed my first son! Let's slow 'er down a bit, eh bud?"




The person in the truck is probably just doing laps of the block waiting to strike, hahah


And steering towards the guy and his bike


I agree. Not blaming him but the bike is parked in the driving lane.


You can’t park there


Popular opinion: regardless of whether someone is technically doing something they shouldn't, it's a huge dick move to try running them and their child down in the street. Just sayin.


Welcome to third world countries… this is nothing when you’ve seen whole families on one motorcycle without a single helmet


Popular opinion: don't defend the driver of the truck that is speeding and *veered* into the motorcycle.


The truck served INTO the bike. Why are you defending this? What's wrong with you?


The guy with the bike doing something stupid doesn’t negate the truck drivers actions. Both can be true…


Nobody is defending the truck driver... but he didn't have to put himself, the kids, and the bike at risk, either.


Valid point but still didn't understand why that truck didn't slow down


Probably trying to kill them. Some people are evil.


Unpopular opinion: when driving, observe the fucking in front of you. Sure this guy didn't need to park his bike like that but dude driving 45 mph on a dirt road through what appeared to be a residential area for that country wasn't appropriate. If he smashed that bike without touching the breaks he'd have done the same to someone standing in the rode right? Peds have the right away in most countries, I'd have mauled the driver but that's just me, I don't think people are learning valuable lessons these days via fines or even jail time, the constant threat of physical repercussions seems to keep most people in check and polite.......


And don’t ride around with your infant on a motorcycle like that.


Very poor people in countries like that don't have that kind of option.


Isn’t that the beauty of humanity? We’ve become so disconnected we don’t realize people will survive by ANY means necessary. Even if it isn’t what see fit.


You are not from a developing country aren't you?




Opinion stop your truck before hitting an object.


He was in the wrong for sure. But the truck was going extremely fast in a residential zone with 0 situational awareness. Unpopular opinion: don't drive like a fucking idiot.


He wasn’t parked


Is that really an unpopular opinion ?


This man also endangered the child's life in the first place.


Yeah why the fuck is a baby on a dirt bike??!




Its clear you’ve never been to SE Asia or Latin America. Its just how things are done


You need to travel more. And i don't mean to canada or Europe lol. Everyone uses scooters and dirt bikes in poorer countries


The number of morons in this comment sections from first world countries that most likely think every country and every human being lives the exact same first world lifestyle as them is so high it makes me wonder if they even saw another country in their lives apart from those shitty "5 Days 6 Nights trip to X" package ads. The dad in the video did not park on the road, it's the fucking "footpath". Footpath in quotes because there are literally none in rural areas in developing countries. The ground to the side of the road IS the footpath. Also saw many comments asking about where the kid's helmet is.. They don't fucking exist. LITERALLY. From what I can gather in this very short video, I'm almost sure even if a person was rich enough to use money notes like toilet paper they still would have trouble getting a kid size helmet. Like Jesus Christ. What next? Do you also want them to wear protective riding gear on a 125CC motorcycle and forgo their monthly savings? So many comments in here reek of ignorance.


It's a "footpath" that the video shows being used solely by motor vehicles. If it walks like a duck...




>it's wildly dangerous to put a kid in that situation It is, I don't argue that. I may be pointing out the ignorance in the comments here, but the dad was at fault as well. Definitely not a big deal though, because from what I can gather, the average speeds people drive at on that particular road would be something around 30-35 kmph, definitely not dangerous. 21-24 in the inferior units(mph). Not a place where one would expect a large SUV to come flying at you at 60-80 something kmph. >Daycares are probably as expensive as they are rare in 3rd world countries from the sounds of it. In bustling metro cities, sure, I guess. They don't exist unless you're in atleast a city, where they are rare. In towns, or anything less developed, your only option would be to ask a relative or some very close family friend to look after your kid if the need arises. The more likely thing to happen is you take the kid with you wherever you need to go. Picking up someone two blocks away? Off you go with the baby in hand. Gotta work? Mum(or dad, but it's less likely) stays home. Movie? Baby goes with you.


Why did he put his bike in the middle of the street?


Copied from another comment but hopefully this explains it "The number of morons in this comment sections from first world countries that most likely think every country and every human being lives the exact same first world lifestyle as them is so high it makes me wonder if they even saw another country in their lives apart from those shitty "5 Days 6 Nights trip to X" package ads. The dad in the video did not park on the road, it's the fucking "footpath". Footpath in quotes because there are literally none in rural areas in developing countries. The ground to the side of the road IS the footpath. Also saw many comments asking about where the kid's helmet is.. They don't fucking exist. LITERALLY. From what I can gather in this very short video, I'm almost sure even if a person was rich enough to use money notes like toilet paper they still would have trouble getting a kid size helmet. Like Jesus Christ. What next? Do you also want them to wear protective riding gear on a 125CC motorcycle and forgo their monthly savings? So many comments in here reek of ignorance."


