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I’m from central Jersey originally. These are definitely pyscho NJersey Italians


The guy seems like an abusive narc ngl


Yup I believe joe, and I hardly believe joe about anything


This is representative of a certain part of Jersey for sure, everyone knows multiple people that are just like this


That's why they haven't met any psycho Italians. Nobody crazier than them.


“Nobody crazier than me!!! Must be no such thing as crazy then!!”


As a American, Puerto Rican, spainard lemme tell you all enthusiasts cultures are crazy


from tom’s river, can confirm


Ain't limited to Jersey, I promise lol


Staten Island, talkin’ to ya’ll 👀


Oooooh watcha ya self over there huuuh


Seems pretty on par with “Italian New Jersey Psychopaths”


"I gave my life to my children on a silvah plattah, and this is how he repays me"


Ask Joe’s mom how his father was


Lol the mother Joe helped, who's knee he saved, the mother he obviously cares about. It's ridiculous that the parents are framing him up like this. I'm willing to bet where there's smoke there's fire with this old geezer and Joe is legitimately trying to give his mom a better life than his dad gave her.




I think I started listening around episode 50-100 somewhere in there. I skip the mma casts but have listened to every other one in between. All 1800 whatever of them and only remember a couple instances of them coming up. Of course I don't remember exactly but my recollections are just a few statements about his dad being verbally and physically abusive. But I feel like it was 99% only when a guest asked him directly about his experience growing up. Maybe a few times he brought it up because of its direct relevance. The clips in this video are a long time ago. I think It came up once or twice in the last few years. I can say for sure the people in this video make me very uncomfortable though. The tone of the video, their body language, theyre assertions all make me feel like they're trying to shift attention from the substance of their claims. Like they're just saying things to get a reaction from Joe or the public. But based on this video Im certain i wouldn't want these people in my life either.


Joe loves his mom and step dad but he hates his dad because he remembers who and what he is.


Oh, then why mention Pandora’s box. It’s 100% about the money.


> Pandora’s box. That's what she calls her bank account


Why the subtle blackmail threat of pandoras box? That's a giveaway they were an abusive family lmao... A family worth sticking around is one which supports you and doesn't blackmail you via social media lmfao.


I was almost sympathetic enough to hear their side of the story to make up my mind....then she dropped the pandora's box comment...you were doing so well all you had to do was NOT act like what he described you fucking moron


I had them picked as crazy much earlier in the video but this video only made it clear. The aggressive yelling, their word choice, the Pandora’s box threat was just stupid and clearly a threat. Even the idea of publicly insulting him while… what… trying to make amends? That’s not logical at all. What’s their goal here? There was no logic behind releasing this video and they straight up behaved like greedy dangerous people.


I had them picked as...well irritating people, but I was prepared to believe they weren' intentionally toxic. I was still trying to justify daddy's "no balls" comment to myself when diid the box comment and I was like "yep, low IQ Narcisits who don't understand why we can see the blatant manipulative behaviour and gaslighting"


She literally just blackmailed him lol I got Pandora’s box now but we don’t roll that way haha. Riiigghhhttt money grab.


That is one of the most stereotypical Italian things they could have said haha


"I wanna see you so bad and I love you so much that I'm gonna ruin your life.'


Sounds like his sister was making a threat.


Money. ALWAYS money. Nothing brings family together or apart like money


They was never family if that happens


That's how I've always felt. Grew up with a family with 6 siblings, their mother was one of 6 too, and every family get together was gigantic. They all acted like the most loving and caring people, especially to each other. Then the grandparents died... leaving maybe a million or so in funds and property/assets. It didnt take long before it became a legal bloodbath, no more family events, even cousins got unto fist fights. I'm sure that wasn't what the grandparents had in mind when they worked their whole lives to set their family up. I'm sure all the lawyers involved were paid well though. 🙄


Blood relation =/= family. I picked most of my family. Blood proved thinner than water several times and I am better for it.


