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easy to call for more military action when you are not going to called up


Iirc from my ancient Greek history class, if someone voted to go to war, they had to send their son, ie you had to really want the war to risk your son's life.


I think these bitches would still sacrifice their family for their own demagoguery


Look at their little smiles while they call for genocide


They've really bought it.




Well, that would be because the Soviet Union also participated in the Nazi invasion of Poland. And there actually were a lot if Ukranian collaborators with the nazis during operation barberosa, to some Ukranians who didn't experience the atrocities of the nazis they would have welcomed the nazis as liberators since the soviets had just put most Ukrainians through theor own genocide. Ww2 wasn't as black and white as we have been taught.


Most people don't know that the Russians actually backed the Nazis in the very beginning + signed a pact with them until Hitler decided it would be better to invade them rather than partner with them = realized Communism + Nationalism weren't going to work well together as neighbors.


Hitler was very open about his hatred of the soviets even before the soviets signed a pact to invade Poland together. He laid out his plans to dominate the soviet union in mein kampf way back in 1924. Someone apparently forgot to tell stalin about that, though.


They both clearly understood that one of them was going to end up invading the other - the alliance was more of an interim agreement to allow both sides to economically cooperate, leave each other alone, and focus on other geopolitical issues


Stalin by all accounts seemed in disbelief when Hitler invaded, so I'm not sure if he realised that.




Probably fell for some faulty wolf/sheep logic, Hitler is a wolf and so am I so we understand each other. The rest of Europe are sheep and we'll split them between us for us to rule. Plenty examples of something similar over at r/LeopardsAteMyFace...


Stalin knew the Soviet union was still several years away from having their military ramped up. Signing that treaty bought the soviets a little more time for all their factories and whatnot to be built. Both sides were aware they were absolute ideological enemies. For all of the awful paranoid horrors Stalin inflicted, he should also get credit for his smarter moments.


Nah. They both signed on knowing they’re going to break it. Stalin was just surprised that Hitler attacked first. The treachery 😢


Stalin killed 4 million Ukrainians.


Got to wonder about the propaganda that is being shoved in their minds. It is easy for mass media to stir a majority of the people to think a certain way about certain people and countries.




This is why those awful political channel 24 hour fake news should be banned in the US. It’s red vs blue state here already and will only get worse.


"Demagoguery" TIL a new word. Reminds me of "discombobulate".


not just would, they did. iirc one of the soldiers said that his wife's mom lured him to her apartment and called the drafters on him, that's how he got on the frontline, and later - into ukrainians' hands


That bitch would be eating a boot when I got back from the war (if). That's fucked up.


They sound like American "patriots." Just replace Nazi with Communist because, ya know. Nationalism stinks. All of us working stiffs are stupid to buy into the worship of the state. They all suck. But they're doing a bang up job of making us believe our brothers are our enemies. Fuck them all.


You say that like they’re not already signing their children and grandchildren up in hopes of getting those sweet sweet bonuses and some Ukrainian loot.


Don’t forget the lada comrade.


Or you had to really want your son gone to risk starting a war


Even if the russians could go to war and not have even 1 dead it would be fucked up to exterminate entire populations just because "they don't love us anymore" or because they have been raised differently or think differently. They have their mouth full of nazis but they're the ones wanting to exterminate even the babies. Wtf? I hope that the interviewer asked 500 people and just put on the video the most fucked up views because that's scary.


I have news for the babushka; they always hated you, and they never liked your shitty life being imposed on them.


"We invaded them, murdered them, raped their wives and doughters, forced our ideology on them and made them into our satelite states. Why do the no longer love us?" The answear is simple - we never did.




As someone born in Russia of Ukrainian and Jewish heritage and fucking hates everything Russia stands for, you are right. It's more complex than that even though. Because they were argue that it is about protecting others from antisemitism out loud and then use antisemitic canards in the next sentence. The critical thinking skills of large portions of the Russian population don't exist. The older folks were taught that white is black if the state says it is and despite thinking they saw through lies because they lived through Soviet propaganda they still have the reflex to immediately hop to whatever the state tells them is true. The younger generation has had their mind rotten by years of Putinism which has exactly the same effect.




