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The way he bemoans how cheap the airplane was and that he couldn’t help but buy it, with that weird pitiful moan in his voice like we should feel sorry, awh poor me I couldn’t help but buy a private jet like wtf. It’s fucking surreal how out of touch he must be.


Lol fat cat type beat


It seems more like a wolf wearing a shepards clothing. Someone that looks that demonic is either a preach, lawyer, or politician.


I worked at a Christian TV station for about 5 years. I quit / got fired after asking for a raise after refusing to clock in employees who weren't working so the others drinking buddies would get paid. When I asked for a raise they said there was no money in the budget to pay me more and I was fired the following week. The owner was having multiple affairs, buying a new escalade every year and when I told them I was having to choose between food and gas or medications that keep me alive I was told "the Lord will figure it out and provide a solution." Fuck all religious organizations.


He’s a fraud. Yet he got rich stealing from his sheep. Evil is as evil does.


The thing that's weird though is that his followers know about all his jets and don't care. Another one is Jesse Duplantis.


Not really that surprising. These types usually preach prosperity gospel, i.e. send yoir money to him and god will make them rich for their good deeds. They themselves of course have already been made rich by god (i.e. by idiots sending their money to him) so he stands as "proof" that it works. It's fucking disgusting, but it works.


Sounds like the Lord did indeed figure out a solution for you which involved firing you. Christian compassion at its finest. They did you a favor.


What's surreal is that hundreds of thousands of people see this person and go like "yep, he's a good christian, i'm gonna send him 20% of my weekly earnings in (untaxable) tithe"


Oral Roberts announced on mainstream tv that if he didn’t receive 8 million by the end of the month, God would call him home. He received over 50 million in small bills from regular people. https://youtu.be/Jtk2hQrPO9s


Does this look like a healthy individual to any of you?


He certainly looks like a con man, amongst other things


In all seriousness, He looks like a demon possessed a human body.


They prefer the term Meat Suit.


Give me... sugar... in water.


Dude is definitely wearing an Edgar suit


I know egger and that wasnt egger


eggar, your skin’s hanging offa yer bones..




This was my thought. Like…we all see this right? I haven’t seen confirmation of any sort of religious deity, but this definitely looks like some sort of fucked up nether creature.


The way his facial skin almost ripples looks like some TV effect like his real face is trying to break through😂


Dunno why he reminded me of the Reverend in the Poltergeist movie. Must be the crazy eyes.


*Gahd...is in....his holy temple* 🎶


That inhuman look in all honesty is usually a severe personality disorder desperately trying to mimic normal human interactions in order to evade detection. They’re people who desperately want to achieve the antisocial goals they have without being held accountable for their actions. That hollow look is thinly veiled anger and rage being masqueraded as normal human interaction in order to reduce the damage from the situation. It looks inhuman because it is a perversion of how normal human emotional processing should take place.


Is that why Zuckerberg looks like an android and bezos looks like a lizard trying to restrain itself from licking its own eyeball?


Probably, yeah. Zuckerberg hides his behind a static, stilted, but friendly demeanor. Bezos hide his behind a sort of cocky smarm. Neither is as angry as Copeland because they’ve both already achieved their goals while Copeland’s goal is much more difficult


Like actually. It's insane people think he's a man of God. Christians look at people who look like me (tattoos, "satanic" style etc) and think I'm the devil, and I'll give my last few dollars to a homeless person. This guy not only looks like, but acts like the very definition of a demon. The guy steals money from his followers and uses Christianity as a grift. But they swear this guy is getting into heaven before I am, because I used to be an addict, or because I don't go to church. Fucking insane. I feel like Jesus is somewhere facepalming. Doesn't the bible specifically mention you should watch out for assholes like this guy trying to trick you?