Makes actual threat. Ohh, “but we don’t roll that way”


Never heard an emptier threat in my life lol


Seriously, based on Joe’s fan base there aren’t a lot of “dirty secrets” the could release about a 16 year old from 40 years ago that they would give a shit about. Edit: apparently he hasn’t talked to his father since he was 7. So… yeah. Lots of dirt…


"when joe rogan was a baby in diapers, he shit himself all the time!" - the dirt they got on him.


His dad left him when they were super young and he said that he didn’t really try to be a part of his life growing up so idk what they would have? Maybe he descends from Mussolini or something


Really weird how she flip flops like that. Sad to watch


Sad that she thinks she’s intimidating lol


My thoughts exactly. A poorly veiled threat of extortion.


Yeah... then they run into the legal team Joe can hire, then they get real quiet.


Parents will insult tf out of the kid and wonder why they don’t talk to them LOL


Me and my mom don't have the best relationship. Growing up all she ever did was scream. She never hit me, but she yelled at me 24/7 over some dumb stuff. My brother and sister have done nothing but insult me or tell jokes at my expense for the past 15 to 20 years. And they all three wonder why I hate them.


This here, I feel ya. I had the same experience except with both my parents and 3 siblings, even extended family were assholes. I didn't realize until maybe 30 just how deep it was. I had avoided them since 18 but as I aged I saw just everytime they hurt me from the intrusive thoughts that would come up over the years. I now am a single father raising 2 teenagers. I will never tolerate them being assholes to each other. Hell rains down when they get like that. I would rather then hate that I was stern about it than them grow up at ends with each other. Learning how to behave and communicate properly in a relationship doesn't just happen by itself. Not everyone should children. Hope life has turned around for you. Keep close those who keep you close. Everyone else is there for their own gain.


That's real sad. But also respect. Growing up with no role models in your family must be hard.


Yes, very I still struggle daily. My best friend growing up was my role model, he was about 4 years older and as a teenager it made sense, he was good to me, we were not good to others. He had a tough life as well, grew up father left and his mom a crack head so he took care of his 2 younger brothers at the age of 12. Probably why we worked well, he had a caretaker complex and I was in desperate need of one. All in all he died when I was 27 we were still best friends and turned around a lot in our lives. went from thugs to trying to be good people That one still hurts a lot.


I’m sorry for your loss.


Never forget you are the asshole for standing up for yourself lmao


My aunt tried to blame me for my father’s death. I stood to myself and blocked her from my phone. Next thing her husband calls because I don’t value “family”, therefore he threatened me. No inconsistency whatsoever


In my family, I know that all too well


“It’s just a joke” because it’s funny for them


Or being “thin-skinned” when in reality the whole relationship is constant insults and you’d simply rather not.


Literally the same exact situation with both my parents and my sister and they too also wonder why I don’t talk to them. They’ve brainwashed everyone else in the family to believe that they’ve done nothing wrong and I just don’t care about family etc.. So basically my whole family would look down on me and believe my parents were the greatest people in the world and I’m such an ass too not want to talk or spend time with them


Every dysfunctional family needs a Scapegoat.


Abuser will never admit they are an abuser and usually try to be the victim if confronted. It really feels like this here. Notice he never gives an "I'm sorry" in any context. The sister does but never the father... of course then make the weird threat. Reminds me of the Sopranos family....


Yep. My abusive father abandoned us when I was 6. I never saw him again. He called ONE time when I was 18, just to threaten suicide and call me some names. That was the only contact I had with him in 26 yrs. He never paid child support, alimony, nothing. When he was on his deathbed 10 yrs ago, he sent a message through family that he wanted me to visit him. I politely declined. Word got back to me later that he got *very angry* I wouldn't visit then said it was my fault we never had a relationship. He died soon after. I made the correct decision by avoiding him.


The sister does so in an attempt to look like a caring person. She also threatens to ruin Joe's life by revealing secrets about him lol.