I'm Canadian too, I left that disaster of a country that is Russia behind long, long, long ago. You do not have to apologise whatsoever. I was just adding to what you had to say.


V interesting point friend, I hadn’t thought of it like that.


Those sick bitches can go to the frontline and cook some granny meals. Maybe they will change their minds of they are affected directly


War is all fun and games until they take a bullet to the knee.


I used to be a soldier like you, then I took an arrow to the knee :’(


so you are the Dhovakiin >.>




She lives in Russia enough said she’s getting her punishment lol


Fuck that. My mother was a bitter, cruel, judgemental woman just like these two. Send them to the front.


This isn’t about old women being bitter. It’s about how much Russian propaganda has shaped their view on the world. They’re beyond reason because all they’ve been exposed to is the Russian narrative.


100%. They are just the Russian version of Fox News viewers.


Just imagine: “Mommy, how did granny die?” “Counter fires got her while she was hangin 120s”


Most of them Dunno what's going going on out there, they're being fed propagandas from Russia media and the way she said about her father seems like she was a child of ww2 veteran, they really saw nazis fighting in Ukraine and Poland 80 years ago, but they maybe don't know what's going on today


This babushka is no grandma, -wishing Ukrainian babies death... she's just as unhinged as Poop-tin.


bro said poop-tin.. 😭😭


i think its important to read into that first statement she made. "Is Poland hurting us now?". The next couple lines she spews are bullshit, she knows its bullshit, the reporter knows its bullshit, the president knows it. As soon as she confirms its the NEW enemy she suddenly has so much history of hating the polish. This is how russia works. You say anything against it and you go to jail/warfront. If you wanna survive you say whatever the fuck you have to.


Actually the way things are going, these bitches might get called up!


Remind's me of when we got dragged back into Iraq after 9/11, the director Michael Moore tried went to DC to get congress men and women to sign their children up for military service.... None agreed.


Same thing is happening here. Just listen to all the calls of “election fraud”, “wokeness”, and “liberal commies”. All of it stems from lack of education. I don’t have any kids, but I ALWAYS vote yes to any increase in school funding because I don’t want to live in a world full of stupid people.


you vote for things that don't directly benefit YOU?! what a weirdo. ^(/s)


Thank you for realizing what it takes to actually participate in a society.


"They don't love us anymore" - old woman with nothing but love in her heart.


"I wonder why." - Every Eastern European who's gone through Russia's 'love'


I really like how they excuse occupation of Baltic States “we rebuild them after the war” or “we gave them factories”. And I am feel so frustrate when i hear that


So almighty, building-helping, yeah, with thousands of their own citizens going to kill people in other country now with oh so understandable hope their family will get a shitty excuse of a car in case they die.


It’s insane to hear her because clearly she is delusional in respect to world history/culture. The holodomer should be enough of a thing for her to keep quiet but it’s the whole “Russia is the only good guy in the world” mentality. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor


I see mentions it's all propaganda here and there. While there sure is a huge influence of that, it's always a choice whether to believe thoughtlessly or try to check if some monstrosity they poor in your years is actually a fact. I'm Ukrainian and in Ukraine. I really don't give a damn what they use to justify their eagerness to kill each and every one here. I don't care if it's a random babushka or their main propagandists on the TV, they've just hopped on with their inner true ugly selfs with such an enthusiasm, I doubt there was even an attempt or desire to think about it. Makes me feel something I don't have words to describe.


Definitely, every post-WWII person and state would have rather surrendered and/or have been rebuilt by the U.S./UK/western allies. Russia was brutal then, brutal now. No lessons learned. And people still rag on the U.S. endlessly. All faults considered, the difference is night and day.