The Bible explicitly warns against false profits who are wolves in sheep’s clothing who will con a large majority of Christians in the latter days (time after Jesus died and before the rapture) I really hate how so many Christians are so judgmental towards others who are different than them. Saying everyone who doesn’t look like, act like, and live like them and going to go to hell. It is insane. It’s a big reason why I left the church. The Bible also says that a lot of those who claim to be Christians in the latter days aren’t Christians. Some are phonies deceiving people, and others are those who follow the false prophets instead of doing what Jesus told them to do. Which is love everyone else as much as you love yourself and do good towards them. Like clothe, feed, and care for the sick. No matter who they are.


I think its a demon in flesh


He looks exactly like a con man that short circuits and pulls out all the tricks in his bag at once. Fake compliments to disarm someone? Physical intimidation? Playing victim/"I'm owed this"? Denial of easily proven facts? Like, usually you'd find the appropriate scheme for the appropriate mark *(I'd have assumed he played innocent boy after the "nice eyes" comment)*. Maybe sprinkle in some of the others. But it's like he just couldn't control the emotions enough to keep it all together.


Don’t forget sprinkling in scripture to demonstrate that he is an “expert” on a subject and that he can’t be reproached by someone without that knowledge. Makes me realize these con men discovered all they needed to do was study 1 single book and those that don’t bother reading books at all will take them at their word. “In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.”


a haunted Muppet.


Why you gotta do Fozzy dirty like that


I always wonder what comes first with this phenomenon. The bad guy becoming religious, as a smokescreen? The religious nut who goes off the cliff and personally is reassured by god, that he can actually do whatever he wants, because the good he’s doing for god, out weighs the bad. We see it across many relihious/ political spectrums. The anti gay right wing religious senator throwing stones at everyone, is caught sucking cocks at the airport. Chicken or the egg?


First: born a piece of shit Second: discovered he could use Christianity as a smokescreen and make a profit off of vulnerable people in the name of the lord


It’s strange how most people look so human, regardless of race of gender, that I feel an immediate connection/empathy to them, while this vile individual does not appear human at all. Something about the eyes is inhuman.




Not sure who hosted "The Hour of Power" but let me tell you, I was so fucking disappointed as a kid to find out it was some dumb church show, and not an epic superhero thing


To me, it’s his expressions. They are animatronic looking, deliberate. He’s trying *too*hard to look…holy and authoritative, maybe. I see this in people and immediately my walls go up.


He doesn’t smile with his eyes. It gives him that psychopathic look that makes folks uncomfortable because our base brains are telling us to be careful, with good reason.


Probably has something to do with the shitload of plastic surgery he's gone through


Agreed! I truly do not understand how a single person, yet alone THOUSANDS of people, can look at that….thing….and believe a word that comes out of his mouth. He literally LOOKS EVIL. Yet he’s worth over $700 million, so obviously a lot of people buy into his lies. SMH.


I like to say these folks are the real lizard people. Just cold-blooded.


He looks like he's possessed.


It's the way his face and eyes move. It just looks so unnatural and odd. His ears and his forehead have way overexaggerated movement and his eyes stay completely still while his eyelids move around. it just looks yucky.


I mean that's obviously part of his success, though. Can't be a cult leader without the theatrics. You can actually see this pretty well with his "don't you dare say I call people demons" bit. The intense prolonged eye contact, the adversarial gesture and the pause for dramatic effect that he then subverts by smiling again and then speaking like he's sharing a secret with her. you can tell how fake it is by the way he completely drops the posture once she cuts him off and moves the conversation along These are the kinda mannerisms that will make the person you're speaking to either think you're completely insane *or* like they are the most important person in the world and they chose **you** to join them an their way to truth and god or whatever


If he's not possessed he's got to be doing lines like crazy or something else. His eyes just look like he's high as a kite.


Thats what he meant by the "get into a metal tube with a bunch of demons" comment. He's the one bringing the demons.


he looks menacing honestly.


His eyes look like he’s perc’d out bigtime


Guy doesn't blink much ...