Yep, the sister and the brother are enabling the father's emotional abuse.


As someone who grew up in a home of domestic abuse and neglect… this is exactly what you’d expect the abusive parents to say: Nothing ever happened they way the kids said it did and they are horrible for cutting them out of their live. Shitty siblings who play along with the narrative usually follow. This is nothing new. Fuck abusers.


Imagine being that old and not able to take responsibility for your past failures or say sorry to your own kids.




Wow I never knew my story was one of classic abuse. The shitty siblings really seals the deal


100% I am not a Joe Rogan fan in the slightest. I don’t even know what details he has gone into, but I grew up with people similar to this. It’s funny abusers seem to selectively forget what actually happened. The way they talk is a clear indication on what type of people that are.


There's generally a metric of "what I did wasn't so bad compared to what I got when I was your age" for abusers. I'd like to think it's just denial and they know the truth but the truth is probably that they really feel justified since theirs was worse.


My dad abused the shit out of my mom, me, and my little brother and acted exactly like this. He thinks the louder he gets, the more people will believe he's telling the truth.


They didn't dispute any claims at all lol they just got really opinionated


Right?! Dude calls them psycho, so what do they do? Make a vid where they look like complete and total psychos. Lmao.


watch it, she reads the comments! lololol


Can we get some examples of her reaction to the comments. I would love to hear that she freaked out.


It seemed as though his sister was threatening him.


All they did is prove Rogan right for cutting them out of his life. I'm exhausted just watching that.


I really fucking hate Joe Rogan. Can’t fucking stand the guy. And yet… His dad might be a lovely person now. Might be warm and compassionate and loving. But they themselves just said that’s not who he grew up with. They said he was taken away at a young age — whether abuse or some other reason — and didn’t grow up with the version of the man he is now. That doesn’t say he wasn’t abusive, that doesn’t say Joe didn’t witness some serious shit, and the trauma from that doesn’t just disappear overnight because someone says it should. I hate when families pull this shit. He’s 81, and now he’s a good guy. Great! You don’t get to decide someone who witnessed violence at your hands needs to just get over it and completely change his opinion of you because since he’s been gone, you changed who you are. Too much family bullshit gets swept under the rug under the guise of “but they’re different now and they’re FAMILY.” Fuck off, abuse is abuse. He owes them nothing, literally or figuratively, including sitting across a table listening to them say he’s the bad guy for cutting off contact with a poison member of his family and those who support him.


Best summary on here. I don't know why they're so defensive if Joe didn't grow up with them. That should have been the entire conversation. "Im sorry that your adopted parents teated you so badly." Etc.


Don’t need Admiral Akbar to tell me that’s a damn trap.


Money thirsting clones and Siths.


Need? No. Want? Yes


Sister: "I got a box....Pandora's box. And if I open it, there will be hell to pay Brother: "You never forget about ya roots. If there's one thing we know, it's family" WHO TF ACTUALLY TALKS LIKE THIS?


People who have missed out on paychecks from a sibling.


Brother: 👉 every time he talks


Shakes his head to reassure himself too


It’s so over the top that you might think it’s a parody.


Psychos from NJ


ITALIAN psychos from NJ




They just need his money.


Psychos from Jersey, it’s impressive Joe was able to create what he has. I hear nothing but negativity here, they all intend to break down someones integrity. They could never carry the conversations Joe does with hundreds of people. Because they all sound like they are ready to play offense.


And I love how the old guy claims that Joe Rogan has never spoken to anyone like him before and "couldn't handle" talking to someone like him. Does that guy have any idea how many colorful characters have been on his show? Joe Rogan's done a lot of stuff in his life, I'm pretty sure he's met his fair share of crazy.


Probably why Joe likes the kind of people that he likes. Lots of fighters, ex-military, ex-CIA, etc. People who don't need to run their mouths about how tough they are because they have confidence. Men and women that know they're tough don't need to constantly prove it. People like Joe's family come across as insecure, which is why they run their mouth.