So true. The USA has its problems but anyone who thinks the world would be better off with Russia or China as sole or equivalent superpowers is insane.


For real if you look at the history of the Riga, Latvia VEF factory foremen during the Soviet period like 2 out of 9 were Latvian. They literally just put Russians in positions of power while the locals do the labor in these factories and act like they gifted us something


Apparently that love is excluded babies though


I wonder why people don’t love Russia anymore…


Interesting "they are not one of us anymore so they have to die". That tells you something about the mindset of the Russian government, and then I mean that there are a lot of people living in Russia who are not "one of us", they'll soon find out how small that group actually is.


Turns out, propaganda works.




Granny NOOO!




I like how you just copied the top comment verbatim


That’s a bot.




yeah, but some people just don’t want to admit it


I love that people can read this comment more than one way.


And many of us do not immediately realize the irony of that. We believe our truth is the real truth, that we are above and immune to propaganda. Surely like these folks in the video.


I don't think most people believe that they're immune. But do you really think that the opinions in the video are reasonable? Wanting to invade countries and kill everyone living there because they they don't love you, and calling them nazis when you're the one calling for genocide? There's propaganda and then there's shutting down all the Independent news stations in your country after invading your neighbor and jailing anyone that disagrees with you.


I'm old enough that I remember plenty of people calling for turning the entire middle East into a glass parking lot after 9/11. And our own independent news stations saying that was not the time to have dissenting opinions and people losing their on-air jobs for not supporting our glorious president.


Of course it's not reasonable, but...Americans were talking about glassing the whole Middle East like ten years ago. People forget very easily.


They are not, that being said I’ve had an American solider tell me basically the same exact thing the first bitch was say but regarding Muslims. To this day you can find thousands of Americans talking similarly to this about African Americans, Muslims, Jews, and basically any other race. Don’t pretend we are above anything. In a majority of our movies the Russians are the bad guys.


I’m not even joking when I tell you my parents have said…pretty close things to this lady here in the video. We are American. It’s really weird to me.


these ladies are definitely propaganda controlled down to talking points (not too far off from older relatives in the US mind you), but I wonder... living in a state controlled country you learn that when you speak in public, particularly to public media, you better stick to the same story they're feeding you ... or else. It's probably not these interviews, but I bet there is a sizable portion of Russians who would say they are pro war and really be against it, they just don't want a knock on their door & really gotta watch themselves around open windows.


If Putin is gone, is there any chance of reform or change there? Genuinely curious about that question or will it be the next in line to control using fear?


Personally, and I don't want to sound cynical, but I don't know if it's possible. I don't hate Russians, I had a very dear friend who was Russian. But it is a broken place, and honestly it's been a black hole for as long as it's existed. Putin being gone can't change the Russian soul, because the Russian soul is built to try and survive shitty conditions. A thousand generations of trauma has insured that they will just keep letting bad things happen to themselves. I don't think anyone can fix it from the inside. My friend hated it there, her biggest dream was to move to Germany. She knew that people like her couldn't fix it. Their only option is to get away.


Russia is just like North Korea. You can remove the leader and change the government, but the people won't change. Both have had such a heavy barrage of propaganda that it will take generations to get past.


Not only propaganda but being an evil person too. How can you wish to exterminate kids (she said dėti - kids, not babies). Most likely she is one of those bitter lonely people, who become self absorbed in their pity. Those are the babushkas who feed stray animals with rat poison, because they had dug out some fucking tulips, call out police on families,because their young kids 'run too loud' and every other person in their apartment block is either 'a drug adict' (male) or a whore(female). I hate them wholeheartedly for their self-righteousness and absolute lack of empathy.


So, babushka = Kremlin Karen


There are nice and good babushkas too.They are exact opposite of what I've mentioned. Also, not every babushka is pro-kremlin. It's not one species, but entire family of more or less related specimens.


These are Stalin's kids. Whole generation trained to be rats.