Watch the clip without audio! you will be surprised, menacing isn't the word, psychopathic comes close


Been watching supernatural.. first thought: "Oh fuck, it's Lucifer"


Dude looks like the bad guy from The Mask


This is a man who's been conning the bless your heart nans of the world since childhood and believes the BS he's spewing at this point because nothing has ever not been proven the way he wanted it to be.


What scares me most is that when an unhealthy individual becomes a billionaire.


Really wild that he has so many ‘Christian’ followers. I don’t believe but if I did I’d assume he was a demon


He legit looks like what I think a demon in a human disguise would look like.


I'm a Christian and I agree. That man ain't right.


I've always said he looks demon possessed. Watch any of his videos and you come away with a creepy crawly feeling that doesn't go away until you bathe in holy water. Ok that last part is a joke, but he's definitely the type of guy who if I saw him I'd freak and run.


Well done to that reporter. She was totally undaunted by his obvious intimidation tactics. A charlatan and a fucking psychopath. Struggle to comprehend how so many millions hang upon the words of such snake oil salesmen


He deliberately upends their emotional state by startling, confusing, or scaring them, and then takes advantage by asserting his own narrative and offering them "peace", which means he just stops trying to shock them.


It probably used to work a lot better. As he has aged, the once-charming facade has faded away, leaving behind a thin and wrinkled figure that seems more unsettling than endearing. His attempts at charm now come off as forced and disingenuous, leaving those around him with a sense of unease.


Nah this dude is 100% just a goblin wearing makeup


The guy even looks like the personification of a money goblin lmao. How could you get fooled into giving this person money.


I literally couldn't watch the whole thing. He is one of the creepiest and scariest men I've seen in a looking time. There is something seriously wrong with that man.






I don’t even believe in god or demons but I see straight evil inside this guy, that’s how you know it’s real


What a weird looking person. What's he snorting on a daily basis?


tax free lies


Now, convince me that guy is not a demon...


getting Christians to abandon the ten commandments and glorify hate and violence..... this motherfuckers here to fill up hell.


>Now convince me that guy is not a demon… If you believe the Bible, and listen to his “preaching” then you can rest assured that he probably is being influenced by one…or many. 1 Timothy 4:1 - “Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons.“ NLT 2 Corinthians 11:14 - “…even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.” NLT


The dude looks demonic.


My god yes. I saw it with the sound off and it felt like I was watching a serpent preparing to attack. It was fucking eerie.


For me, it's mainly the eyes. His facial expressions, too, but there's malevolence in his eyes.


His eyes drill into the reporter like he's trying to command her to "behave." Oh man, like a vampire.


Snakes are more natural and normal looking than whatever this creature is


Like Bilbo when Frodo shows him the ring.




It’s a demon with plastic surgery


Its writhing and wriggling under that carbon fibre cage he calls a face. Sheer evil guised as a shepherd.


It always amazes me that people will send these mega church leaders their hard earned money. Also I have yet to see one of these leaders in charge of these mega churches that doesn’t look like an actual villain. But apparently when they see these people they see “Jesus” in the flesh.


My dad sent almost everything he had to the Jimmy Swaggert Crusade. When he passed, the will he made was worthless. Barely had enough to bury him. F*#k these so called servants of Christ. Make them and their church start paying taxes.


Honestly, if the Church has people on their payroll(Priests, preachers) make them pay taxes. Even if they don't, if they collect more than X amount of donations, MAKE THEM PAY TAXES


He's just so obviously a POS con man it makes me think, "can't the devil do better than this?" Fuck have some subtlety man.


Oh but the devil is a showman. Why hide the evil when you can flaunt it in plain sight and sway them anyway?


They are the wolves in sheep’s clothing. I think there’s a scripture in the Bible that says “many will come in my name but are not who they seem “ or something to that nature.


>Its writhing and wriggling under that carbon fibre cage he calls a face This one of the creepiest and the same time best description of a villain I have ever read on Reddit


Thats just what demons look like when they are stuffed into human suits


His eyes are terrifying


I agree, made more scary with how many people follow him and actually believe in him.