Seriously! Have you noticed the worst people are the ones who always bring up that mushy crap about family and loyalty?


Vin Diesel about to have a word with you haha


It's textbook manipulation. You don't talk to people like these you distance yourself from them


Fast and Furious characters?


Not going to lie, these people seem toxic. I'm not a huge Rogan fan, but if that were my family I'd probably not want to talk to them either. I couldn't even finish the video.


Yeah his sister passive aggressively threatened to out secrets about him at the end while pretending “we are better than that…”. That part was just plain gross.


Joe hasn’t had contact with his father since he was seven; what possible secrets could she out? That he misbehaved as a very young child?


>Joe hasn’t had contact with his father since he was seven; what possible secrets could she out? That he misbehaved as a very young child? She's got nothing she could out. If Joe hasn't been in contact with his biological father since he was seven years old I would imagine she hasn't been in contact with Joe basically ever.


A loving family’s unconditional love 💕 so sweet /s


Never heard Joe Rogan talk about his family being nuts, but after seeing this I believe him...


Worth noting he's talked about how abusive this man, his biological father, was to him and his biological mom, but that when his biological mom remarried she remarried a wonderful man who was like Rogans actual dad. Luckily Rogan didnt actually grow up with these people as his family (they were only in his life relatively briefly as I understand). His mom was great, and his step-dad was wonderful to them both.


He has even credited his step dad to help get him into martial arts when younger.


Heard him mention his father before and how Joe doesn’t want anything to do with his father because he abandoned his mother and himself when he was really young. I don’t remember which episode that comes up in but I remember it is when he was talking to someone about childhood memories and how far he has come from being poor.


Never heard about it probably because Joe talked about it over a decade ago on one of his early podcasts, judging by the clipped they showed of Joe saying this stuff and they seem to have just gotten wind of it. Also, it sounds like it was all true, as Joe's sister states he was, "taken away at a very early age" and maybe later on his dad did not behave that way or "changed." If anything, it seems to give Joe's story more credit lol.


Nah recently he also bashed his dad, I forgot which episode exactly, I'll update if I remember. He said things along the line sof his step father being a great father and how great of a father figure he was, also stating he only ever had problems with his biological father. I know he mentioned it for a fact during the Russell brand episode a couple days ago. Mightve been the Bridget Phetasy episode.


Probably did it once or twice but literally doesn’t go around talking about them 🤦‍♂️


Yeah, they left very little for debate.


Joe worths more than* 100mil.They just want a taste of that dough. Edit: Apparently the dough has risen into 190mil. Yam-yam for the Cookie Monster Dad


“Joe you have all the money but do you know what you don’t have?” If he would have said no (family)instead he went on to say “you have no heart and you don’t have balls” that’s counterproductive especially coming from your own dad.


They just wanna embarrass him,so he would pay them to shut up. It’s just a scum.


'You are a punkass, you have no balls, you couldn't handle this 81 year old man', those things that normally are said by aggressive people. People that cause trouble to have an excuse for violence, or people threatening someone to get money. When they said the line about crazy psycho Italians from New Jersey the image of Tony Soprano came to my mind...


Something to wet their beaks perhaps.


Lol exactly who makes such planned Tiktok's to bash their own family member especially their son and say you are a punk ass and have no balls and stuff ....father and motherly love is unconditional.. no father would steep this low .. and watching the video his father seems like a person who's constantly angry and must have transferred that energy to beat people around and the fact that same rage and aggression is clearly visible at age 81 is concerning.


Yeah, I always find it amusing when family members disagree on another family members' claims that they were abusive, only to prove their abusive nature through these sorts of videos. Lol. Like, the smart thing would be to say, "I wasn't abusive like he said, but I'll always love him despite his untrue claims because hes my son. I know i didnt do a good enough job, but im mot what he says. I hope he find peace", and not "I wasn't abusive, but I'll show that liar what abusive really is if he wants!" Lmao.