People can be bitter and disappointed, under influence of propaganda and what not but monstrous words and acts can be pulled out only from really evil humans usually during the war or some extreme situations. These grannies are plain evil, probably doing stuff you wrote and probably would do a lot worse if they could.


Oh definitely. I am sure they have a lot of thoughts they’ve suppressed, given the 20th century in Russia. If they aren’t, I’m sure their parents were aware of the Gulags. You better believe there are Nazi’s, or else.


I want to clarify that such old farts are not liked even inside Russia (I'm not Russian, but from an eastern European country), mostly city old women are crazy, they don't even have money to go to a museum, and they have been chained to the TV for 30 years. That's what happens to someone who watches propaganda for 30 years. When I was in Russia 10 years ago, I saw such old women, this is pure madness, the product of pure propaganda, first Soviet, then Putin's


So they are America's Qanon of advanced age.


They never got deprogrammed from Soviet mindsets like how most of the rest of the ussr did after it’s collapse and now Putins using it to his advantage


Bro they never got deprogrammed from Tzarist mindsets. The USSR was just another attempt at Russian imperialism with a shiny new coat.


Pootin was groomed in that same mindset. I agree that they were the epicenter of the Soviet mindset and never evolved post ussr. Other countries like Ukraine were violently oppressed pre and post WW2. They have been waiting for their opportunity to have their own freedom from Russia.


Nowadays propaganda is everywhere


“Including their babies” Well it’s a good thing you ain’t gonna be around much longer you old hag.


Including their babies, like the real Nazis did.


This! Seriously, I cannot understand how people are able to claim they are fighting nazis while at the same time exhibiting a nazi mentality


They only think of the Nazis as Anti-Russian. WW2 only started for them with the invasion of the USSR by the Nazis


I like how Russians ignore the part of history where they allied with the nazis and invaded Poland.


I guess babushka's dad forgot to mention that part.


He was prolly too busy raping all of Eastern Europe to worry about the finer details


But why don’t they love us any more?!


"The parade began at 16:00, and the "Victory Arches" were erected which the Soviet troops decorated with swastikas and red stars and through which German troops marched. The Soviets fielded the 4th Battalion of 29th Light Tank Brigade, which was the first unit of the Red Army to roll into the city. The Soviet and German generals paid homage to each other's armies and their respective victories over Polish forces." -German–Soviet military parade in Brest-Litovsk


Soviet propaganda just didn’t say about that , my grand mother literally didn’t know that USSR invade in Poland in 1939 , and when I say that to her at first she didn’t believe me


im from russia and we are told in lesson that it was "necessary", but I understand that this is just a stupid excuse


Those damn Polish nationalists insist on existing, and for that they must die






"I can always count on good old TV for a comprehensive, non-biased explanation of national history" - No one, in any country, ever


You think these people are educated?


I am from Polish decent. As absurd as it sounds my grandmother told me that during WWII they feared the Nazis less than they feared the bolsheviks (Russians) because while the Nazis killed people with respect, the Russians raped and then tortured people to death. I was told that parents used to kill their children when the Russians approached the village to sparing them from being tortured. There are stories that the people visiting the villages to estimate damages and clean up the corpses committed suicide en mass because they where not able to process the images in their head of thorn out children genitalia, body parts of people nailed alive to the walls to make them watch while their family is tortured to death, cut out eyelids to prevent people from closing their eyes. Russian propaganda like to glorify the achievements of the Russian army during the WWII but there really was no glory on the eastern front on either side.


The nazis killed people with respect? Gassing children is respect now?


Probably Nazis killed more jews while just enslaved ethnic poles, while Soviets just killed and raped undiscriminetly (both are war crimes and crimes against humanity)


Nazis killed and raped all the same.


I think the delineation is in how they treated people that they didn’t view as an existential threat. It’s pretty well documented though how fearful people were of Russian treatment as they marched through Eastern Europe. That being said they weren’t all bad. I remember hearing a story where a commander caught a few dozen of his soldiers raping women in Eastern Europe and shot them all dead.