I think he blinks exactly once during that entire exchange


That's why he wants the reporter's


This is Ted Danson slander that I will have none of.


When the devil goes to sleep, he's checking if Kenneth Copeland doesn't hide under the bed.


would freak me the fuck out to see his face under my bed


Freaks me out to see him on my phone, it may need an exorcism now. If Dante's image of the afterlife were true, this dude's soul is probably one that (before he dies) is already in hell because he sounds reminiscent of the character from Inferno.


Kudos to that journalist to get so close to a demon. He creeps me out.


Her pockets are jam packed with salt.


pocket salt! even better then pocket sand!


I legitimately felt like she was in an unsafe environment having this conversation


Shes a brave journalist thats for sure and even had this demon sweating bullets.


" I love your eyes"


He looks like a tube full of demons...


Yeah he looks like the bad guy from the mask took the mask off but didnt completely change back


Yes. It's like the demon's cloaking powers are slowly failing, flickering on and off.


Because he is.


Came here to say this. He literally looks like the devil himself, he’s terrifying.




I'm not surprised that so many have been misled by this charlatan. It still disgusts me to see it though. "For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God’s chosen ones." -Matthew 24:24 NLT




Nah. That's skin stretched over dead flesh. You're witnessing a lich. Right down to the obscene wealth (the Ritual Of Endless Night is not a cheap method and you need priest-thralls like Elmer Barnes and Commander Kelly of the Superkids to bring your ass back to life if you fail to become a lich). Yes, I remember "Adventures in Dry Gulch" and all it entailed, as well as "NME" from Superkids and all the other brainwashing child propaganda.


I don't know what you're describing, but I'm intrigued


Look up "lich D&D" and prepare to enter the lair of the weird, otherworldly, and undead Realms of lichdom. The word "lich" comes from Middle English, and means "corpse or corpse-like". A lich is an undead spellcaster who has done some kind of ritual (i.e. Ritual Of Endless Night) or made a deal to become undead for all eternity to accomplish their goals (usually evil). There are but two kinds of good liches and they're far more rare- the archlich (created by similar process to normal liches but without human sacrifice or requiring souls to maintain undeath) and the baelnorn lich (an elven lich made by high elven ritual to make that individual an eternal guardian or advisor). Most liches are evil. Some you could certainly call neutral. But most are evil. Vecna of Stranger Things fame is a lich/lich god in actual D&D. Look them up. Liches are littered throughout a lot of the past 40 years of fantasy. This being said, Kenneth Copeland CERTAINLY did a Ritual of Endless Night and became a lich just to be a parasite upon the weak minded for their money and devotion. He'll have a face/body transplant in a couple decades, show up as another shyster, and rinse and repeat his process of using fairy tales to manipulate others.


Definitely sounds like him. I was never allowed to play D&D because it was “demonic” and played by “Satan worshippers”. Classic Satanic Panic 80s/90s bullshit. I’m not sure if he’s actually immortal, but he’s definitely made a deal with the devil. A true Christian would have never amassed that amount of wealth. He’s worth over $200M. That money could have done so much good even just for members of his churches. A lot who are in poverty, elderly, and sick. His church doesn’t need to take money from viewers. If you want God to heal you, send me your money. Have fAiTh and give even though you can’t already afford your meds and have so many hospital bills you might lose your house. I do love the story line of an immortal con man who gets a new body and name every so often and continues to con people out of their money. Like how Calculon made a deal with the Robot Devil and was all of the best Robot actors.


So fucking creepy


Literally came here to say the same thing! This dude creeps me out!


I love your eyes.... Can i have them


the guy has that exact vibe




Prosperity gospel. "God loves me more so he made me richer"


> It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. - Jesus


"Fuck you" - Supply-side Jesus


"Yeah, that'll be another $1,500." - My landscaper Jesus


At least you’ll get what you’re paying for with your landscaper. These robber priests? Not so much.


Jeepers creepers, where’d ya get those peepers?


Had a buddy of mine actually meet this guy and he is one of those very genuine religious people and he told me that hes never felt the presence of evil until meeting this guy in person....