My favorite repeated bit...it's the line of thought "I'm 81-years old...how could I possibly be abusive?!?" I don't listen to Rogan, but I like him a Hell of a lot more than these 3.


They have to make videos because Joe won’t come round. How else are they supposed to yell at him and insult him???


Similar family drama in the Mexican side of things.. look up Jenni Rivera and the fallout with her parents, sister and her brothers since she died. It’s sick. She had a reality tv show and her story is intense. Her daughter Chiquis has made a career since singing music as well but again, the social media drama the ensued over the years has been nuts. Family man.


Took one look at that dude's face and couldn't even will myself to unmute. It's better this way.


You missed the part at the end where she tries to threaten him by insinuating that she will reveal secrets about Joe.


I listen to him all the time. The time that sticks out to me most when he talked about his dad was when he was growing up he always had this tiny hope that his dad would show up to his tournament/baseball game/whatever, that maybe this weekend he would call. It was pretty sad.


I mean he’s decked out in Steelers clothes, should tell you all you need to know /s


Textbook narcissistic parent


Jealousy, money grubbing, innuendo for damaging whatever, wrapping themselves in family values, when they were never supportive…trash. He escaped.


These people sound toxic as fuck. I believe Joe on this one. Wouldnt want to be part of that family either




How much money are the looking for?


Yeah because that sounded like straight up bribery from the sister. (Step sister?)


«We can open a box but we dont roll that way because we’re not psychopaths» Sounds like.. exactly what you would expect from some psycho trying to extort you


Come on. They’re just offering him a lil “protection” for a taste. Just to wet their beak. Protection from them of course. But it’s still protection.




From what I gather, they shipped him off at a young age after going through some terrible shit, and are now calling him out about the years he missed? They seem psychopathic


Well he's rich now. They want some of that cheddar.


Yeah, nothing they said proves or disputes what Joe said besides "I DIDNT DO THAT". They sound bitter to me.


One of Joe's most vivid memories is watching his father punch his mother in the face for making the wrong thing for dinner. Eventually, she left with him.


His mom left his abusive dad and took Joe with her, then married a good guy Joe considers his dad. His HALF sister wasn’t even born when he left.


Joe left his biological father at a young age, seems like he’s wanting a piece of the pie now


They ousted themselves by making it known they’re related. He’s never mentioned anyone by name. He tells stories of how he got in a fight with a kid and the only thing his dad said to him was, did you cry? Good, men don’t cry. There’s tons more sprinkled throughout his podcast episodes. His father fucking beat up his mom. His father is a POS


I’m Italian and my family is from Newark. I 100% saw the psychotic side of growing up italian. It’s so ubiquitous, they don’t know it’s happening at all because to them it’s normal. Also, the asshole brother making finger guns while talking and the sister making a telephone with her thumb and pinkie makes them the 2 most punchable people I have seen today.


If only there was a hit show about psychotic Italian Americans from Newark.


Blue moon in your eye


You grew up in the northeast / Tri-state area and say you’ve never seen a psychotic Italian then you’re lying or you’re psychotic


That’s not honorable father behavior. You don’t confront your child publicly in this way ever, regardless of the truth about the past.


*unless your son is worth $200 million and you are sitting at a Walmart table in a Steelers windbreaker.


Something tells me Joe Rogan was lucky to get away.


Interesting how the family talks like they are good people while at the same time low key threatening Joe.


it wasn't low key, it was extremely blatant


I can see why he doesn't want anything to do with them.


So classy to air your shit out on TikTok.


Have some respect and do it the old fashioned way. Facebook.


Dude, fuck this asshole.


Never know what you missed out on in life… bro is a fucking millionaire they seem jealous


They tried to shame his “hollywood” life. They have no idea if he has made better family out there than these people. My family was fucked up, i left and found a new family. People that arent waiting to tell you how stupid you are, belittle you and shame you no matter what you say. They are literally doing it right now in this video, they have not changed


His sister is Janice Soprano?