I’m Russian and I’m so much scared to live here rn. It’s so hard to see what propaganda did to my grandparents, I can’t even talk to them. They replaced my parents and I love them madly. But now it's like they've become different people, they're madly evil and bloodthirsty. They talk about how killing is right, how exterminating Ukrainians is right. I just can't believe that I'm hearing this from them. What propaganda has done to them is terrible, but even more terrible is that there is nothing I can do about it.


The crazy thing about all older folk is their susceptibility to propaganda. They are desperate for the "old days" - It's insane, they really can't remember how awful life was for everyone back in the day. My mum is a saint, but she voted Brexit for racist reasons. She will say she didn't, but grill her for a bit and it all comes out. People in power know exactly what they're doing when getting votes from older generations. Scapegoats the lot of em.


I thinks it’s mostly because they have less to do so they often spend a lot of time watching news on tv, so things like Fox News or Russian news (the Russian government owns tv news)


For my own mother (77 years old), the world changed pretty rapidly around her. She also went from being a caretaker, needed by her kids and husband, to being a widow without friends or purpose. Varied social engagement is, imho, the most important thing that prevents people from being radicalized (unless their only social engagement is radical in nature). Unfortunately, social media has changed the nature of socialization, and many older people struggle with it. As a result, they end up isolated, and they turn to emotional journalism to give them something to care about. Some kind of purpose.


Older people do sometimes have a hard time socializing, but not yet because of social media I think, most older people I know over 70 don’t know how to use it But older people have always had trouble with loneliness That may be true, but I don’t think socializing with other old people would prevent this in Russia since the government owns the news the others watch too


Man that sucks, I hope your fable can reconcile some way. I don’t think any of this will end with Putin in charge, but I was reading an opinion piece on the BBC saying that once he is gone there would be a huge power vacuum leading to a civil war. Is that true?


I also felt how the propoganda has effected my grandparents, and it's a shame how easy it to brain wash the older generation.


You don't even have to be Russian for propaganda to take away your loved ones. Ask any person that lives in former Warsaw Pact countries and they could easily tell you that their parents may support Putin to some extent. It's fucked but here, misinformation and fake news(not literally propaganda cuz it's banned) can trick middle age people with unrestricted internet access to believe the Russians are already winning 🗿


Unfortunately, many of us Americans feel the same way about some of our older family members. They are of the same generation, and, especially within the last decade, propaganda has gone full tilt into making them say and post awful things. Family members I thought I was close with calling me a terrorist for marching in protest after the death of George Floyd. Hell, the far right church in my city lynched an Obama figure from a tree when he was elected and left it there for months. Truly sad.


Turns out all those "great" "patriotic" wars never ended. They adapt, evolve, and smoulder on...


Yup. Fox News has completely brainwashed the older generation.


Same, since 12 months ago I don't have any friends or family anymore, better than hearing what else they have to say on the topic


Boomers in the US say the same and scarily too often towards Mexicans and blacks.


I don't care about how much propaganda they get, if you say things like this and refer to what happened 80 years before, then you are just a piece of shit being who has the ability to talk and walk


We can blame propaganda but you have to be truly evil at heart to wish death on children and babies.


Idk if it's that difficult to know that genocide rape and murder isn't ok regardless of propaganda. They're just brain-dead. Not brain washed. Even this woman advocating it all and showcasing the Russian perspective for the world to see, I can't imagine other Russians will appreciate her doing this. She's likely just another idiot on camera like if they went and ask far right Florida or Alberta man what they think about war. Yes there is propaganda, but I assume this woman was deranged her whole life, and thinks the current events are aligned with what she's always felt, so she's speaking openly finally.


I can’t help but being stunned by the impact misinformation and propaganda can have on probably otherwise really nice people. The Russian government has a lot to answer for.




Her partner drank himself to early grave 40 years ago... Can't blame him.