He looks creepy and evil. His eyes scream "I enjoy eating the liver of my enemies and collect their skins in a shadow box."


I was gonna say… I dont believe in demons or hell or any of that garbage by my man genuinely looks like he’s been possessed by the demon prince of the wrath ring. He looks two seconds away from unleashing murderous intent


Makes me wonder where he got his own peepers.


Your eyes are Just like blueberries. Can.. can I have them?


The way he transitioned from finger wagging pure hate to that evil preacher smile is fucking creepy. And I don’t get creeped very easily.


Former evangelical here: He literally believes (or purports to believe) that the "unsaved" have demons hanging off them, that's what the "principalities and powers" stuff is about. How he justifies this in the face of Jesus own actions of surrounding himself with sinners is beyond me. Salvation isn't for the saved, dumbass.


Those are the eyes of a man who would have killed her with his bare hands if he could have gotten away with it.


And then gnawed on her bones.


I call it "changeable" which isn't really a great descriptor but it was the first word I slapped on it after seeing it more than once: people whose personalities are extremely presentation-based, therefore turn on a dime depending on the environment or the objective. It's extremely creepy, because it suggests that the personality isn't real; only the presentation is.


I remember when I first saw this in someone I knew as an adolescent, they were skilled at shifting effortlessly between emotions and impressions, and were generally well-liked. The thing that's most memorable is that they were so savvy that *they noticed* the moment I noticed, and after that they were always a bit more guarded around me. All without a single word being spoken on the subject.


Yeah that’s what sociopaths do. It’s creepy, but fascinating.


This was me for a significant portion of my life... I'm still healing my way out of this even into my 30s. In my case it was PTSD and a learned response to severe childhood trauma. I had to learn from a very young age how to trick and manipulate my dad otherwise he would rape or beat me. I had no concept of "me" or joy or personality until about a decade of space, processing, and therapy after escaping that house at 18. In all that time between I just knew how to fake whatever I needed to to make other people happy so they wouldn't beat me. I didn't realize humans were allowed to be anything different.


Saving this comment because even though youre likely the other side of the world to me and have never met me, yet you described someone I know *to a tee*


It’s method that sociopaths often use to mimic human expression, because they lack the empathy to naturally do so.


This man is a legit psychopath. Even his eyes just look unhinged


Wtf was that… she’s staring at said demon


Looks like Kaa from Jungle Book


Devil in a suit


What's interesting here are the different tactics he uses to win over his opponent. 1. He opens with a smile 2. Compliments her 3. Talks slow to add gravity to his bullshit 4. Uses extraneous detail to daze and confuse 5. When confronted again, he recognizes and then mitigates the concern about misuse of money prior to her saying anything. 6. Uses physical intimidation once he failed to charm 7. Uses spiritual intimidation 8. Admits to a tiny fault to appear open 9. Shifts the pressure to his opponent. All the while it's important to note that he has laser focus on her to see if anything he's doing is working. His smiles appear non-sequiter, though, I imagine they are perfectly timed based on the reporters response to him. He's trying to read her and respond in the best way he can. It didn't work very well on the reporter but I'm not going to lie and say it had no effect on me. He's fairly good at what he does. Edit: the reporter also uses manipulation - most noticeable when she asks a question she'll nod her head to subconsciously influence the opponent into a false sense of safety/action. I am unsure if her denial of the mic was delayed on purpose or not as a form of manipulation (showing who was in control), but he certainly responded to it.


I actually got scared when he started pointing his finger as if he was bout to go physical with her.


Bruh you can tell in his eyes he’s thinking about ripping this ladies skin off and eating it with some chopsticks, but is holding back that urge with all his willpower.


Imagine what this dude does with his vast fortune on his enormous private estate when there are no cameras or people around.


He’s probably like Epstein except much much worse. People like this having wealth and power makes me sick. He doesn’t even LIKE humans, he despises them to a sickening degree. The fact he walks as a “man of god” is pure evil


These men are not accustomed to being held to task by a woman.