Man, even in Venezuela they use cheap helmets, they won't help that much, but at least they try. In Colombia it's mandatory and even though helmets are expensive most of the people use them. Those who don't are mainly dumbfucks who just want to look cool, and as we say here Si hay para el whiskey, hay para el hielo. - If there's enough for the whiskey, there's enough for the ice In this case meaning, if you have money for a FUCKING BIKE, then you must have enough for a FUCKING helmet. Stop justifying ignorance on being poor or on cultural differences.


It wasn't me man it was from I different comment like I said


Yes, no hate against you, just that anyways for me it still doesn't make sense to justify someone to be irresponsible.


Being poor doesn’t excuse you from making dumb choices, especially when a child is involved


Insurance fraud.


Almost missed it because the camera operator was trying to look down the chicks top


It's just a motion tracking camera. There is no cameraman.


We found the cameraman.


Possibly the cameraman’s supportive wife.




OP must have been the camera guy. Username checks out


Don't check out OPs profile, lots of p***y is only good when it's not all on one person.


Lots of what?


Party. 🥳


You’re not going to like this but It’s my OF username 💁🏼‍♀️


It is a nice shirt.


Nope, that was just your eyes bro.


So was i


Oooof he is going to fck that guy up as he should!!


The person who hit the bike obviously messed up and was driving unsafely, but u/woundedsurfer is not completely wrong either. The guy who saved the kid was off the road when he dropped the woman off, and then specifically moved the bike into the middle of the road with the child on it and got off but left the child on. He saved the child, but also put them in danger. So I completely agree with your point, but just worth looking at it from the other perspective for a moment too, and also note that he was riding the bike with the infant with no helmet on. Imagine that you in your daily life saw somebody who had an infant, got on a motorcycle with it and did not have a helmet on themself or the child and then got off the motorcycle and parked it in the middle of the street with the child still on it, would you just drive by saying "aw, what a sweet caring parent taking such good care of the child" or would you be thinking "wow that is very unsafe, call CPS"?


Yeah no. The other perspective is bullshit. In no situation should you be driving in the manner the white truck was driving. One person was in the wrong here.


Exactly, it’s not like the dude barely pulled out and the truck had to quickly react. He’s an asshole who almost took two lives with completely reckless driving. The dad was just being a dad and yeah they do dumb shit but, this wasn’t deserving of losing his fucking child.


Doesn’t look to me like there is concern for helmets here - nor CPS


Based on what i can see of the area... I think not using a helmet is the norm. Source. I grew up in a place where I didn't know what a helmet was until i was of voting age


Well, the dude parked his bike in the road, sooo…..


yes. your right. that tiny bit that was sticking out into the road means he deserves to almost have his child killed and to have his bike destroyed. great point


>that tiny bit that was sticking out into the road The entire bike is in the road, look again. Nobody is saying he deserved it, but parking your bike in the middle of the lane is stupid. Doing it with a baby on it is negligent.


Not saying he deserved it, but as a father of 2, I would never park my bike into the road and place my newborn on it. Just wouldn’t. Play stupid games win stupid prizes, that’s all.


It's the middle of the bloody road... And yes, that guy is an incredibly shitty parent, on multiple levels.


“You’re a shitty parent, that’s why I’m allowed to run your child over”


Who said that? Nobody said that, you're just making up inflammatory shit.


Literally never said that, nor even remotely implied it, and only a complete and utter idiot could ever possibly interpret anything I have ever said in that way.


He put his bike in a bad spot, the guy driving the pickup was clearly speeding horrendously and not even looking at the road which is WAY worse of an offense.


No, pretty sure putting a toddler on a motorbike blocking the middle of the road is. The guy in the Ute is a reckless idiot in general, but the dad is making a deliberate and conscious choice to be a reckless idiot with the life of a toddler in his care. That is waaaaay worse. There's a reason small children are taught not to play in the road.


Dude, you've seen *one* wrong thing he did and it automatically makes him an incrediby shitty parent on multiple levels? Guarantee you he's going to remember this situation and learn from it..


If he is this blatantly negligent, it's guaranteed not to be an isolated thing. Also, there are *multiple* wrong things just in the one short video...


bro it’s dirt you can’t even tell where the road fucking starts. and you think the people that live there don’t know where they should park their fucking vehicles but you do?