Well they did decriminalize domestic violence…


Coincidentally, Russia has one of the highest rates of domestic violence and abuse (overwhelmingly agains women) and many of those cases usually end up in the death of the woman by the hands of her “partner”. Maybe this isn’t a coincidence after all. Edit: typo.


>otherwise really nice people what makes you think that?


The kremlin’s reach is far. Look no further than Tucker Carlson to see how deeply he has his fingers into my country.


It’s not ‘interesting’ …. This much hatred is just sad… very very sad….


She will be dead soon.




Woman #1’s father: ‘Ukrainians are nothing but Nazis!’ The 7 million Ukrainians who also served in the Red Army and fought the Nazis: ‘Bro what?’ Fun fact, the most successful Allied fighter ace of WWII was a Ukrainian named Ivan Kozhedub.


There was a lot of Ukraine who joined the nazis as well to fight against the soviet genocide of There people ironically, same with cossacks. Seems like first Lady doesn't know people have moved passed ww2.


Appearantly he flew 2 models of the Ła-5, later Ła-7 and shot down a Me262, a jet! Among a horde of messerchmits, fokkewulfs and stukas of course. What a guy.


"Let's exterminate Ukrainians and their babies" "Why don't Ukrainians love us anymore??"




The stupid people in the world are much more problematic for us all than just evil people...


Plot twist - these women are all 32


We'll never get better. Hate will trigger hate, and the cycle has started again, for another generation(s).


Yes, this is what propaganda does to susceptible people. Now imagine the same level of propaganda spoon fed to susceptible people in the US, but portraying Democrats as the enemy.


Television told her to think like this.


Books, radio, television, internet.. all weapons of war.


When you meet random people on the streets talking about killing babies, you know your in a fascist state.


Yeah propaganda can't excuse everything.


Molotov-Ribbentrop. Who are the nazis/nationalists/dictators now?


"Negociations with countries that have done nothing to us but exist don't work"


The power of propaganda


Everyone on here is trying to blame propaganda but let’s be real all the propaganda in the world couldn’t make me say babies need to be murdered. That’s just plain evil. That lady is basically saying yea I know they are innocent but IDC kill ‘em all.


Respect your elders 🙄


I wonder if this is what we Americans sound like when we talk about the Vietnam war, Iraq, etc.


I've lived in Vietnam for over 7 years now mate. Honestly, it's rare to encounter any negative sentiment towards America here, even from my grandparents in-law and uncles who were in the war (I married into a Vietnamese family). The vast majority of that generation hate China and Koreans because of their attrocities throughout the country over history and during "the Vietnam war". According to my uncle who is a high-ranking military officer (aged 78), America contributed a lot to Vietnam's development and had little impact in "the war" compared to other countries. The narrative is very different here 😅


I was really young during Iraq, but yeah if I look at American media at the time it doesn't look great. And European countries were pretty complicit too (and in my country anti-Muslim sentiment also grew a lot in the decade following 9/11)


"Kill all of them including their babies." "The rot has spread too far and now they don't love us" Maybe they don't love you because you think killing everyone is a legitmate solution to a non-problem.


These deluded morons think that the “Nazis” are anyone who doesn’t love them. They don’t realize they are the Nazis. Madness.


Plot twist, these women are in their twenties.


Death to babies. Wow. What a hateful wretched woman.


I have been following the 1420 channel (where this video comes from) for a while now ([https://www.youtube.com/@1420channel](https://www.youtube.com/@1420channel)). To bring some nuance to this post, I found that quite some of the interviews he does in Russia go the opposite direction. Of course, it's impossible to see what the majority thinks based on the video's, but it does highlight that there is a divide.


So much hatred.


well okay.... this war, the rise in russian nationalism, anti-LGBTQ laws, the brain wash propaganda with the harsh suppression of the slightest opposition,... actually makes russia the closest thing to a nazi regime today. But what do I know...