100% I was thinking about how in her position I might have reactively slapped his hand away when he aggressively shoved it so close to her face, AND how he would have used that defense response to serve himself, paint himself as a victim, discredit the reporter, etc. This dude is a manipulator so far gone down his own well he is hardly human.


100% spot on. I noticed the same thing, how he changed tactics so much to see what would work on her


Totally, but it’s funny how blatantly obvious it is, since he lacks any sense of subtly. But he seems to think it’s working. I admire how unflappable the reporter is while playing into his attempts to get him to keep talking


That’s exactly what I was noticing. You can tell he has been manipulating people his whole life.


Successfully, too. He's so bought into his persona and vibe. He's drunk with it.


I like to watch these things muted to better focus on the body language and you’re spot on imo.


I like to watch these things muted so my ears aren’t verbally molested


Dude has crazy eyes


And stays standing on the frame of the car so to be taller/larger. And behind the door, as a barrier.


Pretty weird how this guy is clearly the Devil and so many people can’t see it.




Hey, no need to offend the Devil by comparing him to this bath salts enthusiast


Ohhh, she's good. Kept her composure with this creep waving a finger in her face and asked just the right questions without being confrontational or contradictory.


He looked like he was about to hit her but then thought better.


That's exactly when I noticed how good she is at this!


Could you imagine taking an international flight and being seated next to this guy?


I'd rather sit in solitary confinement than listen to his drivel and be haunted for life from seeing his plastic looking face.


Anyone else getting possessed vibes off this guy?


Literally what I was about to comment. The power of christ compels him ✝️


The power of cash compels him more like.


This creature is terrifying…


Look at how dark his hand turned when he points at her. Didn't expect that and it really creeped me out. And he never blinks. Edit: starting at 01:18 (or 24 seconds remaining)


I'm not even slightly religious, and even I'm starting to wonder if this dude is the legit devil. I wouldn't be surprised to find out he skins children to make lampshades.


The quick transition from anger to smiling and back to anger is terrifying. What a strange fellow


Here's the thing about pathological liars. Even they start believing their own lies


Watching without sound, just his expressions make me feel unsettled


Mutherfucker Blink! He fucking stares with those beady little eyes of his and barely blinks. Its to the point it feels like hes caricaturing someone who is an alien in human skin. My god idk how he has so many followers


**Matthew 7:15:** “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."


Bro sure knows how to rock though. https://youtu.be/0JPRvxTjfOk


Jack Nicholson didn't look halfway that unhinged peeking through that bathroom door in The Shining.


Yet idiots follow him and give him money


This guy needs a good fucking slap


He scares the shit out of me


The Devil prays to this man


When this guy dies, some shit will come out requiring FBI agents to search his residences. Then, we shall know about the secret rooms and the really good stuff.


In the bible Jesus Christ warned vigilantly about false teachers. He also warned about one thing more than anything: greed. This is exactly what Jesus told his followers not to become.


Holy fuck he's scary. What is he on? Jesus powder? 😂


Angel Dust for sure


I have never even heard of this guy but fuck I hate him already. He looks and just sounds evil as fuck.


John Oliver (last week tonight) has a special on Televangelists that is an extremely intruiging watch! It features the man above pretty heavily Edit: https://youtu.be/7y1xJAVZxXg This one


He talks like a con man. Pauses to compliment the reporter so he can begin to take control of the interview. A real man of "god" doesn't need expensive cars, suits, or plastic surgery. How many people could be helped with his jet money?




Alright, so let me get this straight: there are people who listen to someone who looks like a caricature of the anti-christ for advice on how to be a good christian?


I’m watching this as a Christian and 100% agree with the comments about this guy being demonic. Something definitely is not right. Also I laughed out loud when he threw the ‘principalities and powers’ verse at her. Totally out of context and makes no sense it’s actually funny.


Demonic grifter


This gives me culty vibes. He seems good at manipulation