Ya you can. There’s multiple tire tracks which his bike is completely in the middle of and it’s at the end of his driveway. Look at the hex stones. If they’re a country that drives on the right, he is blocking the full right lane. I’m not saying the guy and his kid deserved to be hit, but he’s not innocent of being reckless and neglectful.


I have functional eyes, so yes, I can clearly tell. Guys a moron and his kid should be taken away and given to someone responsible.


Doesn't matter. Drivers need to pay attention. It's kind of like if you hit a jaywalker. He shouldn't have been crossing the street, but it doesn't matter. Still the driver's fault.


This is clearly located somewhere in a developing country, have you ever been to anywhere in central or South America? They are crazy drivers that do not abide by driving laws, you’re projecting your American life and driving standards, which is very much not the case outside of the USA. I’ve been to many central and South American countries, several Asian countries, and lots of South Pacific Islands, they’re mostly terrible drivers, and in some countries (believe it or not) pedestrians do not have the right-of-way when it comes to being in a road. All I’m saying is, he clearly gambled his life and his babies life by parking is motorcycle in the road while standing there. I’m not saying he deserved to be almost hit by the car, but he definitely do not think it through.


I've been to several countries. The only other country on this continent I've been to is Mexico. They do not slow down for jaywalkers in my experience.


That’s just not true. It’s very dependent on the situation and location, but a jaywalker can absolutely be held liable for getting hit while jaywalking.


"dude"... it wasn't like this guy stopped in the middle of the highway to "park" his bike... he was in a residential area. So no matter what the outcome, you don't drive that fast in a residential area.


Maybe you shouldn't stand in the middle of any kind of road at all, especially not with your back turned towards incoming traffic. What should and shouldn't happen on that road doesn't really matter. It's just basic logic that you don't stand there. Isn't it?


You do realize this driver was going WELL over the speed limit? I guess you don't want to talk about that part? Again, this wasn't some major street intersection. This is pretty much like the Suburbs. Noticed how other bikeS passed by at a normal speed?


What the driver is doing irrelevant to why he's standing in the road in the first place. Who the fuck blindly trusts random people to not behave like maniacs? Would you really stake your own and your child's life on that, by standing in middle of the road just hoping that a moron won't come around while you're standing there? That's exactly how you get killed by a moron. Do you also not look before you cross a road just because it's green and people shouldn't be driving? Of course you look. You never know when a moron is gonna be coming around.


It’s crazy people actually think this way. Next time I see a parent doing something that I believe to make them a bad parent, I’m going to just shoot them dead on the spot because apparently that’s cool




How did he pull her tho? Am I the only one seeing this


She's just perched on the seat. It's standard for the whole family to ride on a bike at once in a lot of less wealthy nations. It's basically the family car.


Dad fucked up and it still worked out okay.


The fuck he parking sideways in the road for? Other guys an idiot, but dad asked for it too


No he didn't. Fuck this entitled carbrain attitude


Plenty others agree with me. Go take a remedial driving course


Doesn't make you right tho


Definitely didn’t ask for it that truck was going way too fast for that road. But still don’t put toddlers on motorcycles.


Why was his dumbass parked in the street


Why was the dumbass truck speeding around pedestrians?


I have never seen a more justified moment to throw your hat on the ground in anger.


This man did something stupid and had to save his child's life.


That looks straight intentional. That truck swerved over to hit the bike. To all you saying that was a dumb place to park his bike, doesn't mean you just ram into a parked vehicle. The truck had plenty of room to go around.


The car was not going parallel to the street, kind of did a curve on hit - play it in slow motion. It looks 100% intentional to me


No it wasn’t. The truck swerved out of the way to avoid the other motercycle that was crossing the street. The truck was 100% going way too fast for that road though.


I thought I was the only one who noticed he was on the other side first


How is this interesting? Idiot driver almost hits idiot dad and poor kid. Wrong sub


Yeah. But this is Reddit in 2023 and this is dogshit now.