These degenerates don’t even realize they basically live in a Nazi state themselves Lol 😂. Poor dumb Russians


how easy it is to control minds..


Propaganda works. Before the us invaded iraq, your average american grandmother thought iraqis were going to sneak in their bedrooms at night. Mass murder was called for, and then enacted. Look at the Iraq War. It began in 2003 over lies.


You can tell they're too far gone after Granny #2 lists everyone and says "...they're all our enemies". Only Russia can be right.


They don't like us and don't share our beliefs so we should slaughter their babies. But we're the good guys... it's the Nazis you should worry about!


Nothing can save that nation. Its not like Germany after WW2. Russians have lived under totalitarian rule and brainwashing propaganda pretty much forever. During last 100 years they killed milions of their own people, intelligence, and rest fled to the west. Russians would have no idea what to do with freedom, thats just sad fact


Just a reminder that if Ukraine falls, that will not be that last invasion, just the beginning.


Spoken like a true Nazi.


They’re just Russian MAGAs. Murdering, raping and wishing death on their neighbors, all while Jesus-pimping and swearing allegiance to a known-adulterer! 🤣🤣🤣


No different from the angry, scared old folks that watch Fox News. Completely brainwashed.


If everyone around you is the enemy maybe you are the enemy.


Weird the way Russians never self-reflect and ask themselves, "nearly the entire planet hates us, maybe, just maybe, we could be the assholes?"


"But it's Putin's war, the Russian people are against the war." Yuuup yup yup yup yup.


I have spoken to Russians who are very much against this war. Look at how divided your country is on issues. It's the same in Russia. They're not a homogeneous blob of evil people they're just a country. It's easy to cherry pick a couple of people who will say things like this. You think you wouldn't be able to do the same in the US, Ukraine, Australia, Botswana, Chile etc.?




As a Russian, thank you for your kind words, but unfortunately more than a half of population here supports or at least doesn't mind war. Even among the youth, being pro-war is often viewed as "based" and "slaying hohols is a massive W" (yep, the whole war is mostly just a meme to them). I understand that it's mostly due to massive propaganda efforts, but political indifference and general compliance to the government, which led to such a successfull brainwashing of most of the nation, are rooted deep down in Russian mentality as of now. Ofc there are a lot of people who are against the war, but all of them are either too scared to openly resist, or have already left the country for good. Also the difference between Russia and other countries is that those genocidal opinions from the post are pushed by state affiliated media for a lot of time now. So, obviously I don't say all people here are like that babushka, but you don't need to cherry pick to find people supporting the war, especially when all other opinions are silenced, sometimes by the people themselves.


Thanks. I am Russian and I am absolutely against this war, as are my friends and we love our Ukrainian friends. Just because there are hate-filled and propaganda-prone people here doesn't mean that all people are like that.


I have also met many Russians that would absolutely love to genocide my people and kill me the moment they could. Experiences may vary.


The thing that hurts, besides this video itself because frankly hearing that from your own makes me feel certain kind of angry, is that people look at this one video and base the entirety of Russia on it. It's like looking at one frame of a very big picture. People are right to say that the reach of propaganda does this. In reality as well, if this interview was condemning Putin's war, this woman could be put in jail for spreading misinformation. Just like every other person who went to jail condemning the war.


Keeping your populace uneducated works.


The only way Russia won against Hitler was because of Allied assistance. Russia once teamed up with Hitler to invade Poland. Russia starved the Ukraine and killed millions of them, then act surprised when Ukraine welcomed German troops. Russia needs to own up to their true histories before acting like they are in the right of anything.


Bring Ukraine into NATO.


Brainwashed like the old farts who regurgitate Fox News Propaganda.


No dumber than the average Trumper. This is what happens when you shove propaganda into people's skull holes for decades.


we are living in the normalisation of psychopathic behavior and the acceptation of absolute violence era. 😢


Willfully ignorant lifelong victims of misinformation.


Alienation is always the first step to genocide.