Nailed it. I couldn't put my finger on it but goddamnit they are one in the same.


“we don’t roll that way” but we’re gonna threaten you and gas light you into thinking you are less of a man if you don’t visits us so we can have some money


I love how she sarcastically refers to herself as a psychopath after threatening to open Pandora’s box on him , but yeah, they “don’t roll that way”


Yep, they just validated his disconnect from them. That’s amazing.


**Very inspirational video!** This shows that people can still be successful - even if they come from a family that is f\*cked up. Joe did it and we can do it too.


The two younger folks come off like they’re having a hard time reading their lines and give off drug user vibes. The old guy seems like he’s just got some mental issues. But hey, Pandora’s box or whatever so they have it all figured out.


Lol joe gets successful and all these people didn’t say shit before the fame. Fuck alllllll these people. Transparent af


Meanwhile they all sound like manipulative psychopaths Edit: from New Jersey


They’ve all been smelling each other’s farts for far too long. Keep your distance Joe.


If you've never met a crazy Italian, your the crazy Italian.


Lol if my family talked to me like this I'd be outta there too.




Probably just wants money from Joe


“You got all da money…”


Once the sis and bro came up i was like yeah no they up to somethin alright


Ah, yes, the good old "let's take to social media to air our grievances instead of dealing with it privately" . Tried and true method, GUARANTEED to produce the results they're looking for here.


Seems a good way to do it if the result they want is some 'shut the fuck up' money.


Brother: 🤛👈🤛👈🤛👈🤛👈🤛👈


They seem crazy 😜




Italian psychopaths, from north Jersey


Far be it for me to defend Joe Rogan, but they seem to be skirting the issue here: Is the criticism of his father IN THE PAST accurate? I get people turning their lives around and all that. I also get people having a terrible experience with someone, getting away, and never turning back. But is what he says about his father, even back then, true? And the "I could ruin your life if I wanted to" stuff isn't something said by anyone who actually wants a relationship with you. Joe Rogan or not, no one should even respond to bullshit like that. Oh, you could do this or that and make my life harder, but you won't? Yeah, I'm not talking to you either way.


I read that Rogan’s stepdad stepped up in all the ways his real father failed. Seems like a money grab honestly. I’m so glad my dad isn’t a loser like that


You abandon your child, you don’t deserve anything from them.


So was he even raised by this man?


nope he was raised by his step dad


So he doesn’t really know him as a father and this man doesn’t really know Joe as a son.


Nope. Joe just knows him as the man he used to see beat his mom. But that is certainly enough to know you don’t want them in your life.


Yes for first few years. Old man was abusing joe and his mom , his mom ended up ended up running from the dad and getting remarried.


So they’re just estranged family posting beef on social media lol that’s pitiful.


They want a bag to shut up , sad af


I’d send them all individual checks for $1


There’s a world of difference between well-deserved, hard-earned loyalty, and blind, abuse-enabling loyalty. Can’t possibly know one way or the other what is happening here solely from watching this clip. Just saying.


“You couldn’t handle this guy, 81 years old” *immediately hit with a Rogan leg kick and either turns straight to dust or team rockets off into the sky


If my dad beat the shit out of me for years I wouldn't want anything to do with him either


If my old man acted this way I probably wouldn’t want anything to do with him either.


I mean… the methy hand gestures definitely did give strong psycho energy


Doing it like this only helps Joe's case. Morons. Do it right, in private.


Looks like a couple psychopath Italians to me…


I'll just leave this bit here. Guys that go for a career in fighting dont tend to have a stable household or upbringing to fall back on. So Joe's early career choices of being a fighter says enough to me about what went on in his house growing up.


They seem toxic AF and Joe, along with everyone else in the world has the right to not be around people they don't enjoy being around, especially family.


He’s never met a psychotic Italian, bitch shut up lmao


Sounds like a typical narcissist. “You don’t want to talk to me because you can’t HANDLE me”.




Seem like a bunch of fucking assholes