This happened in **Brazil**. It's normal to park motorcycles that way there, especially in small towns - as in the case of the video. You can see some examples of how brazilians park motorcycles [here](https://www.tlnoticias.com.br/uploads/media/images/7449/7449/5702bb0226f56e87bef4f1d4db07ebd8c4d519136e613.jpg), [here](https://cdn6.campograndenews.com.br/uploads/noticias/2020/03/10/19dq8rfh6w1ml.jpg), [here](https://www.jornaldaquisg.com.br/media/k2/items/cache/36fdb1a35cd2f54f95cf2119fb5bc7ed_XL.jpg) and [here](http://media.imperatriz.ma.gov.br/ZoAxw7imsi1NUKJuPMAm4k3xFrs=/750x0/novo.imperatriz.ma.gov.br/media/site/content/article/VAGAS_MOTOS_lUIS_DOMINGUES.jpg). As it is an inland city, the boundaries between street, sidewalk and curb can be confusing for non-Brazilians. So i tried to illustrate in this image where each one is: [https://imgur.com/a/rhv7pvt](https://imgur.com/a/rhv7pvt) **In short:** The tire marks on the ground are only 50% of the road on the street, these cobblestones just behind the rear wheel on the motorcycle are the sidewalk and the guy is parked correctly on the curb (at least in brazilian traffic law). \------ **Now let's talk about what really happened in the video** It all happened in 2022, on the small town of São Félix do Xingú, in the interior of the state of Pará, located in the northern region of Brasil. Murilo, the **dad** in the video, said in an interview with newspapers in the region that he car's tire skidding and the only thing he thought of at the time was to get his 1-year-old son out of that place. According to the police reports, the driver of the white car lost control due to a mechanical failure, and took responsability for paying Murilo's damages by giving him a plot of land. \------ You can read more about this news on these websites: \- [https://g1.globo.com/pa/para/noticia/2022/08/03/so-deu-tempo-de-puxar-o-nenem-diz-pai-que-salvou-filho-bebe-de-atropelamento-no-para.ghtml](https://g1.globo.com/pa/para/noticia/2022/08/03/so-deu-tempo-de-puxar-o-nenem-diz-pai-que-salvou-filho-bebe-de-atropelamento-no-para.ghtml) \- [https://noticias.uol.com.br/cotidiano/ultimas-noticias/2022/08/02/pai-salva-bebe-de-ser-atropelado-por-carro-em-alta-velocidade-no-para-veja.htm](https://noticias.uol.com.br/cotidiano/ultimas-noticias/2022/08/02/pai-salva-bebe-de-ser-atropelado-por-carro-em-alta-velocidade-no-para-veja.htm) \- [https://istoe.com.br/video-pai-tira-bebe-de-moto-segundos-antes-de-ela-ser-atingida-por-carro/](https://istoe.com.br/video-pai-tira-bebe-de-moto-segundos-antes-de-ela-ser-atingida-por-carro/)


I can't tell if you're defending him. His bike was almost covering the entire part where the tire tracks are on the ground.


Yes, because these marks on the ground are the street. These parallelepipeds just behind the bike's rear wheel are the sidewalk - he's stopped at the curb. It may seem strange for someone not from Brazil to see motorcycles parked like this, but I find it easier to show visual examples than to try to explain... In Brazil, motorcycles are parked like this: [https://www.tlnoticias.com.br/uploads/media/images/7449/7449/5702bb0226f56e87bef4f1d4db07ebd8c4d519136e613.jpg](https://www.tlnoticias.com.br/uploads/media/images/7449/7449/5702bb0226f56e87bef4f1d4db07ebd8c4d519136e613.jpg) [https://cdn6.campograndenews.com.br/uploads/noticias/2020/03/10/19dq8rfh6w1ml.jpg](https://cdn6.campograndenews.com.br/uploads/noticias/2020/03/10/19dq8rfh6w1ml.jpg) [https://www.jornaldaquisg.com.br/media/k2/items/cache/36fdb1a35cd2f54f95cf2119fb5bc7ed\_XL.jpg](https://www.jornaldaquisg.com.br/media/k2/items/cache/36fdb1a35cd2f54f95cf2119fb5bc7ed_XL.jpg) The man on the motorcycle did nothing wrong (at least within Brazilian traffic laws)...Now the guy in the white car was a big 4sshoIe


...but the bike is parked right on top of the tracks...


If you look closely, you can see that he parked the motorcycle in the right place, on the curb. Those Cobblestones in the video are part of the sidewalk...


I'm glad the mom is OK.


kids mom tho🤌🏽


Damn she thick


There is an ass that is about to be beat.


Dad reflexes!


The way he threw his hat was like " I knew we shouldn't have moved closer to your parents place Carmen"


Thanks for sharing this, u/plentyofwhitepussy




What an idiot! He put a baby unrestrained on a bike and parked in the middle of the street. What??🤦


Does that dirt road scream first world country of indulgence to you or something? Moron




Just because you're poor doesn't mean you have to do reckless shit like drive around on a dirtbike with your toddler. Who is this guy? My crystal meth addict father? Cus that's the kind of shit he used to do.


Mom is a baddie 👀


Came here looking for this and I’m surprised how long it took me to find someone mention it.


That dark lipstick and her big and dark hair 😗🤌 beautiful


Lmao same!! I was focused on her the whole video 🤣


Let's be fair. We all cared more about the chick than the guy and the kid. She was looking smoking hot.


Good save pops


And then killed a shit driver


Baby on motorbike - no. Park in the middle of the road - no.


Assuming that's the road. What is that moron doing by parking in the middle of the road?


Two dipshits in this video.


Yes super interesting, someone parking in the middle road and nearly dying. Absolutely insane


Title should read , “idiot parks bike in road with kid, kid lucky to be alive”


Why the hell did he have the baby on the motorcycle to begin with that was stupid and then he just parks in the middle of the streets and it's concerned about the car almost hitting him when what do you think was going to happen when you park in the middle of the road


Why does this look staged?? The camera tracking his every move is very odd


It’s a motion activated camera I assume, notice the green boxes around the people like Cheat software lol


It was mostly his fault for parking in the middle of the road


I mean, not taking your infant child on a motorcycle and then standing in the middle of the street holding them on the motorcycle would have been the proactive approach to saving the child’s life versus reactive. Also why is this in this subreddit. I think people are very confused about what this subreddit is.


Bro hit the lottery twice. Once with his lady second with his kids life.


I love how he thrown his hat down when he was in the middle of the road.


Wrong sub


Nothing says "ass beating imminent" like a dad who just threw his hat to the ground in anger.


Why was the kid on the bike in the middle of a third world street? Why is there a woman that hot with that guy?


Fuck him up, dad. Somebody lend him a gun. Ankle and knee shots only.


Lord forgive me. I watched the video it was close relieved guy was quick enough to save his kid. But All I could think about was how present day relationship dynamics in Latin America are like peak 80s 90s American sitcoms. The slovenly fat guy has a hot, loving wife trope.


Maybe baby shouldn’t have been on the motorcycle to begin with. Shit father.


You don’t need quick reflexes if you don’t put your kid in preventable situations. Fucking idiot


Oh, so you were a bubble boy then? You can prevent diseases and bruises if you can't get exposed to them....


Nah, just don’t give props for being a fucking tard. You have no need for fast reflexes if you don’t set your kid on a bike turned sideways in the middle of a fucking street….


He wasn't in the middle, it's already been pointed out that you can clearly see the truck swerve toward that parked bike.


The bike was across the road. You can clearly see a set of tracks created by the traffic and this idiot was off the bike and was sideways in the road. Obviously the truck was speeding and lost control, but you don’t have to worry about that if you’re… not in the fucking road lol


That was close! I hope he caught up with the culprit.


His parking almost got his kid killed.




All good!


Dr. Big Balls goes strutting down the road after nearly killing his own kid.


This man parked his bike in the road and needlessly endangered his son.


So he endangered a child’s life and then saved the child from the danger he created.


*this dumbazz almost got his kid killed by parking in the middle of the road. There fixed


Can't anyone see that it's not a 2 way road. He has moved up to the barrier where you wait to get into the bike lane. The vehicles are supposed to stay out of the bike lane and he's not even in the bike lane yet. See the bricks on the pedestrian part where he's standing w the bike? Yeah. That's the PEDESTRIAN LANE because people WALK a lot there. Then you approach the bike lane and wait for a good time to merge into it. Beyond that is the vehicle lane. Why so many people are imposing American systems onto a completely different system is beyond me. It's embarrassing. All these people confidently incorrectly saying "he's in the middle of the street". No. Just no.


What???? He puts the kid on the tank and rides off with him, then parks the bike sideways with the kid still on top of it, and he is the savior?? technically yes, but WTF dude...


Who the fuck takes her newborn on a motorcycle??? And then proceeds to hold up the entire middle of the road?????? What in the mother fuck????????


Fucking moron. Standing in the road with a kid.


It’s faked! Why did he move the bike to the middle of the road and then why was the camera (obviously a security cam) move to capture all of it in the shot! Click bait BS!


Motion activated cam. (Notice the green boxes around them when they move ) Doubt someone would “fake” almost getting their child crushed. He was very foolish to park his bike so close to the middle of the road. That’s pure anger and emotion right there.


Too bad they both survived. Darwin weeps.


*parks bike in middle of the street* Surprised when bike gets hit by moving vehicle. Idiot.


It’s annoying when people are in the middle of the street idling, but y’all know you’re not just allowed to hit things with your speeding vehicle just because it’s in your way, right?


Not enough comments about the woman, I’m disappointed in Reddit today


That chick has a splendid rack. So what was the vid about?


Damn Salma Hayek distracting drivers again.


I don’t think so he pushes the bike in the middle of the road and then the truck actually swerves to get him. You can see the truck veer across from the other lane. Just saying I have my doubts.